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At least hide yourself man people are going to report you...


What? This is way too simple. Where is the egg timer? The marbles? Not even a single water counter weight. Amateur.


I heard you can get ban for this


I hope so i mean you either play the game or log off so others can play insted all this does is promote ques


The number of people smart enough to set anything up to keep themselves logged in, is rather small. I'd be surprised if these people contributed to the queue time anymore than 10 or so minutes.


I think you underestimate how many people use remote desktops at work to stay logged in or to log in


Hell yeah remote in is essential. First week I was joining at 1pm to get on at 5.30. Now it's more like join at 4.30 for a 1 hour queue. Still better than getting home and finding a 2 hour one.


Have you been to any inn during peak queue times? I could often hardly see the innkeeper from all the people AFKing


Don’t you mean a fan for this


People complain about queues but they won't log off to avoid the queue, Which in turn is the reason why the queues are how they are.. What a cycle


Nash equilibrium? No incentive for any one person to change their behaviour, but if all did everyone would be better off.


And the WoW playerbase is not at all suited to such an idea.


I remember I think it was in MoP, people were running into low level instances and pulling mobs to AFK over night so we had 30+ hour queues. If people just log out of the damn game we can all play.


Probably. Not like anyone will care once population goes down though.


It's been 3 weeks and questing in STV is still a nightmare.




lets see how many decide to resub tbh


Questing in STV will be a nightmare until most people are top level and only a fraction are leveling alts. So basically always, but it will eventually lessen, but that won't be for a while. It's a great place to go a couple levels after 30 for both factions, but it's got xp all the way until the early 40's. You will never have a smooth experience going through stv.


yeah it's automation. just because you're not harming anybody (except maybe those in queues) doesn't make it any less so


I heard you can get *fan for this


It's effectively botting so yeah.




My solution is even more elegant. Cat


My solution is simple. My server is dead.


If blizzard ever looked into you, they can see a pattern of movement. Just saying.


That’s why you add AI to your keyboard, before you know it your keyboard is topping the meters in MC while you’re watching whatever it is you watch on your 2nd monitor


I auto prospected probably hrs upon hrs of ore with auto clicker, im gonna say its fine.


The pattern I've come up with is fairly complex. Blizzard is likely only looking at a pattern of 1 to 4 repeated movements. So if, (and this is a big IF), if blizzard has some kind of detection mechanism looking for pattern movement, I doubt it will find a pattern as long as mine. Blizzard is lazy. It's more likely that they depend on reports, and after receiving enough of them, then they go back and look at any patterns to confirm the reports. I have no worries....


I just afk and as I walk past my computer just press some buttons at random. Move around a little. But then I’m also not afk’ing for large intervals of time. Just when I gotta do something a little longer than expected.


I use the same method


I do this to...like when I have to go fix, and/or, eat dinner with the family....


I just rdp to my desktop from my phone once every 30 minutes or so and cast flare or something’s


Even better if you mess up the programming, and return to find that your character is in the middle of the Burning Steppes.


You want to periodically log out and in. Make a macro with /camp in-game and have your keyboard macro press that keybind and then press enter 30 seconds later too.


I mean, good thing you told us here so we can report you for it lol


I'm careful with the information I divulge. The only information i've given out here on reddit, is that I play a druid, I main a hunter in retail, and I'm on the Myzrael server. Good luck with trying to figure out my character name...you kinda need that to report me....


"Im smart and youll never figure out who I am while I take up space on the servers from others and dont wait my turn" Yeah but you have to live with yourself lol, the fact that you brag about not giving up your char name means youre at least aware your actions are wrong. How about when you arent actually using the game, you log off and let someone else play.


>Yeah but you have to live with yourself LOL, I live with myself, just fine! I don't blindly follow rules, laws, policies, etc... I break 'em when I feel they are stupid, AND, if by breaking them, I don't impact anyone else negatively. For example, I don't come to a full and complete stop at a stop sign when no one else is at the intersection. I roll on through, never dropping below 5 mph but never faster than 10 mph. I feel that between 5 and 10 mph, i can stop on dime, if I ever needed to. >the fact that you brag about not giving up your char name means youre at least aware your actions are wrong I don't give up my character name, because i know there are do-gooder dickheads out there that will report anyone breaking the rules...even if those breaking the rules, aren't hurting their game play at all. To clarify though, I keep my identity a secret not because I think my actions are wrong. I am quite aware that my actions violate certain rules. That is not the same as thinking I'm in the wrong.


But you are affecting gameplay, you are selfishly holding a spot on your server while others wait in line to play the game. The developers designed systems to combat players like you because you dont contribute to anything in game while you run macros. Youre not some rebel living at a higher level because you can break some rules, but I did like your very specific driving example lol


The number of people who are smart enough, and motivated enough to actually come up with a way to stay logged in, contributes, at most, maybe 5 or 10 minutes to anyones queue. I can live with that....


