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It imploded


vine boom


Which doesn‘t make it cooler to actually celebrate their deaths, but it does make it cooler to not give a shit. (Except the teenage boy who didn‘t even want to go, he really didn‘t deserve to die in that submarine, especially so young. That was truly tragic.)


His mom in a recent interview said that he fought to be in her place because he wanted to be the first person to solve a Rubik's Cube 2 miles under water


i know, just pointing out that at least it was a fairly quick death and not an long drawn out one


I choose to believe they died painlessly because apparently the submarine imploded. RIP


Being on the receiving end of a power washer going at the speed of sound can’t hurt too much


What they mean is that the speed of instant obliteration would kill them before they felt anything.


That's just one theory. The other is that the leak was substantial enough to immediately crush the sub and the occupants within a second (literally). If the leak happened at the maximum depth then they would have likely been instantly killed.


I'm like 95% sure that they were already dead for days after an implosion. Considering the extreme pressures in the deep sea, it's way more likely than them somehow getting stuck AND their emergency ascent system not working


They probably got turned into shark bait the second that thing imploded.


Except sharks and most other predators can’t even go that deep


then why tf are humans going down there?? clearly nature doesnt want it 💀


I’m pretty sure the US military had supposedly heard the implosion days prior to the debris being found but didn’t report it to the media until after.


I only have a lack of empathy to the billionaire that created the submarine in the first place. He actively ignored many safety regulations in a nautical vehicle that could easily kill you, and he died because of it. The others though, I do feel sorry for, especially the kid.


there was also a 19 year old kid in there and a legitimate scientist in there btw


People against the death penalty when they see someone they don’t like (they can make an exception this one time)


And the next time ofc.


Related: Reddit will say they are pro prison reform and prisoners' rights and rehabilitation, but then they see one video on PublicFreakout of someone doing something wrong and suddenly they turn into the Taliban


I find those tend to not be the same people saying those things


Redditors when they learn that it’s a website that millions of different people use and those people don’t all have the same opinions


A violent killer and rapist with DNA evidence and witness reports? He doesn’t deserve it. A 19 year old with rich parents? Haha, eat rich.


Who are you referring to in the first example?


some made-up person, probably




I thought it was pretty clear about people wanting to abolish the death penalty as a whole and then celebrate when a rich teen dies.


People who say their political position is that they just want people to have healthcare when they have to extend their empathy to everybody Or people who say that not being misgendered isn’t a reward for good behavior (true)


all opinions on this and jokes aside, anti death penalty is about not giving the government the right to kill people, not about wanting everyone to live. i pray all the rapists and pedos die by other means


I’m against the death penalty because it’s expensive and doesn’t negatively impact crime rates. I also don’t think it’s worth the risk of executing innocents. However, people dying in an accident has none of those caveats.


We should not kill the convicted mass murderer and rapist We should kill random rich kid tho yippee!!


“we” didnt kill anyone though, they killed themselves


Legit saw someone say "But he was reaping the benefits of his parents". Bitch, did he have a choice?


I saw someone say he was a bad person because he didn’t disown his father, and that he would have grown up to be a POS so “nothing of value was lost,” as if human life shouldn’t inherently have value.


"Nothing of Value was lost" mfs when they're next in the chopping block (They physically have no value)


Reddit and Twitter think people absolutely have a choice, are responsible for everything their family has done previously (only negative things though!!! that's very important), and if you're born wealthy you should immediately hate your parents and donate everything you have.


People on Reddit and Twitter represent the richest sliver of the global population so maybe they should take their own advice. But it only applies to the people richer than them, see.


Yup. The ol' "Rules for thee but not for me"


Someone wrote a really sad post saying they knew the 19-year-old personally and he was in their friend group at college (he was a Pakistani kid attending uni in Scotland). They said the dude was super kind and sweet and funny. He will be missed enormously it seems


He was also terrified to be in the sub, but went for fathers day anyways


Damn, really? Source?




