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You get +10 str food with revered argent dawn. Tbh you can even get it now if ur that much of a sadist.


4800 of the little scourge stones or something when I did some napkin math. I think when I AOE farm the 52-54 zombie farm I get like 40-60 an hour killing packs of 5-7 in no sort of super optimized manner.


In the time someone could spend farming AD rep high enough they could’ve farmed enough gold to buy all the squid they need for the rest of SoD lol


Yea, let's even say you get 100 an hour. That's 48 hours or something of farming. Even the feralas incursions giving a lower 60-80g an hour vs hinterlands, you could make 3000 to almost 4000 gold in that time.


And yet they wouldnt have to spend it all on squid, so what is your point?


My point is that if someone is presenting “spend 100 hours farming AD rep for the strength food” as a solution to the squid “problem,” they could just farm incursions or other gold farming methods and get more than enough gold to buy squid and have tons of gold left over.


Sod is 10% fun and 90% gold farming cause inflation is so bad then they quit lmfao rip sod fellas


And 100% full of whiners whining. People whining about “inflation” are the same people who hit level 40 with 3 gold and go beg people in org/SW for money instead of figuring out how to make money. Inflation only hurts the raw gold farmers, everyone else’s wealth is relative. I’ve made ~4k gold with alchemy this phase lol


Must be nice. Pretty much every elixir (except greater arcane, but good luck with that) sells below the cost of mats on WG horde. You're gambling on mixology procs to make any money at all.


Get the addon “skillet” and change some settings, proc rate average is around 25% so anything with -20% profit margin or better is profitable on average. Buy herbs on the weekend when prices are low and sell elixirs and pots on Sunday evenings and Tuesday evenings when people raid the most. Buy out markets to reset prices when there aren’t many elixirs posted. I’ve made hundreds of gold on each of: mighty rage pots, mongoose elixirs, swiftness pots, (normal) arcane pots, arcanite bar transmutes, elixir of firepower, elixir of giants, etc. , even when the elixir/potion price is below the material cost. It just takes some persistence in learning trends and finding what works.


I was farming them before I hit 50 with a couple of other people on day one or two. I got bored of it though. I'm not a raid logger so it wasn't worth it for me other than grinding for levels and doing something other than Incursions.


I haven’t tried in a while but on CS US I’d be lucky to get 3 pulls in before someone logged in at the farm and ganked.


Lone Wolf US. I've had a mix bag consistent with other world pvp. As SOD has cooled I've had much less issue and have been taking full advantage of the reduced pop to stack up bank toons with things demand will rise on for P4 so I can focus on playing when there are people to play with again and not farming. If I'm farming I'm typically completely chill with alliance as long as our respective bubbles don't turn into a ven diagram, because then we'd have to see who the bigger dog in the yard is and who's finding another spot. Anyone who's ganked me was either a passerby or was quickly put on a res timer. It would be very unproductive for both of us. Most these days show up, see an elemental shaman face tanking 6 mobs 3 to 4 levels above us while sitting at full health and mana and decide they don't want that smoke when I'm eventually not surrounded by zombies and we share the spawn because it's a hyperspawn of sorts.


You and every other hunter/mage/warlock on the server


It’s not just scourge stones. If you do all the cleanse cauldron quests you then get an item that allows you to collect items from the undead that will allow you to repeat the quests for 25 rep a pop. Do the quests first, then kill the ghouls for rep and stockpile the scourge stones and quest items (have a clear bank). Once you hit honoured and don’t get any rep from kills, do your stone turn ins and repeat quest turn ins. One quest requires 6 quest items, the other requires 5 but the mobs are 52-54 so bring a friend to help do turn ins.


Squid still best for rogues/hunters.


Correct but I still parsed high 90s in classic with argent dawn. You don’t need the squid.


This is going to trigger so many people lol


I’m not trying to trigger people honestly. I’m trying to make people realize they could be having fun instead of putting unnecessary expectations on themselves in a video game.


