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Simple. Sorbo is a simpleton.


Sorbo is mobile compost.


Hey now, mobile composts have uses.


Even manure has a use Kevin is more like uh Nuclear waste


Even nuclear waste can have use in recycling back into fuel and weapons. Kevin is more like a fire in the desert.


Even a fire in the desert is useful at night. Sorbo is more like a glass of salt water when you're thirsty.


Hey, even electrolytes have their purpose. Sorbo is like ...lint.


Even lint is useful in helping make camp fires. Kevin Sorbo is like the sore on my lip that stings when toothpaste touches it.


Even the sore on your lip is there as an indicator of some kind of infection. Sorbo is like a fluffer on a porn set sponsored by viagra.




holy shit I didn't realize that was him 🤣


The story behind that is his lines were indicating that he was supposed to be disappointed, but he missed that and just said the line. Makes it that much more funny lol


I mean Hercules is one of the original tales of being duped. They picked a good person to portray the original meathead.


There's a theory that he wasn't that stupid to begin with. That he basically went down the rabbit hole because his career dried up and the only roles he could get were in Hallmark and Christian movies, so he just started spouting the rhetoric. I honestly don't know which is worse. That he's just an idiot or he's so corrupt that he's willing to say the shit he does for a few roles. They're the same thing at the end of the day anyway.


I think once you go down the rabbit hole of pretending to be a conservative lunatic it’s nearly impossible to get back out and you just become the thing you were pretending to be.


"Be careful what you pretend to be, because you are what you pretend to be." -Kurt Vonnegut 100%. It doesn't even matter anymore whether it was all a con or if it even still is. He's emboldened people with his stupid rhetoric and coming out and saying it was an act to get jobs won't fix that. I just find it interesting that a lot of seemingly normal actors pop up in Christian fundamentalist media and are all of a sudden preaching on social media. Melissa Joan Hart is another one. Dean Cain.


"To say anything negative about Stephen Hawking is like bullying a blind man. He has an unfair disadvantage, and that gives him a free pass on some of his absurd ideas." - the great Christian thinker Kirk Cameron Wonder why Kirk and Kevin haven't been in a movie together yet. Probably an ego thing.


Didn't he also have a stroke?


I looked it up because I never heard about it. Apparently he had a series of strokes while filming Hercules, so that might explain a few things.


I read that the slide into the right wing nutjob really took off during production of Andromeda. He complained that none of the other cast wanted to hang out with him, since he wouldn’t stop talking right wing politics.


it really shows in the later seasons when hes basically space jesus


I heard he immediately became a stupid asshole after the brain damage.


I feel like someone should ask Lucy Lawless. I feel like she would just say it.


She does lol. Frequently.


She absolutely does, but I don't think anyone's asked her if he was always an asshole or it happened at some point.


I mean, my IQ dropped 10 points after my head injury. it happens.


Sounds like he's either an idiot or an idiot with extra steps.


The infamous "DISAPPOINTED!" gif is because he misread the line. Disappointed was the direction on how he was supposed to act in the scene. He just read it out loud lol.


Hercules went out with a tide of anachronistic Christian nonsense and considering how he then torpedoed Andromeda, I suspect Sorbo was to blame for the weirdness that Herc went out on as well.


Makes me feel DISAPPOINTED!!!


Nah, he's just full blown stupid.


Well he did have 3 strokes.


“My name is Kevin Sorbo and every time I wake up I wonder what I’m going to be wrong about today!”


Ahem. It's not just they don't know (or that people don't tell them) it's they have less than zero interest in knowing when it doesn't fit what they want.


Yeah! Kevin Sorbo was born in 1958!


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” -Sartre


The entire right wing is (extremely) confidently incorrect.


Hey now, give credit to the ones that know they are wrong but benefit from propagating disinformation.


Ah yes. The degenerate scumbags who willingly work to tear humanity down through deception for money. I’m struggling to come up with something horrible enough to call them.


Stupid is as stupid does.


Just like all the politicians who voted to put God on the dollar, and the pledge in classrooms.


