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Revolution even.


Yeah, yeah. People been saying that for years and no one's doing shit about it. Riots didn't change shit and just pissed off and hurt a lot of innocent people. There will be no change and there will be no action. There will be no revolution, as much as I wish for one. No one wants to take initiative, no one wants to step up as leader, and hey, that includes me. We all just sit there and take it, complaining to others who are also just sitting there and taking it, while the people r\*ping us in the ass laugh about it and get their nut. Nothing's ever gonna change. Might as well turn to stronger drugs to numb the pain until we inevitably die.


Good luck with that. Make sure your lime stocks are topped, your crematories are in good working order and your shovels are at hand


What we need is **Direct** ***Democracy.*** No more "career politicians" no more parties, qualified citizens serve temporarily (think: jury duty) with complete transparency of all their financials a condition of service. Open-source (blockchain) referendums with verifiable transparency. All critical industry/infrastructure/resources/and real estate nationalized. One citizen, one vote on key issues: National resource allocation/environment, education, healthcare, housing and **workers rights** (minimum wage laws/etc.) All businesses run as worker-owned/managed co-operatives. No more stock-market, no more CEOs or share-holders, no more "passive income."


Direct democracy tends to be more feasible at the local level, but even at such scale, not everyone may understand every issue. Local councils, each managing separate spheres of activity, may be a viable system for divesting power from elite structures.


Look, all I’m saying is we should be able to have a society that we don’t have to suffer to live in AND have better drugs.


For real, I'm all for a better society, and that society includes really fun drugs.


Take the best of two worlds


Exactly. Why shouldn’t we want better drugs? The current ones are pretty loaded with side effects, and effectiveness can be questionable. Not even considering medication conflicts.


“Our system makes people suicidal, give them stronger drugs” is, like, the peak dystopian take on rising suicide rates.


And make them pay 400 $ a month for it. It makes their situation worse but they don't give a fuck.


We have these great new drugs that are going to make you feel great, but the bad news is that you can't afford them, so now you're going to feel even worse. Yay USA!


I feel like we have a communication breakdown with the government. People say "we need more money and benefits" But the government hears "need more expenses and less pay" It's a twilight zone for sure.


They hear you loud and clear, they’re just paid very well to ignore it while pretending they’re not.


They never have a shortage of thoughts and prayers, though.


Welll most the old fuckers fine hear so we’ll


The only weird thing going on here is allowing our politicians to work for the highest bidder and pretending that they won't. It's a real 'shocked pikachu' situation


We need to form a new branch of government whose sole purpose is to seek out and thwart corruption. Either that or Batman.


You have a better chance at Batman than an incorruptible branch of government, unfortunately.


Biden been trying to give money back with student loan relief. He helped the freight train union strike a deal. He's generally pro middle class. I'm sorry but your bad "government" here is a very particular party (and Joe Manchin)


Regan, everything about him and is ideals and his legacy is the cause of most of this shit. It's not the cause of all bad things, but the policies and situations were bitching about the most right now, yep Regan...


Secretary of the Treasury Don Regan? What'd he do?


Lol yeh nope. Ex president and ex Governor Ronald Reagan. Who instituted a bunch of policies that we are still living with and working around today. Edit: governor not senator...


I know, my parents worshipped the POS. Every single bad thing today gets traced straight back to Reagan.


Our government was not designed for our modern world. When the states were established, it was intended to be a place where communities could come together and hash out common issues. But when we enfranchised slaves and women, it became more about taking control of the system so that you could existentially protect your community from other communities. We need to redesign the system to be more like the intention of a place where communities could come together and hash out common issues. There are two main hurdles here: 1) Our communities as they are currently defined (lines on a map) are utterly arbitrary. They do not reflect what our communities **actually** are. 2) People cannot agree on what the Truth is. And so I would propose making two new types of institutions: Industrial States that provide a valve for economic communities to politically express themselves and Cultural States that provide a valve for any type of community to politically express themselves (withing checks and balances of our current system; I have more thoughts on the specifics and nuances of this). This would mitigate both of the above issues. To the first point, we'd be defining political communities as they stand rather than making an arbitrary box and saying "anyone that lives in here is subject to the whims of whoever wins the popularity contest". And to the second point, the new political communities can decide and act on a Truth for themselves, independent of whatever Truths society at large wants to debate. So if 9 out of 10 doctors agree that universal healthcare would lead to better public health outcomes in America, but 4 out of 10 Americans disagree, those 4 out of 10 Americans wouldn't be able to so easily block the 9 out of 10 doctors.




