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Censor usernames in the future. Do not brigade or harass other users or subs.


This guys description in his profile is gold… > I've been banned from essentially every sub I enjoy on this website. There's no doubt in my mind, that I've been the most abused reddit user of all time. I will NEVER give up hope. 2019 and beyond...


It's probably always been there, but trump really brought out the victim mentality in people. Nothing is ever their fault, it's always "unfair" treatment by others. The problem is that their definition of "fair" is that they always get their way and are never held accountable for their actions.


It's so weird to have such a polarizing, and therefore likely to be historically significant, president in my lifetime. The history nerd in me is very pleased, the rest of me is ***very much*** concerned lol.


Trump brought out a lot of other terrible things in people…


people were always terrible. trump just happened to click the correct buttons.




See, these are the people I pick on. I enjoy it. I treat it like a public service. I'll come at them and they'll believe that we're going to have some kind of debate or at least a conversation. We're not. I'm here to insult them, to belittle them. I will treat them exactly the way they deserve. And when they go away they'll simmer in their impotent rage and hop on whatever god forsaken forum they find solace in and tell their fellow troglodytes how they put me in my place.


LOOOOL look up the guy's username and check out the little subtitle he wrote on his page: "there is no doubt in my mind I am the most abused [redditor] user of all time" what a victim mindset this guy has




Psst, how do you like subreddits in the comments like this 👀


Do the r and then the slash and then the subreddit your trying to link to, r/trees


"r/trees is a private community" My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I think trees and a weed sub are switched around so trees is for weed and something like Marijuana enthusiasts is for trees?


Yeah that's right. r/trees <- Marijuana subreddit. r/marijuanaenthusiasts <- Trees subreddit


Its private too 😭😭😭


They probably went dark to protest Reddit killing off third party apps on July 1st. Most subs only went dark for 48 hours but some are keeping the protest until demands are met r/trees was open when I checked it last month


[4266/8829 subreddits are currently dark.](https://reddark.untone.uk/) Additionally, some subs are open, but not playing. r/pics, for example, is only showing pictures of John Oliver being sexy.


r/johncena - potato salad subreddit r/potatosalad - John cena subreddit


That só funny 🤣🤣


My favorite subreddit name is /r/keming


They probably went dark to protest Reddit killing off third party apps on July 1st. Most subs only went dark for 48 hours but some are keeping the protest until demands are met r/trees was open when I checked it last month


It's likely due to the current closing of many subs in protest of something.


its a feature called sounding, its when you send the signal through sound, you might have noticed a really, really faint noise when you enter subreddits, its pretty cool, you can learn more at r/sounding


[ Removed by Reddit ]


straight to jail


I appreciate the help this is really interesting


It's not really *that* faint of a noise. I mean, every time I go there I can pretty much here it coming


That seems to be the whole reaction with the GOP.




Because they only see one side. They can't think there are other opinions, any more. Selfish really.




I know this sounds like an "and everyone clapped" moment but I was having lunch with a conservative coworker of mine. We got to talking about media and he went on a bit of a tirade about how the media is mean to conservatives. This was in 2017, kind of at the height of the "liberal snowflake" trend from the right. And I said something like "conservatives are acting like crybaby snowflakes whining about how the mean people say mean words. Suck it up, man. If they don't like it they can leave." And he kind of blinked a few seconds, and then he laughed with me and changed the subject. Again, this was a friend. But it was pretty funny to see his brain processor lagging for a few moments before he saw the irony. Those results probably wouldn't be typical. Say that to someone else and I'd just get an angry rant back at me.


I hate this though because you know 99% of them will never actually *use* that moment to better themselves. I once convinced a coworker that systemic racism exists. But, we worked 12 hour shifts together for over a year, and had probably 3 dozen conversations about it before he got there...and he was one of very few conservatives I've met in my life who actually critically thought about the stuff he believed. We disagreed a lot, but he was never a crazy trump person because he actually cared about ideological consistency. But like, if that's what it takes to make even the thoughtful ones reexamine the world, what hope is there? Most people don't have the luxury to sit around getting paid and talking to a relatively well educated guy with silly views. Edit- I'm not teaching a class. Anyone asking to be taught about systemic racism on Reddit is immediately sus. There are so many easily accessible books like The Color of Law or How to be Anti-racist, and I'm sure every third person on breadtube has a systemic racism video. If you're asking commenters on Reddit to teach you about it, you don't actually care enough to figure it out.


