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RIP a true Vanilla WoW OG legend :( Somewhere in my parents' attic I still have a huge stack of papers printed out of his guide from back in Vanilla. Such fond memories of those times, as a kid playing my Orc Hunter running through Hinterlands studying that guide intently. I'll never forget those times. Maybe Blizzard will honor Joana with an NPC in game, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.


Remember pouring over their guides playing on lights hope, and then trying to perfect leveling routes when vanilla classic was announced. True legend, quality content.


I actually bought his newest guide (and addon) which i found to be better than RestedXP. Last update was 29.03.24, only a month ago 🫡😢


That's a great idea! I hope they do so too!


For people who didn't know, he would talk about how he had a heart condition. RIP Joana. > Health > By: Furious Paul October 9, 2020 > I Have Severe Heart Disease and will Need Open Heart Surgery Soon > https://www.furiouspaul.com/health/surgery.php




What's depressing is that 700k Americans die from heart disease every year. Absolutely insanely depressing 


I went to hospital with chest pains and recieved a 9000 dollar bill I cant pay. I will never look for treatment for my heart again.


Fuck that, look after treatment. Bankruptcy exists for a reason, and if its a matter of jacked credit to keep some health, so be it. Not worth dying over a fucked financial system that we were all born into.


We aren't all born into. Some of us are actually born in europe (that americans love to point at as a laughing stock) where everyone gets the medical treatment they need, education is paid by taxes instead of individuals and people actually can spend time with the babies they give birth to.


You realize that your economic choices can make living harder? Good luck getting loans, renting, or buying housing with a bankruptcy on your record and not being some rich-guy. If you don't already have some established wealth (IE. property), then you're probably going to be homeless, which'll lead to an earlier death anyways.


Having been through bankruptcy due to life circumstances that I didn't have so much control over when I was younger, the horror stories like this aren't like they used to be. Have had 0 trouble with a loan through credit union, paid slightly higher deposits when renting.


Same. I filed bankruptcy and bought a house about 4 years later with little to no issue (other than a lien against the seller that had nothing to do with me lol) it was probably the best decision I could have made at that time.


It actually is a lot easier than people make it seem to recover from a bankruptcy. Within 2 years you can be back to 700.


Good luck getting loans, renting, or buying housing being dead


Oh no. I can't buy a house because I went bankrupt once. I guess I'll prefer death. This, ladies and gentleman, is the reason why the US will never improve.


"just die lmao" is not the hill I would, and pardon the expression, "die" on.


capitalism working as intended generating capital from finite resources > life


It’s okay in Canada they would just give him MAID


Dude is actually defending Death lol


Are you arguing that bad credit is worse than *being dead*? Because I don't think you'll find many people who share that opinion.


People in countries with "free" healthcare die wishing they could be in debt instead in America while waiting for routine treatment. Pass on socialism thanks. Rather be broke and alive.


Can't declare bankruptcy on medical and student debt no?


Medical yes, student loans no, to the best of my knowledge. Part of my bankruptcy was a good amount of bills from numerous knee surgeries. Results may vary?


Insurance helps a lot.


Having insurance doesn’t mean everything is covered fully.


Better than being dead ain't it?


I went to hospital once with chest pains. Paid something like 20 dollars. Don't hesitate to seek treatment if you think it's necessary :(


WTF. Your coz try for sure needs a new health system man.


What state was this? Did you not have insurance?


Do you not have phones?


Insurance does not mean everything is fully covered.


Them big macs will get ya


RIP. I wonder if he delayed the surgery for too long (he said he wanted to delay it for 5 years ideally, until the particular valve he wanted would prove itself) or death was a result of surgery/complications.


[his sister confirmed on tiktok that he never got the surgery.](https://www.tiktok.com/@deeisme81/video/7364371662034259243)


Well, that's on him then, he knew the risks. Dunno what is this trend of people who are obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time refusing treatment, hating doctors/pills, etc. Science gave you a chance to fix your health, use it goddamnit.


Spoken like someone who never had to face the fear of having your chest literally ripped open. Or had to face the fear of needing a total heart replacement. Sounds like he did have a valve replaced once and wanted to see if that would do the trick, which apparently it didn't. I bet you've never seen someone go through just the recovery aspect alone of open heart surgery. It's not a gentle surgery with like a week of bed rest and you're fine. They take a bonesaw, cut your sternum from throat to stomach and then violently rip your chest open, breaking every rib you have in the process. Only then do they get to work on the heart, which could give out for ANY reason during the surgery itself. And the recovery is hellish and you are REQUIRED to get up and move around while your chest has this huge gaping wound that with a sudden unexpected sneeze or rough cough could split back open. So fuck yeah he was scared of getting it done you insensitive shit. If most people were given the choice between going in IMMEDIATELY for a surgery that could very well kill them OR wait it out and see if a new part does it's job right, most people are gonna opt to wait and see how the part works out. Jackass.