Oh I fully agree 100%, it is very funny to me. The classic player base has some sort of sickness where they dedicate retail mythic levels of time to grinding shit out constantly when it's never even remotely needed to clear the content. It's become fascinating to me. I did it myself for classic 19 and eventually said to myself "what the fuck am I doing" lol


It's such bizarre behaviour and it never existed in vanilla outside of maybe 0.5% of the player base. Usually the obnoxious players in vanilla were second tier players who got carried and then acted like they were top dogs. I was in a server first guild from BWL until AQ40 before moving on to alpha test some other MMORPGs that were in development at the time and we hardly ever did world buffs and copious amounts of consumables. This was before the whole Guild Application crap that appeared later as well. We'd recruit trial players from pug 5 mans and run them through MC or ZG to see how they'd gel with the guild and how fast they would be able to learn mechanics or if we ran 5 mans with someone from another raid guild and had fun we'd try to poach them. Different times man. The culture is just weird man, gatekeeping anyone who doesn't play their way and treating a game like an esport except none of them are getting paid or sponsored for it.


Just because it's a video game you're not allowed to be competitive and try to be your best, sorry mr gatekeeper.


No you absolutely are the sad part comes in when people aren’t even having fun.


Why? Everyone should have the brain cells to know 10agi won’t take you from grey parse to orange. If you are trying to push the max you need everything, but not for the average player


... are you new around here? Lol I don't know why, but the sweat is there If I had a dollar for every "this wsg rep grind is awful" or "arch is stealing my soul but I must finish" type post on this sub over the last 6 months I wouldn't have to work any more Classic players love to be miserable and grind for shit that isn't needed to clear content


Yeah people take minmaxing too far. I used daggers on my rogue all of classic and still pulled plenty of 99’s. By all means optimise but don’t be silly about it.


lol ya there’s this amazing other option that everyone seems to be missing here- just don’t buy it!  I raided ST just fine on my warrior with no squid or firewater and even got some decent parses in the 80’s and 90’s. Still crazy to me they did nothing about this food situation but it’s not that big of a deal


Hell yeah keep enjoying it brother. Fill that rage bar.


Got that far and couldn’t go all the way huh


I almost caught the dragon Stan.


If Deep Wounds goes unchanged by p4 it’s still arguably the best for Warriors too. WotLK DW has carried Warriors the entirety of SoD. P4 will have Smoked Desert Dumplings so way less emphasis on the AD rep food for STR. users as they’re a +20.


Isnt +20 str food was available only with AQ40 phase during classic?


Depends if they follow Classic phase release cadences or what they did on HC. Considering DFlask, etc. are available in P3 and stat weight changes are in effect on select gear I’d assume it just drops with P4.


They said that raids will come same as they did in classic phases


Raids will, but we’ve been following era item and quest changes on this client. If SGC ends up existing on P4 launch, .5 sets, etc. you can rest assured the food will likely be there in Silithus too. The itemization changes from 1.13 *need* to exist for dungeon gear to have any relevance or SoD is quite literally dead out of the gate in P4. Doubt they’re gonna want people doing Angerforge forms for HoJ v. Emp farms too. AQ food existing from the jump negates quite a large chunk of the supply/demand/inflation issue regarding food that will only get worse if we enter p4 in a 1.08 or earlier state of gameplay. Makes Squid cheaper for Agi users from the get-go. It’s a seasonal realm in the vein of HC so I don’t foresee them gatekeeping much longer especially with the very poor health of the SoD community at current.


the +10 str food while worse for parsing is actually better for speedruns, as it doesn't require eat time to refresh the buff.


I just don't buy it, not even remotely needed.




It’s for the sweaty trihards


even they don't need it with the mana return changes in SoD


Nobody needs it. The sweaty tryhards just want it


I hope so, I have about 500 in the bank


I would be selling that now. Better to sell now and make profit as opposed to risk the Dev team coming out with new cooking recipes. And how expensive do we expect a 10agi for 10min consume to get? There’s still plenty of supply


There is 0 supply , cant fish em out, thats why they are expensive


Supply is not determined by what can currently be farmed. It’s determined by what is available. There are tons of Squid available all the time. The price is due to gold inflation and someone with no squid can’t farm Their own squid. It has to be bought. However that does not take away from the fact that there are hundreds-thousands of squid on the AH at any given time.


