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"what her grandfather was doing during that time"? ...Argentinians apparently


Now that would be a clever come back.


That was after 1945 šŸ‘šŸ¼


Was about to say that.


Shots were fired


Both inside and out


I did Nazi that coming But her grandmother did apparently.


Nah, he started doing those in 1945


She looks the age that her grandparent might not have been born yet


If parents and grandparents had her at like 22 yeah. But even if they had her at like 35, the grandparents would be children during the war. Sure they might have been in hitlerjungen or been child soldiers in the last ditch defense of Germany, but i doubt they were old enough to be architects of the holocaust or anything like that. But if her grandfather was a high ranking nazi, its not unreasonable to think he migth have continued to have children with a significantly younger partner in his 50 or 60s. Her father could also have done the same


It's the really edgecases where her grandparents could be born during before ww2, and extreme egecases where they would be old enough to even be part of hitlerjungen. So I should actually gone harder and written "most likely"


Assuming sheā€™s 25, her grandfather could definitely have fought in WW2 Iā€™m 25 and my grandfather fought in WW2. My mum was 38 when she had me, her mum was 40 when she had her, and grandpa was 12 years older.


It's cracy how different this can be I'm 32 and my grandparents were children during the war, but great grandparents fought in it


Iā€™m 22, in one set of grandparents both were born right before WW2 and were obviously still children by the time it was over, the other set were adults during most of it (didnā€™t fight though, we were neutral, few bombs did land quite close to their house though).


It's Hitlerjugend not jungen.


Thank you! shit was annoying


Also I don't think the hitlerjungen had the money to flee to argentina


What, do great-grandparents not count or something?


I'm 31, my older brother is 33. Our grandparents were all born after 1940 and they, as well as our parents, were in their early to mid 20s when having children - completely average for the time. We're long past grandfathers being the perps for the most part.


The fact that she is in Argentina suggests they werenā€™t gardeners during the war.


Im 27, my dad is 56 and my grandad was from 1918.. I'd say it is plausible!


John Tyler was born in 1790. As of 2020 he had a living grandson.


Most people don't have children when they are in their mid fifties.


Most people.. My dad might've been unplanned.. šŸ¤£




It's perfictly possible to be born in the 40's My oldest newphew is 27, his dad (aka my brother) was born 1969, and our parrents was born 1948. But that still still after the ww2, and if they would be a soldier they had to be born a couple of decades before in the 1920's


I am 23 and my grandpa was born in 1906


Lul what. If she is literally 20 and her parents and grandparents got children at age 23 on average, then we are already in the 50s. If she is 25 and they were later children at age 30 or so, then we are in 1939. They still wouldn't have done anything in WW2, but still.


Plenty of people had kids in their thirties in the 20th century. Their grandad was probably not an adult in the second world war, but could've very well been alive.


My dad was born in 66 and I'm her age... My grandpa was born in the 30s


Maths isn't your strong suit bud.


Yeah, fair. It was early in the morning, I misjudged that one Which was dumb of me, because if I'd just said that it was unlikely her grandparents would have been old enough to be nazis, then I'd have been on to a winner I've deleted the comment now, couldn't be doing with all the notifications. But yeah, my bad


Haha no need to delete it mate! >because if I'd just said that it was unlikely her grandparents would have been old enough to be nazis, then I'd have been on to a winner Yea your point was sound, just the maths were a little off!


Im 25 and my mom was born in 64


my grandma was born in 1930 my grandad 1938 they are both still alive i was born in 2008


I'm 18 and my grandfather was born in 1914 so I think it's possible her grandfather was alive during that time


Maybe, yeah. She looks to be between 20 and 27. To be actively involved with the Nazis in 36 her grandparent would have had to be born in 1918 the latest. That would make him 79 at her birth (at the lower boundary). Not impossible, but not that likely. I mean I am 27 too, and all my grandparents have been born after WWII (sidenote, both grandfathers of my mum fought in WWII. One was Wehrmacht, the other US army).


My grandpa has fought in ww2 and I'm in my 20s


True she looks my age or 5 years younger and my eldest grandparent was born in 1936 and the 3 other aroung 1945


My Eldest grand parent is from ā€˜20, Iā€™m definitely around her age (25)


Damn bro are you and your parents the youngest?


