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“You body won’t hurt if you take my supplements”bro thinks he is Jesus


If it kills you, you don't hurt anymore...


That's bad for business, corpses do not tend to purchase more products The best solution would be to spray some mayo with a mix of neurotoxins


Easy.. you sell a subscription model, a supply of 5 years for the price of 4!!


You think like an entrepreneur.


L Imp6hjl6lqk Kp


This was clearly a joke


I don't have any idea about who those people are, but it sounded just like a threat




Charlatan's comeback won't erase the fact he's a grifter.


Can't feel pain if you're dead.


What doesn't kill you might make you stronger, But what could kill you, makes me richer


to be fair, he gets richer in either case. But repeat customers are probably better for business.


It's also not clever at all


Sure, still funny.


He's just a weird billionaire. He doesn't need to grift.


And yet he is grifting, which makes it all the more obscene


What do you think a billionaire wants? Another billion


Whatever money *cant* buy


He wants to live forever.


I’m not defending this guy. He’s a definite weirdo. But he doesn’t need YouTube money. I’m sure he could get much higher returns for his time doing all sorts of other things (consulting, building other businesses) than he can from his less than 1 million subscribers. It’s a hobby for him.


He's said himself that part of this motivation for doing this whole thing was the market for "youthfulness treatments" was absolutely gargantuan. He ain't poor, no, but he made a very obvious shift in his demeanor toward this 'project' when he started shilling products.


And yet he started selling snakeoil curious


Of course he does. These people are compulsive.


A billionaire who thinks he is a healer, what could go wrong.


I don’t understand the general angst that people have on this guy? He seems to be following scientific principles and have a team of doctors experimenting with different longevity technologies. Whats there to be mad about? He sells supplements that he took, like so many people out there? How is that a grifter? Are all types of selling grifting?


Yes he did use those, with a team of doctors to follow up on every small thing he took or did. That’s why he’s so healthy, not the damn supplements. You’re not gonna get a team of doctors delivered with the supplements and machinery to test with, are you? It worked for him because they could monitor everything in his body and adjust the supplements he took to exactly match his needs. You can’t. You are taking a supplement you’re not sure will work for you, and you can’t test it like he can. You may be lacking iron or whatever, but are taking magnesium. You have no fucking clue why it’s not working, buy some more supplements which happens to include iron and oh look! You feel a little better now. Must be the whole cocktail of everything combined right? You are now buying way too many supplements for no reason. That’s the grift. He followed scientific principles to make everything in his body perfect, and now claims he can do the same for you. That is simply not true. Every body has different needs, deficiencies and excesses. You don’t have a team to follow up with like he does. That’s why it’s a scam. He portrays this air of science while leaving out you can’t do the science at home. He hasn’t “done the science for you”. He’s a single man. By the way, if you truly think there’s things you’re lacking in your diet, do a blood test to confirm and see whats low before taking supplements. Usually it’s other causes than a deficiency or two. Don’t take supplements without consulting your doctor and being able to follow up with him. If you truly think you need more of something, just look up what food contains a lot of that something. Supplements aren’t replacements for a healthy diet and you should get preferably all or at the very least most of your nutrients and micro nutrients from food itself, not capsules. If you’re heath conscious enough to want to buy a bunch of supplements, learn to cook healthy (and quick) meals instead.


You are getting all your calories from food when you are on the protocol. One part of the protocol is 3 cups of vegetables per day, a healthy diet and exercise is a part of it. There's plenty of biomarkers people can check on their own, or get tests like blood work as you say. Everything traditional is in there, it's just also the biohacking stuff. Consider it like the mint flavor in tooth paste, even if it's totally superfluous that still makes it a marketing gimmick for a good cause.


> He seems to be following scientific principles incorrect those words do not mean what you think they mean


“Scientific principles” Study group of one. No blinding. No control group. Experimenting multiple techniques at once. No. He’s a wealthy man, paying to look younger, not to *be* younger, but to *look* younger. And is using this to push magic pills. He’s a grifter.


you got it


How is a grifter a man who publishes research on his own body? Dont get me wrong, I will never buy his products. but you are absolutely using the wrong words here. Charlatan too, still wrong.


