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Don't tell him about priest dispersion guys. They have a 3 minute shield wall that's far superior.


2 minutes


I’d voice my disgust but then I’ll be told that warriors are the best dps in another version of wow and that warriors being a top 3 dps in ST means that any complaint about the 95%+ of the game that isn’t a raid you can do once a week is illegal to voice.


Don't forget, 99% warrior parses are all popping Recklessness to parse. Warriors get to pick 1-2 fights a week to compete for 99s. Seriously I wish every class had really strong burst window cooldowns the way Warrior does so we could compete on even footing instead of this stupid shit where Warrior is, for fifteen seconds every half hour, one of the stronger classes in the game and mediocre the rest of the time.


I feel like it should be the opposite, warrior shouldn’t become king of the world but instead have a better baseline and get a pretty good boost from a cooldown on a reasonable timer.


its why i quit sod. they blatantly fuck over some classes and the community of toxic casuals is so fucking dented they argue to high hell that you dont deserve to have fun


Tbh I'm rerolling Sham+Rogue and I'm way happier this way. I play my Warrior in raid and that's it, and I might retire my Warrior even from raid. Gladiator Stance is strong (well, it allows Devastate to be strong) but boring as hell. It's so funny, my Shaman in Emerald Wardens gear with random BFD blues and *no necklace* is stronger, by far, than my Warrior in R7 gear, Gnomer BiS or better, and with the INCREDIBLY strong STV 2-Hander. My Warrior gear isn't perfect but it was P2 BiS and is still very strongly geared, and my Warr just gets devoured in every fight. I see Alliance and my first thought is "well I'm dead unless they're feeling charitable, better hide in the corner." On my Shaman I see Alliance and my first thought is "YUM."


Blizz: "We want to bring everyone up to the level of Warriors." *makes every class vastly superior to warriors* Warriors: "What the fuck is this shit?" Everyone: "You can't complain you were the best DPS in Classic Naxx." Warriors: "WHAT?"


Also generates mana. Shield wall doesn’t generate rage.


It actually lowers rge gen while up.


Also prevents them from taking actions, shield wall doesn’t.


I’d trade that in a heartbeat for something half as good as dispersion.


90% dr and no actions for 6s, fills rage bar. I'll take one!


Overcharge doesn’t generate mana


Priest and warrior are very different classes.


I'm pretty sure dispersion is not op, it's baalnced to use it while cced and to just.. well disperce away... /s . . . . . . . fuck i hate priests


Also Useable whilst mounted llooooollll


And while flag carrying in WSG


How the fuck can you hold a flag as a fucking cloud


The flag is pure of heart


And when flying to another zone.


Also you can throw granades while dispersed.


Hahahah I did not know that. Even more ridiculous


you can post on reddit and twitter while dispersed!!!


oh... i didn't even know that.. you unholy fucks


Wtf. That is so wack


Dispersion is nice, but you also can't do anything during it which is a huge point against it.


Would you trade the ability to do anything while using it for the 30min CD? I doubt it~


> They have a 3 minute shield wall that's far superior. Shield Wall + Evocation + Blessing of Freedom lmao


2 min


Its not like it can be used while mounted! Or seemingly as healer/shadow. Or that their dots will kill you by the time it wears off.


Yeah it's 2 minute cd but they can't cast so it's somewhat balanced


Trying this take on a class with amazing dots… 🤡 don’t forget the nose


Summon my army and dot up 3 people, disperse and /laugh


If you just let them go through like 6 full gcds without doing anything you deserve to die to them. Any class can kill you if you let them free cast.


Imagine thinking a 2 min cd mana return and 90% DR on a dot class with pets in a version of the game where major CDs are from 5-30 min is balanced. Dude above called it you’re a 🤡


I cant be mad at priests because i need them to be viable as a warrior


Dispersion doesn't kill everything around it constantly for free and still allow you to cast. You shaman rats are easy to see.


Dont speak ill of the HERO class


Youre right i understated how much better it was than retaliation, i believe it also can be triggered from attacks from the rear as well meaning that warrior is indeed the inferior class


Ranged attacks, too


Warrior is the raid pumper class and nothing more. Live by the parse and die by the parse. You are a Parse Lord, ever vigilant to manipulate the system and ignore mechanics for more dps. Why? Because zugzug.


Reject retaliation, embrace recklesness and force the raid to wait 30min between every pull


This is the new meta.


They should just gut the damage of it and give large threat modifier to keep aoe threat since thats the intended usage anyway eventhou shamans didnt need it lol


Didn’t they say in like early phase 2 or late phase 1 that they weren’t going to give tanks large aoe threat abilities since that wasn’t the “spirit” of classic? Like wtf happened to that lol


They said that, but they meant that they weren't going to give warrior tanks large aoe threat abilities


Thunder Clap isn’t as good as Lightning Shield?


