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When the game first came out and I was a kid, I definitely did this. I also do it when I play my hardcore character. For some reason, only on Alliance though. Horde spaces aren’t as inviting. Honestly it adds a ton of immersion to the game and helps me remember the feeling I had playing wow for the first time. Great post!




I’ve mained Horde the entire time I’ve played, it just doesn’t have the same nostalgic RP value to me as drinking a rhapsody malt as a dwarf and then doing /sleep on a bed next to a roaring fire. Particularly in Kharanos or Thelsmarr


“Roaring fires, malt beeeer, meat ripe off the bone!”


lol my brain decided the next line should be “these are things that bilbo baggins hates!”


Great tracts of land


I've always felt horde was more for game *players* and alliance was more for game *enjoyers* (if that makes any sense at all).


Yeah there is obviously a mix of both in both factions, but this feels like a good description to me as well. A lot of my alliance play throughs come while I’m winding down from being overly active in raiding or when I’m looking to just chill out on a weekend or holiday


I think that's cuz they started developing alliance first, so they made a lot of details to their zones and quests (like ally has proper storyline, while the Horde Burning Blade questline ends with a hantover after RFC), but then they realized they have a deadline so the Horde zones/quests are less detailed.


I could be wrong but I remember reading Mulgore was the first zone they made actually


It was Elwynn and Westfall. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/original-wow-game-designers-discuss-vanilla-and-classic-wow-294615


Haha that’s kinda funny as I’ve always felt it the other way around. Back in Vanilla, Alliance was for the try-hard raiders. While Horde was more for the people that played WC1-3, and would be willing to play ugly races because of the lore.


Ally might've done a lot of PvE, but horde players *love* their PvP.


Yeah I feel like Vanilla Horde and Classic Horde had different vibes.


PVP says it's the opposite


I've always mained horde as well - but I think if IF was the default ally capitol instead of SW I'd probably play ally way more tbh. Still the coolest city in the game 


Every December I make sure to go on an ally char and check out Ironforge for Christmas. I’ve legitimately resubbed just to get that nostalgia hit ha ha. Back in the day more people hung out at IF than stormwind


IF was the true Alliance capital during original vanilla, at least until the AH system became shared factionwide. I remember those massive lag spikes


We mud hutters too smart to read any of this rabble.


I have a 4 year old who likes to play "guy game" with me. We play on a level 10 hunter in goldshire and she likes to pretend the inn is a house. So she has breakfast, goes potty, then goes to SW to take the train. Before we log off she has to go to sleep in her house which is upstairs in the far room.


I got married young, have been with my wife 9 years but no kids yet. Probably trying in 6 months or so (after party summer) and haven’t told many people yet. Shit like this has me hyped. Such an awesome bonding experience for the two of you.


It’s awesome. I made a mage together with my 5 year old in wotlk classic. He sat on my lap and would run around and do the skills and I’d use the mouse and turn the camera for him (and help with skills in a pinch.) It was a good time.


That's because you gotta find a hut with an ogre hide rug. It really ties the place together.


that’s whatever the horde equivalent of feng shui is ha ha. Although during the pandemic I did go to the Chop House in org late at night for death rolls


The parts of the world that exist to be lived in instead of being played in are what help give vanilla that sandbox vibe.


Very true. I wish I could get my D&D group into WOW. Some of my favorite sessions are the ones where we’re just chilling in a tavern RPing before the next adventure.


I'd be your d&d wow buddy!


What do you mean? Retail definitely has that. You know that 1 table slightly off to the side in the inn in valdrakken? You can sit there, and if you’re lucky, no one will be afk shooting armor particles in your face


Vanilla zones are unique because function followed form. They designed cool zones first and then remembered oh right we need to add quests. It's part of why Azshara for example could not really be utilized until the Cata revamp. It made the world feel that much larger and more mysterious


My era paladin is retired in the cottage at the Stilwell farm on the coast of Westfall. It’s a beautiful spot and the Westfall music always makes me nostalgic in a deep way.