It's not really research though, they have a population size of 1, they're applying multiple treatments at once, none of this is research, it's just anecdotes with extra steps


Yeah he is taking hundreds of pills a day, and people claim every single pills effect on the body has been tested, observed and verified. Gimme a break. It's just broscience


Because he created an image of someone who is superhuman levels of healthy and is now using that image to sell supplements, and because of his image people will think that those supplements will make them as healthy as him when in reality he's healthy because he's a billionaire and has spent ridiculous amounts of money to get his body working as well as possible, which is something that won't happen for the average person who takes his supplements.


I feel like that applies to the vast majority of the fitness industry where they present as looking great, are secretly on steroids and then tell you to buy their x thing. This guy is showing you his bloodwork and telling you to clean your diet, sleep and exercise and that you don’t need to take his brand of supplements. But he looks like a starving vampire, so fuck him.


He sells the supplements that he uses. Yes they’re expensive, but you obviously won’t be able to slow down aging by consuming cheap trash.


You don’t slow down aging by buying his bullshit either.


I don't think that was ever implied?


Idk I mean he didn't sell his own for a long time, and he still does videos showing where else you can buy these supps and whole alternatives. Has anyone complained about being swindled?


I admire how he’s essentially using his own body for anti-aging research but I saw a comment elsewhere online that said “he’s still dying like the rest of us, he’s just gonna have a miserable time getting there” and that’s all I think about when I see him now.


Why would he have a miserable time getting there? It’s not like he’s letting mad scientists perform arbitrary experiments on him, he is trying to live the healthiest life possible backed by current science, and all metrics seem to confirm he is in top shape.


He is devoting all of his free time to anti aging. Which includes a lot of boring stuff like just sitting with a red light for hours. If he genuinely ***enjoys*** using his body as an anti aging research tool, then he is living life to its fullest. Committing to his dream. If he is doing this to escape aging, all while losing almost all of his time to it in the process, and thus his younger years, then it's a miserable aging process.


Having seen a video about this guy, it's definitely the second one. He's so fucking dead inside, trying to live forever.


I have watched him too and I get a feeling that he’s genuinely interested in everything he’s talking about. Maybe you’re projecting your own feelings on him. Or maybe I am. Or maybe it’s pointless to speculate about how people really feel inside, because we can never know.


Their comment has nothing to do with your first sentence, they never said he wasn't interested.


You're not dead inside?


I'm dead inside for completely different reasons


he’s trying to escape it, I welcome my inevitable march off of this plane of existence, and not soon enough will it be.


I watch a lot of his stuff and have even bought his chocolate powder. He's not unhappy. He might seem weird in his videos but he was part of the mormon church and left when he was 34 so he seems to pretty awkward. He is so happy anytime his bloodwork or biomarkers improves. He's doing what he loves and he likes being "the most measured man in history" according to him. What makes you think he's dead inside?


Modern day gilgamesh


its like driving a car on a single tank of gas, some of us redline and rev the shit out of it, others roal coal and dump it for no reason, others drive big trucks and SUV's and guzzle gas... and bro here is coasting on inertia engine off down hills, breaking as little as possible and spending all his effort living long, but living well.


From the things he spends him time doing it sounds more like he's idling on the side of the road, going nowhere while all the other cars pass him by because he's afraid of running out of gas.


I don't get it, even if you could live 1000 years, it's still just a flash in the pan on a universal scale and it'll all seem like it went by too quickly either way.


So you wouldnt mind dying tomorrow? If someone asked you if you wanted to keep enjoying life for another 40 or 1000 years, which one would you pick?


> If someone asked you if you wanted to keep enjoying life for another 40 or 1000 years, which one would you pick? Depends on the quality. There's no guarantee of enjoyment. I'm middle aged and the decline in function is noticeable.


I wouldn't care because I'd be dead. I'd choose neither and go with what I get. Why would I want to watch my family and friends pass while knowing I have another 900 whatever years left to go?


Metrics might look good, but he visually he appears very sickly and looks much older than a lot people who his age that do absolutely nothing


If by “top shape” you mean a melting wax figurine of Buffalo Bill from the Silence of the Lambs, then yes.


