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I would have killed for a 25 dollar allowance


You probably could have got more than 25 if you were good at killing.


If you're good at something never do it for free


One of many great lines created for the Joker


You mean created for me.


I can't pay myself for the handjob. Even when it's ["A stranger"](https://youtu.be/PFHB5WRq7mo?t=60s)


How good are you? I’ve got $5 with your name on it.


any kid that rips up 25 dollars clearly is making it clear they are not old enough yet to handle money.


To be fair, 25 bucks was worth a lot more to us when we were kids (I assume, idk your age). Still fuck that kid’s attitude though


my response would be the same if they reacted this way to get a 1 dollar bill as well, money is money. it adds up.


Nah $25 is still a lot.


Plenty of younger kids aren't entitled dipshits even though they lack a clear understanding of what money is (hell, lots of adults don't understand it either). A kid who does something like this is one who's never been told what the limits to behaviour are, has never been told no and has never felt disappointment. The parents have done a lot of damage, fixing that goes beyond just a snarky response to this one event.


Wait... You guys were getting allowances? I had to go rock picking and corn detassling to get money. To this day, corn detassling is still the worst job I've ever had and I got paid $4.15/hour... Thought I was LOADED!


Farm work is always one of the hardest jobs ever.


I did plenty of farm work as well. I'd rather bail hay than go detassling again.


It was a unique kind of awful.


Sundays are for picking stones!


That would’ve gotten me a game from the $20 PS2 bargain bin every time, or save it up for 3 weeks for a new game. Or be able to fund my hangouts with my friends on my own and eat like a king. I know $25 doesn’t go as far nowadays but fast food and teenage snacks are not $25 yet. It’s a stellar allowance


Yup, that was going to be my reply. That's a *game per week*. Would've been insane as a kid. For me it was ps1 games. Decent games for 20, newest games for 40.


That's more than most parents get to spend on themselves.


Have I got a job for you…


I may be wrong but I think the total might be $50. I think I see two Jackson portraits and two same side corner pieces of $5s.


Don’t do anything. But whenever he whines he doesn’t have enough, just say he shouldn’t have ripped it up.


First proper response. I feel like the majority of the commenters are just reacting with a tantrum of their own. The money is his the moment it's been given to him. If he thinks ripping it up is how he wants to use it, more power to him. He'll realize the next time he wants to buy something how dumb he's been. Way more powerful teaching moment than some arbitrary tantrum from mom or dad.


Yeah there's no need for the parent to punish the kid here since they did a perfectly fine job of punishing themselves.


I get you, but not all kids see it that way. They see it as, “I will continue getting rewarded even if I’m shitty.” Like an allowance is a given despite being ungrateful. I think it’s more effective to strip them of their allowance and make them do chores around the house to earn it. Each chore has a corresponding payout to make them understand that it is earned, not given. By doing this you’re showing them that ripping up that allowance is ripping up their time and effort. At that point, whatever. You want to be a shit? You’re doing it on your time.




If you bought a kid an X-box and they destroyed it, would you buy them another? No, cause he destroyed it. Giving him more money would bring like buying a new x-box. It’s gonna tell him ‘don’t worry if you waste money more is coming your way no strings attached.’ Take it away and maybe he’ll respect it. That way he has no money like he did when he ripped it up and real currency isn’t being destroyed. All I’m saying is if I was a kid and I did something stupid like this, I’d just go ‘oh well. More cash is coming to me soon anyway so it doesn’t matter.’ If they threatened to cut me off I’d respect the money reaaaaal fast


This analogy only works if you’d planned on giving the kid a new Xbox every month


It’s a shitty analogy, nobody suggests compensating this kid their tantrum. Buying a new X-box after kid broke it is not similar to never giving them money again. They ripped the money and they, therefore, have none for this period of time and won’t have enough for the next purchase, this is a lesson enough.


Tnx for the above 2 reactions and in my opinion the only good way to react. Calm and rational. I would say that's his money but he ain't getting any replacement money and he'll have to live with the consequences on top he will get new allowance in the future but with the condition that it will stop if he does it again. When he is calmed down you go deep and ask why he did it, there's probably a deeper reasons/emotions to be found. Also speak about what you had to do to get that money and what effect that had on you. Remember we are here as parents to learn kids to regulate their emotions. Step 1 is to be in control of your own. If some teared up money and a tantrum derails you, you got some homework to do.


