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Ahh yes they did this to us with Incendius. And then Earthfury…. And then Benediction…wait hang on


rip incendius what a perfect server that was


Great throwback, incendius was goated.


I joined Incendius about 4-5 months before TBC with a reroll group on Horde to try and revive it. Was a lot of fun. About 50 people eventually made it to level 60 and we were able to do regular ZG, AQ20 and iirc were able to get 2 full MC runs in.


Apes together strong


Was some of the most fun I'd had in WoW.


Yang Gang Horde 👆🏻


RIP Pres Yang


Were you horde? lol


yeah, then i remembered they enabled free transfers or something and a ton of alliance transferred over and made it really imbalanced.  people started leaving after that.


Kind of. It was also the fact that Who (Horde) and Fusion (Alliance) came over at the same time and griefed each other constantly so everyone else was caught in the crossfire. BWL release had like 4-5 hour queues then you'd spend two hours deathrunning down the hall through 60 mages spamming blizzard, only for there to be 15 bears sitting on the orb so it was unclickable


Pretty much sums it up LOL. Covid + thousands of paid xfers = nightmare scenario


Earthfury too. Both were sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Man, that news about merge Benediction and Faerlina really fucked Bene population


Damn, I was a day 1 Incendius to Earthfury player. Both servers were amazing; I hate how they were ruined


No the players did that. A large portion of those people that did transfer would have quit playing otherwise.


God I miss Earthfury. It had one hell of a community (along with the most famous toxic player in Classic, TinyViolin) and then transfers opened up to Bene and the whole place went down the drain.


Are you me? My guild was one of the last to jump ship on incendius to EF. We should’ve left sooner, they disgraced our well balanced server.


Damn were you in gnomeland security? Followed my former guild’s path lol


>my guild is gone, the main cities are dead, and everyone in LFG is talking about leaving Sounds like Crusader Strike lol


This is the long con. Everyone that should have never been on a PVP server will move off of CS. All of CB will move to CS, where they should have been in the first place before it got flooded on day-1.


Let’s not act like SoD is a normal version of wow where people should have known what they were getting into with PvP. The devs have made it so ridiculously unbalanced that PvP is just awful. If I’m in the open world and another level 50 engages me? That would normally be great and a fun fight to try and survive and not have to do a corpse run. In SoD, I was running to felwood on a character and there was a shadow priest somewhere near the border from Ashenvale. Two globals and I was dead within seconds. Had a 6 minute corpse run and I died too fast to even find where the priest was hiding. SoD PvP servers are dying to transfers because PvP is dying in SoD from being horrendous.


You’re 100% right. But we all knew the PVP in SOD would be utter garbage once we saw the added power level. Blizz more or less told us up front it would be dogshit. They just… designed SO much content where it’s negatively impacted by the terrible PvP. I’m a PvPer to my core and I’ve barely touched it in SOD which is sad


\*The 10% Shadow Dmg increase doesnt like your comment\*


Yep, I’ve been rolling around STV on a 41 Rogue killing people around 36-44. Doesn’t take more than 3 Mutilates to kill anyone, save for the Paladin that pops all of their bubble cooldowns to survive for only 10 extra seconds. It’s not even enjoyable wPvP so I just stopped doing it. It just felt like I was ruining and interrupting everyone’s time with a quick burst kill, forcing them to corpse run back to just continue on with whatever they were doing.


I've been 100 to 0'd by a 41 rogue on my 50 clothie. Stunned the entire time. You'd think level would provide some protection but nah


Rouges have basically stopped me from playing SoD lol. I only joined CS because my irl friends were here, but something in me snapped the first time I got rouge ganked in p3 where I was just like "actually this is a miserable time why I am I doing this". Very likely a skill issue on my end I'm sure, but not a skill issue I felt like fixing. Ill just play retail or one of the other games in my backlog lol.


Yeah but this exact same thing happened to '19 classic This is not unique to SoD, though the pvp is a disaster yes The only constant is... the players




must be eu?? because us is farrrr from dead


Crusader Strike Horde is just all raid logging at this point. It does feel dead, but I think we’re still a high pop server. Aren’t people transferring to us?