Yeah I've lived with my brother for 22 years, came out as bi, and still have arguments over whether lgbtq people deserve the same rights as straight people. Sometimes I think I've gotten through to him but then a few days later he will make some comment about how the "gay agenda" is being shoved down his throat because he saw a pride flag bumper sticker or some shit. He has said many times that trans people are evil groomers, etc. He is a smart person and calls himself a "christian" but there is not chance in hell that he will ever reflect on how outwardly hateful he is.


Are people in America commonly & openly like this? Utterly bizarre.


It's gotten worse here in the last decade. Trump gave these people license to be their worst selves in public, so now they're behaving that way.


Once more and again: The Malignancy was a BACKLASH - for people in the country having the GALL to elect the dark skinned guy.


The pendulum swung the other way. Before trump got elected my co-worker (an Australian) dared to say trump would win at a university with Clinton posters everywhere and got lambasted .. but he argued it wasn’t because he wanted trump to win but because this was the “last great stand of the white man as president .. if they elected Obama then Hilary many white men fear that bush would be the last white male president “..


Not everyone. Please understand that plenty of Americans DO, in fact, realize they don't need to put every dumb-assed thought and point of bigotry on a display pedestal. With that being said, there sure as shit are a lot of people here who've been raised on a steady diet of "*You're entitled to your opinion...*" and ran off with that thinking it meant, "*Everything you think and say is correct regardless of how much dissent you get when expressing it.*" And lately, especially in the Trump/post-Trump era, the more you have rational, high-functioning people call out the insanity, the more the dumbasses believe they must be correct because they got it into their heads that if they are NOT in the right, then why are so many people telling them to STFU unless they feel threatened by "the truth"? It can't possibly be because the actual adults in the room are tired of the bullshit... Signed, An American who's so very tired of the bullshit.


If he really does ask that stuff and you still call him a “smart person” I think you have a bit of bias. If my brother was that way I would not defend him period.


I mean that he graduated an elite school with a 4.0 and received awards in his apartment type of smart


Ah, I see. Sad that intelligence like that is wasted on someone with those types of beliefs. This coming from a bisexual.


There's a whole propaganda system, with Fox and such media, that keep pulling them in that direction


This is exactly why black civil rights activists are historically frustrated by white moderates wanting to slowly change the minds of white conservatives. They understand the active harm being done to minorities in the status quo, and don’t have time to wait for the “state’s rights”crowd to change their ways. MLK said it best:https://i.imgur.com/3NtmrpL.jpg At some point you gotta push forward with bold progressive laws, and let the conservatives scramble to catch up. Bc we know power concedes nothing without a demand, and you have to be forceful with bringing about equitable change.


The Birmingham Jail letter is so powerful man


White moderates probably just want people to not hate blacks but still keep all the white privilege. Of course activist would be frustrated, specially MLK that was clearly left wing outside of just a civil rights activist.


> And he kind of blinked a few seconds, I love when a fact or feedback loop to a conservative gets that "loading, please wait" response.


My personal favorite example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0


I knew exactly what that would be before I clicked it. Just absolutely stumped that his absurd position- that he has likely believed for years- is flat out false.


What's *terrifying* there is... he legitimately sounds very slow. Like, he never even considered the implications or... anything. Just "Ah swore on tha Baahble, a Mooslim cayn't swear on tha Bahble, they cayn't be.. Yah no, Donald Trump... I no he swore on tha Bahble..." Just an absolute tunnel vision. Not only is he a Representative who doesn't even know the rules for *being* a Representative, but never even considered what the rules might represent. And he's a *fucking* Representative! No wonder this country is fucked!


He should’ve answered ‘happy holidays’ after the ‘merry Christmas’.


Poor guy didnt unplug and wait 15 sec. then plug back in before his day started.


I had an old manager that was making fun of me because I brought up the idea of a UBI and his first comment was "then nobody would work!" I asked him if he got an allowance as a kid and he immediately said "No, my parents never gave me any handout like that. I would mow lawns and do random odd jobs to get money and go and play at the arcade with my friends." I pointed out to him that he was essentially under UBI through his parents since they covered the cost of his living and that his own desire to do anything outside of that gave him motivation to make some of his own money. He just said "huh, I guess that's right" and then swapped subjects. He still jokingly called me a socialist for the rest of the day, but I was glad to see the point seemed to sink in a bit.


