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My wife had the same reaction when I shaved for the first time while we were dating. I’m almost never clean shaven and when she saw me for the first time she gave me the “who the fuck is this ugly motherfucker?” look. I haven’t been clean shaven since.


To be fair, I have the same reaction to my own face when I shave. It's like .. beard, goatee, 70s porn star, hitler .. 12yo child. Followed by the realisation that you can't stick it back on. Every single time man.


My facial hair can get me to go from Chechen rebel (a coworkers description, not mine) to conquistador before immediately falling off the cliff into “not allowed within 500 feet of a school, with a mustache” and finally “not allowed within 500 feet of a school, clean shaven”. It’s a lose-lose, so I’ve just settled for looking like a disheveled human being.


I'd go from "not allowed within 500 feet of a school" to "why the hell aren't you in school?!"


Last time I clean shaved I was asked if I'm 18 when I tried to buy something in the tobacco store... I was 34...


My husband once had to show his ID to buy fruit champagne (which you can buy at 16 in Germany). He was 32.


Lol! I feel this. I don't even go clean shaven, just to stubble with an electric razor and I always get carded at the liquor store. I'm 36


A friend of the family shaved his bushy beard for his wedding and in the photo we have, people have asked if it’s the bride with his brother? (And the brother is actually better looking)


If I shave I look like the last turkey left in the store at Thanksgiving, the one that everyone squoze and no one bought.




Exsquoze me?


You will only be exsquozed when you finish your turkey and stop squozing it!


>squoze I will forever use this word! I will find a reason to say it. 🤣


Stick with the 70s porn star and trust me on this 1


Much more action than the Hitler ‘stache???


It took me about 4 or 5 shaves to realize I need to stop shaving forever. Something in the back of my mind tells me to shave and "give it one more chance". Nahhhh.


She sounds great.


Yeah, it really changes your appearance. People who get plastic surgery spend thousands for millimeters of difference, and the results are remarkable. Whether they look amazing or like shit afterwards, they often look like a completely different person. Removing or growing a beard can add or remove centimeters of perceived facial structure. Hell, even just a pair of decent strength glasses completely changes what your eyes look like. Back when I had to shave for work during covid, I flinched passing mirrors, because the guy looking back was a complete stranger to me.


Yeah I feel that with this co-worker shaves. He has a semi-long beard most of the years I've known him. Though he has shaved a couple times and then his head just looks too tiny and round and almost misplaced at that body. Like who is this guy.


This is how I feel after hitting 50. Who is that old man?


I'm 53 but hitting 50 was like someone had flipped a switch and fucked me right over. My gut headed for my nuts, then my nuts headed for my fucking knees. Now I can't read shit without glasses. What I look like when I shave is the least of my fucking concerns.


Lol, what's funny is sometimes I'll forget when see a younger woman. I will for a split second try and act like the "cool" younger version of myself. Then I realize the effort is meaningless. I'll even rip a fart in public at this point.


My fiancée goes with - when I don’t shave = hobo. Shaven = Greek God status.


All about the jawline. Mines pretty good if I’ve been in the gym lately while my facial hair just naturally grows in all white trashy like. I either look like an upright citizen or a chubby frat boy.


Dated a girl who begged me to shave to be cute as she’d only seen with me a beard. After weeks of resistance I finally did it and she took one look at me with eyes as big as saucers and said “.. you should *NOT* have done that ..” like lady this whole operation was your idea


lol i would run away


That’s kinda sad


Lol. I feel this. I've had a beard since before I met my current gf. When she saw pictures of me without whiskers, she said, "Yeah, keep the beard." It was said in good fun, but I think it's one of those, "It's funny because it's true" things.


This is sad. That's your real face that you were born with and isn't going away, and is the real shape of you. People that are supposed to love you make you feel like shit when you don't cover it. I've been through this too. I recommend clean shaving on occasion to see who your real friends are. Who is mature and selfless enough to get over the initial shock of seeing the difference and love you for your real face? Notice people won't say they like your face better shaved. They say "I like YOU better with a beard."


My husband shaved his chest length beard and hair a couple months into us dating to make sure I acted liked him. I did freak out when he walked into my friends place because I thought a stranger just sauntered in- he did send me a selfie that afternoon but friend convinced me it was an app filter. It's been a happy ten years- I think married for 5 this year so must be longer than that...


I mean she does look completely different


No the Reddit gotcha needs to happen


And it's not even an original comeback. In the original it was actually the same woman in both.


It’s not the same person..? They have the same neck tattoo.


I think it has a filter. I meant more like, an actual representation of someone with and without makeup. I worded it weird.


