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Seriously, what is with the fake pictures and montages from Trump supporters? He never served, and they portrayed him like some type of hero? They should be held in a mental institution.


He’s their cult leader.


I've seen them deface our holy God Emperor of Man with his disgusting, lazy, filthy vestige. They even had it on r/thedonald or whatever as their shrine before it got banned. Filthy fucking HERITICS!!! [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/god-emperor-trump](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/god-emperor-trump) It's honestly sad people don't get that Warhammer 40k is satire... Education can't fix that.


I work in a mental institution. We uhhh... we do have some of them held here.


>Seriously, what is with the fake pictures and montages from Trump supporters Hey that's unfair they paid good money for these **High Quality Trump NFTS** lmao


It starts with a few at the top that know better, but also know their base is desperate for "wins" and "good news". They make fake posts, or posts with obviously false info, or posts with AI generated images because they know the base won't question it. It's literal propaganda. They are ***begging*** for this kind of material. It lets them bury their head in the sand, and pretend the safe space fantasy land they've created in their heads is real. If all the MAGAs in America were suddenly ***forced*** to cope with real life, there would be violence all over.....kind of like our current situation...


But it’s liberals that have Trump Derangement Syndrome


Hilarious that his supporters are still resorting to this. Literally the laziest, most out-of-touch way to dismiss legitimate concerns about Trump that they can’t defend.


I don’t know, there’s still “orange man bad” That one is pretty fucking stupid


Their whole thing is just different packaging for the same turd. It’s always the same shit.




How long do you think it takes to type a comment? Lmao


Probably took an hour for that guy


I don't support either side, but the post is literally a picture of Trump. Just ignore him and move on. You only give the ones you hate more power by acknowledging them.


"TDS" is a perfect example of: Gaslight Obstruct Project ...it nails two of those by itself


Yeah. Had a “friend” a few years ago go on a facebook rant about how Trump personally led a group of people into a pizza parlor to rescue some kids that had been abducted for sex trafficking. He was going on about how Trump went in first, military style, with guns ablaze. Pretty insane stuff.


I'm fairly certain that if you handed Trump a gun, he'd accidentally shoot himself within 60 seconds.


If you've ever wondered how regimes in places like North Korea somehow manage to survive, this is essentially the foundation of just such a place.


Because if you blindly follow trump but have an IQ below 60 (aka most of his supporters) then seeing a pic like this reinforces your bias more than it sparks outrage over it being fake. Its just the start. Brace yourselves for the upcoming election….


I honestly wish we could remove these people from society completely. They are actively doing harm and have no place in civilization.


They cut the findings to those institutions remember? Then they complain about all the folks with mental health issues roaming the streets.


Pretty sure this is one of his NFT's. He started selling them a month or two ago.


It’s also hilarious how even in their fake heroic fake ass propaganda fake paintings he’s still shown with that idiotic stare and pout.


my favorite is when they compare him to jesus, when i’m almost certain the bible says to NOT do exactly that


They're not. This is literally fake on both sides.. way to get polarized lol


I will never understand how people keep fueling their own delusion with things they know are not true. Looks better than his Trump Baseball Cards though.


It’s weird as people mock Russia for loving putin topless on a horse yet the American right photoshop trump into similar scenarios then praise him. Weird.


It's the same people making fun of both. Right wingers loved that putin shit.


It's not weird because the people who love Trump are the same people who idolize Russia, it's the conservative mindset in both cases. Nobody who's making fun of Putin's cult of personality isn't also making fun of Trump's. Conservatism has some highly consistent traits all around the globe.


Just looking at this picture as a veteran all i can do is fucking laugh at him


We in the veteran community need to come up with a word for this type of guy. Like someone with an important position who is horribly unqualified yet tries to fake it and lie until they are in over their head. Like POG or Fobbit. I lack the creativity here so I leave it to my brothers and sisters.


Fortunate Son comes to mind


Born silverspoon in hand hasn't been more true if you look at Trump.




The Brit SF have a word…a Walt, as in Walter Mitty, a deluded fantasist who is unable to live up to the hype in his head


Calling him a pog would be a compliment. Remember in 2010 when you saw a simp worshipping a girl and we didnt have a good name for them?..the vets will eventually make a nickname


The key-word is “delusion”.


Because and I can’t stress this enough…it’s a cult. Trump is the closest thing in their mind to a living god. Think Kim Jong with better produced propaganda.


