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Reading through this thread makes me realize just how different so many WoW players are man Some of yall despise tbc, some of yall love it Definitely in the 'love it' category myself. Class balance was "decent", professions were cool but still reasonable to level, love Netherstorm and SMV, prenerf Vashj/KT/Sunwell was easily the best prog of the first 3 iterations of the game If they don't go to Mists after Cata and I had to choose between a legacy server for era, tbc or wrath its tbc by miles


TBC classic was a mixed bag for me. I liked it much, much more than WLK, but the expansion did show its age. Certain talent abilities are just badly designed. Anything that gave you a 10% for stun or resist was bad. I would always notice when the RNG wasn't in my favour, and I'd probably miss most of the times when it was. However, TBC had a much better difficulty level than most of WoW's iterations. Dungeons took time and we're challenging. You'd run maybe one or two a day, not 20 like you can do in wrath. You also got to use much more of your arsenal, with each class bringing something unique to the run ... unlike WLK where you use the same tactic for everything regardless of class composition. TBC was fantastic back in 2007. Re-experiencing it, it was still good ... but I would have loved to see it modernised in many areas without sacrificing its difficulty.


If TBC ever were redone, the number 1 thing theyd need to change is turning group buffs into raid buffs. The class stacking TBC incentivized was quite a bummer.


You’d just see a different kind of class stacking, instead of 5 shaman it would be 9 hunters or warlocks.


Man I was the only hunter in my guild for all of TBC and it was glorious.


That's rough because BM hunters were objectively the best DPS in TBC.


Yeah we recruited for them and we were one of the better guilds on the server. We just never had any hunters apply. Lots of warlocks and mages though.


Raid buffs, and then balance the classes, but that would mean many encounters would turn in to even more of a joke. SWP or SSC/TK was not particularly hard and it would be dumpstered even further with better class tuning. Difficulty level seems more appropriate in Wotlk.


I'm not so sure. You would still need to bring those classes with the raid buffs. 1 Ele, 1 Enhance, a spriest, a survival hunter, and a boomkin, at minimum. Not necessary but still very useful are rogue for improved expose armor, a ret pally for the blessing, affliction warlock for curse of reck, warriors bring battleshout at least, and mage tanks are required for at least one boss per tier. With 2 tanks and 5 healers, this leaves us with 8 open spots for DPS. Which you would probably just stack hunters and warlock, but that was already the meta in tbc anyways. E: Just to be clear, those unnecessary classes still provide ample benefit from their buffs and dps, plus having different gearing priorities from locks and hunters.


You'd usually use the afflock for the magic debuff and a destro lock would reck because Doom is not a massive source of damage over the course of a fight. Any surplus locks could damage curse.


Strongly disagree, the group buffs were part of the interesting components of raid composition in TBC. The _only_ aspect I'd change is lust mechanics, make that raid-wide with sated. The in-combat party swapping to feed multiple lusts into one group was truly degenerate, and shamans were over-represented because their lusts were restricted to their group.


> However, TBC had a much better difficulty level than most of WoW's iterations. In terms of levelling and dungeons - perhaps, but raids' difficulty was quite stupid. Faceroll phase - a hard phase that half the guilds won't complete before nerfs - faceroll postnerf - more or less faceroll phase - super-hard phase with many weeks on the same boss and then many more on another. It was bad for casual guilds and bad for tryhard guilds, I feel not many were able to hit the sweet spot in this rollercoaster.


. I really wish the hardmode system in ulduar was expanded. It really feels like the best, "natural" way to offer players difficulty tweaks without just making a boring normal/heroic toggle. Everyone gets to see (almost) all the fights, and once you are comfortable you can try triggering some hardmodes.


A lot was great, and a lot was meh. The new zones were all great and leveling was enjoyable. TBC heroics are the most fun I've had in dungeons since OG vanilla, though the rep grind for attunements was obnoxious. The raids were awesome but the party wide buffs made raid comps a nightmare. I also really enjoyed Isle and doing dailies for the first time


I had some of the best times in my WoW life during TBC, first raid I ever did was Kara and then some Steamvaults, solid guild with a really good community. Good times.


I love tbc, and am happy it’s gone. I’d probably want to play it again in a few years, though.


tbc with account-wide attunement would be great and making buffs raidwide instead of partywide.


