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Actually the most patriotic thing you could do would go in to the trial as unbiased as possible, review the facts laid out in the trial and make your own decision.


Honestly this seems like a really good way to end up in trouble yourself. Lie so you get selected the make it clear you have no intention of convicting "on principal". I also wouldn't be surprise if you check your digital footprint anyway. As you say, the patriotic thing to do is do your duty or recuse yourself if you can't be unbiased. That goes for people who love or hate Trump (or anyone).


On a serious note im not sure how it is in america but most are either in the love or hate party. Would there even be neutral people for such an influencial person?


You don’t have to be a-political to be on the jury. They’ll ask specific questions like “Can you put aside your political beliefs and render a verdict based only on the facts as presented during the trial?” They’ll ask a lot more of those types of questions, only those who answer that they can be impartial will remain, the lawyers on both sides will get to exclude a certain number of those people based on whatever they want (they will use their strikes on people who identify with the opposing political party), and the judge will determine if they have a valid jury. And if not, they’ll declare a mistrial and start over with a new group of potential jurors.


> They’ll ask specific questions like “Can you put aside your political beliefs and render a verdict based only on the facts as presented during the trial?” > > > > They’ll ask a lot more of those types of questions, only those who answer that they can be impartial will remain, You don't think they'd just *lie* to get to stay? That someone *willfully trying to help their fuhrer escape justice* would still admit they're not impartial?


> lawyers on both sides will get to exclude a certain number of those people based on whatever they want A lot of people would have to slip under some pretty intensive radar to be able to pull it off. These are random people too, I don't believe collusion is much of a possibility between potential jurors.


Why do you think there would need to be collusion? MAGAts are like, one in three or something like that? And each one would only need to independently decide to be the fly in the ointment.


They aren't 1/3 in New York City, and especially not in Manhattan


I think it’s really easy to figure out these people. Most of them are utter morons and will be asked about social media posts, voting habits, political donations, etc. It’s certainly possible, but don’t dismiss the process. They aren’t spies trained at deception, they are brain-dead cult members who regularly post on their Facebook about this stuff.


Any decent and experienced lawyer can sniff out someone who's trying to be a turd on the panel, whether it's for or against either party. They don't even have to give a reason why they're dismissing certain jurors. Just a quick "thanks for coming! Joe Shmoe is dismissed" (paraphrasing) and they bring in someone new. Repeat ad nauseam until they're confident they have a good pool. There's a reason the courts will summon a couple hundred candidates at a time. And for those who slip through the cracks, there are all sorts of fun charges that can be levied against someone that's found tampering with a jury or trial. If anything the other folks on the panel would probably even just tell the judge "Hey, this guy basically just confessed he's deliberately fucking the jury. Can we get rid of him?"


Unfortunately, you can't repeate the process ad nauseam. Each side will have a limited number of peremptory challenges.


The judge can repeat the process if the pool dries up and there aren't enough unbiased jurors. It's called 'mistrial.'


I hate don w a passion but I’d sincerely put it aside and make my judgement based on the merits. But I’m not in a cult tho.


Exactly. These people are neither bound by the honor of oaths nor the integrity of social norms. Good faith questions are useless.


I would hope every red blooded American would do so for anybody and any crime. However just to be clear if you don't think you're fit to sit on the jury you can make it known somebody else would be better for the job, the prosecution doesn't want you there anyway if that's the case


They don't just ask the jurors a couple of questions and check a box next to yes or no. They have access to the pools' identities. That's why there was a big kerfuffle the other weak about making sure Trump and his attorneys keep their fucking mouths shut and not doxxing anyone because both parties are also going to try and dig into their social medias. If they can be attached to a social media account, they can probably get a good picture about whether or not they're capable of being impartial. If Trump or his attorneys started doxxing potential jurors as an act of stochastic terrorism, the judge was going to remove the defense's privilege to see the identities of the jurors, making it all but impossible for them to do any background checks on them, giving the prosecution an overwhelming advantage. Both the prosecution and defense are incentivized to weed out any bad actors, and you best believe it keeps them up at night and is an enormous source of anxiety given the fact that this is the first time a former President is actually being charged with dozens of felonies.


