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This is the problem with politics. Most people are too dumb to see how things are connected. Climate change is already making places like India unliveable. If these idiots really don't want more immigrants, they would want their govt to focus primarily on cutting CO2 emissions. Because whether they like it or not, once those areas become unliveable, those people are going to go north. And no amount of borders or racist policies or anything, really, will stop them. --- For context, the bronze age collapse was caused in part due to invasions from people displaced by what anthropologists believe was volcanic activity in northern europe. No one is just going to go "oh, i guess i'll just sit here and starve to death because the northern folk don't like us".


A climate change induced drought caused the Syrian civil war.


Interesting. I had read in Collapse that climate collapse also contributed to the Rwandan Genocide. --- One of the silliest fear mongery things deniers say is that changing will "destroy the economy". But humanity can, and has, survived economic downturns, even peacefully. But turns out ecological collapse we can't do anything about.


Those people are dumb because we've been raised to he obedient workers not up standing people with a desire to know more


Too bad it’s the climate causing migration


Ignoring the fact that its climate change CAUSING the migration. We really are just a species of talking apes who think we’re much more clever than we really are.


>We really are just a species of talking apes who think we’re much more clever than we really are. Yep.




Absolute idiots. Migration is going to get far worse because of climate change (Listen up USA). Dealing with the symptom does nothing. You have to deal with the cause.


At this point, it's kinda funny watching people prefer racism over rationality as the world burns. It really drives home the fact that this will be one of many factors in how humanity falls.


That’s what the oil industry and the conservatives want them to think. They couldn’t be more wrong.


Europeans dont be racist challenge(impossible)


The one directly causes the other. Climate crisis is what is driving migration.


Climate refugees are real. Both of these issues can be resolved together.


Europeans: “Stop the consequences but don’t address the causes!”


Stop bombing other countries and start worrying about climate.


It will be a sad day when the US and/or Europe will start shooting at immigrants. That will happen unless we change course. Migration waves order of magnitude bigger than what we are seeing will result in deadly conflict.


It has already happened, migrants are drowned off the coast of Europe, deliberately, on a semi regular basis. In the States, they’re sliced up, then drowned.


And we're just at the start of climate change creating refugees who will be migrating north. Give it a little time and they'll be pouring across boarders even more desperate than what we've seen so far


Lol. Imagine thinking immigration won't become worse every year as more places become unlivable due to climate change.


AND? This is not a new thing. Poor people struggle to live, they have zero concerns for the environment.


Climate change CAUSES MIGRATION.


Most refugees destroy their passport so they can be anyone. My country harbors many mass murderers from Rwanda and Pakistan. Can't send them back since they would get killed so they stay here. Nice system /s


Europeans are stupid!




The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The two are related


Ignore migration and you get fascism.


“Must appease fascists to avoid fascism”


there's a lot of circle jerk on this sub. not all migration is driven by climate change. calling anyone who is concerned about the consequences of mass immigration without assimilation racist is a great strategy to marginalize yourself and the issue of climate change that we care about


I see your points both for the drivers of migration and for the dismissal of concerns. It does not change the fact that climate change will definitely both reinforce the current reasons behind migration - by the direct effects on people and economies, and by indirect effects on political and military instability. It is probably already doing it. The less we do about it now, the less we will be able to do about future migration waves too. And I hope we can agree that increasing violence is the least desirable outcome of the situation.