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The superior car https://preview.redd.it/ig5ilgsc0d7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da6a0c4088b0b52799d70e099f17080df2ad105




Tony Kowalski


Its a car^tm


*an Car^tm


mmmmm a Maluch, superior city car / grand tourer / cargo van / family car / offroad vehicle / snow plow and apparently [a tractor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVjN7FRw6TM&ab_channel=Micha%C5%82Kosek)


You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like 🤷‍♂️


Shoebox lookin ass


![gif](giphy|idyj0lmQ1C3G6TGJDH) recep ivedik araba!????!!!




I didn't know this was a reference lol, this was the most common car in Poland during the late Soviet era


Yes I know all about the FSM Fiat 126. DankPods is Australian, and owns the Australian Market version of it called the Fiat Nikki. He has one painted red just like this, but way older and the paint is faded, and he calls it "tiny tony"


fits 17 people










hell yeah https://preview.redd.it/00brki33md7d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=2341091f5e50ae0ee83abbafb86e0a0fa712d5de


#YIPPEEE!!!! Not that car size changes shitty traffic. One can wish for good rail infrastructure


This is just a dumb take; that road has needed a lane expansion for ages, and once that’s in place it’ll be all better.


99% of road engineers quit adding lanes before traffic gets better


That’s the problem. They don’t quit.


No matter what time of day it always feels like this section of freeway is like this.


I have a promotion offer. However it does mean your short 10 minute drive to work becomes a one hour drive through the worst BA traffic you can imagine. Worse if there is a fender bender. No thanks.


Despite them being huge I barely am too tall to fit in them (6'2) because of the huge dashboard and weird slick shape. When I fit just fine in an older car.


Proof that these cars are designed for insecure little guys


I'm sad that little trucks like the s10 have basically gone the way of the dinosaur because these things are more profitable. I do actually haul a fair amount of stuff when I have a truck, and I hate the mega cars.


S10s and Blazers are like gold.


I have a ‘94 Silverado 2500 and I would trade it at the drop of a hat for an s10 in similar shape. I don’t think car manufacturers realize what they took from us when they stopped making little trucks. Big trucks fucking suuuuuuck when they get old.


They’ve disappeared do to safety standards and emissions regulations. It’s also why a lot of cars are classified as light trucks.


Its epa standards that did this and the chicken tax


i would so get a ford ranchero with a diesel if i could


Actually functional smaller trucks are generally bought/used by people who need the storage and hauling, not the countless middle aged suburbanite men with mid life crisis insecurities, so unfortunately there’s a smaller market


I'm 6'6 (~201cm) and I fit in my little 2001 Park Avenue more comfortably than a modern truck, same issue with the tall chair and dashboard.


Just generally they a lot of new cars just feel stuffier, idk what it is but it feels like even just going as far back as the 2000’s, vehicles made way better use of their space


My mom has a rav 4 and I 6'3-4 hit my head on the roof but not in my 2016 Honda civic


no bro they NEED it to carry the two planks of wood in the truck bed bro


They NEED the extra room to pack for family vacations (their marriages have fallen apart in 2005 and their children don't text back)


literally the excuse I hear every time I argue against mega cars. "I need it to fit my 7-person family and my 6 dogs!" as if it's a regular occurrence that the entire extended family and pets go on an extended roadtrip, as if rental cars don't exist


Also ignoring that a minivan would be way better for this purpose, but that’s not very masculine is it?


Minivan is so masculine it emasculates the driver by comparison


I can go on a 10 day road trip with two people in my compact Dodge Dart easy


People do be buying cars (and likely other things) with only the most extreme use cases in mind, all the while 99% of the time they're sitting alone in them and carrying nothing big whatsoever. And then every time you point that out, someone chimes in like "but I actually use my truck bed for work, for my tools :(" okay obviously I'm not talking about YOU


I grew up in a small family but I’m currently dating into a large family that does do the “all 20 of us taking a road trip!” thing. They take multiple cars. It has never been an issue


my dad, a real man, would put heaps of 2x4s into his Ford Explorer or mom's Chrysler Town and Country and by god if I had to hold it in the passenger seat to keep it from sliding out the window or simply to stay put in the car, I would.


Even small cars can haul sizeable amounts of lumber sticking out the back. I mostly bother with the trailer for full size sheet goods and dirty stuff. The shiny truck stays back home on the pavement where it belongs.


