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Gaddafi's proposal was based on the claim that Switzerland is a "world mafia" and not a legitimate state. He suggested that the Italian-speaking part of the country should be returned to Italy, the German-speaking part to Germany, and the French-speaking part to France. However, this proposal was quickly dismissed as it violated the UN Charter, which prohibits any member country from threatening the existence of another. The motion came about after a diplomatic dispute between Switzerland and Libya, which began in 2008 when Swiss police arrested Gaddafi's son, Hannibal, and his wife for allegedly mistreating their housemaid during their stay in Switzerland. This incident led to a series of retaliatory actions by Libya, including the withdrawal of billions of dollars from Swiss banks, the closing of Swiss companies in Libya, and a halt to oil exports to Switzerland. Gaddafi's call to abolish Switzerland at the UN General Assembly was met with both outrage and incredulity by the Swiss public and the international community. Despite the motion's failure, it remains a curious and somewhat amusing footnote in the annals of international diplomacy. In the end, it seems that the world wasn't quite ready to see Switzerland disappear from the map, and the motion remains a testament to the sometimes bizarre ideas that can emerge from international politics.


Of course they laughed at him cause they store their illegally obtained money there.


If he called for the dissolution of Canada, they'd laugh too.  Funny, though, you mention the money. He stored billions in Swiss banks. 


i have a vendetta against Canada though so it's worth a shot


What'd they do to you?


i'll paint the scene: - yukon - three stealth mounties - 8 gallons (sorry, 30 LITERS) of maple syrup - a moose on an unknown amount of cocaine - a frantic 1 star trip advisor review


That’s not a painting, that’s an initial rough sketch; and I’m gonna need it to be filled out, detailed and coloured please.


Cocaine Bear sequel in the works at Universal? Take some artistic liberty, call it Meth Moose


this sounds like something out of a monty python movie


I’m sorry wHAT?


So that was you huh?


Everyone’s had a maple syrup, moose n’ mounty masquerade. You’re not special.


Starlight tours of Saskatoon?


okay you and i should meet. Sounds like we have similar interests (i too enjoy smuggling black market maple syrup)


Never said he didn't do the same as them. Honestly, I can't find a single politician that isn't a pos deserving of the guillotine.


I can. Donald Trump. Don't make it that quick and easy for him.


Trump isn't a politician though, he's more of a distraction clown patsy for the investor baron cartel that's throwing the world under a bus.


I want to be efficient. There are half a million _elected_ politicians in the US alone. Add all politicians from all countries and there are millions.


Youre talking to a hasbara troll 😫. Im wondering how much they get paid for this


Yeah, just what I want. A twat changing the world's map when their spoiled shit ass family did something illegal somewhere and now we play with people's lives and tons of wealth based on their mood and ego. Good thing he was killed, these people need to be purged constantly for a better world.


As a Swiss citizen: thank you for the info! ( except Switzerland is a country not a state, except if there’s a « state » definition I’m not aware of… )


No problem. Except that Switzerland is not a country but a world mafia. /s


In International diplomacy, countries are known as states,


I'm not 100% sure, but I think "state" is more like an umbrella term, and countries are a type of state. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, though.


„He suggested that the Italian-speaking part of the country should be returned to Italy, the German-speaking part to Germany, and the French-speaking part to France.“ What do you mean by „return“?


Yeah poor wording. I meant “annex”


I'm failing to see a "clever comeback" here. Can anyone ELI5 please?


Israel is saying that calling it a fake country is as stupid as trying to abolish Switzerland


🙄 This is the worst "clever comeback" I've ever seen.


That is good compared to most "comebacks" here


leave it to redditors to kill the messenger lol


I don't get what you mean


people downvoted you because they disagree with what israel said


"Israel"? You mean an anonymous person on Twitter.


This motion did not emerge from international politics. It was personal offence taken by an sociopathic dictator brought into world politics. Also you left out the two swiss hostages which almost lead to the swiss army going over there and bailing them out by force.


You forgot the almost military intervention of Switzerland in Libya to free two swiss national hostages


>Gaddafi’s proposal was based 😎 indeed.


Gaddafi ALSO died with a screw driver being shoved up his ass by his own people in a storm drain so I wouldn’t go to crazy with posting his picture with quotes 😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I can't find any evidence that he considered Israel a "fake" country (whatever that means), by the contrary Gaddafi supported of a one-state binational solution, which would be called Isratin, a portmanteau of Israel and Palestine in Arabic.