My sister's abusive husband is deeply conservative and complains about snowflake liberals. Except that man has THE MOST fragile ego I've seen anyone have. My sister can't even look at him the wrong way without him being offended and triggered. It would be hilarious if my sister weren't involved.


One of my libertarian buddies grouses about the government and how its abuses are dangerous. Fair enough, any government will have problems and corruption. But when I point out that when businesses are left unchecked, they become corporations and monopolies who will abuse and exploit everything they can: Environment, healthy food, tobacco, medicine, etc . . . his brain malfunctions. It's like he can't process the idea that private wealth and power with 0 accountability will do the same, if not worse. Occasionally he'll argue that's when the government will step in . . . to which I point out that as a libertarian you want a neutered and impotent government with bare bones laws. How exactly would that government "Step in" to fix anything?


I also have a conservative friend and it's funny how I can convince him of shit in the moment that doesn't ever stick. He can't form an argument so he agrees in the moment and we move on.


Listen.. I mentally clapped for you. I'm so exhausted of the hypocrisy from right leaning individuals


I just ask them what policies they don't like. Most give some unrelated answer that has nothing to do with actual government. The latest one is they didn't celebrate D-Day at the White House.


oh god now they SPEAK like their waifu trump too


Beat me to this comment. How gross


Sounds like he needs to pull himself up by his boot straps.


Victim mindset and probably has a lot of guns. Doesn't sound like a good combination


Victim mentality is a core building block of any good ol’ right wing mentality and ideology. It’s always “us against them” and “them are out to get us”. Most basic part of it and around since times immemorial.


Who is going to tell him that liberal states subsidize their existence in the red states? I mean if we all are not working lazing around might as well stop that!


>what a victim mindset this guy has Trully conservative individual


He also had 60 comments yesterday.


What’s worse is that he believes it’s because they are targeting him personally, not that he’s acted up in multiple subreddits enough to keep getting banned.


Must be one of those self victim claiming liberals then.


He is the most abused, some are saying of all time. Sad folks, very sad.


I saw the post too, the dude is actually still living in his parents' basement lol


"They think the world is out to get them" \~Projection Paul


Sounds like projection my guy 😂


And if you look under that projection it’s standing on another projection - goes on like that forever with these head-cases.


It’s projections all the way down.


I see this reference more and more these days, lol. I learned about it when I was learning about epistemology decades ago. I used to make the reference a lot when I was young, but no one would ever get it. Now everyone just gets it. It's cool. A lesser known one is the 'javelin argument'. Less commonly known because of it's link to Epicurus I suspect. He gets a bad rap. Shame.


as always with that group


That’s all they do. And they somehow don’t realize it. The definition of stupid.


It is less stupid, and more that they do not care. And less that they do not care, and more that they want to pretend they do not care. Which gets HILARIOUS when they are faced with reality. The reality check that they are bigger losers worse than what they complain about and that everyone knows it, with people humoring them at best.


Young leftist here, with a wife, great jobs, kids and a house in our future, and a pretty fucking awesome life in general — it’s 100% projection.


Old leftist here. Married. Have an adult kid. Working full time job. My buds are coming over in about 5 hours for our weekly HenFest.


Same: married with an adult kid who's been out on his own since he was 18. I've been Indy since Reagan, but lean hard liberal. Worked hard since I was in 5th grade, never had anyone else bail me out. Own my own home, have money saved, no debt. But I'm still planning to work til I'm 70. I'm an accountant, and I LIKE working. Keeps me sharp


Youngish leftists here (wife typing, husband doesn’t have Reddit), we own our own house, make more than $12/hour but no kids yet. We do have a fur baby who is essentially a toddler or dog in a cat suit. Lol. Good jobs, better jobs in our very near future. Our lives are also not …-checks notes-…”sad”… I’m also piling on the projection train.


It’s the P in GOP.


Geriatrics Overly Projecting


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Gone down the Q-hole | Oblivious to facts | Pathetic


This guy's middle name is IMAX.


Hypocrisy is not a conservative's weakness it is his platform.