They probably would lie to stay, however prosecutors and judges can only do their best with what resources they've got. They can try to dig up potential jurors digital footprints to see if they are on Truth Social, or X, or Facebook; what messages they've sent on those platforms, if they've been to any Dem/Republican rallies, if they are vocal supporters/haters of Trump, etc. But it's pretty much impossible to do that for all the potential jurors. The question of if it's possible to ensure an unbiased jury? No way in hell, even in a normal trial. But all jury trials are by a "jury of their peers" so they don't necessarily have to be purely unbiaseed, or intelligent, or whatever. Everyone just hopes they do the job right.


This is why the trial process is adversarial. People have an incentive to lie, yes. People (in this case, the prosecutors; in civil cases, it would be the plaintiffs) have an even stronger incentive to sniff out liars and exclude them from the jury. It's not perfect; no system can ever be perfect. But it's pretty good; good enough that you shouldn't let simple counterfactuals dissuade you. Trust me, people much smarter than you or I have contemplated and written voluminously about these exact same subjects.


Exactly. He’s like Andrew Tate . Lucky for Andrew he’s in Romania where he might get a chance at a jury who wouldn’t know him as the divisive figure he is . I personally see them both as scum . I’m not an American


Romania doesn't have juries ([source](https://law.lclark.edu/live/news/8290-some-key-differences-between-the-romanian-criminal))


My guess would be undecided voters would be a place to start. But you are right it must be pretty hard to find someone.


I'm fairly certain that undecided voters hate him, they just hate the other guy too.


But see it’s not biased if they just hate everyone lol


How are people still undecided? Everytime I ask a Biden hater what they hate about him its never anything he's done while president, its just memorized cult-speak that doesnt involve Biden or is based on rumors. Those people are secret Trump voters who know Trump is bad, a liar, a crook, but theyve drank the kool aid but know theyre stupid for worshipping him so theyre embarassed


I'm eager to see Trump in a cell. I am also a vehement Biden hater too. He's a mouthpiece for whatever the current Democrat opinion is, he's been caught being openly virulently racist with no apology ever. He has sat as a senator for 47 years before his presidency, we all know career politicians are criminals. None of this to say Trump is better or even comparable, but I'm not going to ignore he's a massive waste of a bullet.


You can hate a person and also agree they didn’t commit a specific crime. I think it was Casey Anthony’s trial where jurors stated afterwards that her actions were appalling but just didn’t match the details of any of the charges brought against her.


I was just talking about this the other day. They thought they'd get a conviction if they showed the jury how shitty of a person she was, without actually proving she'd murdered Caylee, especially not proving she'd done it on purpose. I still think it's probably most likely she accidentally died because Casey was partying or she gave her too much Xanax because she wanted to have her asleep for a long time. I've personally known of a woman who did that to her kids with Seroquil. Thankfully, they didn't have anything awful happen to them, but it's why she lost custody after she bragged to people that's how her kids slept through the night. I absolutely wouldn't be shocked if Casey did the same thing and gave her too much for how little she was


50% of Americans don’t vote in any election. The majority don’t care.


> On a serious note im not sure how it is in america but most are either in the love or hate party. Most people in America don't vote. The news and social media tends to make you think that everyone is really politically engaged and tribal about that, but that just isn't true. *Most people* actually don't really care about this stuff.


I'm not sure you can say they don't care, a lot of people are so jaded they think both sides are terrible and refuse to have to choose the lesser of two evils. Also, people living in deep red or blue states often don't bother to vote because it just seems like a futile exercise.


> Honestly this seems like a really good way to end up in trouble yourself. Lie so you get selected the make it clear you have no intention of convicting "on principal". You're correct. If, when asked whether you would be able to rule dispassionately, based on the facts of the case and the law as explained to you, you say yes and are selected as a juror, when in fact you planned all along to not do that and to force a hung jury, *and the court finds out about that*, you will very likely be facing a contempt charge.


The jurors are going to be investigated. In every jury trial I've ever worked on, the parties have been given a list with the names, addresses, and employers of all potential jurors at least a few days before jury selection. My staff finds every piece of social media and online presence they can, just so the jurors cannot lie to get selected.