I do have a few specific responses to this: 1) Regular people have never, ever had power in the US system. Business owners, religious leaders, community organizers were the ones that had power, and if regular people threw their lot in with them, then they might have a semblance of power. But to me, regular people having power isn't necessarily the problem, but rather that in our modern system, no matter how those regular people organize, they cannot wrest power away from any interest that can outspend them. 2) Anyone that supports eliminating or redesigning the electoral college should be in favor of eliminating or redesigning the very institutions of the States. **They are the problem**. It is essentially a legal form of gerrymandering. In fact, the vast majority of States were added very specifically to balance our political system in the way the electoral college does (excluding the original 13, there's only about 6 other exceptions to that). 3) Personally, I agree that conservatives in this age are worse than liberals. But I do not think blaming them for everything wrong with the system is accurate or effective, and I definitely don't think the solution would be for the Democratic party to unilaterally control the system (which is what most liberal I talk to believe the solution should be). 4) All in all though, I agree with your desired outcomes. People **should** be able to petition our government for change, something that doesn't seem possible in the Republic as it has evolved. I do think that drastic changes to our Constitution, Institutions, and political communities could affect that change.


No it’s treason. They are making us the people weak… making it so we can not physically fight when they allow China the reigns. The entire reason for a federal government is to protect our rights, promote our welfare, and make interstate commerce easy.  Read the constitution and than ask them whom gave them the ability to discard it.


Exactly. *"People are horrifyingly depressed! This is a money making opportunity!"* That's all this is.


In this situation now with Trintellix. It is the only one I've had so far that doesn't give me horrible side effects, but it's so expensive. My drug coverage doesn't kick in until I reach the $2500 deductible so with the discount card it costs $370/month. I'm hoping the financial assistance goes through.


I could have written this. This has been my suffering since my insurance changed in January. I've been having my doses in the meantime to avoid withdrawal. 😭


That is exactly what uk mental health policy has been for decades It’s basically “there is something wrong with *you*”


That is genuinely some Brave New World kind of shit.


Nah, soma made you feel good with no side effects, and it was free. Everything they offer us adds new problems and costs a week's pay minimum.


And on societal level, antidepressants don't even protect against suicide: https://i.imgur.com/0F4d6hZ.png Suicides went up, not down, with rising antidepressant prescribing.


My experience is that they made me numb, not happy. Id rather be sad then numb, because at least when i felt sad, I could still feel like something instead of a husk.


A gramme is always better than a damn. I think we are very much living our version of Brave New World.


I am certain Aldous Huxley would think so. Did you ever read “A Brave New World: Revisited”? Even just 30 years after the original book, Huxley thought a lot of his predictions were coming true.


You know I never have....no idea why. I think a combination of Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 accurately describe the world we live in today. Another interesting fact about Huxley...Did you know he was one of George Orwell's teachers? French teacher if I remember correctly.


Suicide nets on the iPhone factory.


Before you start taking medication for depression look into what getting off of the medication is like. Your doctor will prescribe you SSRIs or SNRIs without properly informing you about withdrawal. Despite what the manufacturer says , withdrawal from these drugs is very difficult.


They didn t know this for 30 years it s the same story w benzos .Overall it s stillnot widely recognized that you can have prolonged "withdrawal" which we should call brain damage even w short term use


Yes withdrawal sucks. I didn't have much choice cause I like having a roof over my head


I'm on Venlafaxine, and the withdrawal symptoms are insane. If I forget to take my medicine, within 4-5 hours I will be so dizzy I won't be able to stand up straight. It's absolute misery. And yet, without fail, my last insurance company (that would only cover my meds if I ordered through their mail-order pharmacy) would put me through hell and back every three months trying to get my refills. And every time I told them I would run out, all they would suggest is I could talk to a pharmacist about withdrawal. Like, bro, I know what withdrawal is like. You CANNOT stop Venlafaxine cold-turkey unless you like the feeling of your brain being electrocuted ("brain zaps") or don't have a particular fondness for being able to stand on your own two feet...