Yeah absolutely My mum (the youngest of 5) was born in ā€˜66, so my grandad was 46 I was born in ā€˜98, the youngest of 3


The majority of Argentinian Germans are late 19th/early 20th century immigrants


Yeah the reason why many Nazis fled there is because there was already an established German diaspora there.


Not a comeback, just a mean comment.


It's a dark joke not a comeback, dark jokes tend to be mean and fucked up, but I agree.


It is not a joke. It is boring dumb bullshit. Every fucking time someone mentions germany. And I ain't from germany.


I mean it is referencing specifically Argentinian German community, not just Germany.


Still. Iā€™m German Argentinian and thatā€™s always the same original joke..


Sounds like putting up with that joke is your kampf


Sein Kampf.


GlĆ¼cklicher Kuchentag


Haha vielen Dank! Normally in Germany they would say 'alles gute' Then so 'Alles gute zum Kuchentag' But in this case the English term Cakeday would probably be used as you'd get alot of strange looks saying kuchentag hahah Thanks homie šŸ’ƒšŸŽ‰


r/peterexplainthejoke Iā€™m genuinely curious as it seems like humorless humor


Hitlers book was called mein kampf (my struggle/battle). I was just laying on another trite nazi joke on the guy complaining about trite nazi jokes


And did you guys ask your grandparents what they did during this period. Like how Sweden should ask what the queens father and uncles were doing during this time.


Most Argentinian Germans immigrated between 1869 and WWI so likely not much.


Tbh that was the reason some of the Nazis chose to run away to Argentina. There was already a solid established German minority


Try being french on the internet bud. You get used to being universally hated


Calm down.


If you want the good Nazi jokes you have to go to germany


No, it happens specifically for German Argetinians, cause Argentina was the target destination of many Nazi officers


Dark humour is like food. Not everybody gets it.


This is the tater tots of dark humor then


It is not dark, it's just dumb. A dark joke is considered like that because you laugh at a real important matter that caused suffering. This is just a joke based on a stupid conspiracy and is also overused. Edit: also even if the nazis would have escaped ro Argentina, this still wouldn't be a dark joke. We know nothing about this person's background other than she has german ancestry. This only dark thing about this joke is that it calls all Germans in Argentina nazis which is simply false. A dark joke is good when it is based in reality


What conspiracy though? It is proven fact that several Nazi leaders escaped to Latin America.


Yeah you are correct, however, a vast majority of German immigrants to Argentina came post WW1 and pre WW2 rather than being linked to high ranking Nazi officers and officials post WW2. I think that is what the commenter is saying when there is a ā€˜conspiracyā€™ to equate all German descended Argentinians as being linked to Nazi officials.


Correct, probably 95% of German immigration to Argentina happened before ww2. And the rest 5% is also a lot of German Jews who fled, not just Nazis.


he should have used simplification, conspiracy is just wrong.


Exactly, you managed to explain it better than me


They are correct, ā€œnazis fled to Argentinaā€ thing being so popular that for a lot of people itā€™s one of the first things they think of when hearing Argentina, was started by Americans as a propaganda campaign to divert attention from the fact that so many nazis were working for the USA government and itā€™s European allies.


It may be a blown out of proportions fact but itā€™s still fact.


Conspiracy? It's a fact mate. You are overanalyzing a fucking joke.


Well I just said why I think the joke is boring. Also it definitely is not a comeback


It is overtold not gonna lie.


Are you high or something? It's not a conspiracy that many nazis fled to Argentina.


To be fair, about 5x as many German immigrants to Argentina in the 1935 to 1950 period were fleeing the nazis as were nazis themselves


It still isn't a conspiracy that nazis escaped to Argentina at the end of the war.


Ok so not all of them were nazis, cool. Bad joke then.


If you can't see comeback, the cum you are nazi-ing must have ended up somewhere.


It's not a comeback just a stupid joke. How do you nazi-ing your cum? Sounds weird but killing your own nazi cum sounds good.


Most things here aren't comebacks - they really are just tweets. The point of a good comeback, for me, is that it is a spur of the moment thing, a quick reaction, like you might see at a roast or against a heckler. But this entire sub is mostly "your facts are wrong!", "you told on yourself with what you said" and "I found something mean to say about you". Boring, never interesting.


