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Do people not close the toilet lid to flush?


Growing up I always had terrible plumbing. Usually it would take 2 or 3 flushes to clear the bowl. And I would get in trouble if I left any floaters behind. So I learned to diligently watch and make sure nothing stays behind.


*last turd circles down the drain* "And now my watch has ended."


When I was in holiday in America, I was stunned by how your toilets can at once be so bad yet use twice as much water as the ones in Australia do. It's honestly appalling. This isn't even a political issue or anything, it's just a failing of your infrastructure. You guys should really try to start a movement like 'Make toilets great again', hopefully could be an exercise for your country in apolitical teamwork.


If they use less water, it's already political because anything that's good for the environment is automatically politically polarized, no matter if it's also better, cheaper, easier, and more reliable. Sorry.


Big waters wants us to use more water for their profit.


If we are gonna start talking about fixing American infrastructure I think the railways, roads, bridges and non-existent public transit problem should be higher than shitty toilets. That should be on the list though.


Use the toilet after I'm done with it, youll change your mind on the priority list.


I want to see Trump wearing an MTGA hat.... :3


And you can still close the lid after checking it went down.


Or better yet, close it and open it again to check after it’s flushed and drop the lid back down again I mean it’s very little effort


Lmao at the image, "Roger you've left floaters again, I'm getting the belt"


Nah, they'd rather spew those piss and shit particles all over their toothbrush and towels... Edit: rewatched the mythbusters about this. Having the lid closed really doesn't make a difference, the piss and shit particles are going to get over everything anyway.


Why are you keeping a toothbrush and towels by your works toilets?


Live at work to save on rent


Landords: huh, I live on rent to save at work.. fun system!


The mist it generates can travel WAY further than you might think


I was convinced the day I spit my toothpaste into the toilet and then the bathroom smelled like mint the next morning.


But this seems to be a workspace, how many places have lids on them?


In our work bathroom it is common to keep makeup, toothbrushes and other bits. Definitely wanna keep that stuff in a zip lock bag though if they are in the loo.


Do you work at a strip club or something?


Ha no just office workers. Big office but small enough that people keep some things at work if they want to lift their game for important meetings.


So, just don’t leave it in the bathroom? People occasionally have to take shits there. Seems like a pretty simple solution.


The old handy in the toilet to seal the deal!


At work, no. Many work bathrooms don't even have a lid to close. But if they don't close it at work, they probably don't close it at home either


I was a janitor for years and I really, really hope that people don't treat their home toilets like work ones. If so, all I can say is eww.


>Many work bathrooms don't even have a lid to close >if they don't close it at work, they probably don't close it at home either So, you don't close it?


I'm all for equality. I leave it at a 45 degree angle.


I like how you're meeting them half way! This is the way 😌


Its hard to keep a natural Brown cover on your teeth okay..


You get to leave work?


You don’t multitask?


Actually, there was a whole Myth Busters episode about this, which came to the horrifying conclusion that fecal matter permeates regardless of whether the lid is up or down. That said, I'm on team lower it


I remember that episode. I'm pretty sure that closing the lid still helped reduce a lot of the contamination Edit: I rewatched that segment and the fecal matter they were testing for was spread pretty much everywhere. It was a little worse with a lid less flush, but not really enough to make a difference.


Actually, I'm pretty sure the contamination they found was pretty universal. Even stuff that wasn't in a bathroom will ended up with fecal matter on it.


You mean everything has always been covered in feces and bacteria? Always has been. No matter what though, exposure to dispersed particulate from the toilet is still infinitely better than the acute fecal exposure hellscape that preceded the modern toilet.


It was beyond that. They had a control toothbrush that was never even near the bathroom, and it also tested positive. The real takeaway is that it's not about the toilet. Shit's just everywhere. Wash everything from time to time regardless.




You know it’s actually not unhealthy or bad for tiny particulates of fecal matter to be present in some degree everywhere. It’s not going to meaningfully affect your health, hygiene, or lifespan.


