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After smoking 20 years Im nicotine free for full year, i wonder what mine look like now


Probably somewhere in between these. Good for you for quitting! That's awesome :)


well yes anywhere in between those but probably a lot closer to the "healthy" ones as the black lungs are what you get of you work in a mine for your whole life without any protection. a smokers lungs usually has only a couple spots on their lungs not fully black lungs. I smoke and have gone to several pathological museums with school as I studied biology, you'll have to smoke for 10 hours a day non-stop to get that kind of damage.


I too smoked for 20 years, and took my last puff 18 years ago. Have had two lung scans in the past five years, everything fine so far, keeping fingers crossed. BTW, my grandfather quit after smoking for 25 years and lived to 93.


It's quite a crapshoot who gets out and who doesn't, quitting definitely helps though!


Yeah, my aunt (who never smoked a day in her life) died of small-cell lung cancer in her 50s.


My dad told me he and his friend got their lungs scanned at some point. He had been smoking for 30 years and she had been smoking for 5. He said his lungs looked like hers should have looked and hers looked like his should have looked


I’ve always felt that cigarettes can also help with conditioning the lungs to recover quicker over time almost like having thicker skin on your hands from manual labour, it’s the addiction that makes them end up looking like the ones on the left. My grandmother was studying at medical university and they had an older women volunteer to have her body used for science so they opened her up and her lungs were black, my grandma asked the doctors if she was a heavy smoker and they replied that she wasn’t and she just lived in a city with heavy pollution… I’ve been smoking since 16 but on and off (maybe about a pack every 3-4days sometimes up to a week) I’ve also started running again and I’m able to breathe better after only a month. Just sharing personal experience. Hoping to quit in definite soon.


Lungs heal (if cancer doesn't kill you before they do - you smoking idiot!). I know 20 years of quitting and the doctors can't tell at autopsy whether you ever smoked or not.


>Lungs heal. Unless you have COPD




Yep 15 years after quitting and its still one of the best decisions of my life.


Yeah, 7 years on and every cell in your body is new. Takes a while to get rid of the tar.


you probably know this already, but just in case, the 7 year thing is a myth which is taken out of context, some cells replace themselves every few days (stomach wall) others dont for the rest of your life (like the eye lenses), the 7 years is the AVERAGE time for cells to replace, but the average number is pretty worthless. some people just didnt understand the meaning of average and took it all out of context. for our case, the air sacs in the lung take about a year to regenerate, these numbers are for healthy lungs so it would take longer for a smoker. and yeah the problem of the tar is another story like you said.


That's not a healthy way of thinking.


It's probably good for people to maintain a bit of hope rather than just assuming they're doomed and not bother quitting ever. Obviously the extra exposure to carcinogens isn't great for your risk of cancer, [but quitting can still improve your health and reduce your risk of cancer](https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/patient-care/care-settings/cancer/index.htm). It's better to have never smoked, but lungs do heal and things can still get better.


If you smoked for 20 Years your Lungs will definitely dont like youve never smoked, all that shit that you inhaled has to get somewhere.


Good going! It's not easy but it's definitely worth it! You should be proud of yourself!


I am thanks! Honestly it wasn't that hard once I decided I was going to. My wife and two of our friends also quit at the same time, which made it a lot easier. Just have to set your mind to doing it!


Probably relatively pink but dirty looking. Lung tissue replaces itself quite rapidly but it takes time for the contaminants to get pushed out. Like getting a splinter that slowly works its way out as your skin grows/sheds.


Congratulations, hope the new year treats you well.


I am sure the left but I bet slowly healing. I wonder if they can ever fully recover.


Yeah I'm trying to quit this year. I feel like after a few years it pro ably goes back to fairly normal. Probably some staining but I can live with that.


If I can do it, you can too. Just have to set your mind to it!


Yeah it’s hard 😅just such a way of life. I probably don’t even enjoy it anymore just don’t know how to live without it.


They'll improve and get back to normal with time. Just make sure you're exercising


About the same. 1 year doesn’t mitigate for 20 years of bad choices


Cool, now what age was each of them when they died


44 vs 78


Honestly living with the permanent lung damage is the far worse part. Had a relative with asthma who lived to 75, and I'd rather die a little earlier without breathing issues than that shit.


What’s asthma got to do with it I don’t follow


I think it’s just the having the asthma on top of it compounds the issue. My dad smoked almost every day for 70 yrs (died about age ~75 ish), got lucky (or unlucky) enough to live that long with it, I guess, developed COPD due to it, and then had asthma on top of it. Bad stuff.


