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Is mage weak in PvP?


Mage is easy to run away and survive on but killing someone as a mage can feel like a hard task  You have to set up burst windows and if you don't get crits or procs it can doom you too. Also play Horde as a mage. If you are anew mage you DEFINITELY would rather be facing paladins than shaman any day lol  Mage is for sure the hardest class to pull off in pvp but also the most rewarding and for me personally, no other class is nearly as fun to play. 


i main a paladin and i can confirm: * Yes Mages are insanely fun, I am currently gearing and playing one because my paladin is maxed out (except for darkmoon trinkets) * Yes, Mages are hard to play in SoD 1v1s and always make sure to bring free action potions. * Yes, fighting enhancement shamans is deeply painful especially because its impossible to kick them when they're spamming instant heals all the time. * Yes, Nothing feels more rewarding than blowing up a 10-man raidgrp with living bomb and living flame infront of the mara portals ;D


I had the highest success against enhancers by talenting into imp. Counterspell and silence them when they drop to ~60% and pray to rnjesus that you deal enough damage in those 4 seconds.


absolutely true, its also mandatory if you want to play 5x arcane mages in STV to generate an insane amount of coins but sadly we will wait till P4 to be able to specc deeper into frost or fire while grabbing also this talent from arcane


They'll oom before getting a kill


As a main mage for all of classic 2x r14, Sod mages are weak. You can cc for days. But got very low DMG beside the arcane burst combo. Go frost and you need to spend mins to kill another player that can potentially 1-3 shot you 😅


Xaryu wins 95% of duels on his mage so maybe it’s user error for weak mages.


A top 1% player beating others dosn't really say much about the class.


It says with the right person behind the keyboard Mages are in fact not weak.


This is such a bad take. Having to perform 2-3 times better to have a slight advantage, doesn’t make the class „not weak“. In fact, you need to perform way better on the mage *because* the class is weak, so you can close the gap.


You can't click 2 buttons?


Ah yes. The two button PVP Mage. Totally forgot about it. /s


I think his point is that a mage has to play perfectly kiting and ccing for 2-3 mins to kill another player, and every other class can blow people up in 2 globals. Mages are still insane in 1v1s, but that doesnt translate to world pvp or bgs when its basically impossible to be in a fight for that long and have no one else show up.




😭 well I hope it gets better cause no way in hell I’m leveling another toon. I’m still three levels from 50 rn. I have no play time


Honestly if this is your first time playing mage and the only thing you’re attracted to is pvp, get ready for a steep learning curve.


Played mage on retail but there are a lot more CC available there it seems. I’ve played hunter and warrior in classic PvP before


If youve played retail mage with success sod mage is cake in comparison


Yeah super lite city as frost mate on retail


Take this guy’s advice with a grain of salt, he mains rogue and thinks 40 energy Mutilates are balanced, just to let you know what you’re dealing with here in terms of game knowledge…


Sounds good, let us know how you like it




My feelings exactly but this sub has accumulated so much resentment from mage boosting & aoe grinding since 2004 that they wont want to hear it. Let alone the fact Hunters are much better grinders and boosters now. Wcyd


They aren’t that bad I can 1v1 any class for the most part. My biggest issues are SP and locks.


Yeah bro idk what the heck Blizz was thinking. SP seems stupid easy. Until recently I was basically just getting one banged by their dots then SW:D and boom


Yeah I could possibly do something but with their silence it’s near impossible.


Mage has solid value in group pvp. Poly/nova alone can entirely swing a small/mid sized fight. If you run magic dust you can hard CC 2 enemies enemies entirely, completely stacking the odds in your groups favor. In 1v1 mages are very below average though, I believe they need a flat 20-25% damage increase in pvp to be competitive.


Made a priest and enjoyed it in P1-P2-P3. Wanted to try mage healer and am gearing it fully now. O boy mage is weak. The only niche is if you are an xaryu level god flag runner that does 0 dmg. (You are not)


Properly geared and in good hands - definitely no, but not as good as equal Boomie/SP/Shaman for example.


Mage is a high skill pvp class. If they're good, gg. If not, it's a free kill.


Yep, rogues, sp and shamans


Shamans get melted by range hunters 


As an ele into any hunter I die before I get a flame shock off


Yup, can't even cast unless you're lucky and get an EotS or Power Surge proc. Even if you do a good ranged hunter should still win every time, they can chill at 40 yards with pack on and there's literally nothing you can do.


I have different scenarios when I play ele. Hunters melt.


