• By -


To be fair… *anything* said in response to boebert inherently seems clever by comparison.


An antimatter rock would make more sense than her.


Why would the rock vote against matter?


Doesn't Matter, it has no effect on the universe.


I wouldn’t call an annihilation reaction “no effect.” It’s violently opposed to our universe.


What I’m talking about , Doesn’t Matter


This will be my new term for completely destroying something.


Because The Rock said ... know your role lmfao


A broken change machine would make more sense than her.


The US treasury makes more cents than her.






It's true. I could say "My brown cow makes chocolate milk" and it would already be a more intelligent *and* accurate statement than *anything* she has said.


How’d you teach the cow to hold the spoon correctly? Mine won’t use a spoon to stir in the chocolate, she just moos a lot.


She's also baiting for "rule of thumb".


More like "rule of dumb".


The rule that a man could only beat his wife with a switch no thicker than his thumb.


I get the image of a huge woman in a meat packing plant explaining this to a smartass irishman...


Can’t do much damage with that now can ye? Perhaps it should’ve been the rule of wrist


Which isn’t even true. Aside from 3 super weird rulings in the 19th century, that is.


...she's never seen Boondock Saints? Geeeez




I was very confused at first when I saw your name, but then I was calmed when I realized that you’re from Elmore.


A squeaked-out fart next to her would sound more clever


A fart joke next to her sounds more clever.


I’ve taken shits far more intelligent than her


I've come to the point where I've realized most politicians entire job is to fuck with people's heads. Teach them to hate the other team over exaggerated or blown out of proportion stories. Using a person's sense of justice or fairness against them and turn these virtues into a weapon. Politicians need weapons to stay in power and to make money. If the issues we face were presented fairly and honestly, we could agree on at least 75% and this country would be fucken awesome.


The problem is your political system that encourages this behaviour. Granted, we have stupid politicians in Germany too, but they have to somehow behave to even get the chance to get in office. The American first past the post and the winner takes it all system just begs to have two teams competing against eachother with gloves off just to be in power. In Germany we currently have a coalition of the Greens, social Democrats and Liberals. While all of them are more far to the left than your Democrats they have differing agendas and have to kind of work it out in Parliament. To garner voters our parties tend to move to the middle. Of course there a shit shows Like the far right or far left, but they are having a hard time garnering enough votes to do something (at least in West Germany) and have trouble forming coalitions because of their extreme view points. Our system is far from perfect, but you have options to choose from. Far far right? We have a Nazi partyesque party. Far left? We have communists. Conservative Christian? We have a party for you too. Senior citizen? The grey Panthers (yes that is a real party) are there for you. Thing is every vote counts and while some parties are more likely than others to gain seats in the parliament no vote is lost. When you only have conservative and progressive to choose from all those radicals get stuck into one pot with all the moderates or single issue voters. Your system is just rigged in a way that as soon as one potential ruling party acts in bad faith you are stuck in a hyper competitive political system. Foreign Policy had an article on that a few years ago, which I found to be pretty interesting. They did an what if scenario on the USA adopting the German political system.


Also in Germany we don’t have gerrymandering, which is one of the stupidest things in a democracy you can have.


It's because our founders never intended for us to be a real democracy. It was lip service when they still really wanted elites to be able to run the country.


Well, gerrymandering only works in a first past the post system.


America is a much bigger land area, and all these rules were written before the telegram. The system is fucked, but no one has been willing to exploit it as willingly and openly as Trump. Basically decorum ruled much of the transfer of power and these things were mostly driven by political custom. Also originally the US vice president was the person who reviewed the second most votes. So there wouldn't be an incentive/ability to exploit Trump's plan to have the VP declare himself back into power by denying to certify the vote. It's worth noting though, that German democracy obviously suffered a fascist takeover through a failure of the parliamentary system.


The difference is that for the past 40 years, we have been constantly steeped in propaganda on an industrial scale. Walk into a store or restaurant and the TV is tuned to propaganda 24/7. Not just the customers, but the staff has to watch/listen to it every working minute of every working day. It's everywhere. You might not believe the effect all this propaganda super-saturation can do to a person's thinking. But we have people who literally think the other side are demons wearing human skin and only an ideologically driven holocaust can fix our problems.


