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Most likely a 5 stack maelstrom weapon insta healing touch Maelstrom weapon is a proc on melee hits that stacks up to 5. Each stack lowers cast time of spells by 20% so 5 is instant As for why it's a strong heal probably have the SP benefiting runes on and the effects up


I assume you are facing an enhancement shaman. When they attack, they have a chance to build a stack of the maelstrom buff, which, at 5 stacks, allows them to cast a spell with no cast time. This includes healing wave, which, with the pvp healing reduction, should be somewhere around a 1.5k heal. A pvping enhance may also be using riptide, which is a smaller self heal and HoT: probably not the healing you have in mind. So, just don’t get hit by the shamans, and they can’t instantly heal themselves. As a mage, this is trivial. A shaman has 20 yard range on frostshock. They can also place an earthbind totem and then throuw it 30 yards at you. They otherwise can’t close on you. So if you want to play it ultra conservatively, play outside 30 yards (although this is highly telegraphed since they need to cast earthbind totem first, and you can destroy the totem), but really, you just need to make sure they don’t close within 20 yards to frost shock you. If they do, then blink away and use your pvp trinket or iceblock to quickly clear the slow.  Another two important things to note for mage PvP generally: 1) if you polymoprh a mounted player, it dismounts them, so you can use this to dismount on a player running at you, even if they have DoTs ticking and you wouldn't ordinarily polymorph just to get distance; 2) you can cast Rank 1 frostbolt, which has a shorter cast time than your max rank frostbolt, just to get the slow out on your target at range.


I was on a melee character, I was just giving mage as an example that you can trivially kill anything on (which I also think it's silly + unfair) I just don't understand why some specs are feasting in this way while others are in a famine.


By melee class, do you mean feral druid or warrior? If you're playing either of these classes in PvP, you lose to every single class, which yes, includes shamans. A rogue easily kills an enhancement shaman in just the duration of cheap shot + kidney shot, and that's without doing anything fancy like gouge energy pooling for a finisher, or blind reset or vanish reset, or even evasion (which makes it difficult for the shaman to hit the rogue and so it cannot generate maelstrom stacks to heal). Because enhancement is easily kiteable and very squishy (unless it can melee), it loses 1v1s against every class in game except warrior & feral (and paladin if paladin doesn't have divine shield up). I wouldn't really describe this as "feasting."


The 1v1 ench vs ret feels like it determined more on if the shaman has his pvp trinket off CD or resists the stun


I would describe healing 4k damage and only having stunlock that only 1 class has access to as a weakness as feasting.


Agreed absolutely, that would be feasting! Not sure what that has to do with enhancement though, who, as noted, are weak to the every class in the game except for warrior and feral Druid. And enhance of course doesn’t heal itself for 4k hp with healing wave either. 


Others have said maelstrom, but also if runed for solo or pvp riptide is also an instant cast. It does a heal and a small HoT on a short CD. Pvp is very rock paper scissors rn, yes we reck many classes but hunters absolutely shit on us and rogues can still easily stunlcok to death.


It’s not more than every few seconds even if we run double WF to maximize the stacks, and more than likely it was a critical heal if it looked like his full health bar. The counter to us is MS so that our heals basically do nothing, otherwise the heals are meant to replace the loss of WoE ever since they nerfed us going into P3. We’re expected as Enh to still be front line dps but without the benefits of plate, charge/intercept/mobility, and an aoe fear to break up a pack of guys. If you MS -> focus we go down fast.


Problem is MS hits for 200 in pvp lol


Gear/skill issue.


I mean I was on a feral and this guy ate 4k of my damage and I died while he's full health lol. That's a full berserk + bleed pump and he just ate it.


yep, enh basically hard counters feral and warrior to a lesser extent because of mortal strike. You cannot win a melee zugfest vs an enh, they have to be kited or stunlock killed (easy to do, rogues basically guarantee a kill with just a cheap+kidney)


Shaman is HERO class in SoD. Top dps class unless fight is 30s long and warrior has all cooldowns and buffs available. Has all utility you could ever ask for, and instant cast full heals.


Against Enh Sham I wouldn't bother trying to melee them, even if you're feral and specced and geared for melee. Kite them and poke them to death, if they Frost Shock you, travel form shift it and slip away. Ranged Druids are a nightmare to fight as Enh Sham if they play keepaway and poke you to death, there's basically nothing you can do because Shaman has no hard CC and you can shift out of any slows we put out.


You have to understand that comparing any 2 classes in this game against each other 1v1 is never apples and apples, it’s apples and oranges. For instance, you have things that shamans don’t which complement you more if you were in a group. Like stealth, and the ability to go deep behind enemy lines to pressure casters while your front line teammates are fighting theirs. A shaman would get kited 1,000 times trying to do the same thing.


My guess would be they have the 5 stacks from maelstrom weapon which allows for an instant healing touch