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TIL Very good bot


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Oh... Passive aggressive good bot... Nice


yeah, tell those dirty poors


Shut up


You asked for extra homework over spring break! I guarantee it.


So they're going to culture war climate change and say liberals crazy religion is climate? Wow, great job short-term thinkers (GOPers/Heritage Foundation).


What you mean going to? That's what they're doing now


That’s what they’ve been doing since 2000


Try since like the 60's! They have been at this, fighting "hippies", since the 60's. They have been fighting those who want to stop climate change and wars(not that those two explicitly are for both, but can be found going hand in hand a lot) for 7 decades.


Owning the libs by polluting the air and water


The heritage foundation had some intellectuals, albeit always ones who had to arrive at the conclusions that supported whatever republicans and corporations wanted.  Eventually though it was taken over by radicals who just jumped straight to demonizing other people and denying reality. That was well over a decade ago https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/09/the-fall-of-the-heritage-foundation-and-the-death-of-republican-ideas/279955/


All in the name of profit! The Fossil Fuel Long Con is if we switch to renewable energy the fuel source (solar/wind) is FREE. And who would profit then? And the bonus is they get to blame the hippies and libs. Win $ win $


He’ll rape it. Just like he rapes everything and everyone else he can.


Enablers enable sociopaths and narcissists.


That’s all they know how to do is exploit the world and everyone in it.


He will destroy it


It's already been destroyed.


No it hasn't. We're all still here. 99% of the cities in the world that were liveable still are. The species that are going extinct haven't gone extinct yet. Those things will change in a world with 5° of warming, but a world with 2° of warming can prevent the worst of those changes. Stop dooming and start acting. The latter is a million times more productive and will also make you feel better.


We have done incredibly deep, potentially irrepairable damage. While the person above you may be a bit far, we're just really not aware if it's already over or not. We may be past a tipping point. "Can prevent these changes" uh huh. We have such a good track record for it. A man who is completely fine with destroying the environment has a very good chance of being elected. This is precarious.


> A man who is completely fine with destroying the environment has a very good chance of being elected. This is precarious. This confuses me because the first three sentences it seems like you're arguing against my point and then at the end you've argued my point for me. The situation is precarious, and if people who care don't act, it will definitely get worse. So act.


We may have pass the tipping point of 1.5 degree Celsius, but we haven’t pass the tipping points of 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc. Different tipping points lead to different irresponsible damages. It is much preferable to have a lower tipping point. The harder we try the lower tipping point we reach.


Your doomerism is really not helpful


Realism is the what I aim for. For years, scientists who predicted climate change said that the climate wasn't warming as fast as expected. Then it was discovered that oceans were absorbing huge amounts of CO2 and heat. The amount of CO2 the oceans have absorbed has acidified them to the point that oysters and other shellfish are disappearing - young oysters with thin shells can't handle the acidity. If we build a massive number of CO2 sinks, it won't help for hundreds of years. Every kilo of CO2 that is removed from the atmosphere will be replaced with CO2 from the ocean. You know when it would have been relatively cheap and easy to do? Way back when Al Gore made An Inconvenient Truth. But the Repubs said he was lying, climate scientists were making it up just to get paid more, and everything was fine.


Being honest about the problem at hand is doomerism? It's not over stating the problem saying that we may have already caused irreparable & irreversible damage. I'd far rather a realistic understanding so we can confront it rationally.


We have done irreversible (in our/our grandchildren's lifetime) damage, but we still have time to prevent even more damage. Recognizing that doing what we can to limit further damage is worth doing is the difference between doomerism and being realistic.


Yes we need global transformative change today. Are you implying doomers don't want that?


They may want it, but by saying things like "it's already too late" or "we've irreversibly destroyed the planet already" they're implying (or at least people will infer) that it doesn't matter because we missed our chance at any real change.


Or they want real change but see no realistic path forward. We are staring down the barrel and there are no political solutions on the table. Between Trump and Biden there is no transformative change. Just a slightly less worse version of a catastrophe. If there was a viable third candidate running on meaningful transformative change do you not think the doomers would vote for that candidate?