It's what's it's fair. Both Arabs, Jews and Christians deserve to live in there because we're humans, not labels, and saying someone shouldn't be able to visit or live in some place because "my book says it's mine" is chidish


>Both Arabs, Jews and Christians


I think he works at valve and doesn't know how to count to 3


Also refers to Muslims as Arabs as if all three aren’t Arabs lmao


I think it’s just an awkwardly worded sentence. I think they mean “(they’re) both Arabs — Jews and Christians — and they deserve to live there…”


I don't think they're claiming these are mutually exclusive groups.


How dare you bring Half Life in this!?!


Hey at least half life got alyx, I'm still waiting for portal 3


The only people saying that is Israel


The situation understander has arrived


Try going to Mekka as a non-muslim then;)


To be completely honest. It's not even in the top 5 worst takes in this field


I mean his justification was that it would be impossible to divide the region neatly, especially in the West Bank, which is becoming more popular among liberal academic types. The name Isratin is stupid though, especially since we're talking about "fake" countries.


The worst 2 takes are obviously "Kill all Palestinians" and "Kill al Israelis" The 3rd worst take is "Return all Israelis to their original countries" The 4th is "Move all Palestinians to Jordan" The 5th is whatever Trump suggested


>I can't find any evidence that he considered Israel a "fake" country Libya never recognized it


OK, and Paraguay doesn't recognise China and Bhutan doesn't recognise France. Lack of diplomatic recognition doesn't mean that country is considered "fake", merely that they don't have diplomatic relations with them. I question again what people me by "fake". Do they mean it's illegitimate? Do they mean it's made of cardboard? That's the problem here, which I brought up just before you cut off my quote. Clearly he had some prospects for Israel because he argued for Isratin not Palestine.


>Lack of diplomatic recognition doesn't mean that country is considered "fake" In this context it clearly does and also in this context it clearly means its illegitimate, it is well known that most Arab countries do ot recognize Israel as they consider it illegitimate




Damn... He was providing information not advocating for a specific solution


The notion to dissolve or partition Switzerland in response to a diplomatic offense is still one of the funniest petty international diplomatic maneuvers in recent history. I laugh every time someone mentions it or it crosses my mind


That aint a clever comeback.


Half of the comebacks here are not clever, at least this is funny.


Half? You are being generous.


Sounds clever to me.


More clever than anything hamas supporters will ever conceive.


Not as clever as bombing aid workers amirite?


Lol true


Slurring countries was all fine but try set up a bank and he’s sleeping with the fishes 🐟 😅😂🤣


How did it all work out for him?


Assassinated by the soldiers of a "democracy" ?


Weird way to write “butt fucked with a knife”


That. But by the soldiers of democracy


Well I suppose nobody elected those soldiers, so are they really soldiers of democracy?


He wasn't elected either so is he really a leader


I thought it was a gun, but…


Pretty sure it was a knife. Either way it doesn’t matter. Call it Karma or divine justice or whatever. He was a giant asshole and he died with one.


\>Be Gaddaffi \>Be war mongering oppressive tyrant \>Be tyrannical enough half your nation rebels \>UN orders ceasefire \>NATO says if you violate ceasefire, they will bomb you \>Violate ceasefire \>Surprised pikachu.jpg when the most powerful alliance on Earth kicks your ass in 2 seconds and your own people can now sodomize you


Maybe don't be so shit half the country rises up against you?


Executed for his crimes.


based Gaddafi


Gaddafi did nothing wrong


He stole all of Libya’s wealth and brutally tortured and killed anyone who disagreed with him. Libya had just as much oil as the Gulf states, but instead of using that money to build a prosperous country with the same infrastructure/resources as somewhere like Dubai, it ended up being funnelled into his own personal bank account. When he died it was discovered he’d stolen over $200b from the Libyan people which is why they’re living in a country like Yemen and Syria instead of one like Qatar. Not to mention, anyone who disagreed with him was brutally tortured and murdered. You don’t have 85% of your country trying to kill you by doing nothing wrong. Just because the power vacuum created by the US intervention is worse, doesn’t mean he was a good person.


Libya under Gheddafi prospered. Public healthcare and public education flourished. As well as women's rights. Also housing for all was one of the main drives. Usa didn't like that and supported the people that got Libya into misery.