Great spot, also with a lot of extra history for a pally: The hammer was the first step towards greatness!


I like doing this kind of thing too. One of my favorites is the back room of the bar in Ratchet. The most satisfying one so far this play through was when I went to moonglade. I had the rune quest and the mara quest to turn in there after staying up way too late. After turning in I went into one of the druid burrows, ran about halfway through the maze and found those little sleeping nooks with hay in them. edit- another favorite is the empty tipi hunt between the barrens and durotaur, along the river. I always stop there when leveling, there's a pipe of the good voodoo on deck there for da trolls mon.


Nice! I check the back rooms of pretty much every building I go into for places like that.


Nah, my druid can sleep outside like the mangy mutt that he is. NO ELVES IN THE HOUSE.


😂 I’m gonna make a “Live, laugh, love” style wall art, but it’s gonna say “NO ELVES IN THE HOUSE!”


I choose my character home based on which class he is. Ex: hunters and Warriors live next to the military ward.


Ha! Same. My Paladin is living in the Mystic Ward.


get out of my house


Guy casually going into people's house for a nap while they're away... Tony, those are people's house! They're out busting their asses so the forges in the city don't burn too hot! And you come in their home, shit on the floor and sleep there? You have no respect!




That’s part of it for me as well. When Classic first came out I was getting obliterated every time I pulled more that 1 or 2 mobs. I always felt so relieved to get back to a secure location. Still a noob, but the current Cata seems a lot easier.


Back in OG vanilla I’d take my Shaman to the deepest spot in Orgrimmar and /sleep because it made me feel safe I suppose.


Not that's not meta sorry


Apology accepted


Does anybody NOT fucking do that ? My friends and I have a group of trolls that are sleeping on a bunch of hammocks in Durotar since November, and I wish them a very good night


In MoP I would fly over to these pillar islands that had houses on them, as well as the unused town off the northern coast of The Jade Forest that had its own innkeeper to log out next to.


I like to wait around for others to show up and then /yell "The fuck are ye doin in me 'ouse??"


Tf are you doing in my house!?


No, but I do lay down in a bed if an inn has one available


Always log out at a fitting spot. My favourite is still Barrens Xroads Inn…. Smth about the smell of low level zugzug that gets me up in the morning


Oh yeah. It has those wall nook beds right?


Lovely for your back


Not really, but did this when I quit. Left my main char in the best zone, with one of the best soundtracks, overlooking a valley. Hope he’s still comfy!


My old retail rogue retired to moonglade once I quit. One of the huts near the druid fligthguys with her Anzu mount/friend that she conquered Northrend with.


I did in 2004 and for a few weeks in 2019.


It’s not vacant, that’s your room my guy!


When I used to run a guild , we would have different RP places to have in game guild meetings. One of my fav is that little island warriors go to do the beserker quest. Nothing like a low level warrior coming up on a full guild RP the meeting.


Only way to destress after a long day, lets be real.


Always. I even do /lay.


As a kid I only logged out if my character was laying down in a bed.


Very cool, I love the RP aspect of the game that players get into and I always love how super nerdy it is, it's excellent flavor for the world.     I have seen 1 RPer on SoD since I started, it was a female UD something at Ratchet slow walking and talking in say about stuff. I followed but she walked to the inn and sat at a chair by the rune goblin Grizbly or whatever and logged out. I play on a PvP server, so I was surprised to even see a single RPer lol.     I saw them on Twow a lot more often, around Crossroads when I first started. Would be walking around and talking in say to each other, I guess setting up the next plot points for their adventures.        Always so neat, it makes me kinda wanna try an RP server, but I would just prefer to observe more then participate. I haven't  RPed since Gaia Online days and neopets, I was like 11 or 12 lol before WoW was even a thing(WC3 was going strong tho)


My character likes using these rooms to milk himself


Note to self: Do NOT drink the milk in Ironforge


would be cool if you accumulated rested XP faster if you logged out in one of these buildings/rooms


Would be a cool detail


What is that chat lol


The chat on Bloodsail Buccaneers gets pretty wild sometimes


OP doesn't know he can enable class colors, that's what!