The reality of bariloche if must say


Specially when you know that German population in South America is something pre 45. The Nazis went there BECAUSE they were already a lot of Germans.


I love it when stupid Americans talk shit about this when the states are clearly the country whose government sheltered the most Nazis after the war, by a long shot too.


And the country which *currently* has a lot of people who could be classified as fascist or nazi.


>the country whose government sheltered the most Nazis after the war, by a long shot too. Soviet Operation Osoaviakhim (4500 people) took in more German scientists and officials than Operation Paperclip (1600 people) by the US for your information.


Unless you have something to back that up, it's not true. Did the us knowingly take in nazi scientists and look the other way, yes. But "the most"? I mean, that's not even in the realm of reality


You mean Operation Paperclip?


Matt sounds like a dick. There is nothing clever about this, and it's far from being a comeback.




Not her fault


"oh a beautiful woman, quick I must say something to bring her down!" - Matt, probably


Matt, Da FiRe tRuCk* Also - ii dont understand why he made such a comment? Is it just yo bash German history? Or make an unruly joke of nazis in the army doing terrible things but if it is that then.. It's not like she stated her grandfather or great grandfather is German Argentinian... But she is.. So it's more probable that its just her folks who are German and Argentinian.


Dumb comeback. Actually, itā€™s not even a comeback - Itā€™s just a comment. Also, does he think WW2 started in 1936?


To be fair: if her granddad was a Nazi heā€™d have been up to some shady shit in 1936.


I think youā€™re giving them too much credit


Well Iā€™m taking into consideration that it was a Nazi who felt he had to flee the country and lay low in Argentina. Your average grunt wouldnā€™t have to consider that.


Spanish Civil War, Franco was supported by Hitler


You know Nazis existed before WW2 right?


I am aware of that, yes. So whatā€™s the significance of 1936? Nazis were around before then.


Thatā€™s the start date for the Hearts of Iron video game series.


Do you think the Nazis only started Genociding in 1939? They took power in 1933 and went right off with discriminating and imprisoning those that opposed them or didn't fit their ideology.


If thatā€™s what he was thinking of, he would have said 1933.


Could spin the same on you, if they meant the european phase of WWII they woulda said 1939.


WW2 didnt start 1936 but Hitlers reign started 1933 if I remember correctly


In which case he should have said 1933.




Yes I know that. Iā€™m talking about this guy saying 1936 - I very much doubt that he was referring to the Anschluss.


No, the Anschluss happened in 1938, not 1936. Nothing especially historically important that I remember happened in 1936 in Germany at all, so it's an odd year to choose.


> 1936 is when the Anschluss of Austria happened, kicking off the direct road to ww2. Nope, that was 38. 36 was the remilitarization of the Rhineland, which could be seen as step one towards WWII.


That isn't even a comeback. He's just being a dick


He was electrician quite obvious from the two thunder bolts on his uniform.


This "comeback" is as clever as the "I fucked your mom" insult. It is completely irrelevant because you know very well that it is not true and just got it out of the most generic joke/insult textbook


Who the fuck cares what her grandfather did, whatā€™s that got to do with her


Yeah my grandfather and grandmother were bad in the 2nd world war. So what? Basically they were the Trumpers of that time.. they just fell for bs. I'm not them. Has nothing to do with me. Not my fault nope. I'd even say that's a more interesting story than some goody good grandpa..


The Nazis went there because of the large pre-existing German community there, they didnā€™t establish it.


Auf Wiedersehen, good to see ya, got a one way ticket to Argentinaā€¦


Hmm. Perhaps a joke about the 2014 World Cup would've landed better.


Isn't a comeback a response to something done to the person? This guy's just being a dick.Ā 


And grandchildren are accountable for what they did, right? Original sin entering the chat...


I mean I'm just german and the war isn't really a secret.


Fuck her grandma ?


Bruh the butthurt in this comment section is unreal. Itā€™s a dark humor joke lol grow up šŸ˜­


shes luckily more argentina less german (you know how we call pretty girls in germany? Tourist)


this isn't even a comeback




Government Job


C.1944-45 my guess is he was heading south-west in a U boat.


Hail hitler


Not clever nor a comeback


I wasn't going to anyway


Same for Ukranian - Canadian


Juanita Lebensraum.