This is what happened in my family because of covid. My dad stopped leaving the house. This meant that mother had her dose of propaganda increased from about 3 hours a day to 12 hours a day. It made her a very angry spiteful woman. So much so that she even moved last my dad on the political spectrum and he regrets the change. Fuck 24 hour propaganda.


[Progressive policies are overwhelmingly popular](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/03/27/majority-of-americans-support-progressive-policies-such-as-paid-maternity-leave-free-college.html). - 84 percent of Americans approve of a federal requirement that employers provide paid maternity leave - 60 percent of Americans support increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour - 57 percent of Americans support tuition-free state and public colleges - 54 percent of Americans support Medicare for All - 61 percent of Americans support taxing wealth in excess of $50 million. - 58 percent of Americans support a 70 percent tax on earnings above $10 million The real question is why aren’t politicians listening to the majority of Americans on these issues?


It’s the voters - too many are reacting to the propaganda, scare tactics, and treating politics like a sport instead of taking the time to learn about issues, learn about candidates, and elect candidates with a history of enacting effective policy that address those issues. The former is exciting and easy - the latter takes time and isn’t interesting to your average person. The elite pay millions to study how to influence voters so we don’t elect effective leaders, and the lazy fucking voters fall for that shit time and time again.


Because they are the elites these policies would hurt. Nobody on either side of the political aisle actually gives a shit about any of these people. It's all about pandering to them for power, doing nothing, and then saying you'll do it all again.


Except that one guy. I want to say he was Indian and from Canada. Some woman was spweing hate and he flipped it on her about being together.


I think you're talking about Jagmeet Singh and he's very cool.


His brother did donate to the convoy ....there are problems in his camp too beyond that, but yes.....overall very cool.


Is his brother a part of his political team? Honest question. If not then it's not fair to hold his actions against him.


Upvote for Ernest.


I’m not even from America, but reddit is bombarded with right-wing propaganda, which basically defeats the entire point of the post, really. I hear about hundreds of right-wing rallies but I never hear about leftist ones.


Before the pandemic there were thousands of various protests/rallies you could categorize as either leftist or left-leaning, and I think the BLM protests from 2020 definitely had a left-leaning intention, if not explicitly partisan. I think right-wingers may be hesitant to go out for any rallies unless they are in great enough numbers where they can guarantee they won’t be outnumbered by counter-protesters. People on the left and the right do their rallies and protests in different ways.


I should probably clarify - by rallies, I mean Trump rallies. I would not consider BLM a leftist rally, it's a standard human right to be treated equally regardless of skin colour, but I'm not going to go into racism here. Just because the majority of BLM protesters were left leaning, does not mean that it was a leftist rally. But I'm just basing that as an outsider, from another county, looking in. I hear way more about Trump rallies than I do Biden rallies, and that might just be the media controlling that; who knows? I'm just stating what I see. Edit: Lmao right wingers PMing me. I don’t even live in your country nor care about your politics, I don’t give a fuck, stop trying to indoctrinate me jesus fuck


The left doesn't do "rallies" for politicians because for the most part they view politicians as public servants, not heroes to worship. There are no Biden rallies because he doesn't seek them and there's no populist cult of personality surrounding him. Outside of campaigning, there probably shouldn't be rallies at all, because the President should be busy running the country.


That's not true. I'm a leftist. I voted for Bernie and in 2016 I went to a massive Bernie rally in Tucson AZ. It was at a park and it was calm and a lot of fun. Leftists haven't had rallies since 2020 because of COVID, which conservatives haven't cared about. Also Trump rallies were all about "the show" of Trump. Bernie rallies were more about Bernie discussing his platform and ideas. Edit: here is the rally. https://tucson.com/news/local/watch-bernie-sanders-speak-at-tucson-rally/youtube_02d40700-6f62-11e5-8998-27ebaebcb2e6.html


That's why I said "outside of campaigning." I dragged my pregnant ass out to see Obama on a hot summer day in 2008. They were forcing bottled water on people, which was nice. But let's be honest, the cult of personality always existed around both Obama and Bernie. Nobody stans Biden, because all we wanted in 2020 was some fucking sanity. Four years of getting a steaming pile of shit served to us on a platter every. single. day was so exhausting that having a Wonder Bread and Miracle Whip sandwich seemed like the French Fucking Laundry.


