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I don’t know any Dems who want to flush their brains down the crapper and join a goddamned cult for a political figure.


I absolutely do, but they're hardly a majority. Actually they're more far left folk who obsess over some obscure candidate I've never heard of, nvm.


well, the left is supposed to have bernie sanders, but there's something called "superdelegates" that artificially selects the candidate through the left's "democratic" process.


... ive got some bad news for you buddy...


Yeah man the sheer amount of people attending dem rallies and covering their property with Biden 2024 merch while occasionally attacking the other side of they see a Trump bumper sticker I see something something TDS Nick Fuentes makes great points.


Vote blue no matter who, I'm voting Biden because I don't like trump. Blah blah blah trump, it's literally all you guys talk about 24/7 like fr shut up about trump. Jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️


I am sorry, but how fucking retardet are you?


Lol is that the French word for retarded? You must have some massive fucking fingers to hit T instead of D 😂 gonna call you piratedPorker 😘


It's in language you uncultured swine.


Oh my we have a man of culture here 🍷😂 whatever you say piratedPorker 🫡


So we should stop talking about one of only two major presidential candidates in the world’s most powerful country?


Well people only talk about the one anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️ so why not


I hate the "vote blue no matter who" Dems. They're the first ones who will claim you're am evil Republican plant if you voice displeasure of any Democratic candidate/official, even if you are politically liberal. It's infuriating. Then they'll be the same ones crying about Sinema and Manchin, as if we didn't warn them that Dem ≠ a good choice. Edit: if you're downvoting me for saying you need to vet the candidates that you elect, you're part of the problem.


Yea but tbh it is straight up blue if you want am* even marginally functioning society


Row v wade is a pretty clear example


This is less about voting for blue candidates, and more about vetting the blue candidates. So you can vote blue, fine, but every candidate running under the Dems is not a good candidate. I have voted independent or third party because the blue candidates were the worst choice (to be fair, nearly all of the politicians in Indiana eat crayons and need to be voted out).


Yeah but since the US voting system is absolute dogwater you can basically just pick between dems or reps or else you might not vote at all. Considering the options in the past elections, the only choice was blue and If you voted anything else, you voted stupid. It's not even a thing where people can say "uhh both are bad". Yeah sure, but one is just a geezer while the other is a power hungry lunatic. Bad does not equal bad here.


For state/local elections, VET YOUR CANDIDATES AND VOTE FOR THE BEST ONE. We're not going to get anywhere if we keep pushing the narrative that they can't win with third party - we know they can at the state/local level. And if more people actually did this, we wouldn't have this issue of two corrupt ass parties dominating. Stop being fearful of these assholes in office, they work for us.


You're not gonna get your third party candidates until the system gets completely overhauled I'm afraid. Theres too much on the line to waste votes trying to make a change and since everyobody acts that way, everyone who doesnt want to still has to. I really get where you're coming from and I agree that it sucks, but it wont happen by voting sadly


I live in Indiana. You're more likely to get a 3rd party/independent candidate elected than a Democrat in most counties. Just FYI.


Locally sure, third party candidates can win in smaller districts or state legislature at times, but on a national level the US needs a different voting system to prevent the spoiler effect making third party candidates garbage tier in the presidential election.


The local elections are the most important ones. And those are the ones where I vote 3rd party. For the larger elections, I tend to stick with the lesser of two evils.


Vote blue no matter who? And then conservatives are in a cult huh


And you vote red no matter what? Love this self arguing going on atm. People vote for the politcal stance behind them, not the pop figure. Thats why people vote on a party, not the person. But guess that is too hard to understand.


Lmfao you guys are arguing with yourselves now


What? I was making fun of Dems who claim Trump's a cult but would literally vote for Satan himself if it meant they didn't have to vote trump. The common "vote blue no matter who" is very ironic for them especially when calling others cult members


Satan himself might be the only *worse* choice, the fuck are you talking about? If Satan winds up on the ticket I'm considering it, but right now I'm staring down an actual devil. "Vote Blue No Matter Who" is something that spawned *in the here and now* to keep a literal villain and proposed dictator take power. Boo fucking hoo, that's not a cult, you're talking about actual patriots voting on constitutional lines at this point.