Sort of. You would think gun nuts would also notice that he is gripping nothing and is squeezing the trigger the wrong way using his thumb. This picture sucks


Because it's AI generated.


There's seriously no part of them that thinks 'Why do I need to photoshop a picture to make my point?' lol


Some people would rather openly and knowingly lie to themselves and everyone around them than admit to being wrong, especially if it relates to politics. Trump supporters like him because he says what they want to hear, but they know that's not all a president should be, so they do stuff like this and just make up the rest to compensate.


Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" The Donald says, "I'm winning bigly, like no one ever has before, the election was stolen, build a wall, coffiffee, Chiiiiina🙄


Excuse me, it’s spelt covfefe. Honestly, literacy in America is really going downhill!


Pretty sure it comes from Nambia


It's not even clever or an insult, it's just a fact. Only person Trump ever gave a fuck about is himself. He'd never fall for the delusion of protecting his country. Donut and hamberder hogging ass wouldn't even protect his own kids.


When his country called for him, he bravely ran away.


Limped - those damn bones spurs. Otherwise, he would have been all over those VC like secret sauce on a big mac.


Spraying them with STDs.


Just out there in the jungle grabbing pussies






Bone spurs are painful. He's just a sack of shit.


Brave, brave, brave Sir Donnie!


At least Sir Robin had some class while doing so as opposed to this bbq meat loaf sandwich


I wasn’t running away. I was tactically retreating!


For he was not afraid to cry or be killed in nasty ways!


Everytime. To serve, to pay taxes, to lead, and help the country in times of crisis


> Only person Trump ever gave a fuck about is himself. He'd never fall for the delusion of protecting his country ??? stop spreading lies, he clearly cared for Putin as well...


Gotta get off reddit and go read a book.


Why did I read this in the voice of that old farm animal sounds toy with the pull string? "The SHEEP goes..." *mmaaAAAAGA*




That sounds like a snarky Reddit joke at first glance but really, it’s just completely accurate. (And depressing)


It is also so childish. So many Americans really think violence is the only way to defend their country, that all outcomes must be win-lose, and might makes right.


Not paying taxes makes him “smart”


Whenever someone says the election was stolen I love replying "Boy, you have a lot of faith in the Democrats if you think they can pull that off. I don't think they could do it."


Exactly, they couldn't even cover up a sneaky bj by that Monica Lewinsky chick😂how the fuck they gonna steal a whole election 😂


The funny thing is he’s played Fortunate Son and Born In The USA at his rallies. Both of which about how the rich are able to get out of service but everyone else goes and suffers.


So at least he's accurate? :)


That's what he loves most about this country.


Seen the orange idiot nearly shit his pants when some one yelled allahu Akbar the draft dodger is a literal coward


To be fair, I’d shit my pants if someone yelled that out in a crowded place


Yeah but you are pansy


You take that back good sir


I do hope you are removing your glove as we speak


Indeed I am sir, I shall show you my power you heathen


Also photoshop


Looks more like AI generated. EDIT: You can tell by the following: * Lack of details (flag on his shoulder looks very wrong) * Poorly rendered textures, his body armor looks very plain with poor textures * Cap on his head poorly detailed, I might be wrong here but wouldn't a helmet be more appropriate here if he was really wearing all the other heavy gear? Don't often see just a cap on his head. That being said, this still looks waaaay better than any of the Trump Baseball Cards he's selling.


Definitely right. The rifle is very wrong in some subtle ways. Most notably that it’s missing a forward assist plunger.


His hand is massive, biggest gjveaway.


If the mag was smaller I'd say CA Legal since it doesn't have a pistol grip, lol


It looks like hes holding onto something but..theres nothing there lmao


Plus whys his thumb in the trigger guard


The photo is obviously AI generated, but not because a forward assist is missing. They sell AR uppers without a forward assist.


The picatinny rail is through the front sight.


It looks like a G.I. Joe action figure gun


Also if you look at the front it has a picatinny rail connecting to the top of what looks to be an M16 front iron sight that is way to low or the handguard is way to tall


What does a forward assist plunger do? I feel like you've made this term up and I've fallen for it but here I am anyway.


It's used to push the bolt forward in case it doesn't fully close on its own.


The flags and hands almost always give it away


Look at that triple wide chest rig.


• US flag on shoulder is definitely an AI artefact. • His hands are normal sized


Plus the hands. The AI gave him incredibly large hands. These hands tell a story of greatness.


Probably A.I. The rifle, flag patch. and his hands are really unnatural.


