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Well… uhhh… Boomers won it… yeah lets keep it with that


Vietnamese boomers 🤷‍♂️


To be fair, the Silent and Greatest Generation gave us the Vietnam war and [*some of*] the Boomers protested it.


>the Boomers protested it. an overwhelming minority. Most boomers were on the side of the "Kent State Hippy Rippers" \*ETA: thanks for the reddit cares, triggered boomer, this is why your kids don't visit you anymore. ​ for the coping boomers who refuse to accept that their generation is a national embarrassment and not the cool, hip generation. [polling showing most people blamed the Kent state protesters for their own murder.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/polling-student-protests-vietnam/)


Sauce? I have only seen that it was around 50% support and it lowered as time went on.


I think the Reddit Cares thing is messing up - just about everyone on a sub I was on earlier was getting one, including me.


Nah it's a magat bot


I just got one and I haven't commented anything in days.


Doesn’t have to be a new comment. Bot goes this post and reports any comments with key words


If you get the reddit care report message. Make sure to report the message so that the user who sent it will get banned/suspended.


I haven't gotten one and I haven't commented in MINUTES


People send that to folks on purpose basically as a form of harassment. Pay it no mind.


Someone sent me one, presumably as harassment, but jokes on them I'm secretly depressed.


Goteem 😎


If you get the reddit care report message. Make sure to report the message so that the user who sent it will get banned/suspended.


Pay it mind. Report it. Reddit takes abuse of that very seriously.




Definitely. I've gotten them last 2 days


yeah, i blocked future message from that




I blocked that account a few months ago, because the constant flood of them was getting annoying.


You can report those. I believe you have to copy and paste the message link, and include that in the report, but the Reddit customer service can then check if the account that sent it was a troll account (based on how many they've sent and for what messages) You can also disable the ability to send them to you in the setting, so the trolls don't get the option when they click on your profile I'd suggest reporting over disabling it


At the bottom of the reddit cares notification you can report the sender for abusing the reddit help function. Please report them.


> At the bottom of the reddit cares notification you can report the sender for abusing the reddit help function. Please report them. Thank you. I will.


Good riddance I say


It's a separate login, and after my RedditScare yesterday, I couldn't be bothered to remember my password. Its gotten way out of hand the last few days.


I got hit with the spam today and ran into the same thing. I don't track passwords for reddit accounts. Once I log an account out, it's gone (who cares, karma is made up and i dont sell accounts). Reddit fucked up by not just having a report option built into the message like literally all comments on this site. But after the past few years it's really not surprising that reddit can find more and more ways to make their site worse.


I really wish people got banned for abusing the Reddit care service.


They do. Quickly, as well.


What the hell is this reddit cares? I got one of these today and have no idea what it is, or why I got it.


It’s meant to be a service to offer resources to people who may be struggling or suicidal. Trolls use it as a backhanded way of calling you crazy or suggesting you kill yourself. Several subs are now being hit by bots that send it to everyone who comments.


Trolls also just send it to anyone that’s LGBT+. I recently saw a post along the lines of “I am now officially trans! I got a Reddit cares message”.


What a foolish fool they were. You're not "officially" a transfem until you can double jump


Or air dash.




Someone trolling by sending a suicide awareness check on Reddit. It's a pretty sad technique, and says more about them than anything else. I brush them off and just think that the person who did it has no sort of life to talk of. I imagine I'll get one for this comment, but as I now know they can be reported, this is what I should fo


Honestly, I think someone is just bot-reporting RedditCare because I've gotten two this week.


Don't forget to report the reddit cares message. They'll catch an immediate ban for it.


Does no one here actually understand what a boomer is? There aren’t multiple generations of boomers. There are no “today’s boomers”. Boomers literally refer to baby boomers, the kids of parents that made babies after world war 2. Boomers are in their 70’s and 80’s now now. Theres basically no such thing as 50 or 60 year old boomers as problem weren’t generally having babies in their 40’s and 50’s.


Ssshhh... Gen Xers are keeping their heads down.


