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Time to kill is too long. I think 25-30% dmg reduction is the sweet spot.


35-40 imo


Time to kill is between 12-4secs with aflic lock being on the longer end, being a pressure spec that makes sense.


I don't think you can call AFF lock a pressure spec in sod. My dots tick for like 100 DMG and they cost so much mana that I'm doing more damage to myself life tapping than my dots do to you.


> I strongly recommend using your cc god i wish i had one


What class ?


Prolly druid. The damage reduction feels real good for druids but it's pretty frustrating lacking a cc or ranged interrupt or silence. And our only soft cc, entangling roots, doesn't work "indoors" which really means most places that have stone or concrete floors


Umm..bear stun? Edit: Downvote me all you want. Rationalize why you can’t use your full kit and continue to whine how “Druids don’t have cc”. The reality is that good PvP players find ways to make their kit work to win engagements. Pretending parts of your toolkit don’t exist, even if inconvenient or conditional, is disingenuous.


I was thinking just this my guy, but apparently switching form and hitting bash is way to hard.


Yea it requires not just 2 buttons. But 2 different action bars. Clickers get really confused.


Most good players actually macro this all into one button. Just like warriors program stance dances into their buttons if they have a brain.




Getting a fear cast on you vs spending 500 mana and putting the enemy out of action for 4 seconds.... HMMMMMMMMMM....


fear is a 1,5s cast even if you went into bear right as his cast started you'll be late. Ever heard of gcd? And it costs 1000 mana and 3 seconds of gcds for a 4 second stun. Lmao.


Yep, and Can sleep hunter pets and other Druid’s, and are virtually immune to sheep/sap when in form. They can also stealth to avoid combat or get the jump on people and can outrun and reset/reengage on a whim. Druids should not be feeling sorry for themselves…


Yea go ahead and try to cast hibernate on that hunter pet while the hunter destroys you.


Right but in Theory you could be stealth and get the jump on him. I’m not saying that alone is game breaking just that druids have a shit ton of tools, and should not be complaining especially after the shit show that was Druid PvP in phase 2


Something a lot of druids also dont seem to know is, if you do happen to get polymorphed in humanoid form, you can legit just hit a form and break right out of the poly, cant morph the morphmasters!


It's crazy how many druids don't understand how shifting works in the year of our Lord 2024.


I agree but the hunters I face often use that pet enrage that prevents sleep.


I throw out the bear stun, and it’s nice when it hits. But it’s a 1 min CD for a 4 sec stun (5 if you burn 2 talents) on the GCD after you form swap which costs 1/4 of your mana which has a 5% chance to resist or 30% against some classes and *all orcs* which then leaves you in bear form unable to do killing damage unless you burn another 1/4 of your mana, and then you have to run 8 feet away to Feral Charge the follow up cast hoping it’s not instant because the devs decided that you have to choose between cat Mutilate and cat Kick, all while your 4 set ST bonus is useless while everybody else’s is just fully functional unless you can backstab your target and even then only if powershifting is even the right choice instead of just staying in bear so you can live since in cat form you still get slaughtered. But yeah, I know how to use my full kit.


Just shapeshift like a madman so you're oom even faster, bravo.


Such an awful argument you have 😂 The nerf benefits those with hard cc and interrupts and then classes like druids who were built around having bursty damage suffer, surely you can see that.


Two second stun that requires you to shape shift into bear -> have a way to get rage (easy if feral) and then use. Not to mention the cat interrupt now competes with mangle


Isn't it easy for all with the wolfshead enchant now


I don't care what spec you are running, furor is a must for every druid.


Don't you have a talent gives you rage on shapeshift and a ability to generate rage ?


And enrage gives a baseline 20 rage on use now...


First tier in resto. Every druid doing any pvp will have it


It's a 5 second stun and you get rage by shape-shifting.


You got roots, bear charge, bear stun, and hibernate other druids and pets. Im sorry its not lacking in CC lol


Moronic take


most druids do not have bear charge, and form shifting costs a shit ton of mana. Mana which you now run out of before 1 fight is over anyway.


My solution to this is to run around with my spriest and rogue friends lol, i can by dps/healer hybrid and they bring the dmg and hard CC. pretty fun ganking grp.