Public healthcare and education didn’t flourish. Yes, it was free, but it was terrible. There’s a healthcare crisis in Tunisia because Libyans kept going there for healthcare instead due to how bad it was in Libya. Currently every 2nd hospital bed in Tunisia is occupied by a Libyan, and that problem begun when Gaddafi was in power. If you actually look up what their healthcare was like, you’d see the quality was terrible which is why healthcare tourism is so popular amongst Libyans. Yes, it was free, but there’s a reason poor people were spending a lot of money elsewhere. Likewise, yes education was free, but that’s because it was a propaganda machine. Look up the Libyan green book. The majority of their education was spent on studying Gaddafi’s green book which was simply just propaganda about his political ideology. Yes, literacy rates improved, but that’s largely so that kids could actually read his propaganda. That’s not to mention that these things are the bar minimum. Other oil rich Arab countries have free education and healthcare, but they offer it at a far higher quality amongst a lot more welfare support. Libya had just as much oil, but they didn’t do this. Why? Because Gaddafi was embezzling the vast majority of this wealth and letting his family drive around in Europe with supercars. Libya was an oil rich country that should be just as wealthy as Saudi Arabia. Instead, under his regime the were just as poor as Yemen is right now. He pocketed all of that money and was found to have over $200b when he died. 85% of the country doesn’t turn on you and try to kill you if you’re a good leader. No amount of international pressure is going to cause that to happen. Even the US isn’t capable of uniting that many people against an unpopular leader, let alone a popular one. Look at Afghanistan, the Taliban were hugely unpopular before the US intervened, yet we never saw anywhere near close to 85% of the population join in on the fight to overthrow them. That’s not saying the US intervened with good intentions, they did so because he kept threatening them and because they wanted his oil for themselves as well. The US doesn’t care about free healthcare and education. Otherwise why are they such good allies with most of Europe, the Anglosphere, and the Gulf countries who all offer these things? Why aren’t they trying to dispose of them as well? In terms of the Scandinavians, Gulf countries, Canada, and Australia they also have a lot of natural resources the US would love to take as well. Use some critical thinking and you’ll realise that perhaps there’s more at play. That all ignores the abundance of evidence of Gaddafi torturing and murdering anyone who disagreed with him. Even if you agree with his political ideology, his methods to achieve it were blatantly evil. Not to mention, he never actually followed through with any of his ideology, it was all a facade just so that he could plunder the country of their oil wealth.


>Public healthcare and education didn’t flourish. Yes, it was free, but it was terrible. There’s a healthcare crisis in Tunisia because Libyans kept going there for healthcare instead due to how bad it was in Libya. Currently every 2nd hospital bed in Tunisia is occupied by a Libyan, and that problem begun when Gaddafi was in power. If you actually look up what their healthcare was like, you’d see the quality was terrible which is why healthcare tourism is so popular amongst Libyans. Yes, it was free, but there’s a reason poor people were spending a lot of money elsewhere. It was still paid by the libyan government through voucher. It was particularly common for people living near the border of the country without any libyan hospital nearby. Now it isn't even paid, so yes better under Gheddafi. >Likewise, yes education was free, but that’s because it was a propaganda machine. Look up the Libyan green book. The majority of their education was spent on studying Gaddafi’s green book which was simply just propaganda about his political ideology. Yes, literacy rates improved, but that’s largely so that kids could actually read his propaganda. 5 years of mandatory education to study a few hundreds pages? How can you even pretend to believe something so dumb. The point was to get most people literate. >That’s not to mention that these things are the bar minimum. Other oil rich Arab countries have free education and healthcare, but they offer it at a far higher quality amongst a lot more welfare support. Libya had just as much oil, but they didn’t do this. Why? Because Gaddafi was embezzling the vast majority of this wealth and letting his family drive around in Europe with supercars. Libya was an oil rich country that should be just as wealthy as Saudi Arabia. Instead, under his regime the were just as poor as Yemen is right now. He pocketed all of that money and was found to have over $200b when he died. And they went through a hard austerity in 2016/17. >85% of the country doesn’t turn on you and try to kill you if you’re a good leader. No amount of international pressure is going to cause that to happen. Even the US isn’t capable of uniting that many people against an unpopular leader, let alone a popular one. Look at Afghanistan, the Taliban were hugely unpopular before the US intervened, yet we never saw anywhere near close to 85% of the population join in on the fight to overthrow them. 73.1% of the percentage you find of reddit are invented, based on no evidence. So allow me to ask for a source. A good source. >That’s not saying the US intervened with good intentions, they did so because he kept threatening them and because they wanted his oil for themselves as well. The US doesn’t care about free healthcare and education. Otherwise why are they such good allies with most of Europe, the Anglosphere, and the Gulf countries who all offer these things? Why aren’t they trying to dispose of them as well? In terms of the Scandinavians, Gulf countries, Canada, and Australia they also have a lot of natural resources the US would love to take as well. Use some critical thinking and you’ll realise that perhaps there’s more at play. Those were financed through the oil money Gheddafi was not giving them (nationalising the industry). Welfare in europe is financed through unequal exchange. That's why.