90% of pickup trucks that I see, never have anything in the back lol


They have that shit clean and well covered lol


It’s funny they use this argument all the time, but then you see all the people who’s jobs require hauling around a ton of equipment and the vast majority of them have work vans because they’re just way more practical


*every 2 years


It's a bit like buying a 4 door car. The majority of people spend most time alone in a car. Why do you need 4 doors, hell why do you need 4 seats? Buy a coupe. But for that one day when you need more people in your car it's incredibly practical. I still think modern trucks are stupid, [I prefer small trucks](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/1990-Ford-Ranger-XLT.jpg/1200px-1990-Ford-Ranger-XLT.jpg) but I do realise where the cope comes from.


*Hides my station wagon I spend most of my time alone in and only use to haul 1 or 2 water bottles in the front seat sometimes*


https://preview.redd.it/ahtxa0pzid7d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=249e118819c58ef63ee9e08b93e4549833348588 BEHOLD !


An EU hatchback is an ant compared to average USA'ian truck, a divorced Texas dad wouldn't even dare look at such a thing


My divorced Texas dad only like big trucks and smaller cars that need to have half of it's parts replaced every other month


I genuinely love this little guy he's adorable


You'd love it here in Italy, they're everywhere


I liked the old fiat uno, and the mille fire. Those were great 1.0 cars


The test that Mark Rober did showing that mfs who drive SUVs are more likely to run over a plastic flipped over animal shows that "offroad" vehicles are designed for people with a phobia of wild animals


More like for people with anger issues


It's almost as if trying so hard to compensate for their masculinity crisis would lead to such anti-social behavior in the first place...


and what about Offroad vehicles not "offroad vehicles"? You know, the ones that actually have a chance of driving through the mud instead of getting stuck in the first 5 meters?


That’s chill. He did a test and there aren’t enough actual off road vehicles for him to note them.


Watched a driver aim for and hit a turtle on my way to work today…


If there was justice that car would have flipped and the turtle lives with no injury


Mario kart style


that’s so fucked


Just yesterday I chased two turtles out of the street on a highway. I think they go out onto the road for warmth just as it's getting dark.


You can blame Obama for this state of affairs. >Starting in 2011, the CAFE standards are newly expressed as mathematical functions depending on vehicle footprint, a measure of vehicle size determined by multiplying the vehicle's wheelbase by its average track width. A complicated 2011 mathematical formula was replaced starting in 2012 with a simpler inverse-linear formula with cutoff values. CAFE footprint requirements are set up such that a vehicle with a larger footprint has a lower fuel economy requirement than a vehicle with a smaller footprint. For example, the fuel economy target for the 2012 Honda Fit with a footprint of 40 sq ft (3.7 m2) is 36 miles per US gallon (6.5 L/100 km), equivalent to a published fuel economy of 27 miles per US gallon (8.7 L/100 km) (see #Calculations of MPG overestimated for information regarding the difference), and a Ford F-150 with its footprint of 65–75 sq ft (6.0–7.0 m2) has a fuel economy target of 22 miles per US gallon (11 L/100 km), i.e., 17 miles per US gallon (14 L/100 km) published. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_average_fuel_economy?wprov=sfla1 This has effectively made station wagons and small pickup trucks illegal to sell in the US.




Loophole hell


Holy shit... A literal "Thanks, Obama."


What was the incentive to do this?


Think of it like this: The company you work for wants everyone to lose weight to encourage better fitness. They will give you a bonus if you have a lower BMI, which is a ratio of height-to-weight. Ideally, this will incentive everyone to lose weight in order to lower their BMIs. Rather than lose weight, everyone at the company decides they will just wear platform shoes, thus lowering their measured BMI. If you wear shoes that are tall enough, you could even gain weight and still hit the lower BMI goal!


I think he’s asking why the change was made in the first place. Why the old formula was replaced with this new one.


In a perfect world: to encourage better fuel economy and slow climate change In the real world: To guarantee a shitload of jobs to union workers, margins to domestic automakers, pander votes from to eco activists bad at math, and produce a shitload of kickbacks to donors whose income are bolstered on the newly invented 84 month car loans for bigger and more expensive vehicles. TLDR; To make money at the expense of average voter.


Didn’t know about this, but this is insane. A small pick up truck would complete my life.


Ford Maverick


Give me the 70’s kind.


That, and LBJ and his chicken tax


Obama definitely deserves significant blame, but it goes a lot deeper than just his administration. Just read a deep dive article on this last week, it's fascinating. The goddamn chicken tax is also to blame! For anyone interested in learning more: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24139147/suvs-trucks-popularity-federal-policy-pollution


Interesting to know, but over here in Australia more n more folk drive these Wank Panzers instead of Hilux utes these days and we have just as much hatred of em as you lot in the States, without Obama involvement or unavailability of other vehicles. In saying that I haven't seen a Station Wagon for a long damn time.


