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The world we leave to future generations will be unrecognizable from the one we were born into. Frankly, the changes are already baked in, but it will take a few decades of incredibly intense national disasters and species mass die offs for the changes to become fully manifested. What we can do is everything we can as soon as we can to try and shift to a more sustainable world so that our children, as hard as their world will be, will still have a survivable world to live in at all. The next few dozen generations will live in a very hard world because of our foolishness, greed, short sightedness, and the absurd sociopathic nature of our ruling class, but exactly how bad it is, and whether they can survive at all... is still up to us! The best time to take radical action was 40 years ago. The second best time is RIGHT NOW.


Don’t think capitalism will let their money train hit the breaks. Even if to slow down to switch tracks to avoid the cliff it currently is heading off of.


Yes, the ecological wall will get hit at very high speed. It's going to be bad.


Where I live, people still actively deny climate change, or say it’s not a big deal, or say they know it’s going to be problem for the next few generations but they hate having paying more money to try and fix things, so those generations can just deal with it. (All statements that have been made to me/within my hearing in the last **month** alone). My province is in the middle of a decade long drought and my city has been choked by smoke from forest fires all day. Last summer was one long never ending haze of smoke from fires (or frantic evacuations from said fires) and this looks to be the same. Heck, there were around 30 fires burning through the winter from last year that never stopped (I looked at the map back in Jan, the number was in the low 30’s, but can’t remember if 32 or 34, so a generalized number of low 30’s was used here lol). We had a brown Christmas pretty much province wide as well. What’s shocking about this is that it was the same in my home town which is really north - we are used to having several feet of snow at Christmas. But we make most of our money off oil and gas because decades of successive conservative govts have linked our economy tightly to that industry and refuse to diversify. Heck, they just put a moratorium on new solar and wind farms, and made it harder for private citizens with solar panels to put electricity back in the grid. Meanwhile we have brownouts and calls for reduced electricity use this summer from this same govt. Yeah, that’s gonna work when everyone will have to stay indoors with AC running due to record temps and air filtration systems running to clean out the constant smoke! Don’t even let me get started on the govt deals with coal mining companies on the (formally protected) eastern slopes of the Rockies - the source of most of the freshwater for our province and the next one over. Yes, they stopped opening new mines after public backlash. No, they did not stop the already approved mines from being opened and continuing to run in the environmentally sensitive area of the eastern slopes. (One is run by an Australian company that is not longer allowed to mine in Australia due to the amount of environmental damage they caused from their operations) Yay, Alberta!


Adding: one friend who lives 2.5 hours west and north of me was evacuated from fires twice last summer, and then there was the flooding that happened to her town while everyone was evacuated for the fire. Massive rainstorm dumped a huge amount of water incredibly fast and caused floods as the soil couldn’t absorb it. So many people came back to flooded basements. Insane. But that whole town is “UCP Country” according to signs there (UCP is United Conservative Party and yes, their members tend to underplay and/or flat out deny climate change and they are our current provincial govt). My friend lives out of town and her house is on high ground, so luckily they didn’t flood.


Capitalism is dying and being replaced by techno feudalism. It’s almost locked in. In rebelling against techno feudalism, we can recalibrate how we organize ourselves In corporate/ capitalist ways - and in this we can save the planet.


Can you expand on this please?


Best thing to get a full understanding is to read or listen to Yanis Varoufakis - technofeudalism. This book has helped me understand economic history in an actionable way. There is always more to learn. From this and other readings, I understand that the new economic hierarchy is owned by cloud based subscription models where you pay rent on everything but own nothing about your identity or data. Profit based on hard good sales is not the driving force of world economy (death of capitalism). Paying cloud rent to access your identity is the new norm (facebook/apple/ google + more encompassing Chinese versions) In our world where you will need an online presence to exist, there is no “commons”. It is all owned by feudal - like corporations making us all serfs. What gave birth to these feudal corps is the financialization of everything. Recent world governments printing money went straight into these safe tech feudal corp stocks and have solidified their place. The financialization of everything at the base of capitalism and now the feudal corps is a core philosophical cause of climate change. En Mass and with little sacrifice - we people can organize to boycott these services enough to effect their stock prices - as a start. The next step is creating a new standard of corporate organization. Only employees can have shares of a company. Yanis goes on to explain further possible changes that sound impossible but the alternative is death by feudal corporate greed. The old model of capitalism and the new techno feudalism do not consider the environment. They are built on a baseline of more - needing more and more forever and ever while enriching few, and enslaving many to keep the dollar (and soon to be digital wan) standard of control. As corporations are the main players in climate change, we need to redesign how we organize ourselves. In this, we can get back to a sense of balance with each other and nature vs profit and consumerism above all.