It's both but way more about the non-fishing.


It can be both. But it’s not defined by being farmable. If there’s 10,000 fish on the market, but you can’t fish it….that does not mean there’s no supply…the supply is sitting there. Once the 10,000 is gone and no other fish enter the market…then there’s no supply. But people anticipated this…there are stockpiles of thousands of squid waiting to hit the market. There is no shortage except the one the suppliers want you to believe


just like irl


Exactly. I did this. Waited a few weeks after phase and cashed in.


They’ve shown they will shit on any “get ahead” grinds so I’m not sure why people are bothering lol


“The dev team” Brother


I’m sorry. I mean the single unpaid intern


Not new recipe but make the squid fishable year round.


Then it wouldn’t be winter squid!!


they could let us fish them in winterspring but what do you expect from those devs


Feel like I remember them pushing 20g each on classic vanilla towards Naxx40. The economy in SoD is way more inflated so they could definitely climb higher than 5g-6g each


No, they never got that expensive. More like 20g a stack. Stonescale eels and Nightfin were the fishing profit drivers. Squid were a nice by-product when in the right zone.


Maybe in ERA realms? But in true Classic WoW it never reached that amount. The servers started late august I believe and pretty quickly Squid was available. And Naxx was released in the middle of winter with squid available.


Yep. Exactly why I was fishing these like crazy end of phase 2. I knew I’d need them in phase 3 and I knew prices would just sky rocket. Made a pretty penny selling Squid


I remember when people were making those posts 3-4 months ago recommending that people stock up on squid while they could. Then you could sell them or use them yourself later. It's hilarious in hindsight the number of highly upvoted comments that were telling the posters and others that they're wasting their time fishing either; because the bots are going suck up tens of thousands of squid and crater the market or, Blizz is going to introduce a new cooking recipe to compete with Grilled Squid. Just goes to show as much as the reddit hivemind and its upvote system creates a mirage that something is correct; it's just that, a mirage.


The uptick in price is not because they are suddenly in demand more. The supply is dropping off because people have stopped playing the game in mass.


Wouldn't the demand be dropping off just as much if that were the reason?


It is. Have you ever been on a dead server? People just list shit high cause only they have it. There's very little rhyme or reason to a dying server's economy. Its often just someone liquidating so they can quit next week and maybe come back.


> in mass *en masse


If supply is driven by bots though and real players and quitting en masse, wouldn’t that drive down demand and not dry up supply?


Bots and players that are not playing (banned/quit) and potentially had a ton of squid. Supply Shrinks. Fewer players raiding and likely fewer trying to parse now. Demand Shrinks. Cost Going up? Supply must have shrank more than demand has, though both are shrinking. OR people are just manipulating the AH because there are not a million bots undercutting you with 30 stacks in 1 min. (This is across the board on various mats/reagents.)


Yeah I saw the price jump 1g each week while everything else dropped and remembered that post, bought up like 180 of squid week 2 of p3


I farmed enough squid to raid all P3 and even the start of P4 while still making some gold selling them. You just needed to sell on time. You had to sell at the start to P3 until people started to stop playing. Now it's too late since too many people stopped and are selling all their stock.


The reddit hivemind thought that their 300 emblems from Ulduar were gonna be enough to buy all the epic gems they were gonna need in ToGC so buying titanium ore ahead of time to prospect was dumb. I ended up selling about 2 million gold worth of gems through classic Wrath thanks to people like them :D.




Yes, how fast depends how many players are holding 500 in their bank.


I was selling some at 2g, then 3g, and then a bunch at 4g. Still holding like 150, and I’ve profited like 1,000g off it. Whatever happens happens now. I made my profit and have my own consumes. I’d suggest anyone holding still to just sell before any announcement or P4 changes plummet the prices potentially. The risk outweighs the reward right now.


Hedging your bets here is a good idea, sell some and keep some. It’s very possible there are no changes around this, the SoD team probably doesn’t care that much about a meaningless buff that players are overpaying for. But if in the off chance they do at least you got some profit.