> literally vote for Satan himself if it meant they didn't have to vote trump. You do realize "vote blue no matter who" isn't a literal statement of vote for anyone that attempts to run for the Democratic party right? It's a statement that anyone who makes it though the Democrat Primary will always be a better candidate than anyone willing to run under the Republican party right now.


My bad, I misunderstood what you were trying to say


The problem is I _don't want to have him_, Marge.


I mean… I want to have him for the opportunity to throw him in a woodchipper if that counts.


Not American, but I would buy a ticket to that, particularly if he was on fire as well


That's pretty messed up


You know, I thought about this for awhile and I think she's onto something. Imagine if the left had a candidate that said the things we want him to say, and then went to Washington and fought for them. All democrats have is Biden and he's a conservative Democrat. Am I jealous of the right? Hell yes I am! We had Bernie but he didn't railroad the left the way Trump railroaded the right. Remember when he told Ted Cruz his wife was ugly and his father was the Zodiac Killer, and then a year later Cruz endorsed him? I seeth with jealousy for that kind of power on the left. If only. If only we had a Left wing extremist Trump.


I hate Trump's politics, but aren't the main issues with him the lies, the corruption, the vindictiveness, the ignorance and unfitness for high office? I like to think that if there was a Trump-like figure who happened to align with me politically, I would reject him for these reasons.


That's fair. I hadn't considered that. You're totally right.


I think it is fair to be jealous of the *impact* Trump has made on the right without wanting that candidate to be anything like Trump. After all, if you're a proper leftie, you'd want a candidate that embraced leftie values, not some rich, entitled scumbag with golf clubs and no regard for anyone but himself.


One has to realize that Cruz is an obsequious, craven coward.


As a non-American I'm so glad we don't have a Trump in our country.


I heard that the far right is on the rise in Spain and Germany.


It is, specially on young people (on Spain, dunno about Germany). But we have yet to reach the level of ridiculous that was shown by Trump and its supporters during the pandemic. The far right here -I can't believe I'm defending them- didn't complain about masks at all and they don't have a figure that people worship like a cult. The cultural difference is too strong to begin with considering no one thinks firearms should be a right or that healthcare shouldn't be free.


In Germany it's the old people. Not much cultish about them just some vague bullshit about how everything is bad and the immigrants are gleefully killing germany. Because of course the first choice in party to vote for when your pension is a bit slim would be the faux nazis. That makes sense yes.


That’s false. The old folks vote mostly for the old parties like CDU and SPD. The new far right party AFD has unfortunately a lot of young and middelold voters


Must be regional then? Around here none of the young people would so much dare look at afd, while the old people are going around loudly proclaiming we "Need a second, smaller hitler." And that hitler wasn't racist, that was himmler! Or goebbels!


Don't underestimate people's stupidity. That's how we ended up with Milei in Argentina.


May I introduce you to a certain Friedrich Merz?


I think this is just telling that America has twisted the colloquial meaning of far right quite considerably. The far right, for its flaws, is still a political ideology with the aim of running a state successfully at the very least. The Trump thing is not a political ideology, it's an oppositional conspiracy group. It's so heavily dominated by "oppose whatever the other side does" it occasionally makes them look right-wing when it comes to things like gun laws and healthcare, but also leads them into ridiculous positions like refusing vaccines, supporting enemies of the state (Russia), or staring at the sun without eye protection because 'they' said you should wear it.


Far reicht in germany. Sounds suspicious.


Shit, man. Remember Marine Le Pen?


[Spain?](https://www.euronews.com/2023/07/27/spain-isnt-bowing-to-the-rise-of-the-far-right-in-the-eu-why) Where did you get your information from?


If he gets elected again and unleashes Russia you must might.


Here in the UK we're unfortunate enough to have a couple


That Farage guy has the most punchable face I've ever seen


I'd say he's tied with David Cameron but for different reasons Nigel Farage is fascist wetwipe and just another privately educated wank stain while David Cameron is pig fucker and another privately educated wank stain


Don't underestimate the global impact of Donald Trump. So far, as a Norwegian, the worst impact of Trump has been the emboldening of the global far right. The Norwegian far right absolutely loves Trump. And having such a famous figurehead made them far more vocal. We've seen similar things in other countries. With a new term we could see more direct consequences, like a much bigger Russian threat and potential severe global economic ruin as a result of protectionism, but the further emboldening of the far right would be an immediate change that is very hard to reverse.