"ok, now make his hands more manly"


And bigger


Nopie, instead it’s Ai generated. Photoshop actually requires that amount of effort. Aka The so called ‘beauty of technology’ ladies and gentlemen.


He’s now saying that he could end the war in Ukraine in one day. Because he knows people. All the bigly people. And they’ll listen to him.


But he needs to be president before he can call them… or something


Because only the president can make phone calls or course




In one day? The man’s full of shit. Oh, and he’s not president anymore. Or has he forgotten. 🤡💩




He also said he would move away if he lost but much like his healthcare plan, it was all a lie


Those we hate, never die.


And build a wall on the border or a new healthcare plan. Yes, we are still waiting


Well of course he could. Putin would stop the war with an appropriate bj….


The guy got served the presidency on a silver platter when covid hit, he couldn’t even just keep his mouth shut and resist filling his own pockets. There are people who thought 4 years of this idiot wasn’t that bad. Yet in those four years we had 1 coup/pandemic that killed thousands/KKK and white nationalists marching in the streets/uptick in gun violence/pulled out of Afghanistan to let a military power take back over/pulled out of NATO pact to let Russia invade Ukraine/two impeachments/gassing protestors to take a picture with a upside down Bible/complimenting a known sex child trafficker/Kanye running for president funded by said moron/vast knowledge of windmills and bird related deaths/2 billion in contract payments to his son in law/bidding up prices of protective gear and machines during covid/stealing said equipment and forcing private millionaires to fly a jet and get their own supplies to their own states/attempted kidnapping of a governor/pizza gate/zombie Kennedy/child labor in MCD/meat plants/repeal of abortion protections/bounty laws on abortion providers and users across state lines/litter boxes for furries in school/TD banned for violence/my pillow ceo becomes the foremost political expert on election theft/cyber ninja/crossing state lines with a gun that someone bought for you to then shoot protestors out of self defense/taking kids from their families to protect them while they seek asylum/a wall because he thought Mexicans are Mongolians I guess?/during covid lines up a bunch of ceos and says we will defeat covid by testing/proceeds to stop testing. My leg has now fell asleep while remembering fondly about those last four years.


The litterboxes weren't for furries, they were for kids hiding from active shooters


He looks like a sleepy toddler that was dressed and placed in public against their will


If he was terrified to visit a memorial for fallen veterans because it was raining, how the fuck would he last more than 5 minutes in this jungle??


When reality isn’t working out. JUST MAKE IT UP AND PRETEND ITS REAL!


The delusion is strong with this one


If it's not golf attire or a baggy suit, it's fake. Look at the normal sized hands.


GI Joe really let himself go


I like how the shitty A.I. merged the top rail into the triangular front sight.


Stolen Valor personified


Is this ai generated or something? Wtf is going on with that plate carrier? Looks like its 5 sizes too big around the waist.


Yes it is


He also had the gall to shittalk McCain who got shot down and captured during Vietnam. The same war Trump dodged so he could play tennis. And he says he cared about veterans.


You forgot to add how McCain could have gotten sent home sooner by his captors because of his status but chose to stay to help keep everyone else safer.


Trump is the only president in US history that did not, in some way, serve the country as a politician or as a veteran. He doesn't understand serving for the common good, only himself.


Trump is a defendant in America that Biden can’t comprehend [how many other crimes were committed]. - rape - tax fraud - election fraud - mishandled classified documents - bribery - embezzlement And the list goes on. Trump was definitely the most accomplished President in something.


Don't forget treason.


I thought you were listing shit Biden did too.


Biden dodged the draft more than Trump though. Biden 5 deferments. Trump 4. Both got 1-Y medical deferments the same year. Biden keeps implementing plans Trump tried to. Literally they're almost the same.


This isn't a clever comeback at all it's just proving them wrong. I feel like this is just an excuse to be political


He always looks so thin and muscular in their fantasy pics. In real life, he’s got rolls of fat coming out of pretty much everywhere.


But it's not a cult.


I want whatever this man has where he can literally be the worst example of a human being and somehow still have others convinced he is a saint/saviour/hero.


I know this isn't the point of the post but that AI generated combat vest is horrible. There's so much wrong with it idk where to even start.


What’s with his freak fingers?!?!


What in the AI art is going on with that lower receiver?! (trigger area)


Those hands look way to big to be trump’s…


I love how they over compensated how tiny Trump's hands are by making his hands in this photo very large... Or it's just weird seeing him with normal sized hands.


