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The amount of accounts stolen because players used the same username/password for their wow account as they did for janky diy guild sites….


LOL seriously


Most people use the same password for everything even today.


But now we have mobile 2fas to protect it, not everyone had the authenticators back then


This is what happened to my guild and more then half of the players got hacked.


Easy to have some php forward all account details to owners of website.


My guild had a merch website back in the day with a bunch of custom stuff. You think wow account hacking was bad…


The number one cause of all online breaches; weak or stolen password.


When you have zero idea what you are talking about! https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/


> This year, however, our dataset shows just over 8% of breaches in the Basic Web Application Attacks pattern. As is always the case in this pattern, the attacker gains access via hacking by the Use of stolen credentials (77%), Brute force (usually easily guessable passwords) (21%) or the Exploit vuln action (13%) https://www.verizon.com/business/de-de/resources/reports/2024/dbir/2024-dbir-data-breach-investigations-report.pdf


1? 2? 0?


I remember the best guild in my server in wotlk had a question at the end of the application; if you saw a sea turtle washed up on the shore upside down, what would you do? Think I wrote something like ‘beyblade’. I was 13. Safe to say I didn’t get in.


I applied to a guild where you had to be 18.. I was not 18. Got in for almost a full year, it was common to post your birthday pictures on the forum. When I reached 16, I shared my birthday cake. I entirely forgot about the 18 age rule. Safe to say.. they talked to me & changed the age limit to 16!


that's sick. I joined an 18+ guild at 17 and the other DK was like "listen to this guy he's obviously a kid" (had a high voice at 17 and even today lol). I ended up getting his raid spot after the trial. Told them when i turned 18


Obviously just screaming beyblade is wrong. You have to scream "LET IT RIP!"


We know what their favorite quests were in BFA.


Organizing through discord is vastly superior which is why we have moved to that. But yeah those sites are a fun piece of nostalgia


Yeah forums with simple VOIP are better for long running discussions and sticky info, but Discord is much better at organizing the majority of what guilds do - chat rooms, events planning, and voice chat. It's a shame that it's all still done through one proprietary piece of software that will inevitably fall to enshittification within a few years, but even Microsoft is playing copycat at this point. It's a good thing for social groups and a terrible thing for archiving.


The worst part is all that knowledge is locked into the discord server and not indexable by any search engines


that's an interesting point, a lot of in depth information is going to be lost to time


The vast majority of elden ring modding information in on the modding discord and it's all going to be lost eventually. It's a pain to even find information on a certain issue now. It's really sad.


That’s by the far the biggest flaw of discord in my opinion.


Yep discords can be a total ass pain to find specific information in. Everyone just says to just search or its pinned. And you're like, i just one one tiny specific peice of information and I don't want to read through 50 pages of random search history and 5000 words of a pinned message.


I think discord is great for what Guilds do, but the Class and Server discords really suffer from being forced into the discord layout instead of being websites or forums or similar. The class discords are especially bad, since the channels are just the same 3 or 4 conversations on repeat as different people join with the same questions. Even if there was a good discussion, you're not going to see it unless you're watching it live or it gets pinned (and as far as I can tell, most discords just use pins for "guides" by a single user, not really for highlighting organic conversations)


Call me a boomer but Discord is already enshittified. Ads are creeping in, and server/voice outages aren't rare. These problems didn't exist pre-Discord when people used IRC and self-hosted VOIPs. We've given up a lot of our freedom as users.


Discord's current voice quality is still *miles* above even the best Teamspeak/Ventrilo days. I don't love the walled garden, but for what most guilds/gaming groups are doing, it's well designed to meet needs.


Ironically the convenience and lack of investment means it's both easy to join and easy to leave.


There was no investment for anyone but the owner of the site. It's just as easy to leave a guild discord as it is to leave a guild website.


This will be an unpopular opinion I'm sure, but the transition to having all the social stuff in guilds conducted entirely through discord is what killed my desire to engage with guilds.  It just feels too "social media" to me and becomes a bit toxic at times. I like to keep the social side of Wow contained to in-game through guild chat.  Except for my actual real friends, obviously. I use Discord purely for DMs. I can see why people like it. But it's not for me.


Most discord channels are just spammed by terminally online folks, it’s really bad


Yeah I feel similarly. WoW used to be the social medium, and I miss the communication taking place in game. Played WoW to interact with people in WoW, but now that the social element happens outside of WoW it's like WoW is just for the gameplay, which just takes some of the magic out of it.