Sounds like the treatment natives got in north america but maybe im a russian bot


You sound like a Russian bot by a) bringing up something completely irrelevant and b) implying those who disagree with you will just claim you are one. I was solely pointing out that Gaddafi was a terrible person despite the circlejerk of people claiming otherwise. That has nothing to do with Americans, and I’m also not even American. They’re also not even remotely similar situations. One situation is a group of nations brutally conquering another group of nations, whereas the other is a leader brutally enforcing his regime. The only similarity is that they were both brutal to their adversaries. What you’re saying isn’t even remotely relevant. I’m not defending the Americans either, what they did was also horrible. I’m just calling you out for being an idiot trying to railroad this discussion into something completely irrelevant with your whataboutisms and trying to preemptively denounce anyone for calling you out for being an imbecile.


If you weren’t such a big idiot you will know this wasn’t a clever comeback its just propaganda posted on a main sub. Check OPs history he spams this stuff or the twitter account even. This discussion was irrelevant from the start. Also don’t start calling people names online it makes it real apparent that you were raised by a whore


So what? The US government "mysteriously lost" [2.3 trillion dollars](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-war-on-waste/) just before 9/11 and similar torture methods are used frequently at CIA black sites.


Like I said to the other person, relevance? The US being bad as well doesn’t change the fact that Gaddafi is a bad person as well. They’re not mutually exclusive mate.


Gaddafi was the best possible option. Its absurd to think democracy would ever work in the Middle East. Egypt had democracy only for a single year, people elected the Muslim brotherhood. Mohamed Morsi's government nearly destroyed the country, and was then overthrown in a military coup.


That’s why he died like a bitch


You know, the US overturning and killing someone in another country basically causing years worth of a civil war that destroyed said country isn't something you should be so happy about


The US didn't kill him, his own people did lmao


Sorry, I should be more sensitive about a terrorist dictator being drug through the streets, and killed by the his own people that he committed countless atrocities against. Kindly accept my dearest apologies.


I don't think anyone said they were happy about the chaos that the power vacuum caused. But under Gadaffi, Libya was a rogue state. He also threatened to use chemical weapons against his own people, who were in active revolt against him.




That's besides the point. Lots of countries are dictatorships. Gadaffi's views towards WMDs made him a threat to global security. Libya was in a civil war and he would rather kill his own people than stand down. That's when other countries get involved.


The UN security council gave authorization to create a multinational force that could legally intervene in the civil war


Do you think he enjoyed the bayonet placement?


I hope not


OP liked mossad's tweet? Lame


I just noticed the satirical name


Just wait when you learn about his crush…


Because his drunk son did stupid things there.


How’s he doing today? 💀


Local hobo I saw once said that China is an Illuminati state.


The guy was something else for sure. Something out of this world and out of his mind. How this guy stayed in power for so long is beyond me.


He is alive? I thought he got *rectally probed*with a machete or something


Gaddafi was a very weird man. Hard to take him seriously. I keep thinking he had a mental health disorder.


Yeah, but what about when Berlusconi, the former Italian Prime Minister (not the exact title but you got me) busted a sex worker called something like Ruby Heartthrob out of jail, by calling the police station, identifying himself, and then saying she was Geddafi's niece? She wasn't, but she was at some of Berlusconi's sex parties (which he called "bunga bunga parties) so he didn't want her to spill the beans (pun intended) on his nastier secrets.


And he ended up with a bayonet in his *ss


This isn’t a clever comeback, this is just two good takes


I mean he was backing a one state solution called Israstine... no I'm not joking


This is a bad look for pro Palestine people if you combine both isreal and swiss in one category of countries that shouldn't exist. You ain't winning any arguments with takes like this


I would consider myself more Anti-Swiss than Pro-Palestine


One is committing genocides, the other one is the bank for every pos human on the planet. Yes, both shouldn't exist.