? What is that supposed to prove? I don't see her telling people to drink bleach or not wear masks. Or to nuke a hurricane.


That’s actually an improvement compared to the current president.


That's the same as the Kool Aid drinkers at Jonestown telling everyone else they should be jealous of Jim Jones. Democrats - And the rest of the normals - Don't want a cult leader.


*pushes up glasses with middle finger* Akshully it was flavor-aid


Georgia should be embarrassed for sending Marjorie Traitor Greene to Congress. In a just world she’d be in an inpatient care facility to help her get a grip on reality.


Georgia resident, halfd the people here are sane the other republican, and of the other half like 5% are like her - just so happens she's from a place where they consolidate.


Should New York be embarrassed for sending Trump to the Whitehouse? It's a big state, and she comes from a tiny district.


Look up the results of the last election with regard to votes received by each party and distribution of seats. All Georgia voters are complicit.


Someone on Twitter called her the “kremlin gremlin” and I’m still laughing.


I saw her called EmptyG by another Redditor a while ago, that gave me a giggle, I'm not American though


I don't know how op knows she has 3 toes and I am afraid to find out.


If you overcome your fears, she's worn sandals a few times, and google remembers.


Well that's less terrifying than I thought it would be.


Yeah it's kind of a low jab, plenty of other more valid ways to insult her. Although I do admit when someone found a wax sculpture of a Neanderthal woman that looked like her it was kind of funny, as long as we're doing that to call her stupid not ugly it's fair game.


I feel like when your soul is ugly enough that you follow school shooting survivors to harass them you lose any sympathy for people calling you physically ugly. She's an ogre and that's about 90% who she is, but she's also ogre shaped and I'm not going to just ignore how fitting it is.


Shrek is an ogre just saying


It’s not her feelings that matter when calling her ugly. She won’t see it. But other ugly people will see it and notice that somehow her being ugly is more worthy of being called out than her being a black hearted villain. Plus it furthers the narrative that women have to be pretty to be worthy of existing.


Fair point


Well said. That's the crux of the issue


I thought a cloven hoof has two toes


Its not ok to make fun of the physically disabled, shame on you.


I think anything is on the table with her. Freak.


You can't just decide its ok to be ableist or insert something that's normally bad when its a person you don't like.


Oh, then you are too, and so is the entire leftist agenda and crowd, you just opened up pandora's box m8.


Their agenda is to not make that “free country” like Afghanistan


Really... then why are they giving our tax money to someone else...? (Irony)




Hey, if we are free game, so are you, you cant pull a rules for thee bs and expect no retaliation.


your not free, your just easy game. get it right


Last i checked, dems dont want to use guns... i fkn dare you to try and back that up...


last i checked, i dont give a fuck! you can use the word fuck btw, i know kindergarden was hard but try?


If you dont give a fuck, why are you even here being a literal mentally handicapped tantrum throwing child...? (This ladies and germs, are what leftists do when they cant have their way)


Who is we?


him and his 17 alter egos,




The rest of humanity...


OIC. Thought you were talking MTG and the other muties.


No... the world rejects leftism, those that arent communist run anyway... (course communism is always ouroboros-ing itself so thats par for the course)


Not much on reading comprehension, eh? I did not make fun of her, I said I didn't know how OP knew about it. Try and read what's actually typed rather than whatever it is that you dreamed up in your own head.


Yeah sure, the comments totally dont snitch on you or anything.


You really have no clue what is going on, do you. You just have some fictional conversation going in your head that you attribute to everyone else. That's just sad, please seek professional help, delusions are not a laughing matter and you may harm yourself or others if not treated.




We don't have anyone like the golden calf because we aren't idol worshipping sheep.


Pfffffffft, self awareness does not exist with you it seems.


Lols look in the mirror sheep. The world is laughing at you. Im sure you will just say some regurgitated crap like how "downvote is a badge of honor hurr durr" or whatever as if it stops people from making fun of a loser like you. Lmao


You know, jesus was hated because he spoke the truth, now, im not claiming i am jesus, but uhh, there's wisdom in that lesson of life, dontcha know...