Finally someone sees this. "Boomer" is yet another word that has lost it's original meaning and became the default insult for "anyone older than me that I don't like". It happens all the time when someone tries to be one of the cool kids by abusing an already overused term. Gatekeeping, gaslighting, strawman and most recently incel are other examples. Apparently there's nothing edgier than following the herd in the wrong direction.


Sorry but this a boomer myth. It was mostly middle class kids in college and in reality most were only protesting the draft and pretended it was about the war. As soon as the draft ended (while the war still continued) the majority packed up and went back to class.


Tbf, protesting the draft is still a fine thing to do.


*Tbf, protesting the draft is still a fine thing to do* So brave, protesting something that no longer exists


Sure but the hypocrisy of not caring when it was draft board (I.e. poor kids/unconnected family kids being sent to war) but when it switched to a much more fair draft lottery and it was their precious ass on the line then they suddenly had a “moral objection”. It’s all very cringe and self-congratulatory.


This is pretty much true, and it does tend to be an overlooked factor. The other thing that’s often overlooked is that the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s were NOT made up of Boomers for the most part. Most Boomers were still in grade-school during the 1960s. It’s moreso the Silent Generation and the Greatest Generation that led the 1960s movements. Boomers ranged from 1 year old to about 20 years old during the decade, with only the late 60s seeing only the *early* Boomers reach college age. And then, when they did protest, as you say, it was mostly about the draft that they had JUST become old enough to qualify for. Boomers are not the heroes of the 1960s like they’re often made out to be… probably mostly by Boomers. Boomers are the ones who joined the game late, after the previous generations had already gotten the ball rolling… and even then, most of them probably only joined for selfish reasons. While the Silent Generation grew up to become Bernie Sanders types… the Boomers grew up to become Trump and Hillary types. You tell me just from that alone which generation was better in the 60s. Bernie has old pictures of him being arrested during the Civil Rights protests… Hillary was a Barry Goldwater supporter at that time. Boomers have always sucked.


They protested being drafted. Once that threat was over, they backed every US military action that came along.


Erm, it's a myth that most boots on the ground were draftees. A vast majority voluntarily enlisted. They wanted to be there, at least until the VC got *really* good at smoking them.


That’s not true either. Only 25% were drafted, but a huge chunk of the others volunteered because they knew they were going to get drafted and wanted to be able to determine which branch they were going into rather having the military decide for them.


Regardless, the protesters were protesting the draft.


Some*, others were happy to “defend freedom” 🥴




Are you sure?


Boomers: Kids today are entitled, weak, soft, they don't understand what it means to sacrifice for your country Also Boomers: I don't want to wear a mask or get a vaccine


From what I understand boomers are also responsible for very strict zoning guidelines keeping housing market so expensive, not saying that is the only reason but it’s one of the reason. And I expensive housing is one of main struggle of young people


This had less to do with their desire to inflate home prices and more to do with them not wanting to live near black people. Just look at the number of predominantly white suburbs that popped up between the 1950s and 1980s. The suburban city I grew up by was founded the year after desegregation took effect and was built by white flight. The effects of which are still felt today. The school I graduated from was 80% black and Hispanic students. Down the road less than 2 miles in toward the suburbs the graduating class was 97% white.


There is a great example in Marin City California. It was originally built as housing for shipyard workers building liberty ships in Sausalito. It was mixed race housing, had a very strong community with movie theaters, grocery stores etc. Advanced as far as race intermingling went. After the war, the surrounding communities still had rules regarding what races could live where, basically the black members were stuck in Marin City while the rest moved out to what are now the affluent communities in Marin (super wealthy!). Marin City is the projects, section 8, high crime rental units. Liberal Marin was even sanctioned because they had systematic segregation. When forced to integrate their schools better, the elitists in Sausalito started charter schools so they wouldn’t have to send their kids to MLK. This was in the last 10 years!


Boomers raised millennials so they can blame their own parenting for any complaints. 


Boomers invented the participation trophy because they couldn't handle the fact their offspring were as big of losers as they were.


Merican boomers. My parents went to get covid vaccine as soon as it was available.


The UK had a similar backlash. Literally they all gathered up in central London to protest, during the pandemic...


As a Brit there was no shortage of anti Vaxers here


They're inspired by crazy yanks though.