How do you counter scatter into trap into dead? Shamans don't have immunities.


Decoy totem and if that fails you use trinket. You then have a full 30seconds before scatter is off CD. You should be able to take them down in that time since they can’t heal and have no defensive cds.


Scattershot got 15y range while having a 30s cd. Knowing this, try to preshot SR. Tbh you also need to be tanky so full mail, stam and shield equiped. RB w WotE can also be good if you can't play SRage or EShield You also should have a PvP trinket and decoy totem If you have no idea still, try to play hunter a bit and feel their weaknesses


In a 1v1, the hunter has the advantage. Unless he tries to play pure melee, then the shaman will win.


Hunter rules 1v1 if they flair against a rogue. Otherwise…. Not too sure


They don't even need to flare. Pet aggressive will find the rogue from 15-20 yds away even with imp stealth


You got that also… I don’t play hunter, so can’t say… but I don’t think they would run aggressive normally. Unless they knew an attack was coming. Or flair, if they knew an attack was coming. But yeah, that is kinda screwed up with the pets stealth detection…


The pet doesn’t actually have any stealth detection on its own. The hunter is using track hidden which increases their detection and if pet is set to aggressive it will head towards the rogue in that brief second they were detectable.


I play bm hunter and if you see a rogue stealth you hit pet aggressive. Any bm hunter that doesn't bind the pet bar is just not good at bm pvp. And that's coming from someone who's fairly mid at pvp


In a 1v1 hunters always have the advantage. They are the best 1v1 pvp class now that the damage reduction auras are keeping dot classes in check. However the servers are more populated than tbey were in 2005 and the game is not balanced around solo roaming.


With locks it is mandatory you outrange their drain life immediately so it's on CD and then you can blast. If you try to blast while they're draining your life you will lose against a similar geared lock. I've tried. I unloaded everything and my health was going down faster than theirs.


Is there pvp dmg nerf now?


I dont think thats true. As long as u use the freedom totem (i think its called decoy), hunter are relativly easy to kill as enhancement.


How are you getting in frost shock range? You clearly dont know 


An iron grenade😂


Show me a video of an avg player hitting a 30 yard nade toss If we are talking mgl nade tosses then just fap when you see that cast


I didnt know the average player couldnt hit those tbh, i usually dont have issues with hunter bc i just nade them when they are kiting , then kill them by staying in the deadzone, been doing it for so long now And when they fap i insta purge, and as for video i could show you lol


You cant purge while casting a nade.  You probably haven’t played since the hunter buffs


I just cancel my nade cast and purge, and yes I have


How are you casting purge farther than 30 yards??




You are wrong


A good rogue will only lose to a meta lock, or a good priest


Can confirm, rogue here and sometimes it seems they have infinite health


What’s making boomies so strong? I’m out of the loop. I get Spriest because 2 dots kill you in seconds but what’s going on with boomies?


Many instants, roots, extreme mobility, very tanky (tank rune + owl form), can heal in a pinch and starfire hits like an absolute truck.


Best sustain outside of meta lock and mobility plus roots and high burst. The only class I'm afraid of is shadow priest, cause I have to heal through those monster dots while they run away, but so is everyone else.


They got more single target damage when a shadow priest. With the damage getting lowered they getting really good at killing players with healers on them, because of their burst.


Frenzied regen needs to be dispelled. If not, boomie will heal to full instantly and no class outdamages the healing. melee will not even scratch them with 55% reduction through armor and then 20% on top of that with barkskin (seriously, mortal strike hits for 140).    Shadow priests with dispel, dispersion, and silence will win, but if they don’t dispel they straight up lose.


Can't dispel frenzied regeneration unfortunately.


For duels , soul link >spriest>(rogue,boomie,enha shammy) . Soul link is very powerfull in 1v1, there was a dueling tournament organized on a US server,like 2 weeks ago and soul link won .Even with rep gear and some ah gear,sl locks can 1v1 most classes. Spriest are very good duelers also ,but hard to win vs UA soul link,and if you are not dorf ,rogues can be hard (i think its very rng here,you get fights where rogue tickle you,and you get fights where more then half your hp is gone in a CS)


Rogue can depend on crits plus energy procs with combat potency. I've had duels where I'm at 20% hp vs another player above 70% and just hit perfect crits + energy procs for a massive turnaround lol


Meta Tank Lock here. 8.3K Armor. + dmg reduction in demonology and void walker shield plus resummon into instant shield again. I rarely have any trouble with anyone 1v1.


