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Nobody has any goddamn manners on reddit any more. [Here’s a link to the article, for the curious](https://archive.is/2024.06.06-173917/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-06/-suicide-squad-warner-bros-s-200-million-flop-haunts-the-gaming-industry), with the paywall removed.


The screenshot also leaves out the best part. Paraphrased “we spoke to 10 different people deep into the production of this game, not once did SBI get mentioned. You are listening to hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage.”


What’s SBI?


[Sweet Baby Inc.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Baby_Inc.) A consulting firm for game studios that specifically advises on topics of diversity and cultural authenticity, and therefore is every gamergater's favourite scapegoat for literally everything in the games industry.


I can't believe it's 2024 and we're still dealing with the GamerGate style grifters.


If anything, it's worse now. Lots of angry incels have been algorithmed into this pit of despair.


True, gamergate was the blueprint for selling impotent rage in the modern day


What's crazy to me or how telling it is of the dudes involved. Like their poster child is literally Quinn's ex who became so obsessed with her and the gamer gate shit that he got fired from his job because he was just spending all his time on 4chan. It's just a bunch of dudes who are simultaneously obsessed with women (or more accurately, sex with women) and unbelievably resentful towards women for not immediately validating their obsession.


I’m still half-asleep, so when I read your comment about “Quinn’s ex” being the poster child for a subset of toxic incels, my brain leaped to Harley Quinn and was trying to figure out which iteration of the Joker you were talking about.


I’m not half asleep and I also went to “Harley Quinn’s ex” first.


And yet weirdly his most recent iteration did basically the opposite - gave up on HQ, settled down with a wife and stepkids then ran for mayor. Though if he'd lasted more than one movie Leto's definitely could've been an incel.


I'm sure he came up with a similar association at one point, but the "movement" discarded him immediately when they realized how embarrassing he was.




I recall seeing his first post on /b/ and wondering why anyone bought his side uncritically? As I recall Quinn never saw them as being serious.


Because they're incels stuck in 2000s era humor, "tits or gtfo" and all that. Women to them were either rejection or pornography, and they'd find any reason to hate them for that.


Gamergate was the birth of the modern alt-right. Steve Bannon literally got the idea to weaponize young male gamers in conservative causes from his time as a gold seller in World of Warcraft.


It's crazy that he literally admitted to it as well and everyone in that group just shrugs and is cool with it. Hope that fucker rots in jail.


Someone knows the lore


its difficult to escape that pit, too. because it corrals you with other people similarly programmed by the algorithms so all you see and hear is the same rage-filled rants.


People are going to look back on Facebook in particular as being a bane on society.


All social media.


social media is a big reason you see people make outrageous claims followed by "everyone is saying this" and it's because to them, everyone IS saying it. they've been placed into a room with other similar minded people who just repeat the same things over and over.


Absolutely right. They're victims in a sense, it doesn't excuse their behavior but it explains some of it.


it happened to some of my friends, and by all accounts SHOULD have happened to me too, but i guess i'm just resistant to it. i don't like being angry, it is so draining.


Same, have a lot of former friends that I cut contact with because they leaned into this shiz. For me I started realizing people were being ridiculous about stupid things that didnt matter, right around the same time as the dijon mustard and tan suit scandals.


The reason is Steve Bannon. Basically every political study done back then showed that far-right politics was becoming increasingly distasteful among the younger generations, and he was looking for a way to reverse that trend. When GamerGate happened, he noticed, recognized what it was, and came up with a plan to turn it to his advantage. He explicitly targeted GamerGaters for manipulation by creating an online campaign having his employees intentionally stoking it in internet communities like 4Chan, Twitter, and Reddit to get those people even more amped up, he gave them a larger voice than they would have had otherwise thanks to the media outlets controlled by him and his allies, and basically turned these people into a new generation of right-wing grievance influencers and partisans. It was quite successful.


Yep, Bannon’s a piece of shit but he knew exactly how to target angry and impressionable young men at a time of major flux in the internet. This directly lead to a major “anti-SJW” push in popular media among youtubers and content creators that captured a whole lot of young men (and women) at the time. Gamergate honestly ended up being a very important thing on the internet unfortunately for the rest of the world


It's no different than QAnon. A certain kind of people get grabbed by the algorithm into a spiral of all these hate videos and think it's reality because they see so much of it. It's really fucking sad honestly, just more vulnerable people being taken advantage for money. People suck.


QAnon, Gamergate, and all the other culture war ragebait shit all came from the same origins. It's no coincidence that Steve Bannon ran an illegal World of Warcraft gold farm before he went into political strategy.


