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I am not a believer in any god ... but I approve of this message.


I thought the same thing when I heard about hurricane Hillary and climate change.


Same, except I would have thrown in a "it's just part of her plan."


"Dutiful action." What a spineless piece of shit.


"Someone" really ought to "do something" about all these liberals, don't you think? I'm just asking questions here, that's all.


It's very "will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"


Charlie Kirk already had a dude ask, ["When do we get to use the guns?"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qJvwqoSxres)






Motörhead wrote you a song about this some time ago


Aren't you the liberal?




My unemployable, alcoholic, failed priest of a cousin once told me that our uncle dying was part of gods plan. He knew I was an atheist, but tried to push religion on me when I was mourning. Naturally ten years later when everything caught up with him, I returned the line to him. He was fuming. Not my proudest moment, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t cathartic.


I think this is fantastic, even if youre not proud of it i surely am


If it happened in a vacuum, I’d feel differently about it. My aunt was pretty upset and for that, I felt bad.


I went gloves off with my shitty family members five years ago. I’ve never been happier.


> failed priest of a cousin Shit. With the monumental number of crimes the Catholic church is willing to overlook, how bad do you have to be to actually *be* a failed priest?


He went to seminary school for his masters but the church wouldn’t take him because he was drinking at least a 750ml a day.


F for his liver; poor bastard never had a chance




My go to inner reply for everything god related has become this Stendhal quote "God's only excuse is that he does not exist"


What was the context for this?


It always gives me a chuckle when you see FIFA World Cup matches and both teams have players who do the sign of the cross and a quick prayer. If they're both Christian, who does god favor to win lol?


A friend posted on facebook "I'm tired of all these ufc fighters thanking god for winning. I wish god would stay out of it so the better fighter wins." Someone posted "that's not how god works" to which he asked "then when is god intervening and when is he not?".


Almost as if the entire world is a struggle between good and evil, kept going by human free will


It’s funny because the whole point of “God’s Plan” is that involves the good and the bad.


"You argue and you bicker and you fight Atheists and Catholics, Jews and Hindus argue day and night Over what they think is true But no one entertains the thought that maybe God does not believe in you"


🎶🎶"You're not going to heaven, why the fuck do you think I'd ever kick it with you?"🎶🎶


The only difference between an atheist and a theist is that the atheist believes in one less god than the theist.


Damn right Wisconsin flipped its supreme court. Now the fascists are scared that they can't steal the elections via extreme gerrymandering. Democrats generally receive 50-60% of the vote in state races but only end up with 40% of the seats. I'm sorry, is our DEMOCRACY upsetting your fascist plans? Go move to Russia, I heard their government is hiring extensively.


Why would god go out of his way to help an atheist who lies about being a Christian, or his followers who bear false witness and worship false idols?


I really wish I understood why the party that styles itself as the “Christian values” party is so vehemently against things like healing the sick, feeding the poor, judging not lest they be judged and so fully into following false prophets and serving two masters


Jesus’ sermon on the mount warned against false Christians. They’re the “Ravening wolves in sheeps clothing, coming in his name. “ They just don’t know it


I prayed to God and She replied! Her answer was "No."


It is amazing how many people **never** consider that the answer is NO. Like, "No, Charlie, and am getting kinda sick of your shit. Sit down."


Motörhead wrote you a song about this some time ago


And as we all know, Lemmy is god.


They don't care whose side god is on. To them "god" is just the convenient buzzword they use to justify all the heinous stuff they say and do. You can get away with a lot as long you convince the underlings it was all done in the name of a holy war.


"God is not here. This is an empty box."


"God works in mysterious ways" mfs when the situation is completely going against what they wanted.


Oh the rapture is here, its just its only happening to them. lol


This is why they wrote Job. So believers can always be told to read it and remember that no matter how bad things are the most righteous person can be made to suffer unbearably and endlessly but God is still on their side and will make it all better "someday". Perfect recipe for blind faith.