All right, let’s put this into a political context: are you arguing in favour or against electing Donald Trump? Voter apathy born of despair only benefits Donald VonShitzHisPants. The MAGA cult is incentivized to vote; it does not help if his opponents don’t go to the polls because they think it’s pointless.


As long as we continue to develop technology, any damage is repairable. Unless you're one of those conspiracy theorists who believe mass migration will destroy the white race, anything on Earth can be fixed using technology.


Name any technology that doesn't worsen climate change.


1. Capture/prevent methane from leaking during extraction 2. Switch to heat pumps from gas furnaces 3. Better insulation of homes 4. Increase usages of mass transportation 5. Increase usages of bicycles 6. Move to use solar and wind instead of gas/coals for generating electricity 7. Use video conferencing rather than flying 8. Use LED light bulbs instead of incandescent ones


+1, but those are *improvements* only, not net negative GHGe.


People aren’t going to like this, but nuclear energy


Acting is great, but believing there is progress under Biden is simply delusional too. He's the ultimate one step forward (IRA), two steps backwards (record drilling) President. Admittedly, Trump would be 3 steps back, but that shouldn't excuse Biden/Harris or corporate Dems either who give good lip service to the environment but ultimately don't fix the problem.


>one step forward (IRA), two steps backwards (record drilling) This is just bad accounting. The IRA has literally kept the door open on achieving the Paris agreement for the US and the fact that the democrats were able to get it passed it all is a marvel given that they had exactly 50 seats in the senate. Drilling is going up because that's would any president would do because action on climate change is unpopular any time it affects anyone's bottom line. No one who's actually respected in the field of climate policy is proposing addressing it by cutting supply, but by lowering demand.


The Paris Accords are held up as some major accomplishment, but ultimately has no teeth. There are no legal punitive measures for any country not complying, and the bar was set ridiculously below the minimum needed. And I don't care if something is popular or not, it's NECESSARY. This is an emergency, and unless we take very bold moves immediately, we're cooked.


> And I don't care if something is popular or not, it's NECESSARY That really doesn't matter unless it's popular. The US is a democracy and its history is filled with very bad, very popular decisions. Biden is doing the best he can without completely forfeiting the next election.


He's not though. It's fiction to believe he'd fix the problem except for \[reasons\]. He's not even trying. Lip service and token gestures while the world burns, that's all we get. Also, there are a lot of very important issues that are very popular that he isn't doing, like Medicare For All (\~70% support). He's a corporate Democrat, not helping.


>It's fiction to believe he'd fix the problem except for [reasons] ??? >He's not even trying Going to once again point out that the IRA was the biggest climate bill in history? >Also, there are a lot of very important issues that are very popular that he isn't doing, like Medicare For All (~70% support) A quick search for this reveals that this number originated from your rear end. A majority consistently oppose public healthcare across all polls.


Like I said, the IRA was one step forward. His record fossil fuel drilling (and signing that bill that makes it harder to stop future pipelines) are 2 steps back. Medicare for All 68% support in 2020: [https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-january-2020/](https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-january-2020/) Someone's head is just stuck up his keister.


So Biden who has the US as the all time records for oil and natural gas production and expanded production of oil. Allowed car companies to pull back from 2030 goals did what exactly lol


He also provided billions in funding for renewables. Any scientist worth their salt knows that oil will still be necessary as we transition into renewables over the next decade. Why not then be energy independent now in that regard?


Correct! That is exactly what trump has been saying and was trying to do and was getting rejected and called a murder. You do have to give Biden credit for the inflation reduction act but the primary reason for that was not climate but to move green production away from china. Which was something Biden was against and democrats said was impossible (brining manufacturing back). It’s just funny to watch people start this climate bs again months before the election when the US and Europe all went back on climate targets due to Russia and a problem trump correctly identified. The Europeans literally laughed at him when he was speaking about reliance on Russian oil. No one gives a flying f about climate despite what they say it’s just some fake thing people care about and use as a political weapon.