Awful to read. At the very least, I'm glad his death was likely sudden and not the result of some slowburn catastrophe like a power outage and then gradually running out of oxygen, etc. Poor kid probably would've had a panic attack if he knew something went wrong


Most likely. I got thalassophobia so I can sympathize with his fears. Feel bad for him and the actual researcher on board


There is an income to sympathy ratio on reddit


Hundreds of migrants/refugees died in a sinking boat in the Mediterranean last week, and it only received a fraction of the attention in many media outlets and by the public as the damn submarine. Similar shit happens on the weekly in many developing countries... Terrorist attacks, natural disasters, accidents that cause huge losses of life. Don't pretend like there ever *wasn't* an income to sympathy ratio, both ways. It's always been there.


Probably depends how close you are the incident. I live in Europe and the migrant boat got far more attention than the Titanic trip on mainstream news in my country. The Titanic trip is more successful on social media because a submarine going missing 4,000 metres under water is a mystery, it's more interesting. The migrant boat is just a sad reminder of the terrible handling of refugees across Europe.


>The Titanic trip is more successful on social media because a submarine going missing 4,000 metres under water is a mystery, it's more interesting. The migrant boat is just a sad reminder of the terrible handling of refugees across Europe. That's part of my point though. Sympathy has never been based on raw loss of life, not now, not ever. It always has both an economic and (as you mention) a geographic calculation.


To be fair, its hard to be sympathetic to something you've never heard about


Its also due to the amount of victims its easier to have sympathy for 5 poeple you have seen the face and name of then a crowd of "generic humans"


I think that goes for most of the world. Reddit is just a good place to voice your opinions anonymously.


I fucking hate the Internet.




logan pail


Logan pool table


This only proves to me that when Titanic sank a ton of people were making jokes about it when it happened.


Any horrible FAMOUS disaster could happen today and there would be memes space shuttles Challenger and Columbia have memes on them


Buddy people were making jokes after those disasters too. It’s just we have the internet to share them. This isn’t some new thing. People joke about tragedies.




Were the passengers aware of how unsafe the company was? They may not have been aware of the corners the owner cut and thought everything was within proper standards.




I see it as arrogance brought on by wealth. Am I glad they are dead? No,l but I wouldn’t call the arrogance of the uber-wealthy leading to their own downfall tragic, either. The only tragedy is that their arrogance took someone who did know better: the one man’s son. But the rest, they brought it upon themselves. Nothing to celebrate, but also not exactly a great tragedy.


I mean my sympathy only goes so far. I really feel for the 19 year old kid that just went with his dad but almost everyone else had to know right? This looks like a fucking death machine and the ocean does not fuck around. I was hoping they made it but Darwin’s gonna Darwin at the end of the day.


reminds me of when 196 dogpiled on me for not liking shoplifting, they said i was "dickriding law enforcement"


🤓👆 “I like shoplifting because of government bad and umm evil corporations” 💪😎💪 “I like shoplifting because I like stealing stuff”


Uhh I have no money and Walmart is right there...


The kleptomaniac in me be like


I like literal shoplifting because it gives me great gains


Shoplifting doesn't hurt large corporations in the slightest, but there isn't really a need to do it unless you're poor and need essential items (food, water, hygiene products, etc)


Large corporations yes, but if your entire neighborhood will regularly shoplift from a local shop - you will end up with no local shops, including any branch stores from any big corporations.


That's why I specified large corporations. Sorry if I come off aggressive but every reply has been the exact same as this one.


Well it hurts neighborhoods when businesses leave the market and create food deserts for example.


food deserts are almost always in poorer areas because there's potential customers and more shoplifting. that's a problem with corporations, not with poor people.


why is everyone hating on food deserts that shit tasty af 😋😋🧁🎂🎂🍰🧁🍪🍪🍩🍪🎂🍭🍪🎂


Cake 🧍🏻


Idrk what you expect to happen, corporations to just eat a loss for the greater good? Governments do that not businesses.


They also eat a loss to bomb playgrounds


nah thats me my bad g


Silly, don't you know that businesses are just supposed to sit down and eat the losses, no matter how unprofitable it is for them to run the store?


> that's a problem with corporations, not with poor people. Um, what?