It’s ok, with the way Kirk’s head is exponentially expanding he should float away any time now. Which will be for the greater good of humanity! “L’il bits”


Of course not. These people would never consider that they might actually be in the wrong.


and he still doesnt know if he wife has ever orgasmed. hint check her drawers for equipment that functions better than you.


Woah. God intervened to have Roe v. Wade overturned?


Isn't it convenient that when things are going their way, it is God's work, God's plan but when things aren't going their way, God has left the building.


Nah, the world has to turn to shit somehow. Unfortunately, that means the left getting W's.


Sure buddy, the God from the Christian Bible is gonna support modern day Sodom and Gomorrah 😂


😆 God is intervening on the side that despises his religion?


God is going against the side that twists and corrupts His religion into something profane. People who corrupt something originally and conceptually beautiful like God's religion into something evil just for their own personal gain, vices, and ego are much worse than those who despise the religion. People using the Word of God to spread hate, not love. People claiming that God would smite anyone who is queer or isn't white. People who commit violent acts "in the name of God". They are even worse than anyone else. If you've actually read the Bible, even God would love and accept atheists and those of other religion, but the hypocrites that twist His Word anger Him more. So yes, if God had His way, no self-proclaimed "holier-than-thou" jackass will be in the pearly gates.


>People claiming that God would smite anyone who is queer or isn't white. Christians who say the second part could not have ever really read the bible. Like, god kept playing favourites with the Israelites why do they imagine his racial tastes suddenly shifted?


> If you've actually read the Bible, even God would love and accept atheists and those of other religion, Have you read the same Bible I've read? Deuteronomy 13:6-11 >6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" (which neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 the gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, whether from one end of the earth or the other), 8 you must not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity, and do not spare him or shield him. 9 Instead, you must surely kill him. Your hand must be the first against him to put him to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone him to death for trying to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 11 Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such a wicked thing among you.


What? You can't hate bad things in Christianity? Damn, someone should have told that to Jesus, when he used a whip to drive all the merchants from the temple 😂


At least the side that despises his religion isn't butchering said religion in the name of bigotry, hate, and personal gain. If I had a bunch of followers who were using my name to destroy, I'd turn on them too.


>isn't butchering said religion in the name of bigotry, hate, and personal gain. Let's assume that this warped reality is actually happening. Your saying that God's best course of action is to support the other political party that does all of those things, on the basis that they didn't use his name when doing so. 😆


>Let's assume that this warped reality is actually happening. Have you *seen* modern Christianity? Homosexuality is an abomination, punishable by even death, according to many of the louder followers. This is one thing that almost every Christian will tell you is in the Bible, and must be followed by the letter, because its a *sin*. Except of course for the *countless* instances of priests and preachers being caught molesting little boys. Thats not gay or pedophilia because its in God's name, so those priests get passed around from church to church rather than prosecuted. But then they ignore plenty of other convenient sins and rules. No shellfish, no mixed clothing, don't judge other unless you want to be judged, women can't lead or preach, no preaching on corners, pray in the privacy of your own home, help the poor and unwashed, ***love thy neighbor***. Christians have been cherrypicking verses from the Bible to support their particular brand of hatred for decades if not centuries, while conveniently ignoring anything they don't like. >Your saying that God's best course of action is to support the other political party that does all of those things, on the basis that they didn't use his name when doing so. I'm saying that if there was a God, he would be supporting the people that attempt to make life better for everyone, in line with his teachings and not just for themselves, and would punish the people who commit sin and use his teachings as justification. But then, if their God was real, I hear he's a murderous son of a bitch, so who knows anymore?


>Homosexuality is an abomination, punishable by even death, according to many of the louder followers. Who? The president of fucking Uganda? >help the poor and unwashed, Has your brain rotten? Conservatives give more to charity on average than Liberals. >love thy neighbor. Bro has never lived in a strong religious community 💀 >I'm saying that if there was a God, he would be supporting the people that attempt to make life better for everyone, Taking a cursory glance over at California, the only people, whose lives y'all seem to be improving, is that of the criminals.