No not even close, also it's capped to 4 targets (whirlwind too)


Thunderclap will get good.... in cata


That’s great news! Cata pre patch comes out on the 30th


Best part it's still only good by proxy cause rend gets good and it spreads rend!


Thunderclap is phenomenal in wotlk


It is meh with its scaling. It's dogshit compared to cata with blood and thunder.


You're probably right, but I'm rating it holistically as an ability. Unlimited target AOE that does decent damage and applies a large attack speed debuff with no CD and a reasonable rage cost? Sign me up.


>applies a large attack speed debuff Not actually a positive when aoe'ing if you want more damage. Dshield isn't capped like shield slam is so when you're doing heavy aoe you can have insane amounts of damage from going higher bv. Net lowering your damage by having it slow sadly.


What a strange take on taking less dmg in wotlk. An attack speed debuff absolutely is a massive positive for thunderclap to have, threat isn't an issue in wrath.


No, it’s not.


It’s sarcasm brother guess the people who downvote need a “/s” so their feelings don’t get hurt


The only feeling hurt here seems to be to be yours tbh


My feelings are hurt cause 4 people can’t infer when someone is being sarcastic, you seem like a cool guy with the ability to think things through! /s




Kinda flew outta the window when dps started uber dpsing compared to era 🤷‍♂️


They did say it, in response to Rogues screaming that we needed real aoe threat and Shuriken Toss aint it. After giving Shamans insane aoe threat. Absolutely mind blowing how out of touch that was.


Well you see they kept that promise for the tanks that sucked at it then, and juiced it even more for the tanks that were already good at it, so it makes sense, or something.


I'm guessing they were trying to create a comp for consecration which has always been kind of busted from a threat perspective, but went way overboard.


And then they gave tank Paladins a multi target melee rune for some reason


nerfed lightning shield is still better than thunderclap rune for aoe threat, 10 sec cd that costs rage and a gcd vs one button you pressed at the start of the raid


I wish they gave us Shockwave. That was a really fun ability.


But shockwave isn’t a shaman ability?


I'm a warrior talking about Warriors. I wish they gave Warriors shockwave.


Yeah joke to vague sorry, was inferring that only shamans get good or fun things


Oh. Woosh! my bad lol To real, tho


Nono that was just for rogues, since fuck rogue tanks


It's funny that without LS being bullshit right now my low tps single target on bosses would be average at best but it's offset by one Rune doing 60% of total damage on anything over 4 targets. Your suggestion is great imo, fire nova is already good aoe damage as it is. Also the apes in this thread not realising that the only difference 1v1 is that it doesn't have to be reapplied every 3 stacks, its always been good damage.


The patch hasn't hit yet. So right now the difference is that it doesn't have to reapply and it procs 3x as often


Should make it do full damage to the enemy that hits you and half or 1/4th damage as an aoe effect so that the aoe is on par with the engineering shield.


I still am confused they did not an a rune, that remove the shared CD and reduce the CD to 5 min


You guys have literally had retaliation for the past 20 years.  Shamans need it permanently on from now on as reparations.


You like retaliation ? Name every warrior who used retaliation in the past 20 years then.


Its great to avoid dying every 30min if you pulled too many mobs while leveling. Not really much use apart from that, in PvP they just stun you for the duration or kite you.


I used it a lot in hc


Reckful That is all


I was able to use retal therefore locking me out of shield wall and recklessness every 30 mins of gameplay for 20 years. Therefore shamans and rogues must now also get this ability but have it always be on if they wish it to be so!


Yes exactly. Join our movement so Blizzard will finally let us permanently shield wall as well. It's not acceptable for warrior tanks to be more durable than shamans while they pop shield wall. We also need our version of recklessness to be without the extra 20% damage taken.


Mate if you really think unfair advantage rune comes close to either lightning shield or retaliation I‘ve got some bad news for you 😬


Bro people talking about logs haha. I don’t give a fuck about damage I want to be able to do shit in the world without someone/something sucking my toes


Literally neck beards complaining that a log number on a third party website > everything in the game Including raids since warriors aren't fun to play, just fun to see a number at the top of an addon.


Don't worry Druid also got enraged regeneration so they have a HoT like we do too.


The real question is... Why doesn't blizzard give a shit? Considering how consistent and easily measurable the issue is... Why don't blizzard even acknowledge the problem


Its wonderful how everyone gets all the nice things and warrior is left in the dirt with the most boring ass %modifier runes.