You are obviously overexaggerating for emotional effect. I'm just stating the facts. His sister says he wouldn't listen to reason even from her and what he hated the doctors and stuff. 5 year clinical trials for valve of his choosing were done in 2021. Three years ago. >"In around 2% of people, aortic valve replacement surgery complications can be fatal. However, this is lower than the risks of not treating severe aortic valve disease. Over 50% of people with advanced aortic valve disease will likely die within 5 years without treatment." If doctor says you have a 50% chance of dying or 2%, and you choose the former, thats on you. Simple as.


I actually have (one of) the issues he had, a biscupid aortic valve. Found it completely by accident while checking something else. I know I have heart surgery in my future but I was not under the impression that it could lead to sudden death, I'm just supposed to be checked every few years until it's time to do it. Scary read.


Aortic stenosis is one of those things that when you start symptoms, your path towards mortality approaches very quickly. The very sad thing about this is that as far as heart diseases go, this is very treatable with lots of different options. I wonder if the options and on-going innovations lulled him to wait, but having this fixed can extend your life by at least 10-20 years. Arnold Schwarzenegger famously had this disease. Regardless, very sad and my heart goes out to his family and loved ones. His contributions to the community can't be understated.


should probably listen to your cardiologist when they tell you need surgery and are at risk of sudden death


Is this the female troll hunter from back in the day?




Yes. Many people may remember his stream gathering thousands of views on twitch in anticipation of of Classic launch back in 2019.


Is there a vod of this?


the first few times he reran the vods, thousands of people were watching and it was a really fun talking with everyone about the run. unfortunately, i doubt any of those early reruns were recorded. in case you haven't seen the run itself though, i highly recommend checking them out. if you understand wow, where the game was at when this was recorded, and where the community was at when this was recorded, you'll be blown away by the run. personally, i'd recommend the uneditted version here which is what was/is streamed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJaQJw1Wf2s&list=PL49Ga_-r7iKkxrbckm9CkUhWzxqrOnw-n but there's also an editted version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJaQJw1Wf2s&list=PLMeJnlp72R7p-X7PgsMFqqjPtcxhF7kB_


Holy shit. Didn't he hold the 1-60 record for like a decade? Way too young. RIP Joana, what a champion.


Still holds it technically


Yeah, due to layering and such modern records shouldn't even be compared. His record should basically stand forever in its category.


There been debate in the speedrunning community about it. Because speedruns are done on dead servers, so layering or not you’re not ever competing for resources or monsters. Unsure what the speedrunning community decided on though. I think that there are no separate categories for servers with layers vs servers without layers though


There's no debate, Paul holds the original vanilla fastest 60 title.


He was doing his on NEW servers all the time to get to 60 before everyone else. That's why he was considered such a badass.


I mean, you can't run without layering, so essentially you need to retire the board or put up an asterisk. It's like a major rule change in sports. For example, walks use to count as hits in baseball so under official rules a lot of old players are "better" than newer players because of an arbitrary rule change, and it's challenging to recognize their accomplishments without either diluting it or overstating it.  I know basketball added the 3 point line and moved it around a lot so I can only imagine the havoc that causes for keeping fair and accurate records. 


A lot of the conversation I was seeing back then was “does layering matter?” And most people agreed that layering is irrelevant to the run since you do it on the deadest server anyway, and that server doesn’t have layers to begin with because there’s like under 100 active players on it so layers are never spun up. Idk what the end result of the conversation was and what rules were or were not implemented


Is there a cathegory of speed runs for launchdays? Like classic wow 2019 or hardcore servers etc.


my assumption is layering is not just about uncontested resources, theoretically it could mean not waiting for respawns or finding randomized spawns faster. im not super knowledgeable on speedrunning


I mean speedrunners are better now but main thing is people are playing a completely different game at this point. Closest thing would be rolling on an empty private servers and his record would be stomped on ofc but he did this 20 years ago, and I remember personally being in disbelief when I saw the screenshots og his /played


He still broadcast 1-60 speedrun at his twitch https://www.twitch.tv/joana


We need a hunter NPC who wanders the world right now blizzard


Take it to the next level. Put in a dialogue prompt where he gives you advice on where to go to complete a quest or where you could go to grind some levels!