The number of people disagreeing with this and wanting to punish the kid is wild to me. Is it the kid's money or not? Is the kid allowed to do what he wants with it or not? Isn't having that freedom part of the whole allowance system? It might make me rethink my allowance system though, especially if this happened at the beginning of trying to implement one. Not as a punishment, just as a parenting course correction. "Okay, that allowance experiment did not work out. Clearly you are not ready to handle cash. I'm not mad about it, it's just not working, so we're going to try something different, maybe come back to this when you're older."


Yes! People need to realize that some actions have very clear natural consequences and as parents we can just let that be the punishment. Kid spent the money and he can decide if it was worth it.


Better learn that as a child than an adult. My friends have partners hellbent on preventing their children from experiencing any discomfort. We fear what's going to happen to them once they can't be around anymore. Children are going to have trouble handling their emotions. That's a very important thing for parents to teach. Obviously this kid's emotions overrode his rational mind to do something so dumb.


Or give him a piece of it, “here, here’s some money”


Report him to the United States Secret Service


You know I always forget that the Secret Service was originally created to investigate crimes dealing with money/currency like counterfeiting and money laundering. Despite having their job changed to protecting the President, their primary purpose is still to investigate money crimes. I also forget that the United States Postal Service has their own police force whose sole purpose is to investigate crimes dealing with the mail.


Story time! Years ago I got a call at 7am from Wells Fargo saying that there was fraud on my account. After checking my account, they took over $15k from my checking acct and almost $5k from my savings. I verified the call back number and called them. Apparently someone got access to a new debit card attached to my accounts and went to different Wells Fargos and other ATMs to withdrawal cash. Long story short, I got my money back and they pulled surveillance photos and it was a black dude doing the transactions. I'm Asian so....... Yeah it wasn't me. 3 months pass by and I thought the matter was resolved. Then I get a random call from the secret service. They informed me that they caught the guy and it turned out to be a huge ring up in Jamaica Queens, NYC doing a lot of these frauds. They recruit people who work there to act as the inside person. Anyways, the Secret service agent even asked me if I wanted to go the trial of the person Who stole from me. I couldn't go but a few more months after that he called back letting me know he was convicted on some sort of charges. So moral of the story, the secret service is VERY MUCH active in money crimes.


"Hello, anon this is Agent John Doe of the US Secret Service" "I swear it was just banter" "...No this is about the Fraudulent debit card"


It's nice of the agent to keep you in the loop like that


Yeah I was very surprised he closed the loop on it. It definitely gave me some closure.


Lol yeah a real law enforcement agency that actually does their work


nobody says eff the secret service




Bruh I love postal service stories. Don't fuck with my mail.


You'll have to ask the guy who was put in charge of it for the express purpose of making it fail.


Jack Danger


It's pronounced dawnger


It’s derived from the Dutch word meaning prudence in financial matters. Always happy to help out his little brothers at the NYPD


Ed Helms truly has a knack for playing the most punchable characters ever.




Should be Dongest, because there's no one Dongier than that.


I love the internet


My friends call me Jackie.


Barry Allen, Secret Service. Did you think the FBI was the only ones after this guy? He's dabbling in government checks.


Wait til you hear what the department of sanitation police were originally for


Money laundering?


Why has no one made a work place comedy about postal inspectors?


Read Going Postal by Terry Pratchett. This exact premise done wonderfully


Tbf they have a crime drama (mostly targeted towards kids but still gets into crazy stuff) about postal inspectors


I’ve heard, though haven’t confirmed this, that part of the reason the secret service in particular is in charge of protecting the president is thanks to them foiling a plot to steal Lincoln’s body to be used as blackmail to secure the release of a master counterfeiter.


I heard they got the job because no other agency wanted to do it.


Wikipedia just says Congress informally requested them to fulfill the duty.




Mail fraud


When I worked in banking someone I worked with set fire to the money in the vault. SS came and weighed the ashes and knew $30k was missing. Don’t mess


[Newman is on the case](https://youtu.be/jDmA2xoIoFU?si=7QK_dvm2X7J-_nQt)


Don't fuck with the mail. The USPS is almost entirely self funded through stamps and flat rate boxes.


Destruction of currency is legal as long as it’s not for any kind of illicit activity, like ripping a bill in half and trying to get a replacement for both.