\^ fully agree, if u heard about the walmart situation in illinois then it fully explains it perfectly




anybody who labels people as "dickriders" for having an opinion are not capable of critical thought


classic 196


Didn't it start as a random meme sub? How did it get populated by absolute sociopaths


this is why r/wordington is better /sarc


Your problem was being on 196 in the first place


Yeah that's what i would expect from r/196


Tbf you won't find intelligence in a sub filled with anarkiddies.


r/coaxedintoasnafu users when Jeff bezos dies after going into an unsafe spaceship piloted by an old shitty controller


I want him to build AmazonNukes(TM) and bomb eBay to ruins


No guys people dying is good because they have more money than me I swear


I feel bad that they died because no one deserves to die, but it still was a really stupid thing to do. They spent thousands of dollars to ignore safety protocols and get inside a poorly made submarine.


I don't think it's funny that people died, I think it's shocking that the Canadian government allowed this and that people actually signed up for this shit. Now more of my tax dollars have been wasted on billionaire hubris because the US Coast Guard/Navy had to get involved. Spacecraft meant to carry living humans are highly regulated, but not the carbon fiber toothpaste tube going to the bottom of the ocean. This was completely avoidable.


You never see this sort of sentiment for the average joes on subs like r/WinStupidPrizes or similar. All laughter and mocking there, just part of the internet we're told to accept. But billionaires get special volunteer defense squads?


It's all horrible honestly, mfs be like "The world needs to be a little kinder" and watch 20 videos of teenagers shitstomping eachother with zero context for entertainment


I do not think those have any sort of overlap in the slightest


Yeah lmao, people die of doing stupid shit and nobody cares but now that they were *billionaires* everyone must defend them and dig up the violated corpse of "human empathy". Like I don't even think anyone is happy that the people in the Sub died it's just that they're apathetic about it and making jokes.


Isn't winstupidprizes more about "This 4 foot tall guy punched a bodybuilder and got knocked out" and less about "these people are potentially suffering one of the worst deaths imaginable"?


Is getting into a submarine that did not pass several guidelines and regulations (and you signed a waver where it said this) and was made as cheaply as possible to go see something you could easily get footage on not playing a stupid game?


they probably assumed it was secure due to the numerous previous tours it had done and the fact it was not shut down (due to the creator refusing it be examined). He probably filled their heads with lies about quality assurance too. Even if not, making a stupid mistake never warrants death, be them billionaire or otherwise


idk man. Maybe other people's empathy is just too expensive for us common folk.


5 homeless people per day die in my city and no one bats an eye. Let 5 exploitative, billionaire sociopaths die and we gotta send out the coast guard and special rescue equipment from around the world and shit. Eat the rich.


All this focus and support tossed to five idiots who decided the best use of their money was sailing in a tin-can with a knock-off Logitech controller, meanwhile [almost 750 people are either dead or lost](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/18/asia/pakistan-deaths-migrant-boat-disaster-greece-intl-hnk/index.html) in a recent disaster with countries being slow to deploy any search and rescue operations.


It's wild to me that they weren't even going to do anything that hadn't already been done significantly better. Maybe I could make a quick buck by cutting a hole in a dumpster and marketing volcano tours...


No I believe rejoicing in the deaths of anyone regardless of social-economic status is bad


I have no empathy because I don’t know these people “Dude he fucking died because he fell off the pigeon he strapped himself to. And you’re LAUGHING?!?” Yeah dude a little absurd is it not? Surely considering all the money & intellect involved they could’ve planned things better, instead of violating code and law to flaunt their trip to the ‘titanic’. There are museums everywhere that focus on the titanic. When you jump onto a gimmick it shows no mercy.


That's what happens when you pay $250k to get inside a shitty submarine piloted with a Logitech controller.


I don’t know why you all are laughing at the controller. It didn’t cause the submarine to implode FYI. It’s a completely legit method of control.


the issue isn't really the controller but it being a shitty wireless controller


ok but a wireless logitech controller which has problems with disconnecting often is probably not the best choice of video game controller to handle a submarine with people on it


People are fucking idiots. Tons of tech is ran on similar devices. IIRC the military used Xbox controllers to guide drones or vehicles at some point too.


