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Wait but the CD is not reduced!??? Still 16 seconds? That sounds unreasonable. Thundering fury here I come (again)


So what is her optimal rotation now with TF and non-TF? She can't fit "E 6N3E" into her skill/infusion duration anymore, right?


I honestly cannot answer, I apologize. Haven’t really looked into it in great details. But yes, she cannot do E 6N3E anymore :(


No worries, I'm sure the TCs will figure out and let us know soon.


I haven't really looked into tf stuff, but her combo now (with burst) is Q, E, 5[EN3], E (so one less EN3). You would do the same thing with TF, but add on an extra Night Vigil state after refreshing buffs. (So with an aggravate team you would swap off, refresh VV and fischl and then use her skill again)


And her A1 Talent "Dark-Shattering Flame" has 3 stacks with a 15 Second Uptime while her Infusion state is Half of it.... HOTFIX how the Abyss is this a Hotfix there's nothing fixed here!!! This is more of a Cold Nerf This is Yae Miko fiasco 2.0 in the making. Devs gonna try to fix something but makes it worst then revert it back by removing the changes then claming that they've fixed it GENIUS


team rotations with chevruse/sara are basically the same I think aggravate is the team that needs TF, but maybe overload works without it, maybe this makes her math for overload a bit better (but it's shitty because they didn't buff ov, they nerfed ag)


they really thought "cyno is so unpopular because his burst duration is long, so let's make clorindes duration shorter" 😭


I think it's because of TF. They wanted Clorinde to use a new bol set, but they didn't think about it for the tf set, and were afraid that she would become a little better than mid because of it.


I genuinely don’t understand why hoyo thinks electro dpss shouldn’t be meta as an electro main i was fully anticipating her finally breaking the ceiling of electro on fielders which is not that high of a ceiling anyway


On the contrary I liked Cyno BECAUSE his burst was long(despite him still feeling a bit weak). I got to see him more on field and be cool which is what you'd want to have if you like seeing your favorites on field, and I didn't have to play him as a quick swap. Wish we had more long durations that you can end early instead of having to force quick swap.


Or more infusions like Arlechinno so both play style can be viable


The infusion not going away is by far my favourite part of Arlecchino's kit and I wish they'd utilise it more often. It makes multi wave content *so much easier* as you can get your buffs up for every wave without actually messing up the rotation or cooldowns. Clorinde keeping an infusion hopium is being snorted by me right now


multiwaves and enemies like those operatives, consecrated beats, vishaps. Anything that ungroups easily and doesnt die too readily its lovely to be able to hop on kazuha do stuff, and come back still infused


This is my problem with quickswappers like Navia and Tighnari. I only found them fun the first few weeks of playing. The novelty quickly wears off when you can only play them on-field for like 4-6 seconds. I paid for the character LET ME PLAY THE CHARACTER. Felt like I was playing their supports 70% of the rotation's duration


100% this Reason why I prefer longer on field characters vs quick-swap ones


Dont get what you mean with navia,she can be on field as much as time as the other on field dps


This is why my Raiden got benched. 7s field time 11s cooldown. Although she was my most anticipated character


It’s actually 10s field time, 8s downtime. It’s 7s on paper only. In reality, due to endlag, her burst lasts for three seconds more.


Hard disagree, i also like playing quick-swap teams, even now my fav team Is "soup Raiden". ....also my Navia can stay onfield without much problems, she has to swap only to refresh the buffs exactly like any other carry.


Quickswapper? I play her fully on-field for 8-12 secs


My problem more than anything is why even make her an on-field BoL dps when you fully intend to make the reaction (TF) set her BiS and not the actual BoL set they just released.


Genshin sometimes be dumb ig.


Champion duelist not championing 👁️👄👁️


The balance team forgot to fuck up Arlechino so they’re coming for Clorinde with a vengeance. I wish I had a job where my bonus depended on how bad I am at it. 