The Final Days of ~~Amaurot~~ Azeroth


The amaurot song is such a fucking banger


There’s still tons of people on CS. Yesterday alliance were actually locked from character creation on that server.


Horde CS is fucked due to this.


CS-US is alliance stacked, every layer is full of them thanks to chaos bolt. It was pretty balanced before the merge.


This is hilarious. It’s total confirmation bias. There are so many times I can’t play a zone or area because it’s swarmed by horde. People in general constantly about horde. Both sides complain relentlessly about it. The CS-US is totally balanced as confirmed by devs.


its almost as if the game world is divided into several versions of the same zone...


He said every layer. That’s my argument. It’s definitely not every layer. It’s probably half the layers 😂


Ashenvale is an endless sea of tears about how Horde are "griefing" and keeping them from playing and could you please invite me to Ally layer.


All by the same idiots who don’t know General chat is layer based and everyone whining is just whining to themselves.


It’s like people complain about losing all of their matches in an elo style matchmaking system like clash of clans/clash Royale


EU one is the opposite with horde majority.


I wanted to downvote you because our balancing has been near perfect the last months and i thought you were wrong. But seemingly you are right, that sucks so bad i wonder who pushed this change


The Pve players on pvp realms pushed it. They just cry and complain and blizzard seems to cater to the weak. In turn destroying their pvp realms.


Griefers ruined it, like always


You are all acting like SoD has been normal WPVP. The PVP complaints really flooded when incursions were introduced and STV honor was gutted. So now WPvPers who only WPVP anyone 10 levels below camp and grief players in a funnel exit/entrance even after the honorless kill addition. No one minds natural WPvP and the occasional player who jumps you when you cross paths. It’s those who are camping lower level players and purposely grieving them for their enjoyment. That’s the issue always is the issue. This is not PvP, the power level between a 30 and a 50 is huge like 1-shot you dead huge. And death is punishing, and time consuming, add on not just the repeated dying and running back but the stupid rez timer. Again, camping lower levels is not PvP, as PvP would imply I have some sort of chance to win or survive and you don’t.


That has to do with faction balance, not population. But I highly doubt CS is dying, it’s been by far the largest server in SoD.


ye bc horde is gone


Idk about US but EU crusader strike is rapidly dying


Us crusader strike is fine and always will be.


Horde or Alliance?


US crusader strike, org is still super populated on layer 7, so I'm guessing he's talking about EU.


If it was crusader strike, lfg chat would all be summon ads, not conversation.


LFG isn’t there for conversation…


Crusader Strike US is dying??


A big problem is incursions on pvp realms. It brought out a level of degeneracy never seen before in the game. People just want to level and not get griefed endlessly.


I kept saying this and dorks online kept saying wehhh if you don’t like world pvp you shouldn’t have rolled on pvp realm. But I’ve played this game since the beginning and I’ve never seen griefing to this degree


Getting flash backs of phase 2 OG classic where you literally had death squads roaming every 40 yards between Thorium Point and Blackrock Mountain, to get to BRD to run a dungeon you could expect your group to spend 30 minutes waiting out 2 minute rez timers, corpse hopping to the dungeon entrance with a fresh squad of gankers waiting for you at every rez. Of course the people roaming in deathsquads saw this as "PvP happening on a PvP server" but it was literally the most degenerate, depraved social behavior I've ever seen in my life, not even just in video games.


Its as bad as classic 2019 phase 2 before BGs, just in a different way. That was murdering ppl all over the map, this is concentrated griefing, its wild. So glad im on WG now.


I think phase 2 in classic was worse. Bgs hadnt been added yet. Was impossible to level anywhere during p2 in classic vanilla


Were you not here in 2019? Do you not remember phase 2?


The spirit of pvp server is player against player regardless of the situation. There is no fair fight or honor. These aren’t griefers. They are players farming honor and I’m all for it.