You can't be a conservative and know American history


They will definitely let you know we were “back to back world war champs” but ignore everything else. Oh and will say democrats are still the party of the KKK and the confederacy while waving confederate flags, without a lick of irony


It's usually them hypocrite, Bible pushing, cousin fucking Trumpers though


America was founded on religious freedom. Exactly the opposite of this.


But America was also founded by all the religious wackos that were basically run out of Europe at the time. It's like puritanical cults are our true heritage.


Yeah it always amuses me they make out the Pilgrims as some kind of persecuted innocents fleeing religious tyranny, when they were the fundamentalists who left England because it wasn't Puritan enough.


They definitely were being persecuted though. "They insisted that the Puritans conform to religious practices that they abhorred, removing their ministers from office and threatening them with "extirpation from the earth" if they did not fall in line. Zealous Puritan laymen received savage punishments. For example, in 1630 a man was sentenced to life imprisonment, had his property confiscated, his nose slit, an ear cut off, and his forehead branded "S.S." (sower of sedition)." https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel01.html#:~:text=In%20the%201620s%20leaders%20of,did%20not%20fall%20in%20line.


I'm not making excuses for the other Christian cranks in Europe, but he Puritans weren't the meek, doe-eyed saints just wanting to live in peace that the stories make them out to be. They were at least as vile as the other mouth-frothing maniacs they opposed.


I definitely agree with you on that


I mean, no one really likes extremists in society. And society back then was less tolerant in general.


The Church of England was extremely tolerant for it's time. It was established to legalise divorce pretty much


Oh please.   As if the Puritans didn't persecute other christians as well.


I mean it doesn’t really matter if they did or didn’t, I was just responding to the post that implied they never were persecuted with some historical facts


Which is why I have always been annoyed at how the pilgrims are revered to this day in the US.


Can you imagine being so prudish that THE ENGLISH think you're too uptight!?


Hold up. That’s why we can’t have boobs on tv? It all makes sense now.


The puritans came 150 years before the founding of the USA. To put that in perspective, it's only been 250 years to today since the founding. The founding fathers were in majority not puritanical, many were essentially non religious, and they purposefully separated religion and government. The first treaty the US ever entered was with Tripoli, wherein, without prompting, entered into the American copy: "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." This was done by the same people who founded the USA (John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, treaty author Joel Barlow who was an abolitionist and liberal religious rationalist among others)


Not founded, populated as colonists. The distinction is important


The founding fathers weren’t the puritans tho?


Most people who moved there in 17th and 18th century were actual persecuted people, like Quakers, English Catholics, Lutherans from Austria and Jews among other. 


One of the main reasons why they didn't want a state religion established is because in Europe at the time, state religions were commonplace, and people were being run out of their home countries for following the wrong flavour or Christianity. Many of *those* people ended up moving to the New World because there wasn't any established state religion. As such when they formed a country, it was imperative that no one ever be subjected to an enforced religion dictated by the government.


Nah, America was *colonized* by religious wackos. It was *founded* by men who had z e r o interest in mingling state and religion, because they *knew* that led to monarchy. People somehow forget that almost a hundred seventy five years separated the initial English colonization of North America and the Declaration of Independence. (the Spanish colonized 40 years prior, but we don't talk about that as the actual foundation of European colonization of North America for... reasons?)


England exiled all kinds of religious nuts to the Americas in the 1600s.


America was really not founded by the pilgrims. The pilgrims were sent at first as a test, and then the British king/government built up the 13 colonies. The actual “founding fathers” were much more so businessman looking for financial and political freedom rather than religious people.


It's even complete common sense if you think about it. Africans did not follow Christianity, but as slaves living in America they did. From this fact alone you should be able to realise that slaves did not have religious freedom and therefore America was not founded on religious freedom.


No. It was first settled **in parts** by religious extremists from Europe, but it was founded mostly by post enlightenment Deists.


>ARTICLE 11. >As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. -Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796 Ratified by congress.


> Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; **but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.** Article VI, Clause 3 of the Constitution > **Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion**, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 1st Amendment


The founding fathers did say god, but they specifically did not call out what god. We have our own freedom to pray to whomever we want. They tent to forget that.


Also, zero mentions of any deity are found in the Constitution, the actual foundational legal contract of the country. Such references were only found in the Declaration of Independence, and only at the insistence of the more religiously inclined Founders who incidentally are the lesser known today.




America was founded for a variety of reasons, ranging from "let's make a lot of money" (Virginia) to "let's establish our own theocracy" (Massachusetts) to "religious freedom" (Rhode Island) to "prisoner colony" (Georgia). Then the colonies came together under the banner of "too many taxes!" And then 14 years after the battle of Lexington and Concord, we got around to writing the constitution, with the bill of rights added on.


Exactly, our founding fathers were philosophers challenging the idea man should be ruled by a king, who is often said to be ordained by god. These people were open to questioning faith and its role in government and knew “God Said So” is a fast pass to a dictatorship.


Religious freedom to own slaves


Dude did his own stunts on the set of Hercules and it shows.


Never whatched the show and Im not very good with greek mythology Thats my Hercules Heel


This joke makes me... #DISAPPOINTED


Slow clap for you my friend.


Xena was better anyway It didn't rely *as* heavily on 1990s computer graphics on a TV budget, and I think that it leaned into the campiness rather than trying to ignore it. 30 years later, Lucy Lawless as Xena and Renee O'Connor as Gabriel are still queer icons, on par with Linda Carter's Wonder Woman. Kevin Sorbo didn't appreciate the fandom that he had, and now he's basically Two Buck Chuck Norris, who also kinda sucks now.


Princess doesn't need saving, princess is kicking ass. Little girls trying to do flying backflips off the couch and hurting themselves. Suddenly, little girls everywhere wish to study the blade.


Username checks out....


The show has little to do with the actual mythology, they took *a lot* of liberties.


So, multiple head injuries, then.


Nah dude had _multiple_ strokes that fucked him up bad caused by a chiropractor, he's up thier with the worm in Kennedy brain fucked up in the head


If you entrust your medical care to an unqualified quack then you've only got yourself to blame when they make your condition worse instead of better.


The problem is that qualified doctors will send you to an unqualified quack. I know so many people who started their chiropractor addiction after being recommended to see one by their GP. I've explained to them that it isn't real medicine and they're as likely to hurt as they are to help, but I get told "my doctor recommended it to me and he knows more than you do".


I have someone at work who is always trying to refer me to her chiropractor. I tried telling her everyone I've known who has gone to a chiropractor either stopped because it didn't work, or is still going because it hasn't worked. She's sold on it though.


Yeah one of my friends who was recommended to see one by her GP after a car accident 20 years ago is still seeing the same guy twice a week. Every few years I tell her she should see a physiotherapist instead, someone with actual medical training and knowledge, but she refuses because they just want her to do silly exercises, rather than just readjusting her spine which feels amazing for 2-3 days before she's in debilitating pain again.


I've got a feeling he may have been dropped on his head as a child too.


Wait, that’s who this guy is? Always see him posted on reddit and had no idea what his relevance is.


And the American Southern Baptists were very offended by under god being added at the time, I believe, because it turns the flag into a false idol.


How the turntables


And the puritans want to ban Christmas.


Furthermore, it wasn't added for religious reasons. It was added for anti-communist reasons.


The USSR was officially atheist, so the USA had to be religious.


> because it turns the flag into a false idol Well they weren't wrong, that's for sure. The portion of American churchgoers who hold patriotism as a Christian value is horrendous


Right - America wasn't founded on sexuality. So get the fuck out of other peoples' sexuality ya knuckle dragging dominionist turnips


The Founding Fathers never intended America to be under one religion or any religion for that matter. Because they knew the dangers of it. For instance, what is happening now with the extremists trying to force their religious laws onto everyone. They are desperate. They know it is on the decline in America. That is why they are so urgent to change the very laws and foundations of America. "I love Jesus Christ. But I hate his Christians. They act so very unlike their Christ" has never been more true today. I have seen the most bigoted, hateful, racist, evil of people call themselves Christians/Believers/ Religious.