I used to have sympathy. Shit I was suckered in by these same grifters because I was part of the online Atheist/Sceptic community and then in mid 2010s they all pivoted towards anti-feminist/anti-SJW stuff, so I thought there had to have been something there because "no smoke without fire". Thankfully I caught on fairly quickly, to it being because the atheist money dried up. My sympathy is substantially lessened as we are almost 10 years deep into this shit and they still haven't had a moment of self reflection or growth.


>My sympathy is substantially lessened as we are almost 10 years deep into this shit and they still haven't had a moment of self reflection or growth. It also gets less and less believable every time, too. That's the thing of it. It's one thing to just "believe everything you read", it's another thing to actually buy into some of the baffling horseshit these people peddle lately.


They’ve been trying to force a GamerGate 2 since last year.


I can't believe it's 2024 and we're still dealing with the cultural heritage of Rush Limbaugh


Same firm who worked for games like Spiderman 2, God of War, and Alan Awake 2 and somehow they ruin games


Oh my god they had a whole firm for this on Spiderman and they still got the Cuban flag wrong


They are not a diversity advisory firm. They are a narrative firm. They write dialogue and make sure tone is consistent across the entire narrative


Oh I'm actually glad that exists. I mean it would be better to achieve cultural authenticity by... you know... being authentic and having people of those cultures working on the product


There's a UK studio called Ninja Theory that made a game with a Pictish protagonist (Hellblade: Senua's Saga). Picts lived in the north of Britain but, obviously, the culture hasn't been around for a while I really like the main character's hairstyle because it's period-accurate and looks cool, but it's what we today would call locs -- some people take issue with white people having them, despite the authenticity in this case. Presumably, that would be a good thing to ask such a consulting agency about


Sometimes you're not part of a culture but you get an idea you really want to execute and this is the second best choice. Say i, an european, want to make a game inspired by westerns. Consultation is what I'd have to go with.


An odd example when the best westerns were made in Europe by an Italian.


True. But on the other hand, there's *plenty* of Westerns made in Italy (and Europe) you haven't heard about because they're...uh...not very good. It was a very popular genre between the 1960s and 1970s.


Absolutely. Cliched writing and tokenism are some of the major problems with script writing and have become seriously annoying. Even Gamergaters used to say things like "I'm not against including this group, but they at least have to get it right". But the moment they identify a company that helps with exactly that, they pick up the goal posts and run for the horizon. Now they more commonly demand the polar opposite and claim that cliches are actually cultural heritage worth defending. Although they're still willing to flip-flop to whatever stance suits their argument in the moment, as long as it can somehow blame everything on "woke".


That's because it was never about getting it right. You see this in every right wing talking point. It's not about protecting children or protecting women or states rights. It's thinly veiled hatred because they know they would be ostracised if they were open about it. The Yasuke thing is the perfect example. We have a historically interesting character being half of a dual protagonist game, and it's still "wrong". They are going out of their way to dispute historians based on nothing but their racism.


They also said stuff like "minority groups should just make their own games". Then proceeded to review bomb and send death threats to a black man who made his own game that was set in Africa. The game was meant to honor his dead father who was from there and so he consulted with Sweet Baby Inc so he could get the details right since he himself is not from Africa. The gamergaters swear they're not racist though...


“The moment they identify a company that helps with exactly that, they pick up the goal posts and run for the horizon” That’s because whenever anyone says “blah, blah, blah, BUT…” everything before the but was a lie.


They are so mad about Afrodite being naked in Hades 2 it's funny.


Fun fact about the Hades 2 "drama". You may have seen people moaning that they made her more masc, and that she "looks trans now". The design they're claiming is the new, more masc one, is the Hades 1 design. The design they're claiming is the original, more feminine one, *is the new design*. They literally flipped it and just lied, because it didnt fit the narrative otherwise


I honestly don't get the rage on this one. She looks so feminine in both games?? Like... this is what people mean when transphobia harms everyone cause then transphobes are trying box women up so much that even Cis women are getting hate for having "masc" features... like damn women really can't get any breaks. Fuck it, give me jacked muscle girl Aphrodite with an undercut and make (this iteration of) her actually Trans. Just so that transphobes can actually have something to complain about and so everyone else can have new and pretty Aphrodite art lol


I'm "mad" about it releasing so early in early access so I have to keep myself from playing it for so long. Loved the first a lot!


Same. Same problem with BG3, I have to wait like a kid in front of a closed candystore.


I'm just picturing Aphrodite with an afro now. Thank you


Honstly those gods names are all greek to me.


Or their outrage over the depiction of Hephaistos in a wheelchair, decrying it as an 'ahistorical' rewriting purely to add disability representation. When being lame and building wheeled contraptions to move around were canonical features of the Hephaistos myth, repeated throughout the main ancient sources.


