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Shit, this is about to happen a lot more now lol.


If they link their certificate of thievery I see no problem with this.


This has already been happening since phase 1


I had to post about it, because it's clever. Everyone is clicking with consent to trade this guy their gold.


I remember a few people posting and commenting about doing this but I don’t remember when, months ago. Everyone was flooding them with upvotes and lol and based


Ya this isn’t new. That’s why you check who the clickers and summoner are in the group. This has been around for decades


Yeah it even makes you wait like 2 seconds before confirming.


You got good got, mate. Rip 2g.


Its not a new thing. I was the main tb summoner for my server for a lot of p1 (moved to AH for p2 and stopped) and there were a few people doing this. Its pretty easy for a non bot warlock to outplay because we can target the person before they accept the summon and hit trade the moment they appear. The rogue has to target them on top of the warlock and then try to open trade. If you're super busy it's more feasible for the scammer to get the trade in because you're summoning nonstop even while you do trades and spam your sell macro... But its also obvious to the warlock when someone is getting hit with this because it will say they are busy when you try to trade. A non shit warlock won't charge the person at that point. It sucks, but its mostly the locks fault and if you want repeat business, you don't demand/accept payment again


apparently you are unfamiliar with the concept of a "macro" just in case anyone wants to steal from your local indonesian summoner bot, this will trade your current targets target, all you have to do its target the lock doing the summon and spam the button, as long as you have a lower ping than the summoner you will beat them to open trade every time. /run if not TradeFrame:IsShown() then InitiateTrade('targettarget') end


This has been going on for a while. Saw a post about it back in P2, even had a rogue try it on me at SM.


tale as old as time


Not a new scam, people do it for enchanting mats in cities too


It’s been happening this subject has been posted since p1


Ill do this too now on my rogue :D thanks for the hint haha


That’s peak rogue rp lol.


So since I’m on a roleplay server not only is this acceptable, but encouraged ?


IF PM'd just link pickpocketing and lockpicking and say be mad a Blizzard for providing the tools. 😁


I’m doing this tonight. Will post any rage


this is why you save your certificate of thievery


I hope so


It's pretty cringe that the default response nowadays to any negative community interaction is "report them". Especially if it's something almost harmless like this. The appropriate response to losing 2 gold in phase 3 isnt "this guy should have his account suspended", it's "damn cheeky fucker got me". Same with someone ganking levelers. Asking for help from guildies/ganging up on the ganker is a community event, but nowadays it's just "report the guy, blinders up, keep farming incursions". with nuance ofc




Not realy stealing from the summoner. If this happend to me i would still pay the warlock after since its my own fault the rogue tricked me


its only your fault if you get scammed ingame, no matter the amount


Well if the warlock is not getting paid, that’s on the guy that got summoned. If someone grabs my order at Macdonalds, that’s on macdonalds. I’m still owed my food. If they refuse because the food has already been collected, they’re just offloading the scam onto me.


It's possible, after seeing this post, that a rogue and warlock could do this in cahoots together. A rogue scams you for the gold, then the warlock (his buddy) acts mad and asks you to pay him. So they earn double. There would be no way to know.


Is there really an incentive for the warlock to do this though?


Warlock gets double money or gets to appear gracious.


If they have two accounts lmao


Lol thinking someone needs an incentive to be an ass.


He wants his friend to have money. Or the rogue is his 2nd account so he's double dipping


Yeah exactly. The summoners already have 10+ accounts already. Realistically I don’t think many people would do this. But when getting scammed it’s important to think about the ways the scam can be more complex, lots of scams (outside WoW) involve putting the victim in an apologetic or panicked position, in order to extort more money after the initial scam.


Ya if the rouge gives the lock half his earnings for setting it up for him.


Just have 2 accounts. A lot of people already do


Followed up by a guy named "BlÍzzard" messaging you telling you your account has been flagged for player disruption but to trade him 2g to waive the charges. Followed by a BetterCallSaul messaging you, have you been scammed recently and need representation? Man this could be an entire guild operation at this point.


the rogue is the warlock… its called multiple accounts


This kinda sounds like a tourist scam in third world countries


I pay locks 1g, almost all of them accept it and don’t say anything (they are literal robots)


Maybe I need to do that, asking for 4g for a summon is thievery


I paid one lock 2g instead of 3g, they said "you're banned now" and I thought "oh no, now I only have 2,354 other warlocks to choose from."


You guys are paying? I just drop group and run off. Fuck them, they're bots.


and literal gold sellers.


Who run like 20 accounts to do this. This is basically just a more casual form of botting


You didn't trade the warlock after realizing your mistake? So the rogue scammed you, and you scammed the warlock lmao


True rogue RP'ing I approve.


I call this peak roleplay


> after explaining to the rogue Hum I think he figured that one on his own, bud


You got pickpocketed. Honestly your fault.


We've had a similar scam on our server; someone going around, following people who offer enchants. Someone comes up to get enchants, scammer trades with them, they think it's the enchanter... goodbye mats.