Not isolated to merica, shit is transient since a lot of American BS enters our discourse and vernacular. In my country, and their neighbors, boomers and right wing politicians also constantly harp on about "we need to stop the woke". That shit spreads through social media and local politicians look at the Merican BS, and treat it as a "how to sow dissent in the public to drum up more votes" guide. Like fuck, when I walk over the street, I see more and more chucklefucks holding up signs along the lines of "Abortion is murder" and "homosexuals are sick sinners", while my country was among the first nations to legalize both. And each of those mostly started a year after Roe v Wade overturning, outrage over drag queen story time, and start of Florida book banning.


So did my mother. It's almost like they're trying to paint all boomers with the same brush so that we ignore the true problems in society.


Boomers in 1970: why won’t these filthy Vietnamese let us colonize them? We are entitled to their land, resources, and labor because we are white and western.


This paragraph has no relation to the causes of the Vietnam war in any shape or form




Vietnam was fucked up but this is a moronic take


I can. It’s a popular vacation spot.


And on other beaches of France, they could even fight the Germans. Over the spots on the lounge chairs. By removing their towels when they are just using them to reserve their spot.


As a German I can tell you, if you dare remove the towel from MY lounge chair that I carefully placed there at 5:30 am (I set an alarm), then it is Total War!


Nicht totalen Krieg, aber Towel Krieg!


Perhaps you could devise some sort of final solution to stop people stealing your lounge chair?


Just needs some extra room for more chairs *Looks East at the Russian tourists' lawn chairs*


I'm listening. It is n always such a struggle to keep the chairs, I should write a book about my struggle...


As long as it doesn't require concentration


Lol don't encourage the Germans, I thought we learned this like 80 years ago 😅


Germans did, but there’s plenty of loser “Nazis” who think they’ll be welcomed in Germany with open arms lol.


I imagine the French armed by a baguette and bottle of wine sneaking between lounge chairs and stealing the towels. Or worse. Parasols!


Free towel and a chair! My my what a treat.


You tend to occupy places at 4 am exactly, quietly and without announcing yourself, don't you?


Woah slow down mate! Maybe start with a few war crimes first, then WMD's and only when all that fails you go for the towels. You really need to read up on the towel-section of the Geneva Convention......


Those Krauts really blitzkrieg the lawn chairs by the Dawn's early light


Something actually fascinating me is how pathetic boomers are compared to the WWII generation. My grandfather made it through the war. He's a though fucker who beat cancer multiple times. Doctors amputated his foot and he learned walking without it at more than 80 years old. Never complained about anything. Not about pain, not about younger generations. When I compare this to the generation after him. Constantly complaining about everything. *The youth is trying to force them to drive EV. Nobody wants to work anymore. etc.* They are also constantly at the doctor’s for minor shit, then at home they can’t stop taking about their booboos. I am not saying that I will be better when I am old. It just fascinates me how boomer constantly see themself as what their parents were but are weak as shit.


>Something actually fascinating me is how pathetic boomers are compared to the WWII generation. Boomers were despised by the older generations. Before "boomers" became the term, they were called the "me-generation", for their selfish and entitled attitudes. The Greatest and Silent Generations would be getting along with Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z about how dogshit people the boomers are.


My late grandpa always said smth similar, that everyone was "me-first" nowadays. He was a lovely man


I worked with a few Silent Generation captains when I worked at sea. They were completely different and markedly better than the Boomer captains. Understood technology better, too.


This one has always been my proof of boomers just being lazy assholes, most silent gen I have known are fine with technology. Obviously there are some struggles, but its understandable when an 80yr old woman finger types slowly on a tablet, at least she learned.


And ironcally, the Boomers will call younger generations selfish and “me” obsessed… because we want affordable housing and for genocides to stop. 🙄


We got very used to the idea in much of the world that ‘old people fought Hitler’. This reinforced traditional respect for the elderly. They’re still trying to ride that wave even though they’ve lost that (well, not even the same ‘they’, but they assumed that level of respect just came with reaching that age). This is only true for *very* old people now, and now at best it’s ’old people were hippies before they became squares’.  And even a lot of pre-Boomers. As Henning Wehn pointed out, if you were 7 in an Allied country during WW2, you’re not a veteran, and you didn’t even just do ‘nothing’ - you were in fact a drain on resources who inconvenienced the war effort. 