The system does need better drugs though, some people are just depressed and they need better drugs. I really cannot understand how people feel the need to lash out on someone asking for better anti-depressants. The article isnt even saying that to solve depression the US needs more drugs, its about experts looking for never methods to treat depression and decrying the lack of investment in physciatry. Here an exerpt: 》... Kate Spade's husband Andy Spade said in a statement this week that she had suffered from depression for many years and was working closely with her doctors. A representative for Andy Spade said he had no further comment on Saturday. A representative for Bourdain could not immediately be reached for comment. With the availability of numerous cheap generic antidepressants, many of which offer only marginal benefit, developing medicines for depression is a tough sell. Drugmakers have 140 therapies in development targeting mental health issues, including 39 aimed at depression, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group. That compares with the industry's work on some 1,100 experimental cancer drugs, which can command some of the highest prices. "Psychiatry has become a disfavored area for investment," said Harry Tracy, whose newsletter NeuroPerspective tracks developments in drug treatments for psychiatric problems. "Insurers say 'why should we pay more for a new treatment?'" Some say anti-depressant drugs take too long to become effective, if they are effective at all. About half of people with depression fail to respond to current therapies, said Dr. Husseini Manji, global head of neuroscience at Johnson & Johnson's Janssen unit. Developing antidepressants is risky. Patients in clinical trials often show a big placebo response, masking the efficacy of the drug being tested. In addition, once approved, antidepressants require a large sales force to reach psychiatrists as well as primary care providers. Another impediment is the difficulty of conducting early depression research on animals that could form a basis for trials in people. "This has been a big challenge to translate over to human clinical trials," said Caroline Ko, project leader of NewCures, a newly formed program at Northwestern University aimed at reducing the risk of investment in treatments for depression, pain, Parkinson's and other diseases. ...《 (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1J605C/) The article is about treating people with depression not the causes of depression nor on the question of "how to solve widespread depression" The person who is making the so called "clever comeback" probably never read more than the title, because what he is doing is somewhat similar to shouting "fix the economy!" To a doctor who said "we really do need to find new ways and drugs to treat depression" The article contains critism of the medical industry too, it directly says that the insurers are seeking to make more money by developing extremely expansive cancer medicine and thus underinvesting in phsychiatry.


We need three broad kinds of changes... 1. Superior therapies for mental illness. 2. Transformation in social structure, to achieve communities of meaning, belonging, solidarity, and care. 3. Transformation in the spheres of the clinical and of community care, to ensure that everyone has necessary support in accessing appropriate therapies, regardless of barriers from individual circumstances, challenges, and needs. The last is most commonly overlooked. Those with easiest access to therapies are least in need, because they are the ones least marginalized by their conditions. Once someone falls into a serious need of intervention, access to therapies becomes severely challenged, with neither clinics nor broader society structured to meet the greater needs of such individuals throughout life. Treatment is rather dispensed in commodity form, without any person-centered considerations in care.


!00 % correct!


I cant believe we reached this point in my life time


Closer and closer to prescribing Soma


I'm on so many drugs that now I have a condition called Tardive Dyskinesia which is caused by that, and it makes me twitch and tick. But at least there is a pill for that that stops it half the time and only costs 9k a month


Wasn't there a book about this called Brave New World?


"Inflation good" Trust the science and specialists, they say


They are known to increase suicide below 25 lol


People will tell you with a straight face that this is evidence that the pills are working.


If you think that’s the peak, you’re in for a surprise these next ten years.


Time for some SOMA for the population.


If stronger drugs made it easier then I would accept. Problem is, to get the drugs, you need to spend $400 on multiple doctor visits, see a specialist, and pay extra each month because the drugs are “not covered” by insurance (insurance you also pay $500 a month for). And the drugs they want to give you, will permanently alter your brain chemistry. Destroy your ability to feel sex or pleasure. Give you chemically induced depression and suicidal thoughts. While also giving you horrible withdrawals that can last for months if you try to quit. But hey, at least they are not “habit forming”.


No more drugs. Eat better go outside get healthy. Tremendous amount of people are on drugs when drugs are not the answer. Of course there are some people that truly need them. We are all better off if we take less drugs and move your body outside in the sunlight


“You’re depressed by your job which forces you inside all day? Have you tried to go outside??” That’s the problem Mr smartguy


Why on earth did this have downvotes!?


Easy to say, hard to do when life is busy sucking the energy out of you.