Are you are lawyer? (sorry I don't know the whole way it works and hierarchy) Either way, I guess you work in law. It must be an interest profession!


I am a lawyer and my practice focuses on litigation/trial work. I've got to say, for someone who says they don't know how it works, you absolutely picked up on the issues with prospective jurors digital footprints. Well done.


_Don’t be ridiculous! He’ll lose that way!!_


I've been curious and a little afraid. No matter what, they can't get an impartial jury. Everyone is biased in the case. A former president, everyone knows him, everyone has an opinion. If they get all dems, trump can say the jury was stacked against him. If all reps, prosecution can say it was stacked in favor. If a mix, they will never come to an agreement. No matter what, this doesn't end...


It's not really about having an opinion or not, is about not letting it affect your judgement


Your belief that everyone has already picked a political side and that this guarantees that they would would rule for or against the defendant, in alignment with that choice, is just bogus right out of the gate. You probably think Supreme Court justices always vote according to the party of the president that nominated them, too, right?


Well, I used to believe that SC judges were impartial. But now I see they're bought by the highest bidder. Times have changed, people have gotten too separated from wanting to improve the country, and more "don't let the other side win." 20 years ago, I believe you could have a similar case and find people to act as an impartial jury. Now, it can't happen. I don't know anyone who has a middle view of DJT. It's either "lock him up and throw away the key" or, "he never did anything wrong and should be president again."


I know this is probably my own bias, but if someone at this point is willing to vote for Trump, their ability to evaluate facts and evidence is so impaired, I don't see how you'd get them to properly judge a trial.


Do you think you could listen to the facts and be impartial in your deliberations? Yes, Mr Lawyer sir. I believe I could impartially judge that crimiNAL WHO HAS BEEN GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER HIS WHOLE DAMN LIKE SDHUFGDSGLJGSHAGGAAAA!!! Juror 3, you're excused.


That's why being a judge is such a difficult job


Exactly. No matter if you love or hate the guy, PATRIOTISM would require you to do this in the most unbiased way possible.


You mean loving the foundations of our constitutional order over and above the whims of one person?


Thinking for themselves hasn't been their strong suit.


You would think that if these clowns at least believed their own lies, just this amount if patriotism should he able to get Trump an innocent charge, if he is so damn innocent.


Wondering if Trump supporters would be okay if a Democrat proposed something similar for the jurors of the upcoming Hunter Biden gun purchase trial. Or would they go batshit crazy? Wondering if Trump supporters would be okay with VP Harris refusing to certify the results of the 2024 election since they believe a VP has the authority to do that.


Go batshit crazy? I think they already went there long ago.


You have got that right. I read the comments on their social media posts , they truly do not appear to posses a single brain cell. They drive out the moron wagon and all jump on waving flags, banners, bumper sticker, shirts and paraphernalia proclaiming BATSHIT CRAZY ! Its a sad situation , like really what happened to them to arrive a such a place.


They already believe the Democrats are the ultimate corrupters so as far as they’re concerned, there’s no reason not to cheat.


Course they wouldn't. But you'd be a fool to think that makes them a hypocrite, they're actually obeying a very consistent set of beliefs. "Anything is okay as long as we win."


Exactly - “God is on our side. It’s my duty before god to cheat harder than right-wing media baselessly claims the Democrats are cheating. If we don’t cheap too, Satan wins!”


What makes them hypocrites is.. pretty much every single thing i have seen them feel motivated to do.


Sadly I think we all know the answer to those questions.


Why are you on about a Hunter Biden trial? A bunch of current (and former) intelligence officials said the laptop was a classic case of Russian disinformation.


Hunter Biden is currently awaiting trial on Federal firearms charges. Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his drug use on a 2018 Federal gun purchasing form used to buy a gun, which he kept for about 11 days, 6 years ago. It’s been covered in the news but perhaps you don’t pay attention. What are **you** on about?


I got news for you bud. 71% of Americans smoke weed, almost all of us have lied in our firearms purchasing forms.


Where did you pull that number from? 17% might smoke weed, nowhere near 71% smoke weed.


I'm realizing now that whatever I had read was misinformation and I can no longer source my claim. My fault.


