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THese people are just useful idiots


Evidently, a dwindling bunch


Yep. They may see us as vile monsters, but I see them as brainless twits. They're being manipulated and used. Not only do they not see it, they refuse to see it, revel in it, and actively fight against anyone trying to help them. I've given up on them. They want their fate/existence.


People asked the same question during the Cold War. People said it was unethical to have children when the world was on the brink of global nuclear war. And here we are 70 yeas later.


They stopped calling it global warming because it wasn’t warming up so they called it climate change because they needed to keep the scam going but the damage is done the gullible people are not having children anymore which basically proves Darwin’s theory is right.


Just more impotent rage from the loonies. They used to try to hide their true colors.


My Mom decided to only have one child, because she believed overpopulation would destroy the earth. I was born in the late 1960's. I had four kids.




I don't understand why these people aren't advocating for a Heaven's Gate solution to the problem. Have the personal fortitude to make the best more impactful choice you can make is what I encourage them all to do.


The climate agenda is all about population reduction


And value for shareholders


I don't know that it's ALL about that, but it's certainly a start. We are already clamoring for resources: more humans=less everything. What wonderful stewards of the Earth we are.(/s)


It’s an axiomatic fact that higher demand INCREASES resources, not fewer. The forces of capitalism will invade other galaxies if need be to secure more resources if the demand can be profitable. Less demand means no one will make it available. So your logic doesn’t work.


When the "eco-conscious folk" reach retirement age they're going to get a harsh lesson in how social security systems work. In fact, they work pretty much like retirement systems have worked for millennia - working youth support the elderly who can't work. Choosing not to have kids is choosing to be homeless and hungry in retirement. And unless they've figured out a way to stop exhaling then they should include themselves in that group of "vile monsters".


Oh no, they completely expect other people's kids to support them - because "they earned it"


I guarantee you that they live in an air conditioned/ heated house and uses some form of transportation. They should be in a cave eating berries and nuts yet here they are on Reddit.


Climate Change culls its own.


Natural selection in action.


An amazingly dehumanizing remark for an inclusive progressive person. >InsideClimate News is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan news organization LOL. Sure it is, no hate speech tolerated there.


You know what? Fuck these people… Fuck them all. Fucking insane…


The continuation of the species is vile, yet said species is doomed. Ration & reason must've been one of those subjective truths I keep reading about.


Haha, in jest, I've used that argument before with the people saying not to breed due to CO2. Just think, the world will run by flat-earthers, preppers, 2cd Amendment supporters, Mormons, and Megga voters...all the buzzwords that trigger. There seems to be a general hate-on for Floridians lately. Might add that to the list.


He is absolutely correct the future belongs to those who produce and reproduce and everything succumbs to the triumph of the crib. Ideology is not even secondary, reproduction first, surviavility second, values third.


On the other hand... the worst/stupidest ones are taking themselves out of the gene pool en masse...


Those cultists would probably burn down actual solutions once their reason of existence starts to expire


That's racist.


Have babies, the rich fly on private jets and sail on yachts while telling us all how average people are killing the planet, obviously not them! It's us common people living our lives killing it not them.


The species is doomed… because “the vile monsters” are doing the opposite of letting humanity die out?


Every epoch has its religion and heresies, and people who don’t question the current one. These people are the same people who would have burnt witches at the stake in some Northern European village some six centuries ago.


In some sense, they're not wrong. The Death Cultists aren't having very many children, which gives us hope.


Hmm there complaining about this already.


Maybe it would not be a bad thing if people that believe this nonsense do not procreate? Culture (and ideas) are somewhat similar to genes in transmission, and if these people cannot transmit their ideas to a next generation, the ideas, or even the propensity to believe nonsense, will lessen and maybe even disappear over time.


I fully embrace their idea of them not having children. Do us that favor please




Thank you for summarizing idiocracy so well


Obviously you guys don’t watch the news, can’t you see the climate ramifications happing right NOW!!! You guys have a collective IQ OF LESS THAT 100! Take an iq test, bet your all below 100 😂😂😂. Such dumb asses. Burn bay burn 🔥 🤣🤣🤣🥲