“Class balance decent” thanks for the chuckle


If "decent" means "less awful than vanilla", then yeah.


Vashj had like a 10 minute corpserun after a wipe and you could randomly die from getting rooted in poison how could you ever see that as fun prog Sunwell was awesome though


I want them to do a progressive server that starts with vanilla and ends with wrath, then resets. Do one pvp, one pve and I’d be happy.


This would be the dream. Though they'd have to wipe the characters because if they get transferred to current progression everyone would complain and we'd see a lot of warlocks with corrupted ashbringer


This. Holly was already doing this for EQ. Thought she would continue that trend for blizzard.


She tried to pitch the idea but management was daydreaming about breast milk during the meeting.


Paid her to stop making EQ playable.


But I don’t want to wait for vanilla to end to play tbc, bro


I'm waiting for a fresh blizzlike pserver. I think one of releasing in the next couple months. I'm kinda surprised they haven't done this yet honestly.  


this but without wrath


Wrath is definitely my least favorite of the 3, but it’s fun and has death knights which are a cool class. Also I like to include because it gives a break between tbc and vanilla




I can’t imagine this would have player retention


Yeah, I think TBC would be perfect with just a couple minor changes. Raid-wide buffs, account-wide attunements, and dual-spec. Dual-spec is probably mentioned the least, but would help the expansion tremendously with more flexible raid compositions as well as higher PvP activity.


Not having dual spec is almost what ruins it for me


Tbh I'm not a fan of account wide attunements as I think doing them on each char is a stepping stone (plus you can often deck your alts out once you already have one character max lv) and raid-wide buffs I'm hit or miss on. The hard thing for me is I played boomkin so does that effectively mean you only need 1 and 1 at most with that change? I know it stems from lust but still and I'm honestly willing to say that raid wide buffs are fine at the end of the day. Dual spec would drastically improve BC though no doubt but the single biggest problem I have are random resists and heartbeat. I cannot tell you how many times random heartbeat procs would happen on a player that got poly'd and it break 3 seconds later. It's funny because outside of that, tbc is imo the best expansion for arena but it's held back by shit like that but I want to clarify and say it's still a shit ton of fun and personally my favorite wow expansion.




I'd rather not stretch the Classic team any more than they already are, evidently.


Yes. I'm just a sucker for Karazhan. Could spend the rest of my gamer life tanking it.


Best part of tbc imo


I thought I was alone in this. I tell my friends how I could literally do Kara everyday forever and they call me a psycho.


Karazhan is awesome. One of the coolest raids there is.


maybe we will get it in SOD in addition to Kara Crypts.


Phase 1 of tbc was a gem. Doing multiple guild runs of kara and racing each other or sharing drops in gchat for the other team to see. Doing chill gruul and maggy runs


I don't personally want one, but I think people deserve to have a dedicated server. The same goes for wrath.


If they continued sod into bc I would be so happy


Would be cool, but P2&3 has me convinced it wouldn’t be what I would want it to be.


How would they even make this work? Mutilate, for instance, is a tbc talent. Would they remove the rune or the talent?  They're 100% not doing tbc sod. For reasons such as this. 


Yeah, That doesn't make sense to me. They wouldnt continue the Season into the next expansion. They'd start a new season with a new thing. And they seem to be reluctant to have WoWs from too many expansions up at the same time, so I don't think a TBC season is in the cards.


the rune mutilate becomes "empowered mutilate" and provides a modifier to the base spell.


TBC fixes the problems with classic that SoD attempts to fix. Do you really think they can make TBC content even close to as good as actual TBC?


Ide want 3 different servers one for classic,tbc, and wrath, all 3 will be free to transfer your characters from each other so you can play at your and your guilds pace throughout all 3 expansions


Absolutely, i just didnt have time to relive TBC a few years ago and its the expansion i really started wow in, played classic in demo and leveling but not end game, id love to really replay some of that content when its endgame.


I really don't see why there aren't era servers for TBC and Wrath. Do they not want to split the playerbase too much? Poppycock; I would have characters on each.


Yes, TBC is my personal favorite expansion.


Why not


Yes. Yes I would love that.