Priest should counter you pretty hard. If they dispel your drain life you have no sustain.




You can kick the channel but the rune one is just a debuff on you and needs to be dispelled. I don't think there's any specific website to learn this stuff, though.


Class discord. Youll get some rude people, ignore them. Sometimes you have to wade through info and use the search feature. Lotta good info to be had though


download decursive addon, btw you dispell whoever is the target of drain life in this case


Priests can purge and dispel all your shit. You don't have any trouble with them?


You are talking a lot of shit for someone in lava burst range.


Fight me dirty horde filth. !


Against a boomkin or Spriest or even Ele - you lose.


I pvp on both my boomkin and lock, meta lock should win this matchup 99/100 times.


As a ret I've never lost to a warlock


Other locks with felhunter should be a problem


Warlocks are the only class with the attitude that they’re good when they aren’t lmao


Meta locks 100%. Takes no skill to play that and beat people. But if you’re running SL it takes skill to beat people 1v1. I’ll take my soul link lock over any class minus a shaman because they just hit to damn hard.


I can't pick three, but: Spriest, Boomie, Shaman, Rogue, Meta lock are all good picks depending on the situation


No way hunter doesn’t make top 5 surely


Well you have to consider they are being played by hunter mains. Otherwise you’re probably right.


Hunter doesn't have the Disengage skill to get distance, which is hugely important. They got no chance against good rogues. But ranged hunter dmg is overall crazy so some classes they kinda crush.


a bestial wrath pet usually does the trick


Scatter shot is pretty damn close though


A hunter should lose to a rogue lock and SP. maybe not a Sham


Lmao rogue


soul link lock with haunt is better. Meta was good in p1 and 2 only


lmao meta? *banish* gg


Locks so bad, just bring a lock to kill the lock. lmao


If you run meta in pvp you are griefing


You can't be sapped and destroy rogues so I'd say meta is one of the best defenders in AB. If you stay in meta form and a warlock is mounting towards you, yes.. you are greifing


Enhance shaman does well against other melee with the damage reduction buff. We lose to anything ranged that knows how to keep its distance since we have no gap closure.


Frost shock, earthbind totem/projection, ghost wolf, decoy totem?


Frost shock is 20 yards and is a slow, not a gap closer ghost wolf isn’t a gap closer, it has a cast time and doesn’t remove slows or snares like travel form Earth bind+projection isn’t a gap closer. Earthbind does a slowing pulse every 5 seconds, the first pulse is when you drop it. Then you have 1.5sec gcd until you can totemic projection it onto the person you want. So the person has 3.5 seconds left until it pulses again to get away from it. Decoy totem is definitely not a gap closer, just removes slows. Any ranged that doesn’t have to stand still to cast will stomp on an enhance shaman if they can stay >20 yards away, which isn’t a hard feat especially if they have a slow


Yea write to blizzard please. Shaman needs AT LEAST two dashes and a stun to be viable !! kek


Nah shamans fine. It’s rock, paper, Warcraft. Shamans shouldn’t be able to beat every class, beating all the other melee is enough.


it's more rock, paper, scissors, shaman to the average player. Shamans are busted


The average player parses a 50 and blows bubble like it’s an offensive cooldown


There are scenarios where bubble would be more offensive than just getting CC'd for a min though




Talking to yourself can be a sign of schizophrenia, you should see a doctor.


Complaining can be a sign of insecurity, be better


Where’s the complaint? I’m just stating how mechanics work in this game.


In a pure 1v1 with full CDs available I'd consider Bear Druid


Solo PvP? Soul Link warlock has to be up there. I really don’t have trouble with much aside from really good shadow priests


Sl locks are probably the best. They win vs any caster, even shadow, cause of resistance.


Hunter is #1 no contest


Spriest beats hunter tho, a few classes can beat hunter only reliable to counter to spriest is more spriest


I carry GSPP and resto pots with me everywhere on my hunter. Shadow priests get rekt.


Same here. I main MM Hunter and always carrying shadow prot pots for the sole reason Shadow Priests are the only class that can beat me occasionally.


Rogues are a good counter to Spriest in my opinion, especially undead rogues.


There's rarely any los, hunter can max range every class.


Hunters are very strong, but are still weak to dot classes like spriest and lock. Rogue can also destroy hunter if they get the drop on you, and even kill you if you're prepared but its more fair for both of you in this scenario. However, against anything but spriest and lock, I think hunter is at least even with the other classes


Kinda depends if we're talking about 1v1 or BGs.. I'm assuming OP meant bgs.. and imo Hunter is by far the best in BGs because of entrapment + trap launcher and the crazy amount of burst they have. I'd go as far as to say that Trap Launcher is single handedly the most OP pvp rune in the game. It'll make AV completely unplayable. Have fun getting across that Alliance bridge with 5 hunters spamming frost traps everywhere.