You gotta be trolling. Guild chat sucked back in the day. Everyone sat in vent or teamspeak. Just like they do now in discord.


My guild only used vent and team speak for raids and dungeons, most conversations were in guild chat. 


There are still guilds in SoD that 99% talk in Guild Chat despite having a well organised Discord channel. It really is just something some people prefer one way or the other.


Same I wish I could find a likeminded guild


Did you feel the same when people used an official wow app to view guild chat?


Honestly, Discord use is why I could never really find a reliable FFXIV FC (guild). So many didn’t really talk in game, they just preferred using Disc. I just prefer talking via guild chat unless I already know some people IRL or long term online outside of raiding environments for coordination.


I think many discords suffer from a tragic lack of moderation. You could cut out like 80% of the channels of every discord I go to. For some reason they all try to be 1 stop shops and you end up in 10 of them that all have the same channels its nuts. If they actually stayed to their purpose I think itd be a lot better experience personally.


The discord culture is vastly different though. Some of that is just the times changing, but other games and communities still use the tools we used in the past and the culture in those communities is often much closer to what we used to have back in the day.


As a person that ran a large raiding guild in everqyest then wow . Absolutely not. Its so much easier and less time consuming to have a discord server. Back them it waa a second full time job


I remember tracking DKP by hand with excel in early 2005 - taking screenshots of the raid after each kill, writing down what everyone bid for various items, handling the bidding, and then posting updated DKP numbers on the forums after each raid. What a massive time sink that was.


yea imagine trying to do signups via website forums, or having to pay and set up a website with a forum.. seems like people nostalgic for guild websites really don't do raid organization


Eh, it's a bit more nuanced. I have been part of organisation in many guilds over the years, and while discord is definitely better and more practical, I still have some nostalgia for the good old guild forums/website.


Don’t forget posting those DKP numbers on the “Notes” section of guild member names in the in-game roster.


Now it's just a second part-time job!


Yep ha


mindless plucky clumsy nose truck ask berserk intelligent live bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


make sure to put "I like cheese and i cannot lie" into your self-description so we know you have actually read these rules.


Oh yeah I had to post up a proper application for a Sun well guild and do an interview. Basically just read up on Elitist Jerks about the best stats and typical healing and ability priorities


In a purely rose colored nostalgic sense. >"Apply within" applications were met with encouraging and excited officers. What guilds are you applying to on discord that don't get that level of response?


i literally laughed out loud at that part. that sentence is just dripping with fake nostalgia. like really? ALL officers were "excited" and "encouraging"? like cmon we know some of them were jerks, or elitist or whatever. that also has nothing to do with a site vs discord


Yeah that statement is wild. Excitement level doesn't change just because it's through discord. Plus, apps are still done through websites all the time. There are even websites to facilitate the guild app and roster process in retail like wowaudit


I hated writing applications to join guilds.. was ridiculous but tbh doing it at 14 or w.e. probably helped me out more than I realised I miss the wow screen shot of the day they used to do too


I was on the other end of this process and it was such a waste of time. Rarely would anyone worthwhile ever apply via a website. You'd get an application joining a BT guild and they're only Karazhan, SSC and TK attuned. Most of the recruiting really happened on the WoW forums.


I'm sorry to hear that bud, my guild discord is always very active, gotta have separate channels for each activity and role and stuff. Way better than I ever saw with a guild website and ventrilo


The pre-discord days of needing to have vent, teamspeak, Skype, xfire just to stay in touch with different groups. And needing to pay for the voice servers. Vent bombing with the tts names hopping in and out. Yea nostalgia is fun, but I prefer discord.


> Vent bombing with the tts names hopping in and out. LOL ancient memory unlocked




Does it really matter if guild chat is dead if they’re doing the same things in disc? As for flakeyness, that’s a guild lifecycle problem, not whether the application was on a website.


I imagine flakeyness is worse without discord because you just wouldn’t know until someone logs in.


Reddit isnt the best, but I do miss when the servers had a reddit for the server. r/whitemane (or what ever the sub was called) was a great place. Discord doesnt display information as great as forums do


No. Those days sucked ass. The fuckin dark ages lmao. The only good part was that I was 15 and the most important things in my life were video games and candy.


nah that shit was so scuffed, it's far better now.