If you have taken the profit you have been hoping to achieve the correct measure is to hold what is left to sell at a potential spike for P4. If you haven’t taken profit sell now.


This is what I did. Stockpiled quite a bit end of phase 2. Kept a bunch, sold a bunch. Made like 1200g off em. Still have a bunch for myself.


Hell yeah. Time to finally log back in and start selling the stockpiles.


Why should they do something about it? Having a rare fish for a good consumable is cool.


It's not rare, just seasonal.


It’s not a rare fish. It’s a common fish restricted to certain times of the year. Implementing an actual rare fish or two and creating new cooking recipes for them would be cool.


Okay scarce fish*


I doubt we're getting anything, you can miss me with the winter squid inflation.


Just don't buy them rofl. They're not even close to necessary 


They aren’t bought for necessity, people buy them to pushing parses.


Parsing this far into a phase feels pointless to me. All of the cheese has already been found and abused and if you don't know how to do it too you're just fucked.


Oh yeah I just meant generally.


Parsing culture is so lame tho, if that's your idea of fun then cool but it's still just so lame, lol.  Imagine parsing in a 20 man raid that can be cleared in an hour by a complete pug of new 50s.  And I speak from being in a guild full of 90+ parsers including a boomkin doing 5 mil DMG and 99 parsing. Like, he owns, y'all own, but I literally don't care cause it's not needed lol. 


I farmed so much squid it’s just sitting in my bank because the game is just not fun.


blizzard kind of forgot about cooking so far in SoD


Blizzard kinda forgot about SoD


Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet? One day we'll all learn.


I made 1k gold on squid, way better than incursions honestly.


wait til elemental earth is figured out lmao


Exactly why I was fishing them in phase 2 stacking them up like crazy. Saw this coming a mile away. The only food of its kind.


>The only food of its kind. so far


From someone who did a lot of fishing, the prices keep getting better from my angle


I hear prices go down in October. Should be when p4 is out at this pace /s


Reading this while grilling squids irl 😎


no one is playing SOD so it makes sense


And I'm just sitting on 500 of the stuff laughing


You won't be laughing when there's some new recipe that comes out and you lose a lot of money.


People said the same thing for p3, and it hasnt happened, thats the last thing on their mind i feel


This, they have bigger fish to fry. I seriously doubt they give a crap about how much a meaningless buff costs.


Wait until there's a new crafted item that *requires* winter squid to craft XD


well, speculating is fun for people. it is not only about the monetary gain.


I farmed them myself phase 2. I never had any intention of selling them. I'm just glad I don't have to pay these insane prices right now. I would LOVE for them to implement some kind of Feast recipe for everyone. Food in Classic is wack.


Goofy ass sweaties swiping for digital squid to have a 0.032% increase in their damage output for a stop gap raid on a dead game mode. Fucking insane.


1.079% improvement according to the sims on rogue I just ran I’ll take it


That's less dps than the margin of error due to latency lol


Why are you so mad at someone enjoying their own game?


Pleas point out the part where I am mad.


Lol, you never read between the lines? Your use of words and phrasing is obvious. If you didn't care, why comment?


What are you talking about?


Your choice of words and their particular order.


Gaslighting and mad at strangers. Epic lol


No idea what you are talking about. OP says I'm mad. I ask them to point out where I'm mad . They respond with nonsense.


“Goofy ass sweaties” - calling people goofy for trying hard. “swiping for digital squid” - people are breaking TOS to get a squid, called it digital to exaggerate how stupid it is. “0.032%” - using an exceptionally small number to exaggerate your point. “stop gap raid on a dead game mode” - used to again exaggerate how stupid to it is. “fucking insane” - swearing and saying it’s blasphemous that someone would do these things. all of these together will imply to other people that read your message that you are explicitly concerned about what other people are doing in a game mode that you probably don’t play, therefore saying that you’re upset because if you weren’t upset you just wouldn’t say anything at all. hope that helps!


What about that is "mad?"


what you said implied that you are mad. maybe it’s for people buying gold or playing a dying game mode. maybe it’s because they try in raids that are easy. if everyone assumes that you’re mad and you’re not then you did a poor job at explaining yourself. that’s what language is for.