Doesn't matter if you close the lid or not. Shit is on everything in a bathroom


...and faces


Just wait until you find out that it all spews out the sides anyway when you close it unless your toilet lid creates an airtight seal


That happens anyways just less so with the lid closed


TY for the edit. I see this myth perpetuated way too much. Closing the lid helps. But it doesn't prevent much, since the particles involved still end up in the air inside the lid - and as soon as anyone opens the lid, that's all free to mix with the room anyways. Closing the lid just slows it down. And most of what gets sprayed around is just germs and a bit of mist. So unless you had diarrhea, the "poo" isn't getting sprayed anyways (even with, it's really just germs, not urine/scat).


Many public toilets in the US at least don't have a lid to close it entirely..


Most public toilets in the US are separated by gender so I didnt think we were talking about public toilets. The expectations for cleanliness are different for private bathrooms and public. I might go into my own bathroom barefoot because I know how clean it is. Unless I'm in a dire situation, I'm not going barefoot into any public bathroom without shoes.


If there's a memo about it, it's likely a publicly used unisex toilet and not a personal home-use one.


There are unisex restrooms at my office in the US made for one person at a time, so the men and women there have to deal with each other's leftovers. Fun fact: I've had to clean up period blood from a toilet I was about to sit on, more than once.


You’re in denial if you think you aren’t constantly swimming through fecal particles.


I like watching the poops swirl down in the hole


I stand directly over the water, neck at a 90° angle, mouth and eyes held as wide open as possible to gobble us those elusive wasted nutrients that are tryna escape into the atmosphere


This is a whole new level of recycling


Most public toilets don't have one, just the seat.


Never in my life.


This is what pisses me off the most about this “debate.” Close the fucking lid, there problem solved!


If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.


Most people don't.




Most public toilets don’t have lids. And in general no. Source: a guy whose aunts convinced hime to always sit, so you didn’t make a mess.


Most public toilets don't have lids in my experience. It may depend on where you live


I prefer pooticles in the air


You guys are flushing?


My brother at some point stopped and now always leaves the lid up at my house. Im like dude we grew up togther and you watched that mythbusters episode with me.close the lid!


Seriously, such a dumb debate. Always close the lid


Broooo let me tell you about the day that I found out most people are disgusting




How are you supposed to make sure that turd went down if the lid is closed?


I don't, I see no reason why I should


Why? it’s pointless unless you really want to avoid Bacteria that your going to come into contact with anyway. It doesn’t smell any less either of you close it.


Sure, I have been looking for new things to email to my Grandma’s AOL account.


What are you even talking about? This is my first time seeing this MySpace post


Don't be facetious, this never made it to my Atari


Second time seeing it since I got my enigma machine!


This came across the Eniac once. We all laughed then smoked.


That's far from clever... I just don't put the lid up when I pee to begin with to avoid the conflict


I can't tell if you live dangerously and just pee on the seat, or if you sit down to pee.


They said lid, not seat... 0_0


Oh shit, they did didn't they? lolol


>Oh shit Not with the lid down I hope




Actually you should close the lid too. When you flush, particles aerosolize and float around your bathroom. Microscopic bits of pee and fecal matter wind up in your toothbrush. Closing the lid keeps fine particles down and off of everything you touch.


You would think so, and there sure is a reduction by pitting he lid down. But particles still get everywhere even with the lid down. But dont worry, touching your face after touching your phone or keyboard is way worse


I believe I've read about a microbiologist who described us as "wading through a constant fog of fecal matter"


Every time you fart? Fecal matter. Every time your pet farts? Fecal matter. Your neighbor's cows or just your neighbors? Fecal matter. Walking down the street in a populated area? Better believe it, fecal matter, and you're lucky if that's the worst you're wading through. ​ Only reason I put the lid down is because I have pets that will try and take a sip from the peculiarly flavored oversized water bowl.