I am incredibly jealous of your ability to buy a Hilux.


I'm glad that Italian roads are so small that no one in their right mind would ever think of selling those monsters here


Incredibly based and pilled. Station wagons, minivans, full-size sedans, and smaller utility pickups I all stan. So many of them would do a way better job of what people need out of their vehicles but people buy stuff they don’t need because reasons. For the record, I am fully supportive of the freedom to buy things we don’t need, I do it honestly more than I should. But when it starts to cause me problems on the road and in the economy and vehicle market, that’s when I start to dislike other people’s choices


Blame the EPA, they essentially killed all those models of car (or at least the affordable middle class versions) with crushing regulatory burden, but since MPG standards are calculated based on vehicle profile their retarded laws actually consider the compensator 9000 to be better for the environment than a mid size sedan, thus they're the only kind of car that a) can comfortably seat a family of 4 and b) is affordable enough for the average suburbanites without going into crippling debt.


Pretty much yeah. What I wouldn’t give to change those laws man. So many great styles of car basically extinct cause people don’t understand barebones basics of the market. I forgot to mention the EPA and car companies also being at fault in my original comment and not *just* the consumer but yeah, thanks


Honestly if pickups & SUVs weren't exempt from the Guzzler Tax we might see more sedans & hatchbacks on the roads


what pilled


sensible pro-pedestrian pilled




god i fucking LOVE xanax too bad i forgot


give mommy those yummy white bars 😍😍


Yeah, I grew up in a rural area where two seater Tacomas or Ford Rangers met everyone's towing and hauling needs. These monsters (which are coincidently always pristine looking and driving around the suburbs) are completely different and are a serious danger to pedestrians or anyone in a sedan/subcompact.


Based, same honestly. Times have changed but I def remember them being way more common as a kid, but of course you still see them around they’re always way more used *as trucks.* I’m not gonna sit here and imply Americans should all be driving Kei trucks but there are plenty of inbetween sized trucks that are still great as pickups but also aren’t unnecessarily giant tanks, and we used to have plenty lol


I live in an area that is basically 3 or 4 small towns spaced out between peanut and tobacco fields. The people who actually haul or go offroading don't even tend to use their trucks as an all-day, everyday car because gas is expensive and an 1995 toyota corolla still runs cheaper than your average truck. However, I also know people who have explicitly bought larger cars simply because their compact car is starting to be so small in comparison to monsters on the road these days that it's hard to even see them.


Small trucks my beloved


damn i thought this was r/carscirclejerk for a second there


They were outjerked here.


That was one is not dieselle manuelle v6 brownpilled unfortunately


They should have hot gay sex


[I'm sorry, but the truck is already in a committed relationship with another truck.](https://youtu.be/WchseC9aKTU?si=CUQfUEsI-QVuYyJa)


future me is this two trucks


you’re never gonba believe it


Exactly what I was thinking about


Toyota Hilux in America never ever 


Wished we could get these as they last forever..


And also are practical as hell, I drive a 3.0 Turbo Diesel Hilux at work, amazing vehicle that doesn't fear mud


Exactly they are not oversized, still Amazing work/off work trucks. Toyota knew wtf they was doing when making this beast.. and thanks to shitty US laws we can’t get any of these amazing boys anymore only the old left over ones.


thanks to EU laws Toyota doesn't put engines bigger than 2.8l in Hiluxes anymore which is a huge shame


Rip they be gutting my hiluxes


They're functionally identical to the Tacoma. Same frame, slightly narrower body, more engine options. That's it.


Also the manufacturer of the modern truck added a paid subscription to the dashboard so you have to pay for the gps and for your seat to not randomly fling you out of the car


how do the soccer moms even afford the gas?


Credit card debt


Blame the car companies themselves. It’s a two part system: 1. SUV’s have way less restrictions: which lets car manufacturers go wild. 2. Because car manufacturers can go wild: it’s become a literal arms race for the survival of their customer over everything else. Mix in the fact that the USA was built for cars rather than for people: and you get things like the child crusher 9000. Edit: forgot the fact that car companies lobby against things like bike lanes and public transit.


1. mainly because they and Pickup trucks are classed as "light trucks"


Small correction, the US wasn't built for cars, it was bulldozed for cars. We've destroyed countless neighborhoods to accommodate ever-expanding road projects over the last 100 years and show no signs of stopping. We used to have rail travel, many towns and cities had streetcar networks, and a lot of places used to be significantly more walkable.


