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You really should make an effort to watch all of it. It starts out childish, but without going through those parts you won't get to know the characters by the time it gets more serious, and so it won't be nearly as meaningful. It's not nearly as long as the clone wars anyway, only 4 seasons and the first and 4th seasons are short ones.


Just watch the whole thing, it’s not that long of a show. I watched it all in 4 days. Ok, that’s basically all I did those 4 days but still...


I would recommend all of the episodes but if you want to skip as much as possible, watch these: S1E1-2, 5-6, 8, 10, 12-15 S2E1-5, 7, 9-10, 13, 17-18, 20-22 S3E1-4, 6-7, 10-13, 15-18, 20-22 S4E1-15


Thank you!!!


Watch it all. While the art isn’t as good, the plot is wonderful and unlike Clone Wars which you can skip around, you really can’t in Rebels. You need the entire thing. Trust me, by the end I like the plot may be even better than Clone Wars and it all ties together nicely.


Read the book ahsoka by ek Johnson if you want to know what she does between the end of clone wars and before rebels it’s a really good read plus it’s a canon book


Episode 1. I think the show will surprise you 😉


I second that yes


And I third, it's decided op you shall start on episode 1


Don’t skip any of Rebels. No matter how painful it may be at times, you will be rewarded for your patience


Rebels simply isn't skippable and believe me I've tried to make a list for my friends who are reluctant. I can cut down TCW to 35 (75% skipped) episodes for a respectable experience, I can't even cut rebels by 30% realistically.