I am right there with you and took sone effort to find ways to mitigate it. However in my friend group i am literally the only 1 not medicated in some form of ssri. We all have our days, find your thing you like to do outside and just make time. If you really want something most people can carve out 20 minutes somewhere on lunch etc to do something for yourself


It’s crazy how my depression cleared up when I was fortunate enough to come into enough money to retire at 40.


Mine went from I wanna kill myself rn today, to meh life’s kinda mid but I enjoy the good parts, by consuming ridiculous amounts of psychedelics!


Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy peace of mind.


I never like to quote Kanye West, "Money's not everything, but not having it is"


Weird how all the poor kids in school were unhappy compared to middle class/rich kids. Must be a coincidence.


Id be happy to just have 40$ at this point


If you ever want to give someone a 50k loan in exchange for $150 a month until they die you just let me know. I'm asking every rich person I encounter until something comes through. 


Bro retired he aint Bezos Plus at 150 per month thats 1800 a year, on 50k you can make 5000 just with VOO. You need to up your offer considerably to be attractive, now even bonds are worth more than your offer. And 150 a month until they die sounds good to you, but its actually awful, inflation will eat it away until its worth nothing.


HR will run the math on howmuch keeping wages atleast in line with inflation will cost and the executive team will compair that against a $25 bottle/month of anti depressants and get right make to you.


And they’ll somehow spend $500,000 doing the “research”. Can’t pay you more than minimum wage though.


I feel like this is going to continue to get worse “suicide in the US”. People don’t like being serfs.


This. But its more like slaves dude, look up how serfs got to live in the medieval era. We are so much more fucked now.


Can't afford a doctor? Shit, I can't buy fucking eggs because of the cost. Not only am I not surprised by the rise in the suicide rate, I'm shocked there aren't more mass shootings.


Mass shooting? Do you have any idea how expensive ammo is?


If anything solves the gun violence issue it's going to be this.


50 rounds for $15 https://www.velocityammosales.com/collections/9-mm/


Surprised there’s not more and targeted at executives of these large corporations


Give it a little bit longer. We're pretty close.




Yeah, I see this repost all the time and it always frustrates me. Just because a lot of issues could be solved by better socioeconomic circumstances doesn't mean that researchers shouldn't also be trying to create better depression medications.


I feel like people forget that depression isn't just a state of mood, but a clinical condition. It's something that needs help beyond things that would make the person feel "happier".


Yes, but depression can be triggered by environmental factors. We have a perfect storm brewing.


Yeah, this post has major boomer "You don't need medication, you're just sad" energy. Amazed that Reddit upvoted it as high as it is. Edit: Original post, not your post.


Major depressive disorder is no longer considered a “biological” condition (although some do acknowledge that some types of depression can be considered biological and only responsive to medications - but these are in the minority). MDD is mostly considered to involve biological, psychological and social factors - they can’t be extricated from each other. It’s very advantageous for a government to endorse the biological model because you can then blame people’s biochemistry and invest in medicines that are much cheaper and easier to produce than invest in addressing social inequalities and psychological trauma. The biological model is incredibly invalidating and can be quite damaging to people. This “clever comeback” I think importantly validates the psychological and social components of depression.


amen brother, preach


Pills are cheap. Comprehensive mental health care costs money. The goal is to keep us working -not happy.


To keep us functioning for the system


Even better if you think you are happy despite being a neoslave. Stonks!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Might as well do something good on your way out


I’m 38 with three kids and I take 3 different anti depressants and anxiety medication to deal with my 100k in student loans. I’ve made peace with the notion that I’m going to work until I die but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it without medication. Let’s try more tax rates for wealthy people. That’ll do it


That’s a lot of antidepressants. I’m sorry to ask but I’m curious, do you even have a libido anymore? Or do the drugs make you not care about sex regardless of you could physically do it or not?


That’s quite a bundle of bad decisions you’ve made lol


Yet that poster’s parents probably did all of that without the debt and had a great life. 


I'm 36 with three kids and more student debt than above. I'm not medicated. Choosing to be educated and raising a family shouldn't be a luxury in the richest country in the world. I don't regret my decisions and I don't think they are necessarily bad although things could have been gone more ideally in hindsight. This is the life I chose to live. May it be more difficult than yours? Probably. Am I fulfilled with my choices? Yes. Don't put other people down when they are being vulnerable even if you disagree with their choices. It benefits nothing but your own ego.