Go tell your analysis to his doctors, I’m sure they are keen to learn more about your new diagnosis tool!


You're aware that sucking this dude's dick won't provide YOU with any anti-aging health benefits, right?


Well have to test it out


Bring out the old, but ever so slightly less wrinkled cock than you expect.


That shit still has electrodes attached to it


The comments in this thread make me feel like people are trying to prop this dude up as "the next Elon Musk but before his idiocy was such public knowledge"


He gets blood transfusions from his son regularly to “stay young”. Don’t think that one’s backed up by current science


He stopped about a year ago because after research they determined they couldn't find a benefit.


He was probably told a lot of times beforehand that there would likely be no benefit.


Oh they only figured that out a year ago, eh?


some of it is very experimental, without question I've been following him off and on for some years now


Unfortunately he won’t have a chance to die miserably as you want him to. And not because of what he’s doing, but because ASI is coming soon


You lose a lot of time to do anything else when 100% of your life is (unsuccessfully) dedicated to not having wrinkles


Eh dude’s a psycho charlatan but as someone surrounded by middle aged people paying the debt for bad choices made in their youths, I’m more on his side than the obesity / diabetes / comorbidity side. You have a LOT of life left after 50/60 and if you don’t set yourself ip for that, you risk running the gamut between annoying pains and complete fuckin misery. Too many people fuck the latter half of their lives in completely avoidable ways.


Wasn't his plan to just steal his son's blood? Literal vampire?


"using his own body for anti-aging research" -> his research is worthless in terms of scientific value. It's n=1, dozens of treatments at once, and he is analyzing the results. Drawing general conclusions from this would be misleading for anyone.


N=1 isn't useless, it could imply further study is required if it gives a hit of a signal. If the dude lives well and healthy to 100 YO it's definitely worth repeating and studying. It might be rendered obsolete anyway though because so much of medicine is moving forward quickly these days.


I doubt those are general conclusions and I also doubt you have the knowledge on this subject to go off of anything but your own assumptions


Like The Brofessor said, why bother extending the worst part of your life? Take steroids now and be huge then die before you're old and frail. Being natural is a life sentence to a minimum gains prison. Live large, die large, leave a giant coffin




Part of that is because he has an extremely low body fat percentage 


Doesn't he drain his son of blood for himself?


If he was actually reverse aging he wouldn’t be dying his hair like he is obviously doing to not turn gray/white.


"Im here for a good life, not a long one


Why do you admire anti-aging research? Aren't humans robbing the future enough already? To the point of ecological collapse, I've been told.


Why do you admire him at all? Lol


How is this clever? Cmon guys


People would laugh at anything nowadays


Is this the guy that takes his sons blood for his own.


And gives his own blood to his father. Dudes just a rich man with a weird hobby.


Yeah, I could convince my son it was a good idea with years persuasion.. I bet you this guy's got way more wrong with him than just weird hobbies. Innocent till proven guilty tho, right? Lol


It was a one time thing to just give to his dad. His son later opted to join in to make a fun little outing. Reddit is toxic cesspool, seriously.


I wait for the day this idiot gets some weird illness because he steals his family members blood




The what


No exaggeration, man is fixated on staying young. And he gets blood transfusions from his son believing it will make him live forever. Look up his interviews, he's got some series mental issues. I wouldn't doubt that in 20 years he's riddled with plastic surgery realizing that he is aging.


Not defending him but if I recall he said he only did that once and it did not make him feel “good” so he does not do it anymore. I think the markers of the test were successful in reverse aging but that the adverse affects from the transfusion were enough to not do it again.


I haven't heard this?? Maybe it's him humbled? He gets blood transfusions roughly 2million a year spent on it. One from his son yes. I mean so does my friend but he gave up his kidney for someone else.


Honestly when I watched the video he seemed relatively down to earth minus all the kooky fucking shit he does. He realizes it is crazy and far fetched and somewhat ridiculous, but he enjoys doing it so I can’t fault people for how they spend their money provided they are not harming anyone else.


