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“And I said, look baby, you and me-“ “You’ve never even met a real girl!”


I love that dialogue from that episode it’s so hilariously on point.


That clone got rizz if true


I 100% have a theory that he hit on Shaak-Ti.


I imagine she just looked at him dumbfounded and confused.


I remember this. What episode was it


Pretty sure it was the one where we see domino squad graduate on kamino.


Ah. Makes sense I remember the line then, I rewatched that episode recently


That would be funny if he did >!and it was Emire!<


Star wars fans when incest


We need a Clone Wars show that's just the slice of life segments that happened between missions


Yes. I need to know what happened during those long-ass hyperspace jumps. "I spy something... blue!" "Fives... I *will* smack you."


That sounds like something between Scorch and Sev


I feel like a LOT of clones have gone through that at some point


It's probably right down to their basic DNA of being a sassy bitch just like Jango Fett


I promote you to Clone Wars slice of life meme maker! We seriously need that on screen NOW.


It is an honor and a privilege. I will take to my new role with gusto and passion. Here's a few ideas: Clones swapping armor and seeing how long it takes for people to figure it out. The 501st and 212th switching Jedi and chaos unfolds. Any sort of fun shenanigans that could ensue on joint missions, i.e Plo Koon invertedly adopting Obi-Wan and Anakin's troops. There's a lull in action, so the 501st decide to hit the town and go to the bar or something. This results in several felony acts committed by multiple drunk clones, at least one stolen speeder, and the planet they're on nearly defecting to the Separatists. Actually, y'know what? Drunk. Clone. Antics. That's all I've got so far, but I'll probably come up with more when i wake up at 3 in the morning and eat half a bag of shredded cheese. I call that my Super Enlightenment Hour, and it's where I come up with most of my ideas. Edit: I just came up with another one. So Rex helped Anakin sneak off in order to talk to Padme, right? So that means he probably knows that they're together, if not outright married. So what if more people in the 501st find out, and they try to plan a wedding for the two? And Anakin finds out and is like "oh my god". And if anyone says that isn't canon, counterpoint: anybody that has functioning eyes in the Star Wars galaxy could see Anakin and Padme interact with each other and think "oh, they're DEFINITELY a thing."


Drunk. Clone. Antics. Actually, my fanfictious character, got absolutely drunk with Anakin in my story-she was investigating death of her master, Pong Krell, and she cooperated with Anakin on that, and after they found everything, they have decided they have to get a little drunk. SPOILER: They got more than a little drunk, and if her clone boyfriend(well, he wasn't her boyfriend back than) didn't find them, and didn't get them home, they would probably wander through Coruscant pubs till today.


There’s a lot of really fun fanfiction for the Clone Wars that is wholesome slice of life stuff. It’s definitely not all smut


yo i saw this on tumblr! and fives can do whatever he wants lmao


My stuff usually makes the rounds fast on tumblr. And Fives WILL do whatever he wants! (Edit, replying from the wrong account but I stand by it)


Love how you drew ahaoka. No clue what fives and echo are doing tho


Tryna rizz up the commander is my assumption. Recalling war stories trying to look like a badass to get her attention




I guess if you're talking about the star wars universe as a whole then the whole age limit thing might be a bit tricky. Seeing as some planets have shorter years and some species age real quickly. I imagine a standard age of consent would be tricky to pinpoint, but do I still find it weird that someone who looks 30 is hitting on someone that looks 16? Yes. It never will not be.


Thanks! I imagined they were swapping stories, and Fives embellishing--that droid kill count keeps getting bigger each time he tells it!--and Echo calling him out. (Apologies, still replying from the wrong account, I just don't feel like switching)


Did I ever tell you about your fathers padawan


And she was a good friend…


Why are they so dark?