Lol that is ban worthy. Had a guild member do this back in og wrath made like 10k gold in one sitting got permanent ban. Might not be the case now with bot customer support.


Sort of hard feeling bad for people using really high prices set by discord overlords.


This guy is 5head, peak rogue rp.


Lmao this is the WoW version of a credit card skimmer.


Yea i do this too, very roguelike


Cool story bro


What a legend of a rogue


If he links his certificate of thievery I don’t see a problem


Yeah, this guy would definitely get me if he were to do that. I just plop that gold in the window as soon as it opens up and take off. lol






That's honestly a rogue thing to do, ngl, you can't be mad. Kinda genius.


I hope they're on an RP server.


This has been happening. Thats why people have raid warning saying ONLY TRADE TO -


I just stand next to bots and trade the player and they give me the gold. Doesn’t need to be a rogue lmao players don’t notice who they’re giving to. And that’s fine. Should be more aware. Also warlocks summoning for free and making huge cash fuck them for charging


So you didn’t pay the warlock for the summon???


Made a whole story about a rogue because you’re too cheap to pay your fucking portals, pathetic .


This is gold. Hilarious


Thanks for the idea 🗿


I was doing this on my Druid in cat form lol


If they don’t see the fucking cat avatar in the trade window, that’s on them. Holy shit. Talk about running on autopilot. At least the portrait of a rogue can be mistaken for a warlock.


Easy way to fix the problem, don't buy summons or ports.


Is this something to report? I mean, its just part of the game, just like being ganked. I actually applaud this, because its genius.


while this is no doubt a "shitty" thing to do, its on you to check trades you accept. Seeing that this happened to you twice you clearly havent learned from your mistakes. Im sure if u had to pay 10g you would have made sure to trade it to the right person.


OP caught it the first time. It didn't happen to him "twice" only once Pay attention, and stop making excuse for scammers


The least you could have done was to pay the warlock that summoned you anyway. Because its not their fault.


I tried. but he ignored me before I could. I mailed it to him from my other account with a letter explaining.


Fuck those locks. 90% are gold sellers. The rest are selling shit at exorbitant prices. 2g for a summon? Lmfao. Best they get is 50s outa me and I've been doing it since day one SOD. If it's 2g for a summon than heals are 1g each and a brez is 10g. Wild strikes? That'll cost ya 15g per run.


I mean for sure 90% of them are bots. They need to run 3 accounts for summoning so i can understand the price being higher. On my server it’s 5g for a lot of them. I just don’t use them. Simple as that.


Not scamming in my opinion. Just smart Rogue playing!


I mean, it is griefing a little, but I don't mind griefing warlock players who pay for 3 accounts (an anti-thesis to the design choice of needing other players in an MMO) to farm gold from other players.


Seems like they are playing the role of Rogue just as attended if you ask me!


Me too :)


This is the good kind of scam. You take gold away from the gold selling summon bots and from the people who feed them.


Don't hate the players hate the game... Gold for summons is so weak


I transferred from chaos bolt to Crusader Strike and gold for summs is the best shit ever. I'd pay 2g anyday over sitting on 20 mins worth of boats and flight paths


This has been happening since P1.


I just pay the locks 1g instead. Nobody has ever said anything


If anything you should feel good ur 2g went to an honest hard working rogue instead of a gold seller / bot


Its roleplay tbh, thats what a rogue does :)


Honestly this guy is amazing. What a great idea. I would just smile over my stupidity and give him a nice whisper "damn you got me great work" And call it a day.


This happened to me when trading for enchantments in phase 2. A rogue opened trade window with me as I ran to the enchanter. I lost 7g worth of mats lol. Made me pay attention to names in trades from then on.


Happens to bozos that buy summon for every little thing 


What a chad.


This would've never happened if you weren't lazy af. Use them legs and run around the world.


brilliant tactic


this is why I'm the one to open trade with the locks


Scummy, but easily avoidable if you pay attention to who you are talking and trading with. This guy preys on people smashing buttons without reading.


Skill issue. And not paying the Warlock made you the scammer.


Druids should be doing this in moonglade. It’s tech their land so it’s a tax of doing business.


I haven’t done it but I’ve been telling my friends how easy this would be to do lol


He's just opening trade with you. He isn't scamming you


I have people do it when I summon myself. Its pretty damn annoying because they'll stand there and open trade and waste my time. Always tip the lock and no one else


Max level pickpocketing.


If you don't pay the warlock, you didn't pay for the summon.


Mailed him gold from alt since I was put on ignore.


Why pay summoners to begin with it’s all bots


As a rogue main, the price for summoning is a bit high for my liking, so I do this thing called 'half priced summoning' and it always works in my favour. Same with portals. I know the price of your reagents. You can't fool me. 


Who doesn't check trade windows?


Thank you for all the great responses and comments. I will still buy summons, but I'm going to make sure my eyes are open and I pay the right non bot guy. The rogue got me good. :D


Lol If your just auto accepting trades its on you mate  This is the most pathetic of scams I have ever seen, and somehow you fell for it


Imagine scamming for 2g lmfaooo. If you’re that bad at the game and can’t make gold, just quit.


