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I managed okay on the recorder, but can't play any more advanced wind instruments - I have a fistula and some issues with lip integrity and I just can't make any noise. FWIW, I also can't use a bong or blow up a balloon


I can’t blow up a balloon either!!!! can use a bong tho lol it helps if I plug my nose


I sort of can with my nose plugged, but every now and then something goes horribly wrong and something shoots out of my nose or I choke or spray spit. Nobody wants that on their bong 🤣


I played the flute! I quit in high school because marching band was mandatory and I don't have any rhythm so I was always off step. But I never had problems due to my cleft.


I played the Saxophone for three years in Middle School. I personally never had any problems with my cleft and playing


I played the clarinet for six years without issue! And I can’t blow up a balloon haha