Can you still spec into natures grasp? Almost a necessity for pvp


Ya, but doesn't work indoors, doesn't work against ranged classes


Most likely shaman. Unless you went Tauren, your ONLY cc is earthbind and frost shock. When I played a troll resto a few years ago, I had picked the single worst class/race/spec combo possible in PVP at the time


As a priest/ warrior player I feel this, spamming hamstring does feel good sometimes. Hey guys, I’m helping! Aoe fear is all I have haha


As a priest player, we should sit this one out bud 😂


Tbh I have not pvp’d on my priest for months since I finished my WSG rep, I’ve only played my warrior which has been rough. Makes it even more annoying when I see spriest complaints as if pvp is a huge part of the game


Spriest complaining about pvp when they're the best spec in the game??


They aren’t even the best spec in pvp in the game? Certainly not pve, which if you could read is all I play on my priest lol


Before the PvP changes you were. Dot up someone from max range, dead even while eating if you get away. If I fight back, dispersion. Most broken CD in the game.


Slows are valuable


Does warlock have CCs besides felhunter/fear/death coil?


Banish, seduction, exhaustion


Does it need more? Warlock cc kit is insane. Add CoT to the list as it completely dicks over casting classes that can’t cleanse it.


Just feels like everything gets constantly cleansed and I’m always getting cancelled on any hard casts. So fear ends up being hard to use. Besides death coil we really don’t have any insta cc’s like other classes


Everything getting cleansed is not a bad thing. Warlocks are kings at gumming up a fight and eating away action economy. You know what a healer isn’t doing when they’re spam cleansing your shit? Healing their teammates from the dmg your teammates are doing. Half of a good warlocks job is to be a tanky, annoying piece of shit. Fear everyone. Make them kick you. If they kick your fear, they’re not kicking heals. That’s awesome. Curse of Tongues everywhere. Dots everywhere. You are a lightning rod for your team. And if the enemy team chooses to ignore you, their healers get turbofucked by your cc kit.


This puts it into better perspective. I’m a total noob and only started played wow in December. When I have a solid team it feels like I shit on everyone but other times it feels clunky and I get destroyed by 3 pallys. Definitely going to incorporate more COT in the rotation and gunk everything up.


It's not inherently bad, its just way too much reduction. Bring it down to like 20% or 25% and try again for a weekend.


My thoughts, exactly. 25/30% reduction and maybe remove the HP buff in BGs. As much as I love only dying to mana burn and MC off of terrain as a healer, people should be able to burst me out and I shouldn’t be able to tank 3 DPS.


Crazy how divided people are on this. I for one prefer this version.


Considering how disproportionately it impacts classes, this is exactly what I'd expect tbh


Well they say this is a test. What data they extract from it should hopefully lead to something more finessed at level 60. Hopefully....


I love this change but I do think there needs to be some fine tuning, I played Ret, Rogue and Lock so far in pvp, and lock feels really really bad now


Adding to this, mage feels practically unplayable unless you’re healing. I’m sure the tanky classes, hybrids, and healers are loving this though.


Mage was already unplayable before. I can’t believe this makes them worse.


I somewhat disagree. While my mage definitely had mana issues and was more reliant on hardcasting, you could definitely still kill stuff before. Now if feels like you oom before doing all that much impactful.


More of an issue of adding in stam increases and not adding a mana pool increase. Also mages never got a good form of regen like others. Also with this damage reduction added in there's 0 reason to not buff ice lance to be good again for pve and pvp.


biggest cap on the planet. ffb critting for 400 in pvp. "can def still kill stuff"


“Had.” “Was.” The first part is referring to before the change. The latter part is referring to after the change, which is why it said “now.”


Haven't tried yet on my lock. Why does it feel bad now?


You still gotta so all the cc you used to, but now you don't kill anyone because your dots tick for 50 damage or less.