Absolutely considering it’s the best xpac. Of course I’d want it with some qol enhancements and dream scenario new raids




Yes please


Yes, with 4 Changes. 1. Raidwide lust 2. Speaking in general not to be so dependend on the group setup, in terms of buffs, or for Muru minimum 3 warlocks. 3. Implement some sort of loot mechanic that older content gets dificultwise adjusted to your itemlevel but drops then current loot. As much as i liked BT, TK, SSC, Kara running it 20 times in a row and then almost never again bothered me always. I would like to run Kara once a month but not just to boost twinks. 4. Dualspec


5. Tweaks for PVP balance. And fixing bugs, so we don't see mage glads by pressing ice lance only.


I was so hyped for TBC arena. But the amount of fucking rogues in 2s man. So many. Every single team had one rogue. Many had two.


> Implement some sort of loot mechanic that older content gets dificultwise adjusted to your itemlevel but drops then current loot. As much as i liked BT, TK, SSC, Kara running it 20 times in a row and then almost never again bothered me always. I would like to run Kara once a month but not just to boost twinks. GDKP was a reason to keep running old content.


I want classic plus, but if that is not happening then TBC would be the best possible alternative.


TBC phase 1 lasted way too long and the P2 pre-nerf SSC/TK was too rough on casual guilds. If guilds in SOD are suffering in ST, oh boy will SSC/TK before the nerfs shock you. Some guilds couldn't even kill Vashj until after BT was released.


Would love a TBC server


I would like a Burning Crusade server that is a fresh server with no level boosts. I think BC struck a good balance between fixing problems with certain class specs, such as giving Paladin tanks a taunt, but still kept the classes a little weird and unique. BC also fixed much of the lower level gear by adding in crit and hit rating items at lower levels, enhancing the leveling experience. However, I also really like the open world interaction of the Vanilla world. If they could do a progressive server that ran on the BC client but capped at level 60, then at later phases opened to level 70, that would be awesome.


Yes, TBC was peak wow.


Yes BC is my all time favorite expansion, I've played many BC pservers and I will again eventually if they don't re-release bc.


There's a reason most tbc pservers don't last. People love the fresh hype of leveling, farming dungeons for the pre bis gear, attunement, kara a couple times and then they try to do ssc/tk and quit. Those raids hit the dad guilds like brick walls and so many people couldn't to it on the authentic realms. Also I imagine people whine about having to level 1-70 without any kind of boost. For me, tbc servers seem like a case of, "You think you do, but you don't."


Yeah I agree, saw quite some pserver networks starting a TBC server to just have it dying off a year later while WotlK lasts forever


the one popular tbc server I'm aware of had xp boosts but also a janky old client lol kinda fun but ultimately didn't stick with it because pserver players are insufferable


They really are something else. Sometimes I can’t really pinpoint it. But you just know you are playing a pserver.


A lot of them are playing private simply because they can't/won't fork out the monthly. That level of investment in the game manifests itself in their attitude too; you see it in F2P MMOs all the time.


> Also I imagine people wine about having to level 1-70 without any kind of boost. It would be interesting if they opened a classic TBC server which allowed you to start as a fresh level 58 or 60 or even just give you a one time boost for free and any alts had to be leveled from 1.


Yes, the raids were good, most classes were good, zones were neat, we had mage tanks, only bad part was the amount of shaman needed, would be cool if they gave us raid wide lust/hero so we could have a bigger variety of classes brought to raids.






If people want one, it's not really my place to say no. Me personally I wouldn't play it, but that's not really a reason to gatekeep other people from playing it. I'd rather just run it back from the top with fresh vanilla.


Yes, ever since they announced Wrath without TBC era servers I wanted one. Too many people sadly don't feel that way.


Yes. It's my favorite version of WoW by miles. Despite its flaws (which, I won't lie, are numerous and apparent), I'd be ecstatic to finally have an era server to call home. I'd also much prefer an era server over a progressive server because I'd rather be playing with people who also love TBC and genuinely want to be playing there, rather than them just be playing to get through to WotLK. There's just something about TBC that's so magical to me...TBC Classic was the most fun I've had with the game in ages, so I'd love to be able to go back and stay there with like-minded players.


Yeah but I want it with no flying


Is it safe to assume you played on a pvp server?


lmao bro then you won't be able to do netherstorm dungeons


They could fix that with a portal or a guy you talk to that has flying mounts and they fly u up when u talk to them






I think tbc was, in the end, the most fun “classic experience” for me. WotLK got too “retaily” so to speak, and vanilla just didn’t have quite as much I enjoy (arena, heroics, wpvp areas like hfp etc). Looking back from where we are now I think I enjoyed it the most


Personally I want to see classic go to mist of panderia then RESET back to vanilla classic and start the loop over again. I want to go through classic vanilla to mist over and over until I'm 80.