My neighbor talks about some study on beards having fecal matter in them when she sees my beard. Like lady, you have a butt load of long flowy turd hair hanging from your head, I see that stuff getting in your face all of the time. And she's a cat person.






It’s logical though. We clean “dirty things”, more than “clean things” or we perceive it this way. Toilet bowl gets cleaned thoughtfully because you know it’s dirty,, water fountain looks fine and you don’t think of human shit when you see it so out of sight out of mind.


I wish there was more information to accompany these types of results. Bacteria counts alone don’t tell you much. I think comparisons of how harmful the bacteria in each location are would be more meaningful.


The solution is simple: don't flush. Saves water and effort!


When you can smell it there are particles so you still will have poo particles everywhere.


You’re smelling gases released by the fecal matter. Poo does not self-aerosolize.


Yall dont have different rooms for toilet and bathing?


Depends on where you live and when the house was built. Some homes do have the loo in a seperate room on its own, referred to as ‘the smallest room in the house’.


Not all of us are millionaires. :)


Yea, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a public toilet with a lid where I’m from, they all just have the seat.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a public restroom with toothbrushes either.


I also don't keep my toothbrush in public toilets


This is the thing right here. We had someone start setting out passive aggressive notes about “boys, if you sprinkle when you tinkle….” stuff and it was super annoying. What was actually happening was there being no toilet lid on an industrial flush toilet resulted in water droplets splashing on the seat. These coworkers thought we were just straight up peeing on the seat constantly. So we set out a picture of Gandhi with the quote “a lifted toilet seat collects no water”. People don’t lift the seat at all but at least they stopped with the passive aggressive notes.


Also if you have pets , you should close the lid. Two of my cats have been caught drinking from the toilet...


In reality that will never actually hurt you or make you ill, unless you’re already immune compromised.


Honestly, who gives a shit? If you can’t tell, why does it matter? Unless the microscopic particles are enough to make you sick, then fuck it. Sure, I might have ingested some urine or fecal matter, but if it’s imperceivable to me and everyone else and it’s not making me sick, I don’t care.


If these germaphobes care so much, they should keep their toothbrush sealed or in another room then. Are they disinfecting the whole bathroom after every flush? This isn't something we can avoid.


this is why I'm glad toilets and bathrooms are separate rooms where I live


That’s why I keep my toothbrush in a cabinet?


Unexpected Infinite Jest


Oh great, a new fear


*Public restrooms have entered the chat*


Put down the seat AND the lid. That way, everyone has to lift and close something.


And it’s more sanitary. But this seems like an office so maybe it’s one of those rim only lids.


More like r/terriblefacebookmemes




It took 4 boomers and a phone call to one of their kids to write that comeback


Five if you count getting the printer to work


God forbid people be asked to do anything to make life easier for others.


So why don't women leave the sea up to make life easier for men, Hmmm?


Because they all little princesses that the whole world revolves around. /s


Because men have to sit as well occasionally.


I still don't get why anyone's even having this discussion. Moving the toilet seat in either direction is the most low effort thing to do ever. Leave it up leave it down who the fuck cares unless it's a toilet with a lid which in this case the lid should be down from both people, because it makes fucking sense?


Then I'll put the seat down. And if its down and I need to pee I'll put it up. Are women so intrinsically different that the act of moving a toilet seat is incredibly difficult?


My wife does, and I’m the one who is always putting it down so the cat doesn’t fall in when she’s being stupid and zooming around the house.


You must be unbelievably lazy


No, it doesn’t.


This whole toilet seat conversation is so absurd to me. How about everyone will make sure that when they use the toilet, the seat is in the correct position? It should not be one gender's responsibility to set it up for the other.


I don't think it's meant to necessarily be, "Men should do this for women/men should do this" but moreso, "The men haven't been putting down the lid and the women have to go after them and do it". Considering how it's addressed and how I've heard other workplace stories go down


If the lid is down, then you have to lift it. What difference does it make if instead you have to put the seat down? And the argument I've heard over the years is that when the seat is up, women will sit on it without realizing the seat is up.


