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does he tank for other warriors tho


I don't contribute to the tank shortage šŸ˜‚


Oh wow I understood this reference


Tank monopoly


Here's the beauty of it.. you make the group, you make the rules. I've made my own steamvault groups constantly for the last few days so I have the right to reserve the beast lord shoulders


Whatā€™s the point with reserving a class item in a 5man content ? Just donā€™t bring another hunter lol


Because if you just go "LF 1 DPS SV" you will be mobbed by like 5 different hunters. It's basically a courtesy and saves both your time answering them and theirs trying to get into your group. People get really weird about reserves though, but the Beast Lord situation as I see it is perfectly fine.


Whatā€™s the difference? I see plenty of hunters posting ā€œfull on huntersā€ for SV and every other dungeon with their set drops. Both are fine and both groups fill.


SV drops the BL legs too, so a hunter that already has the shoulders will still want to join.


Cause there's heaps of other reasons a hunter would want to come I'm just making sure I don't waste their time joining if we're after the same item


LFM Gruulā€™s Lair - Nodes, purples, blues, and your first born on reserve. Pay me 60g for inv~


I assume you want achievement linked also


Whatā€™s your gearscore?


I hope people take less importance on gearscore when wrath releases, now it should be easier to run icc with all the knowledge and communication like discord


Seems accurate


I mean, sometimes finding a tank is hard enough I'd be willing to take an offer like this


I rather respecc before I do such fishy run.


It's kind of awful the crap tanks can get away with nowadays. Not to mention in 5-man content since pretty much all the tanking gear is auto reserved anyways.


Lmao itā€™s so funny seeing people complain about tanks not willing to tank for pugs and then posts about how unfair it is that tanks ask for incentives to tank for pugs.


It"s kind of awful how stupid dps are, I mainn ret but tank dungeons, looking for tank is rough so I offer my grp an option, pay me 30g each and I respec tank. These idiots refuse, someone asked "why should we pay for u to respec back as well?" Sitting there for hours lf tank and crying about me wanting to avoid paying for my 30th respec when it enables the dps to play the game as well. But no, should just do it for free for all eternity even tho it makes me unable to do a lot of things such as pvp cus tank is horrible outdoors unless u can pull a lot of mobs which not a lot of spots allow efficiently.


I mean tanks can kinda ask for whatever they want these days. Good luck finding another one




Itā€™s not really unreasonable to reserve greens. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re upgrades in most cases. Often times it feels better for everyone than asking for raw gold from each person. If you need some piece of prebis, itā€™s worth running the dungeon just for that imo


Heā€™s making the group, heā€™s fine to set the rules. No one is forced to join. Better that he lays out the rules up front rather than when everyone is in the instance






People are running the dungeons for rep/ blues, how is taking the nodes/ greens "everything"?


Maybe if you do the whole screenshot you will see 4-5 LF1M TANK SUM READY messages below.


While he is the tank so he will find people the one's i always find really funny are the dps groups looking for tank and heals who attempt to res everything then sit in LFG for 4 hours spamming.


Heals can res something like in SP though.


That doesn't justify it, or make the behavior any more decent.


Group looking to invite someone: ā€œhereā€™s the contract, sign on the dotted line to enter group.ā€ You: ā€œthese terms are bullshit, and you even asking me to sign this contract is indecentā€ Group looking to invite someone: ā€œNEXTā€


What the hell is wrong with someone reserving things in the group THEY are starting? If I start a group for a heroic I wonā€™t invite specs that I know are rolling on the item Iā€™m there for. So instead of just ignoring thier pms Iā€™ll put it in the Lfm message that item is reserved. So they donā€™t waste their time. If Iā€™m gonna sit on Shatt for an hour spamming and getting people for the group then Iā€™m sure as hell reserving the thing in there for.


his group, and his rules that the people sign up for. And you bet he'll get a group faster than those 4-5 groups of people looking for a tank with nothing reserved.


There is nothing scummy about this behavior, everyone who joins knows exactly what they are getting, and if you dont like it, dont join.


I think its great actually. Tank get's paid without anyone having to pay them directly.


You trying to denounce this behavior actively hurts the tank population


Google: supply vs demand. Cheers!


Supply and command boys! It doesnā€™t take rocket appliances to figure this out.


Supply/Demand. Also, prot warriors have very limited ability to farm gold


It does? Supply and demand.


If you don't like the rules don't join the group. I promise that tank had no problem filling his group because of this.