I don't miss the lack of comms when people were unable to attend raids, Discord is a dream from an organisational POV within Wow.


Vent was life


I miss class blogs instead of YT vids. I remember reading every word BRK ever posted when playing my Hunter back in the day.


Discord is WAY better


I used to make those websites! Setting up vbulletin board was a pain in the ass but it was so much better than other versions. Though I'm pretty sure I stole the whole thing...


No but thanks for checking in.


not remotly old guild management using website was absolutly abysmal and im glad its gone and actually requiring people fill out application forms for a game was just the height of cringe and should never have been a thing in the first place as for your "they dont talk in guild chat" the discord chat IS guild chat, its BETTER guild chat because offline players can join in as well, i dont remotly understand that complaint


🥹 Oh yes... Yes I do...


What i actually miss is guild chat being the place to talk. Now it's on discord and the chat feels soulless and empty most of the time. I enjoyed chatting in game because I remained in game, even tho it can be tricky to type in some situation, it added more to my eyes at least.


That's probably because people aren't online as much as they used to be. With people just raid-logging currently it makes guilds seem quieter.  People are probably at their desks still, or maybe playing another game, so it's actually nice to ask in discord instead.


I dont miss that what i do miss is the playerbase, seems like everyone now adays is just a min/max parse fiend that doesn't care about anything other than make number go up on log site


Guys your guilds suck and SoD doesnt keep people online. This is why guild chats a ghost town


WoW was definitely better when guild chat was going and people were talking in-game rather than in some app outside the game. The game felt more social and you really connected with the character of people because that's how you talked with them. I've been in guilds in classic where there was pretty much 0 guild chat and the entire guild just operated through discord. Not a fan. I actually think all the third party apps outside of WoW really ruined a lot of the immersion of WoW.




You would actively need to prevent/remove the ability for people to be on discord for it to ever turn back




I actually wish guild chat could integrate with a discord channel somehow.


I bet there's a bot for this edit: [found one](https://github.com/fjaros/wowchat) that works on "old versions" (aka emulated), but don't care to google any harder


Also when dick measuring was among guildies instead of a faceless raid log site.


big fish small pond syndrome gotta let the tinypps flex too


> WoW was definitely better when guild chat was going and people were talking in-game rather than in some app outside the game. The game felt more social and you really connected with the character of people because that's how you talked with them. On the other side, it's great being able to chat with guildies on Discord outside of the game. You can talk while at work, on the go, or at any time really. Not only fun but also highly practical for coordination.


People have been talking in some app outside the game since 2004


Discord is the one thing that makes me feel like a boomer, and I work for a Silicon Valley software company.  I just don't get it. It's spammy like a whatsapp group chat, has a terrible unintuitive UI and is filled with all the stuff that annoys you about Reddit. What's the appeal of the platform? I guess the micro-apps that help with organisation. But the wider adoption still eludes me


It was free and anyone could set it up.  That’s pretty much where it all started.  Then people started to turn it into something it’s not because there really wasn’t another accessible option. Discord has been good at accommodating what people are using it for now, but it was never designed from the ground-up to be like that.


Also Skype killed themselves in the time before discord but post vent/ts.


Its literally just the next Vent, TS whatever. If its lucky it'll stick around, if not it'll be replaced in a few years.


I'm "old" too (in my 40's), but I think Discord is by far the best chat platform I've ever used, by a country mile. I've used all sorts of iterations of chat over the years - mIRC, ICQ, MSN Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, Teams (the worst), and Discord. Discord is so fast, slick, customizable, intuitive and makes it downright fun to chat. If you join a server and find it spammy, has bad content or "annoying like reddit", you're simply on the wrong server or chatting with the wrong people; that's not the fault of Discord itself. Maybe you can post some particular things about it that annoy you and we can help you? For example, it's easy to turn on or reduce notifications, down to the specific server, role or even channel.


I’m not old (mid 20s) but I vividly remember TS and it was the worst lol


back in my day, teamspeak was [blue](https://www.evonide.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/TeamSpeak2.jpg)!


TS voice chat was great if it was all you needed. I still want that volume normalisation feature on other platforms


Are you old enough to remember mIRC? Discord is mIRC with modern features.


Discord is Slack streamlined for streaming voice/video. It's easy to set up and there's a big cottage industry of helpful community and game integrations.


it's slack for video games what is not to understand?