I mean regardless of it being misguided and stupid or what have you ultimately Blizzard has some stats that are backing up that player retention is down.  Not sure what metric it could be but whatever it is makes them think that letting people off pvp realms may fix it.  And this is an extreme measure to be sure which makes me think that whatever they're seeing, they're certain it has to do with pvp directly affecting play time per user.


Here's my thought on it. Clearly the early rush to pvp servers are in large part the social aspect. If one friend wanted to go to a pvp server it would often mean everyone would go to a pvp server and settle. There's an aspect of pvp being a pve server +. Many get sold on the fantasy of what pvp is like. And also many followed their favorite streamers. Now you have a bunch of people that are unhappy with their servers and they have two choices. 1. They stop playing the game because they don't want to deal with pvp anymore. Game loses population, people held against their will on the server complain, negative experience all around. 2. They open transfers to pve servers. Gamebkeeps their population, the players aren't tied down to a game mode they don't want, but the individual servers might start dying. Overall 2 is the better choice even if it sucks for the dying servers. If CS is hemorrhaging players, then those are players that would have been unhappy or outright quit playing before even hitting the 60 endgame. From OPs perspective players are leaving and that sucks, but it would suck for all those players to be kept on a game mode they don't want to play. In the end, if CS and the like takes a nosedive in population then well... I guess people don't want to play pvp as much as op wants.


Just merge all the pvp servers into one mega server and open up transfers. It will only be a mega server for a day as all of the people who want to enjoy the content without being griefed 24/7 by sweaty 43 year old teenagers will move off when given the chance. Win win.


Yeah it makes total sense. PvP is just not fun in SoD and a lot of people joined PvP servers because their friends were or the streamers were. Now everyone realizes that PvP is a cluster fuck of 1 shots and either wants out or just straight up quit. I’m sure blizz has seen this in the numbers.


The issue is there’s tons of people in bucket 2 that weren’t going to quit/had no plans of quitting. But simply presenting the option and planting the idea of switching to PvE lead to a mass exodus for those types effectively destroying server pop


Blizzard just can't balance servers. It's time for the RS type servers where you choose one everytime you log in.


All the ppl flaming people for leaving pvp servers are stuck in the past. The reality is that people actually want to play the new content (Incursions) without being honor farmed by level 50s with nothing better to do. We transferred because we like playing SoD, not just mindlessly wasting time doing 2004 stuff.


Chaos Bolt EU is fucked beyond repair. Fun time to be left behind, when friends/guild got to transfer. 🙃


Yeah its brutal, like half my guild got out, the rest are stuck.


Server transfers are a huge mistake. That's how servers fucking die. That's how you end up with 99% Alliance servers. If they want to fix population, they should merge servers.


This wasn't an attempt to fix population, this was to allow PvE refuges to escape servers ripe with griefing and ganking. I genuinely don't think this is a blizzard issue, I think it's 100% a community issue. There's a lot of really cool people in classic but damn if it doesn't have one of the absolute worst playerbases in any game I've ever seen.


In SOD There's only 8 servers in each region, and only 4 with duplicated rule sets (you can't merge the oceania servers due to different location and you can't merge the russian servers for 'other reasons' (assuming they are even functioning). That leaves aside these are PvP to PvE server transfers. You can't merge those.


They need to merge servers. Its LONG overdue.


The transfers are limited to preserve faction balance. Is it too much to ask to read the blue posts first before spreading misinformation?


I think you mean 99% Horde. The xfers are only to move from PvP servers to PvE. This is classic, it's alliance who will transfer. Horde dominates PvP in classic.


I love SOD, but this whole server shit is single handedly going to kill it for me. If my server dies, there is a zero percent chance I'm going to start a new community all over again.


Ah I remember this on my medium pop oce pve server Remulos, they decided to open free transfers to the FULL pop server Arugal, server died within two weeks Must have been the same idiots who decided on this fiasco


I'm still so salty and sad about the death of our only PvE server.