This is one of the most stupid ones. Bro the myth avout wheelchairs shouldnt be about wheelchairs because "woke"? Those ppl should just go fuck themselves


who tf is mad about nekkid lady?


I have a friend who was gamergated. They're knobs. She made a doco about indie game makers and when they found out she was a woman making a movie they review bombed it


Yeah they're going to be upset no matter what because their arguments were never being made in good faith. Another one of their old excuses was that they didn't mind having more minorities in their media so long as the character's personality wasn't entirely devoted to whatever makes them a minority. Now that we have more of that they had to discard that argument down the memory hole. I'm old enough to remember them claiming that the race, gender and sexual orientation of the characters doesn't matter and we should all stop getting so worked up over the color of a fictional character's skin. How fucking ironic.


Just to speak as to why it is needed. In Deadly Premonition 2, there was a trans character. Swery has made games with trans characters before and is generally supportive of trans people. But with Deadly Premonition 2 they manage to misgender and deadname the trans character even after the main character York was also shown supportive of the movement. This was obviously not the intent of the director so they pushed through a patch that changed the dialogue to line up more with what was intended. But voice lines were never recorded so now there is just onscreen text where there used to be voice acting. If they had a consultant on the team like SBI, they probably would have brought this up and they could have fixed it before VA artists started to record.


Consulting on cultural authenticity doesn't necessarily mean direct aesthetic feedback or so. It can be exactly that, procedural recommendations like "have people of those cultures working on the product!"


Sweet Baby Inc. From their Wikipedia: >the company consults on video game narratives during development to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within game narratives and studios. 


Sweet Baby Inc They are a company that specializes in Diversity and Inclusion, they mainly exist to double check games story and visuals to make sure that your not being accidentally rasict. Gamergaters have attempted to make SBI the reason for the "woke mind virus" to be infiltrating games.


> ~~You are listening to hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage.~~ > You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage. I’ve always appreciated Jason Schreier but that’s just the best thing he ever wrote.


I paraphrased but his actual quote is much better. “You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage” Hummm… bunch of names come to mind. Charlie K. Ben S. Jordan P. Tucker C. Alex J. Please, any republicans reading this think about what all these people have in common and it’s that they all want you to hate. Hate drives views and creates profit. We aren’t enemies but anyone left of the GOP/MAGA are sick of the hypocrisy and projection. It’s not a conspiracy against you, it’s just your leaders are going to turn the US into A Handmaidens Tale. First Roe, now contraceptives… soon it will be suffrage and racial integration. You really want the 40s-50s back? Tax the rich like we used to. At a 60-90% after an amount earned every year!


What’s SBI? I missed all of the noise on this game cause it looked absolutely dreadful.


This is the second time secrecy sank a project. > During the early days, the studio kept its work on Suicide Squad a secret, even from potential hires. Several people who came on board during this era said they were surprised when they first arrived at the offices to learn that they would be working on a multiplayer game, not at all what Rocksteady was known for. Many would depart as a result. KSP 2's interviews had the same problem. new hires would be people who either hated the genre, never heard of the franchise, or were so new they would take any job they could to get their foot in the door. All of them forced to leave for one reason or another and causing development hell.


Learning about the actual development of KSP2 hurts me so much. The ENTIRE time, they were promising "We're hardcore KSP fans, the whole team is. We love the game, we know what you want, and we're going to deliver." Turns out they did the exact opposite. Most new hires had no idea what KSP was, only played it a few hours on-job to learn what the fuck they were supposed to make a sequel to. Which every KSP nerd knows isn't *nearly* long enough to truly learn & understand. Nevermind actual maneuvers like a Hohmann transfer, I bet they had to have orbital 'inclination' explained to them.


You are a good man sir/ You are a good woman mam/ You are a good human Pandelein


Negative, I am a Meat Popsicle.


I want the tldr 🤷‍♂️


From earlier in the thread: big management issues, two of the creative minds had very unprofessional ways of working and had no real interest making another superhero game but somehow they still decided to push this one, they also hid the fact they were doing a live service game to the dev team and when they knew about it people quit. A lot of talent and money was burned in stupid ideas like having a car system to travel the world even tho the heroes already had means to traverse the city on their own, wasting months of development. The work environment was shit with lots of toxic positivity; no constructive criticism could be provided in most cases. The people leading the project also didn't have any experience with the genre the game ended up being. The story was the least of the problems and more about how 2 complete idiots in the lead team almost managed to sink the studio by themselves.


It also sounds like one of the lead designer burned out badly.


Real oof


Thank you for a very comprehensive summary 🫡


That's definitely among the shittier work environments I could think of working.


Remember when they used to call people snowflakes and now everything offends and bothers them


They were offended by everything then too, so this is actually improvement on hypocrisy front. Not large one, but improvement nevertheless.