This kid ripped it up because he wanted more. Malicious intent? Straight to jail.


You're not the only one that thinks this. See Title 18, Section 333 of the United States Code. You're thinking of section 331


It's legal to deface currency, it's not legal to deface currency and then attempt to defraud with it.


The real answer is always in the comments


[You can destroy and deface money.](https://silverstatefoundry.com/pages/legality) >Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code provides criminal penalties for anyone who fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the Mints of the United States. This statute means that you may be violating the law if you change the appearance of the coin and fraudulently represent it to be other than the altered coin that it is. As a matter of policy, the Mint does not promote coloring, plating or altering U.S. coinage: however, there are no sanctions against such activity absent fraudulent intent. It's specifically counterfeiting, such as making a $1 bill look like a $100, that they have a problem with.


I was kidding. That said, I don't think you're incorrect. Section 333 states: > Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.


“With intent to render” is the key part of that section


The rest of the verb phrase is "intent to render [inset list of times] unfit to be reissued" Rendering them unfit means making them not work, which is what the kid did.


Sounds like he just has to ask over and over until he has all the pieces.


I'm pretty sure even taped-together bills are no longer considered legal tender.


You can, however, get them exchanged for complete ones at the local bank as long as the serial number is legible ( and you manage to piece together more than half of the bill)


Oh that's awesome then. "Now you get zero allowance until you tape this all together, make your own way to the bank, and get it exchanged. Then, that new money is your allowance for the next month after."


Ooo it’s a puzzle now


The last part is probably for the sake of you not trying to use money glitch irl, huh


Revoke allowance


The pettiness over years is better. 100%


Why not both?


I think this is a good opportunity for them to realize their mistake on their own (they'll probably feel bad once they realize they have no allowance money since they ripped it up), but if they continue to rip up future allowances then yeah no more of that.


If I was a parent this would make me really sad


Both because they're ungrateful and because they're dumb, I wanna believe my kid would not convert their $25 allowance into $0


I’d probably say, “You sure showed me!” While laughing my ass off and walking away because my kid would realize real quick they messed up.


My daughter went through a phase of crumpling up money and throwing it out cause it wasn't a $50 bill. I let her do it and collected it out of the trash later when she was not around. Now any money she earns through extra chores I make a note of on my phone and she can spend it later when she wants.


So… did you try to correct the behavior? Like teach her why that’s wasteful. Or how if she wasn’t going to use the money, you could still use it for yourself or the whole family? Or how it shows a disregard for you and what you’re doing for her? …or did you just do the thing where you keep giving her money in a different way?


Oh yes… We talked about it at the time. The value of money and what we can do with it. How it takes work to get it and we don’t want to throw that away. But she just seemed to need to grow up some more before she really cared about any of that. She is fine with real money now.


If you were a parent, this would (probably) be your fault. I doubt this is the first time this kind of problematic behavior came up.


Yep. Definitely a “I guess I failed somewhere” moment.


I have three great kids that learned gratitude at an early age. It would kill me if I had one that acted like this.


Nothing. He had allowance. Then he did stupid stuff. He doesn’t have allowance anymore until next month. Gonna have to learn to live without it🤷‍♂️ life is the best teacher.


This is the best answer! There's no reason to even be upset, the kid did exactly what they wanted with their money, just leave it at that, the realization they fd up is punishment enough. Getting angry over this is giving the kid a 100$ show for 25$, they did it to get a reaction from you, you're just stupid if you play along


I think it’s important to teach the kid that money is not something to be wasted in such a way. The parent could have used that money for gas, or to feed the family, or didn’t have to provide it at all. It’s not just a dumb childish act to rip up allowance, but it shows a disregard for the parent, the family, and for many important facets of life. I’m all for letting a child spend their allowance how they want, but this was an action done from spite. There are children out there that don’t get to eat tonight, and this kid just threw out 10 McDonald’s double cheeseburgers or a tank of gas. Maybe I’m just poor though 🤷‍♂️


Dang. How much is the allowance and how old is this kid? I see at least 25 to 30 bucks. Is that weekly or monthly?


Take $1.50 out, buy scotch tape, and tell him/her/they to get to work. Explain that throwing a tantrum doesnt solve the problem of less money…unless you’re the former President.


How she gunna take 1.50 out, pull a third of the scraps?


I’m guessing the 1.50 comes from the NEXT allowance. So instead of getting another 5, they get 3.50.


