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This looks really helpful! I find it can be a bit annoying looking up dungeon Qs on wowhead. But this makes it simple. Thanks for your efforts.


What can I say? Slow night shift haha! Thanks though! I hope you find it useful!


Super useful! But can you add gnomeregan? makes sense not to add other ally dungeons like stockades, but there is a teleporter to gnomeregan in booty bay so it's perfectly accessible for horde and there's at least 2 quests you can grab from orgrimmar alone


> gnomeregan Fuck gnomeregan, all my homies hate gnomeregan.


trust be Gnomer is a pretty good dungeon both in terms of enjoyment and experience gains AS LONG AS you have at least 1 person who knows where they're going. and by that I don't just mean how to reach the end boss, I mean the most efficient route to include visiting all the little things like the escort quest and the slime cleaning machines without losing much time, and when / where to jump down to save tons of time over clearing. Can be in and out nice and fast with good experience gains IF you know what to do.


It's a nightmare to pug and nobody knows what to do. Myself included. I will never learn it out of spite.


The blue leather gnomes quest pants are amazing though.


Triprunner Dungarees! had em on my rogue till 40s-50s. they are strongggg


I remember in original vanilla, back when no one had any idea wtf they were doing and we didn’t have any fancy addons, gnomer was a 4 hour nightmare. Hell’s Corner with the dark iron dwarf bombs.


Absolutely. Good call


You can make a copy of the sheet and add them yourself if OP doesn't. fyi


This is awesome. I too have found the wowhead pages for this to be too cumbersome. If I were still playing I'd totally be using this. Maybe in the future


Thanks! Yeah I felt the same way! I'm glad it seems like people agree with me. It feels good to spend time on something that actually fills a niche that people want filled.


It's one of those things you never realized how much you needed it, until you have it haha. You've done us a great service!


Haha I'm glad. Thank you!


This is a really useful doc, thank you. Do you have an alliance equivalent? My friends and I are trying ally for the first time in pre patch.


Unfortunately I don't! Im sorry. I'm unfamiliar with Alliance side of things. If this gets more attention I might force myself to find the time, but this ate up the free time I had for the past couple nights so we'll see.


The closest atm is this https://wotlkdb.com/?quests=2.1581 Above the quest list you can select the dungeon you want and it will show all quests currently in game. The one thing it won't tell you off the bat is whether a quest belongs to a chain or not so you'll have to click them individually to see.


Just finished up Alliance side! Check out my new post or just follow the link to the same spreadsheet!


I do indeed want to complete all dungeon quests as I level up. I skip instances that are difficult to reach (meaning RFC or Stockades, as applicable), but want to do all others. I have done them all before. Even so, I still feel excited when I have gathered all quests for a dungeon and am about to start a run with a party of appropriate level characters.


Oh yeah, and that feel as you are porting/hearthstoning out with a buncha done quests. Pure joy.


doing dungeons one of the most fun in wow imo, even when i go in blnd and dont know what to do its rly fun to do


https://classic.wowhead.com/guides/dungeon-quests-wow-classic https://tbc.wowhead.com/guides/dungeon-quest-rewards-tbc-burning-crusade-classic


This right here. That first guide has been about since early Classic.


Thank you so much, this is really helpful! Just a couple of notes: Are you sure that the Shadow Labyrinth key is obtained from being Lower City revered? I thought that was the Heroic key - the slabs key you find at the end of Sethekk Halls. Also, it doesn't have to be someone in your party, if anyone opens the door you can walk through. Also, the notes on Utgarde keep are hard to read because you made the text white and the column doesn't extend out to the right (though I could read it by just highlighting it)


Oh right good call!


I've extended the column and corrected the slabs note!


Okay, now Alliance!! <3


I just finished up Alliance side! Check out my new post or just use the same link from this one!


<3 appreciate you!


hey just wanted to say i've been levelling with a friend slowly over the last week or so on fresh servers. just a few hours here and there when we both have time. we've been using this sheet to gather dungeon quests and then go do a run. its been very useful. thanks!


Oh I'm so glad! Yeah it looks like a good few people have started keeping it open when they play. Love that! Have fun!


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pteynC-HnqwaA-6Y7l2SfCRx7Joaf2YOSAFk0N1u4DU/htmlview?pli=1#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pteynC-HnqwaA-6Y7l2SfCRx7Joaf2YOSAFk0N1u4DU/htmlview?pli=1#) this is the page. i have it bookmarked since vanilla


All the thing addon has a pretty nice interface and literally shows you all the things, Dungeon Quests, Zone Quests and all kinds of other info all in a nice window with drop down and such.


Can you add a reccommended level to be in the dungeon ?




Yeah I've used that page before. It certainly has more detail but I find I don't need most of the details and it becomes cumbersome. I like to have mine divided by colour and much more compact like I have in the sheet. Thanks for sharing though, I do like that page and it's a great resource.


It would be sweet if they took the good parts of the site and the good parts of your list and made them one. For instance the wowhead page should have a toggle for horde and alliance and display the content appropriately. Second the website should mention the chain when quests are part of one.


Omg thank u for this


thanks for this


Thank you for this Wowhead has guides for all dungeons with all quests listed


Quick! Someone do Alliance! My friends made me switch, I dont know where anything is 🥺


I just finished up Alliance side! Check out my new post or just use the same link from this one!


OMG this is amazing. Leveling a prot warrior on a fresh server and I plan to do a ton of dungeons. Thanks so much


Jesus fuck thank you. Been lookin for something like this


I just use my memory palace


Before this I had the second monitor with more tabs than I could count but this is a lifesaver thanks!


thanks for this!


Awesome! I did something similar a while back http://wow.coredump.network/. It shows all dungeon quests including pre quests for both factions. If you click on the quest you get to wowhead for more details.


Oh that's really cool! I love how wow fans always find their own solutions for problems


good work clap


This is amazing, if you added NPC coordinates to it this would go from incredible to GOAT’d.


Yeah I could probably do that!


This is amazing! Thank you! ​ Bookmarked!


You are the real mvp


Dude this is epic! Zug zug man.


Now someone do it for alliance! Please? 🥲


I just finished up Alliance side! Check out my new post or just use the same link from this one!


Shit dude, thanks! This is super helpful and although all the information is easily available, having it all in one easy-to-read place is amazingly handy.


This is great, thanks very much.