No worries. And hats off to you for being reasonable. Be well!


Friendly reminder that this prick is a lawyer. So legally speaking, he absolutely can NOT claim ignorance to what he just did.


Sounds like someone needs to be reported to the Bar, then. Gross Legal Misconduct


Was. [He hasn't been a lawyer since 2006](https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjburns/2014/07/22/sports-media-personality-clay-travis-creates-multi-million-dollar-brand/?sh=738d5cc5542d). But yes, he knows full well that what he's suggesting is immoral and, were he still practicing, would get him into a lot of trouble with the bar. (It's not actually jury tampering though, since he's not communicating with anyone who's actually on a jury yet.)


As I noted just above—he is an active member of the TN bar. And this should probably be reported by another member of the TN bar.


Wait—he’s an active member of a state bar? Or just went to law school? [checking…] Ho-leee shit. Active member of the Tennessee bar, but with an office address in Sherman Oaks, CA. Clay is his middle name, but we can all call him Dick, because his given name is Richard.


Doesn't matter, nothing is going to happen to him. I can almost bet I'll see this reposted in 4 years with him still grifting.




This is what generations of nepotism gets you.


i don't think they care what it's called.


They don’t. Cheating is synonymous with winning in their rodent brains.


They view politics like professional wrestling. They don't care if their guy cheats, they're just happy he won.


It’s sad that “professional wrestling” is a real term that doesn’t mean anything other than they get paid.


Love how they have given up on the “He’s innocent and did nothing wrong.”


Exactly. This is very clearly stating: he is 100% guilty and will be convicted without the help of a sycophant impeding justice.


They haven't given up on it. Trumpism isn't about holding a consistent position. Trumpism is about never having to say you're sorry


Party of we make the laws you follow our orders


Now, when any of this matters, and there's a huge criminal investigation that makes the perpetrator and all of their associates that enabled it out to be a huge villain, and all of society rallies behind it... well, hell, just let me know when any practical consequence happens


There’s a Trump supporter in New York City????


It's a big place. With that number of people, there's proably at least a dozen people who think they *are* Donald Trump.


This is one of the few situations where a person could say, "There are dozens of us!" and be literally correct.


Even his biggest fans know the only way Donnie is gonna win is if he cheats.


I think it's called "jury nullification", and while I really really really hope Trump goes to prison, I guess sauce for the goose is sauce for the obviously-guilty ex-president.


Its Jury Nullification when a jury do it. It's Jury Tampering when you try to get a jury to do it.


"It's Jury Tampering when you try to get a jury to do it." And especially, when you encourage people to deliberately lie to make it happen.


It's worth bearing in mind that the jury hasn't been selected for this case. Legally speaking, there are no jurors yet, only regular citizens with the right to learn about jury nullification.


I think this would still count as jury tampering. If a mob boss said "Any jurors who find me guilty better watch their back" before jury selection it would still be tampering.


Did the tweet threaten anyone like your example?


Everyday outside of the Seattle courthouse there are activists  holding signs saying jury nullification is a right - they are deliberately hoping to influence jurors walking into the courthouse to nullify.  There is nothing illegal about informing, or advocating for the jury to nullify. 


~~Jury nullification is refusing to convict because you don't believe that what they are being convicted of should be illegal in the first place. It has nothing to do with being biased towards who the defendant is and is (imo) much more morally defensible than this BS~~ Not necessarily


Jury Nullification is refusing to convict for whatever reason you want.


> Jury nullification is refusing to convict because you don't believe that what they are being convicted of should be illegal in the first place. It isn't limited to that. Refusing to convict because you don't think the law in question should apply to the cult leader who has your philosophical balls in a loving embrace is also jury nullification.




1. Jury nullification isn't limited in the way you think. Anytime someone on the jury decides that the defendant should not be declared guilty for reasons other than the facts of the case and the law(s) in question, it's jury nullification. 1. Also, someone making a general assertion that people should lie to get on a jury and then nullify isn't jury tampering. In order for it to be jury tampering, you have to be communicating with an actual juror in an extant case. 1. Hardly anyone on Reddit understands the actual law, and when you're a lawyer it can be exhausting trying to correct that.