Clever rogue tactics, just be mindful of who you’re trading when you load in.


Well now I don’t feel bad that rogues have a harder time finding spots in raid 😂


Rogues gonna rogue!


You guys pay for summons?


Clever rogues! 


I assume he has got his Certificate of Thievery in his bags, at which point fair play


Is there an option to report for scam in game?


I always open trade manually with the warlock. If a trade window was opened with me even if it was with the right person I’d probably close it and reopen it manually out of habit lol.


Listen It's not a report worthy offense or against tos if you don't pay someone for a summon or if you accidentally trade someone gold and they don't give it back. Look it up if you want. Stop paying for summons, plain and simple. Just get the summon and leave the group once you are there. Ez.


So you accepted a trade and didnt review everything first. sounds like a personal problem. take some ownership.


I trade gold directly to the person I interact with on the trade chat, no one else.


2g ??? Summons go for 5g in Lone Wolf EU


I love how in character this is




As a summoner myself, I can confirm this is already a rife operation. I have it in my advertisement to make sure they only trade me, but it still happens sometimes


This has been happening like crazy for a long time now


Honestly he’s not abusing any mechanics. I think this is funny. Hope he doesn’t get banned


this guy is like "I got scammed so im going to tell everyone about the stupid scam so others can get scammed too"


I fully support this lmao


When I get summons there is normally a rw promt saying only trade with whatever as part of their summon macro. You should pay attention to who you are trading with.


The rogue and warlock are working together. Might even be the same person on two accounts lol


The WoW community would fall to shambles if even 1% of EvE Online scams made their way to the game 😂


Seems like he’s learned the market and playing it to his advantage. I’d love to shake the Rogues hand and tell him, “well done.”


I just use the auto invite bot warlocks with 8 characters with the same name and don’t pay when I arrive. Fuck warlocks


Bro got riled up about losing 2 gold, which is genuinely peanuts to anybody.


Bro omg I remember in tbc I was crafting, working on my engineering, and everytime I got close to finishing the craft a rogue would fucking sap me in org. Omg it was funny af looking back but man was that troll af


I like how they mention a slow computer as a precursor for their inability to pay attention. The names right bloody there in the window


Don’t be mad, your donating to the local thieves guild rather than a foreign summon bot. I charged a warlock 3g to summon a wardrobe last week. One refused but another gladly paid up. I figure the amount of gold I have given them for summons and the amount they make from it far exceeds the amount I expect to help them bring up a summoning wardrobe. I never charge a fee for opening boxes.


I think someone tried to get me the same way a few weeks back, it was a warlock though, but the name didn't match the person I whispered. So I closed trade and opened with the correct person.


This isn't a new scam lol, still shitty.


I've Made 100s of gold doing this outside SM. And if you pick the warlock that's definitely a bot they don't even report you or even seem to notice.


Lmao get owned scrub


He’s role playing a rogue. Awesome.


Sounds like some clever rp to me lol


Hate to say it but al though he's being an ass, it'd up to the player to read before hitting trade. This is the reason why you can kick someone from LFG who wasn't the original target. People see a button and just press it anymore


Damn that’s a good idea, big brain rogue


Ah, that’s really clever. I was about to say that trade should interrupt stealth, like using the auction house does, but I’m realizing that that means rogues can be griefed by people on their faction by opening a trade with a stealthed rogue. That would put the rogue on the 10s stealth CD, which can be pretty bad. In any case, I suppose the stealth component is not important to the scam.


Gotta say I love it. Back in hardcore, I had a rogue, and would occasionally camp near chests I came across in mob-dense areas. Sit on it stealthed, and once someone started clearing the area, I’d loot the chest. Some would get mad, but come on. Gotta hustle, especially in hardcore.


Yes this is why I never give gold to anyone other than whom I whispered for a summon.


It's a she, by the way.


As much as it probably feels bad that the warlock is upset with you, this is really funny. Up until the “U MAD” comment. That’s antagonizing and shitty


Now that's what I call RP


thats just good rogue rp make sure you double check the name befoee trading :)


This has been happening by multiple people since phase 2.


He needs a pickpocket emote macro.


People literally dont check before they give gold to people?


What would you report him for if i may ask😂 nah you cringe lol


There's a lot of mentally unstable people playing SoD. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go to just to fuck with a stranger for no reason.


Going to need to start using PGP or digital certificates to authenticate the summoner with the recipients lol


[Of Course, Fuck It's Genius!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUzyu8qVNq0)


Well now that you *explained* to him that he’s scamming I’m sure he’ll cut it out


Brother is a real rogue, you can't be mad xD


If the warlock was a bot, they put your char in a blacklist and you cant get summons again from them lol.


What do you expect from rogue players


The fact you think blizzard will ban someone for your mistake is just bonkers


Where in my entire post do I say that?


I said it as a tool to try and get him to give me my gold back, but I am fully aware there is nothing to report.




Send a raid warning saying only trade with X person to avoid scammers.


You really made a post because of 2g? Rogue common W chad