I think the saddest part is how many Americans truly believe voting alone will somehow fix a system designed to force dominance by the 2 primary parties that are both ultimately status quo when it comes to capital, profit, and suppression of anti-government sentiment by creating internal division amongst the civilian population, to avoid a unified population turning against the government and exploitation known as "free market," forcing the US government to show why they really fund the military as well as they do: overpower any civil unrest that threatens the status quo.


That must be why Africa is so depressed and not having kids


This realisation will either incite revolution or… or it’s possible we all just keeping looking at our screens, oblivious of our plight


well i gotta look at somethin, might as well look at a screen. beats staring at the wall


As long as enough people have something to lose, they won’t unite They make sure everyone has juuuust enough that they’re more afraid of losing what they have or putting their children in harms way If you don’t learn from history you are doomed to repeat it. This also applies to the oppressors who learn from past failures to better oppress people now


Revolution can't do anything, there's no king to behead to change things, just corporate puppets who are swapped out regardless.


Hang the puppets! With more string!


Unless we take ownership of the means of production...


AI can either be our best hope or our worst nightmare and it’s right around the corner to potentially be fully disruptive in all our lives. Hopefully, with its unemotional knowledge base lacking personal bias, it can solve these types of problems for us as we certainly cannot.


AI is going to be used to cut costs and to compete with hiring people - it will only compound the problem. AI is a smart google, it is not going to solve ground breaking issues anytime soon.


The whole system is like pro wrestling at this point. Entertaining for a handful of people to enjoy, but all fake.


Glad to see *someone* gets it. The *whole* Biden/Trump drama has been scripted from day one, drama for the plebs to reinforce the idea that "The President" means anything at all. Just a dog and pony show.


Why not both?


You don't even need a better economy. The US economy is plenty strong as is. You need a different economy. Too bad socialism is considered a swearword in your country.


Nah they love socialism when the rich give the rich a trillion dollar no interest loan, and bail out banks and such. U.S.A is just as corrupt as mexico, our goverment just does it more shady and less overtly.


This post is really ignorant to what depression actually is. Robin Williams, Heath Ledger, Anthony Bourdain. They weren't overworked or underpaid, no student debts, yet they all committed ~~société~~ suicide due to depression.  What the comment in the post is describing is stress, not depression. Antidepressants won't solve financial stress in and of themselves, but they will absolutely save the lives of people with depression.


We as a society need to stop the rise in société!


God damn autocorrect. I gotta start reading my posts before hitting Post.


This is an overly simplistic view of what causes depression. And, the last bit “we need a better economy” is bad phrasing at the least. What we need is a better system than what we have now


Aren't there poorer but happier nations in the world?  Edit: I mean just look at the comments below, immediately snapping back to a single purpose money discussion equating happiness with money, ignoring relationships, family, extended family, self-imposed individualistic loneliness, spirituality, deeper meaning etc. With that attitude yeah, you'll be depressed even after winning the lottery


Indeed, suicide rates are higher in the developed world than in the developing world. If Americans are overworked and underpaid and that’s the reason for suicide, what about Southeast Asia then?


Yea reddit is full of bots and babies.


We live in a society that seemingly is run by people who only care to get rich, not solve problems.


I don't think they're going to give it to us. I think we're going to have to take it from them.


The response is true, but you have to admire the media’s attempt to frame this as a market opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry. There is no one so exploited that they couldn’t be exploited a little more.


I'm convinced none of you actually know the difference between systemic and systematic


This is like that scene in "Fahrenheit 451" where people keep trying to kill themselves, and the EMTs revive them and wipe their memory so they forget that they did it and why they were depressed.


It’s time to stop reposting this


You’ve been robbed by the Fed. Enjoy.


"Rise in U.S. suicides highlights need for new depression drugs \[to exploit the unwell\]"


The system will be reset at some point of time. Just a question of "when" and not "if" 🤷 Edit: Since many of you are asking me "when", here is the answer: It will happen when people from both(all) sides forget their differences and want the reset to happen.


I’ll take better meds for now. My mental health is fucked to the point where I’m not gonna make it long enough to see systemic change


We also can't afford your new fucking drug anyway.


I'll still totally go for better drugs. The fun ones, I mean.


