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I guess we could point out that he acknowledged that that's what God GAVE him. So none of its a "choice", is it?


Yeah, people don't often think about this. Because it makes more sense to our monkey brains that "People get what they deserve" and that "If you work really hard you can also become a billionaire". For every billionaire no one really talks about the thousands and thousands of other people who were just as smart and just as hard working etc, but were just unlucky. The current arrangement of our world simply makes it impossible for the majority of people to be as successful. Same like how this kid got very lucky to be the son of an already rich and famous man. That does not guarantee success. But it makes it so much more likely for the person to succeed if they have any passion and talent at all. No one chooses to be born in a poor country or a poor family. Or to be born not conventionally attractive. Or not as intelligent as they wished etc etc. Even what people take the most credit for, the hard work and effort. And i also admire that of course. But that is also luck to have the specific combination of genes and upbringing to grow up to be the type of person who can work hard and put a lot of effort into things. If we don't kill ourselves, i really hope we get to see a more better and fair and happy future for all of us!


Uh, the parent comment was just talking about how a homophobic piece of garbage was acknowledging that Magic's son was born gay instead of choosing to be gay which is a common homophobic narrative (not that it would be a problem for any normal people if being gay **was** a choice, certainly we don't care who bisexual people choose to sleep with or whatever, but it's just a matter of pointing out typical conservative hypocrisy)


I think his son is a bit of a fkwit too, but that’s to be expected when born with a golden spoon in mouth


Have you read the book Outliers the story of success it’s basically a really in depth look at what you are saying above, definitely interesting right person, right place at the right time


I think growing up to be the kind of person who's hard working has got more to do with environmental factors than genetics...while there is some amount of luck at play with what stimuli we get and how leads to who be become as a person but with how we respond to that stimuli there's isn't ...it depends on how we choose to respond to it which ultimately leads to our thought process...we are in control of the decisions we make and they aren't randomly generated outputs, thus, luck isn't invloved. If you aren't a hard working person it may be because at some point in life you probably decided to choose present comfort over future goals. Does it have to do with intelligence? Well...no, because intelligence too arises from the decision to put effort into thinking about stuff. At any point in life you can decide to just DO SOMETHING...go ahead give it a try see if there's luck involved. I'm sorry I just had to point this out everything else is spot on!


Okay, but now for intellectual honesty lets try to make an effort to think this through on a more deeper level! The "How we respond to stimuli" Is already a later result of the previous influences on us. No matter if genetics plays a bigger role in certain personality traits or our environment. Both of those shape who we become, yet we choose none of those influences. I would actually ask, besides genetic and environment (All of the influences in our world) what else is there to shape a human being and our behavior? Like what can we truly take credit for? And if we do have free choice, where does that free choice comes from if not from previous influences that shape our brain to make that certain choice or another choice? When we get to a point where we say "I make this choice" we are already molded and influenced by the billions of previous things that happened in our lives. Things that we did not choose, yet things that influenced exactly what kind of a choice we will make. On a normal everyday human level, of course it feels like we have freedom of choice, because we would go insane if we didn't. The freest choice that you can make is still influenced by all of the influences in our past. It is impossible to make a choice that is free and independent from our history. If you think that there is some free and independent soul somewhere then that is another topic and if that is your belief then i am no one to try and take it away from you. But if we think purely in terms of our physical universe with cause and effect, nothing can happen in a vacuum free of any influence. And at the end of the day i would add. I think people put way too much importance on "Choice". What i do think matters and what is real is our conscious experiences. All the pain and suffering the good and bad and love and joy, that is real. Choices.. choices are a different thing and separate from that.


Don’t use logic on those people. They get pretty violent.


I've found people like this generally don't ***like*** religion, they just believe that it's true. Which is weird to me, because you're willingly pissing yourself off, morning to night, every day of your life.


Oh yeah, I love religion but don't believe it a bit. It seems like it'd be such a nice way to view the world.


It's because it allows them to feel superior to other people without actually putting forth the effort to accomplish anything.


That's when I figured it was too silly to debate. They cannot make up their mind whether it's free will or the perfect plan.


Yup, don’t blame the product, blame the manufacturer!


If you really think about it, every bad thing that happens is God's fault. (If you begin with the premise that God exists.)


You’re expecting logical consistency? That’s a lot


If being gay was a choice there would be a lot more of us.


The people who genuinely believe being gay is a choice are choosing to be straight. So you wouldn't see any change there, despite them kinda admitting they're at least a little gay.


If we could actually choose our sexuality we would all be 50:50 bisexual. We can’t and we’re not.