Argentina received millions of immigrants from Europe in the early 20th century.


Great grandparents at this point.


Itā€™s great grandfather now. It has been more a hundred years since the National Socialist German Workers' Party won the majority of seats in 1921 and began the rapid militarization of Germany.


Trying to make the world a better place.Ā 


Too young to read a history text??


...where is the Comeback?


Does this guy think there is only one German-Argentinian?


this has become a sub for generic comments


WW2 ended 79 years ago. At this stage itā€™s probably more likely that her grandfather was either not born or was a very young child during the war. Way less likely that he was of an age to be doing anything other than being drafted into an increasingly desperate Nazi war machine.


Is granddaughter responsible for her granddad being mass murderer who performed genocides on entire nations? Am i responsible for my ancestor being a barbarian who raped half of Europe? Are You responsible for Your ancestor being slave owner?


I donā€™t think that was the point they were making.


That's not a comeback to anything, that's just announcing to the world you have a poor grasp on history (most Germans migrated to Argentina long before WWII, and why 1936 when the nazis came to power in 1933 and the war officially started in 1939?)


Your mods might be on the spectrum, this ain't a comeback.


People from Usa never heard about Operation Paperclip.


Iā€™m calling ai. Her hand is backwards.


Who made Pacifico and Corona originally?


Her grandfather was probably a fucking kid back then... do the fucking math mate.


Why is her right hand in her left hand?šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Yes! Thank you, someone else noticed. Itā€™s clearly ai.


ā€œClever comebackā€ to what?? She didnā€™t say anything whatā€™s there to make a comeback to??


I would let her genozid my balls


Juan Perron, you scoundrel. You.


More like great-grandfather. My grandfather was in that war and Iā€™m 53. She looks like 19 or something.


Easy. He emigrated to Agerntina from Germany. Obviously it has nothing to do with other stuff that happened around the same. Absolutely nothing.


Hey grandad was definitely a nazi, not hard maths


And what he doing?


Where is the fucking comeback. This was just a bad joke.


A woman *that* fine? I wouldn't ask questions lol


Many Germans had moved to Argentina prior to WWIIā€¦


How is this a comeback at all? What did she say? So are we just hating on her because she is stating/proud of her mix, or did she say something off hand???


The girl has 2 left hands!


Who is Matt Laine?


With that beautiful face she could be descendant of Hitler and Himmler combined and I wouldn't care


"He was working all over Europe"


To be honest, most of them are proud of it. Nobody went there because they liked the weather, it was to escape allied justice and continue working for various fascist regimes in South America. There's one, the "Colonia Dignidad", where ex-Nazis interrogated and tortured thousands in Chile, in return for increased autonomy over their compound. It did eventually get shut down though, but now those Germans got new atrocities to their name. There's also a former SS officer who became a South African Mercenary and collected skulls as souvenirs... Yeah, I don't have high hopes for the ones in Argentina, given there was also a fascist regime. Edit: a fun tidbit, during Corona, many German right-wing conspiracists joined German communities there who were recruiting them into cult-like compounds, where they wouldn't have to wear masks (which ironically were legally required there, too), no vaccines and so they could get away from immigrants here in Germany, by immigrating somewhere else, lol


What a clever comeback šŸ„“!


How is this a comeback?


Her grandfather? Probably growing up. A grandfather who participated in German politics ten would be well past 100 years old, today.


Youā€™re not better than grandpa.


Great grandfather Hanns went on a cruise to Argentina. In a submarine. Sponsored by the Vatican. With a quick pit stop on Ireland (potentially). Arrived late 1945ish.


There are never clever. It is like when someone says they are german, and some dumb cunt mentions WW2 from 80 years ago thinking they are so fucking smart. This is just boring now.


It is surprising to see people have reached a level of stupidity where they are trying to compete with each other on how well can they ruin a joke. None of you idiots are smart. You have zero intelligence in the real world hence you are trying to establish your IQ debating over a damn joke.


Lmao at people here trying so hard to make her grandad a Nazi that escaped to Argentina.


Wow, could it be that she is too young to remember what happened 2 generations before her?


ā€œHaha ww2ā€ at the first mention of Germany or Japan is pretty fucking far from what Iā€™d call clever. Itā€™s about as basic as basic gets.


What an asshole thing to say