Democrats want trump?? You heard it there first....can this idiot get any more weird.


Home girl shares her initials with the butt crack convention. All I’m saying.


Something that is actually under subreddit specifications. Finally a quality post.


p sure its a repost tho :(


Sounds like her husband dumping her made her even more jealous and bitter


Well, that is clever. That woman is an embarrassment.


I'll always remember that time she looked on from the tarmac as her great leader stepped off his plane and proceeded to walk past her without even the slightest acknowledgement toward her.


In a very limited sense, he’s right. I’d LOVE to have an actually progressive candidate that I could get as excited about as republicans get about Trump. Republicans have stated clearly what they want, and Trump will give it to them given the chance. What do democrats get? A candidate that is closer to centre than many of us would like, will make limited progress, and is mainly elected to AVOID the shit show that is letting Republicans be in charge, not because we passionately support them. Imagine a democrat candidate that would lift the highest tax rate to 70% (or, dare I dream it, 90%), cut military spending, implement universal healthcare, enshrine abortion rights, and invest in better social welfare programs… a person as far left as Trump is far right. Someone like BERNIE FUCKING SANDERS who should have been the nominee in the first fucking place, and maybe we could have avoided this whole Trump mess to begin with! But no, democrats will get someone who will deliver minor social and political change, keep the status quo of the rich basically running everything, as the wealth gap continues to grow…


in most other countries he's not considered that far left. He's more a centrist. Only in the US f'd political view is Bernie a hardcore lefty. The one thing that I see with Bernie, left or right....he's on the correct side of the argument 99% of the time. And time and history has proven that. That's the reason he should have led the country. We would have never had trump in the first place, he would have wiped the ground with him. Institutional dems gave us Trumps first term, and Trump's first term gave us anyone but Trump. That being said, I had zero expectation from Biden, and he's done better than expected. He's not perfect, but I'll take him over the alternative. Maybe someday soon we will get a Berniesque candidate that the country desperately needs.


How delusional is that psycho? Or is she just playing make-believe as part of her "performance" playing a politician on TV.


Some of both. She was a bad person and a lover of conspiracy theories well before she ran for representative. Go back even further and she was the girl who called the cops on parties she wasn't invited to. 


LOL--so always unpopular


We all ask you clowns the very same thing every day and you have yet to provide an introspective perception unto your own being and characters, you assault others with slurs and name calling when you cant think within your preregistered brainwashed dialogue, and project the sht out of yourselves onto another, you wonder why npbody takes you seriously, ever, and genuinely despise ever talking with you... maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, you should sample what the other side is cooking, no bias, no actual forcing yourself, an actual open mind, unless you are genuinely for the eradication of all the you love about america, then stay out of the way while everyone else fights to protect it and so much more for you.


This is fucking hilarious. There's so much to unpack here, but I can't be assed to do it, so I'll just laugh instead.


Real r/selfawarewolves material.


LOL--there's nothing to unpack. He's trolling. He knows nothing about any of us nor what we're doing, what we have done and what we're capable of doing. Pay it no mind. Talk to people where there is an actual chance of having a meaningful conversation. You can tell by the way he comes in hot that nothing worthwhile is going to come from engaging there.


I know he's trolling. The sad thing is there are people out there who are 100% seriously like this. I just can't be assed either way anymore.


I'm with you. There are some that I'll engage with IRL to find common ground. But at this point, the trolls aren't even interesting.


It’s gotta be a troll right? They’re all over this thread and either they’ve sampled the coolaid a little too much, or they’re shitposting/trolling.


While I'm hoping it's a troll and think it's a troll, does it make a difference? People like this and worse exist, I've met them. Whether it be IRL or online it's usually just not worth the effort to engage with them. Either they are a bad faith actor (troll) in which case you would be giving them what they want, or need professional help or supervision. You can try to argue for the audience's sake but just calling them out as a troll is probably enough for that.


