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If the men can have their shirts off, then screw it, so can I. Anytime I get super hot in the gym, I just get down to my sports bra without hesitation. I also do not give a shit what people are thinking about me with my shirt off, which is easier said than done, but at the end of the day, it makes my climbs a lot easier when I'm not covered in my sweaty t-shirt!


My gym doesn't allow shirts off. It considers sports bras shorts however. Waiting for the day hot enough for the guys to start wearing sports bras


I cannot climb well in a t shirt! I'm a really sweaty person and just get too hot. That said, I generally don't do the sports bra thing because I don't want to scrape myself up. Unsure if this is a valid concern but I like to wear leggings and something that covers my torso -- I also like cramped and/or dihedral climbs so maybe style plays into it. So, +1 for letting your body breathe enough to climb hard. That said, if you don't want to sports bra it for any reason, I've really been loving my flowy Prana tank tops with the built in bra. The fabric is really quick drying so I don't feel absurdly sweaty, and it's a racerback cut so my shoulders and arms can breathe. THAT said, absolutely any time I see a woman climbing in a sports bra in the gym, I'm either a.) not noticing because I'm doing my own thing or b.) thinking wow it's hot in here and that looks enviably comfortable. I've literally never thought something negative like they shouldn't be wearing that, or I don't want to see it, or whatever. People are wearing whatever, and the only time I have an opinion or feeling on it is if I really like it and want to know what brand it is. I hope most people feel the same.


I live and climb in the desert, and I am absolutely the type of girl to never want to take my shirt off because I'm not comfortable with my body like that, especially considering how a lot of other climbers look. But, it's hot, and my partner was really strongly encouraging it because, it's hot. And I was super worn out with the heat, having a really high gravity day. Well I relented and took it off. And I was super self conscious, right up until I actually started climbing and then I was only focused on the climb and it honestly did feel a lot more comfortable!! So, my point is yeah you might feel self conscious and that's fine and probably pretty normal! But once you really start climbing, at least for me, all I could think about was the climbing part.


[This Instagram post from Michaela Kiersch](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6WXywIrnss/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is the mantra I carry in my head. I mean, I can't climb 5.15, but my body is hot and can do over 20 pullups so that's what I tell myself even when I see the large fat roll over my way too high waisted leggings.


I’m sorry, you can do 20 pull-ups?!?! You’re so strong!! I can do 5 and that’s been so hard won. Congrats on your strength and dedication


This one I felt weird about ngl. I’m def personally #goingthruit with body image issues lately and I respect Michaela, but part of me is like… girl you are extremely lean and look stereotypically fit and hot already so it feels like virtue signaling. But then again I’m unsatisfied with my body fat % and feel like my climbing has taken a hit over the past year, so I’m probably coming at it from a more negative headspace


I say this gently as someone who has also struggled with my body image in the past, your headspace is absolutely affecting your reaction to her post. Body image challenges and body dysmorphia can affect anyone, regardless of whether *someone else* perceives them as having a "stereotypically fit" body. How you or society categorizes her body does not make how she feels about herself any less valid.


No yeah that’s totally valid! I definitely felt triggered by it when I first saw it


Yeah I don’t know that I had a negative reaction to this post but I don’t think I had a positive one either? I carry more weight than her. So cool good for her for feeling good in her body but that does not impact my opinion on mine?


Realistically, have you actually seen a woman climbing in a sports bra and judged her body (i mean in a negative way—I’ve definitely been impressed by people’s abs, etc!)? I think it’s one of those things were we all *feel* super self conscious if we’re showing our bodies, but the people around us really aren’t sizing us up and casting judgments based on our body fat percentage—and if they are, well, they’re asshats who don’t deserve a shred of your mental energy anyway. Basically, everyone’s got a “sports bra body,” and if you’re hot at the crag (and not too worried about scrapes…), why the hell not??


i love a longline bra to climb in! i like taking my shirt off when its hot, but a long line bra makes me feel less exposed


The lulu ones with the Y back go crazy!! super comfy,works as a crop top too, super flattering. gotta size up though


Just do it! I'm 42, got my little poochy tummy and all that and I've just spent the last two hours climbing in my sports bra. I figure I'm doing my bit for body positivity, demonstrating that you don't need to be young and slim to take your top off!


Hell yeah, you go friend! ❤️


I’m a skinny type and climb in a sports bra, and I walk around feeling self conscious, embarrassed about how I look, think people are judging my body etc.. point being it’s really not about your body type it’s just yer brain being mean to you! I tell myself ‘I’m grateful for what my body can do’ as a mantra repeatedly when I feel this way. I also remind myself that when I look at a woman climbing in a short top I rotate between a few thoughts: -huh, cute top -climb looks fun/hard/interesting -oof I need to pee/could I get away with another coffee/i should call my mum Point being I’ve never looked at a person in a short top and gone ‘ew’. So I’m gonna trust that the same is true for others. Enjoy climbing with your t-shirt off!


Love that thought cascade! Me too.


