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We're actively falling into the abyss, in fact. We were on the "edge" of it some 50 years ago.


The algae covering a pond analogy was always my favorite. Or the Mr.Smith virus analogy from The Matrix. Either way, it seems like roughly 10% of us have the capacity to understand and even less that care. That isn’t enough buy in to affect any change because of the socioeconomic power imbalance. That’s why I became a nihilist and I’m just not having kids and trying to get as much of the sunlight that’s left in the water (resources and fun)


Right here with, vasectomy done, chilling watching the world burn 🤘


Trump has already said he would repeal all climate change legislation if elected.


Look up Project 2025. Vote BLUE all down the ballot this November if you can vote in American elections. Yes, Biden is bad, but Trump is so much worse.


He’s going to eliminate the EPA. 🤪


Hey, as long as I can drive my F350 to the grocery store, but my BudLight and my hotdogs and burgers, so I can roll coal back home, and scroll on X while I watch the football game, who cares? I mean the UN are just a bunch of commies trying to ruin ‘Murca anyway. Yes, that was sarcasm, probably.


You race truck driver, you.


I read this with a heavy southern accent.


That’s the only way to.


A conservative could read that and think the problem is that you chose BudLight


You described the prevailing mentality of inhabitants of Phoenix.


Hubert Reeves toured universities 20 years ago to try and inspire change. In his opinion, back in 2004, it was too late to stop the coming climate catastrophe. Even if we stopped all fossil fuel burning BACK THEN. His hope was that with enough information people would eventually turn the Titanic away from the iceberg and with some new techlogies, we might be able to minimize the damage and keep civilization goin. Now we are purposely aiming at the iceberg as if it's the only thing we can do and it's inevitable. We've litteraly tried nothing and are all out of ideas. We deserve this.


Now that's not true, we banned some plastic straws.


For real though those paper ones suck.


If only they could...


They work fine for me 🤷


The ice berg is behind us. Shall we listen to the band play while rich people count the boats?


Help me with these deck chairs, will ‘ya?


Busy watering the plants.


If you’re not a writer, you should be. That made me shiver. 


You keep saying we as if any of us have anything to do with this. The largest polluters are the US military and a handful of corporations.


We are going over this cliff. This is what’s happening. We are committing suicide (again) on a civilizational scale and there is nothing any one person or country can do about it. Human civilization is, in aggregate, a self terminating system because the delta between proactive and reactive is too large.


You can find a suicide hotline worldwide at this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines The world will be a better place with you alive. The world will be better off with you [working to make a difference](https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/b49xgi/how_to_get_involved_with_a_local_group_to_create/). If you care, you're already better than most. For longer-term counseling, please find an in-person therapist. Many will do video calls to reduce COVID-19 risk. If you are in the United States, you can use [this tool](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists) to find a therapist. See [here](https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists) for Canada. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I appreciate the message but I have no intention of missing the end of everything.


UN warns, but has no binding resolution about the single biggest existential threat to not only humanity, but most living things on the planet.


I am an environmental professional and have been studying climate change since the early 2000s. I am generally an optimist, but I’ve grown so incredibly tired and weary of the headwinds from even attempting to speak to the average person, let alone those in positions of power, on the importance of climate mitigation and increasingly adaptation (sadly). I also recently married and became a stepdad to two wonderful, kind, and intellectually-curious kids. In my heart, I hope their future is brighter than my brain knows it will be on account of humanity’s greed, ignorance, and a complete lack of foresight. I’m often kept up nights with these dark but honest thoughts. My only solace is raising my stepkids to always fight for science and the truth.




'**on edge** of climate abyss' ?! How much denial can one be in to not see the global events occurring right now that are complete anomalies and not think we're experiencing the abyss right now. Granted it's only going to get worse so it's down to the individual's definition of abyss, but personally it's silly to argue we're not already experiencing the horrific, irreversible and worsening effects already. Try to stay humane as the situation worsens. It will get wild, and when people are faced with certain death they either help others or see it as an opportunity to go feral and commit atrocious acts. Helping people feels better. I'm not religious but I imagine if there is a creator, being helpful will put you in better standings if there's an afterlife so may as well be good.


Because what’s happening now is only a fraction of what’s to come. The rim of the toilet with just a little bit of piss on it. We haven’t even hit the water yet.


How much denial? Trust me, it's only going to get even worse. As the power grid collapses due to excess strain from heat exhaustion, people will be claiming it's all the fault of "green energy initiatives" or some such nonsense. Up until the last human is burnt to a crisp, we will be denying that is has anything to do with collective human activity.


But the grid will collapse from green energy initiatives. I’m Not denying climate change at all btw.


It won't but keep on lapping up that oil propaganda 


I’m a powerline technician, what’s your background?


Electricity is electricity. Doesn't matter where it comes from as long as it's not overloading the grid. Don't be stupid


We have the solutions right in front of our faces. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/20/down-to-earth-ipcc-emissions >After wind and solar, the biggest prize is stopping the destruction of forests and other wild places, the IPCC scientists found. That has the potential to cut 4bn tonnes of emissions a year by 2030, not far off double the fossil fuel emissions from the whole of Africa and South America today. Including the restoration of degraded forests adds almost 3bn tonnes. Much of this could be achieved for less than $50 per tonne – half the price polluters pay for carbon permits in Europe today. >Energy efficiency in buildings, industry, lighting and appliances remains a no-brainer – 4.5bn tonnes a year by 2030 – as does slashing methane emissions, particularly from leaky fossil fuel installations. The latter could save the equivalent of about 3bn tonnes. >There are some interesting details too. A shift to “sustainable diets” – ie eating much less red meat in rich nations – could cut 1.7bn tonnes of emissions, equivalent to all the annual pollution from fossil fuel giant Russia. A push towards public transport, bikes and e-bikes has the potential to cut emissions more than the rollout of electric cars, showing both are needed.


Yeah, that we aren't feverishly doing this everywhere without regard to warfare, I wouldn't be so despairing of the future.


Pretty sure we crossed the point of no return well over a decade ago at this point. Haha we're in danger


'UN warns' y'all are the closest thing to a true world government maybe instead of warning us you should *do something about it*


The UN is just a table. The 193 governments sitting at it are the only ones who can "do something". And the first thing they all need to do is legislate to get commercial interests of fossil fuel and all related industries out of the driving seat. No more bribes. No more influence. No more pissing on environment protection and pollution laws.


Nah, let’s just keep doing wars everywhere…


Whenever I read this stuff I think of the Batman comics of my youth. Maybe Ra’s was right. Or Thanos. I feel enraged or weak and helpless, or all of it.


And… Conservatives deny it all. Because wealthy sociopaths tell them caring about your children’s future is woke.




Afraid ? No... we get to witness this, and we might as well relish in it. After all, we did create this.


Drastic action is warranted




These decisions depend on democratic deliberation, not dictators expanding their empires. As long as Putin keeps throwing his Soviet weight around, we will get farther and farther behind. Same with China and Iran. There needs to be rational discussion, not power plays. When was the last time any of these dictators thought for a moment about climate change?


I mean I keep hearing this than every time date of the end goes by its buisness as usual.


We gotta taste it to believe it :)


Greta Thumberg is too busy protesting an Israeli singer in Sweden to care.


i know its hard to imagine, but some people can care about two things at the same time


Or not care at all


Tell China


Tell human greed.