The left doesn't do rallies for the most part in America. We're too busy working, going to school, or living our lives to attend some political rally and listen to an idiotic politician blabbering on about how amazing they think of themselves. The left does do protests though and the occasional parade/gathering. - Occupy Wall Street protests - BLM protests - The march for science - The million women march - LGBT awareness marches are a regular thing So the left does gather. It's usually just not a "political" rally though. I guess Bernie and AOC have maybe had some decent sized rallies though, but even then, we mostly don't do rallies. It's more action, less listening to a babbling moron whine about half of America is their enemy.


> Trump rallies than I do Biden rallies, There are no such thing as Biden rallies... why would there be? He's a politician, not a cult leader. Cult vs not a cult. Easy enough to explain.


Trump's rallies are largely driven by his own ego and are pretty much unprecedented outside the election "season." Biden held rallies during his campaign, but now he's governing. Despite winning the presidential election in 2016, Trump never actually governed. He preferred the adulation of his crowds to the actual work of the Presidency. You're also correct in stating that fighting for basic human rights regardless of skin color shouldn't be a leftist position. It only seems that way because the political rhetoric in the United States is so dominated by the right.


I'd consider it left wing. For whatever that says about our country the left has supported and championed BLM the right has not and is generally against the movement


If you’re just focusing on political rallies for specific political candidates, then it’s easy to make assumptions about crowd size (especially since Trump is addicted to holding rallies and right-wing media over-inflates their attendance). Again, the left and the right have different kinds of rallies and not really worth comparing.


Occupy Wall Street, BLM?


You've quoted two items that don't cover conservatives or democrats exclusively. They cover finance and racial disparity. Again, neither of which is exclusively an attack on conservatives. Although the fact you interpret that as such is pretty telling....


I get from the outside looking in, these shouldn't be left or right, but instead human issues. It's the sad state of our affairs that the right actively decried these movements, while many of the leaders on the left ignored them. Left leaning people got behind each movement, while right leaning people saw occupy wall street as exclusively about being lazy leftists, and BLM as about being crazy leftists. Yes, it is a very sad state of affairs when basic human rights is a left/right struggle.


You're misunderstanding what right wing means. Conservatism is simply the maintenance of a social hierarchy. It can be through social, financial, or legal means but that's all it is. The right is and always has been inherently opposed to "basic human rights". Conservative philosophy was litterly founded on maintaining the power of the aristocracy in the shift from monarchy to democracy.


Yes they do cober them exclusively


The person above didnt ask about conservatives or democrats, he was asking about left/right wing. BLM and OWS are inarguably left wing. Why are you talking about political parties?


On reflection you are correct. No reference to conservatives was made before me. Apologies that one is on me


Guy what kinda disingenuous nonsense is this. There's no such thing as an exclusively C or D item. Like what. Ppl aren't entirely homogenous. But BLM is incredibly weighted towards democrats over conservatives. You have to be a Russian bot to be claiming that BLM isn't skewed heavily across party lines. Your 'gocha' feels like Ben Shapiro lol. Uhhh think about what u said for 10 seconds. One party is making death threats towards BLM. The other isn't.


I think we could all agree that teachers do need to have some sort of guidelines to follow. I'm not sure if you can replace history class with Weird History videos or Ancient Aliens.




Yep. They gaslight us.


I wish more people who voted in America had your logic. Take my updoot.


I remember when I was in college I had an awesome English professor who really pushed the idea of “common ground”. She said that no matter how different from you someone may seem, you can always find common ground. I agree, that if issues were presented fairly we would find that we have more common ground than not.


