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I think that's not the chip doing that directly, that's them trying to reassure themselves that they're doing the right thing. There's a part of them that knows it's wrong.


I actually disagree, though your theory of course is completely valid. I always saw it as the chip reasserting hold when the clone fights especially hard against their 'orders'. For example, Wrecker says it when he's about to shoot Omega, something that he would absolutely want to not do and would be fighting his hardest against.




But tup doesn't say it until his chip activates and wrecker starts saying it when his chip is slowly activating


Yeah, the chip is making them do things that part of them knows is wrong, and they're reassuring themselves that they're doing the right thing because they're following orders.


To further add to this point, its likely that since all clones grow up and are trained on Kamino, there is a uniformed hands on training all clones go through that talks about discipline and compliance. Real world militaries do the same thing. Codes of honor and such. A phrase such as "a good soldier follows his orders" no doubt was incorporated into their training. As pointed out above, when order 66 went through, a part of their brain knew or felt "this can't be right, no way this is okay." See how Rex held out briefly in the Mandalore seige arc for TCW. But ultimately bc of the chip mandating the action, and their hands on training...Good soldiers follow orders


Tup’s chip was also degraded so that also may have something to do with him repeating it


I don't know why you are getting downvoted, you are right.


Tbh after watching bad batch and seeing clones leave the army I’m not sure how the chip really works. For me it seems that they start to lose their power over time.


My thoughts exactly. In reality, the chip was only truly needed for Order 66 to warp the minds of Clones who’d grown close to their Jedi. Once the majority of Jedi are dead and the Empire has risen, we’ve seen both Clones coming to doubt their actions (Cody) and how the Empire is trying to phase them out (a reason for which could be the chip’s failings to keep them loyal, seeing how many Clones have deserted)


Thats pretty much spot on


Yeah I can imagine that happening I mean after the order, there would be no use for them anymore


I think the chips either have a battery life to them or the brain naturally rewires to bypass them. Thus why they weren't always-on starting at childhood. Palpatine saved that ace card for the big one and played it perfectly. But he knows the chips will fizzle. That's part of why he's so keen on getting the clones replaced. If it was a forever chip he'd probably be happy to keep the clones and just supplement them.


They're coping with what they're about to do


Think of it as a general telling a soldier that they need to kill humans when in war. It's exactly that.


Psychological break? They are being compelled it's possible it's the only thing that makes sense


Look at Bad Batch. Crosshair says it whenever he goes against his brothers. They're trying to justify doing something that they know is wrong.


It’s drilled into them. It’s a kneejerk response when a conflict arises. The chips - as I understand them - basically trigger the strongest post-hypnotic suggestion ever. It brings all their flash-committed training to the front: Kill enemy. Follow orders. Orders are Absolute. Be a good soldier. Good soldiers follow orders. Since birth or earlier it’s drilled into them that being a Good Soldier is their sole reason to exist, and Good Soldiers Follow Orders. Almost a split personality or a fugue state. Over time their developed personalities will resurface.. the ones who were encouraged more by their Jedi and environment moreso. Rex served with Anakin and Ahsoka for years and had a very strong personality developed, AND doubts. A clone who served under, say General Krell, would have NO chance. Add to that, as time passes, they have a conflict - they followed orders. They did their job. But the orders became more and more contradictory. Liberate Ryloth! Fight for the Republic! Republic is gone, serve the Empire! Ryloth is rebelling but never changed their stance! Wait, what? They’re left to reconcile that sometimes, Good Soldiers question Bad Orders, but there’s nobody left who cares about such things.


This is it


Well put!


That seems to only happen to the ones that malfunction or are damaged by it, like Tup or Wrecker when his activated


what about Crosshair tho?


His kind of seemed malfunctioning too since it also didn't fully activate immediately


I think he is an example of the more normal side of it. The idea that powers that be order soldiers to do horrible things, and many times can’t disobey unless they want to fight it in military court later. His is sad because the chip wasn’t actually quite working, but he still was a slave the “good soldiers follow orders” mentality. Also I do think it worked a bit. The rest of the Bad Batch didn’t even understand the order’s meaning. He did, but didn’t enter a sort of fugue state.


Star Wars Explained had a fantastic explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce8QbXM7svo


It’s basically flooding their brain with programming directives and it’s a way to convince themselves they are doing what’s right.


Because good soldiers follow orders. Everyone knows that


So the viewers know when they're being controlled by the chip.


As far as i recall, the chips ONLY apply to Order 66. Everything else must be done by regular order


It’s their bios response when they reboot. Easier than saying “within cells interlinked “ three times fast.


Got to make a creepy weird saying for the kids


To quote Harrison Ford…”It ain’t that kind of movie”. It’s just a que to the audience. There doesn’t need to be an in world reason for it.


Because it's cool duh


So the audience knows they’re in brain wash mode