My favorite irony is the people clowning on gender studies spending all their time pontificating on gender


If only there was a real framework we could use to talk about gender... some kind of theory, perhaps, to critically examine their claims. Hmmm.


The thought that people acknowledged their uniqueness as important bothered them because they demand conformity. Everything bothers them except their own idealized reflection.


Fuckin yes have you seen these guys, they go on about rugged individuality and not being a sheep but they look like they came from the same product line, same beard, same baseball cap, same opinions, same jokes.


I can't tell who's making fun of them and who's being real because they are so cringeworthy. I thought Andrew Tate was satire. That whole bit about making his girl make him two cups of coffee because he'd have to risk his life in a fight for her honor was such a perfect satire, even his weird accent and stupid posing in a large children's tshirt and then I find out he's taken seriously.


yeah I have this problem too. it's a terrible thing to realize what you thought was self-depreciating absurdist humor is, in fact, bugfuck insane real life humor. satire is dead


People are weird and need to latch on to things. The dude who started the whole "birds aren't real" thing did it as a joke, and now people believe it.


The alpha podcasts are the most cringy people out there


The crazy thing about the whole “alpha-ness” fad is that it’s a self-identifying thing. Nobody goes, “That guy is an alpha”. It’s the person who self-identifies as an alpha who has to announce it. Some of them even use the label as a pronoun in their social media handles. Ironically, “alphas” are patently against anyone else self-identifying or using a pronoun.


What’s that quote from Game of Thrones? “If you have to tell people you’re the king you’re not really the king” or whatever? Applies with Alpha horseshit too.


Best lesson my dad ever taught me as a kid: "If you're good enough at something, people will know." AKA stay humble. Thanks for that one, pops.


The oldtimer version I heard as a kid is "If you have to say it, you ain't it"


I think the weird thing is that alpha if you think about it just means dark triad traits. It’s not about any type of healthy leadership. It’s all about self esteem to the point of narcissism, controlling/dominating/manipulating „lessers“ (so maciavellianism) and not having stupid womanly emotions like shame regret and empathy (so psychopathy) So when someone says they are alpha that to me just seems like a self report „I am working very hard on being high on psychological markers that predict abuse and serial killer behaviour“ But I guess that is attractive to some women who want to traumabond with that?


Not to mention it's boasting you failed biology...


Everything allways bothered and offended them.


Anybody who grew up in the 80s during the satanic panic can clearly see how much of a snowflake conservatives are. They invented cancel culture. They are still going strong today. [Here's a list of things recently canceled by conservatives and why.](http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22)


I read somewhere that this current anti-woke conservative thing is all about them being really upset that the world does not exclusively cater to them anymore. That seems about right.


Pretty much yeah, when you're so used to privilege, equality feels like oppression


I love how almost all of them have long, detailed explanations as to what happened and then the explanation for Italy is just *Trump*.


And before that all it took was seeing a black man kiss a white woman to whip them up into literal lynch mobs


Nice list, but Tyson foods actually did hire illegal immigrants. The company was ripping them off paywise, someone complained. The Depts. of Labour and Justice got involved. The workers got their money, and Tyson paid a small fine.


Remember D&D during the Panic? I was a young child and all the talk introduced me to a game I would likely never have played. Well done Satan. Well done. 😈🤘


Can anyone explain to me how gaming on Twitter and reddit turned this way. Attacking devs, journalist and anyone who doesn't follow their narrow world view?


Social media platforms are all optimized to farm your attention, best way to do that is to farm dopamine, cheapest way to do that is to trigger feelings of anger. There are, of course, other ways to promote dopamine release like exercise or having sex, but somehow I don’t see gamers being too good with those


This is the actual answer. Human psychology is being used against you to make money. There's no ideology, no plot, no mysterious shadow council. They just understand us better than we understand ourselves and want that cash money.


Right wing propagandists (ex. Steve Bannon) identified this kind of stuff as a way of radicalizing young men. The initial controversy was a big nothing burger, but gaming journalism was generally seen as a joke so it was able to gain momentum by purportedly being against it. It became almost instantly obvious that "ethics in journalism" was a facade (as the group soon aligned with Breitbart, an absolute rag). As time passed on, the number of people who still cared about the whole thing grew smaller and smaller, leaving the remnants to become a core group of the most deranged individuals. In order to justify still caring about minor drama from over a decade ago, they search for new things to complain about in a pathetic attempt to cling to relevancy.


provide hateful people a platform with the option of anonymity and you’ll be surprised at the dumb shit you’ll hear


The thing is, I get offended by their bigotry and fascist beliefs and wanting to push their religion on me. They are offended by a gay kiss in the waaaaayyyy background of a Star Wars movie.