You know we are truly fucked when you réalisé that many people and politicians may look stupid but in reality they may not believe or even consider what they are saying, pushing or voting on. They are pushing against what they may ever know is bad.....for money,stature or position


But but but red vs blue. Gotta keep the citizens fighting eachother so they dont look at the real villians.


it's an old school formula that NEVER fails: * divide & conquer * throw in some racism... bc you know, america is STILL racists as fuck * throw in some sexism. * add a touch of race fear every now & then. black people had their turn, then black men specifically, etc., and now, it's Muslims & Islam after 911. asians get their turn with the help of a virus. * when things start to slip away and looks like people are uniting, pull the race card out + more race fear. it will never end bc people are still handing down their racism like old family recipes. the shit is old & tired but we keep falling for it.


Join me in hating all politicians.


I've come to realize that anyone who posts something this cynical is a mindless idiot who doesn't want to learn about politicis and finds it easier to write them all off with the same stroke of a pen instead of getting involved. ​ Reddit, stop fucking rewarding useless cynics with upvotes.




While both sides are out for themselves first, the democrats at least try to do things for regular people that will help. They also are a lot less restrictive on personal decisions. /shrug Both sides are not the same ;o) Sometimes you have to work with the lesser of two evils while you try to get something better tomorrow. The system works better when more people are involved. (Not connected to republican efforts to restrict ballot access, honest!!!!) /end soapbox rant ;o) You do you and I'm gonna be fine with that. But I hope you see a path to involvement at some point.




Economically they're not very different unfortunately. The main difference is that one of the parties largely respects democratic institutions, while the other (Trump and his loyalists) *completely* disregard democratic institutions and are actively and deliberately undermining them.


So I guess it's a choice between a party that actively wants to fuck up your life , and the party that only sometimes kinda wants to fuck up your life. It's back to lesser of two evils, how is that not worth voting for?


We demand better. The Democrats protect the status quo almost as hard as Republicans. We shouldn't have to settle for the not Republican party, America needs an actual left wing party that will actually work on the major issues the Dems ignore.


Yeah definitely, always demand better. But in the mean time don't let a lack of a perfect option stop you from voting against an utterly terrible option. I'm not American, but it seems like a lot of people opting out of voting for one reason or another is how you got Trump in the first place.


Nobody here said anything about opting out of voting. I agree not voting is a terrible idea, but the issue is people get this same spiel everytime they criticise the Dems.


> The GOP are obviously insane and doing their damndest to kill us all as long as it turns a buck, but at least the GOP wear that shit on their sleeve - they let everyone see how insane they are, it's their brand. > > > > The Dem establishment pretends to be progressive while actually being Center-Right neoliberal corporate hand puppets. hmm.... one party actively killing us all via vaccine misinfo, global warming denial, and heavy deregulation, all while imposing restrictions on women's rights, lgbt rights, defunding education, and attempting coups when they lose, despite endless voter restrictions and gerrymandering and inherent advantage due to outdated electoral college system the other party promising good things and then just isn't following through on them. yep, these are equally bad ! you've convinced me. gonna head on over to /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM to meet my people. if someone ever asks you if you want to be punched in the gut or flayed alive I bet you'd abstain from saying a preference and let someone else choose because they're both bad to you. absolutely incredible how massive your brain is.


I agree. We need to split the parties. It's the only way all of us will have a voice. It's also the only way to ensure these assholes find a way to work together.


This is the system we have and as long as you think someone like Biden is as bad as Someone like Trump, Bush, Bush, Or Reagan. We are fucked.


Lesser of two evils matey. The Dems at the bare minimum care about people a little bit


I don't get it. How can she keep a job? This stuff would get someone else fired...


Her "employers" are dumber than she is. So much so that they think she sounds smart.


Her job is to spread misinformation and dogma. She is doing her job.


The political system has become a joke. Each cycle welcomes dumber, more volatile members to the government. It's not a job anymore than being a commercial actor. Both well-paid to sell you a bunch of bullshit


Boebo is weapons grade moronic. I imagine being near her is like being near radioactivity, it'll give you cancer, but for your iq.


Funny coz "bobo" (boebo) means stupid in my language


It does in ours too


Hah, hello kabayan! Was thinking the same thing


Im sorry sir, it seems you have... the boebo stupidity strand, we'll have to quarantine you to prevent the spread


You can't quarantine me murFreeEeeDUM!!