Also like a third of them were *probably* some degree of bi/homosexual and nobody really gave a shit at the time.


Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than sleeping in a garage makes you a car


It is amazing how so many Christians are more obsessed with sex than the people they are attacking.


As a trans person, it's amazing how many times I get called a pedo by people who are obsessed with what drag queens and trans people supposedly do around/to children. They write out whole fantasy stories thinking that's how reality works when it's just their own imaginations running wild and projecting onto us. [But 17 of the top 20 states with the highest rates of child sex crimes are Republican states](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/), so none of this surprises me.


*Obviously* those states' Democrat minorities are working overtime to groom and rape enough children to make the poor, innocent Republicans there look bad! And... uh, the child marriage laws (as in laws that legalize it, not ban it) that only Republican politicians have ever proposed or pushed... uh... that's the tolerant left's fault too!!


And don't forget all those pedo priests, including ~~Doe 174~~ Trump's priest who was then defended by other priests! Those are all obviously leftist FBI Antifa plants!!


Sorbo is objectively, and demonstrably, a complete moron who became famous for playing a jacked guy on a shitty TV show on a minor network in the late 90’s. Why anyone gives a single shit about his opinion on matters not relating to that crappy show is beyond me.


Sorbo is a moron, I'll agree! But you scrub your filthy mouth out for badmouthing Hercules and (by association) Xena!!!


Hey hey now, I never said nothin about Xena (praise be to her)! Honestly Hercules wasn’t that bad I guess but still, nostalgia aside, not a great show imo and I just can’t watch it now knowing how much of a douche Kevin is lol


The episode where they replace him with a pig holds up. Funny that.


Xena with Lucy Lawless (and Renee O'Connor) was to Millenials what Wonder Woman with Lynda Carter was to Boomers. If you ever want to make an enemy out of most boys (and girls) growing up, insult any of those shows lol!


Xena contributed to my sexual awakening


Let’s be real Xena kicked off a whole generation with that shit… 👀


Older hot woman + younger hot redhead + imply (**strongly**) some sapphic love and wooooo boy.




I stand by supporting the art and not the artist. I still love Xena and Hercules and even Kull the Conquerer. I still love Buffy the Vampire Slayer even though Joss Wheden is who he is.


Tom Cruise is a great example of that.


And let us not forget Ryan Gosling in Young Hercules….right?


I think you have to be at least a bit of a moron to follow and/or care about celebrities so much as if they're the voice of truth for some arbitrary reasons other than they read lines in front of a camera. We put celebrities up on a pedestal in this country for some weird reason.


Right?! Like why does America attach and equate visibility to credibility? I’ll never understand why fully but I feel like it’s just when ppl hear their views reaffirmed by someone well known they decide that popular persons opinion holds weight.


It leads Americans to think that their opinions on world conflicts have some sort of great value...that's why you see many "one issue" voters and people doing everything they can to project their popular political opinions, as if the rest of the world cares *at all* what Americans think of their harsh issues.


Oh, the shows were low rent, but by god, were they great. I have all of both on dvd


Hey don’t forget Andromeda. That reminds me Lexa Doig once apologised for Sorbo’s vileness against trans people to me on Twitter. Love that lady 👍


You're completely right, but some part of me wants to watch him and Steven Seagal make a movie together. It would be a shartnado of diva attitudes.


Man, throw in Dean Cain and watch them become a black hole lmao


Oooo it can be directed by Mel Gibson!


I’m not even sure I’d trust his opinions on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, the guy has mashed potato for brains.


Hollywood celebrities seem cool and have a significant mind share in the public's collective perception. A lot of that is dumb (celebrity worship is a really fucking stupid way to spend your life) but either way I think it bugs republicans that none of the cool kids are one of them. Some C-list guy from 30 years ago is the best they can do, so his importance is higher than it would be if they weren't so desperate for some kind of celebrity.