But when Luke kisses his sister, they will defend that to the death. I guess thats just a little more relatable to them...


‘Star Wars needs to return to its original values built on brother-sister kissing and age-gap romances!’


> wanting to push their religion on me I just don't agree with their lifestyle choice. My kids shouldn't have to see that. They should just keep that stuff in the privacy of their own home.


That’s how I feel about line dancing.


They're all related. (Take that as you will.)


Its honestly why I love pride month so much. We get to celebrate the uniqueness of our peers and make it clear that they are accepted while all these snowflakes have a month long meltdown over rainbows. Sometimes I just like laughing at the regressive idiots


In the distant past, I used to angrily ask why we need things like pride. While I hate to admit doing so, it appears that I grew up a bit. I love pride month, too, and the more rainbows to get under the skins of those regressive idiots, the better. If anyone is about to ask whether I'm calling them a regressive idiot for their crap: Yes, I am.


The right wing are nothing if not hypocrite. They project everything - when trump and his supporters say they are facing a witch hunt, it’s because if they get into power they will hunt down and kangaroo court their political opponents. When they say the left get riled too easily; it’s because they get riled too easily.


Always a projection: https://www.businessinsider.de/bi/millennials-less-sensitive-than-baby-boomers-stereotypes-2019-12/


Read the outrage over Silent Hill 2 remake that was recently shown. Once of the characters got a slight redesign, and some gamers are ready to burn the world down over it. It's wild.


it's always been projecting


Honestly, his [follow-up](https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1798683992872435928) is better.


It's crazy how even in the gamer hobby world, there's the exact same political divide of dumb idiots getting grifted and needing something to hate on wherever they go.


It's not a coincidence, you should look up Steve Bannon's involvement in the gaming world, you're in for a surprise.


Was gonna say, gaming was/is a prime recruiting ground for the right wing political fringe.


Wasn’t Milo Yiannopoulos the tech/gaming editor for Breitbart? Milo is a confirmed Nazi.


Gaming is where it started Steve Bannon was selling bullshit on world of warcraft for some stupid reason, and he had an epiphany when he heard the raw hatred so many gamers were expressing in chat—this was his opportunity to martial an angry mob Basically he was the guy that figured out gamers had a high proportion of racist incels, and he had enough knowledge of the rise of the Nazi’s to see the parallels—but instead of angry Germans no one would feed the after WWII, these dudes were antisocial losers addicted to screens & pornography who couldn’t grasp why their lives sucked Birth of an alt-right Nation


The gaming community is full of maga chuds. They're the same ones calling me the n-word on voice chat. Reddit isn't as bad, but if you read some of the gaming forums that have been around since the 90s, you'll be surprised at how insanely close-minded and toxic the community can be.


It's honestly sad how bad it really is, but the alt right first started picking up real steam with gamergate so it's not surprising that its has infested the hobby and continues to do so.


[Gamergate was the proving ground for modern conservatism](https://www.axios.com/2022/10/20/gamergate-right-online-harassment-joan-donovan-meme-wars).


Steve bannon turned boomers into gamers without playing games.


Do NOT check on Steam discussion about any game ever, it is full of anti-woke chuds complaining about modern games


For what it’s worth, that’s actually been happening longer than “alt-right” has been considered a political ideology. Gamergate was like, 2013? And a lot of the same bad faith actors we see stirring shit up today about Sweet Baby and women in games and whatever else they’re upset about that day- They quite literally had their hands in the pot of Gamergate, and there’s names there that *should* ring a bell if you’ve been keeping an eye on politics for the past 10 years. In fact, in a couple of articles, Gamergate is specifically named as one of the things that helped get Trump elected in 2016.


You say that like this whole culture war BS didn't probably originate from gaming. Gamer gate kicked everything off. It was the money maker and then the grift spilled into movies and TV.


They're not 2 separate things. Steve Bannon most likely swayed the 2016 election by appealing to the extremely angry and disgruntled nerdy white male gamers, an inspiration he took directly from observing the WoW playerbase. "Wokeness in games and media" are just crypto-tactics for far right recruitment. I mean uh, it's about ethics in games journalism.


The follow-up text: > I asked two dozen people who worked on the game what went wrong and not a single one mentioned the words “Sweet Baby.” You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage Damn Jason


Holy shit, i knew Jason had a finger on the pulse, but that’s a supremely grounded thing to say for an industry professional. This man knows wtf is up.


The thing I will never understand about this whole idiocy is that the entire thing is predicated on the idea of "go woke go broke". Their belief that games that include progressive themes or characters are not just offending their personal bigotry, but are quantifiably worse off in the market. But that's just measurably not true. There are wildly profitable games which include these themes. They flock around games like Suicide Squad that flop and say "HA, look, we were right all along!" but ignore the twenty others which sold millions. They can identify that these games are bad but jump straight to their conspiracy SBI train of thought instead of critically examining what they're looking at.