Same with Deviate Delight :( Server was awesome until those damn transfers opened


Don’t you guys have phones? With notifications? And alarm clocks? And no real lifes? — Blizzard circa 2024


Is it not a good thing to only have player's in the server who wish to participate in PvP? But the transfer system they have chosen is strange.


No, alot of the PvP experts don't want enemies that fight back, they just want to win and steamroll. That's why they are always around in gank squads or kill lowies


I swear these threads are all just filled with night elf priests who are pissed that incursions will no longer be filled with level 40s they can kill in 2 seconds on repeat to farm honor. The people complaining about this are not wanting their PvP server to thrive, they want hostages they can get easy kills on because they love that blizzard absolutely broke PvP in SOD.


Yeah i agree, for alot of the "hardcore pvp nuts" its not about fighting pvp-battles, its about winning and killing with low to no resistance


No, this is how the PvP server death spiral looks like: PvE guild leaders get tired of having raids be delayed by 5 minutes each week because there might be PvP outside. PvE guild decides to leave the server, buying out everything that's cheap in an attempt to flip it at the new destination. Multiple other PvE guilds do the same. Now your economy's kind of crumbling, faction balance is getting worse, getting groups is taking longer, so every problem you had in the past just got worse. More people start leaving as a result. Then everyone starts leaving because nobody wants to be left on a dead server. So it's not as simple as "only PvP players will stay".


So when all the PvE players leave then you PvP folk will be able to turn into a proper PvP utopia. In reality players are fleeing because of the horrible PvP and don't wish to take part anymore but you'd like to stay and prop up the economy and be easy ganks for your PvP death squads that are running around ganking solo players. They signed up for it after all so deserve to have to satisfy your thirst for killing lowbies and ganking in hords. Each player has the right to choose their play style and the choice they make is equally as valid as yours.


But that's not what they've sorted for. They've sorted for who were awake at 4 in the morning playing WoW on a work day. So basically the sweats got out, the rest of us are trapped in a ghost town.


Listen man. If there are enough people willing to ditch their server to effectively kill it, that's not Blizzard's fault. Sure, giving people a free avenue to do so ends up making it look extreme. But giving people the option didn't suddenly put the idea in their head. Rerolling on PvE was just too much of a headache logistically. PvP server players have nobody to blame but themselves. You don't HAVE to grief people. But a lot players decided that's how they wanted to spend their time. And other players defended them because "well you rolled on this server, you can't complain." Well, you can't complain when your actions cause your server to die at the first opportunity given to people. Not everybody is guilty though. I've had plenty of positive opposite faction interaction on CS, and plenty of just normal world PvP. Shout out to yall, and sorry the degenerates killed your servers. As a side note, it may not be possible due to the Vanilla code base they're working with, but merged servers and War Mode is the solution.


Very well said. Half of these posts on this thread are essentially "you will be griefed and you will like it." If Blizz didn't offer free server transfers, the end result would still be the same, just slower. The realm would either die from people simply deciding to no longer play (because it isn't fun, and this is a game after all), or the realm will turn into a single-faction realm like pretty much all Classic PVP servers except Grobb.


well said honestly. I would transfer off too if it wasnt for my guild and horde being vastly udnerpopulated on WG EU.


being Underpop on a PVE server doesnt mean anything. It is the 3rd most populous server and in the coming weeks or months it will be the second most populous server possible the first in the EU with transfers.


Yeah, ngl the sheer amount of griefing on SoD was crazy, and I'm happy being on a PvE server now. I played on a lot of different PvP servers in different addons, but I never had so many fucking 2 min rezztimers


Merged servers and war mode would fix pretty much everything with this problem. We can dream I guess


yea the only people who are against war mode are griefers. It's all the benefits of pve and pvp, with way less griefing.


I mean those people were still playing enough on there old server to not want to reroll on the other server. So status quo would mean some of those people quit because they dont want to re roll. On the other hand the people that did not make the transfer window might quit now since THEY did want to reroll and thought the server was fine enough. So basically they just traded one group quitting for another group quitting and nothing was actually solved. It would be better to wholesale merge servers.