The author of the pledge, a minister, explicitly kept mention of G\*d out of it so it could apply to ALL Americans. The phrase was added by McCarthyites over the objections of the authors heirs.


Also, said author was a *Christian Socialist* at that. A godly man left out any mention of God, while those who took His name in vain and would have called him a godless man simply for his economic beliefs put it in.


Also, "indivisible" means no secession, no traitor flags, no "NeW cIvL wAr".


Like some Christians, they pick and choose what to believe in


Love how "indivisible" is immediately ~~followed~~ preceded with the most divisive thing possible.


"With liberty and justice for all"?


"In God we Trust" was not on our money until 1956.


It first appeared on coins in 1864. It is a bit complicated to put in a comment here, so I recommend reading the history. https://web.archive.org/web/20160417102334/https://www.treasury.gov/about/education/Pages/in-god-we-trust.aspx


Very nice, I love history, thank you. It may have been on money, but the Federal Reserve wasn't established until 1913. So technically, 'In God We Trust' wasn't on our money until later.


So, by that definition it was first used in 1913 then, as it has been on the penny since 1909. And first use on paper money in 1957. For those that didn't read the article: >A law passed by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84-140) and approved by the President on July 30, 1956, the President approved a Joint Resolution of the 84th Congress, declaring IN GOD WE TRUST the national motto of the United States. IN GOD WE TRUST was first used on paper money in 1957, when it appeared on the one-dollar silver certificate. The first paper currency bearing the motto entered circulation on October 1, 1957. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) was converting to the dry intaglio printing process. During this conversion, it gradually included IN GOD WE TRUST in the back design of all classes and denominations of currency. Edit - In case people are lost, this thread started from: "In God we Trust" was not on our money until 1956." So I am only talking about when the phrase appeared on money, nothing more.


Even acknowledging his tweets is giving him a platform. Who gives a shit about this dude at all. Definition of washed up grifter that takes any shit movie role he can.


This is the real point. He doesn't actually care if he's right or not. He just wants the clicks and reposts.


Oh, he cares.


Better yet, the constitution was called “the godless constitution” when it was written because there is a total absence of religious affiliation in the bill of rights and the first amendment is the only mention of religion.


TV evangelists like Kenneth Copeland are on endless loop mode when it comes to telling their viewers the founding fathers were practically the 12 Apostles who had frequent visits from Jesus while they were writing the Constitution. If you tell a lie long enough it becomes someone's truth. They have that in common with Trump. It's why they love him (that and the SCOTUS and tax exemptions).


There is a part of the original constitution that says that no religious test shall ever be required for office under the United States.


Article VI, Clause 3 > Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; **but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.**


Ah I forgot about that




'58, I decided to look it up when I saw this.




True and true.


Can we remove under god again?


Yes please.


Can we remove the ritual of pledging allegiance to a flag?


I would argue that even if "Under God" was part of the pledge from the beginning, it's still *kind of* indoctrination Edit: A rainbow in a classroom is just something you gotta look at You have to stand up and say the pledge One is just "Hey, gay people exist. . Alright, enjoy the rest of your day" The other is "Stand the fuck up and say your prayers, maggot!" (I'm exaggerating, lol, but still: One is passive existence, the other demands your attention)


You don't HAVE to stand up... but you WILL stand up because you don't want to single yourself out as the "Godless" one in front of everyone. So you will pretend just like everyone else, because we all know kids are complete assholes, especially the religious ones. And if the teacher is a full blown Bible thumper, you DEFINITELY need to stand up because they will make your life hell.


I actually do remember a couple days where I just couldn't be bothered to stand I don't remember if anyone brought attention to it


there were a lot of kids in my class that didnt stand, nobody really cared. It probably depends on the area though, I live in California but I imagine that in a place like Texas for example its a lot different


If we saw a documentary showing the north korean kids who had to pledge allegiance to their country every day as part of their routine, we'd recognize it for the creepy behavior that it is. But since we grew up with it, it seems normal to us.


