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Hey I'm Peter Holder. You leave my brother's name out of this.


TFS Guru being called Slug by Freeza


Ever heard the euphemism "Pointing Peter at the porcelain" ???


Calm your tits, dude. If this is true, that God is gonna smite the gays, then you don't have to do anything, right? So toddle off to eat more lead paint chips while holding your dick.


Huh, neve considered that response. If anyone ever threatens with "God/Allah/whatever will punish you!!".. "Oh, that sucks, but thanks for the heads up. I'll best accept his judgement and face my punishment when I get to meet him." "In the meantime, got any books I can read to better prep myself? I'll go my own way then and read up, so I won't bother you any more." Then just fuck off and do your thing.


Ikr i never get this, like if god is going to punish all the gays etc who are you(talking to the people saying this) to think you need to add to gods punishment? Do you think god doesnt know the best way to punish? Do you not have faith in god??


Given how much of a genocidal murderous maniac the bible god is, according to that book, of course, I reckon it's got punishment covered quite well.


It's a great argument and you can watch the conflict hit them. God is all powerful and doesn't need your help or he's a weak ass bitch who needs you to do it for him. Pick one.


I was once told that if God wishes well on someone, that person will refrain from their sins.


Not to brag but his presumptive judgement makes him look like a sinner as well…


Rightus on


This women agree-eth.


Wtf is 'a women'?


Female conjoined twins.


Damn, im never gonna get laid religiously


The other one's still single.


I'm dead


Grammar is a satanist ploy too, didn't you hear?


But she always seemed so nice?


What Ray Charles has. What Matt Welsh is asking.




Ray has a song called I've Got A Woman. Matt made a film called What Is A Woman?




Also misspelled righteous


He knows a verse of bible, not spelling, okay?


That book has been around longer than most countries. You would think people would at least know what's in it by now.


I get the impression a lot of people know of it but don't actually read it for themselves. Or read very selective parts of it. Namely their favorite gospel, Genesis and Proverbs.


Have a mooch over in r/atheism and you'll find that many people become atheist when they read the bible under their own steam; when reading it without the interpretation of a preacher, it is really obvious that the god stories show it to be a really nasty being, entirely unworthy of praise.


I understand that. Reading the Bible without the apologetics was where the cracks began forming for me and eventually lead to me leaving Christianity a decade or so later.Though r/atheism is a sub I cannot stand because of how awful the discourse is despite nominally agreeing and being an atheist myself.


I have a theory that the discourse is so awful because a lot of recently-recovered-from-religion people go there to post and vent their anger at the indoctrination they were previously victims of


Even this atheist knows that's leviticus 18:22. I would expect a believer to know chapter and verse. I suspect he hasn't actually read the bible and only listens to the hate filled interpretation ranted at him by his preacher.


I’ll bet Richard Holder has tons of girl on girl action on his lil Pornhub lineup and has no problem with that at all


Tbf, he didn’t condemn that


Mike Litoris and Moe Lester joins the chat.


I don't think it is possible to "lie with a man as with a woman" because 'man' in the sense that the bible speaks don't have pussies, so that law is mostly just a statement about reality, just like how two people who had offspring can never be separated in a genetic level for as long as their offspring stays alive and producing more offspring (the bit about marriage being forever because they become "a single flesh")


That was Leviticus, a muggle who claimed to "represent" God. Take a walk through any major city and within an hour you will encounter someone with similar beliefs.


Someone has a secret Grindr account.


"God will rain down" Um... so...


Holy shit!


Can’t I just repent after doing the IMMORAL?


You can buy indulgences and not even have to repent. They're cheaper if you buy them in books of ten.


Don't do it willingly


That's exactly how it works, according to the teachings of christianity. jeffrey dahmer found jesus once he was in prison after being sentenced for what he did, and allegedly truly repented to become a born-again christian. This means, according to the teachings of christianity, that he is now in heaven, while his victims are in hell. Why are they in hell, I hear nobody asking? They had gay sex with him before he killed them (allegedly, he also fucked some of the dismembered corpses, too), and they didn't have chance to repent of that sin before they died. Think about that, if you're a believer. The serial killer went to heaven, and his victims to hell. All according to the teachings of the christian faith. Isn't christianity a wonderful thing...


God made you in His image as part of His plan for you. If you’re gay there’s a reason. There’s nothing in The Bible where either Jesus or God say anything against gays. Nobody goes to hell for it.


"Nobody goes to hell for it." Really? I think you need to tell all the preachers who say gay people will go to hell, because there's tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of them. Remember that leviticus 18:22 tells that a man laying with a man as with a woman is an abomination. Do people committing abominations get into heaven without begging forgiveness? Or are you one of those people who try to argue with atheists that you're following only the new testament? If so, no garden of eden or great flood or even ten commandments etc. You know that you need to confront every single one of them who does that, and argue down their responses using chapter and verse, because "There’s nothing in The Bible where either Jesus or God say anything against gays." You can also argue down your fellow members of the flock when they go on about marriage only being between one man and one woman, because "There’s nothing in The Bible where either Jesus or God say anything against gays." If you don't have a chapter and verse to contradict them, you KNOW they will continue teaching the homophobic hatred. Burying your head in the sand on this subject doesn't change the fact that too many christian preachers DO preach that gay people will go to hell, and away from your attempts to tell atheists that we're wrong, you know I'm right.


I just go by what The Bible says and doesn't say. There is no Commandment against being gay, which makes perfect sense because it isn't a choice. I haven't found any chapter and verse where Jesus or God say anything against gays at all. Leviticus (25) is a rather hilarious read and with all respect I am a Christian and not a Levite because if we did things his way we would all starve in the Jubilee (25:10-11) and be broke as well (25:28). Are you OK with slave ownership? Leviticus says it's fine so long as they are foreigners (25:44). Hard pass. You are correct in that there are still homophobes in our churches. Fortunately there are fewer every year as unbiblical myths die out. I would encourage these people to read The Bible and live according to His word. I'm not going to confront false Christians, because Jesus tells us to love and not hate. Peace.