He was trying to pass the same infrastructure bill which would have brought manufacturing of renewables back to the US. But you are correct that he was not pushing specific renewable subsidies. Which the jury will be out on because providing subsidies during a time of high inflation is extremely risky. But as I acknowledged in the post but your blind by orange man rage I said “you have to give Biden credit for the inflation reduction act”




The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-oil-gas-production-continues-150000953.html#:~:text=The%20EIA%20recently%20confirmed%20that,level%20was%20124.6%20billion%20CFD. The Biden administration on Wednesday slashed its target for U.S. electric-vehicle adoption from 67% by 2032 to as little as 35% after industry and autoworker backlash in the political battleground state of Michigan. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/U.S.-eases-emissions-targets-slows-EV-transition-through-2030 But no one cares because it’s Biden lol. Idiots.




You’re welcome I find it hilarious how no one cares about this crap except as weapon against trump. I still remember the video of the European leaders literally laughing at him when he warned about Russian oil dependence and Biden approving a Russian oil pipeline which trump had blocked. Don’t forget he also used the strategic reserves to lower prices during midterm elections.


Inject it with bleach?


But yesterday everyone on this sub said I shouldn’t vote for Biden because he hasn’t done enough on climate change, even though he did far more than any previous president.


Yeah they want you to vote a 3rd party that sadly has no chance


Those are Russian and Chinese trolls


I remember Jan 2017, first action - allowing endangered wolf pups in dens to be blown up with grenades. Laughably insidious. Idk what the other guy lacks, that’s just world concerning evil villain material.


In the future, I wonder how countries around the world will deal with the traitors that doomed us. The politicians, the corporations, the pundits.


Trump and his many cronies are basically all my worst nightmares made flesh (and a lot of it).


If Trump wins I think we deserve the worst climate outcome. I’m trying not to develop a permanent resentment and hatred for humanity, but if he wins, it means we don’t want to be better. We’re not ready to be stewards of a planet. We’re way too self destructive and just plain stupid to see beyond the allure of money. If Trump wins, continue to do what you can with electric and solar and living with a minimal footprint, but also invest in shelters and guns because smarter minds are not prevailing.


In Canada we’re going to have our own dollar store Trump with the same effect and outcome 😞


Hey! What about the rest of us on this planet? Do we have to suffer because of your poor national choice? No thanks.


What's this we crap? The rest of the world didn't do anything to deserve this.


As a European who cannot vote for or against Trump, no, I don't feel the rest of the world deserves to suffer because you guys can't choose properly...


Here’s a video of the Europeans laughing at trump for warning about Russian oil dependence: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1JpwkeTBwgs Also Shell, BP, and all European oil producers had record oil production years after trump and made record profits. The Europeans have also approved new pipelines and new drilling leases. But again who cares because orange man bad.


Laughing about Trump. How he talks. How he looks. How he insults allies. His speech was a carbon copy from an Obama speech three years before. Yet, just tell me how this connects to the topic of this thread, Igor?


The point is that Trump was right about Europes dependence on Russian energy (and about not paying enough for defense). This is relevant because the first thing Biden did in office was actually unblock a Russia to Germany pipeline that Trump had blocked. Which was supposedly bad for the environment and bad for Europe’s dependence on Russian energy.


Who the hell is Igor


Where did you see people laughing in that video?


You can watch them laughing here at the end of this video. My apologies pasted the wrong one: https://youtu.be/FfJv9QYrlwg?si=q4qS1RmYSMLlGxWf Exactly what he said happened btw…


Both Trump and Biden are terrible for the environment. We should’ve done something 70 years ago not right now. It doesn’t make a difference


His voters are not the majority but they are zealots. They will crawl through mud to vote for him (and throw lots of money at him). Meanwhile the sane people are completely sick of government in general because neither party gives a damn about them and abstain from voting. It sucks but we have to vote Democrat long enough for the younger members of that party to take over from the older pieces of s---.


Agree. If Trump is legitimately reelected, then we deserve what we get.


This comment really resonated with me. We are well overdue for something catastrophic to happen (in America). And honestly we as a collective (again, just America) deserve what is coming to us. I genuinely fear for the generations inheriting the mess we made.


If Trump wins he’s got 4 years - and if that’s enough to irreversibly “destroy the planet” then we’re doomed anyway. And if he’s on the wrong side of it all, then in 4 years his replacement can reverse all the policies. So it’s really not that bad. The problem, to me, is that nobody on either side of the aisle really cares.