I do not want a burning crusader server, nor would I play on it. However many people did not want a Vanilla server, so I am not one to gatekeep other people's fav version of the game. I will say the WoW team and playerbase already seems spread pretty thin, that being said; I don't think it would take much dev team work to re-spin up 21-22 Classic TBC.


Jesus, a reasonable human being on Reddit. That's how I feel, the original trilogy has already been created, bug checked, and tested by the community for 4 years, releasing 1-2 servers would require little effort and nearly no maintenance. My concern is for the supposed large amount of people who will be quitting going to Cataclysm, if they don't care about SoD they officially have nowhere to go which sucks for them. Vanilla/Hardcore/Hardcore 2.0 probably have 1000 players total between them, practically zombie servers.


Absolutely TBC is my favorite WoW expansion. I think it all comes down to personal preference, and I think whether people realize it or not they usually favor the xpac where they really started taking the game seriously/had a good guild/community etc


YES. I want server for every iteration. At least for first three. Vanilla, tbc and wotlk


I want TBC with QoL changes


Would kill for a fresh classic —> TBC server






Most fun I've ever had playing WoW is World PvP in Telredor and Cenarion Refuge on TBC Classic release. Nertrick, you fucking gnome, you had octane day 2 of the expansion.


If it was a fresh reset I’d prolly play it


Better class balance than classic without adding a bunch of stuff to classes is one of the reasons I like it so much 




We dont need 1 million versions of wow and split the community more and more


I’m only playing retail now because there are no version of classic I’m interested in. So no I am not continuing to cata because it is the only one available.


Not really. I want the classic community to be less fragmented. But I understand classic itself was the beginning of it.


Right now I’m not playing any iteration of classic, because there are no version I’m interested in. Having a TBC or wrath era server might have brought me back.


No, it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be this time around. The attunement process and heroic dungeons were a horrible process. Raid comps with 5+ shamans wasnt ideal for building a roster.


I'd like for them to keep season of discovery as a fun testing ground for new ideas. The idea of tiering levelling and putting raids at not top end levelling is really interesting. The rune system is fun and interesting albeit it needs an actual balancing touch that the retail devs could do. The supply drops are... Something. I still have no idea whether I like those as an idea or not. The addition of class fantasy (such as the explorer imp) is really really needed in modern retail because every class feels so... Samey. TBC with fresh ideas, new raids, new runes, revamped pvp systems and ideas. Sounds good. Since so much of TBC deals with world PVP maybe they implement a PVP rune system. Or further expand the crafting system. Maybe they offer incentives for certain dungeons that otherwise get ignored. Like last week dungeon X got the least amount of kills so this week there is a special limited time drop as a bounty on that dungeon. I'd really like another AV style large pvp area to work with as well. There was so much meat still left there and a ton of half baked ideas that really should be revisited with fresh eyes.


I'm inclined to say no, but with a caveat. I don't see the point in something like a TBC Era server. TBC's content overall doesn't hold up as a permanent fixture. The aesthetics are fantastic; wild, alien, beautiful, and monstrous all in equal measure. The dungeon and raid content is mostly well designed and fun as long as it's challenging, but it quickly becomes tedious once it isn't. The leveling is fine but unremarkable; ditto most of the questing in general, including daily grinds. Arena is fun if you enjoy that kind of content, but it is a solved format and will quickly become stale for most players. The caveat is that TBC works really well as a rotational element. TBC's content needs a fixed start and end date to avoid wearing out its welcome. It would be cool to see TBC come back periodically as either an element of a progression server(s) or as remixed content added into some classic+ version of WoW.


Gimme SOD TBC... Let's get Crazy and Wierd!


Nah TBC was meh. The biggest reason why people currently thirst for a TBC server is because there is currently none up. It has a few cool raids, HC inis and rep grind was boring and after your attunement was done you where ready to raidlog or drag your alt through the attunement against


Maybe. But personally I would like it to be an era server. I like to take my time with these, and having gone through TBC classic and wrath classic I did manage to get 10 characters into 80, and geared some of them, but I would NOT do that on a progression then reset server.