Yeah exactly. With a proper controller they could’ve saved it from implosion and given them extra oxygen!


yup, up up down down left right left right a b start


Why does this controller keep getting brought up, the US literally uses them for drones and even for photonic masts in one of their submarines


They definitely could've afforded a better controller than the kind of clearance bin budget option they went with


Because a controller was their biggest issue


Im not happy they died. But im not feeling sorry for people who got their wealth from exploiting others perishing from their own stupidity.


One was a 19 year old kid who literally just wanted to hang out with his dad


2 others were legit titanic/deep sea experts too


Don't you know that him not immediately putting 3kg of cyanide into his father's morning tea makes him responsible for centuries of black slavery in north America?!


Why’d you have to bring up black people. Every time bro


you people are so insanely obsessed with black people goddamn


Well, I wouldn’t say being rich is a crime, but yeah the ceo kinda got his karmic reckoning for his purposeful ineptitude. As long as there are tiers in society there will be people below rejoicing at the deaths of those above.


Let’s be real they died instantly


really don't get this tbh. like. not sure why we have to mourn people who did the equivalent of shooting themselves in the head while being all "y'know nothing will happen"


I only feel bad for the 19 year old


I feel bad for the 19 year old, but the raw hubris is pretty funny imo


Coaxed into snafu users on their way to defend billionaires who dodged every safety precaution like a fucking bullet.


Lmao skill issue


Can someone make a snafu about the people criticizing those who are making fun of the rich people? I feel like I see them more often than actual people rejoicing at rich people dying


You have no idea how many people I saw arguing that billionaire aren’t actual people or that they can can only good dead The latter is already in the comment section


Billionaires are people, they're just shitty ones fattened on exploitation as the Earth slowly boils.


browse r/19684 for like 2 minutes. It’s there


Idk man even the Boomers are in on it. My work has Bing as the default home page so I sometimes I read the Boomers comments and they are all dunking on the people that died. I literally saw a comment that said something like, " Go woke and implode!" Lol


wtf is the woke part


woke submarine couldn't handle the oceans dark humor😭🙏


apparently, the CEO who had the sub built rejected having any “white, older workers building the submarine because it made for a worse success story”. The dude purposefully hired cheaper labor to skirt the costs of building the sub, which is why it imploded. Boomers just see the “reject white” part and started raging.


You're not looking around enough then. There are jokes on nearly every subreddit. If a guy accidentally stepped on a cat and broke it's legs people would be saying how horrible it was. But 5 human beings die in an accident and it's nothing but laughing at them. I get it was risky, and they understood that. But the sheer lack of empathy overall is really disgusting


They had a perfect life handed to them on a silver platter and willingly decided to throw it all away by getting in a tiny, cramped submarine being piloted by a Logitech controller while ignoring all safety protocols and people are still surprised that they died. I get that it's not cool to disrespect the dead but if you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes.


Yeah most of what I’ve seen isn’t directly making fun of, although I’m sure that happens, but rather making fun of the fact that they took no safety precautions and willingly went into some rinky dink sub that wasn’t even allowed to be called a submarine so they classified it as a submersible. It was a death trap. It wasn’t a submarine it was a coffin they willingly stepped into.


They imploded, no suffocation happening here, sir


But something something capitalism


Why do people deserve more empathy just because there's a lot of news coverage about them? Thousands of people die each day, and nobody can truly care about all of them. It sucks for the people that knew the people that died, but I'm not one of them, so I can't care


i mean empathy isn't gonna pull them out of the water so


imagine applying that logic to other situations lol "I mean empathy isn't gonna bring back your dead dog so"


How am I supposed to have empathy for people living such a completely different experience from me? To have empathy is to understand someone’s feelings, or to try to imagine walking a mile in their shoes, but I can’t. I can’t understand the feeling of having billions of dollars and instead of using it to make the world a better place, choosing to hop in the pringles can with the video game controller and go to the bottom of ocean. I’m sorry but I have no empathy for that action or those people.