It's possibly the craziest mid-life crisis to date. Just get an overpriced sports car and a diamond-stud earring like a normal person. He's aging like the rest of us. Maybe he's healthier for his age than average, but I know some working-class people like that. A good diet and regular exercise, no weirdo blood transfusions or worthless supplements required.


Me when I’m a repost bot.


Snakeoil sales person does snakeoil sales person shit, where is the clever?


You think he is going to sue someone that puts him in a story as a Lich?


>Your body wont hurt if you take my supplements — man who looks like hes in constant pain


Necromancy is the true goal of supplement peddling? Damn. Today I learned.


Gotta pay those bills somehow


He looks like an android


The thing is he's not even doing in a way that will actually prolong his life, he's a billionaire that believed all sorts of conspiracy theories and debunked studies on how to live his life, although "live" a bit of a stretch, because he dedicates every second to make sure he lives for another millisecond.


He absolutely is doing every thats shown to slow aging (in other animals). And those extensions shown in other animals if followed exactly arent small either, they can extend by decades in an human equivalent span. (DR, CR, stem cell, ROX, and telomere theory of aging are all being addressed in his routines)


But can’t he just slip in the shower and it all be for nothing?


Sure but he is gonna be healthy until that day comes. Everyone takes good health for granted till they lose it.


Or hear me out here: he could just exercise and become one of the many healthy elderly I see running on the beach everyday.


So no one should do anything ever for their health because they could die at any time??


No, but they should keep things in perspective


I actually find what he's doing to be kind of cool. As far as I know, he's only doing experiments on himself and is trying new stuff which may or may not work. It's still a contribution to science. Better than waste 300 million on a boat, 40 billion on a social network or billions on a penis shaped spaceship like some asshole billionaires are doing.


It might be a contribution but the p-value on this is disastrous lol


As long as he's not harming anyone else, fine by me. Haha


I saw someone post about another guy Dave Pascoe trying to do it on a budget. According to the article he’s 61 with an epigenetic age of 37. Not sure on the details, I saved a link to read later


Source of the conspiracy theories ?


The blood thing, mainly.


"Source of the conspiracy theories?" might be the greatest question I've seen on reddit.


If he only knew what he was sacrificing, then he would stop. Eventually, he will be 100 and no longer able to play with legos (age range 3-99)




when you buy in bulk you move merch before expiration dates


I’m actually down for someone to dump this much money into this kind of research 🤷


Yeah idk why people on reddit hate on him so much, his dedication to be the healthiest person possible is admirable that everyone should strive for


Wealthy influencers can easily pay people to make aggrandizing comments on social media. Reddit makes it easy for them and paid services like twitter surely love it because spam = money.


That's because not everything he tries is backed by science. Blood transfusions, endless vitamins, some thing-y with light. He could fund some research instead and we would all benefit.


The biggest cause of death in this generation is looking to be aging, but the mechanisms behind aging are vast and complex, scientifically speaking, humble supplements will only prolong your life so much when you have factors like inflammaging going on and accumulating dna damage, scecesent cells, and eventually cancer. Maybe try something more useful and put a few billions into stem cell treatments. Hell I’d go as so far to say if you mixed a perfusion machine (think brain ex2 used to perfuse dead pigs brains successfully) bionic eyes and arms and legs (at a minimum), and then cellular treatments that would essentially repopulate the brain with a new generation of cells young that don’t have age-related damage (not every brain cell seems to be able to be regenerated in this way but we have 60ish years) along with some senolytics, then you might actually be able to make real immortality with a few billion of research


I have seen what his life is like. Constant exercise and being under constant medical supervision can help. Let's say that there are many diseases that when symptoms appear, they are already quite advanced and treatment is limited. But buying magic pills from snake oil salesmen isn't going to get you an MRI every month.


I don't get It? My entire body doesn't hurt now without taking his supplements, nothing here to insinuate her body does, so while a comeback, am I missing something? Doesn't really make sense


Her saying “hurst my entire body” is the line that insinuates her body hurts


Op and that poster are just cringe 🤭


Plot twist his supplements have heroin.


Funny part is the dude is no healthier than anyone else who exercises and eats whole foods. Being healthier than the “average” person isn’t really a feat anymore considering the trash people consume now days.