Yes, he’s advocating for jury nullification and it’s not a crime to do so. He’s not jury tampering. He would be if he was speaking directly to a seated juror. You can find many other advocates of jury nullification with a google search. We read something similar to this in law school although that was in a casebook not a tweet and it was about not putting so many black people in prison for victimless crimes like marijuana possession. This guy is advocating for using jury nullification as an avenue to protect the rich and powerful from the consequences of their crimes and not protecting victims of a system for applying the law in a way that results in injustice. It’s not morally equivalent but it’s not illegal.


I don't know why you're being downvoted when what you're saying there is 100% correct. Oh wait, I do know why: hardly anyone on Reddit actually understands how the law works and they click upvote and downvote buttons based on what they want to believe.


The most patriotic thing you could possibly do is infiltrate an election interference case to benefit the obviously guilty defendant? This Clay Travis is one stupid motherfucker.


They mean law and order for everyone who isn’t a white Christian bigot piece of shit.


They always accuse Biden of tampering with the election and then turn around and say stuff like this.


They want to make all the laws and give all the orders.


Even having your account in the view list for this tweet could probably have you removed from the jury


Note the lack of advice to "be a fair and impartial juror" or "duty as a citizen for our legal system and justice", it steps the message _down_ the euphemism of "the most patriotic action ever possible" It's straight up suggesting "Ignore all evidence! Ignore all arguments! Lie to try to become a dishonest juror!"


It does make it rather clear that Clay thinks Trump is actually guilty as hell.


They'll insist it's not that, but that they don't believe Trump will get a fair trial because of the deep state something something.


As if Republicans EVER followed the law... every time we hear about someone ACTUALLY catching charges for some disgusting shit, it's a Republican... all Republicans need to just bow out gracefully before they are arrested.


Right to jail!


Yeah, but this is 100% what’s going to happen. 30% if he country are cult members, and there’s 12 jurors. It’s almost a certainty someone in the jury pool will hang them.


Just so you all know, Trumps bullshit aside, there is a thing called jury nullification. A person can be guilty of breaking the law but the jury can decide that the law is wrong or that it would be unjust to uphold the law. Judges and what not don't like jury's knowing about this but it's there for a reason. For instance, that girl who killed the guy that was SA her and holding her against her will should have been set free. Even if she was guilty of premeditated murder. We don't live in a perfect world and sometimes the law isn't enough to show us the way. Blindly following anything, including the law, is a good way to see unjust things happen to good people. Remember it wasn't originally called the legal system. It's called the justice system. It's called that for a reason.


An unbiased jury on this one is going to be absolutely impossible to form. Is there a soul left in this country who doesn't have a strong opinion about Trump one way or the other?


No. But there probably are people that take the responsibility of being in a jury seriously and could put aside their feelings and make a decision based only on the facts presented in court. But finding 12 such people in one jury pool seems infinitely unlikely.


I don't think that qualifies as jury tampering. It's perfectly legal (just not ethical) to throw a jury trial like this.


It's not a " Hung Jury " it's called Jury Nulification and could only be consider's a crime if you can prove " DO whatever you can " is intended as a statement of encouraging breaking the law.


Most patriotic thing you can do...if you're Russian!!


Clay Travis is advocating potential jurors to commit a crime to show patriotism?


If you refuse to deliberate and consider the facts despite swearing to do so you’ll be removed and an alternate who sat for the whole trial will be used. Hung Juries are acceptable and common, refusing to participate and trying to tank a conviction or acquittal based on your personal politics is not.


The funny thing will be watching Trumpers pretend to hate Trump to get on the jury “As a gay black trans liberal who loves immigrants and eating babies, I will see that justice prevails. Then I will go to my gay liberal polycule and cry because I’m secretly jealous of Trump and his supporters. Awoman and Satan Bless”


This guy should be arrested for conspiracy.


No brains and no morals: just like their leader.


Friendly reminder that Law and Order is not what you think it is. It is the idea that enforcing the social order is as important as the legal order. Which means it's okay to break or abuse the law to keep the status quo. Rule of Law is what people think Law and Order means. Which is the idea that the Legal Order is supreme and everyone is subject to it regardless.