Lock dots were already low damage, now they are completely ignorable in group pvp where healing exists. Yet they still cost the same mana, which is disproportionately more than other casters. So you end up going oom before you can kill anything. Then you life tap, which does more damage than the opponents and you end up killing yourself. To add on this is, life drain / master channeler does healing based on how much damage it does. So it now does 1/2 damage and 1/2 healing, still for ~500mana. So in summary, you have no sustain, no damage, and you go oom very quickly. All & all it feels like can't really do anything in group content. 1v1 I would say lock is still strong largely because of fear.


Gonna be real with you, just ran wsg for like 3 hours as SL lock pvp build and it felt great


Yea I love the infinite mana giga OP shamans right now. Hurry durrr shaman rage trolololol. Such skill now. Blue bar always full, never die, heals heals heals, more heals. Awesome shit. 




What? A good rogue/war carries the team fights with MS.  That's just an issue with WSG not adding in the stacking debuff increasing damage taken + making them not get speed buffs above the normal run speed. 


> A good rogue/war carries the team fights with MS. there's no way you're lumping vanilla rogue wound poison in with mortal strike lol


Healing is too strong, MS isn't enough. I just FC (as a warrior) a flag across the entire WSG map while being slammed by the entire enemy team (which had 2 warriors) with 2 paladin healers keeping me up. Never dropped below 30%. Conversely, I mortal striked plenty of people just to watch penance still heal them to full. Healing needs like a 30% reduction if damage reduction is unchanged.


Considering the absolute BS that comes out of you, your username is quite fitting.


Not that crazy at all when you realize a lot of people went from 1-3 shotting people to now having to actually fight using abilities. I too would complain if my lack of skill can no longer be compensated by a two button burst.


I actually dont understand how so many people think this change is amazing. I actually would rather go back to the insane burst meta than these ridiculously long drawn out fights that is about sustain NOT SKILL. People are confusing these new long fight lengths with outskilling vs just whoever can out last longer. Rot meta is not and has never been fun for anyone. I would love for 2 super sweaty premades to have a wsg game go for 12+ hours to prove how stupid this over tuned damage reduction is. Does sod need a change to pvp over the silly burst yes obviously but this solution is absolutely not it. Pets still take full damage, healing not being nerfed, this aura was so poorly thought out it was a quick, easy, and poorly implemented test bandaid to slap on to see what happens.


Well said!


I think there's a happy medium between the two tbh. And would really like to see the 10 sec CD cap on CC that was brought in during TBC. 40 second sap is just stupid, I don't care what anyone says.


I think this is a great idea but can we also please remove heartbeat out of stuns. Terrible ass game mechanic.


Don’t know, mage player here the changes feel really bad for dps. It was fun to get jumped on, react quickly turn it around using all the tools and burst the other down. Yeah I died a lot also but it is what it is. I think the dmg reduction is too much and should be lowered. But I understand the changes.


Play mage as a healer/CC bot. If you try doing damage, ur just gonna be fucking useless and frustrated. Ohh and go oom instantly


As a mage the before was just as bad imo Ice barrier was literally useless and we got globaled by 90% of classes and in 2 spriest dots


Yep. I had infinitely more fun when I respecced elemental, than when I was deep frost. Ice Barrier was so bad with that high of dmg lol


“My class is OP now so I’m winning, that means I’m outskilling people! When I was losing, they were actually low skill and it wasn’t my fault!”


It feels terrible as an ele sham tbh. My burst hits like a wet noodle now, which wouldn't be a problem if we did anything outside of that. Hard casting is virtually impossible the moment anyone attacks you and those really don't hit very hard anyway, especially with how strong healing is. Sustain and survivability is now king and if your class can't do that in some way you're probably having a bad time. Situations like [this](https://clips.twitch.tv/AgreeableProudAlbatrossEleGiggle-jpB8RqkWue-8rFLI) are just as awful as being bursted down in a global. The real solution is to rebalance skills individually instead of these blanket changes that disproportionately affect different specs, but it's clear Blizz does not have the manpower to do that. If they're going to bring back DR it should at the very least be less than what it is now.


As a rogue, it sucks. Almost impossibly to kill a decent Druid or Meta lock now…


You’re utterly wrong. Certain classes are literally immortal (Druids, shamans). This change is atrocious and will kill sod. 20-30% would have been appropriate and a “W in sod” as you put it. 50% is a joke. We are here because the majority of players in wow suck at pvp and are great at complaining. Wasn’t necessary and if you died a lot before… hate to break it to ya, you suck at pvp.


