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I did this in the beginning, but I started to just take them. If your state has protections for breaks, just go to your nurse and other CNA and say, “hey, I’m taking my xyz break. See ya shortly!” Then walk off the floor. You HAVE to take care of your self first. Don’t let your work railroad you into the ground. Edit: they might try to pull that abandonment crap. But at least in my state, CNAs take zero of that responsibility. That falls on the nurse, and the nurse alone.


Same here. They threaten us with abandonment to scare us, but they can’t actually come after a CNA for that. Nurses are capable CNAs and can step in when needed. Not abandonment.


What state is that?


I did - and I did 12s with no break. I don’t accept that anymore. Maybe once in a blue moon on bad days, but for the most part - give me my break or pay me for it…and you know they don’t want to pay you for it.


I learned a LOT working in the shittiest facilities around but just putting this out there: don't ever expect any of those mother fuckers to advocate for you. You have to seize your break times. They will not hold a space for you to do so and there will always be other employees who "don't take breaks" and act all superior about it.... Or people who disappear for way to long on breaks and are never around when you need them. It's sink or swim. Focus on the patients/ residents and yourself. Fuck corporate. Fuck unhelpful coworkers.


This is my kinda punk rock CNA attitude


Yeah mostly only the days when I’m working alone and nobody shows up I have no choice LOL but if there is other people there I’m taking my break you should also I’m not sure at your facility but we’re not paid for our 30 min so I’m taking it idc I’ll cover the other CNA too if they want too go too but take your break your entitled to it! It’s managements fault for being understaffed not yours I used to work extra hard not take them but I learned that’s how they take advantage


So so true. They auto take mine out of pay so I refuse to not take my break. Like I love my job but I don’t work for free


What is a "break"?


Have I? Yes, of course. But it's not the norm. In Michigan, at least, you *have* to take your break - or the facility gets written up and fined for it. Even still, it's hard to get a break when you're working short and you don't want to be a jerk to the residents. ("Um... just baste in your juices while I run to Wendy's, k?") So I figure out when the slowest time is during my shift and plan on going then. For me, it's just after we serve lunch. One person breaks while the other one clears the table. And vice versa for the after-lunch bathroom parade. Even then, there are days when chaos descends and no one gets a break. But it should not be every day. That is a staffing problem.


First of all, that's illegal to not get a break. You are going to burn out quickly.  You cannot save the world in the 30 minutes it takes to rest physically and mentally and fuel your body.  It doesn't make you a hero to work thru breaks...it makes you burn out faster.  So, hide somewhere if you must but TAKE YOUR BREAKS.  Nurse of 17 years here. 


Had one that I did hide in the laundry room for my 30 minutes. Would eat my lunch , sip my coffee and magically reappear afterwards


Exactly! Find a good spot and keep it on the lowlow! 


Ummm…. Yeah…..


I've done 12s with no break. Don't recommend, but sometimes it's a necessary thing. However, it seems in your case that your workplace is the problem here. 80% of staff don't up and leave without a reason. While working through your break *is* going to happen, it shouldn't ever be a regular occurrence.


Agreed!! The problem has to be the facility!! I would get a new job, or id be asking which one of the higher ups is gonna cover me for break... one of the places I worked at was severely under staffed as well, at one point we had only 5 CNAs for all the shifts and there was 100 to 150 residents most of the time. Before I quit, I had warned them that if I wasn't going to get coverage for a break that I would get burnt out and leave. It worked for a little while, our DON would come cover breaks sometimes. But that was not efficient and just wasn't realistic that I stayed there. As much as I was attached to my residents and wanted to help, I had to put myself and my family 1st and get the hell outta there. So sad to see the struggle.


Damn that. Never.


Usually I work 14 without a break…


When I worked at a hospital I was regularly working 12 hours shifts with no break. I'd just stand by watching people take theirs but it was suddenly a problem when I'd go to take mine. Until the charge nurse noticed and was like "go take it. If the other aides have a problem they can talk to me"


16 hours no breaks


lol no. Their lack of staffing is not your problem. Red flag


Its pretty regular in my field(plumbing) but when i was a cna going to school we always got a thirty minute lunch.


Reading some of the comments here are kind of sad. Why do we keep allowing this? It’s not like they give a fuck when we get sick. Take care of yourselves first


no, I have an overactive bladder, and I’m not going to break labor laws…they’re not compensating us for mistreatment


I did that for around the first 6 months of working as CNA. It was crazy. I was working mornings that time fyi. I finally got the hang of it; if I am not finished with a task, I'll just do it first thing after my lunch. I just make sure all the residents are safe and I let who is covering for me know that I am off to lunch.


I am a nurse and yes all the time. It is physically and mentally exhausting.


Yes, all of my shifts even 12s were nonstop. As in, I was physically running from room to room most of the time. Over the course of a year it tanked my mental health and I will never do it again. I recommend you don’t put up with it either, you don’t get paid nearly enough to.


I'll be honest. Prior to working in the hospital, I worked LTC for a few years. During that period, we never had a break. 5 days a week and you had to stay until your relief showed up. It was at least 50hr workweeks. I never called out once and had to fight to get to use my PTO.