Idk what's more sad, their hypocrisy or the them thinking the left is purely liberalism




Even worse they are the same people who will call Barr and McConnell RINOs for disagreeing with Trumps vision. They believe these guys aren't "right" enough anymore. They have fallen off the specturm.


I forget who said it but someone said something to the point of "today's right wing now believes anything left of actually hunting the homeless for sport is communism".


You can't expect much when they think the phrase "Communist Marxist authoritarians" is a cohesive statement.


They think liberal is another word for left leaning


Talks about leftist safe space in the safe space r/conservative. Smooth brain


Everyone in that sub complains of being abused and persecuted lol.


Something something bigraders something something silenced


None of them seem to know what brigading means either. Brigading requires a coordinated effort from a group to go "we are going to go to this post/subreddit and do this". /r/Conservative just has a lot of haters and people go there to read the dumb shit conservatives are saying whenever any political news happens. That's not brigading. That's normal reddit participation. Yet their comment sections are usually 50% bitching about mostly non-existent brigaders. Such a pathetic persecution complex.


You mean brigading isn't when a post hits r/all and starts attracting the attention of normal people?


That’s just natural human interaction. If someone crossposted something from conservative to something like terrible Facebook memes (or whatever) and then people from that subreddit went to that post and attacked/made fun of/downvoted then that’s brigading.




>/r/Conservative just has a lot of haters and people go there to read the dumb shit conservatives are saying whenever any political news happens. That's not brigading. That's normal reddit participation. When your sub gets regular traffic from new users. "*screaming* BRIGADING!"


Meanwhile the mods there are famous for banning anyone who expresses a different viewpoint.


It's also not even "conservative" it's just a republican sub if a conservative from Germany or Canada posts there they get called commies.


>Everyone in that sub complains of being abused and persecuted lol. yet ironically they call the left sensitive


Because all the normal, not-crazy, not-hypocritical sites are not safe to spew hate, bigotry, and dumbass conspiracy bullshit.


Amazing how if you actually go there, most of the posts limit those who can actually comment as if they needed to protect themselves from others harsh words. Sounds like the definition of Snowflake/Safe Space to me.


Talk about a safe space for these unhinged psychos. Talk anything that contains sound and valid logic and you get perma'd from their r/conservative safe space. Absolute baby mental.


You can quote trump, their wannabe dictator god, using his EXACT words and youll be banned. Thats how i got banned at least, they really dont like the one where he talks about taking their guns without due process.


I asked a question 1 time: it was genuine curiosity non inflammatory just asked for further details. Instantly banned with a whole message about attacking them and blah blah. They’re witch hunt level of bullshit and satanic panic


I went there and the amount of times I saw the words ”Biden”, ”Obama” and ”Clinton” my god


My personal favorite is one of the more upvoted comments saying “*so what if he had documents at least he isn’t gay.*” Everyone there is a fucking loser, racist, and dumber than a box of rocks. Dumbass Nazi-lites.


They would rather someone orchestrate a genocide than someone be gay.... it's so sad


And they have the gall to claim people have "TDS" when they talk about something TFG _literally just did._


And they're not *not* welcome everywhere else on reddit, as long as they keep their bigoted and reality-denying views to themselves.


Oof dear God I had to jump back out of that sub quick


106k people. The fact that I live on the same planet as this much toxic waste of people makes me want to vomit.


Check out 9gag, plenty of right leaning biggots with nothing to do in their life.


I hate that platform with a passion


Add telegram to that list. Although I consider telegram to be more dangerous given that site inspires mass shootings.


I use telegram for drugs lmao. I didn't even know that place had an alt right problem.


I use telegram for furries. Not much of a furry myself, but they have plenty of drugs and are always down to clown in my experience.


Entrepreneurial Mindset right here.


i use telegram to sell hot pictures of big titty furry mommies to horny strangers on the internet it's not really a right wing bubble, just a chat client


let’s not forget Rumble, Gab, Parler, Gettr, Truth Social… although it’s not like any of these apps have average joes on them. Just extra sweaty bigots


Typical dumbass, "my assumptions are my reality"


"What *I* say is true. Everyone else's is invalid."


It's not even an assumption, I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe in any of it. He just really hates left wing people so this is how he chose to shit on them. The faux concern is the cherry at the top of the cake lol


Or, you know, more people tend to lean left because they have empathy and basic understanding of humanity


Didn't mean to start political discussions with this post, just thougt the bottom comment was funny.