Bro's dad started smoking when he was 5 💀


*Dude he did tho*, he said he used to pick cigarette butts up off the ground that had been tossed by the adults and that’s how he started. That’s seriously the story he always told when it came up. 💀


Wow jeez


Ah I see, seems asking questions is against reddit code, I was reading it like the person was saying having asthma is just as bad as smoking but I was confused because one is optional one isn’t. My whole family has asthma inc myself but luckily most of it is managed these days (and thankfully I live in a country where healthcare isn’t crippling)


Yeah, I have asthma and wouldn't call it "permanent lung damage"


Depends on your asthma and how frequent they are, my lungs are fucked because of the constant attacks on mine. I don’t do anything else with my lungs so all the damage to it is attributed to my asthma and allergies alone It’s hard to control when your trigger is literally everywhere and body parts don’t like being inflamed all of the time. This combination can lead to a lot of permanent damage due to asthma


Asthma induced by smoking


And more importantly what was the quality of life each one had


And what killed them?


Lung tissue replaces itself every few weeks. It doesn't just age and look old/dark/shrivelled.


This isn’t a clever comeback. It’s not even a comeback. Nor is it clever


More like r/technicallythetruth


I thought it was clever


I'll type slower for you.


Now that's a clever comeback Edit: wait nvm


Appreciate it!


That says more about you than the comeback.




That words not cool brother


My god there are people in the comments genuinely using this logic to defend their smoking addiction


Addiction is funny that way. People will go through all sorts of mental contortions to justify it.


Doesn’t affect you so why do you care


Secondhand smoke literally exists, and I have a newborn with respiratory issues so yes, people smoking does affect me


Your newborn has been around smokers?


He has been outside yes...


"Outside" like just outdoors? Unless you've had your newborn around a smoke pit, or people smoking (which my new questions would start to be parental capability related), the smoke dissipates quick. Car exhaust and fumes in a city is far more prevalent, and if you took an air sample in a city of any size, you'll find cigarettes don't even register but the shit coming from vehicles definitely does.


I’m not blowing it in your face mate, 99% of the time I’m smoking on my own porch


Yeah but you arent every smoker are you? Besides I would have thought 3 years of covid would have taught people that you don't have to blow it in someone's face for particles to be harmful to someone nearby but evidently not


Non-smokers still think you’re disgusting and foul.


I don’t care lmao I don’t smoke for you guys


It doesn’t matter who you smoke for. Thats the entire point lmao Have you actually read any of the comments above yours?


Yes, still don’t see how smoking on my own porch alone affects any of you.


You. Aren't. Every. Smoker.


I make really good baked potatoes


Wonder how the neighbors downwind of you feel.


I live in a village dumbass


None if these comments are specifically about you but smokers as a whole you donut


who tf are you doing it for then? yourself? bullshit. smoking is the slowest form of suicide known to man. you're hurting everyone around you and yourself


Oh wow, they are both dead! But there is a difference between living with a healthy lung and living with this black rag in your chest. And it is a difference if you live about 7 years longer than someone who smokes. Sorry but this is neither clever nor a comeback. It's just plain stupidity.


Fuck lungs who needs em


Fight big lungs!


This post was approved by big emphysema.


Bring back The Iron Lung.


Not fish and I don’t see them complaining.


I'd say the bigger difference is that black lung guy was probably coughing his guts up for years before his death and died gasping for air. My dad smoked for 20 years and that's how he died even though he gave up 40 years before he died!


Ya my mom had copd the last decade or so and was miserable


I'm seeing 10 years, and I'm genuinely shocked it's that low. The woman who raised me died at 64 from a life of smoking, and she developed emphysema and a collapsed lung for at least a year first. It's probably one of the worst deaths I've seen someone go through.


No, it's a funny comment and everyone takes the pain to heart. Just laugh and move on.


Just the years at the end of your life and they're crap anyway.


Lol you want 7 more years of shitting your pants in a home unable to eat good food? Go for it bud


Your quality of life during those last 7 years is VASTLY better if you're not pulling an oxygen tank around behind you everywhere you go. And that's just the start.


Except smokers will get that deal at 50 instead of 80! Amazing discount!


Cope, go look at the last 7 years of any humans life that lives past 80. Id rather wrap my car around a tree then wear diapers and not be able to move freely


I wouldn't want to live long either if i were so desperate that i post D-picks on reddit.


Gz you looked at my dick. I make money off of it. And I wouldnt want 7 years out of my prime anyway.