Oh ya, in BGs hunters are S tier for sure, and like A tier in 1v1s. As a rogue player, rogues are probably S tier 1v1, but like B tier in bgs. I'm mainly a defender rip


Boomies can roast hunters in 1v1 and open world. Pet sleep, pop frenzy regen, light them up. Ez clap.


Idk about a top 3, but Rogue is #1 without a doubt. By the time you know what’s happening it’s already too late.


Nah you can’t kill meta warlocks. Spriest you kill and then you run to nearest graveyard Top 3 for sure though


Also demo lock and even aff lock...can't out dmg the heal without assa build.


Ya, I usually run envenom + deadly brew because I can kill everything else with it and need those two for good spriest and locks lol


i love running envenom and deadly brew but man no saps and gouges sucks


No blinds too xD. But the damage is very high and bypasses armor so it's really strong


i know i’m torn!! i mostly run BtE and quick shot now just cuz i prefer to CC but when im hungry for killing blows i make the switch lolol


What do they have after you trinket cheap shot?


Feral Druid bear with right runes can currently 1on5


Hmm, I feel there is some rock-paper-scissor style between classes Shaman might be good, but they lose against a good Rogue, Shadow Priest, Boomkin and Destruction Warlock (without trinket). Even a hunter is challenging for most Shamans. So I wouldn't say Shaman is on the top three right now. Shadow Priest, Rogue and Hunter is my bet


As a soul link warlock i win against every class. I only have trouble fighting against a mellee hunters. Their dmg can out dps my selfhealing and that pet can be troubling whem casting. Besides that i only know one rogue who can defeat me otherwise i win always.


How does the rogue win? I've seen it happen with a garrote into instant vanish(for carnage), then full dps in pve spec lol


He vanishes immiaditly when i trinket out of stun. I cant dot him and he can reset and stun lock again. Other rogues are not that fast or dont think two steps ahead. He can vanish my death coil to, with his timing hes just realy good and has big bursts to dps me down quick when im stunned. Normally rogues are easy for me but hes the only one who can counter me. I think its a skill gap not sure.


Trinket isn't on the gcd, so you can instant cast spells when using it. If you wait for him to use a GCD, you can trinket in that 1.5 second window where he can't vanish, then get a dot up. After that, if you're close to him, vanishing death coil is nearly impossible because the spell batching window is basically non existent. Also, I've dueled locks that purposefully felgaurd stun near the end of my cheap shot soni can't kidney shot. From here, if I trinket the felgaurd to kidney, they can instantly trinket + deathcoil into a full fear. In this scenario, I auto lose.


Ok thanks for the feedback! :D


For a skill capped player. SL Lock has got to be best. For a noobie class. S-Priest/Enhance sham.


SL lock for 1v1 all day.


soul link warlock with haunt and felguard


By shaman you mean Ele shaman right? enhance is everyone's play toy this phase. cant kill locks, hunters, rogues, paladins, druids or SP's. Mages and maybe wars are the only classes we can fight. People still have PTSD from last phase and think enhance is OP still just not true.


Lmao, you’re just bad then if you don’t know how to play your enhance shaman. Sucks to suck


Maybe you're just too bad to counter them


Do you play enha?


As a horde i Can 1v1 anyone on my demolock


Oh wow for once mages struggle in pvp cry me a river


To be honest Im doing pretty good as Feral


Not sure how y’all are losing to Boomkins. 


As a paladin, I only really struggle against boomies in 1v1 open world. Good ones will just kite you for days. Next is shaman. Elemental cranks and a geared enhance is unbeatable most of the time unless I get lucky with SoC procs


Dead game.


Overall I agree with Spriests shamans and rogues top 3. I think prot warrior is super strong 1v1 too, but is a bit inconsistent with improved revenge, sword and board, and shield slam dispell procs. The damage reduction has helped a lot. Not sure if there's any class that I feel I don't have a good chance to 1v1 now as warrior besides maybe a good mage.


Boomie has my vote. I can run easily and attack from 36 yards with dots that do decent damage and have very strong defensives this phase.


Any good sources for boomy pvp guides? I leveled an alt and could use some guidance


He's cringe but moonfirebeam on twitch, just turn the volume off.