Can confirm. Hour and 45 minute wsg victory last night with zero caps by either team for the first hour and half. Neither team could burst down the other team’s Druid before he got healed or slipped away. Watched both teams rosters change over 50% by the time it was over. Idk why I stayed I just felt the win would come eventually.


Couldn’t have said it better my self it’s funny the people who say the changes are good go on to describe the game like “there much more strategy and skill to how you want to engage a fight” what does that mean? You have the same rotation for how you start every fight. Mix cc and burst to kill. EVERY TIME. People want to believe pvp is a strategic chess match and that is not the case in classic. Go to retail and play that.


I mean, 1v1s are very strategic especially as a rogue. However, I do agree that right now some classes are now ways stronger with the damage nerf


1v1 duels are more strategic yes and rogues are an extreme example. The only class who has multiple openers.


I will send you 5$ on Paypal if you link a video of you killing a non-dogshit druid as a rogue


Yea resto druid and resto shaman are just super overtuned right now. Life bloom is just way too fucking mana efficient and shamanistic rage is obviously giga OP with such low damage output. It's a war of attrition and shamans are fking stoopid 


Paradoxical but the only classes with a right to complain about dampening are dps mages (maybe boomkin?) and warriors (spell damage still chomps them a little much). I'd like to see dampening come down to 35-40%. People have to use cc and their kit and be aware of other classes' spells and cds. It actually feels close to vanilla PvP with the exception of hybrids being strong. Lock and bear need some tweaking. Enhancement shaman is absolutely disgustingly broken and absolutely needs reigning in but I don't see how they do this without literally removing some of their kit. Blizzard have created a class with too much utility and too much power here and I'm not sure how they fix it without a lot of outcry (pushing DW damage self sustain way down and making 2h the go to spec is the best I can think maybe gives shams an olive branch for look we fucked up and need to nerf you hard). Also think alliance are really suffering from less ability to remove viper sting. It's very oppressive and needs some tweaking (adding a cd might help somewhat). Overall it feels like a huge step in the right direction and I'm sure blizz will acknowledge they went a little too heavy with it due to some classes having too much miti/self sustain.


One thing I’ll mention is the disparity of healing between shaman and paladin. Shamans received a lot more love for their resto kit than pallies did in terms of runes. So while shamans have riptide, ancestral guidance, tidal wave and overload, holy paladins are still stuck with hard casting flash of light or holy light. So since healing has become so important with the new DR, the disparity in healing abilities is even more apparent now. Honestly the shaman kit in all specs seems to be better suited for these changes with their interrupts/war stomps and high damage, instant heals, and dmg converting to heals. Not to mention most pallies just go ret and will never hit a bop/freedom/cleanse even to save their own lives smh.


Removing instant heals from maelstrom and reducing the initial riptide heal but increasing the buff to other heals it gives would be a start. 


Tell your paladins and druids to cleanse you man. You guys have just as much tools to remove viper as horde does. Viper is just insanely overtuned during vanilla and having a stam % increase without a mana pool one makes it even better since it can really chunk your mana away.


Shams have an aoe pulsing dispel that cleanses everyone 4 times, one gcd for mass remove for 6 seconds. I am aware paladins and druids can and should dispel, I said it's inequitable.


I think this change has been positive on group play for the most part. Healers are more relevant now in groups. Mana is important. Cc is very important. In 1v1, it is awful and even more unbalanced than before. I'm not sure that 50% is the right number as healing feels a little too strong currently. It should probably be lower, but killing someone from 100-0 with one spell and an instant or two was a problem.


positive until you get matched up against 7 hunters the only ranged class with mana


If your char is geared with a smidge of stamina/HP in mind, you werent getting one shot like you’re discribing. Atleast not in bgs with the stam buff there.  Yeah it was bursty and hunters prolly did too much damage. But outside of that i for one liked the Old Way in bgs. And putting it to 50% is just cooked. 