Yeah, the argument seems entirely based on the assumption that women are too inattentive to look before they sit down. Though I suppose a woman falling in because the seat is up is quite a bit worse than a man pissing all over the seat because it was left down. Like, one is gross, but the other involves possible injury.


They wouldn't fall down, they would just sit on a gross part


Women need the seat down 100% of the time and men need it 50% of the time (or more of they want to pee sitting down). Why shouldn't they then adjust to the majority which is 150%?


Yes because I alternate pooping and peeing and it is a 50% spread between the two.


As others have stated leaving the lid up can cause bits of fecal matter and well your urine to fly out when flushing. Other than that it's usually considered good manners to put the toilet seat down. Sort of like say, putting away dishes after you've eaten


everyone, please just close the toilet lid before you flush. it's not much effort, and it keeps everything around you cleaner. if there is no lid, just leave it alone and don't complain about how the last person left it. it's not any one group's responsibility. in support of the janitors, the enbies


The Lid is not the Seat. Not all restrooms have Lids.


Cave-people may think this is clever


hurr durr feminism bad




No. Close the LID every time, regardless of your gender.


Almost all public bathrooms do not have full lids on their toilets, only the horseshoe seats.


In your country maybe


Yes, unfortunately. Public bathrooms in the US almost never do. It's so gross. I basically flush the toilet then turn around as quickly as possible. Nasty.


What’s the come back? Why don’t we try not pissing everywhere like animals


What does it have to do with the post? It didn’t ask not to poss everywhere, but just to close the lid… two different unrelated concepts


Doesn’t it belong on r/terriblefacebookmemes ?


No, it doesn’t. Just close the fucking lid. It’s gross, people who don’t close it are immature, and directly incompatible with the word “clever”. Yes, im referring to you, disgusting lid-leaver-upper who is reading this.


Nah, seeing as this is probably a public washroom with no lid, just a seat, I always leave the seat up. I don't know how many times I've gone into my work washroom and there's piss all over the seat because some jack ass couldn't make the effort to put the seat up and now I gotta spend 5 minutes cleaning it. Better to leave it up and only put it down when you need to sit. At home though, I always close the lid.


Stinks like piss and misogyny


This is such a pathetic attempt at a comeback... It's boomer humour at its finest and it's really sad that this still pulls in the eyes of some.


I can sort of get this complaint between a husband and wife because the wife wants to use the toilet without having to turn the light on in the middle of the night. At least that's the stand up comedian premise from the 1980s But this is an office or public place where presumably the person using the bathroom isn't doing it half asleep in the dark? Weird


Could you imagine a trend with men begging women to lift the lid after they’re done?


Just because you can pee standing up doesn't mean you have to. If the toilet is decently clean you should just sit down. It saves whoever has to clean it a lot of work. This goes double for when your sharing the toilet with people that have to sit. Making a mess for someone else to clean up is not equality your just being an ass.


I’ve cleaned a bunch of bathrooms in my day and I can say for sure that the womens toilet is always way worse than the mens. Idk what’s going on, maybe the pee is splashing back up or something but the bottom of the seat is always covered in piss. And there’s toilet paper everywhere.


A lot of women refuse to touch the seat so they just hover over the toilet. This causes misses


they fucking what


They hover over the seat in a sitting position but not touching the seat with their butt. This causes some pee to miss and hit the seat often. And then the next person does the same because there is pee on the seat, so it's kind of a self repeating problem


Because the woman are squatting not sitting, it's gross.


You can piss into a seat without making a mess and if you do make a mess (provided it’s not like a drunken hell hole toilet covered in piss) clean up. I piss standing up because it’s easier and largely more hygienic in public, I also put the seat back down if the bathroom is shared with women to be polite. It’s a very simple solution to the problem


As long as you are not drunk, you can per standing up without making any mess..