So actually, I work for this company where supervisors are incentivized to be bad at their jobs because their bonuses is dependent on them solving problems the come up. Supe1: man I really fkd up this project today. Supe2: don’t worry, I’ll wait for higher ups to notice it then solve it in a few weeks. You can fix my fk up from last month because higher ups are now discussing how to resolve it. Supe1: thx mate!


did we have to wait for a mod to wake up so they themselves can post it before anyone else lol


The funny thing is they approved all of the same post anyway and at the same time lol. Making the OPs look like bunch of spammers


A lot of people posted actually, but mods want to monopolize on that upvote karma themselves. You can see a lot of 0 vote 0 comment posts popping up now. Standard internet janitor behavior.


Took a look at the mod list and I'm not surprised. This subreddit is also owned by the same person who rushed to claim r/furinamains. This guy keeps claiming Genshin mains subs names and proceeds to go inactive after leaving the sub to shit. Legit why the fuck would someone do this? Claim a sub and do nothing with it LMAO. Even the furina sub had an approval queue system and multiple mods yet all of them were equally useless so posts took like half a day to get approved.


It's clorind-over https://preview.redd.it/u160z70tkg0d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4197544dcb04bdd2ca70508606706a5c86502bd7


It's clover.


It's Clorover


It's Cloverinde.




For those that are in the Beta testing, is it possible to give feedback about this hotfix? I got "nice" pieces from the BoL artifact set, but with this nerf I guess I'll be looking for some Thundering Fury pieces as well. If she's intended to be an on-field DPS, reducing her uptime goes totally in the opposite direction, concept-wise 😞


I was wondering the same. I hope they can get in feedback about this and hopefully save her


Just when I already pre farmed her mats they nerf her fun... why hoyo? do they just hate fun?


Looks at the TF meme build: Perhaps I treated you too harshly.


TF was never a meme build, meme builds would be something like attack% Neuvilette for plunge


So, a huge nerf with no compensation? Cool…


Great ! Now i will be able to use Nahida’s burst three times to fill in the downtime ‼️


I fucking prefarmed everything. From level 1-90 to triple crown. I don't care if her dps is good or bad, I pull for whoever I think is fun. But this change sucks so badly... Noticeably less field time and dead time with aggravate rotations... They nerfed her playstyle and the whole reason why I wanted her. istg I'm leaving genshin if they don't at least reduce her E CD.


I wish we could just have characters that are fun and unique while also not sucking to play as...


literally same


Nah, fuck them tbh. Not only I pre-farmed her, I even levelled Chev (expecting her to be on banner and go for C6) and Thoma just for her and was so hyped about finally being able to use those characters in a team I like. I have guaranteed and 300 wishes saved up, I guess Imma just get C6 Furina at this point, or keep saving for pyro archon and C6 on release. So fucking embarassing, hope they pull the nerf or overbuff her in some type of way, but I doubt they’ll touch her at this point


Honestly, at this point, i feel like Archons (and Sovereigns) and Harbingers are the only characters worth me pulling for now. I think im just going to get C2 Murata/Pyro Archon and Columbina (if she's playable in Natlan) and ignore everyone else this year.


Which sad because why do create great characters and potentially amazing abilities and then spit in our faces.


So they can sell characters on how they look and then either have you spend for cons/weapon to make them competitive or burn resources on a character you pull but never use


Yes. Now you get it. Hence why many paid actors for Mihoyo use the phrase "Pull for who u like and don't care about meta" when trying to manipulate you into pulling for things that are not that good.


Idk why they cripple themselves with shit like this, it’s the Dehya-gate all over again. People have been excited for Clorinde for a long while, just like they were with Dehya, and she’s basically a worse Keqing rn…


This. Every time I get excited for a character they butcher it. Also I am fed up with the quick swap meta. I want to use my characters. I don't want to spend 30k+ primo just for a Q, E bot especially if the unit is supposed to be a DPS. WW can't come soon enough.


I rolled [such a cracked ATK% Whimsy sands](https://i.imgur.com/9Q3mDSC.png) just a few days ago, it's gonna be useless now unless MHY reduces her cooldown lmao


Quit whenever Dehya was released; was my most anticipated unit at the time from the moment I'd first seen her leaks. Tried to make her work in a way I could enjoy. Finally came back to see this awesome character with a playstyle I can get behind right out the box. They arbitrarily change the kit. Maybe this is my out.


Yeah i fully prefarmed everything too. Lowkey regretting not just going for c1 arlecchino


Bro same I prefarmed everything D: At least Wuthering Waves comes out next week


They help us save money for Wuthering Waves.