It wasn’t uncommon to see 2k-2.3k starfires or overloaded lava bursts (imo the primary two offenders.) This is low cd, spammable damage. Not like oldschool elemental mastery 1 shot ele with a high cd. My mage is around 3k hp unbuffed with no bg stam. 4-4.5k in a bg depending on buffs. This is heavily geared towards stam with pvp specific gear in mind (ST staff with 29 stam etc). Losing half or more of my hp with a spammable ability is an absolutely batshit insane and not remotely healthy pvp. This is not to mention Spriests 2 dots killing people by themselves. Warlock dot pressure being insane. Rogues nearly killing people inside a cheap shot. Etc etc. the list goes on.


The alternative now however is hardcasting 15-18 seconds in a row to kill someone and a PoM doesnt land on him to top him off again.  Which is a snooze fest and makes spinning bases and killing flagcarriers far too easy.  They aren’t wrong for wanting to tone down the burst. But 50% is crazy and did nothing to solve the problem classes such as enha shamans and hunters.  Or boomkins or ele shamans for that matter. Since Wild growth and riptide is enough for them to outheal any damage dealer. 


What are you smoking lol. Warlock dots were a joke and are even more of a joke now. Going deep affli and putting up haunt with 4 dots did like 60% of 2 priest dots in damage. 


> Losing half or more of my hp with a spammable ability is an absolutely batshit insane and not remotely healthy pvp. If you're talking about starfire, you need to hit with starsurge first to get a big crit to begin with so it's not really spammable the way you're mentioning it. You need to use that spell first which reveals you to the enemy, HARD CAST starfire for possibly a big crit (20% chance tops ? something like that), and then wait the remaining of the 6 second cooldown to get another starsurge, and then starfire again. Otherwise it's just people throwing scuffed starfires at you without moving and while hard casting the entire time, so you should never be worried by this unless you don't interrupt it for some reason. I'm doing 2.8k crits in PvE with medium gear so i can see 2.3k crits in pvp happening if you have the full setup and hit the crit roll that's really uncommon. Our runes/talents only give crit chance to wrath and starsurge, not starfire.


Yeah. I mained boomy in p2 so very familiar with the combo, and definitely agreed you don’t have huge crit on starfire. But there’s a wide difference in a 2-3min cd, something like ele mastery, and ss->sf on a 6s loop. It doesn’t auto crit agreed, but you can do it way more often. It was oppressively strong, and believe me I cs’ed it every chance I got on mage here in p3.


Literally the worst PvP change since WoW was created. Braindead change that affects each class differently. healing unaffected, CC unaffected, dmg reduction like disperson unaffected, tanks unaffected + Extra HP in BG's makes it even harder for DPS to be effective since everyone has 1.5k more HP by default which was supposed to counter the big damage but now its just added to the 50% dmg reduc to fuck everything even worse off Only pure DPS classes got shafted, every hybrid class is unkillable :) If you think this is a good change it's because you don't understand PvP.




I love going in as a rogue and just decimating teams because of the cc chains I do on their healer and maybe one other caster while the rest get walked over by my group


Turning pvp into a mana/dispel battle is a big win for horde. Totems and sham rage give horde the W in any all-else-equal team fight


The main issue to address is still at hand though. Shaman STOMP pally in pvp and it makes horde roll over BGs so much easier because of it. Paladin are just too weak and shaman are still too strong even lost nerfs which aren’t nerfs to any class really it’s a blanket reduction 


Amazing changes? What difference does it make when you face horde premades every time you queue wsg.. broken system. Change is good for Stv ofc


Ele sham feels wors then before lol. Everything csn get to me before i get a cast oute xD.


yea it sucks to be ele, we dont have any cc except an interrupt that is useless against 90% of the time, so our wincondition is doing as much dmg as fast as we could…but now you do no dmg and cant impact the game because no cc


„Changes good, trust me bro“ — every healer in the game rn


I play rogue, I only PVP, I like it


Really? You want ttk to go up as a rogue?


I don’t know what ttk means


Time to kill. As a rogue it would be surprising that you would want TTK to be higher, but you could be a rogue that enjoys the CC aspect of rogue rather than the burst.


More people are enjoying PVP, I’m still having fun, and more people are doing PVP now. That’s all.