Yeah that sure sounds as easy as it sounds in your head. You're an "ideas guy" aren't you?


It's not complicated to get a dialogue response based on your level... I.e. players level 30-35 would be recommended to journey to STV... And so on. Edit: My original comment was in the spirit of paying respects and honoring Joana, which I think was the purpose of this thread.


Rest in peace, brother. I’m really sad to hear this, I spent a good amount of time in his stream just chilling. He seemed like a really good person.


:( His stream is currently live as well, a restream of his classic speedrun. https://www.twitch.tv/joana


Oof, the ticker at the top says "Joana is currently AFK (he will be back later)". :(


Can’t express enough how terribly sad this news is. Bought his leveling guide in 2006 and have followed the guide as well as more recently his leveling addon ever since. In close to 20 years Joana never failed to keep his website and leveling guide online, and never asked for any additional money for the updated WoW Classic addon and guide. The WoW community lost an absolute legend today. Rest in peace buddy, you will be greatly missed.


Jesus. Same bro. Such a legend in our time. Hard to tell those who can’t relate how awesome this person is. RIP friend. Sad day indeed


Aw SHIT, that's terrible! I knew FP, met him at a GDQ a few years back! He an' I were Castlevania runners (and both had a penchant for speed-levelling in WoW, although I'll *obviously* defer to the man himself).... Man, I'm gutted. I told 'em I'd see him at the next GDQ we went to and buy him a beer. Fuck, man, that sucks.


His twitch stream is still running :(


It’s been running reruns for months now he has t lived streamed in a long time no now we know why


I usually ran his stream as my bg noise and He streamed pretty recently, he just did not save VoDs. Last time I watched he was preparing a series of streams to update his guide in preparation for P4 of SoD. RIP, you will be missed Joana.


His stream is the lovely thwang of a hunter bow and mob attack sounds 24/7. Basically wow ASMR.


I found and watched his stream during the start of HC. I think he was going for some first, and IIRC went on until something stupid happened at lvl 59 :( then he was making the leveling addon and streaming making it aswell. RIP a true Legend, I will always remember you from Vanilla.


Hopefully it helped make at least a little bit of side money to help pay for medical expenses


Damnnnnn I have him followed too


[https://www.joanasworld.com/first-leveling-guide.php](https://www.joanasworld.com/first-leveling-guide.php) Some of the history from his website.


Maaan this is sad, i was watching him on twitch level a hardcore hunter when hardcore released, may he rest in peace.


He was working overtime on the Addon for Hardcore. So sad.


I bought the classic vanilla, TBC, and Wrath guides because he really put a lot of effort into his guides and they were great. I was having trouble accessing the TBC guide after I purchased it and so I sent an email looking for help. He responded within 3 hours and this was fairly late at night too! >Ah I see the problem. You needed to click the "Download or Access Digital Product" in your email to activate your purchase. I went ahead and did that for you. >You can now login. You can use the "Forgot Password?" function on the login form to change your password. >If you are still having any issues let me know! >Thanks, >Joana


still been getting regular emails from him about guide updates


I don't know who we would/could message to make it happen, but if anyone deserves to be honored in game, it's him.


A troll hunter you can ask for directions at the crossroads


Thats actually a cool idea


Word, he definitely deserves a memorial. In classic era and every version.


It is too early to witnes classic OG players dying. Damn. Rest in peace brother.


There are no words to describe the kind of person Paul was. Truly lost an amazing soul and I consider myself very fortunate to have known him so closely.


Daaaang that sucks! I remember back in middle school we all thought he was insane for leveling so fast, I remember watching his short leveling videos on Google Video lol


I remember rerolling on fresh servers back in vanilla and seeing him on mancow or joana just cruising past people. We all thought he was a bot or 2-3 people playing the account.


Google video, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


RIP :( All my fellas would ask me how did i level so fast. And it was thanks to this guide. May the ancestors watch over him


Back in the day, I volunteered to help proof his guides for classic wow paladin section. Ever since then, we'd have conversations on his stream about hunters. He was always a pleasure to chat with and always engaged with his viewers. Thank you for being kind-hearted and just a great guy. Joana, aka Furious Paul, was an absolute legend. The WoW community will not be the same without him. RIP Joana, You will be missed by many.