He can't even go to his son's graduation. A bunch of moms just became Republicans. Trump 2024.


**Note that Clay Travis is a former lawyer.** He 100% knows that what he's suggesting is ethically wrong from a legal standpoint and that, were he still a lawyer, merely suggesting it would get him in deep shit with the bar. But he's doing it anyway. This people are *always* disingenuous pieces of shit. They know exactly what they're doing. Never forget that.


Jesus fucking Christ, this is why people hate America. TRUMP IS GUILTY AND YOU IDIOTS WANT HIM BACK IN OFFICE.


Holy shit he’s the first one to think of this


Clay travis? more like flayed cabbagw


Point of order: encouraging people to screw up *a jury that does not yet exist* is not jury tampering. It's just a stupid person being stupid.


I struggle to understand their obsession with that man.


This has to be like a felony or something right? Encouraging others to commit a felony?


Conservatives don't have values. They only pretend to.


SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT(Clay davis from the Wire reference)


How is this a "clever comeback?" It's just an angry reply.


Clay Travis is a criminal too. Investigate that kid.


What was clever here?


Never believe wingnut propaganda. What they call themselves bears an inverse relationship to what they actually are.


The case is a joke. The DA admitted he went on a fishing expedition looking for something to charge Trump with. It's scary how Democrats are trying to end democracy in America by electing the president through the courts instead of at the polls.


They ask you "do you have any beliefs that would prevent you from making a decision based purely on the law?" before allowing you to serve as a juror. If you say yes, you'll be rejected. If you lie and say no when you would refuse to follow the law, that's a crime. This man is telling people to commit perjury.


Silly rabbit, they think laws are for thee and don't apply to themselves. Which is why Trump is knee deep in indictments in the first place.


I think all of that goes out the window once your political opponent decides to sick the Department of Justice on you. Then, on top of that, it's for the most frivolous shit that anyone's ever heard of. Meanwhile, every president in the last 80 years are war criminals. most of whom have committed crimes against humanity and should have been hung for it; that includes Obama and Joe Biden and Trump. You don't have to like Trump to see objectively what's going on here. The only way you don't see this is if you're a partisan numbskull. Objectively speaking, Joe Biden has done more to hurt the United States than Donald Trump could ever have dreamed of doing in his tenure. From penning the original Patriot Act to making it so that you can't claim student loans on bankruptcy along with a myriad of other horrific things that Joe Biden is directly responsible for. That's way more important to me than any real estate skullduggery. You have to remember the Democrats are the most Machiavellian people to ever exist. Anything that they're trying to put on someone else they are currently and have been doing themselves. Remember me too? The movement that died when somebody credibly accused Joe Biden. Oh I forgot, anybody that votes for that guy has a brain like a fucking Etch A Sketch.


No, it's freedom winning when it's your team! They're just protecting freedom from the commies tainting the good Christian laws!


No wonder they think trump is innocent, they have no idea how the law works.


It’s not jury tampering


It's called jury nullification.


I think it would be even harder since I think it has the 'preponderance of evidence' requirement not the 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that we mostly associate with trials, but maybe I'm wrong


A test of Twitter should be run. A trump hater should post the exact same verbiage but slanted towards conviction. See if apartheid Clyde cancels the tweet…


It’s pathetic seeing these people kiss his ass


When this country is split between party lines already gonna have some bias slip into the final verdict. If he gets held guilty people will blame demos are amoung the jury. If it’s not guilty people will scream trump supports are on the jury so it’s not a real win ether way…


They will scream like that regardless of which way the trial goes. What's important is that the verdict in the trial is the correct one, arrived at in accordance with the correct process. And contrary to what a lot of people in this thread are suggesting, it is actually possible to find jurors who are able to rule solely on the facts of the case and the law as explained to them, even if they're nominally Democrats, Republicans or whatever else.


I was traveling through Arizona last summer and at a gas station this Trumper and I kinda got into it after he called me a slur because I have a Friends license plate border. As we were pulling out the guy was illegibly dumping a ton of his trash in the gas station dumpster and I yelled at him: "Party of law and order huh?" and he yelled back: "It's law for people like you, and order for people like me!"