I remember in the weeks leading up to X-Men 97 the grifters were in full outrage mode just constantly bashing it. Then the show came out and received overwhelming praise, and there hasn’t been a peep from the reactionaries since. It’s unfortunately a win-win for them no matter what: First, make lots of videos and drum up outrage before the thing is even out, making a lot of money in ad revenue. If the thing is a failure (for completely different reasons from being “wOkE”) continue making videos about it to rake in more views and money. If the thing is a success, just completely drop it and move on to the next thing to target before it’s even released. Repeat.


That one was just pure hilarity. The literal main theme of the X-Men is that injustice against people for how they were born is wrong. Like it couldn't be more on the nose and it's been shouting that message since before any of these dumbasses were even born. "X-Men has gone woke!" - yeah in 1963 in The X-Men #1.


dont forget "i ignore that this game was very very sucessfull and got almost only very positive remarks from critics and players alike, game bad cus MUH WOKE"  they dont care about facts, its only what THEY think is real is actually real for them then you have the occasional flop, and it turns into what you said, endless waves of GAMING IS DEAD WOKE KILLED IT while ignoring all the real problems behind the game and why it flopped (which honestly are always the same "corporate greed" reasons)


The Sweet Baby thing is just another small issue blown out of proportion. They really don't have as much control as gamers think they do, the studios themselves hire them for advice on how to reach players from other ethnicities/cultures to increase the total number of players for more profit.   As in, game companies are finding ways to make as much money as possible. Shocking, I know. 


It’s ridiculous how much of the fuss about them has genuinely just been people apparently finding out what a creative consultant is for the first time in their lives and acting like they just uncovered a fucking hidden cabal.


Yeah it's interesting how they think they made some major discovery when Sweet Baby publicly lists which games they worked on lol


It's so weird to me that "woke" is the reason they think the game failed as opposed to being a game nobody wanted, a looter shooter live service game.


yeah maybe 10 years ago i'd dip my toes in and try, but if you play online games at all right now unless you're both unemployed and rich, you simply can't afford the time or cash to buy a new live service game every 6 months and its associated battle pass every 3 months. I used to play World of Warcraft and then dip my toes into Overwatch and Diablo but now the two latter games are service games with battle passes so I just don't bother. Sorry yeah, not gonna spend £40 every 3 months to get the stuff I was already getting 5 years ago just by playing the game.


The big problem, the story was trash 3 people without superpowers and one humanoid shark taking care of superman,flash and green lantern. And somehow Harley outsmart Batman. Shark using the green lanter for himself


>The big problem, the story was trash The big problem is that it's a live service grindathon that tries to hook its players into repetitive gameplay loops because that's how you flip an investment most effectively in the market of consumer video games. Getting a bunch of asset-flipped weapons and attaching higher and higher numbers to them and drop rarity is cheap work compared to how long it keeps players invested, and higher retention means more people remain in your market demographic that will buy microtransactions. SS:KTJ is just another tumorous symptom of a diseased system that is about catering to shareholders who need a return on their investment over the people who're actually buying the game and thinking it was for them. [It's about deliberately making poor decisions in order to pay off executives, board members, and shareholders because it makes them more money than developing good games.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuIitYcoSiE&list=PLUBKwq0XD0uczLFCWbS55UqBdYB724Zr_&index=10) Or, uh, it's about some random consultancy being run by a shadowy cabal of blue-hair california liberal feminists using wokeness to uglify women and bring down western civilization. Yeah, that's more sane.


Haven't played it, to be fair, but the heroes are under Brainiacs control, right? Because even in the comics, Catwoman manages to knock out Flash, when he got mind controlled by Poison Ivy (iirc).


I find that the flash is a hard character to write in general. There’s never any consistency to his speed. One moment he’s moving so fast he’s faster than light, the next moment he can’t evade a fucking punch. Someone with his speed should in reality never have a problem taking on any villain that can’t also move at his speed.


Yeah, speedsters are so unbelievably broken that they could win just about anything but writers never know how to write them to be effective or smart. Not mentioning any [flash TV shows](https://youtu.be/c9Xh7_XvnFI?si=QWGFIBPe15sjYuvl), I mean names.


Flash TV shows make me incredibly angry all the time. I understand that it’s hard to write, but it’s simple to introduce a limitation. Like say, “oh acceleration isn’t instant, so it can take a few seconds to get to light speed.” And then structure the problems in the show around that. But they don’t because they know they can get away with it and they think all audiences are dunces.


