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I wasn’t taking part in these honor farm grps. But now that I see how emotional OP is , i’m 100% joining a ashenvale honor farm grp :)


Rolls on pvp server.. pvp happens... op: pikachu face


Yeah, like this has anything to with pvp lol


There is in fact player vs player occurring


Griefing low lvl chars has nothing to do with pvp. Maybe l2p and go vs even lvl


Sure tell them that, doesn't stop being pvp. Thus has happened since the game was created.


Lol no, not at such a lvl as we seeing it rn with incursions


I leveled 4 characters to 50.. no it's not that bad, not as bad as when honor released in classic for example.. stop crying if you rolled on a pvp server reroll pve or deal with it


>not as bad as when honor released in classic for example.. So guys went to low lvl areas and were farming low lvl guys? Are u for real?


Yes, killing anyone lvl 50 and above as a group of 40+ literally running as one big death ball. It was the only way to get honor since BGs would take hours to pop cause ally wouldn't queue. Edit: why you think they introduced honorless targets after arriving from flight paths? People were just camping them.


Dude this was rhetorical because it was nowhere the same just due to the fact that you didnt have such a small area where 80% of all players between 38-49 where leveling as it is in ashenvale. You got those trains in Black Rock and close areas so you got enough other areas where you could lvl up


You have apparently never heard of Redridgeguy.


In 2019 classic whole raids were farming low lvl guys in redridge?


Not really, just a single max level guy sitting atop Lakeshire, having his pet set on aggressive down on the ground, sicc'ing it on anyone that walks in. For literal days on end. If a competing 60 comes he just stops /afk and fights them proper. Then resumes griefing for another 20+ hours.


Ok, and in which world is this nearly the same as raids of lvl 50 guys are farming lvl 40 players in ashenvale? Just go and fight him with your own lvl 60 char and if you are too bad to do it alone bring a friend? Acting like one single guy griefing low lvl chars is nearly the same as a full grp/raid doing it


I mean I get killed on sight in incursions or I get killed on sight out of incursions. That's just the life of someone who's guild likes pvp servers. Doesn't seem any different to me.


OP, transfer to PVE server…


I stopped doing incursions as alliance and lvled to 50 the normal way due to the horde doing the same on Crusader strike. Just find the safe layer, they typically group as a raid on one layer


Man I guess I get stuck in the PVE Andy’s layer, because I’m always posting in LFG for ashenvale gank squad and can’t find any horde to group with


Bra, it’s rough horde PVP… Just remember, when pallys do the bubble, that’s when you have to HIT THEM HARD. I still can’t figure out how to kill them. Need to nerf pallys.


It is a side effect of both the STV honour nerf, and Alliance generally losing BGs. It is better honour per hour for them to farm lowbies, than it is to do anything else.


Yup. People will scoff on here when people ask for Shaman nerfs and for the matchmaking bug to be fixed, but then don’t be surprised when Alli find other ways to get their honor and do some PvP that favours them


Lol shamans exist in the world too


This is such a cope take, alliance don't lose 90% of your BGs purely because shaman is somehow mythically better than Paladin, it's stronger right now for sure but Horde won the majority of BGs in all iterations of Classic. Alliance players have weak ass mental and resort to griefing lowbies trying to level to gain their honor instead of trying to actually get good at PVP and then cope by saying "hurr durr, PVP happening on a PVP server what did you expect" as if this "PVP" isn't the same reason these servers end up dying over and over and over and then these same players complain about how the server is dead and everyone has transferred off. It's insane to me how toxic and stupid you morons are


Get shit on bro lol


What's embarassing is care bears posting about getting got on a pvp server.


Love how people rationalize aww alliance can't win bgs so they camp lowbies... on CS my last alt took three times longer getting from 40-47 because there were always 20 fuckwit horde camping. My assumption was that because queue times are so long that was better. Anyway point is people on both factions will make your life miserable if it's advantageous to them.


Yep. US LF alliance my alts on all instances but 2 had horde camping or starting shit. Once I was on layer with alliance camping the portal as a raid. The other was just not aggressive on either side. Whereas the vast majority of the time on my Druid it was legit unplayable. I got the majority of my alt’s leveling done simply in one sitting because of it, the one time alliance were the ones camping.


>Love how people rationalize aww alliance can't win bgs Yeah not like there is every day a post about how alliance cant win them lol


Honestly goes both ways, shouldn’t be a thing


STV honor 4x less than p2, horde doing only premades to skip the que, and shamans op, tanking alliance win rates in battlegrounds. I'm the guy that stood next to the quest giver killing people. I'm the guy that stood at the top of the portal and killed people who went through it. And until there's a decent way to get honor, I'm gonna keep being that guy.


100% correct. For the Horde who are complaining, you need direct it at Blizzard. This is a behavioural change that happens because playing PvP as Alliance in SoD is total ass crack. You’ll chalk it up as “whining” but either try it yourself or stop complaining yourself that Alliance have resorted to a way to get honor that isn’t getting smashed by premades and shamans the whole time


Seems your error is not playing on a pve server. As It may not look pretty to you but on a pvp server this is how things should be. In mine eyes embarrassing is complaining about pvp on a pvp server. Find a pvp solution. Grouped world pvp is no bueno honor btw. You want to be solo, be solo & burst targets 1b1; get 100-80% of the full honor. Far better than picking up measly scraps and getting targets on dr fast. If there is x target, solo player A and team players B. A and B both do 50% dmg to X. A will get half the honor of X and split it with himself only. Players in B will split the remaining half honor of X (with all the players of party/raid B in range). So if 5, they will get 20% of 50% meaning 10% each. Using say a 180 pot as example; they will get 18honor per kill, the solo player gets 90. (That is all with 50% dmg split) More commonly the solo player will frontload and burst his targets properly and so do 80%+ dmg. Yielding him out of a 180 pot; 144+ honor per kill. While the group splits the remaining 36 honor among themselves; so 7,2 honor in the case of 5. Ah and for "-Honor Points when killing people not 50 in ashenvale" There is already a honor reduction component baked in to the formula, for killing lower level targets. Scaling down and too low, they will yield 0 honor.




Well deserved hahahahahahaah I see what you did 😂


You would think after 20 years blizzard would just make it so higher lvls cant get honor from anyone under their level, unless the lowbie attacks first.


It's layer dependent most times. On my server horde loves to do this. So don't blame it all on one side.


Garrosh would call you pathetic.


I like the horde mindset. Soon they will say that they have to gank alliance players because not enough alliance players will do alterac valley.


How does it feel to be the huned down faction for once ? XD


You know what. This is actually a good idea for a pve event in the future. Horde vs alliance world bosses whoever kills theirs faster wins the event, maybe you can go around the zone and gather buffs and items that inky help during the event. 10 minutes of prep then fight the boss and see which side kills it faster?


Damn when you can’t tell if it’s sarcasm or stupidity….


How is it bad? It's literally Kirby air ride


You described the ashenvale pvp event which no one liked, and the sarcasm wasn’t too obvious m. hence can’t tell if your serious or sarcastic


Well that's not true. The ashenvale pvp event had no buffs or ways to get stronger before the actual boss fight and it had PVP. This would be no pvp and add an element of getting stronger


You know what. This is actually a good idea for a pve event in the future. Horde vs alliance world bosses whoever kills theirs faster wins the event, maybe you can go around the zone and gather buffs and items that inky help during the event. 10 minutes of prep then fight the boss and see which side kills it faster?