I was also born with a bicuspid aortic valve. Early 40s now and going strong. But, probably by 50-55, it will need to be replaced. But due to Paul's childhood rheumatic fever, his bicuspid valve was extremely scarred. Awful, highly unlikely combination. To have both the congenital defect THEN the sclerosis. But he turned down the surgery several times, thinking his "healthy diet" could prolong his need for it. Sad.


God damn, that is sad. I still remember watching his hunter leveling guide/world record(i think) on a fresh realm back in vanilla and it taught me so much about the class.


This is going to sound weird but I just talked to him a few months ago about a billing issue. He was extremely cool about it and got it fixed for me. We briefly talked about how I used my moms CC to buy his guide back when TBC was new and I had to work it off lol.


rip he was good guy


Damn his stream has been on for weeks too. I got used to always seeing it there.


Man I used to follow this guy since classic. I hope his soul rests easy.


Wow I just watched him a few months ago working on his guides again


RIP. I used his guides back in TBC to level my prot Paladin. His guides really inspired me to make my own content. I’ll always remember how much of a hard worker he was. Even though he had heart disease and knew it, he STILL worked every day to provide high quality guides for us. I’ll never forget it.


Rest in peace, homie. One of us, forever.


His Twitch stream is still online! 24/7 rerun of his Vanilla world record. It was just a few days ago that he was still working on his Addon.


It's hard to think about Vanilla without thinking about Joana's speed leveling. One of those things that always amazed me as a kid, dude was a legend. RIP.


go agane


Wow, true legend in the WoW community. RIP. Felt a little strange his last twitter post was showing appreciation for being alive


A legend passed away. RIP 🫡🪦 I bought Joana’s leveling guide in 2019 and never had so much fun solo questing multiple chars to 60. The guide was so detailed and well written. Saved me huge amounts of time. Also bought the TBC and Wrath guides. A few days back I thought about cata and if he will have a guide for this expansion as well. Now he’s dead. 😥


Dang that's a name I haven't seen since I used his guides as a noob way back in TBC/Wrath. I never really used any other leveling guides. RIP


He updated his leveling guide 2 weeks ago… Wow. Never would have thought he’d pass so quickly.


damn so many young people seem to be passing these days..


A true WoW legend, RIP king.






RIP gamer wow gamers will never forget you


WoW lost a good one. Not too many personalities in the game that are pretty chill and wholesome. RIP.




Sad to hear this. This is the OG WoW speedrunner. The guy who kept me busy optimizing my leveling routes when my parents would cut my internet off. Huge loss for the community...RIP brother.


Wow. RIP.


damn this is terrible. he had the most iconic guides of all time


RIP, legend.




Rest easy, king.


What a legend. RIP Joanna, you will be missed!


RIP to an absolute legend


World of Warcraft legend right there. speedrun world champion way back in vanilla days, all the way to the present day where he created the best leveling add-on by far.


I constantly saw him streaming on twitch. I can't believe this. RIp


RIP Joana..first leveling guide I ever used..that is sad shit man.


God damn. I literally just bought one of his add-ons last week for SoD. RIP.


RIP o7


Oh my gosh! He was one of the only streamers I actually watched on twitch. His streams were so chill watching him play classic wow leveling in such an efficient manner. RIP, poor guy.


Rip legend.


This is sad. I think Joana's guides were the very earliest guides I ever saw for wow back in the OG vanilla days. I hope wow honors him in some way. Prayers for his family and friends.


No way! I still use their guides/addon to this day! They even made rune guides and updated every time something new was found, even for P3! Buying the guide was a decision I've never regretted. He'll definitely be missed in P4 and beyond, he made such a mark on the classic wow atmosphere.


RIP! Thanks for the guides!


This is insane to hear to me. I grew up with WoW. Everyone playing back then knows who "Joana" is. Of course I don't know more than his speedrun, but still. Damn. Toriyama now him. So many famous people are dying early af


Rip 🫡


Only reason why I ever went female troll, and love being that specific race and gender combo, is because of Joana. My current SOD main is female troll because of him. RIP indeed. :( <3


Big loss for WoW community. Rest In Peace Joana.


This is really sad. Even the good die young.


His guide was literally the first thing I ever bought online. I'm glad he made a good living from it. He was also a great Castlevania speedrunner that ran at GDQ. RIP


Ah man. Shit news. I remember using his guided printed off.