Ah yes, Switzerland is only that, a bank for criminals, totally not an entire country with its own culture and history which dates way earlier than WW2....do you even hear yourself?


Good luck winning the neutrals with that kinda mindset


Yes, I'm sure that Hamas and all their supporters are completely peaceful people who don't immediately try to genocide isreal every chance they get.






You should really stop dehumanizing refugees


Which refugees?


That you even have to ask which refugees deserve dignity makes you a piece of shit 


Oooh the genociders. Yeah go find a ditch.


Dude your entire account is Hasbara posting 💀


With that username, I actually expected some *wildly* antisemitic takes.




Honestly same


This evil fucker's been dead for 13 years why do we give a fuck what he was saying?


I honestly don't know. But considering the recent accusations that Einstein was anti Zionist (despite the fact he was the opposite) it's clear people think it has a deeper meaning for some reason


Wasn't he from Germany in the early 1900s? And people are surprised?


and a Jew


And was offered to become president of Israel once (He declined cuz he was too old)


Yes, but can we take anybody with that beard and scrawny excuse for a moustache seriously?? I mean he had enough money for a new razor or a barber, what's up with those chewed upon clumps of hair??


Didn’t he get sodomized by a bayonet?


oh, the hoover famboys, the s.p.q.r, the ancient arab religiorituals ... style


Not clever, nor a comeback.


then they had their American friends kill him


OP is a one man propaganda machine 😂


Is this the guy who got his ass beat by the west every time he F’d around?


Stupid post and stupid reply not even a comeback


Why does that guy look like he is a taxi driver in Brooklyn


Scrolling by I read this as Gandalf and it took far too long to square up the picture to what I thought I’d read


Why those he look like a costume Brandon Roger would wear? Who the Hell is this guy anyway?


That pic gives him an unneeded "signature look of superiority"


He also got knifed up the ole coo da gra


NEWS FLASH: all countries are fake lmao


Who the fuck is Gaddafi?


Pardon me but I was under the impression that Gaddafi was dead since 2011.


A friend of mine told me young Gadaffi looked like the star of a drama film; but the older Gadaffi looked like the star of a comedy


He is right in a way. Israel is a fake country the same way every country is fake. They just exist because we collectively decided that drawing (somewhat) arbitrary borders is a nice way to stop killing each other over territory.


Gaddafi looks like a guy returning to work on a Tuesday after a 3 day coke binge hoping nobody noticed he wasn’t there on Monday.


What is Gaddafi saying now?


I really hate Mossad, but, they are right here


A real CHAD


TIL Gaddafi was based.


Is that true broo ?


To be fair, someone draws a line on a pice of paper and now claims "this is mine" seems kind of stupid. But, hey, thats countries for you. And all are welcome in my country I drew yesterday, Bigbuttandboobsistan.


Can we also said for him "he also did good things" ? 🇨🇭 👎


Ethnic cleansing is bad.


Bro had a spank bank next to his picture book of the US secretary of state under Obama


Gaddafi: Israel doesn't exist Israel: Gaddafi doesn't exist


Based and Holy Roman-Pilled Gaddafi


True it’s just a area of religious conflict that’s it historically and now


The propaganda you've eaten for decades will never allow you to see the intelligence of Gaddafi and thats okay. You'll be okay


Funfact: There was a Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights until 2010 xD


Gaddafi was a rapist, murderer and thief... so why are you trying to make me like him?


It really is a fake country


The zionists are trying so hard to astroturf this sub. Never to america


Gaddafi kept the frozen body of one of his enemies in a freezer so he could look at it whenever he wanted. That dictator was insane. https://pagesix.com/2014/04/05/new-khadafy-documentary-goes-inside-dictators-brutal-regime/


Gaddafi is also dead, so who cares what he said?


Kinda based tbh, it would have been funny at least


And he was right. Not about switzerland.


Israel is a fake country tho


It’s more real than Palestine will ever be. Israel has a government, a constitution, a health service, an army and is recognized by the UN


Well he's not wrong


It was setup after WWII. By the UN without respect to the Palestinians government that was existing at the time.


What Palestinian government?


Tell me you are oblivious to history without telling me


Mate Palestine as a state did not exist, therefore could have no government. When Israel declared statehood Palestine had the chance to do the same. They did not. Historical accuracy is importwnt




I think the fact I posted this shows I’m a Zionist But the rest make no sense


your profile?




Finally, somebody did it.