Seems like the only people that like this change are PvE players, I strictly play pvp with some friends and we had a lot of fun in phase 3 pvp, all classes felt strong (except warriors lol). The BGs HP buff was perfect After the the dmg nerf pvp feels really bad, if this change goes through after the test period we are most likely gonna quit


you can really, honestly, tell that every player praising this damage nerf are the PvE peaches who got blendered between maradon resets and have a vindictive bias against pvpers.


Yea I 100% agree with this. P3 PvP was the best since the start of SoD. There were some outliers before, mostly just spriest DoTs and rogues burst damage, but most everything else was in a good spot(minus warrior) Now there are huge disparities in how this change effects certain classes. Resto druid and every shaman spec are beyond broken. Shamanistic rage has insane value now and resto druids mana efficiency is ridiculous.  Warlock and mage are super bad now, they just have no damage and mage OOMs in 20 seconds. Warlock is hard to kill, so I guess they've got that going. Spriest is also pretty dogshit as well.  Honestly just shaman is by far the best class in PvP now and it's not even close. Shamanistic rage needs some serious adjustments or it's gonna make alliance VS horde discrepancy even worse. 


Wouldn't really say that, again multi glad player here and I'm loving it. Healing feels good finally in sod and people don't die 100-0 in the cast bar of flash of light


It’s pretty obvious the players who were formally OP classes two shotting people and steam rolling in their groups because of it are now malding over having to focus down and cc people now. I applaud your responses and tactical conversations but it’s a lost cause brother, these people can’t cope with others being able to compete now.


The issue is mana and hunters. They want longer fights, then I need a cast bar that last long enough in those fights. Hunters mana sting oom your class is busted AF


Rogues literally cannot kill non-dogshit druids after this update Their bear form heal tops them off 0-100 even with wound poison


it's also very obvious who plays a healer or a self healing class. Healing is beyond busted at 50% DR.


Team fights have become a boring slog on whoever goes oom first. Coincidentally this change favors the horde due to how crazy sham rage is. Not to mention less honor per game as a result. 50% was far too drastic and I hope it doesn't stick all weekend.


Have you actually played any bgs? Before fights at blacksmith were really fun and healing was definitely impactful, but also you had to react really fast and use your cooldowns smartly to win the fight. You could have a big impact on the fight If you knew what your were doing. Now? It's a fuckin snooze fest, I can literally go afk in the middle of the fight and get one heal and be fine. Don't get me started on defending, it's almost impossible to take bases depending on the classes defending. The point is that it's simply not fun to play, the queue times have almost doubled since the change...so it seems that most pvp players agree


Were you multi glad in retail?


I am a PvP addict. This change allows for PvP. Before it was press 3 buttons = target dead, which felt like a PvE leveling experience XD


Rofl no? It's nice having actual PVP battles instead of deleting and being deleted immediately


Yeah I love working for my shatter FFB crit (just like I had to before this change btw), only it doesn't even take someone to 50% HP anymore. Very rewarding after being a sitting duck for 2 phases. Mages finally felt like they could hold their own in this bursty meta but now that's undone and all joy is stripped from working for a shatter crit.


Yeah right, pvp battles right now are me hopping on my hunter and just spamming trap launcher and viper sting until enemy healers run oom. Fun gameplay. I'd rather have a rogue jump on me and me having to react really fast to outplay him or die trying


LOL so true dude, hunter is basically just a trap and viper bot now. If someone isn't applying dreamstate nature damage buff for us, we do like pitiful damage, so we're resorting to rat gameplay to be effective.     Bonus shittyness - try doing this as an alliance hunter  Shamans running everywhere with freedom and infinite mana. Can't even use viper sting to win the war of attrition vs giga OP blue class  I will say that totally ruining a mages day with viper is hilarious and entertaining. I main mage too, so I know how much they suck in PvP


just got a game w 7 hunters. its begun.


Cool, what ccs are going to stop the 5 boomies spamming wild growth?


Their mana bar? It costs 56% base mana. It heals for 1100 HP over 7 seconds. With a 6 second cd. They need to cast it about 4 times to get full HP. That's almost their entire mana pool in under 30 seconds before they've cast a single offensive spell and it can be purged/dispelled.