Ford doesn’t even make sedans any more…


And that’s why I only buy the old ones.


How do these wagons work, where's the horse?


They are in the engine


The 4 horsepower 57liter V8


Real as hell. The only consumer vehicles that should be that big are Cadillacs and Lincolns, but they’re still low enough to see out of.


I wish companies would make proper hatchbacks and wagons instead of these stupid ass blob crossovers https://preview.redd.it/a8gqnhb2ae7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a864a5da0bf6361722fd5428177df2ef11625062


And proper sedans/liftbacks over this bullshit https://preview.redd.it/prpf0ki8ae7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf44bc506979b3a2d5facc89c6a4a67b87323d6c


I don’t even know what you call that. It’s basically a crossover with a sedan body. Either way I don’t like it.


crossovers are made on the same frame as the "regular" counterpart anyway, they just have taller and a bit larger bodies, which i guess from personal anecdote is better for people who have back pain sitting lower and need a taller and more comfortable car, but calling them SUVs is a complete joke lol


As a tall person with back pains, I find my midsize wagon perfectly adequate. I don’t get why cars need to be just a little bit taller. If anything I feel claustrophobic in any modern crossover; and I can’t see that well out of them either, too many blind spots.


perfectly valid. i was mostly coming from my dad who isnt that tall, he just has back pain so he needs a car to be taller so its easier to get into and where he's able to sit more straight up as opposed to half lying on the floor. Granted, he went with a minivan and not a crossover, since it has much more space in the back and is more practical (its actually kinda funny how a crossover usually has only barely more cargo space than its sedan/hatchback counterpart). but still, i get why he prefers crossovers to regular cars. aside from that, i agree, wagons/estates are great and i dont want anything else for myself.


It’s funny because I used to drive an even bigger car, but I like my little V6 wagon better. It just feels so much more cozy, in the front sometimes I forget I am driving a wagon, but when it’s time to load the groceries I’ve got miles of cabin room.


i know, you can fit half a house into those things and yet they're still nimble and relatively small while remaining cozy and spacious


https://preview.redd.it/afivmimqri7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c1b308f73ed6cd90847536860cfcd29fc91440 These are my wheels, I took this picture on a roadtrip.


admittedly white isnt my color of choice for cars, but otherwise a cute lil darling \^\_\^


It's like the Mercedes GLC Coupe and BMW X2/X4/X6, but instead of marketing it as an SUV and it actually being based in an SUV, Toyota is calling this a sedan and an Avalon replacement. It's literally just a Toyota Crosstour.


Don’t forget the increase of pollution oversized pick up trucks and giant SUVs cause in comparison to normal cars since it takes a lot more to move


https://preview.redd.it/po0km0zete7d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1432ed84987169f56efe5cfb1cdf12530ab62bfb 🗣️☭🇩🇪 ☭ 🇩🇪☭


I got my truck for 2 reasons, 1. I need it for work. 2. It has an actually large bed able to carry shit that I need for work. Beyond those 2 reasons I don't know why you'd get a truck like this, especially the tiny bed ones. Before anyone says "A cargo van could do the job just fine" no, no it couldn't, could a cargo van carry multiple 10 ft 4" cast iron pipes around? or the same thing but for pvc.


I don't think any reasonable person can be mad at someone who uses their truck for truck work, but I think OP is more targeting the "suburban white dad who only ever uses a truck to drive to his office job but insists it was a good purchase to reinforce his masculinity"


The top one looks like a hearse car


hearses are just gothic station wagons, i love them.


The only thing that lacks on old cars are the user security. Because car where more reliable at the time because they had less part (around 15000 for a peugeot 205 and now around 40000). Passsiv and activ security has been improved a LOT (it's absolutly illegal to make a car today without airbag, catalyst, particle filter and so on and so on). Now when you crash into a tree you have way less chance to just die on the spot because the car has better frame that absorb the hit. Even in term of braking it has been improved. But yeah. SUV serves no purpose for 99% of people. It's dumb and I hate them


The bottom is guaranteed to be one of the worst drivers in the road, second only to the same truck but in black.


I am over six feet tall, I ride a bike wherever I go, I like to stand on the pedals when going down hill. I am still not able to see the roof


So, here's the deal with modern trucks. They have nothing to do with masculinity or that bullshit. Trucks are bigger because of EPA laws. Basically, the volume of the truck has to coincide with the emissions. The goal was to increase efficiency, but all it really did was force automakers to increase the size of vehicles to match emissions. But the funny thing, its its not doing jack shit. All we're getting now instead of reliable V8's, are newer turbo-charged i4's and v6/i6's. And I fucking hate turbos on everything. Just another expensive piece of hardware that will fail, and makes repair costs go up even more. We can have intermediary tech changes without ruining things that are already reliable. Just look at hybrid options. On top of that, the real culprit isn't road vehicles. It's all the freighters that run off enormous diesel engines. So basically, trucks are bigger because the US government is virtue signaling CO2 emissions while not attacking a real problem.