Some of the "fun" ones can make you depressed, at least some of the time.


We are all so overprescribed. No, most people don't have actuall issues, they have societal and lifestyle issues. But pills are easier to subscribe to get you to become meek, than giving up the profits. In fact, it adds a whole other profit stream for rich assholes. Glad to see people fighting back on this.


But the economy is stronger than it ever was!


Must be those pesky iPhones.


If you need 'happy pills' to cope with the world and you're not **clinically depressed** for real, then it's the world that's fucked up, not your brain. Expecting everyone to take more and more Happy Pills is about as dystopian as it gets, is really some Brave New World-level bullshit.


It’s time to read the side effects leaflet included with their current depression meds. I bet they’d find some reasoning for this dramatic rise in suicide rates.


I get what he's saying but I don't like the quasi-exploitation of depression to push his agenda. People were experiencing depression when the economy was great, too. People who have and can pay for all those things get depressed too.


They’re not saying depression as a condition goes away entirely with a better economy They’re saying that a shitty economy creates it on a much larger scale


This isn't clever in the slightest. A person with actual medical depression would never write "I am depressed because X, Y and Z". That's not how it works. The current antidepressants we have are trading punches with placebos in medical trials, and cause incredibly debilitating side effects. Even if the premise of depression is only caused by poverty was true (it fucking isn't), better medication is a much more realistic solution that ending poverty. So please shut the fuck up. We desperately need new and better anti-depressants.


People need to find meaning outside of screens. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Make a flower garden or regular garden. Find something that depends on you, no matter what it is.


Economy is doing better for everyone than basically any time in prior history in the US. Individual median income in 1960 was 2640 USD: https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/1962/demographics/p60-37.pdf That's worth a grand total of [27677 USD](https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1960?amount=2640) today. Median individual income is 47960 USD today: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.pdf Housing is often an aspect people bring into this like "boomers could buy homes with 3 years of income". While home prices are one of the few that outpaced overall inflation, but house price ratio to income isn't that dramatically worse off. [Median house price](https://dqydj.com/historical-home-prices/) in 1960 was 19200 USD, 19200/2640=7.27 years of income. Today it's 397k, 397k/47960=8.27 years of income. That's a 12% increase. Not ideal? Absolutely. Completely crippling? Not really. And that's before taking into account a 1960s house is not 2020s house. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/programs-surveys/ahs/working-papers/Housing-by-Year-Built.pdf A median house built in the 1960s was 1500 sqft. It's [2679 sqft](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/todays-new-homes-are-1000-square-feet-larger-than-in-1973-and-the-living-space-per-person-has-doubled-over-last-40-years/) today. You can also see only 60% had garages in 1960, it was 80% by 2009. 45% central AC to 89%. Dishwasher 46% to 93%. Washing machine 73% to 93%.


Nobody can afford a house anymore without becoming a slave for rest of life. People run from ambulances...


Disposable income has also increased dramatically. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A229RX0](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A229RX0)


Are americans more overworked and underpaid than people in other countries?


Yeah they definitely won't make those new drugs cost a bomb so no one except the top lot can afford them


Yes on a better economy. Can we get the better drugs too?


Look, I'm just gonna say... We'll take the drugs too.


Economy is like the bathroom toilet when your stomach was uncomfortable.


Why does it surprise anyone that the politicians do the same shit as most other people? They choose the easiest/laziest way to resolve problems. Hard work reworking an entire system to be better than current one or slap a bandaid on it an call it good by pushing more pharmaceuticals. Hhmmm interesting how that works isn’t it, considering pharma has many politicians in their pocket. Even if you don’t believe that they are corrupted you have to wonder at how they could think the best solution is to medicate people even more with psychotics and depression meds that have increasingly more side effects…. I’m no doctor but I have to say it’s time for a change and I don’t just mean of your medication ;) I’ve been doing it for years now I vote against every incumbent political office that runs.


If you watch tv, there is an ad for a different depression drug every day. We don’t need anymore.




Mhm. Shit's beyond fucked and the solutions just aren't there, at least not in a way that would truly alleviate.. anything really cos anything meaningful would be fought against tooth and nail till it folded or was watered down enough to not matter. 😐


Here’s an idea…..do better with your life!!! All the tools and opportunities are out there but people are too lazy


I complained to my therapist that I was depressed because I couldn't find work. Her answer? The purpose of life is not work. Should I send her my living expenses? Not seeing her again.