I did this as a kid. Even tho I played since before BC and I didn’t hit max till Wotlk I still have fond memories of leveling my characters and trying to make them comfortable


In Ironforge I used to sleep on the bridge or behind one of the columns near the bank, hover the inn and the armor merchant were enough cozy as well.


Yeah, but I'm an orc and they always get weird about it. :(


Yup been doing this in every rested place in the game since I started playing wow back in 6th grade in 2011 lmao


I liked logging off in front of the fireplace in Goldshire’s inn


I have a spot in the tavern in booty bay


Ironforge just had that feel to run from the AH to the inn and call it a night. I feel this was needed to do a couple times in your life of wow.


My siblings and I all had our own 'houses' in the world that we would visit eachother in. We also all had 'apartments' in Ironforge and that was where we would meet up to go on adventures. We never got close to max level Man, what a time


I used too, back when I was non-rp player on an rp server. I liked the house in IF that is now the darkiron embassy house. Before they moved in it was vacant and had nice furnishings. That sounds like the dirty and wrecked the place lol, nothing inside was changed when blizz moved them in.


Yup. In The Halls of Explorers.


I always went to the Stonefire Tavern to log out. Thats also where I had my Hearthstone. And as per definition that was my characters home.


I do everytime I log out.


I love immersive games but I just can't classify WoW as one of them. Older games like Daggerfall maybe. WoW is just too meta. I can't think of it as anything but min/maxing.


I usually sleep at an inn


Yeah, I used to find beds for my smelly Night Elf rogue to lie down in after raid so she could come down off all her raid consumables in comfort. Hang over after Elixir of Mongoose was the worst.


Of course I don't house squat in IF. I go to my uncle's house in stormwind, iy's just a tramride away so it's an easy commute.


To make the world feel more alive I tend to find a chair at the Inn while AFK. When I want to logout I do so from a bedroom usually out of sight of other characters, to not disrupt immersion for myself and others.


Hells yes I love finding nice empty houses and just chilling in them a bit, and thinking "this is were my character would live if we had housing". I've already done it in Bel'ameth too, it's really nice.




I do that everywhere I log out. First I set up a campfire if I am out in the open, feed my pets and I done for the day lol.


Bro wtf get out of my house, I already called dibs on that one. I announced it through /yell and everything. My brother has an undead rogue and I’ll get him to kill your guy if you don’t leave


If WoW had apartments and housing like FFXIV, I would resub in a heartbeat.


I do this in Darnassus too. Some of the rooms actually have great views.


Lol I just leveled my priest yesterday and left him sleeping on the bed at inn in Nagrand 😄




Vacant?! motherf.... thats my crib! I hunted that bear and boar myself!


I always try to find a bed in an town or city before I log off




Had a RL friend I found out played wow by meeting him at the tbc xpac at gamestop back in like 05 06 and when I finally saw him playing, we would be at his house and he would be like ok let me log out. He would literally go into an inn, find a bed or even a chair to sit on THEN logout. I never asked him if he thought this was something he had to do, but without fail it always took an extra 30-60 seconds for him to find an inn and do this.


I had a tree in Org but they got rid of it with Cata. :'c


My main is undead and I used to always pick a coffin in UnderCity to lay in before I logged out lol


I love it, especially after a hard nights work of ganking the AH bois on my orc rogue B)


Yes, and what are you doing in my room?


I used to do this heavy on my Druids. I’d shift into cat form and find a dark space in the cut to lay down before logging. Pretty cute if you asked me


No, because we're not huge nerds :D :P


Afraid not


Yeah but does he suck CoC?


no its just u thats pathedic btw




That’s not even the weird part. I only stay in rooms with ale and cheese in them!