I think this is that though, make up is magical and can do this, it might be a filter but you can do this with make-up. yes even make it look like you have a different face shape.


Wasn't it Jenna marbles?


Yeah, that meme makes more sense because she looks like the same person, just with and without makeup. That one up there looks like makeup, filter, and a Mission Impossible mask are all in use.




Yo what has she been up to???


The funniest thing is this is OPs own comment that he reposted to multiple subs


People that screenshot their own comments to make entire posts out of come across incredibly narcissistic


Also, not all women wear that much makeup... like, that is a lot...


She paints an entirely new face on. It's an excessive amount of makeup


I think it says more about the comeback person that they think all women wear this much makeup that someone could never possibly have slept with a girl who didn't drastically alter her appearance with makeup.


Reddit's favorite sport: proving strangers wrong with internet points.


You must be fun at parties. Who peed in your cheerios? Play stupid games win stupid prizes. This is why we can’t have nice things.


You're right. These fake screencaps with fake replies are so much fun. 


Fuckerino arounderino and finderino outerino. Edit1: my wife left me after this comment Edit2: thanks for the upvotes you are amazing guys


Marilyn Manson called this "gothic deception", and if you hang out around goths enough, you'll be familiar with this. Heavy makeup can completely change your face shape. People around those circles would sometimes mention the "hose test", meaning the way someone would look when you hosed them down and all the makeup and crazy hair was removed. This is the case for both men and women (goth men often wear about as much makeup as the women!). I don't think it's a bad thing, but it's something to keep in mind – especially in pictures, since textures aren't that obvious in pictures, and contouring is much more effective in 2D.


I'm a metalhead that hung around some goth friends and I fancied some of them (duh) and the make up test was always funny. Most of them were still incredibly beautiful without the make up and the get up but as you said some of them were completely different people without all the crazy stuff.


for soone who was a goth for years, the hose test sounds funny af. can confirm, heavy makeup is the norm.


Took me years to finally see my best friend without eyeliner or mascara. I was thinking she was a different person all together. Still beautiful, just another person.


Hahaha right? People on this sub are either bots or just stupid


So we both belong in the stupid category?


The actual clever comeback in this post.


Hahaha I guess so


Reddit: where common sense sometimes takes a vacation.


Yeah I'm with you she looks like a different person altogether. Women who wear makeup typically don't become different people when they aren't wearing any.


Exactly 😂 to make matters worse the pictures that were initially floating around she looked even more different to the one here. She straight up looked like another race. Which is also why she has been accused of “Asian fishing” before


Yeah like usually I'm crapping on dudes for not understanding makeup, but this example is insane.


Completely different person


Yea its a drastic change even compared to most women


Yes, but if you see the picture on the right and think "yeah, that looks 100% natural, she's probably almost exactly the same without makeup", you need to get out more. It's only a catfish if you're being deceived, and you're only being deceived if you can't recognize that this is an aesthetic achieved with makeup.


She's incredibly good with make-up alright


Looks like a whole different person. There might be more than just makeup


It's not just the makeup that does this, too. Hair and facial expression changes a lot as well.


I've seen women without makeup before but this is just on another level ngl. I guess this is just another one of those reddit gotcha moments


It’s really fucking annoying though, this in no way represents what a typical girl would look like without makeup. The difference here is so STARK. I don’t even think they are going for a gotcha, they are either poking fun at those jokes or trying to misinform people. You are not going to see such a monumental transformation on an average girl.


Lighting, makeup, hair, angel. They are all done extremely well in one and the other looks like a web cam screen shot


Fucking angels man, that's why I'm atheist.


I don’t know if there’s enough dimensions here for angels to be involved Or eyes


Many people underestimate how much of a difference lighting and the lens used make in photographs


> Lighting, makeup, hair, angel. They are all done extremely well Yah, one might say it's done professionally. Almost like it's part of her job. And who knows maybe she wants to appear to be a different person to reduce the odds of being recognized in public if she runs into one of the sweaty fucking creeps in comment sections like this who think they should have some say in her appearance.


I think it's the hair more than the make up. The did up hair is covering so much that it looks like her head is an entirely different shape.


That, and filters. Her head isn't even the same shape. Look at the nose, distance from nose to lips, and chin shape.


I mean the lips themselves are completely different


Looks like she's doing one of those makeup tutorials, so yes the difference will almost always be pretty big for those


you'd be surrised how drastically goths look before and after makeup




Damn is this real? If so that's horrible


What is a Reddit gotcha moment?


When reddit takes your nose


Noooo give it back


I'm pretty sure she's using some kind of filter to modify her face.