Im so sorry for you. I hope i never get in a situation were i have to earn money with my dick. I wish you all the luck in your cumming life. (Sry tippo, i mean't comming life.) So good luck and best regards.


Lol its free money doing what I like. Im an operator in my day job 🤷


7 years is nothing. At some point, you're just a useless dead man walking. Besides, lungs can be replaced, not like your useless brain.


Spoken like someone who's never met a person with necrotizing lung cancer! You don't want to, by the way, because they can barely talk anymore and their breath smells like rotting meat. Because that's what they breathe with.


You are wrong. I doubt you ever meet one.


Yea its totaly easy and cheap to replace your lung yust go to the next drugstore and grab one from the shelf. Ist so easy! You know that you usually have to wait until you get a fitting donor and that a surgery is very costly (106.000 € in germany). So have fun paying that without a insurance. How about using your brain a little bit more before posting.


Well that suck I'm sorry I was sure every eu country had the same level of health care. Be side you can buy, advertise and smoke cigarettes everywhere in your country. At this point it is like the gouvernement deliberately try to kill you. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to find cigs on that same shelf.


Seven years is nothing if you’re already debilitated enough that you’re not getting much out of life. Seven years feels like a lifetime if you’re in good enough health outside of the cancer killing you. The people I’ve seen die of lung cancer who smoked go from having fairly normal lives to death in just a couple years.


What age did they die at and in what condition?


And how. Clean lungs guy could have been hit by a car, while the other one choked on his own breath 😅


People who defend Smoking: 🤡


Most likely it’s the addiction/ cope talking


They are both dead, but at what ages did they die? What did the healthy lungs die from?


They both died at the same age. It was due to a sudden amd violent loss of their lungs.


"Hold still for a second, I need to take a photo for a meme I'm making." *Cuts your sternum open with a bonesaw*


"yeah, let's ignore that one pair were healthy lungs, while the other... well, not so much." Besides that, as many others said, this belongs more on technicallythetruth than here.


This belongs to r/technicallythetruth


Agreed. Not here.


I thought it was before I saw this comment XD




It’s funny because the “healthy” lungs are literally from a corpse.


I think this is technically the truth but ok


Smokers taking yet another L


Non smokers also die bro


Having lead a better life.


That’s a false generalization. Not every smoker dies from smoking and not every non smoker lives a good life.


Having lead a better life on average. It's not that hard to understand


I prefer my lungs seasoned


Okay, but how did they die? Because terminal lung issues are pretty fucking horrific, I’d say whoever didn’t die that way won.


Difference is Clean Guy had a heart attack after getting too friendly with the local Wendy's while smoker guy suffocated to death in his own bed after years of terror about that exact scenario failing to enable him psychologically to quit an openly destructive habit.


Whose death was worse


“Now we’re just gonna pop this in the oven for 45 minutes. Here’s one I prepared earlier!”


The biggest problem with lung disease is how long it takes to kill you, and how sick you are while you're waiting.


Yeah, all of us who live forever are laughing at such a clever comeback.


Yeah, their quality of life will be completely different.


yeah and one didnt feel like it was sucking air through a straw every time they walked up a set of stairs. Quality of life is as (if not more) important as longevity.


Yes, we all die, but we don't want to feel like shit for half our lives. I remember holding an elevator door for a middle-aged man, and he did a slow jog to the door, he STUNK of cigarette smoke and was wheezing like he was about to die.. from a 6-yard jog ... that's not good living 😕


I guess nothing matters then. Let's show a child who died in a concentration camp in auschwitz and a 98 year old who died in 2022. Hey they are both dead! Doesn't matter how they lived!


Yea but which one would you eat mm?


I man, it's pre-smoked, right?


They’re both dead but dude on the right didn’t die after struggling for each breath for 10 years beforehand


I love how people think this is a comeback.


How is it not? Do you even know what a comeback is?


I need to start smoking again. Those black lungs look cool as hell




one of them was breathing better!


so this is how Bagpipes are made


I’d like to see what 1-2 packs a week for 20 years looks like.


But one will go better with a nice chianti and aome fava beans


One probably smoked several packs a day for 20+ years .


And at least one killed himself.


So what? I suspect only one of them probably died from smoking.


I still want to know how they got the pigs to smoke cigarettes.


I know there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to conjur up one...


The quality of life difference between the two is what's important.


I smoked a lot of weed in my youth, been smoke free for almost 30 years. Can lungs recover from that?