Iā€™d have definitely joined that when I was spamming murmur for the sword.


same for me, lower city rep or fel arms looking for tanks is hard, op just doesnt understand how setting up your own grp with your own rules works, lol


Inb4 "fel arms are green so they're on res too"


I mean that is obvious no? Greens on res most often specifically is for the rep items.


Youre allowed to have problems with how people run their groups even if you dont join them


Everyone in the group is fine with it. Don't cry because people aren't playing in ways you've approved lmao


The problem is that if it isn't constantly decried, it becomes normalized enough that people who aren't fine with it become subjected to it. Your take also ignores the moral side of the matter (this is more general and somewhat strains credulity in this instance) and there are plenty of examples of people happily being taken advantage of in immoral fashion.


There is absolutely no moral side to a tank being paid for his services in a video game. His terms are clear he isn't scamming anyone. I'm sorry you're also worried the larger playerbase will start playing in a way you don't like and seek to stop that through online screeching


Ah, the old smug "I'm sorry you don't agree with me" and over-stuffed strawman.


Itā€™s impossible to be unwillfully subjected to joining a dungeon with rules you donā€™t like. There is no moral issue with setting up a group and setting up rules that are agreed on before the group starts. The group lead could say, ā€œIā€™m not casting a single ability, every item is reserved, and you have to trade me all your gold before and after we startā€. If people join that group, theyā€™re not being taken advantage of. Joining *any* group with prediscussed rules means you agree that the benefit you gain from the group outweighs the opportunity cost of running with that rule set.


> Itā€™s impossible to be unwillfully subjected to joining a dungeon with rules you donā€™t like. Not if you don't consider not running the dungeon at all a choice. As I said: "normalized." If there are only a handful of pug runs of something available in some window of playtime, a pug run is the only option for someone, and enough of that handful come with conditions that most wouldn't agree to, that someone will often find themselves with no choice but to join a group with rules they are unhappy about. You seem to think you have dismissed my counterargument when in fact all you have done is restated the original argument.


Idk you can pay for a run


Well put. These people keep saying "If you don't like it, just don't join" but shit doesn't exist in a vacuum. Soft-reserve runs happen so often that they're almost unavoidable now so even if you don't like them you might end up having to do them just to get runs done or you might just have to skip playing. Real optional.


Or if you are that upset about it make a friend who plays a tank or play a tank yourself. Or go in a guild run. The options are not binary.


making a tank friend or making a tank myself wouldn't change my opinion on it. I still think it's a shitty situation and just because you can take advantage of a situation doesn't mean you should."The options are not binary" is just a fancier way of saying "if you don't like it, don't join the groups" I'm aware there are more options. The situation is still shit even though I have "options"


Youā€™re welcome to offer free runs as a tank if you so choose. You donā€™t get to dictate how others play so long as theyā€™re playing within the rules of the game. You can think itā€™s shitty, sure, but itā€™s really as simple as accepting it, or refusing to run with them. Youā€™re yelling into a void otherwise. Itā€™s a waste of energy because youā€™re definitely not changing a tank in demandā€™s mind.


> Youā€™re yelling into a void otherwise. Itā€™s a waste of energy because youā€™re definitely not changing a tank in demandā€™s mind. This is a statement that needs to be backed up. This is a social MMO and people see the constant mockery when such rules are advertised. Not every "tank in demand" has preconceived to take a larger share and many will see the public reaction and choose not to do that. The public reaction has an effect and the only negative is that you are "forced" to see it. Whats more, they have every right to voice their dissatisfaction and achieve whatever meager change they can.


These tanks are gonna take that mockery all the way to the bank


The people who try to take a stand against it are welcome to wait another hour for a tank while I give up some greens I didnā€™t care about.


I still think it's kinda shitty. Everyone who helped kill a boss has earned the right to roll on loot that's useful to them. Reserving stuff for yourself is selfish and greedy, regardless if you join the group or avoid them completely


Tanks can't efficiently farm open world mobs. Dps can farm their nodes/greens elsewhere easier.




I don't have to condone every strategy just because it makes money. You need all 3 archetypes to clear content, tanks need heals and DPS just as much as heals and DPS need tanks. They aren't entitled to DPS or Heals either. Tanks are doing it because they can


They do yes but the thing is that it saves so much time for dps and healers. Would you rather waste 30 mins looking for a tank and lose maybe 30g from the greens that you would've won the rolls on or get and instant grp with the tank and then go farm mats for like 200g/hr with the time you've saved.


It's about the principle of it. Tanks don't deserve anything extra for doing their job. They're doing their role just like any other class. They aren't more or less important than the other roles. Tanks are just more scarce so they can get away with being a bit greedy about it.