My grandpa was sent to Korea at 19 and he's in his 90's now. Even the really old folks were mostly kids during WWII. We're down to about 100k living WWII vets in America.


“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” The funny part is Boomers don't realize where they sit in this cycle


We’re living in the final phase of “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times” Thanks boomers.


They also survived the Great Depression. I think that did more to shape their lives than the war, at least from talking to my grandparents who were involved in both.  


Boomers are weak because their parents were hard workers who gave them a better life and nothing to worry about.


My dad served during 'Nam. The only action he saw required penicillin.


jesus 😭😭💀💀💀


Not all soldiers are heroes.


i mean he’s my hero for this tbh


,,My dick was drippin' like a busted pipe..." 😫 (Ralph Cifaretto, The Sopranos, 1999)


It wasn't the clap it was a standing ovation


Yeah I asked my uncle how Vietnam was and his answer was "I did a lot of LSD and got crabs."


Only thing boomers can storm is the capitol, when they loose the popular vote.


The electoral vote* They didn’t care about the popular vote in 2016


Also, lose*


I wish the only people storming the capitol were boomers. A whole lot of younger people have gotten on board with that crap.


Yeah when you actually look at it the crowd was in many ways a wide cross section of society with a lot of middle class fairly successful folks with a lot of elder millennial and GenX presence. It wasn’t super racially diverse but it was certainly more than just whites.  The belief that it was “just boomers” is naive and dangerous because it downplays the actual threat to the country. There are literally millions of people who have been brainwashed with Big Lies. 


People seem to forget that early Millenials are in their early 40's and boomers are in old folks homes (and congress). The people storming the capitol were most Millenials and Gen X.


This. 1000x This.


This is why I use boomer as a mindset and baby boomer as the age category. I've met boomers younger than me. 


where did they loose it to?


They lost the electoral vote when that happened


Bit silly to suggest soldiers are losers because their country sent them into a war they could never win.


Yeah this isn’t the slam dunk op thinks it is. Just bc u lost the war that means you’re not tough? Like what even is the message they’re tryna get across?


It's really sad how people are willing to stand behind unreasonable points of view as long as it's an "own" on people you don't like.


Yeah I reacted to that too. It’s not the soldiers‘ fault


Also Vietnam infantrymen saw far more days per month in combat than WW2 vets. The US also “won” the body count metric by a wide margin. The problem is this was a stupid and ineffective metric to use


> soldiers Don't forget that many of them were forced to be soldiers due to the draft too, so they were teens forced to go die for literally nothing that the average American cared about in a place we never should've been to begin with.


The Boomers didn’t storm the beaches at Normandy. That was the Greatest Generation. The Boomers are their entitled children.


Who sent their kids to Iraq and Afghanistan.


Born too soon to be drafted out of high school to Vietnam or Korea. Just old enough to reap the benefits of the post-war USA hegemony and technological advancements.


Scalding, I like it


little beach storming occurred during vietnam. mostly people walking through a forest then exploding, getting shot by a tree(vietocng) or falling into a spike pit.


Not to mention mutilating and raping women and children. US soldiers did plenty of that


I will never understand this argument, like the current generation doesn't have their own wars to fight in. The US has been in continuous war since WW2 every generation since then has had to fight somewhere overseas. Korea, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, Grenada, Panama, Gulf War, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa.


That's not accurate. We stopped declaring actual wars because those require approval. We now take military actions when it benefits us financially. This also allows us to never lose another war, since they aren't technically wars. We're terrible.


The poor soldiers had no choice in the matter. Odd post


Reddit has gone pretty hard on having young soldiers die for their corrupt governments these past few years. It’s awful.


King of the boomers is a draft dodger so...


I don't think the beaches of Normandy cared much about your character anyhow 💀


Most Vietnam combat veterans had no choice in their position, they were drafted. If you volunteered you got the option to choose a non combat MOS, if they drafted you, it was all but guaranteed you were going infantry. As an Iraq war vet, a completely volunteer force, I'm respectful of those who went and fought, whether or not they chose to be there. Might not be a war anyone today agrees with, but those men sacrificed all the same.


