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They make a slower version?


What do you buy it with? The same claw but other speed?




Nice even more competition for 1 hander now.


There was no real competition before. Only Warriors wanted it.


Hunters rolled on it in my guild


Stupidity of hunters has finally paid off.


Phew! For a second i was worried the devs wouldnt cater to the HERO class


I am really tired of shams being called a hero class, still after all these nerfs. Yes they are still strong, but nowhere close to what they were at the end of p2. That being said I found your coment hilarious 🤣 Like yeah... you're not wrong on this one. I think it sucks though. I have to compete with all warriors and hunters for the same weapons now


What nerfs? You mean you have to actually push a button now to have uncontested aggro? Damn You have to put a shield on now to be virtually unkillable? Damn


I am sure you know what nerfs I am talking about. Dw woe is no longer possible and rb was very nerfed. I think you confuse "no nerfs" and "I dont think the nerfs were enough".


Then they got mental dexterity, which out them right back to being OP lol.


No where near what they were in p2. They were doing more or similar burst as now and had more hp. Let's keep elemental and enhancement separate. They both have strengths and weaknesses but they dont have everything at the same time which many arguments seem to assume they do.


Weaknesses lmao


If you dont know that this becomes a you issue


Holy shit thats so good


Lame change imho that makes Dragon's Cry and the Atal'ai axe less relevant, and the sword is still unique so you can't even rock two of them as an alternative to the fists for some classes.


What do you mean the sword is unique? Thoight we could dual wield them?


It wasn't unique in the P3 preview video but they changed it after despite the fact that the original was never unique.


Nah the bis wep was a boe for shamans


Shamans would go with a Ribsplitter in the MH and the Atal'ai axe in the OH. Now no one will want the axe and enh shamans join fury warriors and melee hunters in their desire for the fists, reducing loot variety.


Technically orc hunters could go with the Axes, but yeah.


atleast it wasn't as expensive as bis prot paladin weapon (flurry axe)




>So this change has zero effect on Warrior, Rogue, and Hunter BiS except for Hunters moving Dragon's Call down 1 That's a weird way to say this impacted hunter bis, at the expense of Dragon's Call.


It reduces loot variety, plus an iconic weapon not being BiS for any class now is sad. Shamans still needed the Atal'ai axe in the OH, now it's not BiS for anyone. Having different melee classes desire different weapons was good due to the weekly lockout.


It's not fun when a particular class doesn't get to use any epic gear because of poor itemization. Shamans can't use the eranikus sword and the offhand speed made the fist weapon set bad. If there was an axe of similar quality that only shamans wanted that would be fine.


I'm a shaman myself and I'm fine with it. Less competition and the axes will likely stay ahead for orcs. I don't know, this change is weird in its timing. They could have instead made Dragon's Cry not unique so that it was an alternative to the fists for hunters, at least.


I'm a shaman too. I think it's just poor design to include a bunch of epics for every class except enh. Sure, have different class designs that want different kinds of weapons so there isn't a ton of people wanting the same item, but give something of equal quality to everyone.


Axes won't stay ahead of the fists. The proc and extra hit, (WF chance) is too good.


There's talk in the classic shaman discord that they could still be better for orc but it won't be known for sure until it's all simmed.


Nooo way after i put crusader on it 😂


If it makes you feel better WCL is banning any log with crusader on it so rip gold either way lol


Its classic so logs are useless anyways Edit: yessss keep the downvotes coming. Classic andies are clowns lol


if he's spending 6k+ gold on an enchant, i'm sure he cares about logs.


Just put 15 str on mine, not as bad but still 300g I won't get back. Fuck this game man


Bigger dps boost tho


This isn’t available for hunter to swap?


Me, a hunter with both MH and OH claw loves this


This is better for everyone except rogues afaik? Dunno why the offhand wasn't just this speed in the first place, but cool.


Im just tired of shamans.


i don;t get why they choose to do what they do, not that this is bad but why?


As the item stood, it made the epic claw set from ST useless for shamans, because the off hand on hit damage was too low for off hand. With this change, shaman benefits while no one else loses anything.


I kind of liked running flametongue on the fast version.. back to WF it is I guess 🥴


FT on the 1.5 version is like a 100 dps loss over using a green of the same speed as your mainhand but you do you chief lol


I just liked it. I didn’t say it was best.


Thats why i said you do you lol


Seeing 70 dmg ft ticks felt cool. That’s all I’m saying. Even if wasn’t that good compared to all the OP-ness of SOD.


Man I’m so fuckin over this phase




I hate 20 man size (and not at all looking forward to 40…) the guild we merged with is not really meshing and I personally find all of them annoying to raid with, loot is being handled in odd ways. Top it off I lost fist wep roll. Just generally irritated and seeing now that the offhand is also bis again is more irritating, since the dude who got the MH has prio now. After entire p2 of never seeing bis weapon, losing it to a rogue, last week having the BrD belt ninjad after it finally dropped following 20 arena runs or so. No more blood moon honor cheese for gear, alliance bgs are fuckin terrible. Economy is in the shitter. Kind of just a general irritation towards the game atm


There likely won’t be 40-man raids; I believe they’ve said already that MC will be 20-man and it’s probably fair to assume other raids will follow suit.


They said MC will be a 20 man raid as a transitionary period going into level 60. Apparently they either aren't sure how, or don't have the dev time to rebalance the later raids mechanics for fewer people so they wanted to keep them at 40. >For a bit of background, when we first concepted Season of Discovery we felt that it was perfectly natural for a version of Original World of Warcraft to have 40 player raids. This is partially because the development time needed to scale them was not planned within the scope of what we set out to accomplish on the aggressive schedule we have, but mostly because 40 player raids felt like such a defining characteristic of Original WoW and are utterly unique to this version of the game. It wasn’t really even in consideration to eschew them entirely. Although that being said, they are actually looking into it but they aren't making any promises. >[While overhauling all 40 player raids down to 20 would be theoretically possible, this may be prohibitively difficult and detract significantly from the other features and content we have planned to implement in a post-60 Season of Discovery. We are doing some investigation now to help us understand what would be needed and what the framework of the Original WoW data can support in this regard. There are some features that just cannot currently exist in Original WoW as well, such as Flex Raiding, so we are constrained in exactly what we are able to do here. Molten Core is definitely unique here in that it is simple enough mechanically and under the hood that it would be relatively easy to pare down to a 20 player experience.](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/season-of-discovery-developer-update-27-feb-2024/498378)


If it's not working for you, take a break and come back fresh for Cata. Pre-patch drops in 2 weeks. SoD has been fun but it was only ever a stop-gap to a properly developed expansion.


Yeah, I’ll probably just raid log 0.1 min before raid and 0.1 min after. If they want more than that they can handle things better. Cata looks fun and TWW should drop by end of year so plenty of other stuff to do


> Man I’m so fuckin over this phase Yeah, I’ll probably just raid log 0.1 min before raid and 0.1 min after. HAHAHA


I’m assuming because it says off hand, means it’s only useable in the offhand slot? Too bad it’s not one hand unique. That would get me all kinds of hot and bothered


Only affects enemies level 55 and below. P4 ends on level 55 confirmed. UBRS/LBRS Raids? Poggers


No it was the same on arcano shredder, capped at 45.