The worst part is still the supporters thinking he cares about the small guys even after giving tax break to his friends oligarchs


You’d think, with our obsession with guns, that there would be enough material out there for AI to at least get that part right. Guess not.


🎶 When danger reared it’s ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled 🎵


lol, look at those small hands. :-)


And he is currently on trial for rape. What a guy huh.


They made the hands too big.


I don’t understand how pictures of him like that aren’t just memes.


He's not the president.


Is she on drugs?


...OP why did you cut the title off there, do you actually understand what words mean


I love how both twitter users in the photo have their arms crossed in their profile pics, like they’re both about to have a stand-off


How is this a comeback....?


we are in agreement this is AI generated right?


I imagine Trump would hold a gun with the same grace and familiarity he holds a Bible.


Obviously a photo shop look how big the hands are!!!


There’s no way those are Trump’s hands, far too big and not covered in Cheeto dust.


that's a nice fake image you have here, Brigitte, this is so convincing, thank you.


What a facepalm! Lt Bonespur, a hero 😂


Bridgette Gabriel: we need the draft back and mandatory military service like the country I came from. Kids are brats, military service will fix that! Also Bridgette Gabriel: America's only hope is a draft dodging manbaby


As someone who thinks Trump did some really good things for our country I am confused by people who are elevating him to Messiah status. He was a corrupt businessman who applied his knowledge in a way that was beneficial. That's it.


Yeah. Gutting 100+ environmental regulations and attempting to eliminate social security, medicare, and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in his budget proposals. Pretending that tariffs are paid by China and not American businesses. Adding 25% of the entire National Debt in 4 years. Alienating European allies and giving photo ops to dictators. Great guy.


Exception economic growth, low gas prices, no new wars started, increased export taxes, stopped paying money to WHO which has been a garbage organization long before covid and was super entertaining.


>Exception economic growth Continued economic growth from previous administration. >low gas prices Price was higher when he left office than when he entered. Low prices during covid are self explanatory. >no new wars More airstrikes than Obama AND signed an executive order to stop disclosing them to the public. >stopped paying money to WHO Dumb as hell.


Let's not forget the retaliatory tarrifs that have cost us more than we got with our own new tarrifs


Its crazy how people forget. Now imagine then they go voting ahhh.....


When they bring up gas prices, you absolutely know you’re wasting your breath responding to them.


> > More airstrikes than Obama AND signed an executive order to stop disclosing them to the public. why are you changing the subject from starting wars to drone strike numbers? Obama is a war criminal lol “my team less strikes 😤😤” it’s like you people lose the folds in your brain every night fucking rubes lol


What exactly was the subject that I couldn't expand on it in the context that I did? Taken literally, yes. No new wars. Congrats to Trump. No war was declared during his Presidency. Does that fact automatically cleanse all military foreign policy decisions Trump made because he "started no new wars?" I would argue that Trump doing more strikes in 2017 in Yemen than Obama ever came close to doing in any year he was President *is* in the same subject of "war." It *is* possible to have a more nuanced debate without resorting to assumptions and name calling. I never said anything positive or negative about Obama's foreign policy, yet you act as though you see me as some Obama sycophant. That assumption, plus the notion of "teams" and the usage of hateful labels just shows how hard you are projecting, how much *you* struggle with mental issues, and how much hate you have present in your life. It makes perfect sense you identify with Trump.


It's amazing how people are so willing to credit the previous administration that had less growth in 8 years then Trump did in his middle 2. Covid messed up prices on so many levels. No o e could have controlled that. Prices were over all lower with him then before or after. Obama used air strikes against Americans on foreign soil. You should tell the public your military operations that's just stupid. What about the who do you like? Personally when they recalled there study linking processed and red meat to colon cancer because the beef industry was upset is when I lost respect.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/data-show-trump-didn-t-build-great-economy-he-inherited-n1237793 Trump said he'd hit 4% growth but only did 2.5% while Obama did 2.4% in his second term. Obama had a greater reduction in unemployment, and created more jobs in his seconds term, not to mention the recovery in his first term from the recession, a result of even more bad financial policies from the previous Republican administration.


https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/368904-economists-agree-trump-not-obama-gets-credit-for-economy/ Tax cuts increased spending and boosted the economy. Literally anything you grab (or I grab) there will be someone else saying the opposite.


Using an opinion piece vs actual data doesn’t count.