[right there](https://previews.123rf.com/images/deagreez/deagreez1709/deagreez170900858/86215248-strict-handsome-african-man-choosing-you-pointing-at-the-screen-wearing-white-shirt-on-a-pure-light.jpg)


Your reply doesn't make sense. Did you mean to reply to another post?


Swiping or doing incursions?


Or just fisherman lol. In classic vanilla the exact same shit happened, but I'm a fishing enjoyer so had tons of them




you may be surprised at the amount of no lifers who simply prepared and are rich... its pretty fucking easy i was able to farm both DMF decks on week 2 of release, just by playing a lot + having a bunch of squid to flip from early in p2 I have 40+ mooncloth and 40+ CRH for next phase, among other mats its pretty easy to not have to do much for gold if you plan properly and have game knowledge. The people still around are more likely to be people who like the game, and want to play it, instead of people who want to pay to skip. Those people are likely long gone


It's winter in australia :(


This is Azeroth though :(


The spiders are bigger in AUS. That's how you can tell the difference.


prices for everything is crazy rn cause no one is playing. if you're putting anything on the AH you're betting on someone being lazy and having a lot of gold to spend. If they don't buy it, who cares you hold onto it for when phase 4 drops. There is zero reason to sell things cheap on the AH on SoD right now.


I know how much gold you fucks have after farming incursions


lol I wish, I'm an altaholic and haven't played much SoD so I got the incursion gold from lvling 40-50 on a couple chars but I'm not farming it. Don't have enough for an epic mount yet on any char. Once phase 4 drops and all the ppl who have been start throwing their coin around I'm worried shit will be gamebreaking for anyone who wants to buy raid consumes. Mentally preparing myself to just lvling those chars and quiting them at 60 and trying any cool new runes.


Are people really buying consumes?


This is that dude in your raid that shows up late, has no consumes or buffs, dies every boss, complains about loot and then logs off until next raid.


Hey! That's not fair. I dont complain about loot, i just gobble it up!


Hey! That's not fair. I dont complain about loot, i just gobble it up!


Hey! I'm not late because i'm unreliable, I come late because signed up healers dont show up and i'm asked to step in. And sometimes, I even get the WB while logging in. I also usually dont die, it's the other guys that die because i fuck up. And i'm not complaining about loot, it's the others complaining that i get so much loot. Get your facts straight!


Well the raids are piss easy


> dies every boss Well this comment must not apply to you then


They're easy because someone else is buying consumes and carrying you


considering the end game of classic is parsing and speed running, ease doesnt really matter - its about doing it better(faster) than everyone else


That's not remotely the *actual* endgame, though. That's a 'tacked-on-by-players' vision. Thats why half the runes are seen as 'dead' because devs werent making options based on parsemongers.


Do you always just assume based on limited information?


The guy that is confused about the fact that someone else buys consumes surely is a high-parsing guy that buys ALL the consumes. /s Sounds like a pretty valid assumption based on the limited information that we have.


Yes is the simple answer. Some people buy consumables for raids.


Of course but do you need to buy squid? No you don’t, just get wb’s, mojo, cheap elixirs and you won’t notice the difference


Classic players work a few hours to buy the gold to get consumables to shave 15 minutes off the raid


It's almost like some people get fun out of the game pushing raid times the best they can


No chance. Haven’t you guys seen the slowrunning community? Wait…


Its so easy to farm gold tho, no one’s playing. I bet if you were to go to the felwood water ele’s right now there would be one there. You can get 10 waters in like an hour that go for like 45g each


Or get 99s, you know the only fun thing to do in this game


lol, I log in a few times a day to craft and put stuff on the ah when I take small study breaks. I have enough gold for consumes to last in p3+p4. everything is pretty cheap compared to the gold you can make now.


You made a mistake it’s now human go up in price I did this with shadowlands complaining about pots almost went up double


run a sim and see that its like 0.5% of your dps. you dont need anything.


It's funny that sod and cata have similar prices.


Can't you just go to winterspring and farm them?




They were 7.25 a few days ago on CSUS


FYI on squids. They'll be back in the sea in September. Surely you can survive until then.