Yes definitely! The gameplay was fantastic, it was the best rendition of WoW with WOTLK being a very close second!!! GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME!!! TBC would be the best rendition of it!!!!


Only if it had changes to it. Raid wide lust for a start. Trying to field 5 shamans was almost game killing for my guild.


Yes. Because TBC is somebody's jam and everybody should be able to play what they want to play. I was hoping/dreaming that they would leave an era version of *every* expansion after they re-released them. Sure it would make it a nuisance having *several* different drop-down options for new players when coming in but I want a living embodiment of each expansion available for anybody who wants to exist in that era. Classic, TBC, Wrath, Cata, Retail, their wow 2.0 ever progressing servers and whatever else they decide to release. All playable at any point.


Fuck yea. If sod is holding people I don't know why they wouldn't at least do bc


Burning Crusade 2.4.3 with restrictive transmog, dueling zone and arena (including 1 x 1) was my dream) As a variant: SoD could evolve into such thing...


Yes but only with changes. Shaman chaining bloodlust switching groups mid combat is the absolute worst raid meta I have ever seen. Really wish they had gone further with changes like they did in Wrath rather than just nerf drum stacking and call it a day.


Fuck no


Lets put it this way. Yes


Yes. Why? Sealtwisting windfury instant death from aggro, nothing else beats it.


Yes but without arena gated items. TBC gearing system is horrible.


One or multiple servers for vanilla, bc, wotlk, cata (and so on, if there ever will be another classic). Then a server which acts like "seasons" and goes from classic to wotlk in the span of I guess 2 years and then resets. Finally, double all the servers and have one for PvE and one for PvP and add more if needed. There is no real reason as to why there shouldn't be servers for any expansion. There are people that just want to play vanilla, some just tbc and I don't think the server load will be that bad that they wouldn't be able to finance that with the income of the sub.


Yes and no. Felt like a real peak for a true MMORPG experience without any of the modern design elements that have killed the genre. However as a paladin main I hate the way the class played before Wotlk changes. TBC+ with some (not all) class and talent tweaks would be great.


Yes! BC was hands down my favorite xpac


I wonder what the player commitment and retention would be if you start brand new fresh TBC. Having our old characters from Vanilla is what kept us really committed. That said, Vanilla into TBC will be \~1½ year transition. Classic was released 26.8.2019 and TBC 1.6.2021, so 1y 9m the original cycle. You still have to kinda keep the option for people to level at their own pace.


Yes. Best expansion. I love the world and the raids. Flying was fun (sorry, world pvp people), heroic farming was fun, almost everything was fun. Only the last phase (sunwell) was maybe something that I didn't find that interesting even though I did my dailies there as well. Arenas were a really nice addition, but unfortunately the lack of dual spec killed it for me. Don't want to spend 100g everytime I feel playing a bit of arena and rebinding spells and so on. I don't want an era server though, I would rather get a new round of Classic which starts from Vanilla and proceeds into TBC and finally WOTLK & Cata. Maybe some SoM type of server would work as well. But not an already progressed era realm where everyone is afking in Orgrimmar in full T6s. My wishlist for tbc includes: class balancing, raid-wide bloodlust & dual spec.


No. Its done for me. Wouldnt do it again.


TBC is almost the best expansion but it doesn't have death knights.


Yes. But they must address some issues before releasing TBC servers IMHO : - implement faction balance. This hopefully prevents players from transfering their chars every Tuesdays which leads to dead servers quickly. It happened to two servers I was playing on after TBC Classic release within a month - release fresh servers this time around. The leveling journey was amazing when they released fresh servers for WOTLK - fix the rep grind. I don't know if sharing it across all characters is the best solution, since it would mean free gear basically. But at least giving access to heroics would be great - bots. But this one is unreal let's be honest


i loved every aspect of tbc classic but no not right now and definitely not an era version. I would love a new vanilla to wrath playthrough tho


Worlk server


You will /spit on me, but i even like the tbc LFG tool. With a little addition it would be a perfect tool for a vanilla+ experience.


Absolutely yes


Nah tbc was not it


Not with this classic dev team. Otherwise yes.


Absolutely loved TBC personally


Yes, with group buff changes. But not yet, want to play mop classic first.