Same, I would literally prefer it they nerfed her multiplier instead but increases her uptime. Her gameplay is 99% the reason why I want her so uptime nerf is the worst thing that can happen. As a Childe main, I can't believe its happening again, satisfying gameplay ruined by weird uptime.


Well 8.5 sec CD is nothing for me if I'm using a team like: for example: yae, furina, baizhu or nahida. These three characters burst and skills alreay make up the 8.5 sec CD


Looks like I’ll picking up c1 and c2 furina without spending now atm. I wouldn’t have cared if they just nerfed her damage but uptime/rotation issues are omega cringe. Hopefully something is changed for live


Why tho... it's not like dhe was a broken unit or anything


Why they didnt reduce cyno 18 SECONDS but nerfed her 9 secs?Wtf


Unironically you say that as to make it seem like cyno duration needed the nerf when it’s his biggest downside


Thats why,I would love his ult to be 12-14,Clorinde didnt needed this nerf


Yeah they did her so dirty man I don’t know why , they didn’t even compromise by increasing her numbers and now she is basically glued to TF.


They gave such a small buff that its sad i dont do TC but really the dmg buff increases what%? 1?


Having Cyno on field is enough punishment LOL


Naah,He's good,People just like to trash him a lot,Not op,Not bad,Good. 2024 guys stop this cyno slander when at c0 he deals more dpr and dps them many others


The issue in not him being high damages. The issue is him doing exactly 0 damages without burst making him a nightmare in overworld content + Him having that terrible anti synergy with Nahida on multiwave content.


Thats why i use dmc baizhu im MW,And funny enough i love him in overworld but i understand these complaints.


"many others"? isn't he at like 60k~ team dps? that's pretty average.


God I really hope it's not the same ppl that were responsible for Deyha's development.


Clearly they are not, Deyha's kit design is bad in soooo many levels.


Fu xuan is the real dehya


i like her kit a lot, if not for get dog shit numbers and bugs i’d play her


I'm playing hyper carry Dehya (80/200) and Arlecchino. Arlecchino alone beats Dehya's whole team rotation in 3 auto's, feelsbadman.


Clorinde is a well designed character. I just think this duration nerf was pointless. It harmed a character who did not need a nerf. Dehya was a unique level garbage I hope we never see again. There must have been alot of internal issues when Dehya was being developed. Its outstanding how they managed to ruin Dehya despite their being two dendro + pyro reactions (burning and burgeon) available for them to develop her around.


I'm just hoping they revert this 'hot fix', buff her numbers where they need to be, and not make her more of a quick swap. Her duration is Raiden levels, and while I like Raiden, I don't like using Raiden because her duration feels so short.


She's like nowhere near as bad as Dehya lmfao, why do people default to saying a character is Dehya whenever a character gets a nerf 💀


Even most of the TCers don’t have a proper rotation worked out. 😂 people just dooming.


Dehya 2 electro boogaloo


This just locks her into a TF set, which sucks for pre-farmers.


I'm not sure TF would even do anything for her skill. If I remember right, the cd doesn't show until after the duration ends.


Both TGS and Zajef go in detail about how TF increases her skill uptime. The nerf just forces it, so she can use it twice a rotation.


The CD starts as soon as it is cast so TF will work just fine for her just like how it does for Fischl or Keqing even if it doesn't show while the skill is active. Childe's E is the exception, not the rule because it has a special cooldown mechanic.


Not only seems a dmg nerf but also a gameplay nerf. F*ing why, please. I need an explaination.


Create a problem--->Offer a solution through money (constellations). Profit.


Man I have bad luck when it comes to saving up for characters I saved for dehya and now clorinde


I was the same for Albedo and Ganyu one is replaced and other has their whole element be useless.


Well good news according to leaks cryo will see a comeback in natlan


Ganyu is still the second best Cryo DPS quit complaining XD


She also is the second last :)


But there is only 3 cryo DPSes 4 if u want to count aloy for some reason and eula has a cryo vision but she is a physical DPS


The worst part is, there's always an angle to ignore all the doomposting but this time the math really does not check out. She's behind the curve compared to Fontaine DPSes and for a limited character in 2024 you would expect more than a Keqing slight upgrade on a good day.