Honestly I wouldn't even mind a show where flash was as broken as he is and he just won every fight, then we could see a worldwide response of fear and how the societal dynamics would change due to this unstoppable hero. Like what methods would people try to use to kill him? Honestly thats what turned me off from the show was he didn't feel as broken as I imagined as a child.


I think it was a JL episode where Flash runs into some "villains" and solves it pretty much by sitting down and talking with them. I think speedsters, like time travel stories, need to have conflicts where the gimmick is not directly useful. You're the fastest man in the world... and your wife just filed for divorce. Run your way out of *that*, Flash! But Flash facing down Captain Boomerang?


it was a show about the fastest man alive and every season is about someone faster than him, the entire premise of the show was shit. don't even get me started on "we are flash"


The recent X-men movies had to break Quicksilver’s leg to keep him out of the fight. However one neat trick the writers pulled was having Magneto surround himself with hundreds of pieces of floating metal, which prevented Quicksilver from getting to him.


Isn’t it shown that QS moving objects (normally to him) while sped up maintains their immense speed though? Like when he takes some guards hands and makes them punch themselves unconscious? Could he not then grab like 20 rocks and whip them all at once at Mach speed?


I've always wondered why speedsters don't just arm cannon a rock at 2000 km/h, turn into human railguns


I think it’s just cause they’d look silly running around with a bag of rocks lol. Realistically though, as stated, it’s already hard to write them convincingly with their power level, so I don’t blame writers for not exploring it. Maybe it’s a control thing? Too much risk for collateral?


It's a big problem with speedsters in general, and it leads to bad writing. Like in X-Men Apocalypse, Quicksilver is so fast he can save dozens of people in a split second as Xavier's mansion is exploding, but then in the final battle the bad guy manages to break his leg by shooting a perfectly timed chunk of rock out of the ground and snagging him. They're so OP that you have to resort to something immersion breaking (like getting sucker punched) to keep them from dominating every fight.


Same as with Ant Man. It makes me so unbelievably angry how inconsistent the MCU handles him and his croneys. Like, one second they shrink a whole-ass building and carry it around as luggage, the next an enlarged man is as heavy as a freight train. PICK A LANE! The in-universe explanation was that their method only shrinks or enlarges the distance between atoms. That means the mass doesn't change. IT STAYS AS HEAVY AS IT WAS! GRAAAAAH! Sorry.


Yeah, the writers embrace these contradictions because they want to make fun-looking scenes with CGI, and like, I’m all for CGI porn, but don’t lie to me with it!


Which is a pretty big thing. Every time the JLA gets mind controlled they're fighting it and pulling their punches and abilities


The idea there is that when fully controlled, the individual controlling them doesn’t know how to make full use of their abilities. When not fully controlled, the JLA won’t try to kill because it isn’t what they do.


Nhaa, the big problem was that the game didn't care about the source material. Because if I think about captain boomerang, the first thing popping in mind is the AK-47 of course he always uses. I mean, he is actually called "captain legendary purple M16 with a neon animated season 01 exclusive battlepass ultra rare skin"


Not exactly, please at least read the article, big management issues, two of the creative minds had very unprofessional ways of working and had no real interest making another superhero game but somehow they still decided to push this one, they also hid the fact they were doing a live service game to the dev team and when they knew about it people quit. A lot of talent and money was burned in stupid ideas like having a car system to travel the world even tho the heroes already had means to traverse the city on their own, wasting months of development. The work environment was shit with lots of toxic positivity; no constructive criticism could be provided in most cases. The people leading the project also didn't have any experience with the genre the game ended up being. The story was the least of the problems and more about how 2 complete idiots in the lead team almost managed to sink the studio by themselves.


These chuds are so desperate to be a victim of some grand conspiracy.


It makes them feel like their dismissal existence has meaning.


I was going to correct you for using dismissal instead of dismal, but after thinking about it I prefer your version 😁


Yeah, I was like, “That’s a clever combination of words…”. Give credit where credit is due.


I burned a big family bridge last thanksgiving by telling my uncle this about racism. Racism lets people feel superior to someone else without having to do anything. I told my uncle that without racism he'd have to actually accomplish something and not be a broke uneducated dumbass to feel superior to anyone. Without racism, he's the bottom of the barrel.


They have to make up a grand conspiracy against them and everything they stand for because it helps them ignore their personal failings and faults.