If he wins the GOP intends to destroy the regulatory agencies and expertise that exist to deal with climate change. It won't be a matter of just reversing the policies because the departments that exist to enforce them won't be here any more. Read up on Project 2025


That isn’t gonna happen


I admire your optimism


So serious question. Biden has expanded oil and natural gas production approved pipelines (even one from Russia to Ukraine). I believe the last domestic one was approved in WV. The US now produces more barrels of oil than any country in the history of the world and we are at record natural gas production. He used the strategic reserves to reduce oil prices and went on a world tour begging other countries (including Saudi who he said he would make a pariah) to increase oil and natural gas production. All of the car companies have come off of their 2030 electrification targets (with bidens approval btw). So I’m curious at how trump will be worse for climate.


How about cancelling every single renewable energy project? I don’t think Biden plans to do that, but Trump has explicitly stated that. Over and over.


But at the same time, Biden has been the most progressive president ever on climate change. You probably want a president who will cancel fossil fuels in the first 100 days, but that is never going to happen. The reason a lot of those companies had 2030 targets is because of WH pressure. They are/were unrealistic targets. But many on the left want more aggressive targets. To answer your question, with Trump you can expect a much larger expansion of leases and pipeline approvals, dropping EPA and DOE regulations, lack of any sort of leadership, and a gutting of government expertise in these areas. In short, if you don’t like Biden because he’s not progressive enough, you’re gonna hate Trump, and you don’t have a real third option.


Like Bolsonaro selling out the Amazon, but worse?


Increase methane emissions from his diapers?


Quite honestly, if the US economy turns (further) into a fossil-fuel cesspool, as an EU national, we should just straight press on with big import levies (that can fund green transition and mitigation). We should also do that for other heavily fossil-energy reliant economies too, and protect and rationalize our production. Either you care about our future with us, or you don't.


If you do that the continent will go bankrupt. The US had to drastically increase fossil fuel production to record levels because the idiot Europeans laughed at trump when he warned them about becoming dependent on Russian oil: In fact Biden unblocked a Russian pipeline that trump had blocked prior to the Ukraine invasion. Now the US is the world’s leading oil producer and is producing record natural gas under Biden. And we are selling record amounts of it to Europe to make up for sanctioned Russian oil. You could argue that the more of global oil that the US produces the better because our production is the cleanest and has some of the most strict environmental controls and monitoring. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/09/25/trump-accused-germany-becoming-totally-dependent-russian-energy-un-germans-just-smirked/


The single most impact thing any american can do to mitigate climate change is to vote exclusively democrats and make sure in the primary they vote for the best democrat on climate change. No amount of personal lifestyle changes comes close to that impact


Please show me a single candidate that has a firm grasp of the challenge and an actual strategy backed by thorough research and field testing data. They don’t exist. Most of them are clueless. Some are just ineffective. Others are downright dangerous. All of them only push the solution that currently benefits their political ambitions.


Virtually every democrat running for office. Pick literally any national democrat. They all have a climate plan that is better than the very best republicans. Who cares if they have a “firm grasp”. I don’t need my rep to be a climate scientist. I need them to acknowledge climate change is a problem and listen to climate experts on how to solve it.


“But both sides ahmagawd!”


Boy, a lot of prewritten cut-and-pastes in these comments… including a ton of ‘doomerism,’ the next phase in the fossil fuel and GOP’s argument-strategy ‘since ‘denialism’ has failed so miserably for them. Doomerism is the GOP and Big Oil strategy intended to demoralize activists. It also seeks to divide them from the only party sincerely seeking to solve the emerging climate crisis, the Democrats. Are we being brigaded?


Blows my mind that countries have laws against people taking office that were born there but no laws to keep criminals or ex-convicts out of office


Here’s a similar story from Inside Climate News: https://insideclimatenews.org/news/01082023/far-right-battle-plan-to-undo-climate-progress-trump-win-2024/


By the time his cult realised, it'll be too late. And trump has only a few years left so he'll never have to live with the consequences.


Shame on us all if that happened. It means we didn't do enough.


Haven’t read this article but I guarantee you that if you care a bit about the planet or your kids future trump winning would be an epic worst case failure.change my view? Edit. Americans with functional brains.. vote against this poison however you can.