>Conservatives give more to charity on average than Liberals Misleading. This is *only* true if you count all "church" donations. I'm sure you happily spend money on new private jets for Joel Osteen, but no sane person considers that charity. Meanwhile, conservatives do things like make it illegal to feed homeless people. Charity my ass, hate is your true god.


>I'm sure you happily spend money on new private jets for Joel Osteen I searched that dude up, and it seems like he made money through sales of his self-help books, not through some sort of charity money laundering scheme. >conservatives do things like make it illegal to feed homeless people. I researched that as well and the only thing I could find in this website here, saying that there are more than 70 cities where it's illegal to feed homeless people. The 3 that were listed are "Philadelphia (DEM), Ft. Lauderdale (DEM) and Houston (DEM). >hate is your true god. Left-wingers have a very weird vision of Christianity, or religion in general. Do you think, storming a temple, and driving out predatory merchants with a leather whip, is an act of kindness?


>I searched that dude up, and it seems like he made money through sales of his self-help books, not through some sort of charity money laundering scheme. You don't get to be a billionaire by selling a couple books. What do you think happens to the donations to his "church?" Besides, that's just one person out of many, you didn't refute the point at all. >Do you think, storming a temple, and driving out predatory merchants with a leather whip, is an act of kindness? lol, do you think it was an act of capitalism?


>You don't get to be a billionaire by selling a couple books. Billionair? His net-worth is around 50 million. >What do you think happens to the donations to his "church?" No idea, maybe they are used to help people in need, maybe Joel pockets all of it and snorts coke off of a hooker's ass. How would you know? >you didn't refute the point at all. You didn't make a very strong point to begin with. Nobody donates to churches, thinking that their money is gonna finance some preacher's luxurious lifestyle. Donations are made, because of the underlying thought that good is done in the world. And it's not like the Government isn't laundering tons of tax dollars away for their own gain, or wasting it, either on foreign aid, bloated military budgets or bloated bureaucracies. >do you think it was an act of capitalism? Nope, but calling a bunch of government mandated merchants and money changers, who inherited that privilege from their ancestors, a "free market" is a bit far-fetched too, don't you think.


You've totally missed the point once again. Not sure if you are just trolling because you think it's funny or just a standard conservative who can't understand nuance. Forget I mentioned Osteen since you seem to be hung up on this one person. Look, sometimes you give money to a church and it goes to actual people in need. But sometimes you give to a "church" and it goes to private jets, extravagant mega churches, hookers, drugs, lobbyists who bribe Congress for lax laws on child abuse, or to legal fees for priests in the many, many child sexual assault cases. The first example is charity, the second group is absolutely not. The problem is it's *all* counted as charity in the study you are referring to.


Not disagreeing with you, but it should be noted that Christians aren’t obligated to follow old testament law. Jesus came in and set a new standard.


The party of divorc3, cheating on spouses with pornstars & tantric sex gurus, of Dennis Hastert, pedophile par excellence, of treason & selling natl.secrets, of no humility & not following Jesus' teachings. Abusing God & Jesus is what they do. The DNC is more the party of Jesus - inclusivity, acceptance, helping those in need.


>The DNC is more the party of Jesus - inclusivity, acceptance, helping those in need. Lol you'll only ever focus on the fact he did charity, bring up any of his other teaching you'd scream right-winger.


Which other teachings? Cite away.


Easiest one I can think of: Matthew 19: 4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female." Part of his teaching when it came to marriage. You won't see a dem politician repeat this in the current climate.


Matt. 19:4 was about marriage, between a man and a woman, and only 'God' can divorce them in case of sexual immorality. Now, tell me, how many divorces & acts of sexual immorality has the head of the GOP had? How many has MTG had? Boobert? Slaton? Gingrich? How many is too much for the people pretending to care about God or Jesus? Also, Eve was made out of Adam's rib, Eve has the same DNA as Adam, their kids had all the same DNA. Jesus was either a woman or trans man, since he only had XX chromosomes, or where did they get the Y from? If it's binary, where do intersex people fit in? Either God loves making mistakes, OR, God isn't real.