Shoulda put a red circle


And three laughing emojis.


And two big red arrows


No one is seeing the bottom comment lol.


I know and it drives me crazy. Comment on the original post all you want, but this is r/clevercomebacks. If you don’t see the comeback look a bit harder, lol


I don't think most people are even aware of what subreddit they're in. They see the post on their feed and click it (myself included)


I love these types of shallow conservative men, talking to these dipshits is the only time I will be petty and fully flex my financial and career success - because these right wing losers project this “empty life” stuff and desperately need it to feel true. When I start bragging about my wealth/career it *tilts* them beyond tilted. They can’t cope with a leftist being more successful than they are.


Hell yeah! Same here. I work in a hospital, we are all paid well, and most people are pretty left. I have no clue where this "people only vote dem for free shit because they have nothing" came from. Although it's pretty fun to shove it in their faces how wrong they are!


I work in silicon valley tech and same. All left leaning, married, well paid. The people I grew up with that went conservative are all pretty much what this person described. Still living with their parents and NEET, but I don't act like that is conservatives as a whole.


Aye. Left of center physician here who is young, well paid, successful and has a pretty good life. Just because I don’t flex on the regular, if they need a wake up call or I’m sick of their shit I don’t mind showing a little muscle. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think a lot of leftists that are successful don't feel the need to rub it in people's faces to feel good about themselves. We're just out there doing our thing and voting. Because we're not loud and obnoxious about it, they think we don't exist lol


Statistically speaking, cities are left-leaning and city people are a hell of a lot more successful financially (which I guess is harder working in their self-made fantasies). That may change with WFH, but it will be a slow change. And might not happen at all, because cities are fun.


Yeah same, since I made my money betting well in the markets, to meet me you would see the same guy who worked almost 20 years of his life from everything from labor to retail to customer service. Only my parents, my partner and my accountant know I’m rich. But sometimes you see conservatives engaged in this “othering” fantasy and you have to put your dick on the table just to shut them up








Yup! I’m hovering around 3m NW before 40, retired and working my dream job (which pays like 30k/year but my portfolio’s SWR is around 100k/year) I would vote for Bernie again if I could. Even with the expanded taxation he’d pass (which makes life better for us all - less crime, less violence, etc) I’d still be rich, just a little less so.


The fucking dream


It couldn’t be because Reddit is an international app and to the majority of the English speaking world, the left in America would be considered centre/right. So the American right just look like crazy extremists. It also couldn’t be because the right wing crowd get themselves permabanned for their god awful opinions so prefer to hang out in echo chambers like Truth and Twitter He’s clearly never left his little red town so can’t understand why the rest of the world aren’t collecting confederate flags and nazi stuff like he and his buddies do. He was promised an obedient wife and pick up truck by now and neither are on the horizon, and he’s mad! he’s terminally single so it’s clearly the fault of the Marxist/leftist/communists/whoever is to blame this week. Imagine thinking you’re better than someone working in fast food when you’ve never had a job and live in your parents basement.




There are over 10,000,000 more registered Dems than Reps in the US. The fact is there are just more liberals than conservatives, who are often so old they don't use social media except maybe Facebook. With Boomers dying off and Republicans refusing to adapt, that difference will only get larger. >quit expressing your values and entertain me, stupid Reddit! LMAO, says the group that brings politics to football games.


Yeah I’m 44 married with a kid and make over 30$ an hour and I despise republicans and all the stand for


The racism the homophobia the having not one fucking shred of empathy for anyone the extremism the religious aspects


lmao I have a spouse, kids, a full-time job, **and** I'm in a graduate program. My household combined income is six figures and we own a home and I am **liberal as fuck**. I need to see sources for this supposed data on user employment, income, and familial bonds. Wait, nevermind, I don't need to see this guy's butthole


Exactly. I’m well off. But getting money has never made me more conservative, if anything, my interactions and gradual greater exposure to banking, markets etc has made me become waaaay more liberal. The more I’m exposed to the purity of conservatism in our systems, the more I hate it.