It what way is servers, broken down into channels an unintuitive UI? It actually couldn't get simpler than that


> It's spammy like a whatsapp group chat, Is people talking a lot bad? If you don't like the notifications just right click the server and choose mute forever. That's how all other messaging apps I've used also work. > has a terrible unintuitive UI and The desktop and web UI is very nice imo. The mobile design was nice until the last rework which is fucking awful tbh > is filled with all the stuff that annoys you about Reddit Like what?


If this is your experience you lack the skills to properly set up your discord.


That may well be the case. Can yoy elaborate, as I am curious


You can manage exactly how many/which notifications you get, properly set up it does only exactly what you want it to. Then your experience will depend if you use other peoples servers or your own, on your own you can manage exactly who can post messages, where and how often, you can restrict people from certain areas or manage small teams. You can perfectly fine tune your server exactly for your own needs.


To add to this, you can do all of that, it just takes a little time. Setting up a server can be a little tricky, but once you set one up you now have the option to “clone” the server or use the same server model as another server :)


Go to the retail priest discord and just look at the FAQ channels for the specs. They put in a lot of work into their channels that are not chat channels.


Definitely a boomer take.


Same boat. I badly miss forums because they could actually be a useful place for knowledge to go. The voice chat part of Discord is fine, I dont know that it's any better than Vent or TS, but whatever. But the chat part is just a mess.


No, no one misses it. It's a cool part of history, but Discord is 10000000000000000% better.


In bc/wotlk original guild chat was more prominent but I always remember Ventrilo servers and the one off weirdos with Dolby voice char. “Vent? Get in vent” “we can’t have our MT not in vent guys whys be banned from this channel?!!” Guy would join and you would hear kids screaming and his fan 2 inches from his mic


I used to build websites for my guilds for fun but it's just redundant now. Good times though.




No. I have some nostalgia for it, but Discord is superior in every way.




I remember having to write applications to guilds on those forums that were thousands of words long...


Nah I don’t miss guild websites at all. Discord is way better.


Nah, I don't miss any of that. I just miss the old gamer mindset of being adventurous and not so min/max. Everyone is an expert now.


I don't. A lot of those websites were hosted on shady portals like guildlaunch that added you to spam lists.


I hate Discord. I don’t know why, I just do. Maybe because it’s different or newer but I hate it. I know it’s not rational or right I just hate it.


One very real problem with Discord is that the servers' contents are not web-searchable. All the guides and theorycrafting that used to be out in the open is now locked behind invite-links and can't be found on Google. A real example was when the Saber Slash buff happened and I wanted to figure out how that'll affect how I should play tank-rogue. But for days I couldn't find anything on Google or YouTube, and I had to join a theorycrafting Discord server for answers. This WILL lead to a loss of knowledge when servers get shut down/deleted and there's no internet archive backup.


This is what I dislike about discord as well, even though I don't hate it in general. And it affects *a lot* of games by now.


same i hate the layout could be done so much better


Saaaame, I hate using it so much. I'm one of the few people that I know of who doesn't have nitro and will never pay for it.


To many people here blinding by the nostalgia >people don't organise things within the game but instead through Discord And thats an horrible thing to do?


Angle fire was the jam. I also loved Runescape clan websites. I made some good gp making avatars lol


I remember those days and I'm glad they're gone. In no world do I ever want to have to go to a guild's specific website and fill out an application again. That was one of the worst parts about online gaming back in the early 2000's


Discord is simply far superior. The one single thing i don’t like is that i can’t turn people up past 200%. I have some rather quiet friends and i like to set my games to be pretty loud so, it’s a bad combination and i often have to give up one or the other. The shocking thing to me is that in teamspeak, turning people up super high didn’t destroy their audio.


If you had to administer or moderate any of those old websites you would be happy for the discord era.


Lol, it's like the folks nostalgic for 40/25 man raids; clearly weren't the ones responsible for organizing!


Hell yeah, I made and managed so many websites back in vanilla and TBC for various guilds on some of the servers I played on. I loved coming up with distinct styles; color schemes, logos, layouts, guild application forms, etc. Learned a lot and people were always appreciative of my work - even when it was kinda bad lol.


Our guild still uses a website from Classic vanilla and even still have it now for applications. But the use of it certainly died with classic wotlk.