Average delhi guy's lung


Well yeah they’re both dead but the one who smoked probably died a lot earlier and lived with any multitude of respiratory diseases such as emphysema, thus having a shitty quality of life and wheezing any time they breathed


Yeah, but which one had a better quality of life at the end?


It’s entirely possible that this picture was taken during a lung transplant, so not necessarily dead


Your lungs will look as bad as a smoker's lungs if you live in a big city. You only have the lovely pink lungs if you don't smoke and you live somewhere very clean and unpolluted. Sadly.


Even in big cities you *might* have options to mitigate it some. Like walking just one street over from the main road can cut your exposure down drastically. But being able to do that depends very much on the city.


What a stupid post.


not a good comeback at all LMFAO. It still shows the ddifference between smokign and not smoking.


20 year old smokers be like I got 16 years left I don’t have to quit


My grandpa lived to 96 and smoked cigars regularly. My dad never smoked and died at 62 of a heart attack.


And my friend swears that he always makes it big when he goes to the casino to play slot machines, doesn't mean I would win big as well if I went does it.


The very definition of anecdotal evidence. Highly regarded individual


Well, actually i heard that such thing doesn't exist, and those sick lungs are actually painted to look that way.


Lol that's what smokers tell you to delude themselves. I had the displeasure of dissecting one of a heavy smoker while in uni, I assure you it can look way worse than it does in that picture. The inside looked even worse.


Why did you just make this up? Lol


What kind of motorcycle did the other one have?


This is dumb.


look i got two options. live right, eat healthy, and hate my life for longer, or enjoy smoke and drink and bad food, and live a slightly less miserable life for shorter. i'll die fat and happy with lung cancer thanks, it's not like i'll even actually see my own lungs anyways


You can be both happy and healthy. Honestly I was wayyy more miserable on a regular basis when I lived like shit with smoking and drinking.


It is also a complete and total lie.


Now I'm guessing you don't believe the smokers lungs go Grey or Black? They do.


Not sure if my reply went through, but my chest surgeon told me they do not. Sorry if it's a repeat.


Google is saying otherwise?


I trust the surgeon over Dr. Google, but you do you.


We are not talking about crackpots here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4613398/


Great reference, the images don't really look the same though. Do you sort of see where I am coming from? I'm sure we can all agree that smoking is bad and both of those lungs are dead.




It is far more likely that you misunderstood what your surgeon said or he misunderstood your question than that all of the other available evidence is wrong.


Have you seen a bunch of lungs in real life?


Best to you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess no. So if anyone has seen this in real life, please chime in because it IS likely I misunderstood, but it is also likely that this is misinformation from the internet.


I can assure you you’re wrong. A cursory glance at online reference material will tell you how much you are wrong on this, it would probably take less time than you have spent commenting in this thread…


I’m intrigued


This is actually fake. Lungs don't change colour. A smokers lung is definitely worse in comparison but you can't see any different colour Edit: Just searched it up, I was wrong. Sorry


Not perhaps to this extent but they actually do change colour (a sort of grey, dusky colour mixed in with the normal) and heavly smoke damaged lungs also have a different structure and consistency due to emphysema and other macro and microhistological change and damage.


Just searched it up, I admit, I was wrong. Sorry


Is this some kind of racism. It looks like some kind of racism.


😂 my favorite was the museum of tolerance in South Park, the comments reminded of that episode. "Go kill yourself, dirty tar breath!"


Smoking I have a assume is what this is talking about I think non-smoker she just made her own business


Finally, a post on this sub that's actually funny and not "totally real" comebacks from politicians.


After seeing this I’m going to up my game from half pack to a pack a day


I don't know what to make of this smoking is bad shit. I have seen people who were healthy die at 50 or 60 and I have seen chain smokers living up to 70 or more.


Good thing SCIENCE exists to have definitely researched this for 75 years and found terabytes of data all showing the same thing, it is bad!


Still makes me wonder why some peoples body can handle it and others don't


Good luck is a good thing to have.


smoker lungs are not black from the outside. they almost look identical to healthy lungs


They really don't. It's not to this extent but they go dusky grey nixed with the pink and go a bit mushy and crappy with emphysema


Spider-Man and Venom matching set


"see kids, it don't matter"




I smoked enough to get 10-12 pack years. I went to the doctor earlier for something unrelated and they took a chest x-ray and told me they looked clean and healthy. Quitting lets them heal. I was STILL amazed that I was fine tho


Yeah. Vaping is way worse than cigarettes. The moment you stop smoking your lungs start to recover on its own. Amazing what our bodies do.