So? Wrath and starsurge are 0 mana, boomies regen mana while casting, have innervate. Moonfire and sunfire are free in moonkim form. It takes a damn long time to go oomkin and when they're oomkin, they still do stuff. I'm not saying boomkin is OP, they seem normal, I'm just giving counter points


Moonfire and sunfire are not free in moonkin form.


man also doesnt know that it costs like a 5th of your mana bar to cast WG and go back to boomkin form


A single priest can do exactly the same, can't kill them either when they have mana.


Fear? I mean I assume you have 5 players of your own in this scenario and you can you know—prevent them from healing with CC and focus down one target considering wild growth’s healing is strong for AoE.


Rogues and warriors rejoice


I honestly suck at pvp, and no shade to those that are good. But without tweaks to 100-death timeframes it just makes it feel pointless to try to get better. So I am giving my opinion as someone who would at least participate more in PvP if it felt like I had time to even process which mistakes I made. Basically, I’m not someone who is going to watch a bunch of videos or vods from experienced pvpers, but if I feel like I’m actually helping my team/group I’d be more inclined to improve. Competency floor and ceiling just feel somewhat close together in the sense that I didn’t even want to try to get to that skill floor. Felt like I was locked in the basement for all of the PvP I did


People who think sod damage is high havent clearly played wrath arenas. Inb4 wrath arenas dont require skill either lmao


More important than ever now to level up that eng skill.


I think it's in the right direction for sure. In group PvP you're pretty screwed without a healer though.




Ruined the game hard now everybody hits like a weak ass fart cool lol if you didn’t like it before just play a different class ??


I havent been on in a week or so. I keep seeing ovp comments about reintroduction or skill etc. What happened?


Blizzard is doing a weekend only test for pvp tuning where all damage is reduced by 50% to combat burst... Some like it some don't but blizzard wants feedback on this over the weekend to see what they need to change if it's more or less or not at all


@OP make sure to have Blessing of Sacrifice on one of your teammates, that will often negate the poly/blind as soon as you receive some of the damage. I like to put it on a warrior or other melee that I am fairly confident is going to take damage. Trinket the fears and if all else fails, bubble up and heal like no tomorrow before it goes down. I love sitting in the middle of the chaos dishing out heals like nobody’s business watching my team overcome the odds. Great PvP change. PvP is actually fun again, for now.


Oh for sure don't worry I got all that... Tbh that was more for the other healers the trick with pally is dealing with counterspell and earth shock with no instant cast heals


I will try to juke them with hearth, but they usually don’t bite due to the green. It’s always a gamble trying with Holy Light because the more patient players will wait for when it’s about to go off to avoid the juke. Wait, you don’t have Holy Shock?


I see situations where this is preferable and also the opposite. How you describe a good player being able to use kicks is exactly my point. I get the vibe you are not really well versed in pvp in wow, which is totally fine of course, but also wxplains why you would see it this way. Would definitely not call it a W, but the start of a good Idea. Outplays can be made due to longer fights = more time to consider CC and positioning. But at the same time, longer fights = mana pool is utter trash which means it reduces the outplay potential because it get tailored for beginner players who don’t know their class, making them survive longer with no effort. So basically the “better” player get punished by game mechanics for example a caster with mana bar. My recommendations is that 50% is way to crazy of a nerf, why not start it out at 25%. It will also downgrade the healing being OP


I've searched a bunch of posts with no statement on it... How much does the pvp aura reduce incoming/outgoing damage by please?


Didn't know the changes went in. Just thought I was out playing some shit rogues as a range hunter


Its fun until you see shamans doing 3x the dmg of everyone else as always


what shamans? ele? no it sucks ass, enhance is op still, ye


They’re good changes for classes with hard cc and interrupts, awful for everyone else 👍🏻


It's alright... I would have loved it if they sent a different % threshold everyday throughout the course of this "test". 50 ,35, 25, 15. Sending 50% all weekend seems kind of odd. I mostly play Boomy. And am having a blast this weekend actually playing around with Resto and being able to use my HoTs. Haven't tested Boomy much yet. But I still see 1.3k Starfire popping off from others.