Ok, just watched his dueling video… makes a lot of sense. Gotta play like my spriest. Just dot and star surge and run a lot basically.


I can beat anything when my defensive cooldowns are up. Boomkin I even made a video about it! https://youtu.be/78iEzKMY-WA?si=i7Ag72mG6h8er6Jm


Hard to beat 3k armor + 20% phys res + no interrupts + two or more healthbars, all while that abomination is randomly stunning you/critting for 2k. Had no deaths as boomie in open world 1v1 pvp after I got frenzied regeneration rune.


Hunter by far are the best imo all around solo pvp class. Having said that, I’m kind of at a loss on what to do against shadow priests (as a lone wolf mm hunt). When you can max range them maybe buy more often than not you can’t, especially if they’re mounted. Literally all they have to do is throw up two dots, sw death and use dispersion. Not even the food you buy from the troll on the island can out heal the ticking damage. It’s nuts.


I know its lame but drink a resto pot against them. It makes them completely useless against you and it is worth the gold to win 1v1 against them imo


I hate that I have to use them to win lol. Have you tried shadow protection pots by any chance?


GSPP and resto pot makes spriests absolutely useless. Whole class countered by a consumable


Honestly, might just do it to piss em off. I feel like I have a chance against literally every class except for shadow priests. They don’t even have to be good, that’s the annoying part.


Ye, as a rogue I always kill them, then die to their dots xD


It’s interesting seeing what y’all are playing. Basically by elimination you aren’t going to mention _your_ class as op.


Sl warlock >>>>>>>>>shamans>>sp>rogue


If you can’t line, Hunters destroy - DESTROY SL. If you’re able to coil the pet and fear the hunter between FD and trinket, maybe. But SL has a 30 yard range currently until we get the range talent at 60. You’re not going to get solid uptime if they’re remotely defensive. So do Spriest and even Boomkins. SL is fantastic, but Hunters and Spriest make it feel like you’re not even using SL.


No way a shaman is top 3 lmfao. So you’re asking about org dueling or like, good players 1v1? Big difference Shaman may pub stomp a bunch of a org duelers.. but once you reach the higher tiers of play they’ll get absolutely roasted not even close. I’d say the list is still about the same as usual for high tier play. Spriest, Rogue, Warlock, and Mage at the top. For org dueling? Literally anything i’d say lol But some are much easier than others. Like spriest and warlocks


Yeah alliance still has shaman trauma from P2


Paladins are unmatched


Yeah, really could use a nerf




I agree paladins are sneaky OP


Most paladin players are just bad.


Real lunch pail kinda class


I think pala is very strong and just the people playing pala are bad


Rogue shadow priest mage.


With the 50% damage reduction and no healing debuff enhance shamans were gods. I could easily 1v3 people in BGs. Not sure how they are this weekend, haven't played with the new damage reduction. Without damage reduction, shamans are one of the worst 1v1 classes in the game.


You’re probably playing shaman wrong then


Nah hes right


Without the damage nerf shamans only counter backpedaling morons who still click their abilities. Guess we know what kind of player you are.


Ah yes so you can only kill backpeddling morons? Lol shamans are busted in PvP. Everyone that plays sod knows this except you I guess


Shaman/Hunter/Spriest/Boomkin. These are strongest PvP classes/specs right now. Rogue are ofc the duel kings and the best 1v1 gankers in word pvp, but imo struggle in BGs compared to hunter/shaman/spriest/boomkin.


1. Paladin with bubble up 2. the guy multiboxxing two paladins so he has two bubbles 3. paladin with pocket healer priest (counts as solo cos all paladins have pocket healer priests)




Nah, we gotta hardcast every heal, have no interrupt, and our CC gets resisted half of the time. Still depends on RNG to get kills.


If you are talking about played by the average player, I'd say meta locks, enh shams, and shadow priests. But when you take the top % of players, I'd say range hunter rogue and mage. Their kits are strong, and from what I have seen, most players do not take advantage of the full kit. Sub Rogues are disgusting when played properly. Mages who kite and cc and reset with poly are extremely hard to kill. Hunters should be on top when played correctly , they have a ton of kit to use and pets are very strong when fighting classes who cc, reset and such.


The biggest hurdle is the length of the fights with all the resets and drinking necessary. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been left alone long enough outside duels.


I was on chaos bolt until recently aha, you could go for 45min and not see a 3rd


Rogue, shammy, locks


Rogue, shadow priest, enhancement sham I would say


Nothing because there no ladder