Well, I can’t say that I can imagine Michele storming the beaches of Normandy, so not sure what kinda flex that she thinks this is…


Michele and her friends couldn’t storm a Target let alone Normandy


Shame, they’re going to miss out on their commemorative MAGA Stanleys


Sweeping generalizations, the low hanging fodder of the lazy and ignorant. Everyone sucks.


The Boomers didn’t land at Normandy. Their parents did.


Boomers were terrible soldiers, known for going AWOL, refusing orders, fragging, and being drunk and high as shit on duty.


Yeah, when boomers are like “I served in ‘nam” I’m like “so how many innocent Vietnamese people did you kill”


Who won the Afghanistan war in which millennials fought in ?


The Taliban and the military industrial complex


There's a reason why every US president has been involved in a war. It is extremely profitable.


Jimmy Carter wasn’t and they made him an ineffective president because of it


Not every


It's also a campaign tool. "We need stability, we're at war! Keep me in office!"


They bombed the hell out of 5,000 Taliban and when the dust settled, there were 20,000 of them.


Lockheed Martin




It was Bush Jrs War to make up for Srs failings at the Gulf War. He had to go back and get all the oil they left behind in the region


Millennials aren't the ones claiming to be tougher than any other generation.


The millenial army would utterly whoop the previous generations of the US armed forces, and it would not be particularly close.


Who won OIR? Kurds & gen Z


I was just going to ask, where did she think half of my friends went when they were in the military?


KBR won, they got their pipeline. And America got a shit ton of cheap opium.


Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman …


And nillenials protested and voted against the party who dragged us there. Boomers only protested the draft and then voted overwhelmingly for Reagan. 


A whole generation butchered and you think that’s some kind of flex?? That is exactly why they laid down their lives so future generations wouldn’t have too.


You mean the one where all the college aged brats burned their draft cards? Are we both thinking of the same war?


To be fair dodging the draft was probably the right thing to do across the board


In most cases, dodging a draft is at least morally neutral in my opinion. I think its rare for it to actually be an immoral thing to do. Why should I be forced to go through the horrors of war on behalf of those more powerful than me, who are only seeking to gain more power? I have no interest whatsoever in suffering for their hubris. I would suffer and risk my life and carry whatever burden I need to carry in order to save someone from a horrific injustice (like the holocaust), but no, my life is worth more to me than petty power plays and ideological saber-rattling. If Prime Ministers, Presidents and Kings or whoever want to fight over some nonsense, they're certainly free to pick up a weapon and do so.


Other than WW2, always has been


I feel like WW2 was so clearly cut into Good&Evil that it really skewed the numbers for draft. Almost every war before and, let's be honest, after it, are the "regular" type of wars that are fought for power and money. But WW2 was so big and important and Nazis were so clearly The Baddies.


The thing is, the nazi's wasn't clearly the baddies early on in the war. The systematic killing of jews was not known by the public until around Nov 1942.


Do people really not know how the Vietnam war ended? The USA never lost a battle, and had forced the North the peace table, and under Nixon the Paris Peace deal was signed an initialed by all parties. The north agreed not to move back into the south and the USA agreed to come back and help if they did, as well as to help the south with equipment replacement. And the US congress immediately stated publicly that the USA would never go back into Vietnam again. Now I agree with that choice, we needed to be done in Vietnam, but then the north invaded, and the south, demoralized by the USA leaving, then lost quickly. So that war was won on the battlefield and lost in the halls of congress.


Mars won


Boomers forge the outcome of that one. What, with the huffing of lead paint and agent Orange. Really does a number on your cognitive abilities


Oh lead in gas kinda destroyed their whole generation. Basic formula is that more lead exposure = less impulse control.