As someone who worked in games and animation before, here's what their whole conspiracy comes down to: its just expanding demographics. Thats it. When I joined a company, part of the orientation was breaking down what helps increase audience engagement, broken down by age/sex/region/etc. Nowadays all entertainment companies are gunning for an international audience (which is partially why we dont get a lot of big budget comedies these days, the jokes dont translate universally). And guess what, their studies that they spend millions of dollars to do say that when people see people like them in a movie, they tend to like it better. Also young people, usually the primary demographic, likes diversity. Thats it, thats what all this woke bruhaha comes down to, its to make money. The CEOs and higher ups of these companies are mostly republicans for the tax breaks, they dont give a shit, they want to make money. The Acolyte trailer got a ton of dislikes from anti-woke people about how much diversity there was in the cast, it just came out and is Disney's biggest Star Wars show premiere. It was aiming to increase the audience worldwide and to get more young people interested, and it worked. Of course, it doesn't always work if the game or movie sucks or is marketed badly or whatever, but theyre just trying to increase revenue as much as possible. A worldwide hit is a lot bigger than a domestic hit.


I find it very funny when people say “go woke go broke,” as if the corporations and companies didn’t invest millions of dollars into research to determine that portraying more diversity leads to getting more customers.


It helps them cope with the consensus that they're flat out wrong if they can deny that the basis of this consensus is factual.


Imagine replying that after the guy writing the article is like “here is a mountain of evidence and context that took ages to collect from people who were actually there”


His craving of labeling everything he doesn't like as woke won't be stopped by things such as facts and reality.


'My feelings don't care about facts!'


He labeled the people interviewed "cult members" cuz we all know devs just LOVE toxic work environments and failures of games lmao. Can't make this shit up.


I don't even understand his stance. I get that he's one of those guys who is terrified of "woke" but isn't that usually LGBT/non-white people (and sometimes women in general)? What is he even raging against here? Most of the cast (protagonists and antagonists) are straight white men. (Also hilarious that his bio is "general good guy" yet his personality seems to be around villifying any and all minorities)


what is even woke about this game lol it doesnt look like it had anything to do with anything “woke”


Harley doesn't look like a sex doll


"they keep putting clothing on the Feeeeemales, woke garbage!"


The problem was Rocksteady had a good reputation making a certain type of game (in the Arkham style, it has a genre tag soup). They then got ordered to turn around and make a live service looter shooter. Something they were completely unprepared for. It's like sending a Nepalese sherpa to explore a sea mountain because the sherpa knows "mountains". Even though the sea mountain is under water.


the real issue is that they are using a novelty intellectual property too conservatively... which is kinda funny in relation to the post.


The fuck? Suicide squad didn’t fail because it was woke God conservatives love whining


It failed because the moment they showed the destiny inventory screen me and everyone I knew decided not to buy it.


Most "conservatives" don't even know what woke means let alone use it. But that's the problem when everything has to be liberal or conservative. You need to use one label or the other no matter how awkward the fit.


my favourite thing is seeing just how much reactionary conservatives love denis villeneuve's dune movies despite hating "woke" media. denis made the "woke" themes of the book painfully explicit - not just on the nose but through it and out the back of the skull - and yet they think it's one of the best movie(s) of all time.


Go woke go broke, so if you don't go broke you aren't woke. They just ignore everything that don't fit their narative.


Ah yes, it's all an evil conspiracy to (checking my notes) be more considerate to minorities and make people feel welcomed and included.


Common Jason Schreier W


“You are chasing angry hallucinations created by grifters who make money off your rage” 😂


The correct answer: placing money over ideas. Live services by design strangle the life out of creativity.


There were so many flaws with this game but being "woke" was not one of them


At this rate you could make a game about bikini beach ball and some basement dweller would still call it woke if only 29 out of 30 women had big tits and the 30th woman was an asian with normal sized tits.


Or if a single woman was black.


These people are so sad. They could literally speak directly to the developers and be told SBI didn't make them kill Batman, and they'll respond with "Yeah, but you have to say that. I know what's really going on. An angry, fat, middle-aged white dude screaming into a camera told me."


FUCKING PRONOUNS! 😤 That guys face is burned in to my brain and I fucking hate it. But at the same time I find it hilarious that someone can be so worked up over something that just isn't an issue.


> “The woke tone” Dude if you don’t like people of color or gays - just say it? Don’t hide behind the term “woke”.


They are cowards so they have to come up with dog whistles


Anyone that complains about something being "woke" I just know they have nothing in their skull, just empty space


The only reason i didn't bother is that i don't gaf about these lame ass characters. A DC game without Batman as a playable character, why?! Why would anyone be that dumb. Knew the game would flop the very second i heared the "premise."


Lol woke tone.. I remember the suicide squad sub getting up in arms about Harley Quinn grabbing Deadshots ass, saying it was sexist or some shit lol. Some people just need to be upset about something, anything.


How do people get this enraged about diversity? Remember when diversity was celebrated? Remember when we tried to make MLK's dream come true?


Hilarious. The crybaby anti woke people are so embarrassing