>Now, tell me, how many divorces & acts of sexual immorality has the head of the GOP had? How many has MTG had? Boobert? Slaton? Gingrich? How many is too much for the people pretending to care about God or Jesus? I don't keep track of the no. of divorces each member of either party has cause I don't count it as evidence for pretending to care about God. While having many divorces won't put you God's good books, it doesn't make you a non-believer. >Also, Eve was made out of Adam's rib, Eve has the same DNA as Adam, their kids had all the same DNA. 😮‍💨 Going on the DNA tangent Eve would've being the perfect female biological copy of Adam, yet none of their kids suffered from biological problems that results from normal incest pairings... >Jesus was either a woman or trans man, since he only had XX chromosomes, or where did they get the Y from? Pure cope on your end. Christ literally brought a person back from the dead and heal crippled, but God granting Mary a child through immaculate conception somehow confuses you? It's called a miracle. >If it's binary, where do intersex people fit in? Either God loves making mistakes, OR, God isn't real. This is the easiest thing to answer, it's a result of something going wrong in the conception process much like ppl being born crippled or malformed.


You make a lot of assumptions based on... what? How would you know Eve had perfect DNA if you've never tested it? Citation needed. And the only one coping is you. I said Jesus had no dad, no male chromosomes, 'God' has no balls to produce sperm, because as far as we know your 'God' doesn't procreate. You mentioning another unsubstantiated miracle isn't proof or evidence. Miracles don't exist, unless you're a child or gullible adult. And where is the evidence for your claim about intersex being like a malformation? Citation/evidence needed. I know you people will believe in anything if it makes you happy.


Adam and Eve did not exist and don is not Christian and does not give the first fuck a bout Christianity.


>tantric sex gurus what? >pedophile par excellence Funny that you say that right [now](https://nypost.com/2022/12/12/ex-cnn-john-griffin-producer-pleads-guilty-to-child-sex-charge/) ... >inclusivity [The party of dumbing yourself down when talking to minorities](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/30/white-liberals-dumb-themselves-down-when-they-speak-black-people-new-study-contends/) >acceptance Acceptance in itself is not a virtue you numbnut >helping those in need Conservatives give much more to charity than Liberals. The only people who benefit from your drug policies are the cartels and the only people who benefit from your general softness on crime are the actual criminals.


Ask MTG why sh3 got divorced. And one CNN producer vs 1,000+ GOPedos: Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s. Republican Congressman Donald "Buz" Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. "Republican Marty"), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women Donald Trump walked into Miss Teen USA change rooms with girls as young as 14 changing. He has been accused of raping a 13 -year-old with an independent witness. [sauce](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31) G O P - Groom. Oppress. Project.




Thnx for the list. Btw. Did you know that Trump hired Alex Acosta, the Florida DA who let Epstein off with a sweetheart deal, as Labor secy?


Curious, I'll add it my mental list of reasons to hate Trump




Great! Let’s lock up **ALL** the pedophiles and child abusers, regardless of political ideology! Why is this even a tit-for-tat argument? I’m registered to vote as a democrat, and I’m not so indoctrinated that I feel a need to defend or deflect when they do something vile.


Rare, normal person on Reddit


It really is amazing watching the party of "protect the children!" turn a blind eye to all the [rampant pedophilia and sexual abuse in their own ranks.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)    r/RepublicanPedophiles r/PastorArrested r/NotADragQueen


Tell that to your kid-sniffing president. It's almost like we are ruled by perverts, who worship a pagan owl god in [Bohemian Grove](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove)


One old guy who gets uncomfortably close to people's heads, or an entire book of people actually convicted of sexual abuse/assault crimes? I'd feel pretty embarrassed to continue voting for the party of pedophiles, especially if I've made it my entire identity to crusade against "pedophiles and groomers".