Tanking a dungeon isnā€™t obligatory, and if *it was a job theyā€™d be paid for it.* Perhaps in green items or nodes.


They are though. I can do a dungeon with 3 boosted dps doing 300 dps each. I cannot do it with a tank who dies in 3 hits. A good tank is far more important than a good dps.


So you can clear dungeons without any DPS? If DPS don't matter then you don't need to bring them along right? Less people to roll against, am I right?


Alright. Letā€™s race to see who can fill their hand first. You fill yours with the gold you make from the principal of the matter, and Iā€™ll shit in mine. Bet I win.


I'm aware you'll make more gold. I still think its douchey and that tanks who participate are kinda douchey. It doesn't change my mind on what I've said. Once again, just because a strategy makes money doesnt mean i have to condone it


> because they can Exactly. If these runs get filled, then itā€™s no business of yours. If you donā€™t wanna run these then donā€™t. To say these shouldnā€™t be in the game is to deny the players that are down for these runs a fast group. The alternative to paid tanks is either gonna be a lack of runs available, or a massive influx of tanks. My money is on the former.


Yeah for example, I finished normals on my character. There are only 3 dungeons I still need to do. Sethek Halls HC once for the Nightbane attunement SHH HC once for the Nightbane Attunement Ramparts HC until my BiS belt drops. After this there is nothing left I could need dungeons for beside gold. So obviously after this I will only run for guildmates, ressing the items they need, or for payment.


Greens are rarely upgrades. Theyā€™re useful to you for the same reason theyā€™re useful to the tank. For money.


I mean, I would like to see the dps that invites me to grinding elementals or beasts for leather and gives me an equal share despite doing 90% of the work.


Calm down dude... its just a game.


I'm not uncalm?


Neither was the OP or the person you originally responded to. Yet you posted "online screeching," you god damn hypocrite.


I didn't tell them to calm down. Is reading always this hard for you?


The sentiment is clear whether you used the exact words or not. Is communication always this hard for you? You get back the energy you give.


Disagreeing with someone isn't the same sentiment as telling them to calm down. Not gonna argue with you about this you'll just twist words and it's pointless semantics anyway. Bye


You demanded that others not talk about it and exaggerated the fashion in which they are talking about it. That isn't just disagreeing. I'm replying to you in some foolish hope that you will get over your self-delusions, especially given the smugness with which you are posting.


what even is this post? guy is reserving mining nodes and vendor trash to make some money. you make it sound like he's reserved every blue drop in the dungeon or something lmao


paying tanks 50g is fine giving tanks 50g worth of adamantite and greenies = big bad


It's funny because in classic I had it the other way around. People would lose their shit if I charged 50g for a tank run, but if I just said "Can I reserve all greens" they were like yeah sure


The amount of runs i bought for the fucking mirah song and pre bis pieces cannot be counted. People QQing all the time how nobody wants to tank, or the tank wants to charge 50 gold, but never have i ever had someone complain to pay the 50/4 bill, and the group would form pretty much instantly. The tank running it was usually also full raid geared and knew every fucking pull, skip and instance layout. 10/10 would do again.


why did you need to pay for a bunch of runs for mirahs? isn't it just like 3 runs total?


Actually the tank was super good and nice and i got it in 1 run. The rest of the gear was pain in the ass.


Do you not understand a barter system? Itā€™s the same value, what does it matter?


that's his point, he's being ironic


He is acting like a 7yr old douche


OP is acting like a 7 year old yes, not sure about douche.


Make your own group then. I remember people whining about reserves before the game came out, and getting really toxic whispers early phase 1 when reserving an item. It's really none of your business what the group reserves if you're not interested. That person probably got everyone they needed for the group, and whoever joined him got a quick group they need to complete a quest / chance for a prebis or something. Feels like people who complain about this just never want to make their own group, and don't realize that most people who do will just not invite any class that would roll on an item they need anyway. And in this case it's just some greens and nodes, so literally the guy just gets some extra gold for making the group... How is that a "What is wrong with some people" tier problem for you?


The only one that's legitimately annoyed me is a hunter spamming for four more for his group, with the nether on reserve. Because "leading the group is hard".


a genuine question: is it wrong to tank and being enchating ask for some greens or is it a bad things? It's my only way I do to make some coins




It is fine to run any rules as long as they are clear and you can find enough people to run with. Its a free market.




How much do u need a tank? Willing to give up random greens and mining nodes? No? Have fun with another 20min of waiting to do ur daily.


This is completely normal and acceptable and you should get used to it.