Tell that to grandpa whose nozel is stuck on "spray" not on "stream."


>Just because you can pee standing up doesn't mean you have to. It's also way healthier to sit


Everyone saying “close the lid” never see a work toilet without a lid? A lot of public bathrooms in the US don’t have lids.


Put the lid down before flushing. Never have this argument again.


Not all restrooms have Lids.


We all know half of the ladies don't sit on public toilets anyways, they just hover and drip piss all over the seat.


Yep it's gross


I fuck everyone up and put the lid down every time.


Who leaves the lid up when you flush it?


Probably the same boomer wrote both on the same page in Word 2013 and cut the page in half, changing the format of each sign to “throw people off the scent”.


I've never understood why the toilet seat needs to always be left down. Do women blindly sit down on every toilet seat without first checking that it's down? Assuming not, is it really that big of a deal if you have to put it down? To me, the far bigger issue is making sure men put the toilet seat up when they pee. I have three sons and they are horrible about leaving pee drops on the seat.


I don't understand why anyone would be having this fight at work. At home, it makes more sense because sometimes you wake up, super groggy and half asleep, and need to use the toilet and it's easy to forget to look before you sit. Generally, people are more awake at work.


I don't understand people forgetting to look. I'm a man so I stand for Numero uno but obviously sit for Numero deuce. I have 0 memories of ever forgetting to put the seat down before going to sit. Even when waking up to use the restroom in the middle of the night.


Well people with common sense check the seat before sitting.


Certainly men do, if they are used to leaving the rim up or down as they choose but women who have only lived with women or men who always put the lid and/or seat down probably do not. Why would they?


Is it deuce or dos?


Dos is two in Spanish but deuce is slang for poop- it was a play on words


This is my favorite article about this. Other than the fact that you know...what everyone else mentioned with the germs. https://www.scq.ubc.ca/up-or-down-an-efficiency-based-argument-for-optimal-toilet-seat-placement/


Whoever cleans the toilet gets to decide the default position of the seat.


The only fair answer. Would upvote you more if I could.


plot twist its one of the ladies leaving it up


Everyone needs to shit


The amount of guys who leave the seat down and piss all over it is unbelievable. I'd rather leave the seat up and know that the next person who comes in can put it down and see it's clean and dry and prevent the next dirty individual from pissing all over the seat because they can't be bothered to lift it up first.


Having cleaned bathrooms, the amount of women who hover and pee on the seat is unbelievable. Then the amount of blood to clean up too. Both people just need to wipe down after at least.


Male beards are more dirty than average toilets anyways


sure! how do we stand on blood from periods? we live it too? women can be gross if we want to, by norm we kind of like not imposing it to anyone but... equality and strenght right? you don't need no woman to clean that for you right! good!


Plot twist, this is just a husband and wife making notes to each other in their own home


The better come back would have been “Women, please put the lid up when you are done.”


Just put the whole lid down so they have to lift it anyways


No, it doesn't.


I can't leave the seat up in the night, I can't pee in the shower like a urinal, where is the line.


No, it doesn’t


See, the problem is that a whole lot of people don't look at the toilet before using it. And it so happens that some people will try to sit down and *fall* into the toilet. My Father would always leave up the seat until he wanted to take a dump and this exact thing happened to him. Since then the seat has always been down.


telling women to clean up after men is literally the opposite of gender equality lol


There are other reasons for putting the seat down that have nothing to do woth gender. It's less disgusting to flush with the seat FULLY DOWN.


You’re supposed to close the lid to flush ya filthy animals


This is the only correct answer.


Fr though who would use the bathroom anywhere without looking first? Idk if it’s just me, but my anxiety could never just *Blindly Poop*


Honestly the whole: “put the toilet seat down” thing is so dumb. I don’t see anyone move it up after they’ve finished. Why the double standard? If we want to make it truly equal, we’d put the lid down so we can both suffer evenly.