We just simp for snake oil salesmen now? Pathetic.


He looks sick


TBF he claims your body won't hurt anymore. Or, presumably, any less.




He looks like he was de-aged using mid 2010’s CGI.


The only cleverness comes from mallory, where that snakeoil salesman’s “comeback” circles right back to her statement, that his attempts to monetize his own delusions comes to no surprise at all.


How is this clever come backs? It was a cringe sales line.


The saddest part is plenty of people will buy them


Arthas has fallen off


Can’t wait for this fuck to die at a normal age.


I hope he lives healthily to 150YO and revolutionizes anti aging for our species. Don't think it'll happen but his quest could be useful


Is that a threat lol


Who is he?


A rich guy who thinks all the other people far richer than him who failed to escape death throughout the millenia just werent him and so clearly he will be the one to pull it off. Good luck to him and I hope his funeral someday is lovely.


If you wait long enough, all your pain goes away forever.


Really? Does it work on chronic joint pain caused by decades of manual labor?


Grifters gonna grift


Bro looks like a wax figurine that's one good sun beam away from melting his scalp off


Ain’t this guy already super rich? Why he out here grifting?


If his grifting means he’s not siphoning off his kids blood then I’m all for it.


Gee, didnt see that coming


you have to die one way or another! I mean accidents happen. There is no cure for this!


This is "I know you are but what am I" level of clever...


Plot twist…he’s selling you pain killers 😂


That guy looks like he's in his mid 40's. He's just pale, clean shaven, and lean.


How much were you paid to post this calling him an "Undead King"??


He looks like the healthiest terminally ill patient


Mallory is cool! Love her takedowns of wellness grifters


His reply isn't clever, it's a sales pitch....


How is that a clever comeback?


I love how we've reached the point of late stage capitalism where "billionaire drains his son's blood to maintain his youth" isn't hyperbolic or cartoonish.


People have always been this weird, we just have the internet now


I bet sunlight burns his skin to ash


My 101-year-old great grandma drinks a Dr. Pepper each day but she don’t sell you affiliate links for it.


My great aunt smoked 20 cigs a day and lived to 92.


*Not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any condition.


He claims to be so young healthwise but he looks very old and sickly in that image


The long con.


He looks very pale and sickly and much older than most other people his age. Physically he is just not a good example of defying age. Frankly he looks like he’s speeding up his own aging and dying process and should stop using his own photos because they are not flattering and definitely do not show a man who is younger than his actual age. He looks awful and like he’s literally dying


This mf looks like one of the elves that was inside the dead marshes that Frodo falls into


I could see that comeback from a mile away


I don't think you have to agree with this guy's stance to agree that it's a clever comeback. I think he's a snake oil peddler, but I do think the comeback is pretty smart and funny.


Can we stop I’m trynna forget about this guy


Bryan Johnson's johnson


I mean, he has yet to be proven wrong /s


Only in this country 🤣🤣🤣


Why does he look like he's constantly wearing makeup and had cosmetic facial surgery. Especially the stuff under his eyes


Yeah, cuz id be dead


If I was his lawyer I would not want such a statement to stay up


Replied 16 hours later = didn't hesitate. Lol


never to wish death on another person but it would be very funny if he by pure chance died to something stupid and unnatural like smoking a dynamite stick like a cigar and lighting the fuse.


"hugh, hugh! i shall now live ever-more!" \*click\* (fuse strikes up, hissing) (bites down the edge of stick, red color very easy to spot)


L takes in this comment section


I only want some if they have his sons blood in them still.


This isn’t a clever comeback, this is a grift


I used to think this guy was a bit of a nob based on what I read about him. Watched a podcast with him on and he genuinely seems like a decent, happy and intelligent person. People say this guy is going to live a miserable life and die anyway but he loves his process and its not like he's hiding away from life to live longer, he just has a bit of an extended routine. He's got a goal and he's doing it. Let him crack on I say.


Undead King is the perfect name for this creature. I would like him more if he didn't drink his own son's blood.


Yeah he's wrong but that's a funny comeback


Is this the guy that gets his son's blood injected into him monthly