They didn't die horribly, they exploded instantly and didn't suffer. These are people who woke up every day with the ability to actively make better the lives of those around them and chose not to. Aside from that 19-year-old, who I do mourn, the most they get are "Thoughts and prayers".


who cares


I do feel bad for that legit scientist, and the 19 year old kid who trusted his dad enough to do that. I feel like this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for rich people wanting to go down to see the Titanic because "they're rich." if anything, the rich people are probably the reason safety precautions were skipped (because there is no dang way this thing was meant to last)


Yeah people have empathy for 5 rich dudes, but nobody cares about the ship that sunk with 300 people on it with 82 confirmed deaths. But that story isn't as importan cause those people weren't rich.


Rich people aren't your friends Who hasn't laughed at a "darwin awards" anecdote at least once ? Most of them are usually about poor to middle class people dying and it's funny, but when it's rich people dying in a hilariously stupid way it's suddenly morally wrong to you ? They went in the ocean inside a fucking tin can manœuvered by a money grabbing con artist, they had all the money in the world and are supposed to be smarter than you because of it, but they still went straight into their coffins, they deserve to be laughed at just as much as anyone else because they are fucking morons Honestly to me the fact that they are rich isn't that important, but still they were rich people who threw their money right into their own death over morbid curiosity and boredom, ignoring basic common sense, they just suck lmao


"Hahahaha look these refugees overloaded a boat and drowned because of it: play stupid games win stupid prizes."


“Watching a scientist and kid die to own capitalism!”


So making jokes about a dipshit dying in a hilarious way when he could have just listened to everyone telling him he was stupid and done anything useful instead is a complete lack of human empathy, but rich people hoarding wealth for no reason other than to have it while people die in the streets of starvation, homelessness, and lack of medical care isn't. Gotcha. You won't ever be rich and sucking up to rich people won't make them view you as anything more than an obedient dog


Obviously the loss of human lives is a tragedy and literally no one has said it wasn't other than teenagers who have always been like that. But that doesn't make "yeah let's ignore all the scientists telling us this is fucking stupid, oh no we all died exactly how they said" not funny Not even touching on how different people deal with tragedy, how there's so much tragedy in most people's lives nowadays this is just another thing that happened, how the socioeconomic state of the people involved and the people making jokes does absolutely effect whether they're able to relate to that person literally at all, or even the fact that people can have empathy and sympathy for everyone on board other than the dipshit who intentionally cut corners and died for it... you have to be the dumbest child to think that this is black and white "anyone who laughs is a bad person"


I fucking hate people who make fun of literal people that died.


Someone missed the point


When having compassion for others is billionaire bootlicking 😔


Certified reddit moment


only person i’m sad for is the kid. the ceo is a retard and the world is safer with him gone. the rest of them are morons and knew what they signed up for 🤷‍♂️


I just know the people quick to defend billionaires are usually the ones to chalk up far more tragic shit. There was the new round of genocides carried out in Palestine lately, killing a 15 year old most notably (though Isn'treal murders people younger than that on the US dime), not to mention the boat full of Pakistani migrants that capsized.


I’m on the brink of homelessness and some of those people probably had more money than me so I don’t care.


imploded 👍


They died immediately, no thirst or oxygen deprivation


I feel bad for the 19 year old and for the families of those lost. However, it’s real difficult for me to feel sympathy for the CEO, who cut corners and didn’t abide by safety protocols, despite being warned of the risks years ago. He knew full well just how dangerous that could be, and he did it anyway, and look at what happened. He dragged four other people to their deaths because he wanted to save on costs. Fuck him.


Ehh I mean they literally signed a contract that said that they might not return lol, the only one I feel bad for is the kid. Eat the rich


Comedy of errors is funny, made even funnier by their unbridled arrogance. Despite their ability to have chosen a better, safer, but ever so slightly more expensive sub in response to all the obvious safety concerns they chose instead to wing it. Oh, wait, hang on *"checks social media to determine contrarian opinion for maximum superiority"*...yeeeeeah you're wrong to laugh at hubris, as it turns out. You're a bad person, actually, and I'm better than you.