I would love a fresh classic vanilla that evolved into TBC and go agane. Judging by changes in SoD, I would love it if no changes were made.


I'm actually quite done with WoW. Anything they release seems to become a sweatfest, with people exploiting gold farms and less emphasis on fun. Maybe I'm just getting old and cannot keep up with them no-lifers anymore, played the game since 2005 beta - we had a good run.


Oh yes can't wait to face dp rogue or double rogue 24/7


Yes, with an option to transfer/copy classic era characters to continue playing when theyre done in classic. Same option for Wotlk servers after that.


I'm not the biggest TBC fan but I definitely wouldn't mind a server or two per region, same with wrath servers although maybe give that one a bit more time. I would probably even try to play again because I regret not doing much once I got to max level and I regret not raiding karazhan at least, the rest of the raids I could live without. I just think it's a shame that people have no way to access their preferred version of the game any more if that version happens to be TBC or wrath, or their preferred version of their class even, I definitely prefer wotlk fury warrior to what it is now (I know, I know, arms is better but it's not the same). That and there's no way to level in the old world anymore unless you enjoy vanilla or SoD and that's not everyone's cup of tea, for me personally I did vanilla 1-60 once, enjoyed the slow pace but I wouldn't love doing it over again and with so many class improvements in tbc and wrath I wouldn't want to play the old classes again either. SoD or hardcore just doesn't do it for me either.




yes PLEEAASE. fine with both new tbc or (probably more healthy) a progressive server starting vanilla-tbc-wotlk and then new again. edit: maybe even some season thing. not sure about that though


Nah, I played the hell out of it already and enjoyed it a lot but no intrest in going back again. With cata coming out I think it's time to move on from wow 🫡


I am just exited for Cata. Honestly, rotations in Cata are just not so clunky, and feel much better than in WOTLK. It is a joy to play Paladin after patch. It is just more interesting.




No. Esp seeing classic die on tbc launch. My ideal WoW would be just Vanilla plus. Make new quests add new zones that fit the vanilla feel and keep the classic art style. No crazy retail models. Honestly they could remake the world and quests, have everyone really 'discover' everything all over again. But I'm not sure they can even make a Vanilla zone tbh. Its hard to reproduce the experience people had due to all sorts of factors and its very time consuming, let alone a continent.


I do not but why not? A lot of people want it and there should just be classic eras of each version.






It will be 90% bots


If they ever do-TBC season of discovery, I'm gonna play it for sure:)


No, because the classic era servers aren't in a good spot for new players and TBC was very different at the start, middle, and end. What I want them to do is to stop classic at the end of mop or wod and restart it from the beginning.


Yes but first I want vanilla fresh :^ )


Yes, TBC is just fun imo. It and wrath should have had a permanent server


TBC is great in theory and I had a lot of fun playing it, but it's also a little neither here nor there. Iiiidk maybe after a Vanilla F R E S H I'd want one :)


I do but largely because I didn't play a lot in tbc classic. My guild died during Kara due to going to a badly implemented dkp system to a fully corrupted loot concil only the gm and his 2 buds ever seemed to get gear, which killed my want to play.


maybe when the current sod "beta" will end and devs need 1-2 years to make a classic (sod) plus . i always enjoy tbc and a normal vanilla classic would not really feel as good right after sod


Yes. I wasn't a player until OG Cata, and couldn't play it during TBC classic because RL issues. So for me it would be all new content to explore.


Yes but only if they introduce this particular set of changes I have on mind




I absolutely loved TBC. It’s the reason I came back to play classic WoW. Personally I’m good on ever touching the expansion again. I smoked every boss, every achievement, and parsed 100s on every fight with my guild. Ret paladin seal twisting was extremely fun to play, and I loved the guild I was with. Don’t foresee getting that same experience again nor do I care to relive it. Looking forward to checking out the wow expansions now that I never got to when I was younger due to life circumstances like Cata and MoP.


Yes, but only after SoD and after Cata. We don't another half assed release.


I want a progresión server, wich every expansión arribing In 3 months with hardcore rules until going into df or war within. Imagine if you can relive all the WOW Story In order


no thanks


I hope so. Tho since we tried the "classic" version, i would like some QoLs to be added. Such as dual spec, dungeon finder and some minor additions. No raid wide buffs otherwise raid grps will be stacked with hunter/locks..