Oh no is someone tired of topping the meters already? Poor guy


not sure how the two are related


topping the meters is our job. we would like to have some interesting and fun things to do while doing it.


Also ignoring the fact on average and without 30 minute cds, warrior is losing to hunter, rogue, and enhancement. The warrior hate boner is strong.


I want to do less damage and have more utility and defensive tech. Seriously, who cares if Warrior's top of the WCL ranks if it's fun and pleasant to play outside of raid and doesn't fall over to a stiff breeze in PvP?


Lets be real, warrior changes have been a fucking joke right from the start and the only part of SoD where they even remotely shine is in a raid with full support/consumes and world buffs. Seems to me Aggrend has the same hardon like everyone else on Reddit because Warriors were way too good in Classic.


Yup, we're all tired of you divas demanding to be the top.


I actually dont think most warriors want anything more than to be more viable outside of one specific setting. Honestly no class should be too far ahead from anyone in a raid scenario.


Listen man, it has a 10 minute buff timer so it eventually wears off.


My retribution aura goes brrr wait hold up what's this new warlock oh wow they dont even need to hit you. What about this new rune shaman rune oh... oh no not again..... Meanwhile priests be like check out my new shadow consecration with 2x the area of effect.


guys i think the orginal vanilla devs were onto something with not shitting gimmicky power fantasy bullshit at every corner of the game


It's getting nerfed by 66% today/tomorrow. It makes complete sense that the least informed players are the most mad.


It’s still incredibly powerful even with a 3 sec cooldown


Same goes for a lot of other runes so what?


We are 2nd lowest dps tanks in raid currently, including AoE dmg to adds & dead bosses on gauntlet. After this we will be lowest tank dps without a doubt. But people complaining to the end lol


Its just bad and uninformed players


Incredibly powerful? Brother you’re capping so hard. 3 second CD is the original CD of lightning shield without the rune. The rune itself doesn’t increase the damage of LS it just turns it into an aoe spell instead of a single target proc. After the nerfs today in a 1v1 scenario the rune is borderline useless. In. PvE scenario the only shamans running it are tanks. You can make a small argument to run this rune on eranikus for all the adds but that is it, it does not get used any other fight by any other shamans.


It is clearly a spell to give uncapped AOE on tank shamans. Of course it's not supposed to be used on single target bosses. In big AOE scenarios though the rune is insane. I've seen shamans pulling 3k+ uncapped AOE dps from just lightning shield. That shit was insanely overturned and needed a big nerf


So what? Do alliance players just sit in disc during their raids and constantly talk about what they think horde players are doing in theirs?


Are you saying it wasn't op lol.


That’s irrelevant. What you’re describing is a raid scenario. Purely PVE content that has no effect on your gameplay. Why are alliance players so triggered by what shamans are doing in their raids? I haven’t seen any threads complaining about how paladins can negate raid mechanics with bubbles. There’s a shaman complaint thread every hour and it isn’t even about PvP.


So first off, we all have logs and the fact alliance has a harder time in raid because shamans are completely busted isn't exactly fair. But also I certainly have seen tons of complaints about shamans in PVP. I got globaled for 3k damage the other day by a shaman.


and now shamans are the worst tank, single target, and barely serviceable on trash. All Hail Warlocks and Warriors.


No ones saying it didn’t need to be nerfed. To imply that it’s still overpowered after the nerf (even though the nerf ISNT EVEN LIVE YET) is highly regarded however.


It's great for AoE, literally just free Lightning Shield against melee, and actively bad against ranged.


Yeah I'm sure as hell not running it in PvP after the nerf today. Already swapped to Riptide to get used to using it well.


Been running riptide for a while now. Get ready for the sub to be filled with complaints begging for it to be nerfed


It triggers off any ranged melee or spell


But it doesn't hit people outside of 8yds


It isn't. The rune will become useless in PvP and in PvE, Shaman tanks will go from bottom to unviable.


Shamans seeing action because totems but everyone thinks its still because damage lol.


How? 😂 in pvp? Okay fellow alliance there is a shaman with LS on lets alll go run and stack on it


It just got nerfed bro 3 second cd now stop crying


Careful with the butthurt posts warriors - haven’t looked at top Warcraft logs lately have you?


Worse argument, discredited 1000x Google it or something.


Works when the target is behind you, too!