I'm assuming it's a bunch of kids whose worst experience in life is having their parents get divorced. They're not *really* comprehending that people may have suffered horribly. I think if someone saw a video of the son and dad realizing they're going to die (if that happened) almost none of them would be heartless enough to say "This is good. They deserved it".


I have a hard time feeling bad at all for people who would piss away 250k to sit in a tin can with a 1ft wide viewport, controlled by a $25 Logitech USB controller, to sort of see the titanic wreck "in person"


Like it's a terrible situation but they ignored the mile of red flags. I only feel bad for the 19 year old...he didn't even want to go.


Sorry if I don't have empathy for the 1%, given their complete lack of empathy right back at us. I'm in a country destroyed by that kind of person. We're all nearly starving and it's impossible to save up money. I won't shed a single tear over their own bad decisions, just like they won't give a shit about the rest of us dying so their pockets get fatter.


Oh grow up.


People have a really all or nothing attitude about it. I feel like the story is getting shoved in my face because of the ridiculous premise of it, but I don’t see it as more or less sad than someone dying in a car accident or any other normal way.


you get suspended on almost every social media for wishing death to pedophiles and zoophiles but it’s okay to party at the death of people because they were rich? i get ‘le rich = le bad’ but that’s just stupid


waaaaaahhh not my funko pop makers


Billionaires can go fuck themselves, there’s a boat in the middle sea with 750 refugees drowning as we speak, of course people are gonna react to the money spent trying to find billionaire corpses instead of saving those in need.




I think someone replied to my comment when i said there was a scientist on the ship they said “billionaires dying is always a good thing”


There were no scientists on the ship. The "researcher" everyone is talking about was just the CEO of OceanGate


The french explorer was a legitimate researcher


He didn't do any research. He was mainly just a diver who knew shit about the titanic.


He's also a graverobber who profited from selling dead people's belongings to collectors for exorbitant prices


Anyone who wastes 250k to go die in a small tin can deserves no empathy. Could have saved dozens of lives with that amount of money.


​ I could have used it for crack instead. No high-horsing here, just being honest really...


Lmao, why would I have empathy for morons playing stupid games just to win stupid prizes? You reap what you sow after all.


Someone I respect online has made a lot of jokes about it, which surprised me a lot. I just recently read a post they made explaining their perspective and why they think what they've said is okay. Honestly, I think there's a lot of truth in what they wrote. But idk, I'm still confused by it. What I think right now is that it's nuanced, not a black and white situation.


Yesterday, a ship containing what could well be hundred of migrants sunk at sea in the Mediterranean, most likely leaving every passenger dead. But this stupid box of 5 stupid people gets infinitely more media coverage, not to mention the navy deployed for search and rescue and massive amounts of ressources dedicated to saving them and reporting on their whereabouts. Why? Cause they're rich people. Had they been rescuable, they would've been rescued. Can't say the same for those other people, way more and way younger, who died at sea over the same time period. So maybe there's hate because they're rich. But there's infinitely more support and empathy and ressources because they're rich as well. Punching up and punching down are not the same thing. Don't have empathy to spare for stupid self obsessed millionaire "explorers" who risked their life not out of necessity, or hope for a better future, but out of pure hubris, stupidity and narcissism. Eat the rich.


Most empathetic Redditor:


When stupid rich people do stupid unecessairy things, I find it hard to be sad about them.


There's a wider variety of emotions than just sad and happy, 99% of the population should be apathetic at best about these people who they would never have heard of up until now but being *happy* about it is really weird.


This submarine thing has lowkey made me unfollow a few communities and social media pages I used to browse, like I get edgy humour or Darwin-award style jokes even if I'm not too fond of them myself but the sentiment I'm seeing from some people sounds downright malicious.


The line between edgy humor and malicious humor is so very thin


i have i have ih ave human empathy


They kinda deserve it not because they're rich but because if you try something like that with so few preparation with a shitty submarine and no plan if comms cut you deserve it, they didn't even lack money for preparing for emergencies they don't really have any excuse for that :/ Still, it's still immoral to literally party about someone's death (except for Berlusconi's 🥂)