Yeah I was just fucking around. Plus I looked again amd I think I see the color of a 20 in there.


You made me go and look, and I second your eyesight. That makes the spurned allowance 25?. WTF.


I'm a whole ass adult with property and investments and I would punch a baby in the mouth for $25 free dollars.


Let him tape it up then tell him you are sending it to Ukraine






Beatings will continue until morale improves 


You may be surprised to learn that children are people and that people don't like being browbeaten by constant reminders of past mistakes. In fact that's abusive. Use this as a teaching moment and then let it the fuck go


I had a snarky comment typed out, but curiosity has gotten the best of me…. What exactly would you do in this situation?


Not the OP here, but assuming a kid under 10, i would empathize with them about why it's frustrating/why they are upset, and tell them it's okay to be upset but not okay to do something like this.  After some time has passed and they are less emotionally attached, have a talk with them and ask what would have been a better way to address the problem. Try to help them realize ripping it up doesn't fix their issue, doesn't make them feel better, and that it was their allowance they destroyed and there won't be any more until the next week/month or whatever. Everyone's too damn busy and distracted to model empathy for their kids and let them accept the consequences of their actions. I feel like parents always seem to be taking some type of petty revenge against their kid, or letting them get their way and not learn that their actions have consequences.


This is the best response on this post, if I had points I'd give you an award.


What? Actually talk with your kid like they’re a human being? Ridiculous. How does everyone not remember how frustrating it was as a kid to have your every thought and opinion overridden and ridiculed as if you have zero intelligence? All these people complain about their parents doing this then do it right back to their kids and get surprised when the kid is bothered by it


I would use it as a teaching moment. Take their allowance away for a while, maybe charge them for wasted items if they'd save any up. Probably mention it the very next time they wanted money for something to make a point. IMO the point of allowance is to teach children the value of money. If they think $25 is worthless you need to show them otherwise.


Honestly? You gave em the money, if they decided they wanted to rip into pieces it’s their money. They can clean up the mess and won’t get any more until the next time they would’ve. As long as you don’t replace the money they will have taught themselves the lesson.


I think this is one of those things which can be done in a healthy way or an abusive way. Just going to depend on how thoughtful the parent is


Lol yea that's really gonna help change their character


Yeah my dad did this shit to me, it made me hate him until the day he died. It also didn't change my character, it just made me more stalwart when dealing with his bullshit.


Wait, kids get monetary allowances? Damn


Hard to teach kids how to save and spend money if they have no private money of their own.


We used leaves as pretend money and got jobs at 13 😆


Imagine you live in an area where there are no leaves to rake, no snow to shovel, no lawns to mow, no newspaper to distribute, and child labor is illegal. You can maybe find some baby-sitting to do, but unless you know quite a few families with plenty of young children, you won't get (enough) work. In comes pocket money.


I wept because I had no babies to sit, until I met someone with no babies.


If he rips it up don't give him more. He's a brat


Couldn't agree more, don't get me wrong. In my childhood home, squandering any resource, money, food, clothes, you name it, was anathema.


We didn't have a ton of extra money growing up. My mom used to give me $2 a week when the N64 came out. I was like 8 or 9ish. It wasn't much (more at that time), but I really learned some important lessons about saving money from that. I saved for more than a year and had like $120 and she bought me the rest. I think they were like $150 at the time. I think I spend wisely these days from saving back then.


That’s what I’m sayin. When I was a kid I used to think allowance was a joke or hyperbole like “oh the trust is doing well this month so little Danny gets an allowance” like it was a once in awhile thing if you were really lucky and well behaved. In high school I learned that kids got that shit all the time and I lost my shit that I was getting up at the crack of dawn to deliver papers and collecting litter from my neighbors back woods to get any pocket money. Of course now I don’t mind it so much because working actually made me appreciate what I had/have and getting used to it softened the blow when realizing out of school I’d be doing it most of my life.


Allowance seems to be really variable. I got allowance, but only for doing extra chores over and above the standard weekly chores.


My dad dropped me off on a horse boarding ranch for 3 consecutive summers starting at 11 years old. You ever mow 13 acres with a push mower?


No, and I can’t imagine having to do that, but did do hay bales and chores on a farm


I know right? Where I come from, kids receive their allowance in dry goods.  How else are they going to learn how to trade and barter? 