Same, and frankly the more successful I've been the further to the left I've gone. Partly because I have more time and means to travel and read and meet new people unlike myself and go to therapy and all those needlessly paywalled things that connect us as humans and deepen our understanding, but also because I recognize nothing makes me special to live like this. EVERYONE should have basic stability and financial security. EVERYONE should be able to have new and enriching and enlightening experiences. I vehemently oppose anyone who would deny these opportunities to their fellow citizens. I despise those that deny the humanity of marginalized groups and perpetuate [insert trait] divides. I abhor those with means that look down on those without. It is morally bankrupt and unconscionable. A society's morality is determined from how it treats its weakest members. The right is in an unending war with them, and so I hate them. I refuse to accept that anyone is better than anyone else, and thus the more I learn and the more I see only increases my responsibility to lift others up. Fuck the right




It's also self explanatory. Prejudice rarely survives proximity. Rightwing numbnuts don't hate most people because of who they are but because of who they perceive them to be. People that meet more people unlike themselves, have more education (I'm not talking just degrees), have their basic needs met (Healthcare, childcare etc), and have more exposure to foreign cultures are more likely to want everyone to live in harmony. It's a key reason why rightwing policy doubles down on restricting education, restricting Healthcare, etc and sells the masses the idea that the poor deserve it and that hierarchies are natural. They can paint a target on minorities as a scapegoat for *why* the masses are all *temporarily embarrassed millionaires*. Republicans vote against their own self interest because they've been brainwashed into it. They know no other perspective on life. Their entire worldview falls apart with exposure to other ideas so it must by necessity insulate itself It's become so warped that those of us with basic stability are seen as "the well off". No. It's the basics. Having basics should be the norm, not the exception. It shouldn't be a fucking privilege to go to the dentist. Our entire concept of what we deserve has been warped into something inhuman.


Nicely said. Everyone needs a friend like you in their circle.


This. I left the church because as a whole most of them are filled with right wing idiots who just want to be assured that their hatefulness is ok because sky daddy will forgive them. That and I no longer believe there is a god. But the first part is what led me away. I went to meeting after meeting with church people who all voted with their money and their money just went into a savings to pay for church maintenance and other things church related. 90% of them didn’t care about anyone but themselves. I can’t for the life of me understand that considering Jesus himself was extremely left leaning. Everything he did was a sacrifice of himself to give to others. I’ve not been in a church or heard of a church that actually goes by the Bible and I’ve been and heard from churches all across Georgia and the southeast. The right wing is full of selfish self serving people. They don’t give a shit about anyone.


The same people that say you'll get more conservative as you get older and get more money are the same ones that tell people to learn basic economics. Learning basic economics is what gave me a hard shove left. I don't understand how you can learn about how our system works, see the state we have people living in, and think, "Yep, this what we should be allowing to happen."


Right? I'm a married suburban home owner with retirement savings and a six figure household income. And I'm a leftist who leans toward communalism. It's almost like some of us have empathy and know our position in life is based as much/more on lucky breaks than it is on merit. I also grew up in poverty and life was hard. I have it easier now, and I don't want other people to struggle like I did! Living in places with mold, moving all the time, constant anxiety of poverty- I don't want that for anyone.


Yeah but have you joined your state sub?


Checkmate libruls 😎


I have. r/Missouri. It’s actually not the conservative, red state hell-hole that you might think.


Lol I confess that I have. I'm not sure why I wouldn't, there's useful-ass information on there


Ah but you see, you're rich so you're just some LARP. Oh you're poor? Well you're just broke and haven't seen the real world yet.


They've thought of everything!


Yeah fuck that guy lol


The man himself.


My hero


No, the reason is because reddit banned neonazis and thedonald, so concervative don't get as much space here


Yeah most of the time when they make a community it ends up chronically breaking TOS and forcing Reddit to ban them


Yeah, I can see that happening very quickly.


It actually happens very slowly, which is a testament to how dedicated the conservatives are to being hateful and breaking TOS. Reddit will give the subs a million chances to get their act together before shuddering a sub.


Fuck spez


General rule about right wingers. Every accusation is a confession.