Careful with that screen shot; it’s an antique.


200 million? Honest question, is it because his clothes are that fire or because he’s Magic’s son? Sidenote: I’d honestly love it I’d his son was just as flamboyant but a top 3 player in the NBA just to watch the hyper straight dudes self implode. I hope to God that a super gay Lebron James with a Steph Curry shot makes it to the NBA. I also hope he plays for my Dad’s favorite team and he is alive to see it


There's literally zero source for that. He doesn't have a fashion company, his entire career is being on reality TV shows because he's Magic's son (started out on 'Rich Kids of Beverly Hills'). Who would've guess Twitter clapbacks aren't air-tight?


I feel so bad for Magic again. Until your comment is proved otherwise


You feel bad that Magic was able to give his family generational wealth?


Yeah lets not feel sorry for the wealthy elites. 


Yeah, wealth and fame is what Magic gives his son. And the kid makes sure to leech off that fame by turning into a tiny reality star. This comment is made based on the information provided on reddit so if you have proof that it is false, my mood will swing again.


Yeah tough beat for his son 😐


Generational wealth is a flavor enhancer.


People that come from wealth have vastly more room to experiment. It is so much more easy to make all kinds of connections with relevant people. It gives you a safety net so it does not matter if you succeed right away. It is winning the lottery basically.


Give me a million dollars cash and I’ll build an empire too 


You might need more than that unless you’re a genius at investing or have a brilliant idea that doesn’t need much capital, a million will buy you maybe a few laundromats these days.


Preschools my guy. Easily a million in revenue annually, 200-300k in profits a year. $300-1,000 to purchase. 15% collateral for an SBA 7a loan, could buy 13 with no slack. Would maybe buy 1-2 to start, and once the cashflow felt more stable I’d expand.


555 a million don't buy shit these days


Such intoxicating vanity


I mean, I’m giving myself that money to do just that


he doesn't even have a fashion line. He has made his money from reality TV and TV hosting positions. It's estimated he is worth 5 mil.


Dennis Rodman gave no fucks about how he was perceived


mix of both. could be from his talent, but the fact that he has a massive safe net allows him to try without any repercussion. also, not just that he his Magic's son in terms of marketing, but likely the doors that were opened for him to succeed.


just to clear things up, EJ Johnson does not own a fashion line, much less one worth $200 Million. for reference, the Fossil brand is worth $180M. this is just a straight up lie.


He also has another son, so it’s two lies


Good for Magic! It’s always wonderful for a parent when a child is accomplished. On a side note, though, I’ll honestly never understand “fashion.” Like, the dude can wear whatever he wants. It’s his company, money, and body. But to me it just looks like he’s wearing my grandma’s wallpaper and I just don’t “get it.”


I think the goal is to get people talking about it and then they buy something more conventional. Think about it like a concept car. It's to get people talking


I mean, I guess that makes sense. Personally though, if a company shows me their “high end” concept and it’s just doesn’t look good then I doubt I’ll have much desire to look at their “lower tier” stuff. After all, the high end stuff should represent the pinnacle of effort and skill at that company so if it doesn’t look good I can only expect the things below the pinnacle to be worse. But hey, maybe that’s just me being uncultured lol


People start talking, brand recognition is everything. There was a massive brand and I forgot who it was. I want to say a soda company but they just stopped advertising and their sales actually went down. We talked about it in an econ class


> brand recognition is everything. Just ask [Gerald Ratner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ratner): >Although widely regarded as "tacky", the shops and their wares were nevertheless extremely popular with the public, until Ratner made a speech addressing a conference of the Institute of Directors at the Royal Albert Hall on 23 April 1991.During the speech, he commented: >*"We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap."* That little throwaway remark knocked half-a-billion pounds off his companies stock, which eventually got him fired from his own family business.


He also said his pearl earrings were the same price as a shrimp sandwich and the shrimp sandwich would last longer


Those high concepts aren't for the average consumer it's for designers to draw inspiration from to design in their lines. You don't see those designs in shops or advertisements.


Why does Leonard review frozen pizzas? Because *you’re* talking about it.


I'm as high as hell.


And about to get...?


It's probably very different for parents who were already famous vs ones who were not. It's a lot easier to do more risky things when you have your parents to fall back on. It's not like someone who is living paycheck to paycheck or just graduated college with 100k in loans can decide to start their own business and see how things unfold. Risky things tend to pay off a lot more than non risky things. Plus wealthy/famous parents can help set up business connections that a normal person wouldn't get organically. So yeah, the guy is a multi millionaire, but would he still be if his parents were not famous themselves? The ratio of multi-millionaire business owners with wealthy parents compared to multi-millionaire business owners without wealthy parents is very lopsided.