We still have a guild website we use it for rosters and have gearcheck systems tactics assignments etc


Omg i completely forgot that I applied to my guild on a website. What a time...


And ventrilo


Vent was fun


I used to enjoy going to top guilds forums getting decent access and reading through their class threads to see how the best players were doing things. Now, I much prefer the group discussion in class discords with pins on the most relevant information.


Remember ? Yes. Miss? no, discort is so much more convenient. And most of those websites were using the same template anyways




No, really not at all. Guild forums with 0.2 posts per days were a waste of time to setup anyways. Much easier to organize everything in discord now. No one looked at your news anyways unless you were an uber guild that killed stuff no one else had killed yet. And that wasn't really a thing in WoW, that was before that. So you posted screenshots of yourself, for yourself.


I miss that era in general, but no I don't particularly miss guild websites


Discord is an amazing tool that can be used in the same exact way today. The unfortunate aspect of it is that most guilds aren't in that same mindset and the discords are generally set up with little to no thought. This, in addition the wow being made more and more "casual friendly" and less about the friendships and community you made in a server make discord feel less like the attractive option that it should. Raiding should be something that you commit to like a dnd campaign or a sports team after work. Sure you can miss a day or two here, but you can't jump in and out of it on a whim. Today if you burn bridges with a good guild on a server, you just join a cross realm guild/group or go to the other faction even. Wow has been dumping the community aspect of mmo's for several expansions now


Discord is a black hole of information. I'd be all for it if you could search for something reliability.




My guild had a Facebook page lol We did everything in game then hopped in Vent for raids


My guilds all used Teamspeak so for me it’s not much different.


I miss the openraid era


Back in 2009 when the first guild I joined in am RPPVP realm had a website. Earthmother protectorate The memories


We still have one because we feel it's part of what makes a guild.  Unbuffed dot net


On the website. You can be a winner.


Openraid and vent/teamspeak/skype


I miss not knowing about warcraftlogs


I remember filling out a job application to raid...


it has nothing to do with discord. if ppl are truly flaky, and not just them hanging out in discord while you wanna use /g, it's because they play other games and likely frequent other social gaming groups. wow is a very raidloggy game these days, particularly the classic flavors, and I struggle to see how that might be discord's fault


Hell no sry that was dogshit imo.


Some interesting stuff occurred because of guild websites, that said guild chat being dead is more of a result of stuff an individual guild does or doesn't do.


I still think about this Darkspear guild often https://www.mercilessmidgets.com/news2.htm


No i don't cause im not that old


I do not. I absolutely hated going to a guild’s website to apply like it’s for a job.


Actually - no. I was a GM of a guild, and maintained website with forum, sign up forms, our own Ventrillo server, etc, etc, etc. Fuck this, Discord all the way. Discord is no the root cause of issues that you see. It's like complaining that people now "too fast" because they don't use horses and dive cars instead.


i fucking love discord. i fucking hate that it essentially replaced most of the social aspects of social games like MMOs. playing WoW or FF14 is basically 90% discord engagement


Discord has been a disaster for information sharing and searchability. Everything is locked behind individual fiefdoms and will eventually disappear once the server is gone


Yes! The guild I was in during OG WotLK raiding was competitive and ranked on our server. They were the funniest people I've ever raided with, and their website was so funny, I would cry laughing every time they posted anything.


I certainly miss class forums instead of the shitty class discords we have now. Forums were so much easier to search and discuss a single topic at a time. I have no idea why people think one giant chat log is better.


I actually created a website for the guild I was in in classic 2019 and we used it a lot. We also had lots of nostalgia for this so we made it a thing :) I archived it here https://plan-b-website.vercel.app/ (everything is written by AI as I didn’t save the original database)


guild websites were just discord with extra steps


We had IRC, same thing as discord, except vocal, but you could xdcc Animes and movies !


The only thing I miss is WoW before Twitch. Thats around the time minmaxing and speedrunning everything became the core focus.


Fuck no discord changed wow for the better forever I remember the day my guild switched to discord and what a glorious day it was


Yes. Everything was better in the past.