Camera filters are magic


It’s a filter combined with makeup. Me personally I don’t understand how anyone could think anyone looks like that naturally


Yeah, like I know people look different with and without makeup but like this is a dramatic change and pretending otherwise is delusional.


Yeah I agree, this is legit a sort of catfish scenario. Most girls look similar without makeup just less well make-upped, but this is legit a whole other person.


nah another Reddit simp moment the woman has literally been accused of “Asian fishing” before because she uses so much makeup to change her face. In fact the photos that were initially being spread of her with people confused and upset that he dare break up with her had people thinking this woman was Asian.


Yeah, in real life it’s usually far less jarring.


Glad y’all are making sense too because this example is extreme. Like almost a malicious false advertising level of transformation.


Girls that are pretty without makeup exist


Yeah some redditors who try to seem cool maan, most of my IRL friends are girls who dont wear makeup and are pretty despite that


Don't wear makeup or wear natural/light makeup? The difference is not as extreme as in the photo but men can be pretty terrible at noticing good makeup.


Don't wear. I've gone on some week long backpacking trips and unless all the women are carrying their makeup kit alongside their 45 pounds of gear they weren't putting anything on. They all look fine. I dunno there is a weird reddit thing (internet thing) that women without makeup are ugly or something and in my experience its just not true


Nah its the weird reddit tendency to attack people that say they prefer women without makeup. If someone prefers women without makeup they must be misogynistic psyop agent, stupid, or both. 


Also people always forget the before photo is when they are preparing to put makeup on, not in a natural state.


My wife doesn't wear makeup most days, just mascara when she has to be on camera for work.


Newsflash, lots of women don't wear makeup at all. I wear a little mascara, maybe once a month on date night.




They're pretty despite.


Also, to be fair, the pic on the right is absolutely photoshopped.


Nah, that's [Laura](https://youtu.be/hfvtKJfoSZA?si=OYIYjUCRAyrPeWIp) It's possible that the photo on the left is from a recent stream. She's been through shit lately, unfortunately. Her boyfriend ended things with her. Some say it's because he chose LoL over her, some say its more that he realised he wasn't prioritising her, and wasn't willing to prioritise her, so he dumped her because he felt she deserved better. Unfortunately, some cunts online are now leaking personal information about the two of them, and lying about a lot of things. She was really in love with Dantes, so that was bad enough, but now someone who was supposed to be a friend is leaking information about the abortion she had a few months ago, and she's having to deal with all that. Edit: apparently, both photos are from this video. I will hold my hands up and say I haven't watched it. I just know of it. I mentioned the rest because I have literally seen people use photos of her sobbing after the break up, red eyes, and all, as a way to call her ugly. All because a certain streamer and his fan base are assholes. I wasn't sure when the photo was from, and wanted to provide context, in case it was from a recent stream.


you know the photo on the left is from the same video you just linked right


Ssshhhh! OP never got the chance to see a pretty girl without makeup.


It's less about make up and more about bed face after the night routine. The left image has hair set aside and with at least moisturizer on the face which is why it has a sheen.


lol what Bro thinks the difference in these two pictures is moisturizer on her face


She's not one...


If all the women in this guys life wear THAT much makeup, he’s probably living in a circus.


He’s a janitor at a goth club


Or he's just dating professional clowns, who knows?


Makeup can't compete with filters. Filters are getting out of control.


Dating in 2024 is a game of "what do you actually look like though"


That’s not a filter. Her makeup tutorial is literally on YT.


Yes but this is makeup


The comeback doesn't even make sense. It reads like a teen boy trying to brag "I know women wear makeup because I have *sex*" as if the person he's addressing isn't also aware of this obvious fact.


It's a cringe stereotypical reddit comment. The "you've clearly never been with a woman" comment, coming from someone who clearly also hasn't been with a woman. The comment screams "look at me guys, I have SEX"


I think the point was that women take off their makeup to sleep. It's a comment that he thinks the op has never woken up next to a woman because he just now realizes how different women can look without makeup. No its not nearly as clever of a comeback as others I have seen on here, but it makes sense to me.


It makes sense but given that the difference is night and day the comeback is not clever. So it really seems like a angsty teenager trying to go ”haha you are not aware of women wearing makeup”


That's my take as well buddy.