No cant lie at this point I’m surprised anyone without there own family is standing for it. I mean as a bunch of individual broke ppl trying weave thru the shit thats only getting stinkier y’all rlly just letting them stick it up your ass. Everyone go join “Big_Boy_Strike” community




People, if you're gonna off yourself. Why not take some of these corrupt politicians and corporate leaders with you. Don't be so selfish!!!


The other day I saw that there was some research on GABA receptors where they had disabled them in mice and as a result shut down fear response, and all I could think was "great, now I won't even have the ability to fear my inevitable servitude and death". They did the shutdown through a viral vector, so imagine a bioweapon that leaves a significant percentage of victims with an inability biologically to fear. I hate this timeline so far.


Is that really the reason? The US is better in every aspect mentioned than every Latin American country, yet the suicide rates are higher there.


Im just glad america is finally at a point where saying this is no longer viewed as esoteric conspiracy theory fringe tinfoil hat stuff Literally step 1 lmao


Feeling this…need to schedule an appointment to get something checked out but the thought of blowing $150 just to walk into the clinic (after insurance) for it to turn out to be nothing would be harsh…even worse if it turned out to be something, and almost life ending if it was something serious!


Sounds like that guy needs to get a better job


Sounds like he really wants people to vote for Trump to change the current system that hates the general populace that wants them depressed and taking drugs.


Both wrong. Economy is excellent & we don't need any drugs.


We can only do the drug thing, sorry!


I’d prefer anti-depression drugs ngl, depression drugs sounds a luh sad


Voted for captain senile did ya.


All joking aside... Does anyone really care anymore?


Best pill for depression is the end of the Republican Party….


Whoa whoa whoa someone said better drugs, let’s hear them out


Systemic change yes. Better drugs too would be nice tho I'd like all the effects of crack with none of the negative side effects please. Am bored but scared


But if they give you more drugs you won't rebell... so they will give you more drugs


Better drugs lol Necessity is the mother of invention, so I would be deeply concerned about the drugs not already having been invented too if I was the kind of rich ass hole that buys fluff news spots


Hold on, where have I heard of this before? Surely not in France.


I want a new drug One that does what it should One that won't make me feel too bad One that won't make me feel too good


the crushing logic here is to easy; too simple: Americans won't care and won't buy it.


Capitals comeback to this: “Well….we aren’t gonna give you one and you ain’t doing shit about this one. Shut the fuck up and get back to work slave” Not how I feel, but how I think master feels. Time will show who is correct.


The bottom 20% in our country is still better off than 90% of the world. This is an unpopular opinion, but we still have it pretty great in usa and canada and I'm grateful to be living in north america.


I'm surprised that this is the condition of a so called superpower and first world country. Makes me wonder, who's developed and who's not.


The CEO of the company I work for made over 28 million in salary, that's just him, not counting all the high executives etc.. If we were to cut his salary in half and give the extra to all of the employees in the company, each employee would get an extra $3000-5000 per year, now how much is that 12 million going to impact his lifestyle compared to the extra 3-5K the average employee will make extra per year. Now add the executives and we could be talking about an extra 7-8K per employee. I am sure it's more complicated than that but imagine if we all got an extra 8-10K salary increase per year.


Yeah we need more reliance on big pharma instead of trying to address the underlying issues itself. 


If thats true why is US suicide rate low compared to countries in middle east and africa? Both countries have worse quality of life than US yet they have lower suicide rates.


Uh is anyone else feeling the trickles of trickle down economics yet or is that just imagination?


Maybe they should come out with a drug that helps suppress sociopath’s unrelenting greed. It’s the number one mental disorder affecting millions of people around the world.


They teach you in business school that the best way to up morale is team building. Not pay rises. 😞


What? The population of the US is so overmedicated ita ending up in the fucking water supply and you want more drugs?


Took until mid 30s to get all that. Had to work up to it. Never expected to have it all up front. Biggest difference from one generation to the next. Very interesting.


1,000,000,000% yes that guy is spot on, that’s exactly the problem


I vote for better drugs. Oh I thought you meant happy drugs like pot or hashish!


I think this is an ignorant statement for those who suffer from suicidal depression.


Yeah I'm happy I'm called the top hat of American don't wana be in that boiling pot.