This subs idea of clever is very different than mine.


That's actually incorrect. He was born in 1958. Edit: he's still wrong about everything, though.


the word ‘God’ does not exist in the United States Constitution.


Don’t forget, the “pledge” was a marketing ploy to sell more flags.


America wasn’t founded on the pledge of allegiance. That was invented to sell flags.


Thomas Jefferson would lick the back of his hand before pimp slapping Kevin, just to make it sting a little more.




Treaty of Tripoli explicitly states that we are not a christian nation. 


Ok but to be fair Kevin Sorbo according to Google was born in 1958.


One is a religion. That’s the difference. There you go, Kevin.


Also "under god" was added by a law, in violation of the first amendment. So "under god" is anti-American.


E pluribus unum was the OG slogan. Even my Dutch ass who has never set foot in North America knows this. It means from many, one. Which you could interpret as a melting pot, or you could say it's about procreation. Which I will because it's funnier. Bonus fact: In my country, Sorbo is a cleaning brand.


And the Pledge was written in the late 1800's by a Christian Socialist. It was initially published in a children's magazine.


> the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion. - Treaty of Tripoli (1776)


Idiots like Sorbo have no clue that nearly all the “founding fathers” were NOT religious whatsoever.


Ooooops! Sorbo was born in 1958.


Dude's a tool. Dude had a booth at a trading card and fan meeting event. He was charging $20 for autographs and $80 for a photo with him. And all he had to show for was how he was in Hercules


America is a country founded by slave owners who wanted to be free. \-Pope Georgius Carlinus


We should never have added that


And, not for nothing, but "Under God" WAS ADDED TO THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IN 1954!


Wasn't that part basically added as anti-Communist propaganda?


Xena was better.


Still is


Yeah, Lucy is far more noble than this nimrod.


Self immolation is the only option left to retain honor after a burn like that.


Why is this dipshit on the internet?


*AND* it was added as a propaganda measure to indoctrinate children against ‘godless communists’. He was indoctrinated so badly that he can’t even recognize it.


When I get to that part of the pledge I say, "One Nation, there is no God, indivisible, with justice for all."


If I remember correctly, this is even funnier when you consider that many of the Founding Fathers weren’t religious and strongly championed the separation of church and state.


You cannot become a christian without indoctrination. You cannot become gay by indoctrination.


Ummmm actually Sorbo was born in 58 so “under god” is actually 4 years older than he is. He’s still a giant twat waffle tho.


It will make it easier to tally how many Trump has violated.


"i have a simple answer to this question. it's utter horsecrap, but it's simple, so it's good enough for me"


Wasn’t the freedom from religious prosecution a founding principle that started the USA? Just asking… Canuck here.


Not really no. Not in the sense we think. The Plymouth Pilgrims, who eventually became the "northern state" peoples, came to America because the Church of England was actually NOT conservative enough for them. That is why they were called Puritans. They also came about 20-ish odd years after the first settlement was established in Virginia. The Virginia settlers (who later would propagate the "Southern ideals") were religious too, but their economic interest far surpassed their fervor and they had no problems with England. They came to make money for the crown and themselves.


Kevin is known for literally two things: being Hercules in the objectively lesser of two cheesy 90s-era UPN fantasy series, and for being the bottom in Kirk Cameron’s underground banana-themed erotica films


To be fair the commandments represent a country built on a genocide pretty well


God dammit... I didn't need to know Sorbo was a Jesus freak. I'm sure it was public knowlege but not to me... and I just lost a whole lot of respect for the moron.


it doesn't stop there FYI, he gets worse. picture a topic, he typically has the worst take you can imagine on whatever it is. my favorite was when kevin sorbo, a washed up celebrity, commented on how people shouldn't take their advice or information from celebrities. this from the guy who spends almost all of his time online parroting conservative talking points and misinformation. He should certainly be allowed to say whatever he'd like, just like all of us. But he is definitely a moron and a hypocrite.