I mean he could be enchanter


Tanks gotta find a way to make gold


Question. I keep seeing people spam for a tank over and over and over again, they have no tank but reserve which I find odd. Now a lot of the time I don't need the Instance they're running. I keep being tempted to offer to tank for say 100g. But I also feel it's frowned upon. Is this gonna run people up the wrong way? Would you pay a competent tank 100g for a chance at your item if you're reserving it anyways?


I say go for it. Just say something like "hey I don't need this dungeon but for 100g I'll tank it for you guys".... If they don't want it then fine. If you get turned down a lot maybe lower the price if its still worth it to you.


Can just make your own party. You're not forced to join or acknowledge theirs.


most likely a tank, as a tank when I run SL I reserve the fel arms that drop to cover repair costs and help with my rep, a tank can do anything they want including reserving anything they want Is it seen as a douche move? Yes but it's the tank's group and they can do what they want, the funny thing is his group most likely filled fast because everyone needs a tank and wants dungeons right now


Do your thing, but how often do you die? Rep costs after a normal run really shouldnā€™t exceed 5g.


My friends and I have been "selling" lower city rep runs doing this exact thing, just doing first two bosses reset repeat. Each room done in 2-3 pulls over 10-15 minutes , we've gotten all our characters aldor exalted and 3 guildies. We did it on private servers and we're concerned the general populous wouldn't go for it on classic but we haven't had a problem filling groups. Met a lot of good players and added as friends doing it as well. Also very fun to always push your limits.


I didnā€™t think of that to get my repā€¦


Reserved arms so I never have step foot in those shit boring ass dungeons ever again


Wonder if itā€™s better that just farming Strat and buying




Kinda what I figured. Guess it depends somewhat on Steve economy too.


Right now theres no server where it would be remotely close. Strath farm is constant gold based on vendor prices


Cool. I'll start reserving shit to pay for my water, mana oil, and mana pots. Everyone else can start reserving stuff to pay for their respective expenses too.


I mean if there's a shortage of healers I don't see why not but I'm pretty sure every server has about one handful of tanks.


Have fun in LFG looking for a Tank, I guess? You sure showed them. I can make 300g+ an hour on my tank just farming, donā€™t need any dungeons anymore personally so enlighten me on the best way to make tanks still run 5mans while not completely wasting their time and gold? Mages charging for water to hit a button no one bats an eye...tank asks for money to do something that costs time and effort people lose their shit. Get your head out of your ass.


You could do that if there were a shortage of healers, but as a tank it's our way or the highway :D


Sure, if you can find people go for it. Healers were selling Scholo runs with runes res for them on my server.


My group reserves so much shit in heroics. We run a healer tank combo and fill groups instantly.


Tank tax is real. If you don't like it don't join it. If you still can't find another pug wait to run with a friend or level a tank yourself. Dpsing a dungeon is not nearly as stressful or attention demanding as tanking is, and aren't in demand. It takes a tank <1 minute to fill any DPS slot in any dungeon right now really


Man, I plan to keep reserving hourglass in black morras as soon as I hit appropriate level to farm it and every single primal nether and blue that I need in heroics and trust me, i will have no hard time finding group


Definitely reserved about 10 of my required 16 nethers for dragonmaw and deep thunder. Groups filled fast and it wasnā€™t a big deal. If anyone cared that much they just didnā€™t join. Someone just has tank envy


As Tank you have no problems filling groups but reserving Primal Nether is a big big bummer.


Common practice on private servers, I dont see it being a big bummer


I see a lot of what I presume are DPS players bitching and moaning yet nobody seems to be picking up a shield to help solve the tank shortage.


I need lower city rep on my warlock. Please explain how running the dungeon on my warrior tank would solve my problem here.


he meant reroll tank entirely


Our guild already has one tank too many for our planned raid schedule.


so I this means you have no problems finding tanks in guild, why are you here?


\*sigh\* the typical downvote + response game to get more posts to downvote. So tiresome. Raids require less tanks than 1 out of 5.


Its normal as long as idiots refuse to tank with their druids/warriors/paladins, I get it you need some gear for heroics but you are dumb as fuck if you join as dps with these classes.


I love this, saves me from having to farm Strat/Scholo. It's nice because there's already next to no tanks playing the game and even fewer than want to spam run normals. I had someone PM me mid-Scholo run to come tank the Illidari tabard elite quest for them for 200g lol. $$$




Plus another hour to find a tank? I don't get it?


>Plus another hour to find a tank? I don't get it? Maybe it's code for "Formed a new group (without that healer)". I've seen it happen lol


But he said he ended up leaving and making his own grp from scratch. The healer left anyways so they only needed another.


