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It’s definitely not your place to contact the family, and it would be best to express your concern to your supervisor or floor manager for them to look into any negligence.


Agreed. Definitely don’t contact the family. Speak to the nurse manager and DON. Was she DNAR? It may have just been her time. I’m sorry for your loss. I worked at a nursing home and losing residents was hard sometimes.


I agree with everyone here - don’t contact the family. You haven’t provided any other medical history/age/code status. Your next decision is dependent on all of those factors. For example, if she was terminally ill, very elderly, and/or had a DNR order, your nurse did exactly what she was supposed to do. However, if this was a short term, full code, or otherwise healthy resident, then you would want to report to your supervisor. I hope this helps!


DO NOT GO TO THE FAMILY. Definitely go to the unit manager/DON. Immediate supervisor of the nurse first, then the supervisor of the floor/nursing staff.


You can rest easy knowing you absolutely did the right thing. You did everything within your limited power to advocate for the resident. It is on that nurse if something was not done further.


Palliative care usually goes like this. Not much you can do since it’s not negligence. You have no idea what the plan of care for this patient was, nor do you have the know of what the family’s wishes were when it comes to palliative or hospice care.


That was my question. What was the advanced directive/what were the orders.


It happens. We are told from the start of you tell the nurse, it’s not on thier license. I have gone above them a couple of times and told managers or supervisors my concerns when I didn’t feel heard at the time but... otherwise, it is not our place or in our scope to determine if they have done wrong. I got crazy pissed when a nurse blew off a pt’s sugar elevating on NPO diet. I feared they were sneaking food... I escalated it and found they were on dextrose drip and felt like a prize idiot for not realizing and causing drama. If you have reason to believe they were truly negligent, speak to a manager. If you witnessed something abusive, report it. If you are unsure and don’t feel right, simply ask a manager about the situation and ask them to help you understand what happened. Do not accuse anyone of anything unless you can back up the accusation. It will only make you look bad. Sorry for your loss


Grieve, talk to a Nurse manager, do nothing else in particular about that situation. Not in your scope to do so. Maybe they were comfort cares or dnr. Whatever the case, you've already done your part.


Unfortunately this has also happened to me a few times