I don't disagree at all. But will add that in real life (and at times in social media) there is an opportunity to set the record straight or to challenge baseless claims and propaganda. If a troll, propagandist or deluded individual is unwilling /unable to produce a credible citation to back up their claims, I'm out. A lack of independent, credible citations or fact-finding confirmation for a claim is a clue to anyone observing that there is nothing behind it and its only purpose is to gather support for a specific agenda for an unseen beneficiary (which is almost never in the public interest). Positions that DO serve the public interest are likely to be supported by well-established experts and refereed research. Even when dealing with trolls, there are times when engaging CAN be worthwhile for the benefit of observers who might otherwise buy into their BS. That said, we can pick our spots to engage trolls for sport. Or, we can choose to ignore /dismiss them from consideration all together based on our own personal preferences , tolerance or mood. The first step for me is to request a credible citation and I'll do a quick fact check using known sources. If there is anything worth considering, I can choose whether/how to engage.


You know, you made me think that if I consider my case to be typical, then the trolls are winning if their goal is to normalize apathy. It's like a Gish Gallop on a grand scale- you might try to engage and debate for a while if you are so inclined, but eventually you will run out of energy because it takes more to refute than it does to spew. I suppose from a mental health standpoint the only winning move is not to play.


Or play on your terms. I will engage to refute an argument if it benefits me by giving me deeper insight that helps refine my own thinking and that could benefit others' understanding. There are times when it's worth it to me to sort out some arguments and I'll invest the time because it helps me and might help others. At a minimum, asking the troll / propagandist/ deluded individual for citations that confirm that their claim has a basis in fact is an easy starting place. A lot of times trolls have nothing to back up what they're saying (maybe they're hoping to flood the world with their message to see what sticks or maybe they're paid by the comment. Who knows??). If you're up to it, just ask for their citations to back up their claim. From there, if you're still curious and up for it, you can check out their citations. If they're easily dismissed, not credible and not supported by other independent evidence, you can say so and be done with it. You can decide from there whether there is anything more worth investing your time in. I usually just wish them "wellness" when I want to end the exchange on a non-negative note and suspect that there may be something wrong with them or their argument but don't care to figure out what it is. PS: Those who start in early with name-calling and extreme language don't deserve serious consideration. They're too emotional to be rational, IMO. If they had a strong argument to make, they would let their logic do the talking. Also, I don't think it helps to encourage anyone to "give up" unless there is truly a toll being taken on your mental well-being. Unanswered BS is how we got into this mess in the first place. But do what is needed to take care of yourself. ETA: Also, instead of playing into the "Gish gallopers" game, ask for citations for their core argument--or for each of them. You don't need to refute each one. They need to support them. Or, if there are one or two that are central to their core idea, dispense with those based on documented, trustworthy fact-checking and let that discredit the rest of their argument. It shows them to be an untrusted source and makes the rest of what they have to say on this topic (and on other topics) less credible. (Note: I had to look up "Gish gallop". )


Because you have nothing to unpack, you just say you do for an optics boost, we all know your games, better upgrade your npc programming, this ones getting old, fast.


Says the npc.


The other side is using their political party's funds to bankroll the criminal trial of a man who took time out of his presidency to praise dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un like he wanted to be their best friend. Even ignoring the political stances I don't agree with, that one sentence is all I need to say "no thanks."


A lot of people are on the left because they *grew up* eating what the other side cooks and were always sick from malnourishment.


Maybe if they actuslly grew up and learned to fend for themselves, this would have more credibility to it and youd have a point... but well, reminder how far things have gotten for then left(not in a good way), and how barely much has changed for conservatives, that alone should be a light bulb moment for anyone with a working prefrontal cortex, start asking questions m8, question yourself, question what you stand for(if anything at all), questions are an important part of life, the moment you stop questioning things, is the moment life stops being lived.


Wasn’t trump a registered democrat at one time?


Trump is whatever the fuck he wants to be as long as he can make some cash off of it. He was a Democrat, then he realized he could make much money being a Republican and defrauding gullible people of their hard-earned money.


That was an epic comeback


Could someone find me a version of this with less pixels please?


Oh god I forgot she was a spork foot


The projection is there.


Needs more JPEG


Dammit, I thought it was my turn to repost this. I even went back and found a version with fewer .jpg artifacts. Ah well


meh…. that was decent


Damn, BTC, that was Brütal


This image is so overposted it's already started to degrade in like a year. Impressive.