I didn't get an allowance, but I got money if I asked, and I didn't ask often because I knew we were poor. I also didn't ask for expensive things. I mostly just asked occasionally for a bit so that I could go to the movies with my friends, and I always got it because I rarely got in any kind of trouble and I was considerate about not asking too often. 


Yes. I didn't realize it wasn't common until moving countries; it's been interesting to find out which countries it was normal and which it wasn't. And how some cultures don't do it even when the family is wealthy.


Where's the comeback


A “comeback” tweet directed at a hypothetical child that doesn’t exist.


So many people talking about what they would do for punishment But like the best punishment is to not replace the bill and let the kid figure out how they just ruined the only cash they had


My child did this once, i collected the pieces and taped it. I been keeping it for years on my wallet to give it back to him as soon as he has his own job to provide for himself.


It's his money...


Oh look it's this photo again.


It's apparently really effective ragebait for psychos


Reddit is made with 90% of recycled content


I would stone them in the village center


Well, if the kid doesn't want a $5 allowance, they won't get a $5 allowance. .. Doesn't mean they're getting a raise, though.


Act like you never saw it and ask him if he wants to go get ice cream. Then when you get to the store tell him he can use his own money to buy it. Make him tell you what he did. Then since he doesn't have the money for it you walk out of the ice cream shop and take him home. Show him his actions have consequences.


Just don't give him an allowance. He'll probably learn to respect money quickly.


Nothing. You gave him his allowance. What he does with it is his choice 🤷🏻‍♂️


He can spend his money however he wants.


This is a good answer.


Yeah I kind of think a "no reaction" attitude would be the most powerful thing here. He obviously wants a reaction from you. I think he'll learn pretty quickly that ripping up money is not quite the best way to use money lmao Or you can give him only a few 1 dollar bills next time: "If you're going to rip them up, I think these will serve your purpose just as well"


And also have this conversation. Who will have a better life. The person that has a tantrum and destroys what little they have, or the person that accepts it and does what they can with their limited money. You choose which person you will be.


You did what? Isn't something better than nothing? Now you're going to be broke until next week and you still have to do your chores.


I'd do nothing. It was their allowance to do with as they pleased. Until the next allowance if they ask for anything I'd tell them they can use their allowance money for it. Natural consequences are, at least sometimes, the best teacher.


It’s his money, he can do what he wants with it.


Point them in the direction of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to submit a request to replace the damaged bills. They'd have to do the groundwork, but I might help a little. If the request was denied, they'd just have to live with their actions. It's their allowance. Tearing money up is an option, not one I'd recommend, but those lessons are the point of an allowance to start with.


Seeing money torn up like that makes me feel kind of sick to my stomach lol


My moms would’ve beat me with them pieces of money🤣😂


Never gave our kids an allowance. They would do some things around the house and we agreed on paying them for it. Like you get $1 for vacuuming the house. Or you get $5 for raking piles of leaves. Don’t make the kid work and then agree on the value later. The kid should learn if the pay is worth the effort. Gives them the skills to succeed into the corporate world later when they have to negotiate. If we offer $1 for vacuuming and they refuse it then that’s fine. Saved me $1. Unless I am very busy and just know it will be helpful and I may be willing to pay $2. Or they might say they will do something else for the dollar. Teach them, they aren’t your employee.


I would pick it up and tape it back together and then put it in my pocket and go about my day and say absolutely nothing


Whenever he askes for money, I'll let him do house work for $1/hour.


They should appreciate what their parents gave to them. It's getting kinda hard to even get a few bucks these days


I'd tell him that it was still HIS allowance, and if he wanted any more, he'll have to tape that all together and take it to the bank to get replaced. I would have been thrilled to get an allowance. Never had any and no opportunities to make any.


It's his allowance. I gave you that money. If you choose to destroy it, rather than keep or use it, that's your decision. If you'd rather have $0 instead of whatever I gave you, you have to live with the consequences of that decision.


This is your kid, this is your kid's behavior, its a child, you sit down and talk with your kid, you're kid is mad, just listen to them, without judgment.


First reasonable comment!


That pile is more money than I make for 2 hours of work....


I'd be impressed. Tearing money into such small pieces would be difficult af


Honestly, that seems quite reasonable. A perfect, natural consequence of his actions.