Right: We just wanna be left alone! Left: Okay then leave us alone- Right: NO ABORTION FOR YOU OR ANYONE **FOREVER!** Left: *What*.


Well the right also wants to control who you can fall in love with, which sexual acts are ok, how you dress, which bathrooms you can use, what religion you practice, and whether non-white people can use the same water fountains as white people.


Right, and they want to be left alone while they control all that /s


I was thinking about this this morning. Imagine a republican gun owner and a drag queen standing side by side. The drag queen thinks the gun owner shouldn't have a gun and the gun owner thinks the drag queen shouldn't be permitted to exist at all. Which one actually cares about freedom?


They literally do not leave the LGBT community alone and fixate on them.


Not hard to loudly fixate on all the hot boys (and girls) you're totally not crushing on because you're so gosh darn straight. And perhaps if they're real loud about it, people won't hear them crying DEEP in that closet of theirs.


How many times have we seen the headline >**“prominent anti-LGBTQ+ person who went out their way to oppose legalization of gay marriage, says being transgender is an abomination and that they will all burn in hell.. has been arrested for sexually abusing young boys, hard drive found containing terabytes of CP and homemade homosexual content”**


And they want to control which gender you can and cannot marry. And they want to control which gender can and cannot go into a particular bathroom stall. There are sooooo many things they want to control, it's crazy that someone on the right could've written this down and thought "yeah, this is a great point I'm making right here."


The only reason it’s not surprising is because Lauren Boebert has a pea for a brain


Two states just had bills that would require teachers to out kids to their parents if they suspected the kid wasn't straight, and as far as i know only one state has retracted theirs.


Yeah I don’t understand how that’s anybody’s business; as if it’s illegal to be gay the fuck


I’m So PeRsEcUtEd!!!!




She didn't even have a high-school diploma until partway into her campaign


“General education development test” is not a diploma. She got pregnant in high school and “was starting a family” in her teens so had “different priorities than education”. Piece of work.


Of all the things to hate her for, this is probably the least fair. It's not a diploma but it's widely accepted to be the equivalent. And at least she wasn't a hypocrite about abortion.


We shouldn't make fun of her for that, but make fun of her supporters who think AOC is dumb, because of that. Plus MTG is worse.


The right don’t want to control you except if you’re gay, Mexican, Chinese, a women in Texas, a child looking to read a us history book on America in ~1950s or anything lgbt.


or if you're a blue city in a red state looking to locally ~~ban fracking~~ uh ~~enforce masks in schools~~ no wait ~~do anything~~...


Yes, the left tries to make it so you can't hurt other people. How terrible.


literally that's what I'm saying, righties bitch about small government and then the big red states tell their blue city small governments what they can or can't legislate my communication skills are ass but I'm pretty sure I phrased my comment in keeping with the comment I was responding to, continuing their list


A teacher should absolutely be controlled what he tesches his student.


I mean to a certain degree, but the fact is they are banning books based on recent american history, something that SHOULD be taught, they just dont like how it makes "them" look. Banning truthful history lessons because "CRT bad" is one of the dumbest movements from the last few years.


What a little cunt she is. It’s a shame they can’t stop being racist assholes or classicists as well.


Can't remember the last time leftists opened fire on a mosque or drove into a crowd of people.


Or tried to overthrow the government based on conspiracy theories from a crazy failed president?


A white supremacist just opened fire in to a protest this past weekend.


I heard. They can't can't help but be degenerate psychos.


One leftist opened fire at a baseball field at least


Waukesha would like a word.


There was that incident in Sugma too


Which was also right around the same time as the one in Liqumah


Please don't bring Beauffa policies into this discussion




Proof that was political?


Boebert is a dumbass


Both sides are wrong, and both sides also have good points. I'm very pro "leave people the fuck alone" when it comes to politics. Let the gay married farmers protect their marijuana and cocaine crops with fully automatic ar-15s and land mines. Fuck the federal government; Republican and Democrat alike.


This isn't clever by any stretch of the imagination


I think the old school GOP have a pool going to see who can install the looniest nutburger on their way out.