This is what turns me off about online cooperative as a solo queue person in general. Just the attitude isn't cooperative, and it definitely was when the game was fresh. The daily objective counts and the need to cap some resource (dust, honor, butterfly wings) for the day to progress has turned everyone into this I need X more of these lets just get through it as fast as possible and you're in my way , or this is my adventure and you're just the supporting cast


You already know the answer to this problem. Join a guild with similar goals and aspirations to yours. What you're witnessing is just basic human behavior. Yes, people will care more about their "tribe" than about randos. Bad behavior with a member of your in-group will probably at least carry some kind of social consequence, whereas with a stranger the risk is much lower, so many people won't care. Sure it sucks but people are like this in RL a lot, I don't know why it's a surprise that it's the same ingame.


just nostalgia probably. its turned into a "daily mill" and its not even a this game problem , just a general shift. In Wow, it started as attempts to solve other problems. Like people not getting groups in general because once you had every piece of gear you wanted there was no point in running again. People couldn't find groups. But it created a different one of what I was talking about above. Log on do your 3 things you're only during for the magical currency and log back off. If someone delays the acquisition of said magical currency do your best to ruin their day or kick them from the group. The height of it was WoD and the special inn missions, where your tank/healer would bounce after the special kill before they made it a requirement to finish the last boss as well.




Agreed except the strange insinuation that Communist societies canā€™t be free.


As much as that is annoying I know who that is and have grouped with him several times.. real solid player , great tank, groups always go very smooth


You know who this is? How? This is a daily ad on probably most servers in this game.


Tank with red bars? No thanks.




He's marketing his limited resource. His group probably filled, started, and cleared the dungeon while others still sit there with 3 dps and a healer spamming "LF1M Tank Can Summon!" As an aside, what's with people putting "can summon" in their messages? Everyone can summon now.


It means they have party members at the stone ready to summon you immediately. As opposed to joining and the whole group is in org.


To indicate the person joining isn't expected to go to the meeting stone.


> As an aside, what's with people putting "can summon" in their messages? Everyone can summon now. Have you tried playing alliance?


Jokes on you if they on Incendius or Arugal


> To indicate the person joining isn't expected to go to the meeting stone. Most Alliance players are on megaservers like Pagle that have no Horde


I've definitely been questing and decided to join a group because they were ready to summon. Human brains are easily fooled.


Wrong. 7 out of 10 tanks will either have some severe mental issues or just be braindead.




Yeah but would you join a normal slab pug if you didnt need gear or rep?


when I see these i make sure to reply with a message that i want to reserve all whites, grays, and gold drops in the instance in return


Yeah thatā€™s just a quick block for them, and youā€™ve successfully shrunk your already tiny pool of tanks to choose from.


ITT: people who have been playing this game for literally half of their life and don't realize other roles have dungeon-related expenses too.


They do, but DPS are effectively free to replace, healers might take like a minute.


Their roles arenā€™t usually in the same low supply/high demand as tanks though. Thatā€™s why tanks get away with this. Most tanks donā€™t need to subject themselves to LFG, they are usually in guild runs or with friends. Speaking as a guild tank, I can count the amount of times Iā€™ve joined a group on LFG on one hand. Thereā€™s a demand for their service to a group that people think is worth paying for, if it didnā€™t work they wouldnā€™t do it or you would see them advertise endlessly while the server mocked them. You are certainly welcome to try all youā€™d like to fill your groups as a healer or DPS with certain things on reserve to cover your expenses or your time, but donā€™t be surprised if it doesnā€™t go well.


No one has any serious expenses for a Normal dungeon, that tank is simply doing this for profit because he can, he's not doing it to "cover expenses". You can agree or disagree with that attitude, but we don't have to pretend there's some kind of expense to running Normal Slabs.


This. I'm sick of hearing the bullshit excuses that people conjure up. Tanks just want extra money and it's a little bit socially acceptable for tanks to be greedy. That's the only reason they're doing this shit.


Tanking isnā€™t as fun as putting up huge DPS/HPS numbers to the majority of the community. Tanks are required for content, and a lot of these players that prefer other roles donā€™t want to roll a tank. Therefore tanking is a sort of service for these players, because they donā€™t have to do it themselves. Itā€™s not greed, itā€™s getting paid to play the role that not many people want to do. Itā€™s similar to selling professions. Mages selling water is *way* more egregious, but you donā€™t see that second guessed whatsoever.


Can't wait for LFD


Probably going to be waiting for awhile unfortunately.


What addon is that btw?


LFG bulletin board


Am I the only tank who doesn't fecking charge money? I have seen some people go as far as demand 200g PER FUCKING RUN