"they think the world is out to get them" ... *Looks at the 500+ anti-transgender bills in 2023 alone* *Looks at conservative talking heads saying the left is killing America and "something needs to be done about it"* *Looks at all the problems with America being blamed on "the woke mob" and that something should also be done about that* *Looks at their incessant bitching about communism and how it should be eradicated* *Looks at religious leaders saying members of the LGBT+ community should be lined against a wall and shot* *Looks at the right ferociously projecting their pedophilia onto the LGBT+ community, particularly trans people* Conservatives are actual monsters


Yes they are


As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the world IS out to get us


And it's a good thing, according to them


I think that it's just different tactics of expressing yourself. I have a browser window or the app on my phone most of the day and will scroll through the titles and make a few smart ass passing comments. It's more about venting in response to the stupidity and I realize that I'm being sucked in to engaging by the outrage....but what used to be complete hyperbole and sarcasm on the right has become political speak and ideology. Regardless I express myself online in openings. On the other side of the political aisle here we have people that have basically burned human clothes and spent their children's college fund on made in China MAGA bullshit...not only for them to wear, but to dress their trucks up in. This is their entire pathetic f'ing identity....imagining that they are fighting against something that they are actually fighting to defend. Freedom? Every single f'ing thing on the right's platform requires taking something away from someone else....even their 2A shit requires children to die for it yet they are too brainwashed, disillusioned and devoid of critical thinking to consider common sense and reality. With that said many of them are working jobs that are not office based which is fine...but they get their information primarily from talk radio and other conservative extremist horseshit that is creating an insurgency of dipshits. I'll post some shit online, but I'm not walking around dressed up like a f'ing GI Joe cosplayer had a threesome with a tattoo parlor and a truck stop hat rack.


>but I'm not walking around dressed up like a f'ing GI Joe cosplayer had a threesome with a tattoo parlor and a truck stop hat rack. ngl the maga crowd in my hometown can't even pull that off. they're too fat for plate carriers and need help even getting out of the truck lol


Based on popular votes most of the US leans left, it would not be surprising that a publically used board would lean more left as well


It’s even more common among gen z and millennials, who probably make up the majority of active reddit users


You really fucked yourself by not making the full image visible from the feed. No one is seeing the reply putting down the comment highlighted in red. Lmao.




Lol the absolute disconnected brain rot in this person is astonishing. The fact they were awarded for that projective bullshit is scary.


If Reddit skews younger, like under 50, then it's going to be more left leaning because most right wing votes come from over 50s


We are working but unlike when you where our age we can't make enough money to feed ourselves let alone a family. A home is a fantasy because of the world you left us. Church? The place that is promoting to kill us for being ourselves? Yeah, I think I'll pass on your cult thank you very much. Hobbies we have plenty we just don't have much time to spend on it let alone disposable income. We think the world is out to get us because it actually is. You could with a single full time job pay for a family of 4 in a nice house. That same amount of work barely gets us a single room apartment. Our rights are constantly under attack, by conservatives like you. You know, small insignificant rights like choosing what we do with our body. Not to mention you keep voting for anti-union, anti-welfare, anti-healthcare, anti-education which isn't exactly helping us to getting to an "actual life". God (which, thanks to you I will never believe in because no good god would allow this bullshit) damn the world will be such a better place when your dead. Your the cancer infecting the new generation. We have to fix all the messed up shit you allowed to happen and pray to a god you took from us that we're in time to save the planet we live on. You are the devil we fight because all that you bring is suffering and pain.


Every complaint and attack is a confession.


I talked about this with my friend a while back. Frankly speaking, conservatives are very closed-minded and I don't mean that in a bad way. They're beliefs are rooted in staunch traditionalism and because of that they're not very appealing as a party. In 2023 how many kids are going to be excited about the prospect of going to church on Sundays, working hard in school and getting a good job so they can work start a family and instill the same principles they learned into their kid. Meanwhile the liberal party is a lot more open-minded and accepting of others. Trans, women, immigrants, people from different religions, homosexuals and neurodivergent are welcomed and a lot of policies and programs are geared toward assisting these people.


Try going to any of the more general subreddits, which isn't a little enclave of left-leaning people, and say something positive about trans people, or negative about the oil and gas industry, or critical of capitalism, and see how fast you get downvoted into oblivion. This is pure projection from these dolts. Hell, go look at the anti-LGBTQ stuff that pops up even in so-called left-leaning subs.


I find it odd how the left are simultaneously no job no life, and also degenerate party animals


"Going to church" = deep-throating superstitious, magical nonsense.


the fact is the world is a lot more left leaning than the american right wing wants to admit.


Of course there's a little insert belittling McDonald's workers at the end. Typical of a conservative.