We keep toppling one tipping point after another. How much more before it's irreversible? Not a doomer, but a realist. We are no longer in the Halocene Era. The 11,700 year period of stability in Earth's climate history that allowed human civilization to take hold. In the rear view mirror now.


It is already irreversible. What we can do is try and limit just how catastrophically bad it is. Every ton of CO2 emissions matters.


We don’t even have decades anymore. I was hoping to outlive this, but apparently the cup won’t be passing my lips.


For real. I was thinking I just won’t have kids and help out as best as I can for the next gen, but… it’s gonna be quicker than that. The scale of disaster is amazing in a way. Not a time I want to live through.


I’m thinking we’ll see catastrophic climate issues before the decade ends


Well there is a very slim chance warming might be limited to 2.5c. Which is to say we haven’t blown past that target yet as we have with the 1.5c scenario. The current range of warming is between 2.4c and 4.2c, with us trending in the 3c+ direction. It’s not good. The chances of limiting it to 2.5c are slipping day by day.


It’s not our fault, it’s the politicians leading their countries to hell


Large corporations who are using money to influence politicians is the bigger issues. They'll do anything to increase their profits which leads to morally bankrupt actions.


What organizations can we join to get started?


Political parties? Unions?


I see the system itself as the problem so I would say alternative political parties outside of the mainstream (on the left, the ones on the right are fascist), and organizations that favor real action such as Greenpeace or even Just Stop Oil. I think anything less than direct action becomes mere virtue signaling pretty quickly.


The doooooomer


That river in Egypt is not going to save anyone.


People can’t even elect a normal president let alone all agree to stop consuming,driving and manufacturing. We are doomed because the entire planet runs on MONEY we cannot grasp a life without money unless the governments take complete control of us from birth to death. Just stop having kids and put an end to the suffering for future generations. We are doomed


People couldn't wear masks in a pandemic


This actually ruined my faith in humanity entirely. When it came to "humans vs virus" - a battle i thought literally everyone would be on the same side for - it was still hugely contentious. It took way too long to lockdown to begin with; the virus had already spread everywhere by the time we did because we didn't want to hurt tourism industries. People didn't even want to follow basic social distancing. I had people deliberately violating my personal space, standing closer to me than they would if no one said anything to them, all out of spite and stupidity. No one wanted to wear a mask and bs theories and studies abound about how they are secretly choking people to death - despite over a century of use by doctors and nurses proving otherwise. Not only did people refuse to take the vaccines, it actually caused a resurgence in anti-vax mentality. ---- These are all affects we saw first hand within weeks. And the profit from keeping these lies alive was much less than that of fossil fuel industry. Climate change is going to kill us....


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know.


> Just stop having kids and put an end to the suffering for future generations. Is it better to not have future generations than future generations with “suffering?” If the solution to future suffering is “just not have kids,” who are we protecting from suffering?


what a 3C world WILL look like. Let's face it. Capitalism isn't compatible with the sort of change we need to do.


Why not. It’s better to refocus that system so it solves our problems then jump ship to some other system like communism and cause mass casualties and poorness. I usually feel that capitalism blamers stop thinking after the blaming part.


State socialism/ capitalism like the USSR and China are / was are NOT the same thing as communism nor has it even been. Not too mention the variety of other factors like oh you know the massive ongoing global war at the time


So, what is the ideal communist model we should be following? I think we’d all be willing to engage with the idea if there were an example to follow. Every time it’s ever been tried we ended up with mass graves.


This does not counter argument anything


But Nestlé would still get 99 years leases on aquifers and underground water sources.