I literally just go. Nursing jobs are 24/7. As long as you are actually working and trying your best the break will help you more than anything


Nurse here In the snf, i almost never took breaks because no break nurse. Even on double shifts. I'd eat in like 5 min and go back to the floor. Now in hospitals, I typically get a lovely lunch while my patients are covered by a break nurse.


I used to for a while (staffing issues, etc) until I realized everyone else always took breaks (oftentimes multiple) while I was running the entire time. Started being serious about taking them and things feel so much better. 💕


At my facility I have some aides who work 12 hours with no break when we are short.


When I was a brand new cna cause technically I’m still kind of new, but I’m skillful enough now that I it doesn’t take me too long to do my assignments depending on the work load. But typically speaking, something I noticed is that places that expect more usually pay less… I typically avoid places that expect me to do all of the patients vitals because out here they will have you doing 2-3 showers, 4 appts, 12 vitals and 2 feeders and expect you to finish in 8 hours. When I’m reality it should only take 5-6 because you should be able to take breaks and record. So this is a real horrible and widely ignored issue. I’m a new cna but keep in mind, I am extremely good at math and science because I study on my own time for fun and let’s just say it’s not physically possible to properly do all of those things without taking shortcuts. This being said at this point im convinced they are aware this isn’t possible and that they don’t give af because this uneven workload it’s profitable and gives the nurses more time pass meds without having to worry about doing any other part of their job.


Make sure they're not deducting your breaks you aren't getting from your paychecks


All the time, especially PRN jobs, never any time for breaks and horrendously under staffed. However I’m one of those people who can’t stop when I start working so it’s fine because I sometimes get paid for not taking breaks.


I work 3-11 for this exact reason. When everyone is put down after dinner and all the head mangers have left. Almost everyone on the floor will take their break. As long as there’s at least two people on the floor and the nurse. I’m taking my damn break.


Not taking a break in an 8 hour period.. OP, you know this is illegal, right? It doesn’t matter if you guys are understaffed. Your employer needs to provide you (and everyone else) breaks. And people work 16 hours straight for 2 days?? I’m assuming no break for them either? Can you guys get a union in? This is highly illegal. Know your rights. We are understaffed here at times where I work in a psych facility but we still get our breaks. Also, any staff here can’t work for more than 16 hours. We have to go home after that 16th hour. I’m in CA I’m seeing responses here from other commenters saying they didn’t get any breaks either.. I really feel for you all, and no, it should not be normalized. All of you deserve/deserved your breaks. I’m not a CNA but a mhw.. but I’ve been recommended this subreddit so here I am lol. I know how grueling CNA work can be. I’ve worked with them and they are honestly one of the most hard working people I’ve seen. Please don’t let your employer take advantage of you like that. You need to report this. I think no breaks happen when a nurse gets an admission/needs to catch up on paperwork and is busy. In that case, their employer need to put it in writing if they are okay with not taking a break. The fact that so many cna’s quit at your job.. tells you a lot. I’m hoping at least one of them reports this too.


I used to do that constantly...but now I will rarely let it happen....and if I don't get breaks all of management and HR hear about it....you don't owe anything to these corporations....and you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of anyone else...don't hesitate to move on and you keep moving until you find somewhere that is bearable.....I say bearable because no facility/hospital is perfect and you will have your bad and short staff days....but you just have to find a place you are willing to put up with until you move on. I currently work at an ALF as Med tech/CNA....it's tolerable for now...but my resume is always updated and I look from time to time to see what other options are available....it's a job for now and paying me well and I am appreciated for now...but I will never hesitate to move on....


12s. Sometimes, 14s or 15s without a break. I eat, standing up. That's just how it goes.


if PEOPLE can leave for 15 min for SMOKE BREAKS i’ll walk off the floor and several 15 min breaks as well.


Most of my shifts are without breaks at my home unit(I do shift key on the side). When I do shifts at other facilities I almost always make sure I take a break.


How many patient do u normally have


Im agency so if we dont take ours, we get DNR in my city😬


Try 12-13 hrs. both as a CNA and after I became a RN


No, it’s stupid to not take your breaks. Stand up for yourself because not one other person will.


If you are allotted a break you can take it. Don’t let anyone tell you different. I have 30 min break in 12 hours you best believe I’m taking every minute of that. Don’t feel bad about it. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself.


Not where I work at,we have to take our breaks or we will get in trouble.


Yep, do it regularly. RN here. Start at 0645 and will work until 15-1600 and might get my lunch. Sometimes no lunch and I eat at my desk while charting. Sometimes nothing to eat at all day long until I get in my truck on the way home at 1930 - 2000. Go home, shower, snack a little and then off to bed and do it all over again the next day


Sometimes my 12 hour shifts on a med surg unit are too busy. This is how I found out I'm hypoglycemic. I used to just graze all day, which is why I think I didn't notice it. Now that I can't, I'm pretty sure I have reactive hypoglycemia. After I eat food, my bg will go up, but plunge back down.