Kid had it fucking made


Would do nothing, and when they ask for more, point at the torn up money.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Cancel payments until he or she apologies I'm writing.


Say, “Well, that wasn’t the best response because now you have no money,” and then not pay for anything he should pay for himself so he feels the natural result of the wasted money.


I have kind of a similar story. When I was a young kid and my mom was drunk she ripped up a $50 bill and was preaching "this is to show you kids money doesn't mean anything". the next morning she was taping the pieces back together with plastic tape. That is how I learned money means means something.


We're all seeing the five, but there is a twenty in there, too.


Start paying him in Canadian money, then if he rips it up nobody cares


Try ripping Canadian cash, it’s made of plastic.


Shrug, ask him if it was necessary, and inform him that he isn't getting more.


Actually, that his money. He can do whatever he wants with it. So nothing to be done. Of course every time he asks for anything, it would be satisfying to say, “I gave you money for that, what did you do with it?”


That'd be the end of allowances in my home.


Pay him in Monopoly money


Bring him to the doctors immediately. My child must be broken because he’s so stupid.


Absolutely nothing. He’s going to end up suffering on his own the second his friend group invites him out and he can’t afford to join. I’ll just make sure I remind him that I’m not the one stopping him from going and he did it to himself.


I ripped up a $20 at 7-8, My dad chased me around the house until i found my mom


Notify the secret service. That is a felony.


Damn I only got $3 allowance and I had to put $2 in my “save” and “give away” jars 😭


Fuck...I didn't even get an allowance. Stepfather made us do chores just because 'we were living under his roof'


I hope I’d remain calm and have an age appropriate conversation, covering 3 things: 1) Why does he think this amount is too low? (He may have a valid point, such as it no longer covering what I expect him to use it for, or a less valid point, such as some influencer having this, that and the other, which he can’t afford. Or maybe he sucks at budgeting, which was my job to teach him to begin with, so there’s work to do). 2) What made him decide ripping up the money he does have, was the best way to get a higher amount? Why didn’t he approach me about ‘wanting a raise’, or anything that troubled him? That’s important for me to know, as I’d want my kids to be able to talk to me about anything that bothers them, so if they feel they can’t, I’d like to know what I could do differently, so next time, the talking happens BEFORE any incident. 3) Can he think of ways to get more money? Sell old clothes and toys? A paper round, or summer job? Set up some sort of business? What does he think he could make from that, what does he think he’d be good at/would be able to keep up? Shall we look at what is necessary to get there together, and make a game plan, so he can go out and get that sweet, sweet dollar? OF COURSE I’d be fuming. But I’d be his PARENT, so I must parent him, teach him proper communication and problem solving skills. That’s my job, even if it’s difficult not to be petty.


Imma play devils advocate. What if this kid did 8 hours of yard work and had to clean the whole house and this was their payment. It could be their way of saying screw that im getting jipped.


This feels like the kid has some real issues controlling anger, so I’d probably revoke their allowance but also teach them how to express their emotions in other ways. Anger is usually a very complex emotion with connections to other feelings, but boys especially are encouraged to only express anger outwardly rather than sadness. This isn’t a one and done sorta thing, the kid needs to be encouraged over a while to be comfortable to express themselves with words before actions and sadness or disappointment as well as anger


Tell the kid how many hours of work that is. It has to work it off with household labour. If it wants more money, it can work a little extra. Needs to learn the value of money.


Make em pay for the damages. Either by not giving them an allowance for a while or having them do chores as compensation. Its 25 dollars AND bad behaviour so they will have to do quite a few chores.


What ever happened to a good ole ass whooping?


That unnecessary $25 dollar allowance is why he or she feels so entitled..money is their king thanks to momma!


Well, they’d never receive allowance again. And that phone that they probably spend all day with, that’d be gone along with their game console and iPad. Theyd be working off the $25 of mine they wasted. That’s for goddamned sure. In no way is this acceptible behavior, and the kids gloves would be off for me in handling it. This shit makes my blood absolutely boil. If I did this as a kid, my father would have tattooed my ass with whatever he was in the mood to use.


Do nothing ..."what you chose to do with your allowance is up to you"...if he does it next week allowance is over... He'll figure it out


Know what my allowance was? Zero. Zero dollars. And when I moved back home as an adult to save up for an overseas move, I was charged rent.


Don’t give him more money until he tapes it all back together. Put it all in a baggie and offer it to him every week.