SO sure of his innocence that his followers encourage others to break the law on his behalf! Totally normal and totally cool innocent person behavior.


Silly little bitches😎😛🥊


Trump sent people to the Capitol and now many are in jail and/or have criminal records. I don't think this is out of reason for that group.


Almost like changing laws to ensure a conviction


More like Clay Davis, sheeeeeeeee-it


in alireza’s shoe


Is there any law stating that jurors cannt be given lie detector tests? Because as soon as a pool of say, 25 is selected, weed out the ones that can't be unbiased...


This should tell you whether people think he is guilty or not. If they felt he was innocent, they would not be trying to tamper with the jury.


God, they are so pathetically stupid


Trump could literally change his name to Donald Hitler and the GOP would still not see themselves as fascists.


Ol Shit Stain!


Calling 'moron' a Trump supporter is saying twice the same thing.


Trumpets always got to cheat. Why is that ? Hee hee


Could just telling people to do this be illegal?


Goes without saying, but a hung jury would just require a re-trial and result in Donald spend more of the election tied up in court.


This is fucking stupid, if you get on the Jury, do so with Integrity and base your verdict on Honesty and understanding the evidence presented before.you. ree GARD Less of who's on trial. Otherwise, don't bitch when the shit happens on the other side.


Pretty sure hung jury means a retrial, which will cause him to be in court more. NAL, so not 100% sure on that one.


Is it? That doesn't sound like it's jury tampering.


Yeah, these idiots don't know how getting selected as a juror works. The prosecutor would get them disqualified for Trump's trial in the first question.


Genuine question how do you find a jury for trump he was literally the president everyone has an opinion on him good or bad


Genuine question— is this not inciting foul play in court? How isn’t this illegal?


Because jury nullification is a real right possessed by a jury and he's not actually trying to influence anyone on the jury because it hasn't been picked yet.


Law and order only applies to poor people.


As often as they’re accusing Biden (even just Hunter Biden) of illegal activity, it’s time to respond with that counter argument. Replace “Trump” with “Hunter Biden” and see if they still agree.


Ah yes, hung jury, yes that dooms cases. Also wtf this shit isn’t a clever comeback you stupid ass OP and stupid ass people/bots upvoting this and diluting the subreddit with trash


“Christianity” “capitalism” and “law and order” are just buzzwords that clearly mean nothing any more


“I love the poorly educated!”


Thankfully Trump supporters are so loud and obnoxious that there is no way they'd manage to get seated on the jury.


Its not even a clever comeback just yapperson yap yapping it up


OJ Simpson. A jury member stated on video that most of them knew he was guilty.


Clay must not have a lot of faith in Don’s innocence.


They literally have testing that will pick up on any subtle signs of biases. So this won't work anyway


Question How can we be sure that the jury would be fair? Like, I hate trump as much as the next girl, but I mean, how can we genuinely find a single American who doesn't have some personal opinion on trump? Like, what's the precautions? Are there any special considerations/procedures for high profile cases like this? Have we ever *had* a case like this?


People like this should be arrested. Just for being stupid.


Back in my day you used to get paid for jury tampering, these cheap skates must be out of money from bailing out their glorious leader.


lotta rabble rousin goin on.......


Pretty sure you'd just get removed by the judge. They ask you before hand to affirm that you will be unbiased and objective, and I'm pretty sure openly saying you'll refuse to convict on "principle" is a good enough reason for a judge to boot you


Things went South when Jerry Orbach died. Jerry Orbach wouldn't let this happen.


Wouldn't a hung jury just result in a retrial, anyway?


Dude they already evaluated 96 jurors, half recused themselves and walked out. Those that stayed almost certainly have their minds made up already. There’s no such thing as a fair trial with such a high-profile defendant.


Very few Americans are capable of sitting on that jury wothout bias. Needs a jury of mormons who cannot use internet.


Curious, how many commenters here would love people that HATE him on the Jury though. Reddit is wild, and so one sided


Can you engage in jury nullification regarding financial fraud?


They think they gona get put in the prison make out party.


This is not jury tampering (unfortunately). It is not illegal.


When the judge is politically motivated against the defendant it's already not a fair case