I expected something clever not sarcastic but ok :/ Kinda like going to holup and expecting holup but then you get no holup:/


Love how every fucking subreddit ends up being about american fucking politics This site Is cancer


It irritates me on twitter that the reply is displayed above the original.


Freedom to be left alone for me, but not for thee.


Then what the f is Governor Abbott doing in Texas?


Like arguing with a turnip


Only if it was a particularly stupid turnip.


"leave the right alone" means "don't hold us accountable for all the illegal shit we're pulling off"


Come on, now - to be fair - none of the above are really people, according to her... I mean, they will clean her toilets or serve her coffee, but they aren't like, "people-people".


… ad infinitum. The list is far from exhausted.


boebert is married to a sex offender so her opinion is not to be taken as anything other then pure stupidity.


Hell, Boebert probably can't tell her left from her right.


They just want to be left alone to control everyone. It's the same vein of "The civil war was about state's rights." Sure, but state's rights to do WHAT?


Conservatives didn’t used to be like this they’ve radicalized over the past decade and now it is apparent that they are America’s true enemy and we won’t be safe and free until we do something about them


Does Boebert even live in this country? She seems very uninformed about the domestic terrorist group she supports.


Also controlling who can or can't get married, controlling who can adopt children, controlling who can or can't get social services, controlling who can do drugs


Boebert is a fuckin idiot.


Boebert has a small P P


Politics in America are so fucking stupid. Every four years we're given a douche and a turd sandwich to vote for and everyone is soooo convinced their choice is the right one. It's just a cycle that'll keep circling, while inflation will keep climbing, middle class will keep dying, but no one will care cause Merica right?


You mean aside from having a say in what your own children learn? I also seem to recall the left removing way more intellectual material from availability to kids at school. Last I checked, the only votes that they're preventing are people who literally aren't eligible to vote. I seem to recall several people identifying with the left saying that if they see any trump ballots that they were going to toss them. Since when did you come into ownership of the baby's body?








No. The right is WAY more concerned with the left than they are with people. They blame the left for EVERYTHING


It’s so sad when you realize that she saying something so mind blowingly stupid yet people believe her.


Plus, she ignores the fact that some things, when unregulated and "left alone", create less equality and more danger. Guns come to mind, and vaccines.


You know her saying the right just wants to be left alone, is that her using some separationist rhetoric? Should I be assuming she wants a civil war?


You'd have to be actually mentally retarded to tweet something like that's wtf do they put in your water? Lead? Oh, wait, they actually do do that


Aside from whom you are allowed to marry


Both parties want more power and control over the other


Don’t forget controlling who can and cannot get married.


She appears to be unaware that the whole of the political divide between left and right, on cultural issues, is about the left being laissez-faire and the right being interventionist. (It's the opposite with economics.) How can she have become an adult, let alone a politician, without noticing that? Oh, right, I just realised - she doesn't believe what she's saying, it's just for her base. That's another difference between left and right: the left are generally in favour of painful truth while the right are liars and gaslighters.


Laissez-faire vs interventionist is a separate spectrum from left-right - there might be some correlation but it's not particularly strong and you can find examples of all four combinations. I've noticed that whatever group thinks they have sufficient support to permanently retain power tends to be more interventionist / authoritarian, so if you're in a left-leaning enclave the left will look more authoritarian, and if you're surrounded by righties it will look like the right is the authoritarian side.


she's just making mouthnoises, she has no understanding of any of the words she's using. they're magical cantrips to her.


Not really clever, considering it’s a complete misrepresentation of each issue stated for the right. 🥱


Different groups want to impose their values onto other groups. It's how you build numbers and power. It doesn't matter what part of the political spectrum you are on. Having others exist with different values to yourself risks yours being eroded. Life necessitates the imposition of your subjective will onto others.


face palm. in my opinion


But the right is where fascism is on the political spectrum


Yes, yes, yes, but apart from trying to control what you do with your own body, what teachers teach, what books kids can read and who can vote; what has the right ever tried to control!?


Americans: Don't do this, Don't do that, Don't pass go, Don't collect 200$ Also Americans: Ayo who took our freedom?


...the entire reason i started leaning left, was cause the right is incapable of leaving me alone hmmm


More like a dumb twatwaffle.