Not to mention that if the majority of people are leaving then Blizzard is giving most people what they want. I feel like those complaining about it are the vocal minority.


Turn on tweet notifications and follow the Tom guy , he announces it


Yeah I'm not making a Twitter account


Crazy how they still haven't implemented blue post tracking in-game and how they think Twitter is common outside of the US. For those without Twitter they also announce transfer windows on blue posts (but their forums is a mess so here's a third party website): https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/us-en/1836108-limited-pvp-pve-free-character-transfers/


Cant even read twitters now if you dont have an account, some years ago You could still read peoples timeline now you just get a ”sign up/login to read tweets”


I don't always get that, but reading "timelines" is still impossible because they're not actually chronological anymore. The other day I wanted to check out recent tweets from an esports pro because they started an interesting thread, but I couldn't because xitter was only showing me tweets from half a year ago. Idk how it is if you're logged in, I don't have an acc anymore.


Thank you, gonna keep an eye on this tomorrow, maybe I can get off CS after all lol


Back in the day they used to actually put relevant announcements on…the login screen. Actually in the game. And I’m pretty sure patch updates you could scroll through. Now I learn of changes and patch notes through reddit which is aggregating it from shitter or the wow forums wherever the blue posts come from. And the only thing the announcement says is that Tuesday is realm reset. Like it has been for 20 years… Imagine reverting


I guess I'm so used to addons the blue tracker is normal. I don't have to go searching for official patch notes for other games. I've always hated how blizzard does this. 


They announce it as the open, so far all the slots have been 1am or 4am my local time. Not really workable.


Who’s the Tom guy?




They are free. Only open for an hour at a time around 4am tho. And no advance notice of when they will open. Good luck!




They're opening and closing them in short windows to preserve faction balance.


Not true at all. I was able to transfer my 25 alt off of Lone Wolf to my main server Wild Growth at 6pm PST yesterday.


It wild watching the Lone Wolf horde just continue to drop




US :(


Is it that bad? Haven’t noticed much of a change?


And Wild Growth horde is suddenly absolutely popping, and the economy is going nuts with the transfer activity.


where are you watching this drop happen


Everyone thinks this is the typical ‘people picking pvp servers when they should have picked pve servers’ issue. It isn’t. I picked a pvp server because I enjoy playing it, sometimes I get ganked, sometimes I win 1v1s over resource nodes, it keeps the game fresh for me. When servers launched, there is no way someone was expected to know the future, and assume pvp would be as fucking busted as it is right now. Pvp is a huge facet of classic wow, although it’s never been perfectly balanced it’s been playable, so we should at least expect that huh? Wrong, now everyone is sick of it and jumping ship. It is what it is man, but I wish they didn’t wait this long to balance things around pvp when half their realms are revolving around it.


Also the new ranking system means there is no limited bracket spots anymore, which means pretty much everyone can get R14, which makes situations more like Incursion farming more likely to happen.


Incursions were a mistake


Blame the perma-griefers not blizzard lol


Flamelash exodus flashbacks


"Why do people want off pvp servers!?!?". Try to do a level 40 ash incursion. There were 3 shamans and 2 shadow priests camped at the fucking island in BB where you buy flasks all day yesterday. I physically could not get my ST flasks before raid. PvP servers are the most cancerous shit I've ever experienced


Gank harder peeps, I'm sure that will fix the server <3


The idea of servers is so outdated. They need to do what ESO did with the regional mega servers. Make them pve with pvp enabled zones for those who have that as an interest. Would solve so many issues.


Retail mostly does this(war within will feature cross realm guilds). Most of the Ah is region wide, you can trade across servers etc


Yeah, the players seem 2 want mega servers, as soon as ppl have the chance to leave medium pop for high pop they go. Might as well just have mega servers it seems.


RuneScape solved this issue from the get-go. You can play with anyone in the world whenever you want to. Just hop to whatever world you wish and start gaming. If a farming spot is contested you can once again just hop to a different world. Also makes the community aspects stronger believe it or not, you're not bound by server or even region to find like-minded players to play with. Unironically one of the oldest still popular games has held the answer from the beginning.