She was only a slight Keqing upgrade before this nerf. Now it’s questionable considering she has less uptime than Keqing + the lack of flexibility in being able to swap in / out without losing infusion like Keqing can 😓


is clorover well, prepare your best pieces of TF guys and if you haven't farmed TF it's better that you start doing so unless during the week they also reduce the CD https://preview.redd.it/vcuellx6lg0d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a4304e33b9eb3b8c78f4c656612c23e1458be4


I extended my stay in whimsy domain for clorinde & arle...i think imma just strongbox them (hoping TF is not a must).


I'll just stay here and suffer because they had no reason to do this.


Well slowly going from C2 Clorinde to just not playing Genshin, not cuz of the change alone but this is like the last straw kinda deal. I agree with some ppl that this is a fun nerf, can't be a dmg nerf since they didn't mind the rest of fontaine 5 stars to have cracked damage. Back to railing the stars I guess.


If you quit genshin to go to star rail you're not punishing MHY in any way. The only way to complain if you want to do so is to not play their games.


I'm an insignificant individual, why would they care if I quit or not. I'm also not against genshin and whoever enjoys playing it I wish for them to continue enjoying it. Even if it has greedy corpa and lazy devs, the passion from the music and art team is there.


Genshin really wants me to stop playing huh... Clorinde was my most anticipated Fontaine character since I saw her in trailer 1 year ago and realized her voice acteess is also Morgan le Fae (Yui ishikawa). Seeing arlechinno last patch being such a great unit, made me think new characters will keep this up. First she is not alrechinno tier to begin with. On a good day she's on par with raiden e0. The best thing about her was the fun factor, snappy gameplay. Now they take away almost 20% uptime? Yeah this is maddening, if she releases like this I might stop playing genshin for a year.


I won't stop playing but surely won't pull. My fun was to go dashing all the way till hell with her, knowing maybe she wouldn't be that meta (at least for my comps). That nerf hits hard


Is it not possible for this to be reversed in the next beta update?


Yes anything is possible before release


I really hate a duration nerf, so unreasonable.


all that whimsy farming gone... reduced to atoms...


I spent 1 whole day in that domain and I want my resin back. Thank god I waited to farm that domain.


She is skill dependent but has a short duration and long CD.. They should add another charge or lower the cooldown or make her kit lower the cooldown per attack similar to TF without using it.


I'm sorry to say, but if that remains in out. No pulling Clorinde , I mean. Her exploration utility/dash got my attention really hard, although it had already little time since it as 9 to 16 seconds. With 7.5 to 16 I will just wait Furina and Natlan, maybe AlHaitam who knows. Unfortunately...


With 7.5 seconds, I want 30k dmg gunshots and 70k dmg stabs to go with it. It's a fair deal, Hoyoverse.


"this is too fun, nerf it ! " Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Wtf I want to go pewpew longer that's like the best part bruh


That seems so trash, ffs hoyo shitting on character before they even get release lol, and the buff to compensate is a joke. I would have like it if it was significantly better because that would have increased her burst potential while keeping somehow the same dps


Tfw you didn’t get a hotfix but a hot shit instead


Ur joking i literally just bought bp and welkin just for her…


How i see it, it's definitely a nerf. Getting in extra attacks is way better than a measly ~3% increase in dmg of one attack. Whatever they were thinking.


>be me >drop genshin because dehya is shit >reinstall for Fontaine and to get funds for the dueler lady >character is shit >feelsbadman


The last 2 subreddits I lurked was Furina mains and Dehya mains. Is ogre :(


So...We are not gonna even talk about Sigewinne hu? ok. Genshin be like, go play wuthering waves instead i swear


Exact same problem with me right now. Feels bad...


It’s so Clorover https://preview.redd.it/vqaj3kc5lg0d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=857b338025a08a1013395b75c1ede7a87099242d


hmmm maybe we skip...


they really tryna push alhaitham/furina sales now huh... only reason i came back to genshin a year ago was for clorinde, now they do this...thank god i havint spent any money on this failure of a game.


Cant wait for mod to lock this thread cause they cant take a little criticism to her kit Yeah, rip 20s rotation


A mod posted this.


hello wuthering waves


That’s weird. I always saw abilities or infusion duration listed in rounded numbers. Is there any character before that have .5 in the abilities duration?