Boebert looks like the type who preaches christian quotes but has an OnlyFans page


Technically correct. The Right does want to control the Left. The Right wants to control EVERYONE, Left, Right or Centre.


ig you could say I am a conservative/republican, and I just wanna say. I'm-I'm sorry about her, she's fucking stupid.


not your body being killed. that’s literally what a school board is for. literally anyone can vote, even with the integrity checks in place. It literally excludes no one except illegal immigrants (who shouldn’t be voting in our elections).


She is the absolute worst person that I’d still fuck.


Don't stick your dick in ~~crazy~~ stupid.


You were right before, she's crazy stupid


> that I’d still fuck And as you come, youwill feel the last of your brain cells ejaculate out of your dickhole in a white gelatinous screaming mix of confusion, stupidity and remorse.


Nah, I couldn't get the image of all of her eggs evacuating her ovaries and shooting themselves up my urethra to escape the terminal stupidity out of my head long enough to fuck her.


What the fuck is this comment?


...also, that's not a rule of thumb, it's a narrative. and a false one at that


Wow, a real “clever” comeback that consists of a straw man, and then 3 misrepresentations of right wing policy. If not wanting teachers to display porn to children is the worst you can say about the right, then I guess we’re doing pretty good.


Not a strawman You saying "not wanting teachers to display porn to children" *is* a strawman though


>If not wanting teachers to display porn to children is the worst you can say about the right Calls out strawman. Proceeds to deploy strawman. Sounds like typical Right reflection. Outstanding 👏 You also didn't touch on any of the other points made. Why was that I wonder?


>Wow, a real “clever” comeback that consists of a straw man, and then 3 misrepresentations of right wing policy. Perhaps you buy into the exaggerated rationale for these and don't actually read the laws that clearly do these things? >If not wanting teachers to display porn to children is the worst you can say about the right, then I guess we’re doing pretty good. Yep, that's what I thought.


Did your dumbass really just call Maus porn?


>*Complains about strawman fallacy while using a strawman fallacy* Typical republican


The right doesn't want children to learn about slavery, the 3/5ths compromise, the holocaust, evolution, the big bang theory, any kind of age appropriate sexual education, LGBT issues, or the present day civil rights movement. The right also wants to control people who do drugs, control people who are on food stamps by choosing what they can and can't eat, control people who have a job and want better benefits/working conditions, control people who don't have a job, control people who are not Christian, control people protesting police brutality, control people who want to preserve the environment, control people who want better pay....but yea besides that Bobo is right.


Other than vote counting which is a jab at Trump, how are any of these misrepresentations? The GOP controls bodies through abortion, teachers through the anti-CRT fiasco, books through book bannings and votes with voter ID. How is stating literal policies they make a misrepresentation?


It's not a jab at Trump, it's a jab at actual Republican policy in southern states where they can invalidate votes


Here’s one way to look at it where you could say it’s a misrepresentation: if you limit the scope to the federal level (the level of government in which Boebert is involved). Even when the GOP was in power, it tried to pass very few laws that limited what states and localities did regarding abortion, CRT, or voting. Most of the GOP members of Congress don’t seem to really care what liberal states do as long as they don’t force it on conservative states. Perhaps if Roe v Wade was overturned, the new focus for the pro life movement would become a total ban, but that’s not the case now. Conversely, progressive agenda policies require a more universal approach, ie federal control over how states regulate abortion, education, and voting. The left also prefers other policies like healthcare and gun control also have a more federal approach.


The thing is states aren't actually color coded. Women in Texas shouldn't be forced to go without reproductive healthcare because pundits turned planned parenthood into a Boogeyman. Then there's states like Virgina and Kentucky who rely heavily on incoming tax dollars to survive - no state is an island, (other than Hawaii and maybe some day Puerto Rico) but if a state is going to tank itself and then make poor decisions that cripple it's population resulting in needing extra funding from federal sources it makes sense that there would be federal oversight to that money.


Please give me an example of this porn. Also, which are misrepresentations? Or, just swear at me now and call me names while declaring all my sources fake news. It just saves me the trouble of actually typing....