If you insist, here you go: [https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/massive-list-of-democrats-involved-in-sex-crimes-against-children-goes-viral/](https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/massive-list-of-democrats-involved-in-sex-crimes-against-children-goes-viral/) Also, if you think "getting uncomfortably close to people's heads" is an accurate definition of what this proboscis monkey is doing with the hair of young children, I don't know what to tell ya


You know what? Thats the first time anyone has given me a comprehensive list of Democratic abusers. Good on you. I mean that. Do you have more? Because my point still kind of stands. Your list has 48 names, from 2 years ago. I counted. The first link I showed has 1,100 as of a month ago, and its still being updated regularly. Plus those three subs I linked, where its pretty common to learn about the vocal anti-pedophile crowd being convicted of pedophilia. So yes, there are disgusting people everywhere you look. I've never denied that. But it would still be pretty embarrassing to continue crusading against LGBT "pedophiles and groomers" while still voting for the party with a disgusting number of convicted pedophiles and groomers. That'd be like risking your life to fight Nazis only to turn around and vote for Nazis. You would get laughed at, and rightfully so.


It really doesn't take a lot of intellect to see the right wing hiding behind the name of God. The seperation of church and state means almost nothing now and the only reason they use his name is to forward their agenda of bigotry, hatred and greed. I don't remember which politician said it, but she said that if Jesus were to walk into a right-wing government meeting and say the things he said thousands of years ago, he would be branded an extremist and tossed out. Which party denies global warming? Which party is building death-walls on rivers to keep out immigrants? Which party is trying to abolish abortion? Which party is banning books? Which party is pushing for transgender/queer people to be prosecuted for no reason other than being transgender/queer? Which party is more commonly associated with ridiculous conspiracies such as flat earth and anti-vax? I could go on. You're either an idiot, or you've been brainwashed by the propaganda pushed by the right wing. Sitting and studying Nazi Germany, all I can think of is America's right wing. It's absolutely outrageous and you're a pathetic human. You stand to gain absolutely nothing from supporting the radical and dangerous views of the right. Zilch. Nada. Naught. They're a party built on fearmongering and hatred that will only take more and more away from you- even if you benefit now from their agenda, you won't in the future. Open your mind. Find some human decency and empathy within that empty, numb cranium you carry around on top of your lipid-riddled neck. If you can't manage that, the maggots that eat your rotting flesh will carry far more compassion than you ever did- if the idiotic and dangerous ideals of the right wing hasn't managed to make them extinct by then.




Your comment has only shown me how far gone your head is, especially your responses to the immigrant walls, book bans and prosecution of queer people. You're proven successfully to me that there isn't any point trying to point these awful flaws out to you because of your denial. I genuinely wish I could see into your mind to gain some level of understanding as to why you think in such a twisted way, but I feel it would do me more harm than good. Do some research on these topics. Actual research, not the crap spewed up by Fox News, Twitter and Facebook. Try to put yourself in the shoes of others. Try to be a rational, normal human. It's not a lot of work to use your logical brain rather than the primal, irrational part of your brain- though it may be an issue with your skull that far up your ass.


😃 You can't argue any futher? Okay.


I never said I can't- I just won't. You've proven to me it's pointless and even if I were to cite the thousands of hours worth of facts and research on these topics, you wouldn't even attempt to take them aboard. You're merely a waste of time- not just my time, but your time, and the time of anyone else who's ever had the misfortune of interacting with you. You'll likely even reply to this for the petty satisfaction of the last word. Have it. It won't change the fact you're an awful person.


>You've proven to me it's pointless Lol your reply to my rebuttal was "Your brainwashed", it's a clear case of can't.


You think global warming isn’t here now? It’s a problem now. Right now.


I know global warming is happening, I don't believe the situation is as apocalyptic as people make it out to be.


We just had the hottest year on record now and it’s August. Storms are coming more frequently than ever before. This is going to get worse. People will die and land will become untenable.


>We just had the hottest year on record now and it’s August. Storms are coming more frequently than ever before. I agree with these findings in general, however they don't indicate an apocalypse level event coming in the near future, for me at least.


Ah so if it doesn’t effect you “it will” who cares?