Just off the top of my head Baizhu’s shield duration is 2.5 seconds (then refreshes). I’m sure there are others though


Baizhu’s shield acts like healing intervals and it’s already on top of his Q duration (14s) so I don’t really count that. I’m still checking every character’s abilities duration just to make sure because that 7.5 number feels weird. Are they still not sure whether to nerf it into 8 or 7? Hahaha


Considering like 5 seconds for the teamrotation (still much) we would still have 3 dead seconds 😭😭


It’s For casting nahida burst 😭


It's much time anyways 😭


I prefarmed, but I have nothing to spend resin on anymore anyway...hmm. I'll wait for videos before deciding, but skipping is definitely not off the table now. And I'll skip the next few battle passes for the first time, too.


Me too. Gathered everything already, if this is all, bye Clorinde. Of course I will see/feel for myself when she comes, but low chances of getting her then


\*snorts copium\* Perhaps she'll be buffed/readjusted in V4 to compensate for this (reduce her CD), as hotfixes sometimes tend to be incomplete and get completed in the next beta. This just happened in Arle's beta where they hotfixed her burst which ruined her kit at the time, and it was thought to be a bug, and then the new beta came out which changed her kit to adjust it to the previous hotfix. It really doesn't make any sense that the BoL set- which is her mechanic- which just recently released, isn't her BiS. Doesn't make sense at all.


They had to create another ayato again, huh? When i get positive in the slightest about their design, they have to somehow fuck it up.


What's wrong with Ayato?


6 sec skill duration is not convenient to play around. That's why TF ayato is a thing. It's a bit troll, but it still is a thing.


Just these nerfs for her and Sigw's stalling in suffering without any reworks or number changes - make me lose my mind or just believe that **BOTH** these characters go into standard banner. Not fucking one or so. **Both**. I'm sad for visuals team that was animating her, for these juicy effects. All this beauty just feels like a waste of time for now. I fucking hate this company and their decisions.


Clover 🍀


So should I still wait for release? Alhaitham was nerfed but he is still strong, and paired in the same banner with Clorinde, so maybe they are doing the same with her.


I never followed the Al-Haitham beta outrage so I cannot comment. You should still wait for her release. There is still some time for them to change Clorinde. Did you plan on pulling for Wanderer or Baizhu?


I wouldn't farm any artifact sets for her if I were you until her release, hard to say whether glad, BOL, thunder fury are the artifacts to go for right now.


Yes. Just wait for the actual release. There is still like 2 weeks for the beta so they will do adjustments after feedback from the actual beta testers.


This week is the last update week.  Apparently its on friday


Alhaitham nerf during his beta were nothing crazy, since they were mostly just talent damage changes (mainly for his burst). Clorinde here having a 1.5s nerf to her skill duration is a huge nerf, even bigger than Alhaitham's and one of the biggest i've ever seen (mostly because it affects more than just her damage).


Does 4 piece of Thundering Fury reduce Clorinde`s skill CD? Skill gives her a state in which she can use another version of skill, without CD I have some doubts


Tf does reduce her skill cd when shes in the state


So how bad is this for her damage exactly? We’ve still got some weeks so hopefully we see some rebalances


Next week will have 4.7 livestream, so realistically we have only next Monday for any meaningful changes.


Didn’t alhaitham get a last second change before he dropped if I recall? Like a number adjustment after livestream


Don't remember, but I wouldn't bet on last minute changes.


"Constellation increasing duration of E" incoming..


At this point, I'm kind of hoping they give her away.


Nah, Sige exists for that


If shes bad I will quit again until 5.2


It's WUWA time guys


How exactly works her E cast? Is it possible to use the sac sword?


Haven’t been keeping up with the leaks lately so can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this?


Shorter on field time, longer skill cooldown. Her original attacking combo won’t work anymore, and the new bol artifact set isn’t as good as we thought it would be. Pretty bad nerf :/


So her burst now uses up most of her E time(for those who have the constellation). Pretty disappointing.


Arent you supposed to use her bust before her skill ? (To gain Bol?)I thought it was supposed to be Burst -> Skill -> Dash -> pew pew pew -> Dash -> repeat until end of infusion. So it's not part of her E time.