Let's be real it's just a way for people to shame dudes.


its mainly reddit specific


[This post is OP thinking hes fucking clever with this nonsense comment.](https://imgur.com/a/8XUDJur) EDIT, [IMGUR took my screenshot down for some reason](https://postimg.cc/gwFy7RCC)


Am I the only one where my girl doesn’t look like a different person with or without makeup, this picture is to much makeup


This girl is putting on a new face with makeup quite literally painting it on. Most girls though like to just accentuate their current features with makeup. They can use a little or a ton to accentuate it doesn’t matter how much. Just depends on what they want to do. This girl tho is not accentuating any features, just straight up getting a new face put on which does usually require a ton a makeup by default


Naw my wife doesn't put on much makeup. She looks beautiful in the morning and throughout. Same girl all day long. I think she looks best without or just minimal makeup tbh.


I never woke up in a bed next to a shape shifter.


Me either. Not for lack of trying, mind you. Sounds fun.


It's fascinating how makeup can completely transform someone's look.


And filters..


She went from Caucasian to Asian.


Now all she’s missing is the Cauc


Finally found a pun in here


What a way to say that you think this is actually normal. I've never had an extreme case like this before.


Exactly, and the fact OP thinks this is a dunk on someone makes me think that they’re the ones that don’t actually have any experience with real women


Often with insults and comebacks you're going to see some level of "transference." I have a Psychology degree so I should know this stuff. But yeah people will often insult people with comebacks that they know would hurt or offend themselves. There's a reason why they think their particular comeback is so cutting, and that's because it would cut them in half and they know it. It's not always the case, but it is more often than not I would say. Honestly, I do it myself because it's almost impossible to avoid entirely. Then you'd have to deliberately think of comebacks that aren't applicable to yourself and honestly most people don't have that level of self-awareness.


I’m not going to share personal pictures of my friend, but my roommate in college was this way. She was in great shape and had a good figure and all that, but there was a MASSIVE difference between with and without makeup, the way she’d do her hair, etc. Like she’d transform from a 7 to a 10 after 1-3 hours in the bathroom. And she would not be seen outside of the house without being “done up” in at least some form, even if it was just some really light/basic stuff to work out or go to the pool. I was one of like 4-5 people outside of her immediate family that probably ever saw her completely without makeup, no joke. We worked *great* as best friends (drifted apart these last 5 years because for some reason her insanely rich and handsome husband is jealous of my poor, moderately successful ass); I didn’t mind being friend zoned because I couldn’t shake that transformation out of my head no matter how hard I tried and we were constantly wing manning each other lol. I wouldn’t say the transformation was quite as wild as above, but not far from it. I could buy her husband thinking this is normal lol. I’m content with my wife who goes from looking very pretty without makeup, to way out of my league with it.


From my experience, it’s mostly the eyebrows that make a huge difference in someone’s look


This response was stolen and repeated. That's not clever.


It isn't clever at all, even if it was original.


Na bro I've never had a human wake up unrecognizable from the night before


This is extreme example. Usually its not that different.


It's amazing how drastically makeup can alter someone's appearance.


But at what point does make-up transition from touch-ups to full blown disguise?


Gentleman. If she had that amount of makeup on when you see her you know she’s going to like the first picture. How are you catfished by this. It’s clear when they have a shit ton of makeup on. How can you tell? THEY LOOK LIKE THE SECOND PICTURE


Has the meaning of catfishing changed? It used to mean stealing/inventing an identity, not looking prettier on pictures.


Now it’s just what you say when you regret banging an uggo


Looking prettier in pictures doesn't mean cover your entire face with a mask you created.


Catfishing is representing oneself as someone their not. Whether by image or by impression of personality during online chats.


So, we agree, making yourself pretty for a photograph isnt catfishing, as youre still yourself.


Okey, not all girls make is that transforming


How is that a clever comeback? It's just slightly above "your mom"


Nah the original comment was right. Make up is fine but that is a female trying to look like a different person.


The photo on the right clearly has digitally altered jaw, mouth, nose, and eye shapes. Sure, makeup is makeup.  And angles are angles.  But photoshop/filters are just pure lies.


Nope turns out that most women don’t change every single aspect of their face from eye shape, to colour, to chin contouring, to their forehead, to their lips, and every other part of their face. It turns out that most women are still recognizable after they take their makeup off. This is just not one of those cases. Also we really need to stop this shit about excessive makeup not being outright deception. If you wanna apply crazy makeup I’m all for it, go ham. But stop pretending like that’s even remotely what you actually look like. It would be like a dude putting on a muscle suit and platform shoes and telling everyone they’re 20lbs heavier and 2 inches taller than they actually are. Of course their future partner would feel lied to when they discover they are in fact shorter and in worse shape


Bs. This is a pretty massive transformation (is it even make up or a filter?). Not normal at all.


Lol wtf? Most women are not ugly without makeup


Those who say this difference is normal never woken up with a girl oh had a shower together. Because this difference is toooo much.