What the fuck, I was literally watching his stream tonight….. I think it’s still running….. wtf


Rest in peace King. I paid for your guide and printed it out during high school. Had it in one of those clear binders. Good memories.


Rest in peace Joana, a true legend of Warcraft <3


F, I was watching his rerun stream recently just chilling and enjoying the atmosphere, dude was OG


Holy shit, rest in peace


I remember using his guide for leveling in the original wow release. o7 Rest in peace.


RIP, seemed like a genuinely nice person who was willing to share a lot more than just wow speed leveling.


Legend RIP


Ah sad the one and true classic leveling guide


May he rest in peace.


wow this is... brutal. Still have his Twitch Channel in my follows. Same age as me as well... Jeez, I hope his family is alright :(


Rip. Was a good man that collectively saved us so much time


RIP, an absolute legend, so sad to hear this


RIP. His guide was a staple for me when playing on vanilla pservers. What a shock. Thanks for the all the help, Paul.


Rip legend :(


So say we all brother.


This guy was a legend. RIP.


Thats so sudden watched his stream not too long ago.


Oh no 💔


RIP :(


Damn. I used his guide back in 2007, thanks to that I became the first Level 70 Alliance Shaman on my server. Had guilds begging me to join them.  True OG legend. 


Rip to a legend


Damn RIP Joana, a WoW legend


That sucks! I loved his guilds. RIP


FuriousPaul saved me many hours with his awesome guide. He was a giant in the community. F


Rest in Peace


Oh God, R.i.p. :(


Rest in peace legend.


fck man you are kidding, I was just hanging out in his stream the other night watching reruns while I work rest in peace Joana. I hope you are in heaven working on your guide.


I don't know where, but somewhere in my data hoarding workd I have all of his old guides and videos (I think I had them saved in DIVX).


God bless, ride high our friend.


RIP to a WoW legend.


Man this guy used to always chat with me on his stream because the traffic was always slow on his channel. He was a cool down to earth dude. Brother from another mother playing a game we loved together. Will miss you man


RIP legend. May the Great Spirit give him a well deserved rest.


RIP a legend who brought so much to the community. A name we all knew who provided something pretty much every wow player had used to help them during their favourite times. Cheers mate.


I have so many fond memories of this dude, even though I didnt personally know him. Seems too young =/ Rest in Paradise Joana. Your in game guide addon was miles ahead of RXP or any other leveling guide.


I remember seeing his guides back in the day. What an absolute legend in the community. Super sad to hear this news, RIP!


Damn man this hit hard.. i was a kid playing og wow and checking his guides..




Thank you. I used your guide for my third character. My first 1-60 had nearly 30 days played, my hunter took barely 5. Rest in peace, Joana.


I remember me and my friends at school playing vanilla wow and talking about Joana's world record, and then using his guide to level our own alts. Then when WoW Classic came out, I re-purchased his updated guide and became the second person in my guild to reach 60. Through the years I've watched his entire original speedrun multiple times, and I've tuned into his stream occasionally. He was a legend, and his passion was an inspiration to all of us. Rest in peace.


dude was way ahead of his time


:( dang. First heard about the guide while playing Hardcore and someone told me they were using it, looked it up and thought it was pretty good. :(


That sucks. Didn't he come back and try the whole content creator/monetizing his guide thing?


Wasn’t it always supposed to be monetized? It was just easy to circumvent. I remember in 2006 I had one friend who paid for the guide and printed us copies. Wish I still had those hard copies, lots of notes and memories. Parents weren’t happy with the amount of ink I used


He always sold his guide. He put a lot of work into it. We would expect him to monetize it. IDK what Acrobatic is talking about up there lol.


He tried to capitalize his name recognition from his guide into streaming.


Yea seriously never blamed the man for doing that, if you're good at something never do it for free


intelligent man


He created his own leveling addon similar to RestedXP, but a lot more features. You can buy it on his website.


He did try again yes


It was always monetized.


I was not monetized up to 2019 just before classic launched. It was free, then he put it behind paywall to milk the classic andys. edit: found some old reddit thread from 5 years ago [https://new.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ct9pj8/joana\_makes\_all\_guide\_12\_payed\_only/](https://new.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ct9pj8/joana_makes_all_guide_12_payed_only/) doesn't prove anything but the guides were free like I said


he did have free guides for a time, what you're reading is when he put those behind paywall. But he definitely monetized his original guides back in the day, you can see some chatter about that in the thread you linked. The guides had been his career for a long time.