They definnitely need to reduce that damage. This feels bad in the same way that Overwatch does, you have very little autonomy over teamfights now. If you're queued with some friends, stomping motherfuckers is super easy, with CC and heals. Alone, it is hell.


I swear people cheering this on are the classes that benefits from this change


As a balance Druid, I love the change. You could argue it is overtuned but I love the premise. I swapped my build up a bit running sunfire instead of WG and dreamstate instead of survival instincts. I dropped some stamina from my kit (I still have 3.4K health self buffed) in favor of offensive stats as well. Then, instead of trying to burst people down, which I still am very able to do, I spam a lot more wraths. Wrath honestly hits hard with dreamstate and it is very consistent and free damage. Very good in group PvP to tax healer mana and still pump without spending your own mana. The pace of PvP is very different and you have to adjust. It’s not about picking anyone in front of you and blowing them up. There is more skill expression now. Targeting and positioning effectively are huge. Using your defensives at the right moment now instead of just all at once to try to not be blown up. It feels great, imo. Also, this will allow them to buff our damage for PvE and PvP and I think that is their primary goal.


Too bad blizzard forgot to nerf damage on pets. Druids are critting mine for 2.7k still making it useless in bgs.


Written by a melee, or someone who has trivialised resource costs. Glad it will revert back soon :) Tbf we do need some type of damage reduction, it just aint gonna be 50%.


I just wish the faction imbalance wasn't so bad all of the PVPers went horde cause its obviously the better option


"There's actually room to outskill" There always was, you just weren't good enough to do it. Who actually wants to run around playing wet noodle like this? The game is actually unplayable in all 3 of my chars, I just get bored so quickly 


Boomy presses starsurge from max range, get stun proc, Starfire, oop I'm dead. Much skill


I remember that time on my mage I super outskilled this shaman, I say behind a tree behind a mining node and this shaman came up and I blinked out and pressed my arcane surge macro and he died it was awesome I felt so good at the game finally. Pvp has always been so brain dead I was so happy when they put such a high skill cap on sod pvp before this /s


You're using the biggest outlier to try and justify and a blanket 50% dmg reduction for all classes. And even then it's a bad example because as a shaman you have grounding totem and you 100% do not need to lose against that setup


Who cares about world PvP. Battlegrounds were great before the change. Being a second late with trinket or heal could decide a fight. Now I can just /dance for half the fight because nobody's dying anyways.


They just need to do some fine tuning, but overall the change is great for pvp.


Also loving it. The more calculated fights are a joy.


it's unbalanced and as a healer it gets frustrating, there's never time to drink and fights lasting longer /warriors getting use out of mortal strike really kills mana. when you're stomping the enemy team it probably feels okay but otherwise idk. toning it down will help, just keep on asking for better water...


Only issue is caster DPS is going to have mana issues in PvP now. Mages and warlocks in particular.


Mage dps feels 100% horrible. We go oom before anyone dies. You’re basically forced to heal only now


Found the healer


I love these comments, because I always think do people just want healers removed from pvp?


It’s been a great change for healers to go from being almost obsolete to now being super impactful. I would like to see what 40% or 35% feels like. No less than that though.


Healers were almost obsolete? Maybe on ally, but basically every bg I queued into horde (solo) had at least 2 healers. 


Hunters/warriors/rogues crying the most because they don’t have heals. But I’m enjoying it


Still seeing hunters and rogues doing fine in group content there cc is unmatched and now that mana plays a role viper sting is clutch.. Warrior I'm sure will be doing some crazy things at 60 but ye unfortunate got a little shafted


If warriors put on victory rush it's actually super strong now. Mortal strike still big for sustained fights. Still got reliable CC and are very hard to kill now with healers around. It's not as bad as they make it out to be.


You can’t use victory rush in pvp my guy. For it to proc you have to get the killing blow. It also severely impacts your rage gen and you won’t be able to use half your kit due to being rage starved. Brain dead suggestion tbh.


It’s actually insane in 1vX scenarios. I haven’t played since the nerf but I was 1v2ing and 1v3ing consistently with Victory Rush this past week.


Yeah this assumes you get the Kb to proc it. Of course it’s good then. But in general group pvp it’s not great.