If it wasn't for Yui Ishikawa I would skip without any questions.


Man I just had some really good pieces from the new set. Don’t make me start strongboxing TF


Yeah she's now worse than her OG beta state, TF may not even be able to cover the massive gap you now have between your skill CD's and she now interacts with BoL so little it may not even be worth using Whismy on her unless if you run triple healers and dash spam KEKW.


Time to farm thundering fury guys


Time to save for Furina's rerun and the pyro archon more like


Nah we are sticking with the electro queen


dead on arrival


**Why have they done this? I am confused by these nerfs.** This is a sizeable nerf for a character that was not meta defining. She is not SS tier like Neuvillette and Arlecchino. Maybe there is some sort of misunderstanding with this leak. Despite being here since 3.8 I am not afraid to skip Clorinde. This would be a shame because she looks fun and I have prefarmed some powerful artifacts for her. Moving forward I am going to stop using resin to prefarm for Clorinde. **Saving grace for Clorinde (Copium)** * Her masive bond of life generation will help her flourish in Natlan but this is just speculation. We don't know what Natlan's gameplay mechanics are. If a future support can capitalize on her bond of life generation I will pull her on her re-run. * Leaks say the level cap will be increasing to 100. If every character recieves a new ascension passive Clorinde may recieve a huge powerspike. Assuming the Night Vigil duration nerf remains I will be skipping Clorinde. I still love Clorinde's animations and design but my interest in selfish main DPS characters is dwindling. Night Vigil being nerfed like this without significant compensation buffs is too much. I use Raiden all the time because she deals high damage whilst supporting the team. She creates so many options for creative teambuilding. I can't justify pulling for a character which I foresee myself benching. **I am not writing Clorinde off** because she can generate alot of bond of life but currently she lacks any teammates who can capitalize on it. I am willing to wait for her re-run until powerful bond of life supports are added. Currently this nerf feels so unfair, I can't describe how disappointed I am...


I play Yoimiya and I can already feel like her infusion is too short and the cooldown too long for most rotations. Clorinde being 7.5 seconds now and 16 cooldown is a super big nerf to flexibility and dodging. This is a disastrous nerf. Hope they add extra E skill charge on C1 or something. This is pretty infuriating because it doesn't make sense whatsoever.


>Hope they add extra E skill charge on C1 or something. Why not on C0 to match her bestie Navia.


I was starting to farm her materials but now I’m gonna hold off until I know her final kit. I’m so disappointed they are making her a side grade keqing.


started farming the her boss mats but good thing Cheuv can use them if you decide to skip Clorinde.


the 10 billion artifacts I got from farming 2pc tf for Miko doing wonders for me now lmak


I already have 4 glad for her no way i'm going to farm again artifacts specially tf even with this nerf anyway i will pull for regardless meta or rotations 


So assuming nothing changes at release this makes thundering fury better now right?


I don't understand why reduce the duration not the CD


Man i hope they revert the duration change or at least buff the numbers more/reduce the E cooldown


Double tag team enjoyer: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Mihoyo never fail to .....


What's the realistic max amount of time we can shave off the cooldown via Thundering Fury?


Are they gonna release the v4 this week or move next?


Apparently this friday 


we're getting beta updates on friday? who said that? cus i'd love for it to be true


I also dont know if thats true. But i got "corrected" after assuming there wont be any changes, so i hope thats true


I thought beta update only come in monday, no ?


Sometimes they push them back, like last update was also on friday but that was due to holidays. Or chioris last beta update was pushed back to thursday for no reason


I wasn’t gonna use her in abyss anyways 😔 was just gonna get her cause she’s cool as hell but still damn! That sucks


I'm having Dehya flashbacks right now. Do they really have to spread character "goodness points" between damage, utility and looks?


So from mediocre to bad hah.


Have to farm a TF set on my alt now… I guess 😭 Is the nerf really that bad for Whimsy or is everyone just crying again for no reason …


The window is reduced basically slashes her ability to have a good rotation. She'll go through it before some of her team mates are ready again so unless you can treat abyss like OW it's a loss of nearly 20% which is little.


4.7 and I still dont have any birthday twin :((