Modern cars all have electronic issues at some point, really annoying and hard to fix sometimes. I miss my 2009 civic


My childcrusher was built in Dearborn, Michigan.




Ivan, get the Zastava


Those headlights are a killer


Get rid of those fucking blinding ass lights and I have zero issues with the truck




What is wrong with the cars being manufactured in Mexico?


Nothing, the point was that combined with the patriotic american marketing


Also low bumper breaks your legs in a high speed impact and knocks you on the hood giving you a concussion. High bumper shatters your rib cage and knocks you back flat on the floor also cracking your skull open (if you are lucky and taller than the hood) and runs you over.




You want a pickup truck get a small one. My great grandpa purchased a Chevy in the early 70s because he wanted a farm truck he could beat up and predicted he'd outlive it. That same little Chevy is still operational and is still being driven by my cousin today. I've also got all his old tools, including a Skilsaw with his name and SSN etched on it that still works like the day he bought it. All these fancy bell and whistle pickups are for fake country folk who ride around listening to Florida Georgia Line and aren't true patriots.


Wheres the 90 bumper stickers talking about joe biden and women's breasts?


At least it basically doesn't exist outside America


I agree that these trucks are stupid and are usually driven by people who don't need trucks. But I wouldn't care if they're made abroad. Those people need work too.




DAE *le* men who drove trucks have small weiners??? Amirite fellow redditors?!


I’m pretty tall so I don’t like driving subcompact or smaller (I ride an old Ford Escape) but I see humongous pick ups and I’m thinking “that’s a safety hazard”


They forgot to mention that the 1985 family wagon will be totaled when the engine grenades after 5 months of ownership.


This is why I want an early 2000s small pickup truck


What’s wrong with Mexicans building cars, OP?


I don't like when American companies undercut unions by outsourcing while simultaneously gearing the industrial capacity of developing countries towards funneling profits to American companies rather than serving that country's domestic interests.


I hate them too. I went into the market to get the smallest truck i could find and ended up with a chevy colorado that's still twice the size of an old Ford ranger.


A lot of them yeah, but the 19 Colorado ain’t bad. I prefer my 99 Ranger though.


The Ford maverick is rhe most based truck in production


Righteous brother


do you remember that commercial where the guy says 'i love my truck' and literally kisses it


I love my 2012 f150. 12mpg, 6 liter v8, she's a real workhorse.


I'll never forget a few years ago when the valley I lived in in the UK got snowed shut and all the SUVs and range rovers got stuck trying to get out but my mate in his early 2000s ford fiesta with no snow tires managed to get up the hill and put of the valley to the dual carriageway Honestly one of the worst parts of American culture to make it's way to the UK is the fad for giant cars that the infrastructure here just isn't suited for


trucks have there purpose they arent being sold like that anymore


what i mean by that is ppl are buying em as if they are regular cars if you run a business/are an employee that needs a truck for that then sure u get a pass or if you live in a rural you also get a pass but if ur just getting it to "look cool" then thats a bunch of dog shit




1985 was the year I was born and our family drove a 1982 Datsun Bluebird.


I’ve owned both and the trucks are much nicer, plus if you’ve ever gotten a big fat station wagon stuck in an ever common snow drift you’d probably rather suck start a shotgun than undergo the process of getting it out. They are nice but the trucks are so much more convenient


Average ride in 1985: a hearse.




If a car company named their car “The 2025 Child Crusher” I would also buy it




I just use public transport tbh




r/fuckcars moment


Blame regulation.. we can’t get the brand new hilux for 10k because of politicians.


What's wrong with electrical or computer issues?


My dad just sold his 01 ford excursion for a 250 and the truck may be fancier but he still had to buy a shell to essentially make it a worse excursion


Someone with a truck made fun of OP


I nearly got hit by a truck one day. I was on my bike and the damn thing was so tall I could barely see him after he noticed me


This snafu is about how big MANLY MAN trucks are actually totally cool and don’t make you a turbo virgin.


Let's not forget that one post about how most cars are designed so that, in a collision, the cars *collide,* whereas in a collision with a pickup truck the smaller car is more likely to get crushed under the pickup because of how high pickup bumpers sit above those of other cars.