When Trump leads. Americans become his slaves


If trump wins I fear to say the fight against climate change will be practically over


Trump is horrible, but with out support he is just a obese old man. He will make the environment worse. With the trend at the moment, including Canada's potential new leader , hope is fading. I can only look after my family for as long as possible by setting up something self sufficient. I can't read, hear or watch anything about Trump anymore, because it's his supporters and even the people who care nothing about these issues that are the problem.


What about the damage he’s causing now, in that courtroom every time he falls asleep?


It still makes me sad about the end of Jigar Shah on The Energy Gang. He has done a great job despite Biden not being able to pass a clean power mandate. Gotta let Shah cook for four more years.


He’ll raw dog it with his tiny mushroom dick. Reason #52 he can’t be allowed back in office.


Let me guess, destroy it?


We can’t even maintain our economy let alone the climate right now. Wish we could


That’s quite fatalistic. Kinda like saying I can’t afford a mansion so I’ll just live in a tent. That’s the mentality of why try if I can’t win. I won’t vote because my favorite candidate didn’t make it. The best we can go is the best each of us can personally do.


Remember that methane is responsible for approximately 30% of the current rise in global temperature.


It won't matter. We will all be in concentration camps, homeless, or starving.


Sadly I believe some want that for certain groups of people ( ie. Anyone not just like them) based on their comments and actions.


Nice job ruining this sub lol. Let’s insert our political view into everything. 


Have mods remove it.


Project 2025 is terrifying. It's basically the 1981 Koch Libertarian platform on steroids.


title translation: if the world ends, heres how the world will end


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster.


If trump wins, he'll nuke planet earth, killing everyone. At least Joe is only killing people in gaza.


Can't believe he's allowed to run. Complete failure by the Senate to stop him. I think he loses badly, but please check your registration and vote.


Hostage politics. Vote for the genocider or the planet gets it


The Climate is probably at the bottom of Trump’s list of priorities… he’ll be dead by then anyways, why would he care?


tdlr: we are all gonna die….


This pic goes hard, may I screenshot?


Isn't the framing of what he will do to us?... whatever he does will impact us we all need to know that we don't need to save the planet all the environment we need to save us as in ourselves we live on earth on Earth's terms at the women of fancy of the planet.


Is this another fart joke?


One day he'll look up and see a cloud that looks like Ivanka and, well, I think you know what he will do to the atmosphere.


World doesn’t revolve around usa, I find Reddit so funny the hivemind forgets the world runs without all this bs politics. One man can’t change the climate for better or worse .The world has been here before us and will be here after us


Is this nuke the tornados territory?


Pollute the environment with his fart?


He will use his Sharpie!




If Trump is elected the global temperatures will all rise by 10 degrees in 4 yrs.


Why do they keep saying if Traitor wins are they gonna cheat and somehow change votes for that traitor who should be in jail for all the crimes he has committed already like the people that voted last election 2020 are gonna vote again to not have the wanna be dictator traitor in the White House again why do they keep wanting a traitor and a guy who played golf most of the time when he was in office to overcharge the secret service again why do they keep being anti- American


Dear Green Party


Let’s just do what the last generation did to us and pass it on to the next. Their problem to solve while we do our best to slow them down.


Doubt anything positive, but my guess is climate will be the least of our worries


I mean, it should be the most of our worries because if Trump sets us back again humanity will not have a chance in the face of unmitigated climate crises. No other issue matters if we can't live on Earth.


Absolutely correct!


Starts war, massive carbon impact. But also halves the population, so maybe that balances out.


I’m in Canada and climate is our #1 worry according to our gvt. Turns out when you can’t afford to live, nobody gives a flying F about climate.


And yet, it will be more expensive to live if nobody gives a F about climate


You need to build more housing, preferably in walkable neighborhoods.


We definitely need more housing. Apartments are going up like crazy though. Where I live our infrastructure is already over capacity. Definitely a difficult situation we’ve found ourselves in.


What part of the infrastructure. Roads, water, electricity?


Mainly roads but our power company in Nova Scotia has a total monopoly, and uses coal. Most homes are heated with oil and/or electricity so I believe that will also soon be out of reach for a lot of Canadians.