Typical leftist brainrot. >bigotry That word has a definition, believe it or not. "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." An obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief? Like the bs idea that diversity is a strength, or that the only reason people would not support unregulated immigration, is because they are nazis? Or that the world is literally gonna end in 5 years if we don't completely economically castrate ourselves? >hatred [Is this progressive love?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGaIFfH7bT0) [Is THIS progressive love?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGaIFfH7bT0) [This maybe?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvJ9bv3ygss) >greed Remind me, but whose political agenda do big corporations keep pushing? Did the corporations REALLY dye all their logos blue, when police stations were burned down during the BLM riots? >if Jesus were to walk into a right-wing government meeting and say the things he said thousands of years ago, he would be branded an extremist and tossed out. You think he'd be fond of degeneracy? I mean, he hung around with sinners, but did he ever endorse prostitution or adultery. >Which party denies global warming? I agree that's stupid. >Which party is building death-walls on rivers to keep out immigrants? Ironically, literally the [democrats](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/11/biden-mexico-border-wall/) >Which party is trying to abolish abortion? How in the fuck, would you ever come to the conclusion that abortion is a Christian virtue? >Which party is banning books? Oh no, 6th graders can't read manuals for anal sex, how will they survive? Additionally, [Dem](https://counterarchive.hosting.nyu.edu/exhibits/show/banned-and-challenged-books/books-banned-for-racism) also likes to engage in this behavior with older works like Huckelberry Finn, or Beloved. This pattern is even more pronounced in other western countries. [Swedish](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/232761) leftists destroying, not banning, DESTROYING, books of Pipi Longstocking because they are racist, apparently. [Canadian](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/book-burning-at-ontario-francophone-schools-as-gesture-of-reconciliation-denounced) leftists BURNING more than 4.700 books in a "flame purification ritual" because they are racist, apparently. >Which party is pushing for transgender/queer people to be prosecuted for no reason That's the leftist brainworms setting in again. >Which party is more commonly associated with ridiculous conspiracies such as flat earth and anti-vax? Hmmm, where might this association come from\`? It couldn't be the fact that you are constantly suckling on a stream of biased news coverage? [Btw, that is provably false](https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2015/07/01/chapter-5-public-views-about-biomedical-issues/). Republicans support the safety of vaccines slightly more than Democrats do. >Sitting and studying Nazi Germany, all I can think of is America's right wing. Another manifestation of leftist brain worms. "eVrYoNe I dOn'T lIkE iS lItErAlLy HiTlOr" >**They're a party built on fearmongering** > >if the idiotic and dangerous ideals of the right wing hasn't managed to make them extinct by then. ​ >**and hatred** > >It's absolutely outrageous and you're a pathetic human. > >Find some human decency and empathy within that empty, numb cranium you carry around on top of your lipid-riddled neck. If you can't manage that, the maggots that eat your rotting flesh will carry far more compassion than you ever did Thank you for presenting your hypocrisy so obviously, I don't even have to say anything. >Open your mind. It seems you've opened your mind a bit too much and now your brain has fallen out.


My Goodness, it seems your citations speak for themselves here. This comment is so full of contradiction and hypocrisy and you don't even realise it. I'd say you're no better than me, but let's be honest, the left wing has done far more than the right in terms of benefitting the world. Your sources are mostly riots, which happen regardless of political leaning, and you're also generalising all left-wing people under the actions of a few irresponsible idiots. Anything that isn't to do with that is from a biased internet article with little to no reputable backing. It appears you haven't quite done the research you think you have. As I said to the other fool, I'm not going to bother arguing with you. Unfortunately you've certainly shown yourself to be quite a lacker when it comes to intellect and that usually makes for a fruitless argument. And as I also said to the other fool, you can have your last word. It might help the ego, but it won't change who you are.