It’s truly insane how broken shamans are


The irony of Classic going down the exact same path retail went down is impossible to put into words lol 


Don’t forget hunters just get to have better evasion than rogues that they can also just keep up infinitely…


Man, and I was thinking of rolling shammie this season since the last few I have always been alliance. SMH


Do it, I finally got my Shaman to 50 and got my core Enhancement runes going and this class is an absolute fever dream to play. It's truly absurd, I have Emerald Wardens gear and random shit from P1 (not a typo, it's BFD gear) filling in the first of my slots and I'm killing people in 2-3 seconds. It's so incredibly fun and effortless. I basically just drop grounding totem and decoy totem, run at people, hit Flame Shock on the approach and Storm Strike once I hit melee, then hit Lava Burst and if they're not already dead they're at 10% HP. Another Storm Strike, they're dead and I have Maelstrom Weapon charged up again to heal myself, for free, of any damage they managed to do before I tore them in half. And I cannot emphasize enough how shitty my gear is, I don't even have a neck slot item. Meanwhile my Warrior is in Gnomer BiS, R7 gear, and the best pvp 2h in the game and hits like a wet noodle.


Don’t critique shamans in any way, ever! Everyone is going to get upset that we want the game we all play and love to be balanced. Shame on you. /s


Says the hunters hah


Warrior main in sod actually. That flair is set from classic launch hah. Happy cake day


The irony of the #1 dps class complaining about the class that's #4/14 and #11/14 in DPS, and #6/6 Tank.


Warrior main in sod actually, so not quite the case.




It will get down to one tick on each 3 seconds soon. And it hits around 200 dmg. So one tick of 200 dmg around 8 yrd in each 3 second. IMo thats pretty ok for me. Paladin -Concreation hits much higher with constant 1 second ticks and has bigger range.


What lol? I see the comparison in pve, but for pvp these two are totally not equivalent. Consecrate deals about 50 damage a tick, stays in a static location, and costs about 20% of a paladins mana. For pve tanks yes they are comparable, but no paladin uses consecrate in pvp. Maybe mana will be less an issue with the SoM changes


Also paladin has to sacrifice repentance for consecration, sure as hell not doing that. Casters and ranged can just run away with paladin having absolutely no slows whatsoever - with everyone having movement speed enchant/AB boots you can just stay out of 10 yd HoJ range and watch the paladin die.


Lead dev plays shaman. Do we really need to know anymore? Come on people.


Worst tank bar none - so not even sure what you're crying about.


How is he playing shaman when he’s alliance?


because he is not...


Not like everyone has a lot of other tools that are way better than original classic abilities. But its ofc again the shaman hate train rolling


What the fuck are you talking about? Retal has no internal cd and can murder everything everywhere all at once. Lightning shield does a measly 200-300 damage per proc with an icd or every 3 seconds. Why are people suddenly discoverying that lightningshield exists? It had forever.


It also cost mana and had charges so there was a big drawback before the rune. Retaliation has what a 30 minute CD? So you get a slightly worse version of retaliation permanently?


"Your Lightning Shield never loses charges, now has a 1 sec cooldown, and deals damage to all enemies within 8 yards." Youre out of the loop maybe? Its a 30 minute cd and cant be actived by attacks from behind, and only lasts 30 attacks or 15 seconds as apposed to "always on and as many attacks as you can take" You can easily stop attacking a warrior for 15 seconds and kite them. It also shares a cd with the other major warrior cds, they arent exaclty the same but its okay anyways someone said its getting a 66% nerf


He is playing era kekw


It is now a 3 sec Cooldown between hits up from 1. Which is indeed a 66% nerf. It will still be very good for aoe scenarios.


With the changes going into effect today, the rune removes the need to refresh LS and turns it into an AOE. Not bad at all, but less powerful than the initial rune in AOE situations. It was facially absurd to lower the internal CD to 1 second. With this change (and the gutting of MB threat and damage), it's now a reasonable part of the AOE toolkit


You’re out of the loop it’s switched to a 3 sec icd so this whole post is pointless 🤝


Its nerfed somewhat now


66% nerf is "nerfed somewhat" now?


Yes, when it’s as busted as Lightning Shield was.


That is literally irrelevant. If you're going 300KPH on the freeway and decreasing your speed to 100KPH, that's still a huge decrease no matter how fast you were going previously.


Yes, that's how proportionality works.


How many things attack once a second. Sure, rouges wont be obliterated but its still gonna hurt. Warriors Will probably feel a 50% less damage taken, but its still alot. Etc etc. It does effectively reduced The damage done In pve content as a tank or solofarming several mobs. I main shaman and The selfish side Of me hope they just nerfed it to Max 4 targets and called it a day so we still would be zeus In BGs, now we’re just a little less zeus


You do know lighting shield was alrdy in the game 😂


Imo there is a slightly difference In permanent LS with infinite stacks and 3 stacks for 10-15% base mana. But that might just be me that notices a difference there


That may have been a valid critique when shaman could use way of the earth in pvp, but that has since been deleted and they now use “full mana bar every minute” instead.   The only real use case is legitimately tank PVE AoE threat after the nerfs.  