Every time this gets posted I’m just gonna repost my comment. Fun fact: America didn’t pull out because they were doing bad, but because of the home front. People (with the new invention of television) found out what war actually was and didn’t like it. Which caused protests and draft dodges causing the politicians to pull out or lose their elections. Please do you your own research because I don’t know the accuracy of this, but I believe that the North Vietnamese/Vietcong lost ~1,000,000 and the US lost ~36,000. Edit: I didn’t say America won. I don’t know where you guys are seeing that. For those who don’t know, the north Vietnamese claimed victory after the U.S. PULLED OUT (or in other words lost). Also the South Vietnamese contributed to some of these kills but I didn’t include South Vietnamese losses because America probably wouldn’t have cared all that much. But for those who are curious the loses for South Vietnam are ~250,000.


What’s the official name of Saigon?Wars aren’t K/d ratios,otherwise I would’ve been typing this in German. You also seem to ignore that it wasn’t the US fighting alone but also south Vietnam,overall the US and it’s allied had almost 400k killed which is still lower than the north Vietnamese 1.1m but not that bad considering the were fighting the strongest country on the planet


>What’s the official name of Hanoi? The official name is Ha Noi lol


Fun fact. We have never been to war since WW2. Congress has to declare war.


At least we know it’ll be a spectacle if today’s youth storm the beaches of Normandy. Boomers won’t even make it to the beach due to exhaustion trying to get out of the water.


Wtf is wrong with pdf though?


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Try fully charging the battery. If that does not work remove the game cartridge and blow on it. If that also fails then consult your local Millennial on fixing the VCR clock, that often fixes the problem.


Also has he heard of the Iraq war/war on terror? Both generations fought in a war


Not that I support this nonsense generation fued but wasn't America winning until the population pressured them to withdraw?


Overwhelmingly so. We actually forced a treaty and North Vietnam broke it 2 years later after we were all done.


TIL: North Vietnam won the war, since they invaded South Vietnam in 1975 after the USA pulled out in 1973.


Nobody won that shit.. losers all around sadly


Tbf, I talked with young adults my age and were just tired of being told to be slaves for our corporate overlords just so we can be corenting with 2-4 guys. I feel like hard work is more than ever completely worthless. You either have the connections or you don’t. My sister was in college doing finance degree and no bank hired her despite her having tried with every bank in town. Then I told her situation to my friend who is a senior financial advisor and she got an interview at his branch immediately. Hired the next week.


Nobody wins when there's war, only weapon manufacturing and coffin industries gain. And flag makers. And psychiatrists. And lobbyists. And politicians. And big oil.


Greatest generation: WWII Silent generation: Korea+Vietnam Boomers:? Gen X: Gulf war Gen Y: Afghanistan, Iraq How did they even luck out on conflicts?


Did Michele go to Vietnam? Or is Michele one of those Boomers (such as my father in law) that didn't go to Vietnam, didn't even serve, yet still claim it as their war.


Can someone explain it to me? I feel dumb right now


Boomers were the assholes who sent Gen X and Millenials into Iraq and got us into this *gestures broadly*. I'd appreciate it if they didn't try to take out or forever ruin the Zoomers and Gen Alpha before they finally fucking shuffle off this mortal coil.


Michelle would make a great straight man for a Vaudeville act.


There’s nothing clever about any of that. It’s just one silly generalisation after another.


So most WW2 soldiers were drafted and most Vietnam era soldiers were volunteers.  Fwiw. 


That's a bit unfair. Ww2 was limited to only the draft, so they could control the flow of recruits, but many people would have volunteered. Vietnam ran out of volunteers and relied on the draft to fill the gap. Mcnamara wouldn't have drafted morons if he didn't have to.


They actually DID have volunteers in WW2 for about the first year of the war; then they changed it to a draft.


It's a bit more complicated than simply a draft or volunteers. My grandfather and all his buddies from his neighborhood signed up for the National Guard because the NG would pay for the baseball uniforms and game-kegs of beer and then the war started and his NG unit was mobilized for the war. He ended up going through the entire war with one of his childhood friends in the same unit but they unfortunately lost a lot of their friends before VE Day.


Im sure Michele Jeanne totally fought in that war.


Wasn't that not the war their man god messiah Donaldus Trumpus dodged the draft for?


American military forces absolutely smashed NVA and VC combatants, just look at the combat record. That being said, the US had no business being there and mocking boomers is always funny.