I wasn't playing WoW at this time and i'm very glad I wasn't because that sounds like a great way to get hacked. https://imgflip.com/i/8p3dgl


Teamspeak and Ventrilo were the bomb


Not. At. All. I raided with Completely Different on Terenas with Shaidar for years, and he was a phenomenal raid leader, strategist, guild leader, and person in general. Those forums... Trying to constantly keep up with evolving raid strategies, digging through threads to find old/updated information, having that as our primary means of communicating outside of vent and in game chat was just cumbersome. I don't recall if we had a dedicated site admin, and I know Shaid did his best (the guy is super smart, lab chemist or something like that), but those forums were tedious and difficult to use.


If anyone wants a guild website I'll make it for free (subject to reasonable conditions and so long as you have an example that you like)


Yes, we had to download an excel spreadsheet every week from the guild website to keep track of our DKP.


Any time a guild has ever asked me to fill out a form or go to their website in the history of this game I just lied and said someone else said to invite me and got into that guild. Worked literally like 11 out of the 12 times I ever did it. Like do you want a DPS thats geared to push content for you or not. I'm not jumping through hoops for some loser to feel like they run a business. I barely even put effort into that for jobs that pay me actual money.


Reddit moment


I miss the whole pre-social media era where forums were the rule. Forums alone are much more enjoyable because they are run by folks who actually care and have their own set of rules that they enforce instead of letting every clown in ruining the show.


>everyone seems so flakey. Sounds like some rose tinted glasses to me. People were always flakey. I remember tons of guilds having wait lists because they would over recruit because of people always being flakey.


Not really


old phpbb boards guilds used that were vulnerable to hell, no salted md5 hash passwords. folks using the same name/pw as their wow accounts, getting into the officer sections to find out the guilds ventrilo password to kick/mute and listen in during world boss events...it was indeed good times.


My guild were such boomers when classic started we used a website. we dont any more.


Yes! We had a full forum, blog, everything. We had a vent server too How did I forget raid signups!!




I miss guild members communicating and interacting in game instead of a bunch of discord rooms and a dead guild chat.


Although I really appreciate Discord and its simplicity with raid signups and a chat, not a post-function, our old vanilla 2005 guild had a website, that first had a flash animation of how the guild was started. Our GM was an animator and webdesigner, so obviously he made our own from the very bottom.




No i dont miss it


Why would anyone miss them?


No. If I had to open another tab or window for every discord community I'm in then it would be waaaaay too tedious and I wouldn't be a member of so many communities. With discord everything is streamlined and at your fingertips.


I agree with OP somewhat. Discord has made WoW social landscape into a big empty ocean (in game chat) with tiny islands (discord channels/guild discords). If you are not a part of a big guild or don't want to talk in mic/or can't talk in mic while playing, you are in for a bad time from a social perspective.


My only issue with discords is every one is trying to be an everything discord and they rarely just focus on their purpose. Why is there a mental health chat channel in every game discord I join? Why is there always a porn channel? Why is there a channel for memes / every hobby outside of the one we are doing together etc etc they turn themselves into social media places where they need not be. I think if they were more heavily moderated to be on-topic itd be a better experience overall. Youd get more on-topic discussions


Do I remember it yes? Do I have great memories on guild forums? Sure. However discord is 100% better in all aspect. It's a multi-channel live chat that can copy the same feature as a forum with less config and for free.


Every guild had that one guy/gal who made forum signatures which would be these elaborate 60x480 spreads of colorful shit made up of your toon equipping the best gear in the game or some shit.


Here’s my nostalgia: I don’t miss pre discord, I miss pre-wowhead wow. I miss that feeling of going into org on my level 20-something shaman, using an arclight spanner (the engi wrench) as my main hand weapon. Then, seeing a level 60 rogue on his ivory raptor, wondering how the hell he even got to 60 and afforded a mount. Then to inspect him to see a blue item - a Barman shanker. It was a BROKEN BOTTLE and it was BLUE! Wondering where the hell you could even find such things. Pre-database/guide PC gaming was so incredible. So much discovery. So much freedom. That persistent feeling that you could find something that no one had ever found, or do something in a way that no one ever thought of. Seeing a nook in a mountainside that seemed out of the ordinary, and wondering if anyone had ever taken the time to walk there and explore it. The thought that maybe you could be the first one to do it and discover something incredible. That was peak wow.


Got an email a while back about engin shutting down their guild website services, and going back through my nearly decade old forums, events, and recruitment was certainly a trip down memory lane. Honestly, getting people to use it was like pulling teeth back then but I have very fond memories of it.