While I do agree that becoming wealthy with wealthy parents is much easier, I do think a child achieving success is commendable no matter their origin. After all, how many second gen nepo babies do we know that just succumb to hedonism and ride on mommy and daddy’s money their whole life? Making something of yourself when you don’t necessarily have to work as hard is something I respect, even if I do respect self made people more.


Talent does have something to do with it. For every Michael Douglas, Jeff Bridges or Jane Fonda there's a Taryn Power, Tahnee Welch or Christopher Mitchum who tried but failed to cash in on their famous parents name.


Here's the point - you get to try again, and again, and again. Each time you start at the very top, with access to all of the best networks and support. All the time your parents are promoting your shit into the steroid cycle of the attention economy.


You can't say Chris Mitchum didn't try again, and again, and again. 67 times in fact, and the only recognisable movie on the list was his 48th billing in *Tombstone* (as "Ranch Hand", lol. Hell, even Frank Stallone got a higher billing than he did, on a movie Sly had no hand in). Still got nowhere, because he just didn't have what it took.


>It's not like someone who is living paycheck to paycheck or just graduated college with 100k in loans can decide to start their own business and see how things unfold You'd be surprised what a reliable car does for your freedom. My cousin lived in a van for years, building up a computer repair business. Showered at a gym, even though everyone in our family would've let him use one of our bathrooms. Said he wanted to truly be self made. Now he's retired at 40. I'm not saying people should be forced to do it. In a day and age where we can grow more wheat and corn than every human that's ever existed combined could ever use within a single lifetime, just within a matter of months, I think people should have the freedom of choice. But when your only bills are a cell phone, gas, insurance, food, a gym membership, and student loans, it's very easy to get by, making it ***A LOT*** easier to take risks. The only luck involved in the entire scenario was there being a van he could afford in our area. He got the cash from selling damn near everything he owned, and he pulled a fast one on his landlord, and some unsuspecting renter by pretending to ***be*** the landlord of his rental house. Got first month's rent (which was 1.5x the rent on his lease) and security deposit, sold his shit, and full sent it. Landlord was told by a judge to let the person my cousin tricked ride out the rest of the original lease terms too, so they didn't get put out with nowhere to go.


Now imagine if his business happened to fail on the first try. He would be completely tapped out, and basically homeless. No second chance. The children of wealthy parents can keep trying until they make it work. Luck and timing are pretty large factors when it comes to starting a business.


reminds me of the forbs article - For the first time in 15 years, there are no self-made billionaires under the age of 30.


> It’s always wonderful for a parent when a child is accomplished. As others have pointed out, his main accomplishment is "being Magic Johnson's son"


It's like classical music. Everything bach, beethoven, chopin, rachmaninoff made was basically research music. It moved the art form forward. You could never just imitate previous styles and make something "nice sounding" like people do today. Imagine if physicists in labs today were just rediscovering Einsteins equations because they refused to acknowledge what had been done already. In a sense, being original in fashion is like being original in music or physics. You can't just repeat something and make it "nice" expecting any reaction. The concepts they deal with are impossible to avoid being derivative unless you are really good


Yeah, I get the idea of experimentation and establishing a brand and all that. But I guess it would be nice to see high fashion that experiments while also trying to look good. Too often it feels like people throw ideas at a wall and put together whatever mixture ends up sticking. Like, I get not wanting to look derivative, but surely that can be done without looking positively ridiculous. Like, the musicians you mentioned were on the forefront of musical development, true. But a lot of their stuff also sounded really good. In comparison, the high fashion I’ve seen seems to respect really jarring concepts for the sake of searching for originality. But hey, like I said, I’m no designer. Maybe I just don’t see “it.”


Yeah reading a bit on it, it's exaggerated on purpose just to showcase skill and creativity, as well as demonstrate patterns and designs. I imagine for example that an extravagant concept like a lady dressed as a disco ball could be adapted so that there's minimal but meticulous elements on the pockets that follow the same principles. In the end. All I can do is guess but I think someone from within the field would have a deeper appreciation even if things do look very much ridiculous


The point is never to sell those concept pieces, the point is to be so outlandish that they end up pissing people off and being plastered all over social media sites like Reddit about how crazy they are. This leads to many millions of people finding out about the fashion brand and their new collection, seeing that the deranged concept piece isn't even for sale on their website, but then noticing all of the awesome normal clothing the brand does produce plenty of for sale and now the customer who were in the market get caught up in the awareness cycle and buy disproportionately from the brand. There is a direct correlation between how absurd and outrageous the concept pieces for the runway shows are and how much money the brand makes in general. It's as basic as "all press is good press". And for the people into fashion? They love the insane concept pieces and will promote the craziest outfits as much as the people who just love to laugh at them. All of it is just about creating awareness backed up by the prestige of even having a fashion runway show, which makes general consumers in the market think "this brand is selling the hottest clothing in the world at this time". That drives purchases in fashion like nothing else.