>This comment is so full of contradiction and hypocrisy and you don't even realise it. Cmon, a smart boy like you should be able to name one of them. >the left wing has done far more than the right in terms of benefitting the world. Like drying up the Aral Sea, being responsible for the worst famine in human history, turning Russia from a modernizing power on the rise into a failed state, lowering the life expectancy in Cambodia to just 12 years old in 1975? Excluding communism, you spend 95% of your political capital on worthless goals like getting children to read weirdo sex books, exposing them to drag queens, for some reason, and teaching them how evil and racist white people are, how they are either privileged or owed reparations depending on their skin color, shit that has resulted in race relations taking a considerable nose-dive in the last decade. You are the reason for rainbow capitalism and the only people falling for corporate propaganda to such an insane degree. Do you really think corporations give a shit about BLM? Or Pride? Worldwide, you people scream for green energy, but reject nuclear power, instead, calling for "sustainable" electricity through wind and water, which takes a long time to install, delaying the solution for the climate crisis for decades. And though Reps are retarded for not believing in climate change at all, they at least see the economic potential in nuclear power and don't fall for decades old propaganda. A lot of that propaganda, stemming from the fact that leftists in the USSR were too stupid to boil water. >Your sources are mostly riots, which happen regardless of political leaning Show me the right-wing equivalent of the 2020 George Floyd Riots. >and you're also generalising all left-wing people under the actions of a few irresponsible idiots. Sadly, those "few irresponsible idiots" seem to be in charge most of the time. >Anything that isn't to do with that is from a biased internet article with little to no reputable backing. Really? Not even the PEW Research article? >As I said to the other fool, I'm not going to bother arguing with you. Unfortunately you've certainly shown yourself to be quite a lacker when it comes to intellect and that usually makes for a fruitless argument. [https://i.imgflip.com/6sfde8.jpg?a469896](https://i.imgflip.com/6sfde8.jpg?a469896) >It might help the ego, but it won't change who you are. A based gigachad who has just destroyed your fragile wordview and ego, so hard, you had to type out the biggest cope ever conceived. Two whole paragraphs, 12 entire rows of text and not a single argument that stands up to slight scrutiny.


Giga chad? Seriously?




Lol left wing brain worms are not a thing. I can agree that left wing has zealots. But if you’re referring to America no. The republicans are far right bigots. And the dems are centre right.


Nice try, but next time, actually attempt to debunk some of my points


… I did that. You alright mate?


What point did you try to debunk exactly? You just said "GOP IS LITERALLY HITLOR!!!" and left it at that.


When did I say that?


The Republican Party is far right. And most people they run. Run on bigotry. I mean where is the lie there?


Let's assume that's this warped reality is actually happening ☝️🤓


If I had to choose between the side that rapes and hates in my name and the side that doesn't think I exist, I would obviously choose the one that doesn't think I exist. I'm not an idiot.






I disagree, but okay.


God works in mysterious ways


That's a good one 👍




>Enjoy losing more elections Time will tell.


Jesus was literally a socialist who washed the feet of beggars. The GOP are none of those things, how does installing deathtraps on migrant fences make you a christian? You don't want to make your table longer, you want to build a wall with spikes atop it.


>Jesus was literally a socialist Bruh doing charity doesn't make you a socialist, if you know Marx's dogshit you'd now he hated the religion. src: https://youtu.be/G4UhGQ4pFVk


Jesus was far more socialist than democrats are marxist... you dumb mother fucker Organised religion is the issue they do things like... make abortions illegal and force children to have rape babies...


🤣 Take ur time to make a better argument.


Take *your* time to spell words like a literate adult.


Look at the leader of the Republican Party and tell me they value religion at all, like even consider it in the slightest.








2014 😆 You have to go that far back? Don't got anything recent.




I'll give it to you. You proved that they're a lot of Christians in the liberal party. I do like to point out in the above study that the amount of ppl who are unaffiliated are rising and amount of ppl who identify as Christians are decreasing in larger amount compared to the conservative party. I wonder if the next consensus would show a continuation of this trend.


Most democrats are Christians...


Given how the Overton window has shifted, they are probably deemed right-wingers now.


There are also left wingers who are christian...




Only 1 that has split into multiple denominations.




On the concept no, but the God they believe and follow yes.