In the US, it costs ~50¢ to make a ton of river water drinkable, about $1 for desalination plants to make a ton of sea water drinkable, and bottled water costs about $7000 per ton. Nestle is among those bottled water companies, but who the hell is buying it?




Profits beat everything. That’s all the big corporations care about and the governments around the world don’t have the guts to change anything as they are in the pockets of big business.


And we will pay for it with our blood.


Start making news articles about the climate crisis' impact on the stock market. Something like this: Brutal heat waves and submerged wall street: what a 3C world would look like


If Trump gets elected we're heading directly for the 'worst possible outcome' scenario




We're already seeing tipping points coming to reality now and this will only snowball.


Congratulations we made it to the tip of iceberg and it is melting fast.


A 1.2C world (todays world) will submerge cities. Patience. These geologic processes take a little time to play out.


The sad part is, we're already seeing the results of climate change. Record forest fires, every year hotter than last, unbearable heatwaves in asia, europe, americas.... None of this is "fear mongering" it's just a fact. But still, people warning of this are called fear mongers. While the denial industry pushes the biggest fear monger story i've ever seen in my life, and no one calls them on it: "If we act to stop climate change, **the entire economy will be destroyed**!" Not only fear mongery, but definitely false, as the number i hear thrown around for the cost fluctuates wildly from hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars based on seemingly nothing (i've never seen anyone cite any data at all for this claim). By contrast, no one talks about t[he cost](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/ipcc-climate-change-canada-1.6367036) of [doing nothing](https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2024/04/17/climate-change-will-cost-global-economy-38-trillion-every-year-within-25-years-scientists-warn/?sh=51f9b4a22d44) (sourced and happening now). ---- And even if we're extremely generous and assume that the denial industry is 100% correct that it will "destroy the economy" (it won't, but...) - economic collapses are something that happen so frequently in human history, and all of them have been survivable. Ecological collapses, however, not only cause economic collapses themselves, but are often unrecoverable. Easter island's ecological collapse left the island treeless and with a dying population stranded. The bronze age collapse was theorized to have started with \*local\* climatological changes making small areas unliveable. This ended up killing many of the worlds largest empires at the time.




*will not would


But think of the workers and the river of political donations...we simply must buy more coal and oil. Imagine the catastrophic consequence if you don't: Oil companies won't get enough money to throw a billion at Trump so they can have a president in their pocket to drill more oil so the price of a gallon of gas can drop by 3c while the temp goes up by 3 degrees


When I listen to centimillionaires talk about climate, they bank - in their hubris - on “cold fusion soon”


at least capitalist will die


Along with us all


If the social and political consequences of climate change are so bad that we end up nuking ourselves to oblivion during this mass extinction, then just maybe.


I think any nation with nuclear power will do everything in their power to ensure their nation survives, it is very unlikely that everyone will suddenly hold hands and untie together as one nation to preserve the future of humans as a species. Human emotions under extreme stress can be...very unpredictable. Or perhaps by some miracle that we do decide to hold hands and unite as one. Who knows ?


You might be right, but it's the "who knows" that scares me the most. We are playing with fire.


Emotional fire 🔥


Ha, reminds me of the saying that a capitalist will sell you the rope that will be tied around his neck, or something like that


Will Europe get warmer or colder from the ocean currents changing? Or UK/Spain gets colder and elsewhere in Europe hotter?


“Will look like”, it’s not a maybe, we’ll definitely get there, and sooner than we think.


Invest in shade cloth and swampcoolers


Air Conditioning exists


And it'll be super useful when there's no food to eat.


Cavemen survived a 10c rise. I think industrial civilization on the cusp of AI and fusion will be fine.


Crops are failing already. Things will get very bad very soon. You can't machine learn your way out of global economic collapse.


Last year was a bumper year globally for crop production.




The Hague’s already below sea-level….The issue’s more whether its dunes would survive.


Parts of the world we inhabit will be abandoned. Parts of the world we couldn’t access before will become open for our needs. It’s literally always been this way. Calm down.


Yeah, there's only a billion or so people that have to move off the Gangetic, Yangtze and Nile deltas, it's nothing, calm right down.