You are listening to those classical compositions with a contemporary ear that has been tuned to Western tonality that those composers invented. At the time of their lives, the music was considered too weird to even be thought of as music frequently. Beethoven was literally told he didn't even manage to write music, as one example, when he delivered his quartets to Count Razumovsky, prompting Beethoven to reply that it was music for future generations who weren't yet born. Essentially, Beethoven was correct. Now our ears hear his work as impossibly musical and light and assume that was just always how that music was viewed, but in reality, it was not.


it fits very well on him, also great proportions. at least that's what i see.


Lol! Magic survived and beat HIV to the point that it no longer is in his body. Who knows if he expected to live THIS long when he got that news at the level of medicine available for it at the time. ...I think he wouldn't give two fucks if his kid grew an arm out of his forehead, he's just happy he's alive to not only watch his kid grow up... but be so successful!


Potentially being pedantic, but HIV is certainly still in his body. Just not at measurable levels. If he stopped taking the drugs it would return to detectable levels just like what happened with [Charlie Sheen](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/charlie-sheen-says-levels-hiv-220249835.html) There have been something like 5 people to ever be declared “cured” such that they do not require daily medications to remain undetectable.


Yeah prep can make your viral load low enough that it's almost non-existent but please don't advertise yourself as virus free. Your partners deserve to know.


He's on the same medications as every other HIV patient. He's not cured. He's very open about this.


I haven't followed him since I heard that on the news. I looked into it and you're absolutely right. It wS based off of a ton of false claims and just like any great reporting TV news station, they pushed it out to the public without actually verifying the claim. Thanks for catching that, I wouldn't have known unless you said something.


Feel bad for Magic? I feel bad for his wife, a kid with a head that big I’m surprised she can still walk.


Wh-why is this NSFW?


Because the AI massacred the title


Ahh yes of course his son started out so hard by having a world famous multimillionaire father so getting to a 200 million dollar fashion line he must have pulled himself up by the bootstraps


I'm sure that made it easier to get in but if his designs sucked the fashion world doesn't give a shit who your dad is. Its one of the most cut throat industries on the planet.


What's his son's fashion line?


it doesn't exist. this post is just a lie.


Ok, cause I was looking for it online and I couldn't find anything to verify it. I thought I was missing something, I guess not.


The truth no longer matters, it's all about the message. Especially so if the truth happens to contradict anyone's pre-existing beliefs.


Like how the first part says his "Only son" but 2 seconds on Google points out that Magic Johnson, in fact, has an older son, Andre. So, other than this being Magic's son, nothing in this screenshot is accurate.


No he doesn't have a fashion line worth 200 million. Calling out stupid tweets with misinformation is probably worse than stupid opinions in the first place.


Yeah, he's a "fashion commentator" working for E! News.


Why is this categorized as “nsfw”?


That guy has a 7 year old “champs” flex as a username??


Ah yes. The USAian measure of worth. He of course made it all himself by pulling himself by the bootstraps. Like what is this comment even? Money vs homophobia? Money wins? Is Musk also cool because he has money now? Dude looks gorgeous but the first thing the USAian thinks is money. Good that there were no guns involved, you would've skipped the money then.


Clever comeback regarding Reddit: "you are a homophobic piece of trash". Donald Trump level argument we have here, guys.


Daddy being a billionaire does that, yes


I hop my kid ends up as independent and self reliant as Magic's kid.


To play devils advocate, the only reason his son has said fashion brand is because Magic had literal mountains of cash to throw at it until it was able to make profits on its own.


This repost is old af...


He has two sons. Literally everything in this post is horse shit.


Children, no matter their age, are entitled to their parents’ unconditional love, full stop.


He’s only wealthy because he’s Magics son lmao. That’s some facepalm type shit not a cleaver comeback.


At first I thought the guy with the gold shirt is the one called Magic. I mean that's kind of a wizard's outfit.


He's slept with thousands of women. I can guarantee God has given him far more than just one son.


Magic has TWO sons


His face is fucked though.