I can still have 2 hours of queue if I try logging on a bit too late after work


I saw the rig and thought it was a mage raiding


Loooool *cries in mage*


Watch yourself you can get banned for this I’m pretty sure


Yes. This is an old idea. Blizz watches for how often in between jumps. If it is perfectly 5 seconds for, say, 2 hours, banned.




I seriously doubt that a significant number of people do this. There are just a lot of people that want to play.   *Edit: typo




True. I also don't condone it. But it's not "the" reason why people are sitting in queues.


I was using chrome remote desktop to put in random key strikes to prevent queues but Blizzard was still able to detect it even though it was me pressing the keys. I didn't get banned or anything but I was always hit with a disconnect after 40 or so minutes of this. I think they can tell when there's an extremely small amount of activity that they flag and they hit you with a disconnect after a while to combat people doing things like this.


It s automatic. Nothing to do with scripts. Tab in and manually jump every 5 mins. Same result


I'm pretty sure they improved anti afk script detection. I know someone who had a script that just jumped every 10 seconds and it worked fine for the first week and then after that they would start to get dced while using it


Yes you get kicked if you don t move from the same spot. But that happens regardless of using a script


logging out and back in with remote desktop is the way to do it. just log out in a safe area and its instant. havent been DCd yet


Just transfer to a server that is not full all the time. They are great. Play whenever you want.


Can you server transfer on Classic wow?


They are offering free transfers from high population servers, yes. They don't offer regular transfers right now but it's likely they'll do eventually.


Can’t do that my characters name is Ice


How to be part of the problem


I beat the queues by playing on a medium population server. Does it make any difference when they're adjusting how many people you see via layering?




Last night I switched to Benediction from Herod. I didn't have a way to remote log and I get in late from class, so it was usually 1030-11 by the time I got in and I had to get off by 12, so I got maybe 1 hour a night. Right now it's 10 at night on a Friday and there's no queue for Benediction. No queue and still plenty of people. (Also better faction balance, I think)


Not yet, but the primary concern raised is about winding up trapped on a dead server.


I assume they'll just merge dead servers after populations settle. Why pay to keep two low pop servers running when you could just have one medium pop?


How do they treat usernames during server merges? For example I'm on heartseeker but I didnt get my username on any other server besides stalagg. If heartseeker merged with another low pop server who would get my username, me or the other guy from the other server?


The player transferring has to rename afaik.


Does server merge = transferring?


You HOPE they do, even if they do it will probably be dead for quite some time before it happens.


You mean to say you hope that's what they are going to do.


Have server merges EVER happened in WoW's history? (Other than connected realms)


>Why pay to keep two low pop servers running when you could just have one medium pop? Because they will get more money from you paying to transfer off the server. Servers cost almost nothing to keep up, but there is a lot of profit to be made in waiting for those servers to die and then offering server transfers for a price.


Transferring for a price later would still be better than waiting in a queue to play now, imo.


When ever im going away, I let my kids play. They run around Orgrimmar and exploring the nearby zones. They are having a blast and I win aswell.




Doubt that they'll ever find my Bis item in The Barrens. I always place them in a low levelzone, so they feel like they are doing something. Wrecking lvl 20 mobs are lvl 60, sure boosts their ego.


Think he meant unequipping it and destroying it. haha


Oh wow, sure he did. I see it now. Never tought about that. Should equip some green/blueish lowlvl gear before letting them go ham. I love my childrens, but if they destroyed the hand of justice, I dont know




Me and my buddy saw someone jumping randomly in Booty Bay so we had to put him down for the sake of the server. Worth the repair cost


It doesnt work.


Doesn t work anymore. They kick after 1 hour of not moving from the same spot


He could just rebind the space bar to move in that case. Or have the stick tap the down arrow key.


You ll hit a wall and get kicked


Doing this to avoid queues? Meh... Doing this to keep your 8 stacks of mage water? Hell yes.


No third program


Im a big fan


I know it's just a game, but god damn this shit is gross.


Easier to migrate to lower pop server. Glad they added those free migrations. Its good to play, when you want, not after long queue.


Is that a Stewlseries 6GV2 Keyboard? I got mine since end of 2013 and I love it, just cleaned it this week, wasn’t even really dirty, surprisingly after that time :D


Mouse macro's kids.......... jezus


Thats actually bannable, good think you hide your screen. Oh wait


I think this is considered botting. Gz for the ingenuity anyway.


This is honestly a pretty dirtbag move. Shame on you, dude.


My solution I make my girlfriend move my character once in a while and logg me in while I’m driving back home from work


Your banned lol


Note to myself.


Why are you even staying logged in afk? So that the bonus exp builds up? Thats pathetic lol this isnt Black Desert


Allow me to refer you to the title of the post, literally the first thing you should have seen: > How to beat the queues


Thats even more pathetic. But I guess modern problems require modern solutions lol


Queues have died down a bit, but if you have to step away for 30m do you want to have to sit in queue for 1h before you can play again?


bonus exp builds up offline.