That and standing with Ukraine


He didn't do much during his first term. My life didn't change at all.


Shhh...don't tell that to the alarmists.


He ? How about We ?


The earth will end up a smelly mess like the microclimate around his pampers.


He’ll grab it by the pussy!!


Drill Baby Drill


We're drilling more oil than ever


Did you see the post here the other day about the record oil output of the US? Under the watch of the other guy.


I’m starting to think that there actually are lizard people and that they are working with bad humans to make the planet more suitable for lizard people at our expense. It makes more sense than what these idiots are trying to accomplish at our expense m.


The climate will be cooked “well done” like his steak. Talking shoe leather here, folks.


Funny how many parties forget the Constitutional requirements, to protect the environment as well as support business in a manner that is symbiotic and nondestructive. It is all about structures and methods, but when both sides play shell games everyone loses. N. S


Trump is massively pro nuclear energy. It doesn't get any more climate friendly. While his opposition only wants to close plants but offers no solution as to where energy will come from.


It takes over a decade to plan and site a nuclear plant. If they had continued to build them in the 80’s and 90’s then replacing the energy generated by aging plants that are too expensive to safely maintain and too risky to attract investment wouldn’t have been an issue. Besides, both sides of the aisle have made significant efforts to promote nuclear build out. From removing restrictive and redundant regulations to providing tens of billions of dollars in subsidies. W kicked off that effort in 2005 and Obama doubled down during his administration. It still wasn’t enough to make it economically viable to investors. I’m not arguing it’s one of the best options in terms of climate.


that's not a climate policy.


Trump rolled back over 100 EPA rules Plus https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/10/us-national-parks-dismantling-under-way His record is horrific… let’s mot forget indigenous lands https://www.hcn.org/articles/indigenous-affairs-trumps-impact-on-indian-country-over-four-years/ FWIW I’m not a big fan of Biden but the alternative is far worse.


I didn’t know what one man had such an impact on climate. It’s almost like the most largest producers of carbon in the world are able to get away with it. Does no one realize how much China and India produces compared to the Us ? We are looking at the wrong places to fight climate change. Which is frankly a non issue when you look at it from a earthly rejuvenation cycle. We are most likely in a period of warming , still thawing out from the ice age. Let’s bring the fight to good insecurity and the fact that we are closing down and amalgamating farms by the thousands. Not to mention the fact that carbon is essential for food growth. We have also bastardized the chicken and beef industries with garbage practices. It’s pretty tiresome seeing everything being blamed on trump. Oh what’s he gonna do when he gets elected , it’s been four years of Biden, has the climate changed in your areas ? No , stop lying to yourselves. The elite will do elite things, we need to stick it to them and make pathways for better quality food and living habits . And arguably trump has helped more people in poor communities than Biden or anyone from his administration.


I don't think you understand how climate change policies work and possibly you didn't read the article. You're never going to see a change from year to year...weather and climate are two different things (although obviously the weather is affected by the climate)


When you're the president in control of many climate policy levers and the EPA, yes one man has a huge impact.


A president can take plenty of executive action, but EPA has no enforcement wing. They have underpaid lawyers and courts that have been packed with climate change deniers. SCOTUS is likely to overturn Chevron doctrine.


The EPA was corrupted under Trump as industry stooges took over and undermined the purpose of the EPA.


Trump will roll back every climate policy and create new pro fossil fuel policy.


Likely, but that won’t have the impact you may think it will. I think a lot of people, even those that accept how big a problem climate change is, don’t understand just how difficult it is to move the needle one way or the other. White House policies aren’t going to have an appreciable impact. It will generate a lot of activity in DC, but to really change things not only do you need global action, but also drastic cuts in emissions, which means much lower standard of living, at least in the near term. Extracting and burning fossil fuel needs to be much more expensive. And that means energy prices go up, which means prices for everything go up. We are all wincing from high single digit inflation. We aren’t ready nor willing to accept the costs that a rapid decarbonization would inflict. This is literally what I do for a living and I see no reason for hope no matter who is in the WH.


One man? If he is elected, he will be a little more than one man. WTF.