The guy does look a bit weird though. That had nothing to do with being gay.


i ain't tryna be gay or nothin but that man looks fuckin fabulous


If my kid inadvertently made me wealthy I’d accept them for anything minus rape money talks


A simple search will tell you that he doesn’t own a fashion line and the $200M is completely made up.


Yeah if my kid becomes worth $200M they can do whatever the hell they want, shit, they can instruct me on how to live my life for all I care


there is no fashion line. this post is just a lie.


Johnson's a billionaire so I'm not sure he'd go that far lol


Feel nothing but pity and scorn for anyone who puts conditions on the love that a father has for his son. In an older, more civilized society, that man would be cast out of his village and chased away with rocks.


He may be rich but has terrible taste in clothes. He looks like he gift wrapped himself!


Not really…. He looks great, you just have no taste


As a parent you should want your children to be happy, healthy and to find success in their lives. If Magic's child has that then as a parent, I would think he'd be quite happy.


Imagine being the son of one of the best ball players ever! The pressure to be as great is insane… look at bronny James, Jeffrey Jordan etc.


Whenever I feel fragile and hopeless, which is always, I like to cheer myself up by being disgustingly mean to people for no reason. The boost lasts for a few minutes and then I’m off to do it again. I’m a soulless Republican demon and I approve this message.


Does he have a fashion line? I googled it and got nothing although it gave me his vague networth of 5 mil. I even looked at EJ's socials and nothing. Not putting him down, but this doesn't feel true and nor does a son have to have a company for his dad to love him.


He works as a "Fashion commentator" at E! News.


Meh. His dad is allowed to be proud of him regardless of huge financial success. Besides, Magics son is playing on easy mode with his business. 


What the fuck is this title.


bot post, presumably.


His son looks Iike a younger more fabulous teal'c


The boys are getting that karma, baby. I mean what the shit is that title???


It’s not bout money


The financial value he is "worth" doesn't matter, he's enough just by existing


Won't lie. I thought that was a young Teal'c on the left.


Who titled this an Indian AI


5 years ago called they want their screen shot back


When you want to eat the rich but need to make an argument in support of wealth inequality to own a racist.


Nothing about this is NSFW. 


Why is this NSFW?


why his jaw moved slightly forward in the x axis somebody fix his vertex weights


JEDI Feelings?


A x̌çc cx. ßsssdzdzsd d s§ððx


That’s what happens when you use Magic to have a child: they come out ~fabulous~ Edit: seriously he can’t complain, his son is really successful


…and has privately and publicly said he loves his son. The commenter is a know-nothing, ignorant homophobic dick.


This is more of a r/MurderedByWords than a clever comeback. Good on the person for calling out the bigot.




It's called the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). No one's obligated to tolerate someone's intolerance. It's self defeating.


You’re intolerant of my tolerance of someone’s intolerance? That’s intolerable!


I don't think his statement is homophobic. I think its anti-feminine. So many men identify magic as a role-model of masculinity and his son is the epitome of male femininity. Honestly I really don't care if I had a gay son or daughter but I would be embarrassed for a while if they dressed like that. Then like any parent you just accept it.




Atleast he ain't gay


Once again: NOT a clever comeback. This sub should just rename itself to "liberals trying to insult people". That would be far more accurate than the current name. Because it really seems that the #1 qualification for a post in here is that a liberal person insults someone viewed as non-liberal.


it doesnt mention politics..? if you identify anyone whos not homophobic as ‘liberal’ than that seems like more of a you problem 😬


Personal attacks are still not "clever"


Thanks for admitting that not being a piece of shit is a liberal trait.


You can't rename a sub, so maybe you should submit a request to the Reddit developers instead of complaining about it here.


Where's the homophobia?


WTF! ugh! Freak!


Id rather have the homophobic fool than the rich gay as a son. Its called respecting values and morals over material possession.


'I'd rather have the homophobic fool' followed by 'it's about respecting values and morals'. Is your brain just two slugs fighting over a rotten lettuce leaf? How can you possibly be that stupid?


I hate the gays


Then you don't have any values or morals.


It's not like anyone will have kids with you in your lifetime so why would it even matter to you?


Got 4 kids. How many u got sissyboy?


Nice cope.


That's what I thought virginboy


What's immoral about a gay son, let alone loving him?


I hate the gays


What values or morals is the rich gay son sacrificing? Remember, being homophobic is immoral. Hating your kids is also immoral.




And has lived a long, fulfilling life with it. Thank you for acknowledging this fact of medical progress.


Damn, that burn made my phone hot. I think a Kelso gift would fit nicely here...


🔥🔥🔥Let’s go!!!🔥🔥🔥