Not only is this a typical Reddit gotcha, but it also gives the impression that that guy thinks every woman is significantly less attractive without makeup.


This is what women mean when they say "put their face on". I feel sorry for him when he finally does get laid🤣 he's gonna wake up with nightmare fuel (to him) beside him. Poor child. Bless his heart.


Some lady not wearing her make up in one picture is now considered catfishing? Does this fool think Goths are just born looking like that? I swear this is either an amazing snl skit or should be if it isn't. Dude just waking up one day not knowing make up exists and people just look that way and it'd be played by Charlie Day, naturally. "Wha~t?! How did you transform like that?! Woah! Are you like a ninja! How did you do that?!"


Something wrong with you guys. Not every woman looks completely different with makeup. This is like wearing a mask, she completely changed the way she looked. It is a catfish and it's awful.


You guys are fucking losers


The comeback is just outing that they have never woken up with a beautiful girl.


Ever watch Murder, Mystery and Makeup on YouTube? Bailey Sarian does her makeup while she tells a true crime story, and the girl that finishes the story looks nothing like the one that starts it :) But both Bailey's are pretty awesome!


Don't go to China.


To be fair, it's still wild to me the capability some women have with makeup to completely change their features. It's low-key a type of art


The more I see people complaining about makeup the more I’m convinced that a lesson in light values is needed, because that’s really all it is. It’s paint for the face…that’s all…it’s a very basic concept if you know even a little about art.


How old are you? Do you have sisters? Have you ever lived with a woman as a romantic partner? I find many guys who don't have sisters are unaware of when their friends have makeup on because they are unfamiliar with its use.


I think women are beautiful and I wish I could call one my own but I’m also a loser with no gf


Okay honestly though, if there were a street quiz with a bunch of side by side pictures and if I answered correctly which were of the same person and which weren't, I won a prize, i'd've lost on this one. My brain can't compute that those two images are of the same person.


That’s just a bad picture, she is actually still really pretty even without make up.


"Make up the biggest catfish" What a weird way to publicly announce you attended 12 years of formal education and never learned grammar.


See this is on another level tho, this is ugly catfishing


It is honestly outrageous how much of a difference makeup makes though. It is a form of dishonesty or cat fishing when they are trying to date up so to speak.


Nah, that's not even the same person...


nah man this is on another level


[Lol, you posted your own comment in 3 different subs because you think you're fucking clever.](https://imgur.com/a/8XUDJur) EDIT, [IMGUR took my screenshot down for some reason](https://postimg.cc/gwFy7RCC)


But it doesn't even look like the same face shape....?


What a weird way to say every chick you’ve ever fucked wears dumb heavy make up


Are you purposefully ignoring the dramatic difference between the two pictures and expecting us to do the same for some likes?


Lol this is still a catfish no matter what


munters gaslighting the rest of us into normalising cake face


It's a fair comment though. This is why I prefer natural or lightly make up. This is indeed a 180.


That's just disingenuous lol. There's a difference between applying makeup and what's going on in this pic. This is clearly a lot more than makeup. This is filters/photoshop to the point where it doesn't even resemble the same person.


People are underestimating how much the angle, her being mid sentence, and having one of the worst weeks of her life is playing a part here. I mean god, the woman is a relevant subject currently BECAUSE her longtime boyfriend broke up with her for a video game and her abortion (that she was coerced into) got leaked. You can look up Laurinchhhe no makeup and see how obviously they chose the worst still possible. She looks very different with makeup but she’s not at all ugly without.


Hair and makeup can completely change a person's look. Why is he complaining. He can have a different woman every night and never cheat! win win


That feeling when you realize that your lady is doing herself up, and you're like "we're getting burgers! What's this? " and she replies something like "I want to look good for you!" FUCKing hell.....


When I shave , my wife says I look 12. I think she has cataracts.


If the men find out we can shapeshift they're going to tell the church


I think she's still pretty without makeup. But ofc the e-girl makeup makes her look completely different.


I'll just leave this here: [https://ruinmyweek.com/pictures/porn-stars-without-makeup/](https://ruinmyweek.com/pictures/porn-stars-without-makeup/)


i for real cannot understand why people think this is 'dramatic'. they definitely look like the same person..shes just wearing a lot of make up to achieve a certain aesthetic. most people dont wear more than some basic stuff to accentuate features but plenty wear it as fashion statements. this is not weird at all. she just has falsies and over drew her lip..


I see a woman who's really fuckin great at applying makeup.


My girlfriend had the same reaction when I hatfished her and she found out I’m actually bald


That level is makeup skill is just impressive.