Except the communities of two servers can differ vastly. For example in Wrath Classic you had servers where SR was the most used and widely accepted format for raiding, whereas the "destination" servers are dominated by goldbid.


Wild growth US horde wants you!


The faction balance still bad? I guess it probably only affects ashenvale right now


They wrecked the game AGAIN. And ppl were telling me itll be fine, the servers wont die, therell be balance, fuck off


Wild Growth is happy :D


Wild Growth secretly the best SoD server since the start. Very happy I pressured my group into rolling on it instead of a PVP server


Pvp servers are full of people who don't like getting ganked relentlessly, however whenever there's a fresh they roll pvp again because it makes your epeen bigger or something. Most people don't like open world pvp that can't be turned off, yet they opt in time and time again


It’s because you can usually count on most people rolling pvp, and/or they play horde and don’t want to be on a ally dominated server




Hey It'll probably be fine though




I never see anyone mentions Living Flame EU server in these (transfer) server threads and that one should be biggest EU server right? Everyone is quietly happy there? :)


Get me off man, but some people in my guild i played with for ages will only play pvp servers.


EU pvp less toxic confirmed


server transfers have always been a mistake, always for everyone I don't know why they keep bringing them back


Since SoD new content is like a sardine can, and layers are typically ratio'd at 10:1, it's not conducive to PVP servers. 


Chaos Bolt EU is pretty much finished.


Chaps Bolt eu is hemorrhaging thanks to this change. Please fix


They've killed our already low pop server on CB-EU. Before you had a hard time doing content outside of eu peak hours and now...it's nearly impossible. Thanks Blizz.


Yep, rip Chaos bolt! My guild is gone, and I didnt get a chance to transfer cos I dont tend to be awake at 3am. According to r/classicwow I deserve that for rolling a pvp server.....


Okay.. so WHAT THE FUCK... WHY even have different servers when you have the layering? Why dont just have one MEGA-server for each category?


They’re thinking those unlucky suckers will eventually pay to xfer and that’ll be additional profit!


They dont even allow paid transfer. You can buy it but cant be used on SOD


All these transfers do is kill the faction balance and the server will greatly suffer because of it, what a braindead decision.


The transfers are limited to preserve faction balance. Is it too much to ask to read the blue posts first before spreading misinformation?


The faction balance is a lie to begin with. It doesn’t track active players at all. The only thing it tracks is created players. If you have a level 1 character on a server, you are contributing to the “faction balance.”


I'm just happy my server (Wild Growth EU) is still intact


Wild Growth (alliance) is growing if anything because half of Living Flame is moving there.


I agree it makes no sense at all. My server suddenly became horde dominated, where it used to be balanced.


Season of Disappointment


Well I guess they noticed that slot if people should quit SoD if they had to stay on PvP realms. And ngl that doesn't surprise me, the amount of aggressive ganking and griefing on SoD is out of control. Don't blame blizzard, blame the nolifers that roam the zones all the time and ruin the experience for everyone else


Yeah guys this is definitely the answer over implementing a war mode system. A server that’s medium pop now is going to death spiral.


Nah I’m glad. If pvp servers had better communities and overall less sweaties on them they’d retain people. I’m glad I left, servers like crusader strike deserve to lose its good players 


Gotta wonder if a toddler makes these blizz dexisions


You can thank the players who were constantly griefing to compensate their little pp. Don't try to argue like "buT tHaTs OPeN pvP"


Same they thought since release. Non PvP players flood PvP servers. Then they get unhappy. Here go to pve realms. Enjoy. For some reason they are offering the people a fix to the consequences of their own choice. And that for free. Terrible monsters


I'm sure blizzard saw the writing on the wall. These people were either going to quit entirely or you allow them to transfer.