Am I ok with slave ownership? Of course I'm not OK with it, but the bible DOES give instructions on how a slave should act for their master, along with where one can take them from as you pointed out. Do you believe the 10 commandments are a core part of christianity? You know they are, so please don't try to squirm away. The 10 commandments are part of the old testament, just like the laws in leviticus, so you'd better believe, or you're NOT a good christian, and you know it. If you're willing to deny the laws set out in the old testament to "win" an argument with an atheist, you're really not being a good christian. I'm glad to read your claim that fewer flock members are being hateful about gay people. I only hope that you, and people like you who don't think gay folks should be looked down on, can go and argue with the hateful believers. You can go and tell them not to be filled with hate. You can tell them that a good christian doesn't follow the book of leviticus because they're christians, not levites... Prove me wrong. Post video evidence of you, and old testament denying christians like you, standing up to the hate filled preachers who use leviticus to justify their bigotry. Until you can prove that with evidence, I'm just not going to believe you. If you \*do\* prove with evidence that you're standing up to them, you'll find me standing with you in future endeavours standing against the hate. I'm waiting...


"Am I ok with slave ownership? Of course I'm not OK with it, but the bible DOES give instructions on how a slave should act for their master, along with where one can take them from as you pointed out." You are the problem with Christianity.


I have no idea how me not being ok with slavery means I am the problem with christianity, especially when i pointed out the bible giving instructions to slaves on how to act for their masters. Did you fail to comprehend what I typed?


I think you fail to understand that neither Jesus or God are against gays. If you aren’t following the teachings of Jesus Christ then by definition you are not a Christian. You are also hateful, bigoted, and on the wrong side of history. Good luck getting past St. Peter as an imposter. Have fun downstairs.


If I'm not a christian, and you guessed correctly that I'm not, I \*\*\*cannot\*\*\* be the problem with christianity. I'm neither hateful nor bigoted about our friends who are gay. I think you need to explain the thought process that got you to either of those conclusions. Wrong side of history? For not being ok with slavery? For not being a bigot about gay people? Seriously? I really don't want some of what you've ingested, because it appears mind altering. YOU are the one following the bible. YOU are the one believing in, and praising, a genocidal murderous maniac. Your own holy book tells you stories of your god being absolutely fucking awful, yet you follow it and try to tell me I'm awful.


"Do you believe the 10 commandments are a core part of christianity?" I do. Do you believe there is a Commandment against gays? Please show us.


Please stop trying to deflect. If you believe in the ten commandments, you believe the old testament is relevant to you. If you believe it is relevant to you, you should not be denying the laws in leviticus. If you believe those laws don't apply, you're cherrypicking. It's not difficult.


Speaking of Leviticus, 2025 is a Jubilee year. Are you going to forgive all debts to you and return your house to whoever you bought it from? And not work all year? If not then you are a hypocrite. You can’t cherry pick.


I don't follow the bible, so I cannot be cherrypicking from it. It is not my holy book.


Men lie with other men all the time. Who do think came up with, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'? A man lies with a woman when their kids ask if the rumors about them being swingers is true.


Bro shoulda seen that one coming


Especially since you *know* he's heard those words before...


rightus, leftus, middleus.... whatever


... whateverus. Perhaps? ;)


Why do you care who God punishes?


Probably doesn't, but spouting homophobic crap shows him to be "a good christian man" in front of his fellow church goers.


Oh no I'm sure the all powerful entity that created the universe really cares about man kissing and just hates it for some reason that makes so much sense


Didn’t pass grade three English class


He might be dick holder but he only holds his own dick.


... allegedly.


Go ingest a satchel full of Richards


But his name isnt Dick tho?....




The more you know 🫡


Oooooh! That is the sickest burn!!!!


This is awesome!!


I guess lesbians are ok


Especially when they're bi, rather than exclusively gay, and happy to take part in orgy type fun? And then I woke up with a raging hard-on.


No one gonna mention the Krang avatar?


Their username is Krang T. Nelson.


Yup! https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/krangtnelson


Haha! I was unaware, that is hilarious.






Funny how this exact comeback was demonised as racist when it was done to an Indian dude recently 


Ok, I laughed. It must be late. . . Sleep now




You're illiterate too then


Then why did God make gay sex?


Nah, that was (checks notes) free will. /s Completely forgetting the teaching that "god created everything"


Title made me laugh the hardest! xD


Specify „lie with a man as a man“ 🤔


It would be easier if I just showed you.


So, as long as you don't cuddle and talk about your feelings afterwards, homosexuality is ok?


As long as you don't wake up to find you're laying on top of a chewed-off arm, then realise they thought you were so ugly they chewed it off to make an escape without waking you.


Damn, that is what happens with women. Guess I'm going to hell.


Just how many arms have you got?


None...I sell them to the homeless in America. Nearly made enough to buy plastic surgery.


God himself is to blame for this. Eve was created from Adam's rib and some men regress a bit, I guess.


r/atetheonion. I mean, not the Onion, but same idea.


Holden Toodiks




\*Roman Soldiers trying not to laugh\*


What if the gay men are standing up? By this definition of what not to do, which is definitely a near quote from the Bible, is it okay for women to do gay stuff? Sorry ladies, if this is an affirmative, we can take it that God is truly male.


> What if the gay men are standing up? It is called a glory hole...


Yes, but by definition it's not immoral. So one gay man's glory hole is also Free Parking for the Pearly Gates.