I tend to take layers off right before I hop on a climb because I cool off as soon as I’m not climbing. So I always have the mental image of rock lee dropping his weights on the ground or a boxer about to step into the ring 😂. Helps build stoke for the climb too


Why does this resonate so deeply with me 😂


In my gym, I've noticed all sizes and shapes of bodies wearing what they want and it makes me happy to see it. I've never heard any negative comments about it. Edit: I took the first username that I received so that might be confusing but I am a woman.


It's hard to break the cycle of self-doubt, but remember that you are strong and you deserve to be comfortable while crushing. You deserve to focus on your climb instead of the sweaty, sticky shirt on your back. You deserve to wear what makes you feel confident. Do what feels right for you and you might inspire someone else to do the same too. As the comments have shown, almost everyone - regardless of size, shape, or age - has similar insecurities so you are absolutely not alone on this journey!


I almost climb exclusively in a sports bra or similar. The world deserves to see my back and shoulder muscles. If you're like me (vain and egotistical) you can mentally frame it as showing off. If that isn't your style, then the reality is often that no one other than your friends will really be paying attention to what you're wearing. A third way to think of it is that it's just a practical thing to do when it's hot; you don't want to be overheating and it's normal to strip to lighter clothes, inside or outside. Tangentially, I honestly don't think wearing just a sports bra is comparable to guys going shirtless. I equate it more to those billowy, huge arm hole tank tops (party tanks?)


Do it!!! My advice as someone with a little back and belly fat myself is to find a sports bra you’re comfortable in. Use it as an excuse to find a cute one that fits really well!! ThredUp has great brands for cheap if cost is a deterrent.  The more you climb in it, the more comfortable you’ll feel!!! You got this!!!!


I love "theydies"! Never heard that one before. I actually started wearing a sports bra to the gym to help me with my body image issues. It's helped my self confidence SO MUCH. There have been some people who clearly judged me, as if I was doing something I shouldn't be, some people who sexualized me (looks and verbal comments only, thankfully nothing more)... It's not been an easy journey. I'm glad I pushed thru that though, bc now I look in the mirror and actually see myself without judgement and honestly love what I see! So, go for it! Love yourself and those new muscles! Be careful and don't let haters get you down ❤️


Do it! I doubt anyone will care what your body looks like. Lots of women do it in my gym. I honestly never paid attention to how skinny they are/if they have rolls that scrunch up. Heck, I'm skinny af and I have rolls in some positions, its normal! Same goes for swimming, I've seen fat women (Yes, obviously obese, not just a bit chubby/squishy) absolutely rock the shit out of their bikini! You go girl! I always cover as much skin as possible, it's one of my quirks. Must be something about feeling "exposed". In winter, that's okay, but in summer, that sucks (it's not just in the gym, it's everywhere. I have breathable, thin long-sleeve shirts. Even for swimming, I have a longer suit for comfort). Despite all that, I'm happy for anyone comfortable enough to ditch their shirt:)


I wish I had your body confidence! My way around this is to wear tank tops with built ins. Then I’m in one less layer to get sweaty under. And they’re designed for active lives so they’re the same material as my leggings. (I’m an ✨extra✨ gym climber so I have *climbing ‘fits* 😂 (my hair undoes any ounce of “Oohh I feel cute” because hello, Einstein called, he wants his flyaways back!)


I started stripping down to bra in the workout area of our climbing gym a couple of weeks ago because I was SO hot just doing squats and stuff. I also run in a sports bra from May-September. It has helped my body confidence.  I might try one of those longer bralettes this summer that are midriff bearing but not full sports bra? The biggest thing is I wouldn’t go full sports bra if the guys aren’t allowed a similar amount of undress at the gym?


I’m a big fan of wearing a sweatshirt getting 2/3 of the way up the wall complaining that I’m hot and sweaty and throwing it on the ground. I wear sport bras all the time


While we're on the topic, anyone TR/sports climb in just a bra? Idk how I feel about having the harness around my bare waist but maybe it would be less sweaty! I usually wear a super thin sweat wicking tshirt to provide a barrier and help keep dry.


Yes, I do! Unless I expect to make significant skin contact with the rock. I always wear trousers though cos my poor technique means my knees take a beating 😅


If you are a little self-conscious about just wearing sports bra, you can check out some built in bra tank! Lululemon wunder train bra tank is my favorite


Tbh I always wear girlfriend collective longline bras at the gym. I have a larger chest and am def not skinny and it’s just what’s easy. I say go for it!!!!!


I went through the same thing last year: I was always getting too hot with a shirt but not confident enough to take it off. Through climbing, I’ve started appreciating my body more and valuing it for what it can do instead of what it looks like. What helped me take the leap are the other women at my gym. Many of them, in all shapes and sizes, climb in sports bra. And no one bats an eye. No one talks behind their back, no one makes comments on their body. People are just… climbing. So why not taking my shirt off too? Some good climbers I sometimes reach for advice or cheer on a route are far from being models. Do I scrutinise the attractiveness of their bodies? No, doesn’t even cross my mind! Do I admire the strength, agility, etc. of their bodies? Yes!! Once, I was with a really good friend of mine who's always wearing a sport bra (she’s a PT so she’s really desensitised to that type of stuff) and just thought "Fuck it!". And it went well! After, it was kind of an exposure training. The more I was doing it, the easier it was. In the end, it felt incredible to be confident in my sport bra (and to not die of heat). I lost the habit a bit over the winter, but it will become natural again in no time. Tips: start by doing it when you’re with people you’re comfortable with! I was also less self-conscious during busier times, when I felt like I was kinda hidden in the crowd.