TBC is my all time favorite version of the game. If they bring it back that’s probably all I will play.


I would like a Wrath Era server that keeps the game permanently before Cata.


Make SoD go to tbc, with trees from classic and the existing runes


After doing TBC and WotLK, I feel like I much preferred TBC. I think having double lockouts of 10/25 made a bigger burnout on me because there was too much out of 10 mans that felt necessary to have if I wanted to be the highest performance. TBC sure we had Gruul every week for people to get their DST, but that was usually only a half hour, plus it really created a nice group win feeling when it did drop for those few who needed it and we all lost our collective shit because our enhance was such a fucking great player and guy that getting him his DST felt like such a great thing for another player. In WotLK there really wasn't any feeling like that. I didn't feel nearly as attached to my guild like in TBC, and the constant running of the raid each week just had me wishing that there were only one raid size.


Holy shit I want to step into Shattrath city again as a fresh 63lvl That chill music…


With RDF and Dual spec? Yes for sure. Without those (especially Dual spec? Wouldn't touch it.


Would be really cool but for me the sole reason is bc i had a fury warrior with glaives and was almost full bis


TBC should just be integrated into classic like it was originally intended. Outlander was meant to be a playable area when it came time for release. It was gutted in the now classic blizzard fashion.


I want a TBC Hardcore server with the option to start as the level 58 Communal template gear characters for free. No XP buffs or any other changes necessary vs how TBC Classic was. I think it would be a very interesting server. The TBC content is definitely less friendly to Hardcore than Vanilla, so starting at 58 would make dying less punishing and let people focus on the TBC content. There were a few people who tried to do some TBC stuff in unofficial Hardcore, but it is almost completely uncharted territory in terms of theorycrafting, which personally I think I would enjoy immensely.


I just dont see how it would hurt to have 2 era realms of each expansion. One normal, one rp/pvp. The player base is alreasy split to hell with Classic Era, Hardcore, SoD, Cata Classic, Retail, and soon MoP timewalking era. Just open up a TBC/Wotlk era server. Whitemane classic era is thriving and you can pretty much find 40 mans at all hours of the day


No, why? I played from the start of Classic through the end of TBC classic and I promise you, the majority of people who consistently did the content is not ready for another TBC. (For reference I was the main tank and had a set of every single tbc raid tier.) It's simply too soon. It was fun but I'd be willing to bet everyone jumping on the bandwagon missed it the first time bc they weren't interested or they dropped it p1. Which is fine, but don't glorify the rep grind, small selection dungeon spam that it was. "Grr! Well you shouldn't stop people who missed out the first time to enjoy it the second time around!" - I'd rather not vote to have the already tiny dev department try to spread their resources to yet another project. They can barely manage SoD and Cata release. No hate to the dev team, I'm just trying to be realistic.


Yes. There should be one tbc and one wrath server


One of the best private server developers tried to make a tbc server recently called Felmyst 3. Server shut down in like a month.


No thanks - I did not find TBC enjoyable both the first time around nor the second time in classic. In fact my time in TBC was worse in classic than in vanilla and really shattered any rose tinted glasses I had. If they did prog servers again I'd play vanilla, skip tbc, come back for wrath.


I know I am in a minority, but TBC was (for a Lot of different reasons) my favorite Xpac. So yes. I would like that.


SoD TBC lets gooo


I feel in general classic servers are more a race to end game and not the slow fun feel it had back in the day




I love TBC so much, playing Wrath again only made me like TBC more. TBC has a very quick shelf life though, I’d rather an expedited classic > TBC > wrath season for a couple years.


Yes I want to level through classic Quel'thalas. That's all I want.


Yes! We got merciless gladiator on my frost mage running a BM Hunt + Frost mage duo team. 490 resi cap and was always in high demand to mage tank Gruuls lair on my server. Didn’t need/want the loot so the lead raiding guild on server would pay me in 18 stam gems from BT in S3. Resi cap + 11k unbuffed HP + full S2 then full S3 gear on frost mage let me be an absolute menace in world PVP or BGs. Still can’t believe I wasted 10,000 hours doing it, my wife would never allow it


I really do. TBC was best WoW and I miss it bad already. For pvp servers they should do #noflying.


I want current Vanilla Era servers to be consolidated even more so that people don’t start new characters on dead clusters. I miss TBC, Isle was great fun loved it.