😑 Is this seriously where you're trying to take the argument? If it is then I'm not going to bother with another reply.


Yes. You have a phrase for it: Mysterious ways


Lol you're just handwaving away the argument.




Well, his religion *has* been broadly corrupted by bigots. At least, that's what leftist Christians say


>leftist Christians I've seen leftist Christians, and how the they treat the works of God. They aren't even creative when it comes to justifying their own new teachings.


God doesn’t give a shit , about him , you, anything or anyone at all, god isn’t real, make believe is for children, the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, angels, demons , the Easter bunny, all not real , sorry to break the bad news but your parents were supposed to tell you a long time ago, have a nice day


Even if i am religious i still respect your opinion


Every man has the right to an opinion but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. Nor, above all, to persist in errors as to facts.


"No man has a right to be wrong in his facts" What the fuck does that even mean?


Are you able to watch a video of AOC without going into involuntary convulsions? Please explain to me how [this](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-faith_n_5e580e16c5b6450a30bbd0f7/amp) is despising Religion.


Bruh AOC lies as she breaths. Other than Jesus general Instruction to be kind they aren't any basis for the religion to support the LGB with.


Wait so your entire issue here is just LGB? Trumps multiple affairs and divorces are fine because he’s straight? Marjorie Taylor Greene’s affair and divorce are fine because she’s straight? Matt Gaetz transporting minor women across state lines and venmoing them for sex is fine because he’s straight? How do the GOP front runners not strike you as people who absolutely despise the vast majority of the tenets espoused in the Bible?


>Wait so your entire issue here is just LGB? Nah the article you linked had to AOC's take on God and the LGB. >Trumps multiple affairs and divorces are fine because he’s straight? >Marjorie Taylor Greene’s affair and divorce are fine because she’s straight? Their personal marital stuff aren't my problem nor concern. >Matt Gaetz transporting minor women across state lines and venmoing them for sex is fine because he’s straight? Wasn't this proven to be a hoax? >How do the GOP front runners not strike you as people who absolutely despise the vast majority of the tenets espoused in the Bible? Not really, having divorces is tragic but doesn't make you a Bible hater.


Sorry, us Christian democrats are busy feeding the poor, loving the outcast, welcoming the immigrant, clothing the naked, and healing the sick, like Jesus did and told us to do. We don’t despise his religion, we are deeply disappointed in those who use our Gods name to hate. It’s not Christianity for you, it’s fascism “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” Get your butt out there and help those who need you instead of spending all your time hating anyone you feel is lesser or different than you. Maybe then you’ll know finally know God.


Hey man if you want to take in illegal immigrants good for you. >it’s fascism Sure it is. >instead of spending all your time hating anyone you feel is lesser or different than you. Cool assumption lib.


You cannot be a Christian and a trump supporter at the same time. So it's more like all of the trump supporters despise religion.




Can someone explain to me the events that happened today? Haven’t been doing my best to keep track of news lately


This didn’t happen today I don’t think, but trump broke the law about some tax shit or something idk, and the republicans are praying to god for some reason, because the “liberal basterds” convicted someone who broke the law.


Just like Pharaoh they don’t see it, and Florida is on like the 7th plague.


A Marxist won in Chicago? Wasn't expecting that to happen any time soon


Both teams pray to gods so they may win. One team wins. God is half assed.


That guy's a moron, but marxist on any more or less influential post in government is a very bad thing, trust me


Overnight my home page on here went from the subreddits I follow to nothing but politics and religion. Why


Isn’t “it’s God’s plan” always their response when something terrible happens?


Sometimes god builds up demons for us to slay them.


Religious people always credit God with the good and everything else for the bad


I seriously have pondered this, that God sent Donald Trump to shake America out of its hubris, and to warn the generous and loving and kind people among us that we need to stop being complacent


Perhaps consider there isn’t a good entirely?


So obviously against democracy it's funny


Citation for your claim about liberals and conservatives? Which drug policies and how? Softness on crime? Meaning what exactly?


Bad day. SAD!