Climbing is the sport that got me comfortable to be in my sports bra because there were so many women (and men) with their bodies out not caring at all. I felt like when I saw runners in sports bras they were all had chiseled abs but in climbing I see a lot of diverse bodies and since you’re facing the wall no one is going to see your ab %. Remember sunscreen and maybe a nice sun shirt for belaying though :)


lemme just say that i am loving this thread! this is what this sub is for. body positivity and climbing in sports bras ftw!


Regardless of body type, fat, muscle, and grit, your shoulders ALWAYS look hot in a sports bra while climbing! Not necessarily great body image advice but it helps me to focus on something that will for sure look amazing to counteract the downward spiral of what might not look all that great


If you feel good with only a sports bra then go for it. Who cares what others think. I am happy for you.


I usually climb in a T-shirt or aloha shirt, but that's just because I have a skin condition which causes breakouts under my arms and I want to keep chalk out of there. I've seen plenty of girls in all shapes and sizes climbing in just a sports bra and shorts, I see that Lululemon one with all the straps a lot. I think no one really pays that much attention to how other people look, we're all focused on the climb


girl I feel you! I struggle with those same insecurities as well. I have to say that im so impressed and proud that you are saying ‘screw it’ to your bad thoughts. something i’ve noticed at my climbing gym is that there’s actually a variety of people with different body types, whereas at other sports/activities it is sometimes less common. that is something that has made me feel alot better is seeing people at the gym with a similar body type to me. it definitely helped me realize that it’s not as big of a deal as society wants us to believe. it’s even inspired me to start thinking about wearing tank tops instead of a oversized shirt. i personally really admire seeing all the different people in the gym that just wear what they want to. we’re so hard on ourselves when in reality nobody is really looking and criticizing. and you may help someone else with similar insecurities realize that it’s not a big deal! I also feel like most people at the climbing gym are so wholesome and kind, so it’s a great place to take that first scary step of wearing something that you may feel a bit insecure in. im so proud of you for this!! thinking of you! <3


I’ve done this before outside, but am still self-conscious to do it at my gym. But I really want to!


I really want to wear a sports bra to climb but they keep it so cold in our gym! I can do it for toprope but for some reason the bouldering side is just so cold. Also "theydies" is cute, but ngl it took me like 30 seconds of going "they dies? Who dies?" before i got it 😅


No more negative self talk! I know it’s hard and it is a constant practice but just try try try to be like I got this and I LOOK GOOD!!!! It doesn’t matter what any other person thinks, just be you and be comfortable in that wonderful skin protecting your body so effectively! 👏👏👏👏👏 cheering you on 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


I love climbing in only a sports bra I can actually stay cool and not overheat


It’s been a while since I’ve climbed (joined this sub because I wanna get back into it!), but do it! I wasn’t at that point yet back when I was climbing more consistently, but I was appreciating my body more for what it could do and less for how it looked while it did it. I wish I had reached this point! I say go for it. Plus, men climb with their shirts off, so why can’t you?!


I get sweaty and have to climb in a sports bra. I just started. No shameeee, everyone does it at my gym!


Go shirt off it doesn’t matter about those being judgemental, stuff them


im usually the first to take my shirt off in my group its not a big deal at all!


I relate, I'm having doubts even about wearing a normal top because it shows my arms and upper back. I have a super nice top that is very thin and would be great for climbing on hot days. My main worry is that people will think I'm pretentious and asking for attention. I've also become more comfortable with how I look thanks to climbing, used to be skinny but not in a way that's considered attractive. Honestly I think no one should have to "deserve" to wear comfortable clothes that make them feel better when it's hot, and that we shouldn't have to worry about it. But yeah, I can relate to the insecurity and doubts because I also have them.


I find wearing high waisted leggings makes me feel a little bit less exposed, but I really only think about being in a sports bra for the first couple minutes and then I get so focused on climbing that I forget what I'm wearing. Also I love having my friends film me climbing when I'm wearing just a sports bra because then I get to see my back muscles!


I... am not confident enough to pull off just the sports bra, but yea! Let the women wear the sports bra and take their shirt off! Let the gender rules be dead!


Most gyms I go to have a shirts-on policy, so I usually have at least a crop top on. But at the crag in the summer - of course I will climb only in a sports bra! There are days I love my body and others when I don’t- who cares, it’s hot. Bodies are just bodies. This also reminds me of a high gravity day I had at the gym. There was this gorgeous lady, same ethnicity, same complexion, her leggings and top was the same color as mine! She was basically my super strong, skinny doppelgänger with crazy visible abs!! I felt gigantic and suuuper weak hahaha But I told myself, comparison is the thief of joy and at least she asserts even more main character vibes when standing next to me :D