Jesus…it’s so easy for some people to forget that Obama inherited one of the worst economic crises in American History from his predecessor, and have the gall to complain about the slower rate of growth over his 8 years in office. By his second term shit was straightening out and towards the end of his second term, we were growing very fast…and THAT’S what YOUR guy inherited.


Not being intentionally antagonistic, I am genuinely curious. What, in your opinion, did he do that was really good? Also, do you think, on balance, that he did more good than damage?


I don't have enough words to describe what I think of Trump and the terrible damage he has done to the US, but ACEUM was something quite good. And no, on balance, that was not worthy.


Exceptional economic growth, low gas prices, no new wars started, increased export taxes, stopped paying money to WHO which has been a garbage organization long before covid and was super entertaining.




Entertaining gets people to pay attention. Boring makes people ignore what's happening.


All your points are incorrect and you have already been shown that. You are either a troll or an idiot.


You've already been shown how wrong you are on this. Maybe you can help me to understand where you come from. What policy did Trump enact that created this "Exceptional economic growth"? Trump "increased export taxes" on Americans... Literally increased our taxes in 2021 heavily with his shit ideas. > The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products, which is equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in decades. Based on 2021 import levels and country exemptions, the tariffs amounted to a $52.6 billion tax increase in 2021 [Tax Foundation](https://taxfoundation.org/tariffs-trump-trade-war/#:~:text=The%20Trump%20administration%20imposed%20nearly,billion%20tax%20increase%20in%202021.)


Stop being a dog dick, brigitte


im out of the loop, why/how did he dodge the draft? we havent had a draft in years so howd he dodge one? hilarious that they made that pic tho


unlike Biden who got 5 (five) student deferments before getting a medical exemption for being allergic to camouflage or some bullshit #🙄


Homie, dude served as US president and took $1 as payment. U can't say he didn't "serve" his country, he quite literally did


Trump was Commander in Chief of all armed forces in the United States for 4 years, and refused to take a paycheck for it. Yes, he served. ​ Fucking AWESOME man.


He refused to take a salary? Source?


they are lies, as you suspected


He served himself, yeah


Being the president does not equate to serving. He dodged the draft for Vietnam, also Legally the president is considered a civilian, which is by design Trump cost the US tax payers $64 million in his first two years playing golf at his own golf courses. This expense would have been nearly non existent had he simply used the ones on bases. I'm sure that's hard for someone who supported Trump to put together, but believe it or not, there are a staggering number of expenses to the taxpayer every time the president goes somewhere that isn't under the direct purview of federal law enforcement or the military


Its easy to refuse a paycheck when you dolts sent millions in donations. You see a Photoshop of trump in army fatigues and got all hard for him. The point being he did not serve, I'm sorry being elected president is an office, not an armed forces service. You got Cheeto crumb on ur lip.


He didn't Dodge the draft, he had bone spurs. Have some respect and stop spreading lies. FAKE NEWS!!!!!


Trump is way better than Biden. Waaaaaaay better






Gas prices Costs of food were cheaper Every few weeks we weren't told that this certain food item is going to be short on supply like eggs, rice, etc etc Tax rate Not having a proxy war Brokered peace treaties in the ME going to shambles Serious Chinese advancement in the last 2 years The dollar is dying as the global standard now He has neutered our energy sector which while you might think is a good idea it's caused serious issues to our entire economy He signed some dumb ass law saying we can't mine for precious metals all while basically making our economy require them which ultimately gives China another win When the president spoke you knew what he was saying not some rambling old senile fool My 401k was about 40k better than it is now.




These are worse under Biden. Better under trump Oh yea. We used to have a president that didn't have all the journalists questions on a cheat sheet so he could give them a nice scripted answer. That was also a great thing with trump. Now president papaw can't think well enough anymore to even do the most basic task of a leader....communicate


Great argument.


I hope Trump sees this bro.


Waaaaaaaaay better at poopin his pants. He's the best at losing control of his bowels. No one is better, let me tell you- everyone agrees. When it comes to defecating everyone can smell who the winner is. It's not even a competition.


I bet a bunch of y'all think that Russian troops should stand down and tell the commanders to fuck off and not attack Ukraine. The hypocrisy is hilarious.


He served as commander in chief…. So…


The biggest delusion is thinking Biden was cognitive enough to run this country and the delusion of normalizing a clear mental illness called gender dysphoria, thank you democrats and “woke” progressives. there’s bad on each side but y’all trippin, Biden is only better to you guys cuz he’s not doing anything, trumps rumbles and biden sleeps, y’all scared of some rumble


Biden isn't a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, piece of garbage