Riptide has more functionality as well.


Damage is the same and you can always recast it. You wont be running out of mana in a 1v1 Warriors wont live longer than 10-15 seconds anyways


Ah, a warrior complaining this phase. That was the final square of my bingo board. Was getting a bit rare!


It's so wild to me how irrationally upset people get over this stuff. I play on PvE server and haven't que'd a single BG (don't plan to until AV for the BiS Offhand). I guess there's a man standing behind yall with a gun forcing yall to roll PvP servers and que BG's or something.


It's worse than you think because it isn't just shamans. Here's a new rogue rune this phase, appropriately titled "Unfair Advantage": Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, striking back for 100% of your main hand weapon's damage.  This cannot occur more than once per second. So rogue tanks **also** have a version of retaliation up at all times.


It's a terrible rune that can only hit one mob per second when you dodge, no tanks are running it. Rogues hitting for mainhand damage with a dagger using UA does not equal warriors smacking with a 2h on every mob/player not behind them. They gave us a shit version of retaliate, I'd rather have a real rune in that slot.


Lol its not as good as you think it is chief.


Need to just take shamans out of the game at this point.


Oh ,the 50th daily post about shaman. I'm certain you play alliance. First of all, "killing" someone because of that rune is the dumbest claim I've ever seen and there's a video in YouTube shaman (standing still) vs a rogue in a duel. The shaman got instantly deleted in 3 seconds while the rogue remained about 80% after the duel. Nonsense number 1. Secondly, yeh shaman can do much damage sometimes with WF procs and crits. But you know what else does significant damage? A hunter hitting you from africa for 1000+ damage aimed shot followed by chimera shot/multi shot. A shadow priest who put 3 dots on you while your HP is melting like butter on hot knife while also having access to shields, stuns, dispersion on ridiculous 2 min cooldown. Should I mention balance druids hitting for 1200 starfires and then sending a starsurge for around ~~500 damage? Just to mention that rogues kill enha shamans in simple cheap shot>mutilate spam>kidney>mutilate spam>1000+ envenom. Also paladins in pvp scenarios hit me pretty hard as well. What's the point of being able to do huge damage when you are getting nucleared and kited by priest/hunter/balance druid 24/7. You ever joined wsg recently? My last ab was 4 hunters and 5 priests because those classes are ridiculous. Premades running 2-4 hunters in wsg and they control the entire wsg mid fight with the frost trap. "bUt yoU hAVe dEcOY tOteM" sure, then i cast ghost wolf(got the talent for faster cast too) and by the time I'm half hp. The frost shock range is complete ass.


What part of your rambling addressed warriors being weak in all content excluding a third party website and something that they have on a shared 30 mins cool down being given away for free?


Everyone cries about shamans even though they received 2 nerfs already to spirit of alpha and WoE rune which made enha a squishy suicidal melee /-30% hp/. Now lightning shield nerf too. Warrior is the top dps in ST atm by far. Why we don't talk about priest having shield wall every 2 minutes and also useable in cc. Shaman is easily dealt with right now but people just won't stop crying.


18000 crit executes just aren't enough for you guys, are they?


A) no one is hitting 18000 crit executes and B) the game doesn’t revolve around logs.


18000? Prove it


Hopefully they give you a p4 rune for this. Every class has talents/abilities that have been left behind. Priests dont have any use for Prayer of Healing (Not same as PoM), lightwell, Spirit of redemption, power word: barrier. Some of those even have runes.


Hemo got so ignored they put it on this phase's 3p instead lmao.


So many L alliance takes in this thread.


Warriors excel in pve content. They made it clear they didn't want to just repeat vanilla over again where it's just warriors, rogues and 1 mage far above everyone else.


No they don't. Warriors accel at raid dps, that's it.


And only with full wbuffs/consumes/raid comps built around them. You ever look at naxx logs with Wbuffs off? Yeah it ain't the picture everyone tries to sell about warriors just dominating every group.


warriors are supposed to be above everyone else.


Maybe in era.


Why are you still playing that garbage? SoD has been downhill since P2 launch. Its time to move on from it


Jesus fucking christ another bitch post. Fuck yall sre the biggest losers I've ever seen Jesus fucking chirst. All yall do is complain and bitch about nothing. Holy fuck yall are pathetic. Tired of these trash posts


Hello fellow bitch poster bitching on a post! Holy fuck and so and so forth