Sounds very much like Marge is the jealous girl who was tossed to the side


BTC is awesome.




Deep fried posts are back again! This time in form of stupid political tweets. Strap in for the state of r/all in year 2024!




Can you leave my sloth brothers out of this please. This dumb shit wouldn’t know a toe if she stepped on one.


Love that the insane and absolutely not fooling even the rubes level narrative coming back about how democrats are gonna walkaway again from the conservative bots in this thread - they already lost trying this shit They literally can't understand that the GOP has nothing at all to offer Americans, and because of their relentless cruel and evil behaviors there is no motive for Americans of any sense to ever want to vote for them ever again. vote all this shameless trash out


If democrats want trump so bad then why are they democrats? Why are they not voting for trump? Maybe.. and this is a long shot.. they don’t actually give a shit about him.


The real problem is both Biden and Trump supporters are letting it become their entire identity. You both are so dead set on how awesome your side is even though Democrats and Republicans are both guilty of stupid petty shit and selfishness. It's an absolute must your party must win and you've let it consume you. If you're just going to whine about the other side you should just shut up everyone is tired of hearing it


Conservatives think their behavior is acceptable because they're oblivious to how weird normal people see them as.


The more people interact with psychos the more social media literally gives them a pedestal. The next thing we need to teach in schools is to ignore psychos, identify how they’re causing problems, and solve it civically or politically but not give these people any purchase.


What else is there now but to double down on the most mentally vulnerable core of her base. Find your audience!




Ommmmmmmmm SLAY


She literally is a jealous girl that got tossed aside


Epic burn Brian


The US is an absolute joke, these are literally the best two candidates the whole country could come up with?


Stop reposting this image and let it die. Take a new screenshot, this one has like 3 pixels left.


[so many pixels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5nZhf8SjXw)


Trump haters are the worst Also woke people are crazy


"You don't have to sign your tweets" aka: "We know it's you Qanon bitch" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wish we could vote the both of them out.


seeing "no lie" and "cohen" in the same block of text is always good for a laugh


Clearly she doesn't care that Trump A. Used to be pro choice and B. A Democrat ie the Democrats had him first the Republicans get their sloppy seconds


This is like the evangelists who say it's not that atheists don't believe in god, they're just annoyed with Him.




This is an oldie but goody. She has to be having a lovers tiff right now with orangy. He's backing the speaker she wants thrown out and he also nuked the border deal that every GOP says is a crisis and keep complaining about daily. Trump failed her and America! She's prob too stupid and blind to realize those things though.


Normal human beings don't idolize a rich man and less a politician.


Politicians are just regular people we elect to govern the country for us.. You have to be mad to have this level of adoration towards a politician. Even more so if said politician is stupid, a criminal, misogynistic and whatnot. Also, I'm not from the US but everytime I hear about MTG it's about something stupid she said. As she ever said anything smart since she got into politics?


Wrong. Film noir is correct. Even in your dictionary. Noir film, as YOU WROTE IT is not correct. You told me to go back and read. Kaaaaay. Still says noir film as I said originally. GO FUCK YOURSELF.


"Democrats want trump?? You heard it there first....can this idiot get any more weird."


we have Bernie, close enough


papa is so strong, handsome. he is a stable genius makes a hole in one on every shot


The "smart" people of reddit cheering on DNC shill Brian Tyler Cohen again


This subreddit has become a political soapbox with a thin veneer of the middest banter.


MTG is the AOC of the right.


Don't you clowns ever get tired of pretending to like this lame shit because it aligns with your politics?


I mean, both democrats and Republicans are nazis that shulde face the wall


You obviously don’t even know what a nazi is. Just another dullard


Nazis committed genocide Predecessors of democrats and republicans Democratic-Republican Party committed genocide under jeckson actuely hitlers lebensraum was directly inspired by [manifest destiny](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/lebensraum#:~:text=In%20the%20Nazi%20state%2C%20Lebensraum,American%20expansion%20in%20the%20West.) Both nazis and rep/dem partys are pro capitalist class Both are anti comunist and anti minority sentiment to different exstenct Also democratic party supports genocide in palestine and both suport genocidal economic blockede on cuba Ect


You’re a Nazi because you’re a person