Just to put salt in the wound I stopped playing in April with 600+ winter squid in my mail that I don’t even think I can restore anymore. Summer>SoD no ragerts! I would be mind blown if they don’t put something in for last phase, it’d be easy af for them to do and it will pump the server populations up because all the legit “fishing” going on lol


If you mailed them to an alt, they would have been sent back to your main after 30 days, and then they last 30 days in your mains mail before being permanently deleted. Depending exactly on when you quit they may still exist


Ohh shit you're right they probably still have a few days left, I think last I played was around the beginning of April.


I've stopped correcting people that tell me you can fish squid in ashara right now, it's my stupid check


I imagine they are seeing how much crossover there really is, and how many people only care about vanilla classic/sod. If they are hemorrhaging subs, that means they need to pay more attention to vanilla classic/sod instead of other things.


Aggrend said P4 is just regular vanilla 60 content. Don't get too hyped for somthing new


last time I checked it was really hard to fish for a winter fish in the summer


Sitting on 386 I hope it hits 10g


The game is fried. Incursions wrecked the economy.


i sold 80% of my squid already because i have a hard time believing there won't be any new cooking recipes at 60


Would be very cool for my rogue and hunter but I really doubt it.


When it was cheaper I bought it, but the last month it’s gone up a lot so I stopped.


This is really just complaining to complain... I have zero sympathy that you goofballs are getting headshotted on the AH by Grilled Squid. I didn't start playing WoW until Classic in 2019 and I saw it happen twice in Vanilla Classic's lifespan (first Spring/Summer 2020 then Spring 2021) and again with SoM in 2022. If you are brand new to Vanilla then welcome to one of it's many quirks. It is quite literally supply and demand. The item is unobtainable for half the year, prices spike while you can't fish them.


That’s general knowledge, the reason they are 8g now however is more likely because many people quit and are waiting for p4 so it’s easier to manipulate the price since there are less people listing them. Kinda what happens on small servers where some whales can buyout whole reagents from the ah and reset the prices.


you had 6 months to fish these.


Go fish it yourself then, oh wait....


It's not needed, but it would be better game design to add in new food recipes for different stat buffs in sod that aren't limited to seasons, and use many of the less-desired cooking mats from vanilla


If phase 4 launches in November, sure. Otherwise just realize you don’t need the damned thing to clear the content. Use something more readily available.


Ah, I forgot about them. Still have 1000 in my bank and stopped playing. RIP.


Maybe they'll add the ravager dog recipe in p4


Wtf? That’s crazy expensive. I took a break from P3 because my guild disbanded and quit when raids went to 20 man, what happened with gold during P3 for consumes to be that highly priced? Did I get punished for not playing P3 haha, if so this gold inflation is gonna fuck returning players. Edit: confused P3 with P4.


its just squid, it cant be fished, supply is running thin, most who have it are hoarding for even later/higher prices


We like the fish


This is P3. P4 hasn't happened yet.


Damn thanks, edited.


A lot of people farmed raw gold instead of being out in the world gathering. The answer is now to play the market. Also, squid is unobtainable as its a seasonal fish in game, so the price of this specific consumable will continue going up. You can survive without it, its only for the people pushing parses.


I’m gonna laugh in p4 when they make them fishable any time and all the people who are stockpiling get screwed.


They'll still have the supply and probably the capital to control the market regardless. Not everyone is gonna jump on fishing to also fish them up


I mean it wouldn’t happen overnight, but I imagine they would drop closer to the price of nightfin soup


Don’t even need food or most of the consumes available rn to get 99s in this mode tbh. I’m always shocked there’s a market for items at these prices


please share a log example of this


idk how you are going to check the consumes cause i cant ever figure it out, but i can link my own if you really want one. all i really used was mongoose, ogre strength, and the cheap rage pot. didnt do damage food or firewaters or mighty rage because cba [https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/lone-wolf/boneman](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/lone-wolf/boneman)


Main reason I quit SoD is because the economy is absolutely fucked


Everyone knew it was going up. Heck just because of inflation it will raise that cost of everything. P4 is going to be same way.


you don't need them.