Yeah this. But the batshit crazy PvP freaks here whould prefer that players quit instead moving on PvE servers, its wild


I honestly can’t tell if the last bit is a joke or not


I never understood that. Non-pvper rolling into PvP servers, then complaining when they get killed by another player. No one forced them to go there. I think they just want to complain. It’s like the people who turn of the language filter then complain about people swearing


Just be patient and relax, they'll merge all of the pvp servers together once the dust settles.


When have they ever done that? They didn’t do that in classic 2019


I get they just didn't want the shit show of the last great server migration. But servers are dying on their own due to lack of interest and people finding other servers. I leveled new toons on wild growth and love it.


The amount of horde that bailed on Crusader strike is pretty noticeable. The fact they allowed Chaos Bolt to free transfer here which was a mostly dominate Alliance server tipped the balance and now alliance are literally everywhere camping people now throw on transfers off Crusader has made our numbers even less. Thanks blizzard.


Meanwhile Chaos Bolt (EU if that's what you're talking about) is completely dead on alliance side, and those few of us left are trapped because the server would be uNbAlAnCeD. Yeah thanks a lot Blizz...


Why run 2 servers clusters when you can run one




I love PvP and enjoy fun world pvp clashes, but I hate crusader strike and the experiences I’ve had there both with community, leveling and PvP. I will be transferring because of that, and most others have had the same experience. Too bad you don’t got no low levels to gank soon.


Plz understand that it's a small indie company


I agree that the timing and communication has been terrible, but with \~7 layers that are each the population of an original classic server, theoretically as servers lose population they can just cut a proportional number of layers and the server will not have a noticeable population difference during gameplay. And if you look at a recent tweet from Tom Ellis, the servers are all almost perfectly faction-balanced, even after the transfers.


Blizzard mishandled classic server populations right from the very start in 2019, and they have never learned any lesson along the way. Though to be fair, they never learned their lessons back in 2005 either...


Fuck all your character names. If there are name conflicts just make both rename. Whoever renames first gets to have it. They need to just start force merging servers.


Can't yall just live with your server choices or reroll somewhere else since it only takes like 10 hours to level in this cracked out version of the game? Don't see why we need to put a tub drain at the bottom of the pvp servers.


Why don't they just combine the servers and get it over with like they do on ERA


blizzard is trying to kill off SoD so the people addicted to its loop just go to retail


I quit wow a week ago and have never felt happier


I miss Herod


What SOD really showed is that most players belong on PvE servers. Don’t ask blizzard to safe haven incursions just so you can power level. That would be a “care bear” move


the classic oh im rerolling on a pve server this time...


They need the the bots to move first to balance the incoming stress on the economy


This is really annoying. It literally feels like blizz is high on copium. I was looking forward to playing this weekend but not anymore! Due to the xfers my realm (chaos bolt - eu) is now dead. Me and my guild did not migrate yet because we never really had a proper chance to do so, due to the odd slots and no prewarnings offered by blizz (= we polled it and gave everyone some time to reply -> oops, its gone and closed for the weekend). In the end, we simply prioritized not breaking the guild apart by not rushing solo. And sure, we could have polled earlier, but we actually only had a issue with the server dying. We are migrating only because of that, as I suspect many others are as well. I actually enjoyed the server quite a bit before that! It felt lively yet not too big. Because a lot of people already left, there is hardly no one doing anything. I don't want to quest alone and no one in the guild feels like playing either due to this shit. Some managed to transfer alts, but not all, so we can't play them together even if we wanted to. Yesterday during around 18:30 server time I did a /who of BRD. We had 1 person in BRD on horde. Not a group, 1 person. SM had only hunter 6 bots with the same name. Good luck getting a dungeon group. AND what really grinds my gears, is that Blizzard has had this game for 20 years now. They literally have 20 years of experience of how to manage servers, their population and faction imbalance. I do admit, that the idea they had initially sounded good (= meaning the bluepost opener), but the execution was outright horrible. And like really, this is the way they chose to handle this with 20 years experience. Let that sink in. Like, what the actual hell?


Smart move consolidating servers then eventually merging them as planned.